Friday, September 25, 2020

Whatever needs to be maintained through force is doomed. Henry Miller

I suppose y’all are sitting on the edge of your seat waiting for this - but you can read it without a mask.

“A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself.”  Marcus Tullius Cicero

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I had to post this from Paul Craig Roberts.

The US & Its Constitution Have 2 Months Left

Bob Woodward writes that Trump’s Secretary of Defense, General James Mattis, and Trump’s Director of National Intelligence, Dan Coats, spoke together about taking “collective action” to remove President Trump from office. General Mattis said Trump is “dangerous. He’s unfit.”
This is the same thing that the Generals and the CIA said about President John F. Kennedy. 

When Generals and the CIA say that a president is unfit and dangerous, they mean he is dangerous to their budget.  By “unfit” they mean he is not a reliable cold warrior who will keep hyping America’s enemies so that money keeps pouring into the military/security budget. By serving defense contractors instead of their country, generals end up very wealthy.
Both Kennedy and Trump wanted to normalize relations with Russia and to bring home US troops involved in make-war operations overseas that boost the profits of defense contractors.  
To stop Kennedy they assassinated him.
To stop Trump they concocted Russiagate, Impeachgate, and a variety of wild and unsubstantiated accusations.  The presstitutes repeat the various accusations as if they are absolute proven truth.
The presstitutes never investigated a single one of the false accusations.
These efforts to remove Trump did not succeed. Having pulled off numerous color revolutions in which the US has overthrown foreign governments, the tactics are now being employed against Trump.  The November presidential election will not be an election. It will be a color revolution.

We have reached the point in the demise of our country that a simple statement of obvious truth is not believable.  
As a number of carefully researched and documented books, some written by insiders, have proved conclusively, the CIA has controlled the prestige American media since 1950.  The American media does not provide news.  It provides the Deep State’s explanations of events.  This ensures that real news does not interfere with the agenda.  
The German journalist, Udo Ulfkotte, wrote a book, Bought Journalism, in which he showed that the CIA also controls the European press.  
To be clear, there are two CIA organizations.  One is an agency that monitors world events and endeavors to provide more or less accurate information to policymakers.  The other is a covert operations agency. This agency assassinates people, including an American president, and overthrows uncooperative governments.  President Truman publicly stated after he was out of office that he made a serious mistake in permitting the covert operations branch of the CIA.  He said that it was an unaccountable government in itself.
President Eisenhower agreed and in his last address to the American people warned of the growing unaccountable power of the military/security complex.
President Kennedy realized the threat and said he was going “to break the CIA into a thousand pieces,” but they killed him first.
It would be easy for the CIA to kill Trump, but the “lone assassin” has been used too many times to be believable.  It is easier to overthrow Trump’s reelection with false accusations as the CIA controls the American and European media and has many Internet sites pretending to be dissident, a claim that fools insouciant Americans.  Indeed, it is the leftwing that the CIA owns. The rightwing goes along because they think it is patriotic to support the criminal military/security complex.

After the CIA overthrows Trump, they will use Antifa, Black Lives Matter, and their presstitutes to foment race war.  Then the CIA will ride in on the Pale Horse, and the population will submit.
The scenario is unfolding as I write.
Very few will believe it until it happens.  Even then the CIA’s ability to control explanations will keep the population in hand.
In America today, liars have more credibility than truth tellers.

A little info to think about what could quite possibly happen in the next couple of months. One of the statements indicates Trump has assisted Israel on a number of issues - I do believe he is conned in that respect by his idiot son-in-law who is a ‘666’ Chabad Lubavitcher - basically a terrorist org that ran to Lithuania when the Russians kicked them out of Belarus, then they traveled around the world in teams and polluted the hierarchy.   You can also read William Cooper’s ‘Behold a Pale Horse’ - this does delve into some of it.

As quoted by an ex-KGB agent - in 1984 - the date has some implications:
“We change the perception of reality of very American, to such an extent that despite their abundance of information, no one is able to come to sensible conclusions in the interest of defending themselves, their family, their community or their country.”
There are four stages of a takeover: 1) demoralization, 2) destabilization, 3) crisis (where we are now) and finally 4) normalization, what the masses clamor for now.

Then it’s off to the FEMA camp for a holiday - fireworks - wear your mask - a little candy laced with cyanide.  “The New Normal”

And Last but not Least:
The CDC and HHS are working on a national wastewater surveillance system (NWSS)

Hmmm…I wonder how they’ll handle that - park their Bentley SUV beside a polluted river full of Walmart plastic bags and look for floating turds while molesting a little 10 year-old?
Gates has to be funding this sick comic activity - I mean after all, it’s about your health and he’s the Wizard of Oddz with the accelerated goal of developing eugenics and make more funny money.  I suppose funny money can buy just about anything - except honesty and integrity.

Is There A Flu Shot / COVID Link?

A podcast by James Corbett, a good Canadian in Japan - - One item I like about this guy is he lays out all the scenarios then you make your choice, but the actual outcome or result is the PTB orchestrating the demise of the human race. The latest most profound connection is, the flu shots in 2019, all the people, especially older than 40, had the shot and somehow came down with the Coronavirus.  You all can do your own search, but the result is obvious - don’t take the Vaxx!!!  Now various judges, Mark Keough in Montgomery TX for one, RFK Jr. and DOJ personnel in high positions and thousands of doctors are getting in line and criticize the rules set by the idiot puppets in charge that calls for lock step, held hostage in your house and wear a f’k’n mask that doesn’t do a damn thing to protect you. The last time I had a flu shot was over 20 years ago - funny - I’ve never had the flu before or after.

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Eight People In Indonesia Caught Not Wearing Masks Punished By Having To Dig Graves Of COVID Victims

Hmm. . . . and Indonesia uses HCQ for treatment - maybe the nasties sent a difference cooked up brand of Coronavirus - maybe BintangVirus-19 or 20, 21 - and I don’t like Bintang, prefer Carlsberg or Anker if no Carlsberg available.
Damn, has Gates money found its way to the corrupt Indo politicians?  But hell, there’s over 270 million people there, that’s a lotta Vaxx’s hell, at $40 a dose, every year, that’s almost $11 billion - give the politikers an envelope, say 10% - whew, Soeharto couldn’t even come up with that one but he and his cronies pirated over $350 billion - and that’s when a $billion was worth something in the 60’s to the 2000’s. 
But I can remember, going to the local pharmacy in Jakarta, I could buy 100 indomethacin (Gouty Arthritis) for around $1.  I just got a prescription here in Texico and had to co-pay $42, when I complained to the cashier, and gave her my ‘get out of jail’ pharmacy card, she stated my rsvp, or whatever, discount had already been applied, then she stated the cost of the pills was over $700 and I got a discount.  My buddy that goes to India, can get the same pill, manufacturer and quantity for around $10. Anybody notice anything wrong with this?  I wonder how much a mask costs there.


Yeah, dammit - if you want to protect your property, don’t pull a gun out - after all BLM has immunity from the NWO creeps - they can ransack homes, offices, stores, loot them, sell the goods, drive the owner broke, but you can’t protect your property. This sounds like the Nazis and Soros was their go to collaborator and showed the Nasti's where the wealth was stored and explains why in hell these BLM - Antifa guys don’t attack the Federal Reserve and Wall Street - owned by the major backers of the violence pushing for the NWO.  Yeah - I suppose they’d lose their stimulus check - besides, I doubt they could spend the digital dollar on a screen.

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W’s kissing Saudi’s sheik in chief, and Bandar Bush thinking about copping a feel from Condo.  Why in hell, doesn’t the judge check with Jerkoff, sorry, Chertoff the Khazar DHS guy that sent all the spies home after 911 including the Dancing Israelis taking pictures of WTC, with explosives in their truck.  Come to think of it, the bin Laden’s, meeting with GHW, were allowed to leave the country right after 911 when the airports were closed down - it looks like GHW was protecting his investment.  Shit, I can remember being stuck in Beijing, but lucky I had my golf clubs and took a taxi to the Beijing GCC.
Dunno why I had to post this pic, but anyways, the Saudi’s will be thrown under the bus and as usual, the Likudniks, the masterminds behind 911, will get off with a bonus and 15 of the 19 hijackers are reportedly, still alive(?). What’s that tell you? Fool me once, shame on me, fool me twice - shame on you, but better off putting the ‘real’ perpetrators in front of a firing squad - the lame brain W’ has an excuse, he can’t come to terms with his cognitive dissonance and a little on the ‘pink’ side - Jeff Gannon is the clue.

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How about that!  The other countries entrapped by sovereignty and owned by the pedo queen, give money and adrenochrome, need to kick the bitch out.  Hell I can remember playing hockey in Canada, in the rink, there was a enormous picture of the queen at the opposite, I’d drop a few pucks when I got on the ice and blasted slap shots over the screen and hit her in the nose - well sometimes, maybe chin, cheek or crown, but I enjoyed that and it helped my shot, but then during the hockey game, when I’d wind up to shoot, everybody would head for the net, that was the safest place on the ice - I never hit it - well - maybe once or twice, that I can remember.

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Donald Trump’s Latest Coronavirus Comment Slammed As ‘So Cruel And Cynical’

The deep state is desperate - they know Biden the Idiot can’t win any election - now they’re ganging up on just about every topic and the MSM is backing the scam or more likely part of it.  This is totaling into a half dozen impeachment schemes cooked up - anything to get rid of him, in particular in down playing the home-cooked virus that’s about as bad as the flu.  They need control and keep the sheeple begging for food, money a roof over their heads and believe it’s the right thing to do while Wall Street gets $quadrillions.
When you look at the MSM and the posts on their sites, then look at some of the Alt News like VT - they appear to be paid for by the greedies to change your thinking by paying the check facters  This statement doesn’t mean I support all of Trumpkin’s deeds or misdeeds, but he does go against the deep state on several issues - but the first correction he has to make is to get rid of the idiot Jared and stop being Israel’s ass kisser then shut down the Federal Reserve and bring all our boys and girls home from the 800+ military bases scattered around the world including the 25+ bioweapons labs and revive the ‘Constitution’ then hang all the deep state actors and their handlers on Pennsylvania Ave.  That would be a good start.
But these articles slamming Trumpkin sure leans toward the Poynter Institute and Gannett, to “silence detractors”. 

“There is a great deal of evidence to prove that immunization of children does more harm than good.” “There is no evidence that any influenza vaccine thus far developed is effective in preventing or mitigating any attack of influenza. The producers of these vaccines know that they are worthless, but they go on selling them, anyway.”
Dr. J. Anthony Morris, former Chief Vaccine Control Officer and research virologist, U.S. FDA

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12 Steps to Create Your Own Pandemic
Or How to Turn a Harmless Virus into Boundless Profits for You and Your Friends

Another good article on Lew Rockwell’s site.  I copied the 12 steps - but not in lockstep.

1. Find some vague criteria for what constitutes the symptoms that you want people to look for. Anything subjective that a lot of people can identify with is ideal. Let us take memory problems and/or confusion + a few common ones from the Covid list. Tiredness, aches and pains are common and subjective enough. (For covid19 the symptoms are: fever, dry cough, tiredness. Less common symptoms: aches and pains, sore throat, diarrhea, loss of taste or smell, a rash, or discoloration of fingers or toes)
It would be a good idea to take something that is very common in old people so that we can use death from old age as proof of the lethality of the new virus.

2. Then we would need something biological to test. Any RNA sequence would do, as long as it is not present in the whole population. If it were, someone might claim herd immunity very quickly. Actually it could be an RNA sequence that does not really exist in humans but something that could exist as contamination in labs, e.g. in dust or water.
That would be enough for a RT qPCR test to pick up as a false positive. Many RT PCRs have false positive rates of 3-5 % and that would be plenty to create a scare. (When it comes to Covid, the false positive rate is impossible to know for sure, since we don’t have a gold standard to check against, but for many other similar tests, the average false positive rate is over 3%. And different labs are testing for different sequences.
We can count on over-stressed labs to be more prone to contamination than labs taking part in research knowing they will be checked for accuracy, the ones that gave over 3% false positives. Maybe the error rate for the average stressed lab is as high as 8%. BMJ counts 5% as a reasonable estimate. With 8% we would have all positive tests in the US explained by false positives)

3. Then we are all set to go. We just have to claim that we have discovered a new cluster of symptoms and that is related to a new RNA sequence. It starts with memory loss, and confusion. In other words this is a neurotoxic virus, and it leads to death in all the ways old people can die, by strokes, heart attacks, pneumonia, kidney failure, sepsis, organ failure, dehydration.
It doesn't matter if the patient was close to deaths door anyway, because of existing problems. We can always claim that without our new virus, they would not have died. Who could counter that?( just like Covid; People die from all kinds of disorders that they already had before the got the Covid test)

4. By some miracle we have already discovered exactly the virus that is responsible among the millions of different viruses that exist in any cubic centimeter of air. So we already have a RT PCR test read to go. This makes us look like very competent researchers. Of course we have bought stock in the major testing labs ahead of time.
We’ve bought stocks in the biggest vaccine manufacturers also of course. That will be the biggest money maker finally, hopefully for years since it will be difficult to get antibodies to something that doesn’t really exist.

5. So now we just have to spread the news that a new deadly pandemic is spreading all over the world, and every country has to start testing. We can count on the 5% hypochondriacs in the general population to come forth to be tested first.
It will always take some time for each country to get started ramping up their testing, so the graphs are guaranteed to look exponential in the beginning.

6. All you need now is for people to bring their old and confused elderly in for testing, and with 5% false positives, we will soon have most hospital beds filled with old sick confused patients.
We can count on doctors to treat them aggressively. Most of these old people will be on a cocktail of drugs already, so adding a few more drugs as “heroic treatment” will be sure to push them over the edge.
Many will have pneumonia from the seasonal flu, so we can just prolong this by putting them on ventilators. Then they will die a month later and we can say it wasn’t the flu since the flu season should have stopped a month earlier.

7. The graphs of numbers tested positive will be exponential in the beginning, but flatten off as the testers reach their max level. After some time the lab technicians will be exhausted and tend to become sloppy, the pressure for testing will be relentless and the labs will get dirtier and dirtier, and we will get higher and higher false-positive rates.
Usually the media will be satisfied with reporting just the number of positive tests, but in case anybody should think of checking proportion of positive tests compared to total number of tests, they would get higher number each week because of overworked, error prone lab workers.
Eventually, society will run out of hypochondriacs who will come for tests voluntarily, and many will have understood that should they test positive, they will be put together with really sick people, unprotected, since they all have the same virus…So the curves will flatten and start going down.

8. If you want to destroy the economy during the pandemic, you will get some programmer to make a prediction of millions of deaths (actually 70 million die every year anyway, so that is not really difficult) if we don’t lock down society.
We just have to scare them to lock down right before the curve flattens (when we are running out of the 5% hypochondriacs) and all the politicians will think they saved their country.

9. Just for fun, to see how strangely we could make gullible people act, we could invent different strategies for protection. Social distancing can look really funny in a supermarket, and all the original ways of saluting is interesting , leg touching elbow touching (even if we cough in our elbows now).
We could make a lot of money on masks, gloves and sanitizers too.

10. In order to make money on vaccines, we will start testing antibodies. Here the false-positive error rate is even greater, so we may easily get 10% with antibodies just from false positives. But on retest, we will statistically get only one percent testing positive if we test the same people.
That means that we can claim that we will need many boosters of the vaccine. In order to maximize the profit, we may put something in the vaccine that makes people sick and then we can cure them with a very expensive drug produced by a company we have already invested in. But to be sure maximum number of countries will pay almost any price for the vaccine, we have to wait until they are really desperate.

11. We can always count on several waves of the virus since the common flu and colds will come every year and kill hundreds of thousands like every year, and 3-10% of them will test false positive for our virus every time.
So we have a fantastic moneymaker for years: Expensive tests, expensive drugs, and expensive vaccines for 7 billion people every year.

12. We can count on doctors being sure that they are right in all they do. They will counter each other in every turn, and since there is no real new disease to cure, the research will run into endless blind alleys. This will prime all doctors for accepting a vaccine.
We just have to make sure there is no cheap effective drug commonly available. If so, we can always pay some doctors to make up some numbers to publish (like the fake negative HydroxyChloroquine research in the Lancet).

And this is posted here in case you’re too lazy to go to Rockwell’s site.  He comes up with lotsa good stuff - Item 4 takes the cake.

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Assange Update: Iraq War Logs Essential to Understanding the Truth of Civilian Casualties

Two defense witnesses took the stand in the Assange extradition hearings to testify about the Iraq War Logs publications and the implications of using the Espionage Act of 1917 to charge a journalist and publisher for engaging in standard journalistic activity.

This was copied from the article on RBN.  It does make you step back and try to piece together the crapolla that went on with this Iraq War.  First on the list is it was an illegal war, based on false information on WMD, but Cheney and Halliburton needed the cash wasted on a war and the 4 horsemen needed the oil.
What Assange did publish was provided by Chelsea Manning and wasn’t fabricated, it was the truth, yet the schmucks claim this relates to the Espionage Act of 1917 then you would need to incorporate Project Mockingbird where the CIA controlled the main stream media from the 50’s.  Assange, wasn’t part of the puppetry displayed by ABCNNBCBSFox and I really don’t believe it was espionage, it was reporting WTF our sick politicians and bankers using the military to waste our $$$ and killing innocent Iraqi’s and the 400,000 children that Albright stated was sad but worth it including the $10,000 toilet seat covers.  $1.7 trillion was wasted on this war in Iraq, not including the billions wasted on $490 billion in veterans immediate benefits. The vets should receive compensation, but if there wasn’t a war, they’d be working in McDonalds.
Another scam was related to this was the Murrah Bldg demolition by Tim McVeigh and this destroyed the evidence of depleted uranium explosives that also infected our military with the Gulf War Syndrome during the first gulf war - Desert Storm that was started to protect  Kuwait and KSA, and the evidence of the Whitewater fiasco of Clinton corruption and body counts all tied in to the web with Iran-Contra stashed in the Murrah Bdlg.  The Clintons and Bushes were arm and arm on this one and Slick Willy got the big red nose snorting all the coke.
The Afghanistan war still isn’t finished either that cost us $2 trillion and its climbing, and is still going on - another war we can’t seem to win or finish since WWII - and it does relate to ‘there’s no money in peace’ for the bankers.  And you can imagine how much the CIA has reaped from the opium trade - another reason for the war, the Taliban was reducing the poppy crop - that didn’t sit well with evil ones especially when the dope supply from the Golden Triangle dried up. Ever watch ‘Air America’?

What else - shit - now the Coronahoax - another article on RBN 
‘2020-09-17 – SCAMDEMIC Exposed; Governments CAUGHT’
This is another fake exercise in manipulation of wealth by the bankers - create a virus, then slam people in their attics - but the main reason is depopulation, the goal of Gates and elite to rule the NWO, but the bankers will have the front row.
This crap will never end - looks like we need to get rid of the banksters first, then the casino on Wall Street, then mega corporations and go back to free enterprise - well, maybe not so free cuz you’ll need to pay the tax, but if you get rid of the Fed, the IRS is flushed down the toilet and out of business and FBI won’t have a job.

A Former Member of Trump's Coronavirus Task Force Says He Has 'a Flat-Out Disregard for Human Life'

Soros $$ can go anywhere - Trumpkin’s niece writes a book - probably bought up by Gates and Soros to make it appear everybody wants to read it, now one of his task force women steps out with dumb ass comments, and it’s close to election time.  Give you a clue of the real message being sent out to the people.  And the MSM doesn’t even get into the causes or creation of the deep state bioweapons labs - Trumpkin blames China, but they’re just a minor cog in the wheel of depopulation, but the Chinese Communist Party were created by the same satanists - the Rothschilds Khazarian Mafia.

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An Iceberg Might NOT Have Sunk the Titanic After All, a New Study Finds

Yup, who would want the big boat sunk (?) - Morgans and Rothschilds and Rockefellers. 
Hundreds of people died in that disaster but the main ones were Benjamin Guggenheim, Isador Strauss and John Jacob Astor, had tremendous clout and were known to oppose the Federal Reserve cooked up on Jekyll Island by the Satanists including the world wars as planned by Albert Pike.

In 1898 a man named Morgan Robertson penned a book titled “Wreck of the Titan” about a luxury liner deemed unsinkable that was going too fast in the North Atlantic in April and hit and iceberg killing most everyone on board due to lack of lifeboats.

History has also provided clues to the major disasters, wars, killing of millions etc., that occur after a novel or movie was made, almost to the letter.  These evil schmucks like doing that - guess what(?) this virus will kill you, if it doesn’t, we’ll cook up a vaxx and do the job.
Do a search on the Rockefellers having conferences on Vaxx and pandemics over 10 years ago, PNAC’ers in America’s defenses cooking up genotypes of virus, along with Event 201 that Gates sponsored, just before Coronahoax.

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Just in time Satan answers my prayer
Posted on Truthseeker
Ginsburg's death draws big surge of donations to Democrats

So come on Satan. Be a good little devil. Cut off this demon’s supply of children’s blood (adrenochrome) and welcome her to your fiery abode. 

Just a little sarcasm:
Oops, damn, we gotta get Biden/Kamel elected cuz Trump will put another conservative judge in there and ruin our chances of owning the NWO and sticking all the people in FEMA camps - well - the ones left that didn’t croak from the virus and vaxx we’ve cooked up, but damn, that ain’t working too good either, looks like Gates and Fauci gotta pay Wuhan and the 25 bioweapons labs to hatch the Bubonic Plague or something more virulent.  Gotta get that Trump outta there.

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Montgomery County judge pleads with Abbott to reopen Texas ‘100 percent’
As posted in last issue, - after this statement to Texas Governor Abbott was published on Sept 4, 2020 this article comes up.
Montgomery County judge injured in early morning Woodlands car crash
This happened on Sept 10,2020
You don’t think the deep state actors staged this?  Nawww - they wouldn’t do that, would they?  This sure does ring the bell of an possible Arkancide or Texicution as happened in the past like Michael Hastings and the “Boston Brakes” when somebody doesn’t go along with the charade proposed by the Deep State but Hastings was going to publish an article about the CIA and crooked generals in Iraq.  These creeps are pushing for a Hitler Regime - but I believe he started out with good intentions, then when he kicked out the Khazar central bankers from Germany, all of a sudden he was a ‘bad guy’.
Do a search on “Adolf Hitler - The Greatest Story Never Told”
Guess what - the US of A is approaching the 30’s Weimar Republic in Warp Speed - makes you wonder who’ll be the next Adolf(?) - Soros(?).  But then Newt Gingrich was cut off by Fox News when he mentioned Soros is financing BLM and Antifa.  Hmmm. . . . looks like I gotta make a plan and move to Indonesia - or Canada, but the Canucks are run by the same klan - the Khazars - and Canada around the great lakes is bad for the bones and so is Indoland - there’s always Kurdistan - the only time I had an ache was when it rained and that happened once in 8 months. 

Then this other article comes up:

Injectable Biochip for SARS-CoV-2 Detection Near FDA Approval

Gates has his slimy claws in this sick joke also - Microsoft is most likely developing the Biochip or it may be manufactured in Israel since it is the terrorist agent for the Rothschilds NWO and the poor schmucks need the money.

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Don’t Defund the Police, Defund the Politicians Who Make Idiotic Laws that Cause People to Hate the Police!

Oh, and I might have stated before - they forgot to add - make it illegal to finance BLM and Antifa and other riot gangs, and don’t send the police to Israel for training on how to terrorize the masses - and take the method of putting a knee on some doped up guy’s neck and kill him and create riots.  But that is the plan of the klan - divide and conquer - order out of chaos. Damn, I keep repeating myself!

Jim Jordan: Dems are criticizing Trump for following the constitution (that they are trying to destroy)

Time for the people to wake up!!  Only problem is, the constitution has been thrown in the garbage can by the satanists in 1871(Republic abolished), 1913(Federal Reserve), 1933(USA Bankrupt), 1963(JFK), 1971(Gold), 1979(FEMA), 2001(911 and draconian acts), 2003(WMD), 2020(Cov-19) and throw in the illegal wars.  We have no constitution - it’s the plan of the klan and you’ll be forced to take the Vaxx and live in ‘smart cities’.

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9/21/20 And gold just dropped $30.50 and silver $0.73. The short shorters just made a buncha money for the manipulators.  I’ll wait for the market to make the giant flush sound and as we speak, you can hear the rumbling in the background.

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This summarizes the crap going on for the past 50 years.  Watch it on BitChute - YouTube has eliminated this from their records.  The truth is scary and dots are being connected.

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One helluva forest fire in PA - the trees are scorched, ya?  Maybe just a DEWs getting rid of the resident or was this a little Jewish Lightning - need the insurance $$.

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U.S. District Judge William Stickman IV,

“There is no question that this Country has faced, and will face, emergencies of every sort,” he wrote. “But the solution to a national crisis can never be permitted to supersede the commitment to individual liberty that stands as the foundation of the American experiment.”

This judge better be careful, he might be involved in a Boston Brakes Arkancide like Judge Keogh in Tx.

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Do Not Trust the Medical or National Security Establishment

Great interview by Dr. Ron Paul with Robert Kennedy Jr.  Watch it!

Too bad Dr Ron ran out of time.  But Sirhan Sirhan didn’t kill RFK - the CIA did.  Much like JFK.

Monday, September 14, 2020

“The "trickle-down" theory: the principle that the poor, who must subsist on table scraps dropped by the rich, can best be served by giving the rich bigger meals.” ― William Blum

You have to remember - what I post here is from articles in the news - my cynical sarcastic comments are my take on what’s going on - and most likely in line with the truth - that basically goes against the schmucks orchestrating the demise of the human race.

The reasons a Houston-area county leader gave for full reopening

Damn, imagine that - Judge Keough, a Montgomery County Judge said to open the country up 100% - the statistics are ridiculous!   In Montgomery County, 9100 Covid-19 cases, 123 died - that’s 1.35%.

You all probably know and I gotta agree with that - what he stated was 99% of the people that tested positive, survived the virus.  The 1% that died had pre-existing conditions that probably was going to end their lives and the virus had basically nothing to do with their deaths.  Of the 1% that did die, only 2% died from the virus.  What’s that turn into, say 1000 people testing positive and 10 people died, and 2% died from the virus alone, so that equals to  0.2% of the 1000 people.  We’d need to double check if the 2% of the 1% really had no other pre-existing condition and that could lower the percentage even more.  Shit, that’s lower than the common cold or flu or crossing I45 during rush hour has a larger statistic!

This scam is accomplishing the goal of the f’k’n evil satanists and the results have been posted in previous posts - what does that tell you? Put the skumbags orchestrating the collapse of our economy and destruction of the republic turning this into a slave communist state and you’ll lose everything you own!  It makes you wonder, who will Gov. Abbott believe - Gates / Fauci / big pharma, or the Judge?  Any bets(?) - it depends on who contributes more to his campaign.

Then you can get into Johnny Carson’s video about politician’s truth.. 

And the Dems are busy making a plan.

Amazing how the tides have turned - or is humanity in a whirlpool being sucked into the swamp with a drain to hell? Hell, when JFK was prez, and I was in Kanader at that time, but I can remember getting home from school and turning on the TV and listening to JFK’s press meetings - the last politician with a brain.  The Dems have taken over from the Reps in being blatantly corrupt and stupid, but then, I still believe that’s politics - serving their masters - the corporations - so it don’t matter whose side you’re on, only one corrupt government, just two sides of the isle.

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Does this sound familiar? Been in that racket for over 40 years even before ISO 9000

Gotta follow procedures and make the report, the hell if it’s correct or even makes any sense.

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This is posted on the comments section on Yahoo News - where I get most of the bullshit I make ridiculous comments about.

“Our goal is to create a safe and engaging place for users to connect over interests and passions. In order to improve our community experience, we are temporarily suspending article commenting.”

Obviously these puppets don’t want anybody to criticize or disagree with the articles they post - who owns Yahoo - oh - just checked. Vanguard is one - BlackRock is probably the other intertwined quagmire cobweb or vampire squid and connected to the deep state, RKM, CIA and the rest of the alphabet criminals in our ‘free’ country, that when you step back and have a look, it ain’t so free!

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Mom reveals how she makes $30,000 a year off her 'dangerous' hobby: 'Is this legal?'

Dumpster Diving? TrashToCash! Damn, she’s gotta take a bath in Lysol after a day’s work.  But that’s much more better than homeless looking for food - yuk - can you imagine - never mind, forget it.

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After Tesla's fart mode, Mercedes bets on comfort to blow customers away

‘Fart Mode’? WTF is Musk cooking up now - gotta have a buncha beans on Space X - Seen Blazing Saddles lately?  But you probably don’t have to lean to the left to pass a little methane, or right - depending on your political leaning - did I say that right - never mind, go eat some beans!!!

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And here we are today - Vaxx coming out at Warp Speed, dollar is going down the toilet, silver and gold are being manipulated by Wall Street goons, and the billionaires are buying it up in bulk both physical and paper and soon you won’t be able to access any coinage or physical precious metals cuz the elite will control it.

Now the police in Detroit have robocop sensors in their helmets and they can conduct facial recognition and test your temperature incase you have a body temp greater than 98.6F or 37C.

November 3 will pick the next POTUS that will usher the demise in lockstep and enslave the people.

Food and livestock supply is decreasing - California shutting down meat packing plants, grain silos and warehouses are being blown up, rail cars full of grain are running of the tracks spilling in ditches, illegal immigrant farm workers are disappearing and no harvesting completed, floods, drought, freezing and also high temperature are destroying the crops and livestock.  The cost of food will skyrocket due to the depleted supply and the dollar value flushed down the toilet.

The one item I saw was people leaving the large cities in droves - so much for sustainable cities, or is this the plan - they won’t have a place to live and FEMA will collect the homeless and stick them in one of the 800 staffed camps already set up.

Is this the ‘new normal’ coming up?  Get ready and make sure you have a back yard to raise some chickens and grow some cabbage, garlic, onions , strawberries and don’t forget the MJ- and keep your AR15 greased up and lotsa ammunition.

I know ya’ll think I’m crazy imagining all this, but it’s not hallucination, the engineered food shortages is happening - orchestrated by the elite deep state as we speak.

And San Fransisco city employees, 39,000 earn over $5 billion / year with 19,000 making over $150,000 per year.  I suppose that’s ok, but where does this come from - maybe cut down on local, state and federal employees - that don’t do a f’k’n thing other than play computer games and suck the blood out of the people working paying taxes and human feces filling the streets - why not give the mayor who makes $500K per year, perks included, a shovel and wheelbarrow and go clean that crap up.

And soon we’ll have a digital currency - yup - the greedies can track your transactions, control your accounts and if you don’t take the vaxx, you won’t be able to spend any of your digital money or go on a trip or buy food.

And here are the so-called great benefits of Digital Banking and Global Financial Reset - you won’t be able to keep it in your wallet or safe at home and they can track you with your digital chip in your a$$ and your digital wallet - even your thoughts:  The intel hackers will go crazy with that one, Pokémon will be down the toilet. 

This is sustainable development? It is manipulated so it looks cute for the sheeple, but I believe it may be the fruit of Agenda 21/2030/2021. Sure doesn’t sound like freedom of life, liberty and pursuit of happiness to me - It’s Total Control and Enslavement.

Orwell wasn’t even close, with 1984, what’s coming down the road. Since 1913 the major world wars didn’t work, or JFK, RFK, MLK, JFK Jr assassinations didn’t help, 911 was a boondoggle then WMD and color revolutions in the ME failed and were totally destroyed - now we have the great Coronahoax that will cast the goal of the evil Satanists in concrete.  We’ll all be dead or in prison.

Then we come up with this - I read this a few years ago by Preston James PhD on VT, but it’s making it’s way to the front now.

These schmucks have Khazar genes, not Semitic. 

The psycho Gates has his eugenics ‘mark of the beast’ in India and with all his preventative vaccines given now there’s a polio outbreak.  Nice guy ya?

The Covid-19 vaxx is being tested in South Africa, run by the University of the Witwatersrand in Johannesburg—another Gates-funded institution.  Any bets it’ll cure you before you die?

UN Forced to Admit Gates-funded Vaccine is Causing Polio Outbreak in Africa

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Great Minds Lay Out What’s Coming Down the Line

Good article on the Truthseeker.  This goes along with some of my posts of the planning of the psychos for the masses. I’ll post a couple of these for your amusement:

Andrew Anglin - author that sponsored this article

“In fact, it appears that the plan is to permanently wipe out the middle and working classes, and have a fraction of a percent of the population living in extreme wealth while ruling over a mass of peasants.This new world will be dominated by mega-corporations. The masses of people who don’t die of drug overdoses or suicide during the transition process will be herded into hive-like skyscraper “pod” living facilities, operated by the corporations in tandem with the government.” 

This relates to Agenda 21 sustainable development and people shoved in ‘smart cities’ in sequence with Fascism / Communism.  

This also brings up the trip I took China back in 2015 or 2016 on the route from Beijing to Xuzhou, I was re-routed to an island east of Tianjin and waiting in the airport - I looked across the bay and there were countless massive brand new high rise apartments with nobody living in them.  Was this the start and now it’s spreading around the world?

Bertrand Russell

“Diet, injections, and injunctions will combine, from a very early age, to produce the sort of character and the sort of beliefs that the authorities consider desirable, and any serious criticism of the powers that be will become psychologically impossible. Even if all are miserable, all will believe themselves happy, because the government will tell them that they are so.”

GMO’d food, Vaxx, common core, 5G to turn on the poison, political correctness and herding the people into FEMA camps and believe the bullshit spilled by the MSM - owned by the same whackos that are pushing for the NWO.  Another item I read was the Spanish Flu in 1918 was triggered by radar and radio waves introduced, creating the extreme infection. D’ya thinks 5G will be the switch to turn us into Zombies following the Judas Goat?

Aldous Huxley, luminary of the sinister Tavistock Institute

“There will be, in the next generation or so, a pharmacological method of making people love their servitude, and producing dictatorship without tears, so to speak, producing a kind of painless concentration camp for entire societies, so that people will in fact have their liberties taken away from them, but will rather enjoy it, because they will be distracted from any desire to rebel by propaganda or brainwashing, or brainwashing enhanced by pharmacological methods. And this seems to be the final revolution.”

These time traveling geniuses did have a plan, and it’s been in the works for centuries and it is unfolding as we speak, but can you imagine what the world will be when these satanists start tackling each other(?).  You can throw in the 21 items the Rothschilds had Weishaupt put in motion, then Albert Pike, 33rd Grand Master predicting 3 world wars, and a host of other puppets to the bankers pushing for the NWO.

The past posts I’ve sent can be intertwined with WTF is happening, the people and criminal acts to future the goals of the Illuminati - Deep State or the head of the beast - Rothschilds Khazarian Mafia. 

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A coupla new articles on VT by Preston James PhD - Him and Kevin Barrett and sometimes Jonas Alexis and Mike Harris are probably the only ones I enjoy reading - the rest appear to be already bought and paid for by the skum and are turning into the lame stream media.

If you have the time, or interest, read these and make your own conclusions.

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Now we have a new book out “Poison by Subscription” the AZT story - where Fauci got his start by claiming false statements about Aids etc., and you gotta take the Vaxx . . .and since then he’s made a fortune from false medical treatments!  Where are we headed now.  I suppose we gotta join the ‘black eye’ club and pay our respect to Moloch!

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These are quarantine camps - something like a FEMA camp but no cyanide. 

And they can keep you holed up in a cell for 14 days?  Makes you wonder if you have to wear a mask or hang around with the other quarantined people - also if you’re healthy, 98.6 temp, no coughing or puking, then they’ll let you og. (that’s go backwards). But if you didn’t have the nasty bug before you went in there, there’s one helluva good chance you might come in contact with one - probably the goal of the nasties.

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California hiker dies as record heat wave and wildfires scorch state

And there’s snow in Colorado - makes you wonder why don’t they outfit smaller planes with the chemtrail barrels and put fire retardant stuff in there and wipe out the fires, shut off HAARP and DEWS and stop f’k’n with the weather.  

California fire triggered by 'gender reveal firework’

Yup, pull down your pants and start a fire - have these journalists gone crazy? Butt he question is, did they have their masks on?

Add this to the home made Cov-19 and a bunch of new strains coming if they don’t throw Fauci and Gates in Gitmo, the satanists got the world FUBAR.

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A little update from Dr Ron Paul: Fed’s Brilliant Plan:

Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell recently announced that the Fed is abandoning “inflation targeting” where the Fed aims to maintain a price inflation rate of up to two percent. Instead, the Fed will allow inflation to remain above two percent to balance out periods of lower inflation. Powell’s announcement is not a radical shift in policy. It is an acknowledgment that the Fed is unlikely to reverse course and stop increasing the money supply anytime soon.

It goes on to list the Fed is the world’s largest investor:  But they get their fiat funny money from nothing, well maybe pay for the paper and ink, but still nothing of value per se and its too course for toilet paper and will leave scars and the 2% can go to 200% inflation: 

When will this evil criminal enterprise be shut down and their exec’s and major share holders be lined up and shot then scrap the debt!

But then, these bank buildings could turn into a FEMA camp, you just need to mop the floors.

Dr Ron wanted to investigate and audit the Fed, but he was run out of office - and everybody knows this is organized crime by the Rothschilds / Rockefellers syndicate, and it still keeps on trucking in the financial world - the same as listening to Gates and Fauci, Redfield and Tedros, throw in the medical incompetent complex, on how to stay healthy - and you gotta take the Vaxx.

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Covid-19 or Covid-9-11: Gary Barnett

Good article - like 911 was an evil con job, Cov-19 is in lockstep by the same satanists!  But we already got the Patriot Act, DHS, Military Tribunals, I suppose we need the Vaxx plus a micro chip to take complete control of the sheeple, then kill ‘em when we turn on 5G when they huddled in a FEMA camp.

(CIA & Intelligence Agencies & Secrecy & Black Ops & False Flag Operations)

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Dunno why I had to put this pic by Wiley - but it blends in with the theme of depopulation and false flags.  Big Mac and Cheese, some fries and a gigantic Coke loaded with high fructose corn syrup and if that don’t work, give ‘em a Vaxx.

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And then came the Rockefeller bought and paid for School of Education.  Tear up the real history books and lets insert the latest modified, revised, edited, fake, Zionist history. 

I may have referenced Deborah Tavares before, and this was on her podcast and you can find it on the site posted  But the rest, if you have the time, and I ran out of time listening to it since I’ve posted from other sites.  And she gets into weather modification by the military that’s creating the drought, floods, fires and destruction of the sheeple’s property and livelihood in California and the rest of the US.

Then this article pops up.

Bill Gates Steered $250 Million to Mainstream Media to Control the Narrative

Hmph - looks like the CIA (Project Mockingbird) - isn’t the only ones buying the MSM - or are they in concert.  

Gates also funneled unknown sums, via sub-grants, to an army of independent fact checkers, including the Poynter Institute and Gannett, to “silence detractors” and to “debunk” charges that Gates has championed biometric chips (implanted contraceptive drugs), vaccine identification ‘tattoos’satellite video surveillance, and COVID vaccines.  Bill Gates bought the media, and during the ‘pandemic’, mainstream news outlets have treated Bill Gates as a public health expert, despite his lack of medical training.

Sho’ does appear Gates wants to go to any means to peddle the Vaxx and the paid for fact checkers will verify his statements, I mean, after all, they already received the $$$.  Then the latest pharma firm AstraZeneca’s stocks just dropped down the shitter on Wall Street when they stopped production cuz the Vaxx causes many problems.  So I suppose, Gates wants the people to not believe that crap the alt media or thousands of doctors and medical professionals with at least a brain state this isn’t an epidemic, and more like a home made pandemic by the evil ones.  And when you check the past posts, I’ve noted the $$$ sent to Wuhan by Fauci to do research on this Cov-19 and develop and nasty little bug that will infect the world - the goal of the Khazarian Mafia who probably already take HCQ.

And now the idiot Fauci is stating the Covid-19 will accelerate due to Climate Change.  Huh? WTF Does he know about this? Or are the trolls in the Pentagon keeping up the chemtrails, HAARP and DEWs to burn up California and change the temperatures as stated in the Air Force’s ‘Weather as a Force Multiplier - Owning the Weather by 2025’.  What we’re experiencing isn’t normal, or even the ‘new normal’ - 104 one day then 63 the next.  They gotta control the weather, ruin all food sources and starve the people, then we have the eugenics program in place as noted on the Georgia Guide Stones.

And then this article appears on RBN

Trump Denounces Military Industrial Complex, Says Pentagon in the Pocket of Arms Manufacturers

Trumpkin is smarter than he looks.  Eisenhower warned the nation to be ‘Beware of the Military Industrial Complex’ - he did miss out on the Medical Incompetent Complex and big Pharma but we’ve been engaged in unwinnable illegal and unconstitutional wars since 911 - the 3rd false flag, Coronavirus is the 4th false flag.

Then after reading all the crap about Gates and pharma and his antics paying off MSM and Fact Checkers, I went and hit a few holes and came back home and turned on the tv and presto, there was the article about homeless in LA.  Thousands of people living in tents - well - the ones that could afford one - and the majority have lost their jobs due to this sick comedy of the virus.  Trump did push for a stimulus check for $1200 per head so they could survive for a couple of weeks, but that’s run out.  Then, Gates, pays off MSM $250 million plus the devil only knows how much he paid off the checker factory cooking up methods of debunking the people with a brain that recognize this is a scam and the people, and victims of this fake scam live in tents.  When they come up with a warp speed vaxx, the government, on our tax dollar to the Fed, will need to go deeper in debt, print more funny money and pay for this vaxx that’ll ultimately kill the tent dwellers, you and me for the mandatory Vaxx that you really don’t need. Whatchya got - presto - depopulation and Gates, Bezos and Musk can jump on the space rocket and go to Mars and depopulate that planet also - that’s if anybody’s still alive or ever lived there.  

It certainly appears the Dracos / Reptilians / Annunaki’s have escaped the dying planet Mars and have settled here on earth - and shape shifted into royalty and billionaire banksters controlling the sheeple.  

I don’t mean to wander off the topic, but sometimes my thought process escapes reason and goes into the hereafter, before the thereafter.  Corey Goode and David Wilcox must have been here.

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Trump Denounces Military Industrial Complex, Says Pentagon in the Pocket of Arms Manufacturers 

And there’s people stating Trump has discredited the soldiers - he didn’t, he discredited the puppet military leaders that kiss corporate ass.  Trump is the first president in the past 4 decades that didn’t start a war.

Then do a search on Eisenhower’s statement about the Military Industrial Complex (MIC) when he vacated the POTUS position.

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San Francisco salon owner closes shop after Nancy Pelosi face mask controversy

Yeah, that’ll teach her for going against the deep state swamp!  You can’t publish that stuff, cuz it’s not for the sheeple to see - besides, only the flock need to wear the mask, and the illuminati only wear theirs when they’re on tv looking for campaign donations or slamming Trumpkin.

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And some more shit on the net :

Dr. Fauci said Trump's attention span is 'like a minus number' and the president's 'sole purpose is to get reelected,' according to Woodward's book

But Fauci says he can’t remember making that statement.

John Bolton believes Trump downplaying the coronavirus may cost him the election

John Bolton thinks Trump's Woodward interview could be 'nearly the point where the campaign ends’

Yeah, Trumpkin just doesn’t go along with the hysteria created by the deep state so they can steal your property and bank account. Besides, Bolton wants to be in charge before Abrams destroys Syria and Venezuela and takes the credit.  That was Bolton’s job for the Zionist Banksters and he failed so now he needs to get his brownie points back, or is that skid marks on his drawers.

The Dems are doing everything to discredit Trumpkin so they can stick the Kamel in there - she is the up coming hand picked puppet for the greedies - Biden is confused with his cognitive dissonance.  If Biden/Harris get elected, it’s time to leave the country - how about the Congo - the vaxx Gates sent there probably depopulated the area so there’s plenty of room for immigrants and new homeless - just need to bring a machete and build a straw shack to sleep in and kill the tiger.  Which may be a good idea, we’ve gone from 9/11 Patriot Act and Department of Homeland Security and are entering the age of Homeland Biosecurity - from the airports to your smart TV and it will spy on you, then we’ll be in the middle of a twisted Orwell’s 1984 and they’ll brand it Bioterrorism.

Watch James Corbett’s ‘COVID-911: From Homeland Security to Biosecurity’ on the Corbett Report.

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9/11 was the foundation stone of the new millennium

A lightning speed breakdown of the slings and arrows of outrageous (mis)fortune trespassing these two decades will certainly include the following.

  • The end of history.
  • The short unipolar moment.
  • The Pentagon’s Long War.
  • Homeland Security.
  • The Patriot Act.
  • Shock and Awe.
  • The tragedy/debacle in Iraq.
  • The 2008 financial crisis.
  • The Arab Spring.
  • Color revolutions.
  • “Leading from behind”.
  • Humanitarian imperialism.
  • Syria as the ultimate proxy war.
  • The ISIS/Daesh farce.
  • The JCPOA.
  • Maidan.
  • The Age of Psyops.
  • The Age of the Algorithm.
  • The Age of the 0.0001%

And it ain’t gonna get any better unless we do something instead of being holed up in your attic where the 0.0001% want to keep you under the duress of fear.