Monday, February 22, 2021

By all means marry: if you get a good wife, you’ll become happy; if you get a bad one, you’ll become a philosopher. ~ Socrates

I was really too honest a man to be a politician and live ~ Socrates 

I must be doing too much philosophating - but I’m happy - I think

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And to start your day, you need to watch this - “A short Dummies guide to Agenda 21 / 30”

This should give a kick start to improve your intelligence and go beyond 1984 on Steroids!!!  This brings up the biggest question, how in hell do we stop this?

Dr. Vernon Coleman gets into this in his blog listed below.

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Monday the 15th, had a low of 8F and a high of 25F, with a little snow.  In Ft Worth, there was an accident with over 130 vehicles in a pile up - the red necks don’t know how to drive on ice.  It looked like a junk yard with all the autos and trucks crushed ready for the smelting plant.

I can’t remember when the temp here in downtown Texico has ever gotten that cold and will last at least 7 days, the nights below freezing and daytime around the freezing temp.  Then all of a sudden, today (22nd) the temp raised to 65F.  Amazing, the crops - winter wheat - and fairways will be frosted over and die and the golf course greens are covered so we have a least a little creeping bent or Bermuda to putt on. Then the weak people that don’t have a roof will catch the Covid and need to take a shot then croak.

I might be getting a little ahead of my self, but this climate change sure makes a mockery out of Al Gore’s global warming bullshit.  But this does blend in with the air force publication in 1996 “Weather as a Force Multiplier - Owning the Weather in 2025”. Look it up and then outside at the snow and ice and crops devastated, no goods at the local supermarket, water pressure down, no electricity to warm the place and Gates and Bezos counting their money with the doors opening to control the masses with Vaxx and chemicals sprayed in the air and infect your brain.  But this is for the ‘good’ of the people, not the elite.  If you believe that, I have this bridge I can sell you.

Looks like we need a little more carbon in the air, better start up the diesel 18-wheeler and pickup and roar around the countryside to fertilize the trees that create oxygen.  But then we have global cooling - the real cycle we’re in now with diminished solar sun activity, then the boys and girls in W. Virginia can go back to work  in the coal mine and produce more carbon and warm up this freezing place.

I don’t think the idiot Gore and his followers really had a grip on WTF was happening - only - carbon tax credits. 

And damn, there’s a lotta maskless cardboard cutouts at the Super Bowl.  How much did they pay to get in?

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And some more great news:~The Insurance company summarized the value of personal items that were stolen during the robbery of our place in November, and come to find out, I only get around 30% of what it was worth, bear in mind I purchased the jewelry etc., when gold and diamonds were down around 15% of what it’s valued now, with inflation, stagflation, idiocracy and flat ass thievery of the swindlers that insure you.  Good to hear that - and they sent the check to the wrong address - and I still don’t have the check - imagine that!!!  And when the policy is due, they charge you a late fee if you don’t pay on time. I’ve carried this stupid crap insurance for over 50 years and paid every year and when you tally it up, it approaches almost $100K and you have to remember, back in the not so distant past $100K was actually worth something and can’t even buy a B’mer like Bobby's.

And you must purchase car insurance - a gov’t mandate - and these muther f’k’rs make profit from all angles. Can you imagine the donations to the SuperPacs to make sure this draconian law is enforced? I had a windshield replaced on the MKT due to rocks on the road, and the cost was $505 +/-, then I checked the insurance and they had listed a $500 deductible - imagine that!  And I never received the $5 - it was lost in the paper shuffling at the head office.

This is corporate fascist America, not run by the people, but by corporations - Mussolini would roll over in his grave with WTF is going on now in the ‘not so free’ world.  What about the Nazi’s?

I’d get into health insurance also, but that’s another story and it went down the swamp with Nixon, obeying corporate interests, passing HMOA73 - and before this was enacted and approved by the bought and paid for not so bright congress, it was illegal to make profit from health care.

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Great Reset? Putin Says, “Not So Fast”

The WEF and Klaus the Louse will obviously object to Putin’s direction but you gotta admit, Putin isn’t as dumb as the MIC and EU states. He is aware of how the USSR got blown into the Rothschilds dynasty when Lenin and Trotsky took over and murdered the Czar and family along with 50 million Russians and Ukrainains. This was the Bolshevik World Order revolution back in 1917 and financed by the Rothschilds including both Lenin and Trotsky. Guess what, that’s where we’re headed today with the Great Reset and NWO being coaxed along with Agenda 21 / 2030. Then all the funny fiat money will turn digital and you won’t be able to access your wealth unless you have the microchip in the Vaxx.

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Evangelical Missionaries Stoke Fears of COVID-19 Vaccine in Brazil’s Indigenous Villages

Response to Carol Duff on VT:

Carol, I have never had a flu shot for over 25 years, I’ve lived and worked in China for 4 years during the SARS epidemic, I lived and worked in Kurdistan, UAE, Iraq off and on for a number of years during the MERS epidemic. My wife, a health care professional, works in rehab and has encountered several patients allegedly infected with this so-called Coronavirus and has never been sick. 

Our diet contains plenty of garlic, ginger, turmeric and we do take zinc supplements along with tonic and vitamin C and D plus B complex and I play golf in the sun at least 3-4 times a week. I’m 81 and haven’t had a runny nose in over 20 years and I’ll never take a vaxx or contamination of mRNA that has never been tested on humans. Stay healthy!

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And Trump the Drumph has been acquitted. That poor schmuck Schiff with a ‘tt’ must be talking to himself - “how in hell didn’t this work out as we planned? - let the sheeple’s mind be scrambled with bullshit while we raid their bank accounts”.  Pedosi is on her way to the deep state controlled congress library and find the rule book on spreading more crap and venture into Impeachment #3, then #4, #5 and so on.

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And another great day (15th) starting here in downtown Texico, 15F / - 10C so far and no power- the psycho Gates must have shares in Entergy, then when the people freeze, he can do the body count and have a shot of tequila with his equally deranged psycho wife.  I think I sent him a message, a couple of years ago after his seminar about reducing the population 10 - 15% with the aid of vaxx, education and health care, to go visit the Kevorkian clinic and set the example of population reduction so the sheeple will follow him - but so far no reply.

Today - 16th, it was 9F / -13C in the AM and I looked up and noticed the chemtrails sprayed last night and starting to disperse. I suppose the illuminati scum need to stop this global warming bullshit. 


The sunny south - the poor ’98 Mark VIII is covered with that white shit - I don’t think the swimming pool is open today and I didn’t bring my skates and hockey stick and probably can’t find the puck. That’s only about 4” / 10cm of snow, but too cold, 9F / -13C, to make a snowman and the golf course is closed.

This brings up the statement made by Klaus the Schlob of the WEF, that cyber attacks to come in the future, that’ll knock down the power grids and leave the country helpless. Then you need to have a look at past posts of disasters including chemtrails, DEW’s and HAARP that has almost destroyed Paradise California with houses sliced in half, autos melted on the street yet trees were still standing untouched.  You can see this on Google earth, 12/2018 buildings reduced to scrap with one beside it untouched and Walmart open for bidness.  This recent weather warfare in Texico could very well be another practice run for the psychos and more to come that will devastate the country and more people will die along with the untested mRNA vaxx turning people into transhumanists with a microchip in their brain.  “Let’s see if we can really fuck up the people - then when we shut down the country, we’ll know where it’ll head and we’ll be in total control of the dumb sheeple”!!!, again, is my speculation, but witnessing the past events and articles published that appear to blend into WTF is going on and what will happen in the not so distant future.


And has been going on for years and a pic of the skies as photographed in 2015 - after I started to do research on the phenomenon or man made disaster in the works!

Texas Was Planned Target! - Must Video

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Fact Check: Were 496,000 Children In India Paralyzed Between 2000 & 2017 From "Bill Gates Polio Vaccine"?

Billy is such a nice guy, trying to help these poor children who can’t afford a Vaxx and this doesn’t list how many died.

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Dr Vernon Coleman – “We Don’t Debate with Anti-Vaxxers Whether They’re Right Or Wrong”, Says BBC

Probably one of the best videos Dr. Vernon has produced.  Watch it.  The BBC, and MSM in most countries are controlled by Operation Mockingbird - the CIA method of controlling ‘true news’ that doesn’t line up with their deceit and control over the masses.

The Full Scary Story of Agenda 21 and Your Future~ Dr Vernon Coleman

This little presentation is on BitChute and you have to click on the ‘Open Link’ tab.

Dr Coleman’s take on describing current events plus the history bringing the world to todays sorry shape, is not quite as cynically sarcastic as mine, but he’s close.  I watch his podcasts when it shows up on truthseeker.

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Then we get into the mega donors in politics, Sheldon Adelson and George Soros - both opposing wealthy maggots, or magnates or is that megalomaniacs? 

Soros must be connected to the Rockefellers and hated by Nutanyahoo and obviously supporting Creepy Joe Biden.  Adelson (who just croaked) connected to the Rothschilds, who bailed out Trumpkin when he went bankrupt a number of times - two opposing scum of extreme wealth, yet both on the same track - keep f’k’n the people with the divide and conquer bullshit - it’s working! This does have the earmarks of heading for civil war when you look at the underlying reasons for repos and bailouts and covid vaxx injected into the sheeple, broke, with no job locked up in their basements.

You’ll notice I stop short and you can take from here and make up your own mind.

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Ice Age Farmer – RED ALERT: Food Supply Chain Shutting Down as Blackouts Spread – Grand Solar Minimum

Yup, it’s cold here, and transport trucks in the ditch and power shut down due to freezing - in the deep south, it never gets this bad here, but now weather control by the psychos is working at Warp Speed.  The wind turbines froze up, solar panels covered in snow and dust and the nuclear plant ran out of Uranium One that Billary sold to Russia and the Clinton foundation grew by $millions, but that’s ok - they’ll raise the price of electricity.

The cows are dying in the cold, ground will not support veggie growth this year and the local farmers are broke with Bill Gates buying all the bankrupt properties shutting down production while developing meatless hamburgers, claiming cows burp and fart creating methane that’s damaging climate change -  chickens are dying with no heat in the coop and eggs are freezing - well, except for Tyson’s big barn in Ark with chickens chomping up maggots and he’s gotta lotta coke to snort.

Globalism Goes Bold: Bill Gates Wants Your Hamburger

If they shut down the chemtrails, DEWs and HAARP around the world, just think how this will improve the weather and decrease seismic activity.


A little Sate’ chemical laced Plastic Frankenmeat to munch on. Gates already has this on his BBQ but feeds it to his friends but he settles down on a Big Double Mac and Cheese with real beef.

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I know you probably think I pick on Gates too much but:

Bill Gates: Third shot may be needed to combat coronavirus variants

Debugger Comment: ~ lifesitenews

All this POS Gates knows, is to lie cheat and steal! His gofer Fauci has perjured himself on the AZT scam, Tedros has about the same level of medical experience as Gates, that is '0' and both are closet queens and the people are conned into believing them by the corrupt media. Don't turn in your weapons yet, it's coming.


It makes you wonder how much did Gates donate to the local UK government stooges or the dork, Boris/ that can’t comb his hair? But the Vaxx poison makers already got the dole from the gov’t to make this poison in Warp Speed, and they gonna charge you for it, either with your life or wallet or both.

And you’re gonna need the jab if you want to fly anywhere, damn there’s $$gazillions in this scam!!! Why didn’t I think of this, or maybe I couldn’t cuz I’m human and not in lock step with the RKM - Rothschilds Khazarian Mafia - in case you forgot and you have to include the Rockefellers and Gates.

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Down with the Presidency: ~

“The modern institution of the presidency is the primary political evil Americans face, and the cause of nearly all our woes. It squanders the national wealth and starts unjust wars against foreign peoples that have never done us any harm. It wrecks our families, tramples on our rights, invades our communities, and spies on our bank accounts. It skews the culture toward decadence and trash. It tells lie after lie. Teachers used to tell school kids that anyone can be president. This is like saying anyone can go to Hell. It’s not an inspiration; it’s a threat.”

Great Comment - And he’s not on JouTube!!

Almost all the presidents since Woodrow Wilson were mixed up in starting wars with the exception of Trump, and maybe Jimmy Carter, - he was bringing the military back, but he lost - and probably the reason why, plus the honey trap tapes Ghislaine Maxwell has from Jeff Epstein, then Biden sends more troops to Syria along with building a military airport and ramping up the military in Afghanistan and Iraq - all illegal wars cuz we gotta protect freedom and democracy!!  Then suddenly appears this coronahoax that’s even bigger than any war - it is the war on humanity by the elite CFR, Club of Rome and Khazarian Mafia plus Gates. What we need is the “War on Stupidity”!!!

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Don’t let them fool you!!!

And you can download this, that’s if you really wanna know part of the truth on CoV-2.

This article puts the blame on liar in chief Fauci - but most likely he’s the gofer for Bill Gates and the eugenics big pharma.

But then if all the people are gone, who the whackos gonna sell pills to, let alone tax the crap out of - or maybe there’ll be a war of tyrants - bankers against knuckleheads - any bets the one with the biggest needle will win?  Forget Darwin and the biggest club bullshit!  And you’ll notice the really rich guys - always steal their game, they’re not bright enough to develop anything - just know how to steal - look at Einstein, E=MC2 or the Theory of Relativity - he copied all that stuff from other scientists, but somehow he becomes the genius - it depends on who writes the story - history is made up! 

Great Book by William Cooper who predicted 9/11 - and they shot him - the CIA / FBI but I think they blamed the Arizona police - so the story goes - “don’t you even believe it”! 

Do a check on the stuff loaded in chemtrails.

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Biden Signs Executive Order for Federal Control over 30% of America’s Land and 30% of US Oceans

Hmm. . . Any bets it doesn’t include Billy Gates land?  Just yours and mine and they gotta push the Agenda 21 / 2030 format and have the sheeple GTF outta their homes and into smart cities, well, maybe not-so-smart towns run by politikers.  Anybody starting to connect the dots yet?

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One of the best Wiley’s cooked up in a while.

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Friday, February 12, 2021

I see America spreading disaster. I see America as a black curse upon the world. I see a long night settling in and that mushroom which has poisoned the world withering at the roots. ~ Henry Miller

And I thoroughly enjoyed Henry’s books during the formation of my take on life.  Tropic of Cancer on top of the list.

The date of this post sort of rings a bell, next to IXXI the sign of satan or 9/11 - wait until you see the date of post in Sept 11, 2021. IXXIXXI - gonna be one helluva year.

“The past was erased, the erasure was forgotten, the lie became the truth.” ~ George Orwell

FNC’s Carlson: ‘This Is the Most Sweeping and Audacious Assault on Civil Liberties in American History’

Tucker’s take on wtf is going on today - and it ain’t pretty. Watch it, if you haven’t on Fox - one of the parrots of NWO but Tucker takes a different stance against the rulers of Operation Mockingbird. It’s a wonder he still has a job. D’ya thinks Murdoch wants reality to spring open?

This was posted on RBN - that generally doesn’t post MSM newscasts

This was on JouTube.

Let's hope this all takes place before I send this out.

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And now we have Gold and Silver going up and down like a whore’s drawers.  The beasts on Wall Street are creating a cataclysm of events and the Fed keeps printing more funny fiat money.  Make $10k one day lose it the next - this must be the basis for the people who’ve invested in precious metals to sell it and the greedies will take over when the $$$ slides down the rabbit hole.

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AND - This was the Hollywood style white house photo with Biden in the makeshift oval office.

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Punxsutawney Phil

The groundhog says there’ll be 6 more weeks of winter. And they’re spraying the skies everyday.  I need to check Dane Wigginton’s site and see what the analysis of the heavy metals sprayed is and what they contain.

Seniors Dying After COVID Vaccine Labeled as Natural Causes

And sometimes they die within a few minutes or hours from when they received the Vaxx - but that’s from natural causes, if they die before they get the vaxx, then it’s from the Coronahoax.

7 Die at Spanish Care Home After Getting Pfizer COVID-19 Jab as All Residents Test Positive for Virus, Second Doses Still to Come

“All 78 residents at a nursing home in central Spain have tested positive for COVID-19 after being given their first dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine, and at least seven people have died, staff confirmed on Monday.”

Hmmm…”verrrrry interrrrethting…but Thtupid” - so says Arte Johnson - playing the German officer on Laugh’In.

But this is part of the Great Reset - population control. Kill all the oldest people first, then suicide or Arkancide the young ones, and go after the foot soldiers and stick them in a FEMA camp.

"Mein Führer!" - "I can valk!”  ~ Dr. Strangelove or is that Klaus Schwab from the WEF?  The Global Apocalypse! It’s happening as we speak!!

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In First Week As President, Joe Biden Tosses Women, Unions and the American People Under the Globalist Bus

Some good headlines - WTF is this completely retarded SOB doing - and who’s gonna stop him? Keystone XL is down the shitter, or is that swamp, stop building the wall by Mexico and losing thousands of jobs and forget about making the USSA completely independent on energy production.

Boys and girls can share a locker room at school and the biological boys can compete in girl sports.  

So much for identifying the XX and XY chromosomes - they’re all XYZ’s or whatever the globalists label them - but that’s ok, cuz what you think doesn’t matter with the lunatics in charge of the great reset.

The world is going down the swamp based on the deep state’s ‘real’ science! Or is that imaginary science?

This is the beginning of the end, that started with the Lusitania, Pearl Harbor provoked by stopping oil to Japan, Korean War on some fake attack, JFK, Gulf of Tonkin, 911, WMD, Arab Spring, Ukraine, chemtrails, DEW’s, fires, drought engineered by the military, now Taiwan, including the Coronahoax and transhumanist Vaxx, Gates buying up all the farmland - where do we move to, or can you get an RPG or AK47 plus the ammunition?

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And it don’t get any better than this! You just can’t make this stuff up.

The Anal Covid Swab

“Yup, bend over and touch your toes and I’ll show you where the Covid goes, but I need this little swab, and stick it up your ass, then we run it through this little fake PCR tester at 10,000 RPS for about an hour or two, and if this doesn’t give us the real results, we’ll shoot you up the other end with this little needle, that’ll make you wish you were in Davos with the money boys figuring out how to fuck up the world and steal the money.”

“In a few cases, people tested negative for COVID in throat and spit testing but tested positive with anal swabs.” ~ Chinese scientists - it wasn’t posted who exactly made this statement.  He / they was probably coached by the Gates Foundation with Fauci as the administrator.

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Dr Vernon Coleman – Truth Comes To Light Feb 3, 2021

Dr. Vernon Coleman: Doctors and Nurses Giving the Covid-19 Vaccine Will Be Tried as War Criminals

Watch this.


And they admit the fatality rate is around 0.1% to 0.3% about the same as the flu, and we now got this panic, businesses shut down, country going broke and the world is wearing a mask and lined up to get the vaxx.

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Sounds like he’s got his chit together - and going strong,

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“The Ministry of Truth” (Orwellian?) - Yeah, why not - hell - Brennan, Bolton, Comey and Clapper are unemployed, or maybe they’ve gotta job as broadcasters for ABCNNBCBSFox.  And this is similar as picking Yellen to take over as Treasury Secretary - “let’s cut out the middle man and stick our own goon in there and really fuck the people.  We need propaganda from our controllers, the CIA, spilled out and not the truth, cuz we’d be outta business.”

And you gotta remember, the CIA, MI6, Mossad don’t work for the people, they do what the international banksters dictate.

“There are laws to protect the freedom of the press's speech, but none that are worth anything to protect the people from the press”: ~ Mark Twain - and he picked up on this in the19th century - hell - it’s gone downhill since then.  

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For the boys - and girls in Indonesia - a great article by Edward Curtin - most of the people in Indonesia can still remember the evolution of this country from a Dutch slave camp to what it is today, but think about how it could have been if they never would have killed JFK and his contacts at the UN, Cuba and Sukarno in Indonesia.  And you’ll notice the little ‘Babi’ Yehudi Kissinger is always in the middle or front since he’s the RKM man to establish their control over the wealth of the world.  

 Allen Dulles was also - the arm of Wall Street.

Interesting and when you have to stay locked up, something to pass the time. It also connects some of the missing dots on 

‘A Nation of Waiting’ ~ Adam Schwarz, 

Nixon chaired the 5412 committee that ran the Indonesian “rebellion"

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A few headlines today - copied from ‘Children’s Health Defense’ ~ RFK Jr

In China, How People Are Pushing Back On Surveillance State

CDC Issues Sweeping Mask Mandate for Planes, Public Transportation in U.S.

Pandemic Highlights Risk of ‘Big Employer’ Surveillance

Gabbard: Big Tech Controls Who Gets to Have a Voice

How Data Collection Is Posing New Challenges in the COVID-19 Vaccination Effort

Will COVID-19 Sniffing Dogs Allow Fans Back Into Sporting Events?

Amazon, Facebook, Other Tech Giants Spent Roughly $65 Million to Lobby Washington Last Year

Big Tech Is Getting Bigger, and That’s a Problem Politically

And last but not least:

Mexico’s Pandemic Policy: No Police. No Curfews. No Fines. No Regrets.

Then this pops up:

Third Stimulus Check: GOP Lawmaker Wants $1,400 Payment Reserved for People Who Get COVID-19 Vaccine 

With the exception of Mexico and other countries that don’t mandate stay at home and get the vaxx, it certainly appears that Big Brother is in the process of finally making the thrust of taking over the sheeple - more than they control now.

And you gotta get the vaxx before you get the free money - well, maybe not so free, but at least you’ll be able to go to McD’s and get a big Mac and suck up a fructose laden coke thru your N95 mask.

Bill Gates and Neo-Feudalism: A Closer Look at Farmer Bill

The global lockdowns that Bill Gates helped orchestrate and cheerlead have bankrupted more than 100,000 businesses in the U.S. alone and plunged a billion people into poverty and deadly food insecurity that, among other devastating harms, kill 10,000 African children monthly — while increasing Gates’ wealth by $20 billion. His $133 billion fortune makes him the world’s fourth wealthiest man.

As disgusting as this satanist Gates is, I believe he’s simply a front for even more evil rulers that want to control the world.  It makes you wonder where the hell did they go to school, or what was the surrounding influence in the growth of their ridiculous mindset driven by secret societies.  There is a simple solution and when that arrives, he’ll be thrown under the bus when the people wake up and the back room rulers will push the MSM to claim this was the solution, yet still remain in the closet pulling the strings!

“A nation that destroys its soils destroys itself.” — President Franklin D. Roosevelt - made the statement before Monsanto polluted and poisoned the world with Roundup and GMO’d seeds and Billy Gates has shares in this eugenics corp.

“The Gates Foundation has invested in a South African company that makes edible protein from cultivated maggots. The company’s factory houses a billion flies and produces 22 tons of maggots daily that graze on slaughterhouse, municipal and household waste. Since markets are still immature for maggots as human food, Gates sells his maggot-meal to factory meat operations like those owned by Gates’ partner, Tyson Foods, to feed battery-caged chickens, and to large-scale fish farms, like those owned by Unilever, a $58 billion multinational, which is both a business partner to Gates and a grant beneficiary of his peculiar public charity.”

I think I just gave up on KFC, Long John Silver and Popeye’s. ‘Wanna maggot for lunch? How about a grasshopper or bbq cockroach?’  WTF is this world turning into?  Why in hell isn’t this scumbag Gates and partners in destruction arrested and stuck in Gitmo and give ‘im a shower.  And we’re worried about a nuclear armageddon?  These sneaky basterds are coming at us in every direction - hallelujah - hail Moloch, 

Here’s the Alberta Premier in action - both pro and then reverse con. . . he’s also owned by the deeper state in Kanader - and probably wears a Masonic ring - but you can’t see that….

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Hmmm. . . strange that happened and timing is questionable!  Looks like Aung San Suu Kyi didn’t share her Nobel prize winnings with the bankers - but she had to deposit it someplace.  Then there was election rigging claimed - this musta been similar to WTF goes any anywhere the deeper state doesn’t get their way - but it worked ok in the USSA - hell - the not-so-bright Trump was kicked out by the completely senile Biden that smells everything and the deep state is back in total control.

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As Listed on the PNAC “Rebuilding Americas Defenses” on page 60, that appeared just before 911.

“Advanced forms of biological warfare that can “target” specific genotypes may transform biological warfare from the realm of terror to a politically useful tool.”

Blends in WTF is going on today - they just expanded the ‘specific genotypes’ to all types.

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The letter from Rothschilds to Henry Makow - if it’s real, the letter that is, the content is in operation as we speak. 

Orwell’s 1984 was a Sunday picnic compared to WTF is coming down the road and it looks like it’s only 9 more years for these assholeos to complete the plan.

Then this is proof, this has been in the works for over 10 years and probably longer - say over 200 and hatched in 1992 with the Agenda 21 conference in Rio De Janeiro (?)

And you need to apply censorship of history - the digital age now is in control of what you and your children read / study and it’s all cooked up to eliminate the truth.  The Rockefellers started this with their General Education Board format and has gone on for over 100 years, in the next 100, if there is still a world left with human beings instead of AI’s, will only read or be taught what the satanists decide.  Sad, but where we’re headed.  Let's hope somebody, other than an Adolf, will emerge and set the correct path for progress and enlightenment instead of obedient sheeple on the way to the slaughter house or FEMA camp.

The following coincides with JD’s statement, “I don’t want a nation of thinkers, I want a nation of workers”!


And George Carlin passed away quickly after making some of these humorous / critical quotes. - Arkancide?

The real menace of our Republic is the invisible government, which like a giant octopus sprawls its slimy legs over our cities, states and nation . . .  The little coterie of powerful international bankers virtually run the United States government for their own selfish purposes. They practically control both parties . . .  [and] control the majority of the newspapers and magazines in this country. They use the columns of these papers to club into submission or drive out of office public officials who refuse to do the bidding of the powerful corrupt cliques which compose the invisible government. It operates under cover of a self-created screen [and] seizes our executive officers, legislative bodies, schools, courts, newspapers and every agency created for the public protection. ~ John F. Hylan, former Mayor of New York City

Dr. Ron Paul never made it to the POTUS.

You can see it all here - connects a couple of the dots.

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February 7, 2021, an Intel Drop: The Truth Behind Red Don and his Duck Dynasty Warlords ~ VT 

Comment by Dbooger 2-8-21

“Gordie:  Good article - one I read to the end - and summarizing the content, I will agree that Trumpkin does owe his total wealth to the RKM money boys and has gone to various degrees of ensuring his success, including his parasitic family. I believe Jared the Mole was inserted in there to ensure the continuing lining the pockets of the greedies and following directions of the international bankers.

My opinion that the Bushes, Clintons and Obama were also puppets plus the previous so called leaders back to the elimination of JFK by the satanist pedos.

Unfortunately, all the politicians are in complete control of the bankers, when one steps out of line, they’re eliminated and the foreign policies are pushed to the limit and every country needs an orchestrated enemy for sheeple to fear and to keep the military industrial complex and bankers flowing in fiat currency.”

The one thing I forgot to mention to VT was the article on RBN of “The Biden Crime Family” this puts Trumpkin’s shenanigans on a kindergarten class level compared to the blatant corruption committed by Creepy Joe and family and friends - Obama and Hickory Klingon have to be right behind in the free money line, but Hillary has a long list of crime that surpasses even the worst of them.

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And Tampa Bay won the Super Bowl - I didn’t see many masks on - damn - can you imagine the spike of Covid there after the parties?  They should have had a Vaxx truck outside the stadium - that would have saved humanity.

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This my future of everything office - out in the greenery! Solar for power - 5G to send my signals - and fry my brain and everybody can access my thoughts, comments and wishful thinking by tapping my hard drive, or will that be my soft drive, or maybe no drive at all, just a little tiny chip lodged in my brain from the Vaxx while I sniffle from a common cold but not the CoV19. 

I suppose they need to figure out how to connect a shower, or maybe the environment will be so clean with the New Green Deal you won’t need one, a catheter and poop bag connected to the countryside so you fertilize the plants and Amazon can deliver a big double Mac, with imitation meat lab grown burger, once in a while or some KFC raised on maggots.

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Don’t take even the test, let alone the Vaxx. Watch the podcast and make up your own mind.  Not that I’m a conspiracy theorists or anything like that. 

It does get into the ‘wear a mask’ bullshit and when they do the PCR test, they poke the foot long swab or is that ‘Schwab’ down the back of your nose and rake your tonsils.  The mask is supposed to stop the spread of virus attached to droplets in your saliva - what does the back of your nose have to do with saliva? Why not just spit in a vial and have them test it.  And it does get into the fact there are nano particles in the end of the swab that can penetrate your brain and you’re tagged for life and show up one a digital screen so they can figure out where you are, WTF you’re doing and how much digital cash you’ve wasted on some golf balls.  The only problem is, there aren’t any golf courses, other than on a screen in your lazy work at home chair.

Another article posted the date of the PCR Covid19 test swabs were purchased was in 2017 and around $100 million was spent by countries for this.  It makes you wonder WTF they were planning 3 - 4 or maybe 10 years ago by the Rockefeller Foundation as noted in previous posts.  Was the low level skum of the world planning for this and mass depopulation? Fauci made that prediction around 2017 about Trump facing a plandemic when he’s in power.

Hell, look at the latest election results - another post indicated Trumpkin won a landslide in votes, but for some reason the idiot Biden was selected.

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Big Brother Comes To America

Yup, the partners in crime need a reality czar - something to shut down the truth!! If you don’t agree with what the presstitutes publish, then you’re a conspiracy theorist (CIA coined phrase for people who don’t kiss their ass in 1967 about the fake Warren Commission report on JFK assassination - magic bullet)

If you don’t believe the Covid bullshit - you’re a conspiracy theorist, if you don’t believe the VAXX is good for you - you’re a conspiracy theorist, if you don’t believe the Fed prints money based on true value - you’re a conspiracy theorist. In other words, the reality czar will take over from Orwell’s amusing book, and make sure you believe all the bullshit sponsored by Gates, Fauci and Klaus the Schlob at the WEF and the Rothschilds/Rockefeller Khazarian Mafia.  We need Agenda 21/2030 - I don’t think the outcome of 2025 will be in place in time other than weather modification and control by the air force going on as we speak.

How about ‘reality’ - something the elite don’t want - real value, real science, real health, real existence without Conquest, War, Famine, and Death.  The 4 horsemen have turned into XOM, BP, Shell and Chevron/Texaco, but now morphed into Glaxo/Smith/Kline, Moderna, Pfizer, Monsanto/Bayer and the products of FB, Google, Twitter, Pinterest.  Amazing how this happens and the sheeple sit there and play games on their tablet or smart phone hoping for a positive conclusion.

Then up pops this article:

Food Is Being Weaponized for Use Against 0ver 100 Million Americans 

“World Bank has declared a global food shortage from which they predict widespread violence. The World Bank further states that there is no end in sight for the crisis. Historically, food has been used as a weapon to starve millions to death as a means to politically control overpopulation or political dissent.”

This is stated by the World Bank - how in hell do they know what’s happen to the world food supply? Or are they owned by the Master Baters behind the debacle.  Local farmers are going bankrupt, and enormous corporate farming is growing at an alarming rate - and guess what, Gates is now the largest farm land owner in the USSA.   Just imagine the amount of Round Up polluting the crops. Amazing how this falls into place - the meat packing plants are still closed, Tyson is getting their maggot laced food for chickens, and you’ll have to take the vaxx to drive to the local Walmart with your mask on.  Oh, I had to add this - Don Tyson would snort on bowls full of cocaine with Slick Willy who was running around wearing his little girlies frilly nightie back during the Iran/Contra episode and Mena Ark airport sick comedy with Barry Seal - and Willy’s girlfriend stated Hillary was/is a lesbo. 

Notice the pedo red shoes?

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Insurrectionists Openly Planned for Weeks to Storm the Capitol. Why Were Police So Easily Overwhelmed? ~ Time

Hmmm. . . maybe this was another Boston Bombing - or Sandy Hook? Another article says Ashli Babbitt is really Roberta Paulson - but this was debunked by the ‘fact checkers’ or the new ‘real news’ coming up by the Operation Mockingbird Klan.

Antifa Capitol Riot – John Sullivan Brags About Posing as Trump Supporter

Yeah, what the hell, we can’t go to the movies anymore or the local pub for a drink, so why not sit a home sipping on a Bud, and watch the Hollywood style of really screwing up sheeple’s minds.

I suppose, we need to wait until James Fetzer gets into this and debunks the debunkers.


And most likely this is the basis of Impeachment #2.  “See, we got the real facts now - that goddam Trump caused all of this, but the back room boys didn’t have a damn thing to do with this, including Pedosi, Sckummer and the rest of the corrupt political entertainment industry in DC.”

But the MSM mocks Trumpkin, who converted to Judaism - or did he get the bris. There must be more than one side of the Zio - one backed by Rothschilds - Soros, the other back by Adelson - Rockefellers, who both are or controlled by the illuminati - they do need an enemy to keep the sheeple’s minds confused so they can give ‘em the vaxx. 

“Klaus the Louse who has too much clout (who is a fallen watcher / Nephilim) is telling us that the purpose of the COVID-19 vaccines are to tag, track and ID us for global surveillance.  Once you go vac, you can never go back.” 

It states, Project Pogo and Project Zyphr is the final plan for depopulation and control. Do a search and make up your own mind.

And Goldberg croaked after this - or probably murdered for spilling the truth

Just checked the precious metals market - damn - platinum has shot up over $400 in the past coupla months almost a 50% gain.

And I didn’t buy any - what’s a poor schmuck to do?  But the Wall Street and City of London goons are controlling gold and silver - you can imagine the short sell on platinum coming up.  Bit coin, and completely worthless digital coin is skyrocketing too - another short sell coming, but the digital dollar will also fall into place after Pogo and Zyphr are installed and the sheeple are controlled / eliminated.

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And you don’t need the contaminated swab up the nose, just spit in a petri dish and only costs $10 instead of the $150 to get a false positive, or is that false negative, or maybe true negative, how about false Plus / Minus negative / positive?

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Do you remember Nov 7th, 1983??

Good post on RBN (Republic Broadcasting Network) 

But they’re gonna try Trump for causing the riots, that was basically headed by Antifa Soros gang and John Sullivan as noted above - and the lady that got shot, that may be another Sandy Hook as mentioned with the fake blood.

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And in Kanader - hah - at least the Canadians have some huevos, and they want to stick the owner of the cafe in jail.  I suppose the Canuck politikians aren’t a heartbeat away from the ‘Merikans with the lockdowns.

The next deal to look at is:  


And they’re pushing for 5G to go around the world - when you get the vaxx you’ll light up when they flip the switch.  Watch it and make up your own mind.

The article doesn’t even get into the chemtrails and heavy nanoparticle bullshit that floats down from the sky that you breath and penetrates the BBB.  Now Gates has climbed on the band wagon and is investing in spraying the skies for the dimming effect to stop all the climate change - and you can guess what’s in the spray - and it ain’t for mine or yours or our children’s good health.  Like the polio vaxx Gates pushed in India - 400,000 children either died or became crippled and other side effects - nice guy huh?  Then do a search on WTF he’s done in Africa - why in hell is insane psycho still walking around? Donating to SuperPacs and own government stooges - hell, they’re all bought and paid for before they even venture into politics after they failed at any decent and honest occupation?   I doubt the idiot closet queen Gates could even put a nut on a bolt, let alone cook up a lame operating system - that he stole anyways, cuz he don’t have a f’k’n brain - or his is nowhere near positive critical thinking.

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Inconvenient Truths Not Approved By Al Gore

This article posted on RBN, sort of goes thru the events leading up to the state we’re in today, waiting for the Great Reset and NWO sustainable development - Agenda 21 / 2030. I’ve downloaded the topics of that disgusting meeting held in Argentina and if y’all can’t find it, drop me a note and I can forward a copy.  On the surface it does sound like the geniuses in power hosting the meeting did have the world in their sites, but they conveniently leave the repercussions of what the results to humanity will be.

But read the ‘inconvenient’ article and as said before, you can make up your own mind of where we are headed.

And last but not least - 

London Mayor Appoints Woke Activist Brigade To ‘Review’ Statues For ‘Diversity’

Well, we got the Statue of Liberty - who I think is supposed to be a woman, now we need to review the Statue of Diversity?  What’s that supposed to mean? More women in high places - Buttigieg, or however you spell it, the queen, is now transportation secretary - the Uber in Chief? Pedosi is doing one helluva job there as speaker - if she makes any sense at all, and she falls into the same category as Schitt, or is that Schiff - these guys keep making up stories and peddle it to the fake news.  Damn, why did I even venture into this topic.