Sunday, April 23, 2023

The dystopian visions in Huxley and Orwell’s novels, and Waters’ lyrics have been far exceeded by the reality of what has transpired and continues to take place every day.~sotn


Yup - you’ll own nothing and be happy ~ Klaus the Schlawb~WEF
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Are You Eating Pork Injected With Merck’s mRNA Livestock Vaccine?~chd
Yeah, what the hell, might as well shoot up the pigs, they already got the majority of the people already jabbbb’d. This will get the morons that refused the jabbbb cuz they have a semblance of a brain, but then that’ll be gone soon with the mRNA and lets not forget the graphene oxide!!  This will turn them on when they flip the 5G switch and crank up the intensity.
"Burned Alive:" Explosion Kills 18,000 Cows In Texas
In Dimmitt, TX.  I suppose they ran out of the mRNA shot so may as well blow up the cows in the dairy farm.   That’s a big farm, maybe owned by South Fork - and you gotta add this to the hundreds of food processing plants and egg farms to drive the sheeple into starvation or paying a ridiculous price for food.  With the competitors out of business and destroyed, the deep state can control the few suppliers left, of meat, veggies, milk and eggs and have them shot up with mRNA, graphene and contaminate the people with half a brain refusing the jabbb.
I believe they need to go after these assholes committing the crimes against humanity, only problem is, we can’t seem to find out who ‘they’ is since they’re all on the payroll from Gates / Soros Klan.
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World Vaccine Congress: A Report From the Belly of the Beast~chd~Madhava Setty, M.D.
Another good article from Children’s Health Defense that’s run by RFK Jr. - this was made by Dr. Setty, and contributor to the CHD.  One of the items posted:-
“During the sessions you will learn how cutting-edge research efforts can be integrated with
  • Pharma
  • Biotech
  • Academia
  • Government
“to produce more and better vaccines to the market.”
Yeah - Who gives a shit if a little garlic, turmeric, ginger, honey and the rest of ancient remedies to cure people and didn’t have any holy moly chemicals created by the magician in the circus that blossomed into the medical incompetent complex and big pharma - oh and Bill Gates and dwarf Tony Fauci. 

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This is what a Khazarian-installed and MIC-controlled U.S. Senator sounds like 24/7.~sotn
Senator Lindsey Graham declared that he would “fight for” the island because it’s “a democracy”
Huh? Is the USSA a democracy? But they print money out of nothing and finance the war efforts around the world - this keeps the RKM in bidness and blatant RINO’s like Graham fuel the fire with free money!!! But for who???? Not you and me - the f’k’n banksters!!!!!
Kinda makes you wonder when the Banksters (Jacob Schiff) financed Mao Tse Tung (now its Mao Zedong - why?) to create the revolution and inserted Israelis as Propaganda and Finance ministers back in 1949
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All the news that’s fit to pimp: Mockingbird corporate media no longer even pretends to be
I don’t think ‘pimp’ is the right word here, maybe like ‘whore’ would fit.  The people that run the CIA, that really don’t work for the USSA, but the Banksters in Basel Switzerland and City of London, don’t even flinch when the truth is spilled, they claim it’s disinformation and that’s run by the ‘Politifact' fact checkers, that only check facts that suits their corrupt direction of control.  They must have gotten a huge $bonus$ after shoving the coronahoax down sheeple’s throats.  The Poynter Institute is running off the scale with $$$ from Gates and Soros.  Yup, gotta teach those journalists how to lie, cheat and steal.
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April 11 – COVID is Common Flu Rebranded~tts~henrymakow 

But you need the corona jabbb - this suits the Gates depop scheme in the works for decades.

Surprise! The COVID vaccines were never tested for safety~tts~Steve Kirsch –
There were 31.2% higher deaths in the “gold standard” Pfizer Phase 3 clinical trials.
There is only one way to know whether or not the vaccine caused any of the deaths in the 21 vaccinated patients who died: proper histopathology.
Pfizer never did it and the FDA never asked for it.
Does this point to the FDA and big pharma are in cahoots for this debacle and nobody pays for the damage it’s created? Yup - sho’ looks that way.  And there’s more:-
Today, only Ryan Cole is doing the proper histopathology and in 100% of the cases he’s been asked to look at, he can attribute the deaths to the vaccine.
Someday, I hope that we’ll have leadership at the CDC that is not corrupt and that will ask Medical examiners to do the proper tests.
The CDC is also mixed up in this bullshit massacre.  Walensky is on top of the list for sure and part of the Gates/Fauci/Soros gang.
Lets hope the sheeple that have taken the vaxx received the 01 jabb, instead of 02 and 03, that is the fatal one.
And currently we have other distractions taking the sheeple’s minds off the jabbb and onto war, war, war!  Gotta keep ‘em safe from those Ruskies and Chinese Mao Zedonger’s.
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Did you get this one? 

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Vera Sharav's Historic Nuremberg Speech: Eugenics Then ... and Now
You can watch it if you wish, but it does tie in what happened preceding WWII and does parallel to WTF is going on today.
4 Stages of Ideological Subversion [chart]
“Ideological subversion means to change the perception of reality to such an extent that despite the abundance of information, no one is able to come to sensible conclusions in the interest of defending themselves, their families, their community, and their country."  Yuri Bezmenov
Yuri was in the KGB and had a good handle on the subversion ideology.

We’ve been in the Crisis phase a little longer than 6 months - 3 years and counting, and when you factor in the recent past, it’s more like 110 years and more.
And you have to remember, the satanists behind the covid crap are the same Klan that supported Hitler, and now Zelensky - that, incidentally was overlooking 40 bioweapons labs in Ukraine for our DOD.
And now they’re shooting up cows, pigs, chickens with mRNA and most likely inserting graphene oxide in the chemtrails.  They need to take the Nuremberg 2 a little deeper and go after all the globalist skumbags, including the government assholes that allow and enforce this to happen.
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TRANS CRIMINAL CONSPIRACY NETWORK: Deeper and Broader Than Anyone Knows~sotn 

The United States of America was insidiously set up by Satan and his multitude of minions (also known as the Khazarian Cabal), since the Federal Reserve Act of 1913, as their main laboratory of transhumanist experimentation. Along with the aggressive implementation of the transgender psyop nationwide, their utterly satanic goal is the complete transformation of American society
into the world’s first transphilic paradise.

Hmmm. . .does this article state, this was the Plan of the Klan to turn the sheeple into trannies - they don’t know what sex they are and only follow the pronouns.  The world is getting sicker by the second - and enhanced by the pedo-trans-creeps.
Seems like I gotta find a little island with a golf course and no trannies!!!! Oh, and a Carlsberg or Molson XXX dispenser.
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NWO geoengineers target Florida with an out-of-season storm dumper, Hurricane Season to start much earlier to thwart DeSantis POTUS run~sotn
Yup, this is almost as bad as the hurricane that struck last fall and Ft Lauderdale streets were flooded - and obviously geoengineered - another lesson to DeSantis if he don’t kiss the deep state ass.
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Russian Duma Report: Thousands of Ukrainians Used as Guinea Pigs for US Bioweapons Research, at Least 20 Died~gatewaypundit 

They forgot to put Gates Foundation and Bourla’s Pfizer’s in there. 
And they’re wondering why Putin sent in the troops to end this nightmare, oh, and get rid of Zelensky’s AzovNazis. And this article lists up to 50 bioweapons labs - that’s up from 40 that I believe Victoria Nuland the Cookie Monster stated.
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Are You Demon Possessed? Here Are 8 Signs~bb 

  1. You're multilingual, as of yesterday: You woke up with the ability to speak Spanish, Chinese, and the Black Speech of Mordor. Concerning!
  2. You are currently crawling on the ceiling: If, as you're reading this, you're crawling on the ceiling or levitating in any way, please seek help from the clergy.
  3. You order pineapple on your pizza: Unspeakable acts like this are a clear sign supernatural darkness has taken hold of someone.
  4. Your preferred pronouns are They/Them: For you are many.
  5. You don't return your shopping cart to the corral: Only vicious, godless creatures do this.
  6. You have an insatiable urge to teach gender theory to kindergartners: What other explanation could there be?
  7. You think it's a good idea to surgically mutilate your genitals: Non-possessed people often prefer to keep sharp objects away from their privates.
  8. You've been elected to the U.S. Congress: Not a guarantee of demon possession…but at least a 50/50 chance!
Yup - I had to post this, just to wake up the sheeple - the satanists are around the corner!!But you can log on to Babylon Bee and read it yourself, they also give good references for demonic movies, in case you want to join the Klan.
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Parents Just Relieved Teen Who Came Home Drunk Wasn't Drinking Bud Light~bb
Whew!  Glad they found that out - I never drink BUDless - it’s like Bintang in Indonesia - I believe they process this from horse piss and chuckle on the way to the bank.
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Who’s  Jack Teixeira The Alleged Pentagon Leaker Arrested Thursday~SputnikNews
Hmmm. . . this guy leaked the data from CIA, NSA, DNI and  and about funds that went to Ukraine, the involvement of the USSA and summarized by Tucker’s comment “So this 21-year-old Air National Guardsman from Massachusetts is ‘not a whistleblower,’“ mocked the popular conservative commentator.
“He revealed the crimes, therefore he’s the criminal,” Carlson explained
Yup, it’s a crime to expose a crime - that the non-elected deep state commits and you ain’t supposed to know about it. It’s a good thing we have a great government here focusing on truth!!!!  Or is that a blatant lie???
D’ya notice the Biden admin is loaded with Khazars that only act to protect criminals instead of the ‘People’?
Trumpkin’s admin was also loaded with the Khazarian Mafia agents, but he may not have had much choice - but for the 2024 election, when he claimed he will rout out the criminals in Deep State - they all ganged up and charged him with paying a hooker to STFU.  Nothing wrong with that, I can see.
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Pentagon “Leaks”: 5 ways to tell REAL from FAKE~truth11 

1. If your “leak” tells you stuff you already know, it’s probably a fake leak.
2. If your “leak” reinforces the mainstream narrative, it’s probably a fake leak.
3. If your “leak” gets MASSES of media coverage, it’s probably a fake leak.
4. If your “leak” source is revealed immediately and publicly, it’s probably a fake leak.
5. If your “leak” tells you what you want to hear, it’s probably a fake leak.
This is, obviously and clearly, propaganda aimed at supporting the “Ukraine needs our help” storyline.
On the other hand the “revelations” concerning depleting ammunition stocks and higher-than-reported casualties provide, as well as the presence of NATO special forces in the country, fuel to the Western alternative media pro-Russia position.
But on the Alt Media other side:-
“See, Russia is actually winning”, they say, “And NATO forces presence shows Russia was in the right, don’t believe Western misinformation“.
So - it certainly does appear, the moles, trolls and turds change the info so many times nobody really knows what to believe - just pay your taxes and the elite/parasites get their Plan B in place. Plan A was f’k’d up years ago.
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‘Definitely Toxic’: Hundreds Forced From Homes as Indiana Plastics Fire Continues to Burn~ chd 

Yup, that looks toxic to me - but this is a plastic recycling plant - I suppose they ran out of methods of recycling the plastic - yeah, might as well the burn the f’k’n shit!!!  I imagine, they figured out that collecting insurance was another good method - and the micro plastics burnt up, will eventually find its way into the peoples brains when the smoke clears.  D’ya thinks there’s too many republicans in this area, look at the train wrecks fires and other mishaps going on - forget about the food processing plants, that are now getting their products shot up with mRNA.
Another large chemical plant fire at a Pinova chemical plant in Brunswick, Georgia
I mean, this shit is spreading everywhere - the skumbag elite/parasites need to contaminate the world.
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Canadian Teen Suspended From Catholic High School for Opposing Transgender Ideology Files Human Rights Complaint~sotn
Yeah, I suppose he didn’t want to wear a skirt to the boys room to change before the cheer leading practice. (My comment). But still, WTF has oh Kanader turned into - a queen’s parade?
Another article stated, Western Canada should succeed from Eastern Canada due to the ‘Woke’ religious drive - yup, gotta have those Woker’s in place!!!
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Paul Craig Roberts Quest For Truth and Justice~lewrockwell
‘The Empire of Lies’
Roberts published the book, but I’ll wait until I can get a web version instead of a hard copy.  One of the summaries by Lew Rockwell’s article that caught my eye was as follows:-
In the United States only a tiny percentage of the people have any idea what is happening. The time and energy of the population is used up in making ends meet and in entertaining themselves.  They fall for one transparent crime after another.  Whatever government announces they accept–President John Kennedy’s assassination, Senator Robert Kennedy’s assassination, the Gulf of Tonkin, 9/11, Saddam Hussein’s weapons of mass destruction, Covid pandemic, ‘safe and effective’ Covid vaccine
I guess I’m part of the tiny percentage since I really couldn’t agree on WTF was going on here since the JFK assassination, and not by the patsy Lee Harvey Oswald, the same train of thought about 911 and OBL, who incidentally died in December 2001  - that would make the raid in Pakiland another hoax by the Obamarama’s - not much different than the retard ‘W’ and his weapons of mass destruction circus.  The obvious 911 debacle was WTCI & II were engineered to take a hit from 2 fully loaded 707’s.
But not a W54 mini nuke in the basement, or were these scattered around the buildings.
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What the heck is the U.S. CONGRESS?! 

Yup - it’s a gang connected to the Khazarian Mafia, run by the banksters. This article lists several crimes committed and too many to list, you can access the article at
Summarized in one word - Disgusting!!!  Matches with monstrous betrayal.
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WEF Insider Admits Gates Is ‘Force Jabbing’ Humanity With mRNA in Food Supply~truth11 

And a disgusting pic of the depop psycho. The best thing would be to catch the M’th’r’f’k’r and shoot him up with a little mRNA deadly poison, laced with some graphene oxide, then shoot the basterd.
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UK PM Sunak: 100% Of Women Don't Have Penises~0hedge
Hmmm. . .the head of the Labor Party contradicts this and claims that 99.9% of the women don’t have penises.  What do the 0.1% have, oh, I know, an enlarge clitoris? Or is that a weenie? Oh well, I suppose the assholeos really don’t know shit!
Like I’ve always stated, you either got an innee or an outee, no inbetweenee!!
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The illiterati, the truth deniers, have invented a language of their own • The 12 Dirtiest and Most Offensive Words in the English Language~truth11-vernoncoleman 

The good Dr. has it right - again!
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Extreme Censorship of Truth by Fascist Government and Private Partnerships: A Death Warrant to Freedom~truth11 

Hmmm. . .did the satanic number go up 20 points to 686?
“Let us be clear: censorship is cowardice. … It masks corruption. It is a school of torture: it teaches, and accustoms one to the use of force against an idea, to submit thought to an alien “other.” But worst still, censorship destroys criticism, which is the essential ingredient of culture.” ~ Pablo Antonio Cuadra 

Yup - you don’t see this on the ‘free’ Mockingbird Media!!! But I think they should have backed the covid cases up a year or so - maybe.

In mid-February 2023, I reported that the U.S. government has secretly been tracking those who didn’t get the COVID jab, or are only partially jabbed, through a previously unknown surveillance program designed by the U.S. National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS), a division of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.1~lewrockwell~Dr Joseph Mercola

Hmmm. . .does this mean they’re tracking Dbooger? Hell - never had the shot, but they say the dental injection probably has the mRNA, like what Gates is putting in your pork, chicken, beef, eggs and spray over vegetables to to make sure you’re completely contaminated with the poison.
But then if you look at recent history, the goddam jabbb doesn’t stop transmission, or even protect the jabbed from covid or anything 
else - only produces a host of diseases and unknown cause of death - and the mutherf’k’rs want to track and trace you?  Anybody see anything wrong with this stupid tracking method?  How about arresting Gates, Bourla, Fauci, Daszak, Soros and the rest of the finances of the deep state skumbags.
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And we got that global warming sea rising!  I suppose we have to wait 10 years. 

On The Fringe - Fauci & Hunter In A Race For Who Gets Arrested First!~bin 

Yeah, I can imagine there’s a race going on - any bets? But the Gates / Soros $$$$ goes a long way in the corrupt deep state handlers of the DOJ, CDC, FBI and the rest of the criminal alphabets gang.

Former Director Of National Intelligence Admits That Fauci Lied About Gain Of Function Research~0hedge
You can tell when Fauci is lying - his mouth is open - blends with his partners in crime - Gates and Soros.
This has gone on for a few years, the main one was when he was questioned by Rand Paul and he flat ass lied on national TV
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0.3% of Scientists agree Humanity is causing Climate Change • NOT 97% As UN Falsely Claims~truth11
It says here 0.3% of scientists - I suppose the guy that wrote the article doesn’t realize that 99.7% of the ‘real’ climate scientists don’t agree with it, not 97%.  He obviously didn’t pass the math test.  And I suppose you’ll never guess who pays the 0.3%.  Yup - the 0.01% elite/parasites!
The schmucks behind the global warming bullshit are the same ones that finance the chemtrails,  bioweapons labs, DEW’s and force the taxpayer to pay for the HAARP claiming this is for science, not destruction of humanity - that includes the sheeple that don’t follow the Judas Goat.
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Yup - Biden’s poll numbers are up, on the other side of our flat earth - or is that pole numbers.


This Trans Person Is Outright Saying They Are Planning A Mass Shooting And Nobody Is Doing Anything About It~defiantamerica
“I dare you to you try and stop me from going into a women’s bathroom. I dare you to try and stop a transgender woman, in my presence, from using the bathroom. It will be the last mistake you ever make. This is a call to action, you need to arm up. 

This is ridiculous - a tranny queenie wants to use the ladies BR? If there was no sex gender at all, why not use the ‘persons with testicles’ bathroom, that’s if you have them, or the ladies BR if you menstruate, and don’t offend anyone - I suppose these ridiculous idiots can’t seem to reason!
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Freelance Airline Pilot Passes Along Quiet info…~tts
“We have been flying in large cargo boxes into Gatwick, Amsterdam, New York, Melbourne, and DFW over the past 3 months. The boxes are shipments of a drug called Oseltamivir and another called peramivir.
We have never moved this much tonnage of a single product. I’ve personally done 5 runs full cargo on a 757.
It’s the treatment drug for a avian flu virus H5N1. Apparently the only avian flu that’s recently been announced transfers to humans.
Something is cooking. There are snakes in the grass. Stay vigilant.”
Hmmm. . .d’ya thinks the Gates / WEF / WHO / Soros / big Pharma game is going to played again - yup you gonna need the jabbb.
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Butt Lite - History repeating itself 

The Boston Butt Lite party - gotta go Woke! Never mind the Tea!!!
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JPMorgan Chase Had Deeper Ties to Jeffrey Epstein Than Previously Acknowledged: Report~rtm
Hmmm. . .did Jamie Dimon have any involvement with the kiddie porn or pedophilia? But then the Khazars are all interconnected with Satanism - just need a little Spirit Cooking - the Plan of the Klan!
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Tribute to David Kirby, Author and Activist~chd
Another Arkancide?  This guy did expose the harm of mercury in vaxxx and autism in children. He wasn’t supposed to do that - it affects big Pharma’s profits.
These are the books Kirby has written - it’s no wonder why he met an early demise.
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And Robert F Kennedy Jr has entered the presidential race - any bets he makes it past the mark his father went?  Damn, I suppose he’s got more balls than FJB.
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Biden Warns That If Debt Ceiling Isn't Raised We Might Default On Our Obligations To Ukraine ~chd~satire
Yeah baby, if we don’t go deeper in debt, we won’t get the paybacks from AzovNazi Zelensky and fatten our retirement plan.  
That’s almost as bad as the Walmart closings in Chicago and the mayor warns, that the people will have fewer places to shoplift - damn!!!  Is this freedom or what?????
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You think the coronahoax was bad, this is what created it!