Monday, April 22, 2019

More stuff . . . .

Pelosi says Trump using 9/11 images for 'political attack'

The real terrorists are in Israel, PNAC, CFR and Rothschilds controlled central banks. A grand jury in NYC is being presented the evidence from AE911 Truth and other groups with knowledge the heinous act wasn't carried out by a few Arabs with box cutters, and the buildings were brought down by pre-planted explosives. Check the Murrah building in Oklahoma - Cody Snogres's book, Choosing the Light. We have some real sickos implanted in our government paid for by Benjamin's

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Scientists make smarter monkeys with human genes
Hmm. . . . how does that work? I know, the reverse experiment was first implemented in Ft Detrick, financed by Soros and they injected politicians with monkey genes! Then it hatched out Schitt (with an "ff", and Pedosi, then Obamarama and Demented W Bush and Clinton gang all cloned into Trump, lined up, bending over and kissing the Khazar banker's agent's ass - amazing!

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2 children dead, many homes damaged as storms pummel South

Do a search on "Weather as a Force Multiplier: Owning the Weather in 2025". With devastating fires, houses sliced in half by DEW's (see below) and destructive flooding in California, to massive hurricanes occuring - hurricane Harvey crossing Houston area more than twice, chemtrails sprayed almost every day, then when a major spraying occurs blanketing the skies, a horrific storm appears 3 days later. Time to connect the dots folks.

California fires in 2018

Can't download the pic - it probably was removed by big brother.

Houses complete destroyed in California and trees still standing - natural fires?

And, yesterday 4-13-19, we had tornados north of College Station, flooding in Lufkin, storms in Odessa - hell it never rains there, drier than a popcorn fart and they did spray the skies 3 days ago.

Quote from Steven Hawkins - "Greed and stupidity will end the human race" - looks like we're on the way in overdrive.

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I hadta post this - if you can read it, then you're as d3m3n73d as me.
Twitter / SpeakComedy: If you can read this, you have ...

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And the depopulation is on the way....
Exposed! Secret of the Georgia Guidestones | Alternative

Do a search and listen - strange.  The religious side leaves a lot to the imagination and questions the 'real' message of this video. I don't think Jesus had anything to do with this fiasco.
Illuminati, Freemasonry, Luciferians and other crackpots listed - Weisaught and Pike, Woodrow Wilson, Jekyll Island but no mention of Aleister Crowlely, but he has to be in the shadows and NXIVM and Comet Ping Pong was ignored.

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Fight brews as DA hides details about mass confiscations

Asset Forfeiture? the assholeos can come and steal your Toyota? After enacting the Fed, then FBI to protect the IRS and Fed from robbing your hard earned wealth and killing leaders that object to this heinous group, going off the gold standard, creating wars every 4 years or less now the war on terror, passing hmoa73 - keep the people sick - don't cure them, Ft Detrick and other bio labs around the world cooking up diseases they don't want sheeple to know about, Patriot Act, DHS, TSA, CIA and the rest of the alphabet criminals, regime changes - damn - the secret society boys are insane. 

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Sanders’s Medicare for All Goes Too Far

Hmm . . . .a socialist stating goes too far? Obviously he's had some campaign contributions from the medical incompetent complex. The US of A is about one of the major countries with no national health care other than the Obamarama ponzi scheme. They tax the crap out of people to pay off the Fed, that sends the wealth to the City of London Financial district and crown, then borrow more money in useless bonds so they can finance the military industrial complex promoting horrific never ending wars, so they get more campaign contributions and promises of careers lobbying government collecting $millions per year, when they retire from government, this is HUTA in the most blatant example. People pay into medicare their entire working career, and it's broke!  Take the profit out of health care and return to the pre-'73 conditions that was totally fucked up by HMOA73.

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Yemen: Secret Report Reveals Saudi Incompetence and Widespread Use of U.S. Weapons

But this makes money for the MIC. The Satanist Wahhabis couldn't win a war if they tried. Israel couldn't beat a bunch of rag-a-muffin shit heads in Lebanon but they can bomb the shit out of Gazan women and children cuz they're mean and tough, and the women and children don't have any weapons. Besides, the fake hook noses need something for target practice.  Gotta sharpen their skills.

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The Weakening of Earth’s Magnetic Field Has Greatly Accelerated, Could Have Apocalyptic Implications for All of Us

Yup, maybe should shut down HAARP and space weapons raining down on the world. It's a start to preserve nature.  Besides, Gates and Bezos already have the rocket to take them to Mars - there's methane there, gotta have life somewhere - but they'd have to bring a few brain dead servants to cut the grass, or whatever is growing there.
These horrific storms are occuring more intense as time goes by, and none of the idiot weathermen on gag order say a damned thing about these.  Make a note, when the skies are laced with trails and turn into misty haze, 3 days later you have storms.

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UN ‘Aids’ Mexico’s Guard and Prepares its Ten Million Man Invasion Force to Takeover America!

Hmmm...this kind of goes against Agenda 22, 2030, 2050 and beyond. The first thing that strikes the mind is they want to drive the US of A and other prosperous countries broke and reduce the planet into a 3rd or lower country. Check JFK's statement on secret societies and Netanyahu's statement in Fink's Bar in 1990 comes to mind. And this is the "UN" created by the Rockefellers, Rothschilds and borrow more money from the Fed that really doesn't have shit other than counterfeit currency. Make the NWO flash and burn the world into a slave planet. The Georgia Guide Stones stating the population of the world is to be 500 million, but the UN wants to bring in millions of illegals - something wrong here(?)  Damn, we don't have that much grass to cut and we'll run out of gas for the lawn mower.  Hell, traffic on 105 is swarmed pick-ups with trailers and lawn mowers, where do the wet-backs get the money for the Chevies? And I can't find an ABS sensor for my '98 Mark VIII.
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Just thought I'd post this here - great car - better than the new fake ones that drive by themselves.  Michael Hastings figured that one out.

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And another little keeper bird. Fun to zoom in and out and around on a nice day with no chemtrails.
Dunno WTF this has to do with the UN and Mexico, but the mind wanders from time to time.

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North Korea tests new weapon, demands Pompeo removed from nuclear talks

Yup, gotta agree with that - get rid of fat boy Pompeo and moustache hook nose Bolton - these along with Abrams are some of Trumps dumbest picks. May as well put Idi Amin in there as moderator.  Let's make a deal, give us your resources and we'll stop sanctioning and bombing you guys.  The corporations need all that good stuff to survive and they donate big $bucks to my election campaigns.

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A list of ailments associated with Chemtrail Spraying. Anybody got any of these?

Sinus pain
Muscle pain
Joint pain
Frequently cracking joints
Panic attacks, anxiety
Tooth decay (especially at the gumline)
Anger issues
Inability to focus or concentrate
Looping thoughts or songs
Salty-metallic taste to the air
Chemical taste to the air
Morgellon’s disease, (itchy skin, sores, and other symptoms)
Ringing in the ears
Changes in eyesight
Near or farsightedness
Upper respiratory infections
Elevated blood pressure
Accelerated heart beat
Heart pain
Heart fibrillations, heart attack
Shortness of breath
Loss of balance
Dark circles under the eyes
Stomach pain
Frequent illness
Shallow, unrestful sleep
Vivid or restless dreams
Rapid/premature aging
Nose bleeds (toluene)
Skin rashes

The bold items are what I've been experiencing, but don't get sick and not vaxxed - Joint Pain being on top of the list. The garlic, ginger, chili pepper, cinamon and ACV works on a lot of other issues and mix it with a magnesium ointment - helps, but not that good.

We gotta lotta nice guys running this program! Creepy Gates gotta be involved - he's got shares in aluminum and eugenics labs!  The boys in Ft Detrick and Tblisi bio labs must be working overtime.

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This is a pic of a switch on perhaps a not so commercial airplane. Got this from a close friend.

But I noticed today 4-20-19 - this is the second day in a row, where no chemtrails are being sprayed, must because it's Easter Weekend and gotta give the pilots a day off. The bones are starting to feel better, but I imagine, tomorrow the skies will be laced again.

4-21-19 - that's today!
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And this is the sky this AM - Chemtrails sprayed everywhere and skies are coated

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This is the pic from the weather station of the storm clouds coming in to the Houston and Lousiana area today and will no doubt create mass flooding - guess what? - the streams aren't clouds, they're chemtrails and old bones starting to ache again!
WTF can we do to these satanists coating the planet with toxic chemicals listed above. How about a nuke on DC and Langley and where does Bill Gates live - throw in Monsanto and Bohemien Grove / Brown Palace and next Bilderberger meeting?

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Why aren't Europeans calling Israel an apartheid state?

Hmmm. . . . Did S Africa have open air prison camps?  Or shoot children playing in the fields? Or bomb the shit out of them with phosphorous and DIMEs? Well, maybe they did have slave psychiatric camps back in the 18th, 19th and 20th century, but makes you wonder why they called them psycho camps?  I know, the Dutch were trying to make them think they're white.  Yup, the Wooden Head cloggers have to rank up there with the Khazars and they did screw up Indonesia pretty good until WWII then the CIA took over in 53 corrupting the politikers promoting Freeport McMoran's raping of resources. And JokoWi won the election - Prabowo must be having a circle jerk with his idiot VP wondering where he went wrong - just like '98 fiasco.

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EU and Canada to Fight New US Sanctions on Cuba

But the back room boys still puffing on a Cuban - I gotta admit, the best smoke was a Davidoff - tobacco grown in Cuba and cured in a cave in Switzerland.  Also understand they harvest the best "grass" there up in the mountains.  These sanctions haven't hurt Romney from laundering drug money and playing with his girlfriend Maria Perez Andropov "Bond Girl" a Cuban/Russian spy - oh, and they gotta have a central bank run by the Rothschilds Khazarian Mafia.  Deception keeps the money flowing into the bankers coffers - create an enemy, then drive fear into the people, make money - like divide and conquer what's going on here in the US of A.

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Jimmy Carter: U.S. Is an ‘Oligarchy With Unlimited Political Bribery’

Jimmy is/was a Democrat - whatever that means, but he's correct. Lobbyists and campaign contributions determine the laws, wars, contaminated medical industry, military incompetent complex - $multimillion careers for politikers after their session ends, Ponzi banking schemes and over 68 regime changes by the US of A not so intelligence agencies for the bankers. Its all about the Bengamins.

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Saturday, April 13, 2019

Too much S**T going on.

Dumbfuckery - another coined descripted gem. This ranks up there with Assholery conducted by the Assholeos.

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DoD Orders $250 Million of Gas Masks – What Do They Know?

Hmmm...and this is after FEMA has purchased 2500 gals of cyanide? Anybody connect the dots yet?  Throw in Operation Cable Splicer and Rex 84, whatchya got?  A buncha sheeple sitting in a prison eating Monsanto frankenfood and getting their brains, or whatever's left fried with 5G.
hydrogen cyanide
A FEMA camp in Southern California.  
Just think how long it takes for a shot glass of cyanide squirt in the air to eliminate this bunch.  Check on FBI special informant Larry Grathwohl, who mysteriously died of natural causes, and his little youtube presentation of what they plan on doing when the Deep State takes over everything and force the people into confined camps. Prison?  Re-education is the first step in this program, beat them over the head until they recognize who rules, and the ones that don't buy into the charade will need to be eliminated - up to 25 million - by FEMA goons.

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Robert Byrd KKK Grand Wizard close friend of Hildabeast!

But that damn David Duke - he's making too much sense now since he took off the hoodie.

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Linda Moulton Howe
Do a search - we're not alone!

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Have a look - a little dumbfuckery on the way to cook your brain and turn you into a zombie slave.

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Saudi Arabia arrests activists supporting women's rights, including 2 US citizens

And the US backs this criminal state Saudi and Israel the weapon of the Rothschilds, both supporting terrorism throughout the ME and attack Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Somali sanction Iran and Venezuela. We have some real sickos in government all on the City of London bankers payroll. Corruption at its finest.

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Venezuelan opposition leader Juan Guaido stripped of parliamentary immunity

Guaido isn't a leader of anything. He was trained in the US by CIA and bankster goons. Another regime change by our freedom and democracy funny money peddlers. GTF out of there and shut down the 800+ military bases down and rebuild our country instead of destroying others that don't let our corporations in there to rape the resources.

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The CIA Takeover of America in the 1960s Is the Story of Our Times

Yup, when these agents for the bankers assassinated JFK, RFK and MLK plus a host of others pushing for freedom, the country went down the slavery shithole.  These same satanists orchestrating those heinous acts also executed 9/11 and never ending wars that cannot be won, fueling the military incompetent complex's and bankers purse strings.

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Yes, Meghan Markle Will Still Wear Fabulous Jewels From the Queen’s Collection

Makes you wonder why in hell doesn't the Crown give back the wealth it has carpet bagged from the people of the world and for centuries? This bitch claims the box of jewelry and Koh-i-Noor is hers and children poop in the streets in India.  These crooks are on top of the blatant theivery and think they're royal and above the peasants. Then go after the Rothschilds that have caused the death of millions of people with their funny money scheme to enslave the world.

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Early tests show Verizon’s new 5G network is insanely fast

“5G” Wireless Technology Should be Banned!  Wireless Radiation Violates Human Rights and the Nuremburg [sic] Code of Ethics!
5G Is An International Health Crisis In The Making

Many countries are now stopping this insane action to funnel the money into the greedies.  Makes you wonder how long it will take to cook your brain - Amazon is in the process of launching 3200 5G satellites - not only will there be tons of space junk, but when the greedies turn the switch, the sheeple will follow the Judas Goats to the slaughterhouse.
I put the crystal catalyst on my wifi unit and cell phones, but I'm still crazy.  I guess it doesn't work.

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For American Jews, Trump is key figure in Israeli election

The Donald has made the dumbest statement ever. Of course he had difficulty speaking bending over and kissing Netanyahoo's a$$. Damn - and I voted for this guy. But then, he was the lesser of two evils, but evil is still evil. Besides, the bankers has his gonads in a vice and squeezing hard with Bolton and cryto - Khazar Pompeo and hook nose Abrams calling the shots on foreign policy. Whew - when will we be free??

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'I’ll put a bullet in her': Trump supporter charged with threatening to kill Rep. Ilhan Omar

Aww hell, she should run for president. But she'd need to collect a lotta Benjamins to make the roster. Any bets AIPAC or ADL will support her? How about the 6 lame stream media? Trump's attacks are a Sunday school picnic compared to what they'd unlease on her. But then, what she stated was the truth - something the politikers don't want to hear.

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The Latest: Russia FM opposes attempts to lay blame in Libya

Hillary and gang started all the bullasheeta in Libya with the fake Arab Spring. Killed Ghadafi and turned the most prosperous nation in Africa into a disaster zone. When Ghadafi stated he was instituting the gold backed Dinar - that was his execution and the greedies didn't want that. They need more counterfiet fiat worthless money to rule the world.

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You all might think I'm anti-Semitic, but more like anti-Zionism - there is a difference - not what's being pushed around the world by the Khazars.
Article - "This is Zionism:1933"

The London Daily Express, March 24, 1933

Once Hitler kicked out the Khazar bankers (who incidentally supported his rise to power) out of Germany, this was the pretext to WWII. Ghadafi did the same, how many others over the years.  How about the 69 regime changes for the banksters. For you and me?  Nope!

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Artie Johnsons take - Verrry Interrrresting - but Thtupid.  But this guy does hit the nail on the head.  John Birch Society?  Are these guys connected to the KKK?

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Question?  Is the IRS a legal ratified agency of the USA?

When all the evidence is examined objectively, IRS appears to be a money laundry, extortion racket, and conspiracy to engage in a pattern of racketeering activity, in violation of 18 U.S.C. 1951 and 1961 et seq. (“RICO”).  Think of Puerto RICO (Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act);  in other words, it is an organized crime syndicate operating under false and fraudulent pretenses.  See also the Sherman Act and the Lanham Act.

Another search places the IRS as a money laundering corporation of the Federal Reserve. The funds go directly to the Fed then a percentage (very small) stays in the US and the rest goes to the City of London financial district controlled by the Rothschilds.  The FBI was to enforce the collection of taxes to the IRSl.

Also directly connected to the Bureau of Acohol and Tobacco and Firearms, throw in BLM and FEMA, DHS, Patriot Act, CIA, NSA.
Hmmm...what does that tell you - do a search, don't believe the bullshit I post here.

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Doctors murdered after discovering cancer enzymes in vaccines

Nagalase is the enzyme that stops the body from attacking cancer cells.  There were 60 of them with mysterious deaths, all holistic doctors - big pharma doesn't want you to know that about vaccines I suppose.  Corporatism in charge - looks like we need a revolution.

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Actress Allison Mack Pleads Guilty in NXIVM Sex Cult Case

Hell, this has been going on for centuries, another one that was swept under the rug was the Franklin Scandal where GHW and Ronnie bringing young boys to the White House on midnite tours.  Need to check the body count on that little fiasco.  Check, "Conspiracy of Silence" - good book. Well, maybe not good, but informative on the pedos in gov't.

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US calls for halt to Libya offensive as clashes rage

Huh? Us says to halt offenses? Who the hell do you think started the Arab Spring? Hillary and boys for the bankers!! Nope! No gold backed Dinar! That would put the Rothschilds out of business and the US citizens would discover the Fed is a ponzi scheme!

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Donald Trump Designates Iranian Revolutionary Guard as Foreign Terror Organization

And the Stern Gang and Irgun Zvai Leumi were nice humanitarian guys. They only killed a few million over the years, now they've morphed into in the Likud party with the world's biggest terrorist on the top. Recall his statement in Fink's Bar in 1990.  And the Likudniks got Trumps gonads in a vice and squeezing.

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It could take 10 million years to recover from what we are doing to the planet, scientists warn

Throw in a little Round up mix with some GMO'd contaminated food, stir up chemtrails and HAARP, now DEW space weapons never ending wars against terrorism run by the real terrorists - hell there won't be anybody around in 10 million years. Sh't and F'rt from the Planet P'uk were right, no intelligent life down here.  Hell, I could remember in Ping Hu, China, back in 2003, on a clear day you couldn't see across the street.

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Non Sequitur Comic Strip for April 10, 2019

Yup, that's how it is - makes you wonder why Hildabeast isn't in Gitmo.

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WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange arrested at Ecuadorian Embassy in London

CNN publishes crapolla and Wikileaks prints the actual truth. CNN gets a bonus, Assange gets jail. Hmmm. . . anybody see anything wrong with this picture?

And more stuff. . . .
Six big leaks from Julian Assange's WikiLeaks over the years

The back room boys sure as hell didn't want their nefarious dealings made public. "Only we can lie, cheat and steal and kill, fool the sheeple and get away with it, and nobody is supposed to know about it - how we handle business for the corporations and fascism! But that damn Assange - publishing all the secret society stuff - that's a no-no and goes against the policy of greed and corruption. Makes you wonder who controls these assholeos - Dracos or Reptilians - the shape shifting lizards who look like Rothschilds or QE.

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New York Post stirs Ilhan Omar controversy with 9/11 cover

Yup, some people did something and it wasn't 19 rag heads run from some obscure guy in a cave by cell phone. Check the grand jury in NYC checking the evidence from the 9/11 truth org's and A & E the people with a brain, not some PNAC'er creating the New Pearl Harbor that will escalate the fortunes of the MIC and bankers. Eisenhower and JFK both warned us about.

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Trump Nominee Stephen Moore Says He’ll Challenge Fed’s ‘Growth Phobiacs’

Hmm...the Creature from Jekyll Island wants to grow bigger? They've already bankrupted over 180 countries - soon NWO!! Orwell's 1984 and there will only be 500,000 people in the world to provide service to the Illuminati.

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Email from the White House

A Serious Blow to Iran’s Terror Specialists

President Trump
I can appreciate you making the effort to protect the US citizens and other people, but I believe you need to step back and check who is the biggest terrorists of them all.  History has proven, the military industrial complex, secret societies, JFK warned us about, our so-called intelligence agencies in concert with Mossad and MI6 have created more death of people than any other group in history with possibly the exception of Soviet Russia - do a check on Solzhenitsyn and his writings that put him in prison and the people behind the carnage.
Iran is not an enemy - Israel is the tool for the Khazarian Mafia and has our country enslaved to their wishes. Netanyahu is despicable and review his statement in Fink's Bar in 1990 about what they plan for the USA.
Stop the climate engineering also, chemtrails, HAARP and DEWs and other space weapons destroying the world.
Please consider,

Maybe should have signed it "No so respectfully"  But then, I might have some suits at the front door.

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Minion Quotes Brain Funny Motivational Poster                                                                                                                                                      More
Yup, stop and think about it!
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