Thursday, February 2, 2023

It is a well-known fact that we always recognize our homeland when we are about to lose it~Albert Camus

The past was erased, the erasure was forgotten, the lie became the truth.~George Orwell

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And you can check the posts they censored from back in ’08 and ’09.  Log on to the blog, search for 2008, November then pick 11/26/08, the same with 01/01/09, then you’d have to accept the terms then you can read it - the post isn’t much different than today, but I used the term ‘Jew’ instead of ‘Khazar’ and I assume they claim this is anti-semitic.  But I’m not anti-semitic, I’m anti-septic.
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 THEY FOUND MORE?~forbiddenknowledge

You can log on to and watch this video - a little satire mixed in, but L G Brandon does resemble the ‘Jerk’.
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Major Moves and Massive Maneuvers across the Global Geopolitical Chessboard Being Stealthily Manipulated by THE TRIAD~Veteran Intelligence Analyst & Former U.S. Military Officer
“Make no mistake, most of the largest nations on Earth DO NOT want a World War III. Russia, China, India, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Mexico, Brazil, Argentina, South Africa and many other sane countries want
no part in a hot phase of WW3.”
Yup, I suppose the Rothschilds Khazarian Mafia want WWIII to protect their strangle hold over the central banks around the world and continue with the orchestrated disasters in the past 200+ years.
In my opinion, there is only one solution - get rid of the international banksters and return to a value backed bartering agent to conduct business, retire on and continue to live respectively, not surrounded by devils in an angel’s suit conning the majority. "Want some ‘Snake Oil?’, here I have some in this little jar to cure your ailments.” Quote from William Avery Rockefeller that trained his little boys to become robber barons.  And the snake oil, didn’t do the damage the mRNA jabb does also but his followers haven’t changed and are in lockstep.
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DEEP STATE: Unelected lifers in the federal agencies make the biggest decisions in American government, and crush anyone who tries to reign them in. In the process, our democracy becomes a joke. — Tucker Carlson
If you watch the video - Tucker states Nixon was one of the great presidents, but Tricky Dickie did in promote the HMOA73 act that has enriched big pharma, plus he let the crooks coerce him to remove the $ from the gold standard and let it float to the elite/parasites wishes and created the new waves of booms and busts and inflation Ponzi scheme that hasn’t stopped.
Tucker better keep his eye on the cruise control and Anti breaking feature on his auto when he’s driving around.
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Donald Trump has not only irreversibly disqualified himself to run for POTUS…..SOTN
Hmmm. . .the Russia hoax didn’t do it and Jan 6 proved to be an FBI set up, but the coronahoax may be Trumpkin’s nail in the coffin! by the elite/parasites. His f’k’n ‘Warp Speed’ debacle, whether he was aware or completely blind sided by Fauci/Birx and friends, he could be the scape goat for the deep state to stop him from running against Hickory Klingon or whoever the puppet masters want. 

It appears Shumer’s “6 ways to Sunday” the Dinos could stop Trumpkin, comment, was correct. They just don’t quit and cover their ass with N95 masks.  I suppose we need to find out who can run for the ‘people’ in 2024, DeSantis appears to be better, and Ron Paul is too old, his son Rand should be more careful when cutting the grass.
But this also raises the question, Trump promoted HCQ and Ivermectin due to the problems his son Baron had after a vaccine.  This is two sides to the sword - did he, or didn’t he agree to push the jabbb or was this a result of blackmail?
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Could you repeat that please, Mr. Bush?
Hah - I logged on to the article and hit the play button, but it went dead - you don’t think the disinformation crew is at work, do you?
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Coupla cartoons to make you chuckle.
How it works in Corporatist (Fascist) ‘Merika!!


And the looney Gore spout off tons of shit in Davos - comments later.

Ok, enough with the memes. Now to the good stuff!!
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Very few scientists agree that climate change is driven by human activity~Rhoda Wilson – The Expose Jan 23, 2023
You have to remember, the same guys talking about climate change/global warming/ etc., are the same ones spewing the garbage about the coronahoax and 99.999% aren’t scientists - take Gates for an example - well, if you make that mistake and don’t forget Tedros and Schwab, Soros and the Klan who I doubt can spell Schientisht - Oy Vey!!.
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Jan 24- "There's a Quiet Revolution Taking Place”~henrymakow~CatherineAustinFitts
(The quiet revolution is that the masses are waking up.)
You can read this if you wish - but something I’ve been posting for months/years.
“She says the central bankers had a choice, complete control or lose control. They chose complete control. We will be living in"a digital concentration camp." They regard our money as their money and will cut us off if we misstep. We also have a choice: Go with the flow and become a slave. Or find ways to detach from their system, get money out of banks, use cash.” 

Then here we have the schmuck Zelensky:- 

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If this doesn’t come up - try

Hmmm. . . .When I collect all the W2’s or 4’s or whatever you call them, from income last year, I’ll take this article to my CPA and get his opinion.  If he has one.  
Sherry Jackson-“They do not use Tax Money to Run the County but to "Redistribute Wealth", there is NO Law to pay Income Taxes, it is Voluntary and once you Volunteer you consent to their Laws of Tyranny relating to prosecution. It is one Massive Deceptive…”
What a racket, ya? 

I believe they have the value wrong, I’ve posted the dollar in 1913 worth $1, the dollar in 2023, worth $0.008, that would make the $100 worth in 1913 around $13,000.  The chart may have been posted a few years ago.  Fiat funny money is basically worthless.
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Project Veritas Exposes Pfizer Plan to ‘Mutate’ COVID Virus to Keep Fueling Its Vaccine ‘Cash Cow’~CHD
Aww - com-on - big pharma wouldn’t do that would they?  You mean to say, the graduates from the ‘Rockefeller School of Medicine - Con the Sheeple' with some snake oil?  And fill their pockets with unlimited funny money that ain’t worth a shit today? 

Kinda makes you wonder, do we still have a constitution? Or was it flushed down the toilet in 1871 or 1933 and for sure in 1971 when Tricky Dick removed the gold standard from the $$$.
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Bill Gates — After Reaping Huge Profits Selling BioNTech Shares — Trashes Effectiveness of COVID Vaccines~chd
Yup, how it works, and Billy the Creep probably won’t be protected by the amnesty proposal so he’ll go to jail, if he doesn’t attack the jabbb makers, incidentally pushed by the Creep eugenicist and his mentor Klaus the Schlawb.  And Billy dumped his BioNTech stock and made a buncha funny money. When things get sirius, Billy the Creep will get in line with the protesters and conceal the fact he orchestrated most of this hysteria, then he’ll put himself as a savior of the people, then pocket a few more $billions.  Amazing what people will believe - lets see if this does blossom into what’s predicted.
A some more stuff:-
FDA Advisers Vote to Replace Original COVID Vaccine With Bivalent Boosters Despite Lack of Clinical Trial Data
Advisers to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) on Thursday voted unanimously to replace the original Pfizer and Moderna primary series mRNA COVID-19 vaccines with the bivalent boosters designed to target Omicron variants.

There’s no mention these advisers get their pockets filled from big pharma - but they know stuff!! And CYA (cover your ass)

“I think anything we can do to ease up on confusion and simplify things is going to be a good thing,” said Dr. Archana Chatterjee Ph.D., committee member and dean of the Chicago Medical School and vice president for medical affairs at Rosalind Franklin University.

More ‘CYA’ actions, and the sheeple’s memories are so bad, they won’t even know where these mass ‘sudden deaths’ of ‘unknown cause’ come from, besides that’s history, ‘not much I can do about it now’!
Blends in with the HIV/AZT skam by Fraudski that nobody talks about now - even tho’ there’s plenty of  incriminating evidence the little dwarf should be arrested and stuck in GITMO.

Then this suddenly appears:-
Pfizer Quietly Releases Statement in Response to Bombshell Project Veritas Video
Yup - ol’ Jordon Trishton Walker was making up stuff(?) - any bets he don’t have a job at Pfizer? So much for the research director’s position.  One lies and the other swears to it.  
This is the type of super WOKE executive being hired across Corporate America who will gladly do the assigned dirty work even if millions die or are seriously injured from the company’s product.
‘Jordon Trishton Walker, described as Pfizer Director of Research and Development, brags that the company researches mutating the Covid virus THEMSELVES so they could develop vaccines for the mutations PFIZER creates!!! Watch what happens when @JamesOKeefeIII confronts Mr. Walker:'
Posted this above but just a little more to add to the equation!! Pfizer says he admits he lied!!  Hah!!
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As COVID Narrative Flips, Remember Anti-Vaxxers Scrubbed Masonic Connection ~henrymakow
The narrative appears to be flipping. Twitter and YouTube are allowing adverse reactions to be reported. With my return Friday, Twitter is finally committed to free speech. The rats are jumping ship…Fauci, Birx, Ardern, Johnson etc. Turdeau could not be far behind.
I copied the summary from Henry’s site, but didn’t correct the TURDeau spelling - it fits. 

You mean there’s a wolf behind the sheep’s mask? Deception?  Is the art of war!!! 

It certainly appears the deep staters are waking up - “Holy Shit - the sheeple are catching on to the con game we’ve been playing for 3 years, if they finally capture and uncover the op’s, they’ll go into the past 300 years and come after us with a lynch rope!!”
That matches GHW's statement in 1992 about the contra game ;-
 ‘Sarah, if the American people ever find out what we have done, they would chase us down the street and lynch us.’ 
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Then we have a toon of Shifty Schitt. Or is that Shitty Schiff? 

The thing that bothers me, obviously, these assholes lie and create havoc while wasting $billions, yet they get off free - why in hell doesn’t the justice department go after these asshole and stick them in GITMO?  Or is the DOJ as corrupt as the politickers? Besides, they all need the paycheck and insider trading info so when they GTF outta gov’t, they’ll be worth $millions and retire on the beach that ain’t rising from global fabricated warning.
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WSJ Slams Vaccine Makers, Federal Agencies for Pushing Boosters, as FDA Concedes Data Are ‘Complicated’~CHD
Debugger comment:-
This is a major crime against humanity! Mengele was a choir boy compared to the schmucks we have running this program. First thing on the list would be to arrest Gates, Soros, Bourla, Fauci, Birx and the rest of the eugenicists, line them up and shoot 'em. We'd probably run out of bullets, but FEMA has billions of rounds. 

Maybe the comment won’t stand up, cuz I may have used ‘misinformation’ pronouns. But it’s good to see now the MSM is climbing on the band wagon trying to get their ratings up and mixing in a little ‘truth’ with their fake Mockingbird program.  But the FDA, CDC, EPA, and all the alphabet criminal are run on profit, not for the good of the people paying taxes, that’s illegal to begin with.


This wanders off the topic, but connected to how we got in the mess we’re in.
THE OCTOPUS-ALDRICH PLAN, THE COMING MONEY TRUST. 1912 cartoon by Alfred Owen Crozier 

Yup, some people knew what was coming down for the elite / parasites and one of the biggest fact checkers back then, claimed the titanic victims, John Jacob Astor, Benjamin Guggenheim, and Isador Strauss, that opposed the enactment of Federal Reserve were not coerced to get a ride on the Titanic and J P Morgan, who built the Titanic was supposed to be on the maidan voyage in 1912, but cancelled at the last minute - then the unsinkable ship sank. Conspiracy theory’s evolve around this occurrence, and the fact checkers say it ain’t true. 
You can download G Edward Griffin’s book, ‘The Creature From Jekyll Island’
I have it and read it - lots of shenanigans going on with the elite / parasites.
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Ron Paul: ‘If the government lies about Covid and the vaccines, lies about the reasons for wars and how the wars are going, do you think it tells the truth about inflation?’
Yup, the scamdemic was utilized by our dear sweet buncha monkeys in DC to take over your wealth, for the elite / parasites and put you on a monitor so they know where, how much, what you’re blowing your $600 max payment. 1984 - the Surveillance state!!
Dr Paul didn’t mention it but there were 11 congress critters at the WEF Davos comedy, and 2 were Rinos - hmph - imagine that.
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And Chester (Chelsea) the Molester got is get out of jail ticket. 

Yeah!!! - We need more ‘WOKE’ people around!!
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Henry states, “Not sure if this is credible” but then, I believe everybody is aware that the Azov-Nazis have lost and Zelensky is collecting more stuff like bombs, bullets, tanks, to peddle so he can retire in Miami.
As posted on the NYT:-
Zelensky vows action against corruption after a minister is fired for embezzlement.
Damn, you mean Zelensky went after a minister that embezzled some of his $$$? “Ya baby, that’s my money, not yours - who do you think went to DC and begged for help?”

Bill Gates Finally Says Something that is True~laurencevance
“The Ukrainian government is one of the worst in the world, corrupt, controlled by a few rich people. I mean, really unfortunate for the people in Ukraine,” said Bill Gates, one of richest men in the world.
Yup - what about the 40 some odd bioweapons labs paid for by our DOD from the debt to the Fed?  And they conduct ‘gain of function’ on how to infect certain indigenous humans, that’s illegal, by the way, and we pay for it?  Gates owns shares in the companies profiting from vaxx sales - so - wallah!! Along with the RINO’s and DINO’s, he’s part of the corruption!!!!  D’ya thinks he’s covering his ass?  When the Nuremberg2 trials will get published on the MSM - that I doubt that - the Mockingbird Media doesn’t let that happen.
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COVID-19 • The Most Sophisticated Propaganda Operation In History~paulcraigroberts
Roberts gets into the propaganda posted by  Piers Robinson, PhD, - co-director of the Organization for Propaganda Studies, that’s not much different from what I’ve posted over the period of the last decade, but then I’m no expert, just a little critical thinker observing the bullshit propaganda spilled and sheeple believing it. I was taught from when I was a little kid, to question everything you’re told, then verify it’s correctness - needless to say, that put me at odds with almost all the teachers, (with the exception of math, physics, science, but history was always a problem) - but they weren’t WOKE back then, maybe a little brainwashed by secret societies.
Some Covid topics about the Branch Covidians:-
*Insider Reveals Truth about Covid-19 Pandemic from Within the NHS~truth11
*Dr Naomi Wolf the Vaccine is Genocidal~thenewamerican
*Covid Vaccines • There Is No Halt Point In The Regulatory Arena Because It Is Not A Medical Product. It’s A Weapon. So, The Only Stopping Point Is For People To Understand That It’s A War, That These Are Weapons, That We Are Under Attack
Yup - many topics about the coronahoax - and how it was forced upon the unsuspecting populous.  The big question is / are:
Will the Deagel predictions come into place by 2025?
  • It’s ongoing as we speak and FEMA has the bodybags and a few billion bullets
Will the military control the planets weather by 2025?
  • They’re doing a pretty good job now with devastating climate and storms, floods, droughts, fires
When will the nations leaders, put in place by legitimate voting, do their job, why they were put in there in the first place, not line their pockets with corruption!!! 
  • This appears this won’t happen anytime in the near/far future
Will the Great Reset enslave the sheeple and coming soon??
  • There is resistance happening and hopefully will stop this sick comedy of Klaus the Schlawb / Rothschilds / Rockefellers
Unfortunately this will take years to accomplish, the deep state - unelected skum running government,  plus the military and banking system, needs to be destroyed and quick, but the PTB won’t allow this to happen without some bodies scattered around the country, and they do have the funds and resources to run counter attacks.
Looks like we need a revolutionary war - 1776 - 2023!!
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Yup - good article by Jacob Hornberger.  What is there - 450 +/- bases in the USSA, plus the 850 +/- bases scattered around the world, not all contain 3000 troops, but most of them do with probably an average of 200 military men in uniform in foreign bases, then around 1.3 million total including the USSA, and if you included the financial advisors on how to swindle the sheeple - Whew - the number grows.
They have a budget of almost $900 billion, plus the aid we give to foreign countries, over $3 billion to Israel, now almost $100 billion to Ukraine to fund the Azov Nazis, plus the baksheesh funneled back to the congress critters. Whew!!! Anybody see anything wrong with this picture?
Russia spends around $50 billion, China around $250 billion, and you can throw in the rest of the countries that blow around another $700 billion, shoot, that totals over $2 trillion - shit - that could build a few condos for the homeless on the streets, and maybe give them a broom to sweep the mess up.
But then, this is loose pocket change compared to what the central bankers around the world gamble with in the casino in Wall Street and City of London let alone the interest paid on the $31 trillion debt.
Instead of defund the policedefund the military then the next step is Slam Shut the Federal Reserve, IRS and FBI!! This would be a good slogan for next batch of politickers running in 2024.
Story going around the central banksters are loading up on gold and precious metals - can you imagine how much is stored in the tunnels under the BIS in Basel CH?

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