Sunday, December 20, 2020

“The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country.”~ Edward L. Bernays (1930).

And it’s been going on for the past 107 years and more.

In a coupla days it’ll be Xmas and wifey will go to work at the Rehab Hospital and I have nothing to do but paste notes on this blog getting ready for Santa Klaus!!  You'll notice I left off Schwab!

Sausage Making at FDA: How Human Cancer Cells Got Into Vaccines~RFK Jr.

In a 2012 meeting, the FDA voted to allow the use of human fetal cells and adult human tumor cells in vaccines, despite acknowledging the many risks, including that vaccine recipients might later develop cancer.

And that’s the way it is, traveling west on Route-66.  And the FDA approved this criminal act? Where have the people with at least half a brain gone?  Sho’ looks Gates, Fauci, Redfield and Tedros have taken over - a little bribery, Fang Fang here - Bang Bang there.  It does appear the CCP has taken over from Jeffey Epstein - maybe Ghislaine Maxwell has a new part time job.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Warns: Don’t Take a COVID-19 Vaccine Under Any Circumstances

RFK Jr recently issued a public statement urging people everywhere to avoid the COVID-19 jab at all costs because it contains an untested new technology known as mRNA, the long-term side effects of which are completely unknown.  
Unlike all other vaccines, the genetic damage of which is not necessarily permanent, mRNA genetic damage is “irreversible and irreparable,” Kennedy notes. COVID-19 vaccines are a “crime against humanity”. 
As opposed to older vaccines, many of which can be “detoxified” following injection, mRNA COVID-19 vaccines live on in perpetuity inside the body. The damage they cause, in other words, is forever.
As I’ve stated before - don’t take the Vaxx!!!

Bobby Jr. better be careful - the deep state NWO actors might just pull the Dealey Plaza trick, then continue with the Great Reset and stack FEMA camps.

Now this shows up from the WH on orders from the Donald - he must have shares in Pfizer.
White House told FDA chief to authorize vaccine or resign:

Dbooger1 comment to article on Market Watch~
It certainly appears the Donald is wanting to get approval for all the voting discrepancies - he should listen to RFK Jr. who's had a long history on vaccine research and take his advice on not taking the Covid19 Vaxx!!  He also states the mRNA has long term effects and cannot be removed from the body.

Vaccine Whistleblower Found Dead After Saying She’d Never Commit Suicide
Brandy Vaughan, a former Merck sales executive turned vaccine whistleblower, died earlier this week, and her body was discovered by her nine-year-old son. The cause of death is unknown.

As mentioned above for RFK Jr. - better be careful and this lady was a whistleblower.  It happens that way, look at Assange and Snowden - its a wonder they’re still alive - Assange not too promising - the deep state motto - tell the truth, get killed - lie like a politician, get a bonus.

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Banksters Flee New York City – #NewWorldNextWeek

Yup, they don’t have to hang around Wall Street and can handle the Ponzi scheme via video - sit in the sunny south, and don’t need a snow shovel.

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Same Fear, Different Year: This Vaxx Scam Has Been Going on for More Than a Century
“I CAN’T KEEP DOING THIS”: Doctor pleads for review of data during COVID-19 Senate hearing
Pierre Kory, M.D., Associate Professor of Medicine at St. Luke’s Aurora Medical Center,


Nice Christmas Message:

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For Her Final Act, Tulsi Gabbard Is Promoting A Bill That Threatens Trans Women In Sports

Yeah, what the hell, why can’t a person with a pair of nuts not compete with ones that don’t have any?
Billy Gates would go against that I suppose, cuz he probably don’t have any.  Melinda was most likely impregnated by artificial intelligence seamen.

He’s such a cute little girl!  Look at the maniac he’s grown into.

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Senate NDAA Bill Prevents Trump From Ending Afghan War

??? Can you believe this shit? The muther f’k’rs want to keep the war going? For what?  This was a phony war on terror to begin with - with the real terrorists hiding behind the wall in the Federal Reserve, City of London and BIS in Basel Switzerland.  
Well, I suppose they need the ‘smack’ to fill big Pharma’s pills that screw up and kill the dumb sheeple.  And the Senate is mostly Reps not Dems - they’ve all turned against Trumpkin - they need the money from the MIC.

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BREAKING: Texas case REFUSED by US Supreme Court for ‘lack of standing’… UPDATED: Texas GOP release statement after SC ruling, all but calling for SECESSION

Hey - how about that, maybe we’ll have the United State of Texico!  We have our own Texas Rangers to protect the nation, Chuck Norris is the head of that, come to think of it, he bought my ex-in-laws ranch in Navasota that’s named ‘Lone Wolf Ranch’.  We have enough oil, Musk is moving here so the electric motors driven by polluted batteries can run the Pickups for our sweet little red-neck home boys, but they’ll be pissed cuz it won’t make much noise except with the off-road tires that buzz when they race down the road - or they can turn up the boomers up on the radio.  And we have a few W54 pits left in Pantex, the Mossad forgot to steal before they did 9/11 and we really don’t need a wall, with the Rio Grande running, but the wet-backs can swim, besides we need somebody to cut the grass.  US of T, yup - select the Alamo as the capital, besides we have golf courses all over the place, Fazio Course in Austin is worth playing at least once and Painted Dunes near El Paso and I never got tired of Walden on Lake Conroe.
But damn, can you imagine all the check points on roads leading in and out of Texico.  And I hope they won’t give you a PCR test!

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“Fauci Doesn’t Know Anything About Anything” ~Kary Mullis, Nobel Prize Winner & Creator of PCR Test
From a Dr. regarding the upcoming vaccines:
Isn’t it an unbelievable coincidence that Kary Mullis, inventor of the PCR test, ‘died’ three months before the Wuhan virus ,with its PCR testing, was released upon the world. 

Last week I must have been asked 20 times about the new COVID vaccines. Here are my thoughts. Please pass this information onto many as you can. People need to have fully informed consent when it comes to injecting foreign genetic material into their bodies.”
1. The COVID vaccines are mRNA vaccines. mRNA vaccines are a completely new type of vaccine. No mRNA vaccine has ever been licensed for human use before. In essence, we have absolutely no idea what to expect from this vaccine. We have no idea if it will be effective or safe.
2. Traditional vaccine simply introduce pieces of a virus to stimulate an immune reaction. The new mRNA vaccine is completely different. It actually injects (transfects) molecules of synthetic genetic material from non-humans sources into our cells. Once in the cells, the genetic material interacts with our transfer RNA (tRNA) to make a foreign protein that supposedly teaches the body to destroy the virus being coded for. Note that these newly created proteins are not regulated by our own DNA, and are thus completely foreign to our cells. What they are fully capable of doing is unknown.
3. The mRNA molecule is vulnerable to destruction. So, in order to protect the fragile mRNA strands while they are being inserted into our DNA they are coated with PEGylated lipid nanoparticles. This coating hides the mRNA from our immune system which ordinarily would kill any foreign material injected into the body. PEGylated lipid nanoparticles have been used in several different drugs for years. Because of their effect on immune system balance, several studies have shown them to induce allergies and autoimmune diseases. Additionally, PEGylated lipid nanoparticles have been shown to trigger their own immune reactions, and to cause damage to the liver.
4. These new vaccines are additionally contaminated with aluminum, mercury, and possibly formaldehyde. The manufacturers have not yet disclosed what other toxins they contain.
5. Since viruses mutate frequently, the chance of any vaccine working for more than a year is unlikely. That is why the flu vaccine changes every year. Last year’s vaccine is no more valuable than last year’s newspaper.
6. Absolutely no long term safety studies will have been done to ensure that any of these vaccines don’t cause the cancer, seizures, heart disease, allergies, and autoimmune diseases seen with other vaccines. If you ever wanted to be guinea pig for Big Pharma, now is your golden opportunity.
7. Many experts question whether the mRNA technology is ready for prime time. In November 2020, Dr. Peter Jay Hotez said of the new mRNA vaccines, “I worry about innovation at the expense of practicality because they [the mRNA vaccines] are weighted toward technology platforms that have never made it to licensure before.” Dr. Hotez is Professor of Pediatrics and Molecular Virology & Microbiology at Baylor College of Medicine, where he is also Director of the Texas Children’s Hospital Center for Vaccine Development.
8. Michal Linial, PhD is a Professor of Biochemistry. Because of her research and forecasts on COVID-19, Dr. Linial has been widely quoted in the media. She recently stated, “I won’t be taking it [the mRNA vaccine] immediately – probably not for at least the coming year. We have to wait and see whether it really works. We will have a safety profile for only a certain number of months, so if there is a long-term effect after two years, we cannot know.”
9. In November 2020, The Washington Post reported on hesitancy among healthcare professionals in the United States to the mRNA vaccines, citing surveys which reported that: “some did not want to be in the first round, so they could wait and see if there are potential side effects”, and that “doctors and nurses want more data before championing vaccines to end the pandemic”.
10. Since the death rate from COVID resumed to the normal flu death rate way back in early September, the pandemic has been over since then. Therefore, at this point in time no vaccine is needed. The current scare tactics regarding “escalating cases” is based on a PCR test that because it exceeds 34 amplifications has a 100% false positive rate unless it is performed between the 3rd and 5th day after the first day of symptoms. It is therefor 100% inaccurate in people with no symptoms. This is well established in the scientific literature. See the attachment (False Positive PCR testing is up to 100%!) for more information on this. If you go to the CDC site (file:///C:/Users/docto/AppData/Local/Temp/cdc_97230_DS1.pdf ), you can see that the weekly death rates in the US are now lower than they normally are during an average flu season.
11. The other reason you don’t need a vaccine for COVID-19 is that substantial herd immunity has already taken place in the United States. This is the primary reason for the end of the pandemic.
12. Unfortunately, you cannot completely trust what you hear from the media. They have consistently got it wrong for the past year. Since they are all supported by Big Pharma and the other entities selling the COVID vaccines, they are not going to be fully forthcoming when it comes to mRNA vaccines. Every statement I have made here is fully backed by published scientific references.
13. I would be very interested to see verification that Bill and Melinda Gates with their entire family including grandchildren, Joe Biden and President Trump and their entire families, and Anthony Fauci and his entire family all get the vaccine.
14. Anyone who after reading all this still wants to get injected with the mRNA vaccine, should at the very least have their blood checked for COVID-19 antibodies. There is no need for a vaccine in persons already naturally immunized.

Here’s my bottom line: I would much rather get a COVID infection than get a COVID vaccine. That would be safer and more effective. I have had a number of COVID positive flu cases this year. Some were old and had health concerns. Every single one has done really well with natural therapies including ozone therapy and IV vitamin C. Just because modern medicine has no effective treatment for viral infections, doesn’t mean that there isn’t one.
Yours Always,
Frank Shallenberger, MD, HMD

And Mullis suffered an Arkancide - strange, huh?

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Accomplished Pharma prof thrown in psych hospital after questioning official COVID narrative

And it’s spreading over the world - people are smartening up, but if you question the lunatics pushing the Covid19 Vaxx, you get thrown in jail or in this case in a psycho hospital.
Another article of a Russian Intel officer - Depopulation agenda is real - The Khazar Bankers want to own the world and have 3000 slaves each.
As written to the president by Debugger - “stop the warp speed vaxx - it’ll kill the people with the mRNA molecule that nobody knows what it will morph into.
Like Solar Radiation Management - this is to control the global climate change - but in reality it’s to infect the sheeple with nano particles that’ll be turned on with the Vaxx and 5G switch.”  
Damn, we’ve got some whackos in control behind the scenes and China is gonna ramp up its weather modification program.

And the f’k’n psychos are coming at us from all directions - 1913 - Jekyll Island, IRS, FBI, WWI, WWII, CIA, JFK, RFK, MLK, JFK Jr., Korean War, Vietnam, hundreds of military skirmishes around Europe - Africa - Asia - S America, Central America, killing millions of people, dot com, 911, Patriot Act, DHS, WMD, killing more millions, Arab Spring, Russia-Russia-Russia, Ukraine, Coronahoax, bankrupting small business, inflation going thru the roof with repos, reverse repose, $quadrillions in funny money bailouts, Great Reset, NWO, unemployed, vote manipulation and soon 1984 with boot straps.  You’ll notice I left out Gates, Epstein and insane pig Kissinger.

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“The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country.”~ Edward L. Bernays (1930).

Gold and silver are flight capital, and as you know, the only people making money today in America are moving vans,”~ Robert Kiyosaki (2020)

I’ll post a few more quotes as time passes.

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Bill Gates says next four to six months of Covid-19 pandemic could be the worst yet

Why isn’t this POS in jail along with his gofer Fauci?  Our bought and paid for politickers are kissing his and big Pharma’s butts - then the banksters will finally have their NWO or whatever they’ll name it next week.  Time to lock and load!!

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Vaccine Turns Us Into Mind Controlled Slaves

The Vaccine isn't what it seems. It's not just a Vaccine. It's a Trojan Horse for something Extremely Nefarious 

SARS-CoV-2 Spike proteins can compromise the blood-brain barrier, allowing foreign objects from your bloodstream, through your endothelium, and into your brain. The mRNA vaccine makes your cells manufacture SARS-CoV-2 Spike proteins, which WILL compromise your blood-brain barrier if you take the vaccine.
Then, follow-up shots will administer silicon nanowires that will pass through your blood-brain barrier, into your neurons, and be taken up by your cells as though they were an extra organelle. Fifth-generation cell network technology will power and control the nanowires in people's brains through RF induction and beamforming technology, guiding beams of RF very precisely into their heads.
Huawei is behind the push for this stuff (with tech they bribed Charles Lieber into giving them).
The Rothschilds want everyone on the grid, because they're very angry and afraid that they're about to be outed for their global human trafficking networks. This is the real reason for the Great Reset. Klaus Schwab is a transhumanist and he has openly talked about blending human biology with machinery in his books.  Hell, I couldn’t even get this on BitChute.  Musta been a good post - the greedies don’t want you to see.

That’s the plan of the Klan!  And been in the works for at least 2000+ years!  Now they have the tool, MSM didn’t do the trick, now the Khazars will control everything - even you’re thinking.  Damn, I started to watch 1984 last night then fell asleep - I was really interested in getting Orwell’s opinion that’s falling into place as we speak, but I’m sure he wasn’t aware of the latest technology cooked up by the sickos. 

I like raw nanowire technology, they can wire your brains connected to the proteins from the CoV-2 vaxx, then flip the 5G switch - you’ll be on your knees licking their boots and give ‘em your wallet.  Welcome the New American Gulag - that sort of resembles a FEMA camp full of guillotines, coffins and cyanide tubes and 1.6 billion hollow points.

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As noted on James Corbett Report - Solutions: Physical Media.

The Grand Leader of The Technofascist Great Reset, Klaus Schwab, has issued his pronouncement: our digital infrastructure (and even the power grid that enables it) is at great risk of global disruption from cyberattack.  And you know what? He’s right. It’s just that the most likely cyberterrorists are the criminals in government and in organizations connected to the World Economic Forum.

It makes you think - Isn’t this similar to the exercise conducted by NORAD on defending the nation from hijackers taking over airplanes and flying them into buildings in NYS or DC?
Now this schmuck Schwab also wants the great reset to battle against the Covid19 and a dark winter will occur.  Does this mean we’ll lose our power, wifi and communications also stop the local gas station from pumping gas to fill the tank - how about no power to run your Tesla?

The story even gets deeper, stating books in schools will be limited and students won’t be able to access the truth, only sources that are endorsed by Google - who mysteriously is connected to the CIA.

It appears the deep state psychos want to control everything - but then - if the people smarten up, they’ll go after the front line perpetrators like Schwab, or Gates, or Fauci, the Federal Reserve and even the demented Biden if he really gets in and takes the hypocritical oath - ‘Yup, I’m gonna do what you say, so help me Moloch,’ - so much for the republic, but then these assholes will be thrown under the bus and the Bilderbergers, Illuminati, Club of Rome and satanic schmucks on top of the pyramid will simply pass by and visit the think tank and plan the next hoax.

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The Truth About The Gates, Fauci & Collins. Are All The Nazis Back In Town To Set Up Their Fourth Reich?
Achtung Schweinhund!!

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Mitch McConnell killed a voting security act that would have hammered Dominion, after receiving *$thousands* from the foreign company’s lobbyists.

And ol’ Mitch went and congratulated Biden - go figure - or it is plain as day, the voting manipulation by Dominion software controlled by the deep state - “that’s ok and let’s not stir the pot or swamp anymore than it already is - besides, Trumpkin is stopping the ME wars, and soon he’ll go after the Federal Reserve.”
Yeah, what the hell, no corruption there that I can see, can you?  And Mitch stopped the inquiry into the voting manipulation cuz he received a few bucks from the Dominion’s lobbyists.  I mean, less than $10 K. Posted on the article, but it was probably much more than meets the eye including the 14 attacks on Trumpkin by the sleazy career politicians.
1. Spygate - Steele Dossier
2. Russia - Russia - Russia
3. Strzok / Lisa Page / Bruce Ohr / Comey
4. Media - relentless false info published
5. Impeachment - Schiff / Nadler / Pelosi
6. Ukraine - Corruption - opening the Biden Corruption - Hunter - Burisma - China
7. Coronahoax - Trump acted too late(?) - dumb accusation based on Fauci’s advice - China fiasco - trade - intellectual property - jobs lost - travel to / from China
8. BLM and their shenanigans 
9. Antifa Fiasco - and no mask
10. This sort of blended with the BLM/Antifa fiasco
11. Mueller investigation that produced nothing for over $30 million based on Schiff / Pelosi / Nadler impeachment process
12. Illegal leaks, by the actors in his admin.
13. Voter Fraud
14. Action against voter manipulation squelched by the SCOTUS

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Pfizer says 'millions' of vaccine doses are waiting to be shipped — but the government hasn't told them where to go

Stupid gov’t - “let me do that for you” - “Hey Pfizer - stick that crap up your ass!”  Gates is waiting for his bonus so he can give Fauci, Redfield, Tedros something to remember him by.

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Jewish Supremacism: 1976 Revelations Resonate Today~ Henry Makow

Harold Rosenthal, personal assistant to Walter Mondale."We even place within you a 'guilt complex' making you afraid to criticize Jewry openly." 
"Our enslavement is because nations have allowed Cabalist bankers to create the medium of exchange (currency, credit) in the form of a debt to themselves when governments could easily do this, debt-and-interest-free. Success depends on complicity in this massive fraud and the suicidal agenda it represents.”

It's odd that ol’ Harold Rosenthal met his maker when he was a young buck when he publicly stated the goal of the Khazars - who claim they’re Jews.

Now they got this Vaxx - hmmm - Henry also states that 75% of Jewry won’t take the Vaxx - maybe they already know it’s an RNA changer to obedient slavery - forget the DNA.

Covid19, Mandatory Vaxx, Great Reset, now the Dark Winter(?) Major cyber-attack, power shut down, people freezing - can’t pump a tank of gas to go anywhere, stores shut down, except for Walmart with it’s own generator - but no home delivery, does this sound like the Plan of the Klan and bring in the fake aliens from outer space like the fake virus?  They’ve been coaching the MSM for years, Rockefeller 2010 Lockstep conference warning of this pandemic in 2020 and this schmuck Schwab is stating a dark winter?  And this is the plan? Event 201 was in October 2019, I suppose Gates was just catching on to the ruse and con by the satanists in charge and he wants to get a front row seat, but then Gates’ father was also connected to the eugenics creeps and old Gates influence is how Billy got his start in the software bidness after he took his skirt off. The Lunatic stole the software DOS.  This will be a pain in the ass, especially when I can’t access the a-z cartoons, I’ll certainly miss Andy Capp, BC, Non Sequitur, Peanuts, Wiz of Id and more.

And More Puppets - this one in Oh Kanader.

‘ I don’t know why I bring all these papers, I just say whatever they write down for me:' Health official faces criticism over banter prior to COVID-19 briefing”

Dr. Barbara Yaffe, Associate Chief Medical Officer of Health for Ontario

CDC Proposes Concentration Camps in America, Plans to Invade Homes and Separate Families

It’s starting folks - nothing like a FEMA camp to have a sandwich made out of GMO’d gruel.

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And below we have the new Dr. Evil!!   

Where’s the Fat Bastard and Goldmember?  How about Austinpussy? This should really piss off Austin Powers Dr. Evil to be compared with this jerkoff.
But I believe Zuck is Number 2 - Gates is in the Number 1 spot.  And this is the schmuck Jacob Greenberg who was arrested for having a toke on some grass, then changed his name and Facebook is basically a CIA front that collects most of the finances, so it says in the alt news.  They steal all your info on FB and sell it to the commercial industry - track the basterd. Why I quit that sick place years ago.

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Alien Invasion and a “pandemic” Yea they will be pulling it. I believe

A good watch while sitting in the basement - some of it obviously is bullshit, but does hit the nail on the head about WTF is going on and has been in the works for hundreds of years - now coming to fruition.  Project Blue Beam is part of the con job and Covid, now alien invasion - they’ll try just about anything to fool the sheeple - get in line - follow the Judas Goat.
I can’t add any more. . . .

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Lin Wood Confirms Chief Justice John Roberts Was On Epstein’s Pedo Island, Has Documentation

Hmmm. . .SCOTUS chief justice caught on little ride(s) on the Lolita Express to pedo island?  Good thing he didn’t go to Cibolo Creek Ranch where Justice Antonin Scalia was found dead in bed, with a pillow over his head right after his speech on Separation of Powers and Checks and Balances.  The greedies certainly didn’t want that.  An Arkancide for sure. And no golf course - that would definitely keep Trumpkin away.

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Crops growing 30 miles outside of Chernobyl are still contaminated with dangerous levels of strontium from the nuclear disaster in 1986

Damn, they spray this strontium shit in the skies every day, well - at least before a horrific storm all over the world, with bits of barium, aluminum nano particles including virus and mutated organisms to penetrate the blood brain barrier - then as posted before, they’ll put the nanowire technology to connect the heavy metals in your brain along with the RNA vaxx, when they turn on the 5G switch, you’ll be on your knees screaming Yassah Massah here’s my money!  And we got this crap in our drinking water here in Conroe Texico!  Sick world ya?

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Congress votes $4 billion to Israel for 2021, press doesn’t tell Americans

Yeah, why the hell should they, they want to keep this secret so the sheeple don’t figure out who really runs the US of A.  As Ariel Sharon stated, to Perez, “Every time we do something you tell me Americans will do this and will do that. I want to tell you something very clear, don’t worry about American pressure on Israel. We, the Jewish people, control America, and the Americans know it.”

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Banned Documentary! JFK to 9/11 - Everything Is a Rich Man's Trick (Full Movie) Must See Video!

This sort of goes along with the elite fascists - it goes farther back than JFK - before WWI.  I may have posted this before, but if you have the time - it takes over 3 hours. But he does miss the Israeli connection and JFK’s stopping any nuclear secrets to Israel and Ben Gurian resigned in June ’63 due to this.  Michael Collins Piper ties this in better than this presentation. The connection to the Italian Mafia is misconstrued in my opinion when Meyer Lansky was the money man for the mob at that time. 

It sums up stating we always need an enemy and drive fear into the hearts of the masses - now we have one, Coronahoax, but next is the Dark Winter and cyber terrorism which will put the icing on the cake for the Rich Man.

Friday, December 11, 2020

“It wasn't raining when Noah built the ark”~Howard Ruff - Financial Adviser in 1930’s

I suppose Ruff wasn’t aware that the Almighty probably made some deals with Noah - better build an ark cuz I’m spraying the skies with chemtrails and you’ll get soaked.  And make sure you pack all the animals in the boat cuz we’ll need them in the future - can you imagine a tiger sitting beside a goat or chicken with a cobra slithering around?  But the kangaroo was in Australia, and penguin in Antartica, did they have these in Babylon? Where did the Komodo dragon come from? Cockroaches are everywhere.

And now it was published on the MSM that China will expand it’s weather modification program - hell, this has been going on for years all over the world! But they need the oil to run the planes spraying all the toxic crapolla.  So much for global warming or climate change.  But then when the world’s population is reduced to 500 million, there should be any problem running around in a Bentley polluting the atmosphere.

“If you don’t read the newspaper, you’re uninformed. If you do, you’re misinformed.”~ Mark Twain 

Well, I had my computers, flash drives and iPads and Kindle stolen this past week, so I have to start over with a new thread of great comments to the MSM’s depiction of WTF is really going on in the world.  Hell, it only took me 8 hours to assemble and program the ring camera at the door, it works on wifey’s phone, but Apple seems to have a different method for mine.  Hell, it’ll take me all of tomorrow to fix mine - then who knows how long it will take to activate the ring camera on the back door to the patio? 
But when I stepped back and looked at this ridiculous thievery, the thought came up on - did the CIA and AIPAC get online and read and decide this was a good start to stick me in a FEMA camp?

Over 160 Business Giants, Including Some Who Backed Trump, Pressured Him to Transfer Power to Biden

Yup - the MIC and Pentagon, medical incompetent complex, big Pharma and chemical companies and Monsanto  don’t want Trumpkin in there cuz he’s starting to withdraw the rest of the troops in Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria.  Damn, that’ll rip the funny money out of their pockets including BlackRock that owns shares of all these conglomerates and controlled by the Wall Street puppets for the international bankers, will lose their shirts let alone their underwear laced with skidmarks. Throw in all the corrupt politickers, whatcha got - they’re headed to the WH with a big pole to run him out on, that way they can get their retirement and have cushy jobs in huge corporations. 

Throw in the vampire squid, whatcha got?  Control by the Khazars.


Then this article shows up - hmph, I might have jumped the gun. Wall Street will get their payoffs, Grumman, Northrop Boeing, Lockheed Martin and Smith and Wesson will keep on truckin’ - and our fierce military will kill millions more for what?  More Freedom and Democracy and the Dems keep on trashing Trump? Hell, no wonder the little AyRabs don’t like us - except the Saudi’s, cuz they’ve just cut a deal with Israhell. The corporations still want Iran’s oil in spite of the New Green Deal but that’s just a smoke screen for the Great Reset (NWO). Then you gotta keep your eye on People’s Republic of China (CCP) - they still owe their beginnings to the Rothschilds Khazarian Mafia and will no doubt fuel the next Cold War’s Corporations pockets. Remember, we always need an enemy, but nobody’s figured out the real enemy is the Central Banks.  More Order out of Chaos.

Then Obamarama’s quote Insisting that Trump “hasn’t grown into the job because he can’t”, Obama accused him of being a danger to “our democracy.”  I suppose the Americans he killed with drones did serve the constitution and the democracy we have here with home cooked viruses killing the old people in retirement homes.  Even Cuomo said it wasn’t a good thing he ordered to stick all the old sick folks that died in the hell made prisons huffing and puffing on dilapidated ventilators.  But that’s ok cuz its politiks.

Somehow this doesn’t make much sense laced with Bill Gates eugenics program.

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I don’t have anything to add to this - the f’k’n gov’t are killing people cuz they can!!

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Dominion Software Fraud by Admin – Simple Drag and Drop and DELETE VOTES by ANY Poll Administrators

Its coming - and proof is in the puddin’ with Smartmatic in the works - odd - Dominion’s employees sent many donations to the DNC. 

Canadian Court Forbids Dissident Arthur Topham From Uttering The Word ‘Jew’ For The Next 3 Years

Yeah, those Goyim need to STFU - and they need to worship and lick the boots of the Khazars waving the Babylonian  Talmud in the air.  Besides, 99% of the Khazarians, who pretend they’re Jews, don’t have any semite genes - just a wallet full of funny money they’ve convinced the public has real value, then they go print up another bunch worthless paper and charge the po’ folk interest for their Ponzi scheme.  “See how easy it is to fool the sheeple?  Publish it on ABCNNBCBSFox and they’ll believe any drivel we spill out.”  Operation Mockingbird!

And more shit:
Holocaust or Hoax?Is Today’s Version of the Holocaust Any More Believable Than That of the Past?
by Jürgen Graf

Here we go into the Holohoax crapolla again.  They just never quit - but the ones they should have gone after was the international bankers - sponsored by the satanic Rothschilds - that created all the havoc.

And the pic of the camps - that were really manufacturing factories the Harrimans, Brown Bros, Standard Oil, UBC and Prescott Bush plus many more elite, made a fortune on cheap and free labor.  Also as mentioned before these boys were charged with ‘Trading with the Enemy Act” but that was swept under the carpet in DC when the politickers got their baksheesh. 

Germany: Political Dissident Ursula Haverbeck Sent Back to Prison; May Become Oldest Female Inmate In the World

Just weeks after finishing a two and a half year prison sentence for “Holocaust denial,” 92-year-old Ursula Haverbeck has been convicted again by German courts, this time for an interview she gave in 2018 that affirmed her view that Jews were not systematically killed during World War II and that the gas chambers at Auschwitz are a politically motivated lie.

Yup, deny the Holohoax - get thrown in jail.  This lady is 92 and would put her around 17 at the end of WWII - she has to remember quite a bit.

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Rounding the corner... to calamity: US daily deaths could double to 4,000 within ten days warn experts as nation hits record 90k hospitalizations and Dr. Fauci says 'Christmas and New Year's won't be any different than Thanksgiving’

Does anybody notice the amount of deaths from the plain old flu or pneumonia has decreased at an amazing rate?  I suppose the people that wear a mask catch the Covid stuff - but if you don’t you’ll catch pneumonia and croak, but you must have a respiratory illness in the first place, not necessarily the coronahoax.
A close friend of mine that works in a rehab hospital stated one of the patients died, and had pneumonia - any bets this will be labeled Cov-19?  Then Dr. Fraudski will get his bonus.
This is the con of the century for sure, and when you step back and have a look, the economy is going down the swamp, people laid offs, robberies (like my computers and iPads) are rising and I just put a video ring thingie on the front door, if I can figure out how to make it work without changing my password 50 times, it may just do the trick.  The stock market is roaring, and businesses are going broke, unemployed to run out of insurance on 12-31-20; the cost of groceries has doubled in the last year, people can’t even hide in another country - cuz the maniacs are all in it together - blossoming from Agenda 21 signed in 1992.  The Rockefellers / Rothschilds have a giant sledge hammer and banging on the heads of the world’s politickers enforcing the enslavement and the Great Reset (NWO or Communist regime) will take over and you’ll be in a FEMA camp.
Orwell could take a few tips on the illegal criminal operations happening today, yesterday, tomorrow and outline exactly how the slime will own the world.

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Bill Gates and Technology Will Not Save Our Food System

Billy getting in line for the New Green Deal and GMO’d food for the world.

We need to have all this pure healthy lab created goodies, like the Vaxx and digital code we’ll shoot up your ass so we can trace you and know what you’re thinking.
Throw in a little Roundup and we’ll create a veggie that’ll kill you - like the Vaxx we’re cooking up - if the refried beans don’t kill the juice in the needle will.

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For your amusement sitting home adding your monthly bills.

Just added this pic - I think I’ve deciphered this before on my own - And I’m not a conspiracy theorist!


Then we have the AMA - behind the mask - cooking up approval of the Vaxx - It’s good for you! Don’t worry if you croak, you’ll be dead anyways so you won’t give a shit. 

They didn’t add the fact he stole the operating system for Windows - or probably is included in documented thief.  They had another one stating “Hey There Girl” but didn’t put the pic when he was dressed in a skirt and stockings - that I posted a while back.  
There’s plenty of various topics in this site and you can get into them and make up your own mind, the other one I’ll get into is the weather warfare bullshit that’s been going on for decades and boiling to the point of eliminating most of the world’s populations.
We have some problems folks and it ain’t pretty and don’t take the Vaxx!!!

Transhumanism: Expert exposes liberal billionaire elitists’ ‘Great Reset’ agenda 

The COVID-19 pandemic was manufactured by the world’s elites as part of a plan to globally advance “transhumanism” — literally, the fusion of human beings with technology in an attempt to alter human nature itself and create a superhuman being and an “earthly paradise,” according to a Peruvian academic and expert in technology.
This dystopian nightmare scenario is no longer the stuff of science fiction, but an integral part of the proposed post-pandemic “Great Reset,” Dr. Miklos Lukacs de Pereny said at a recent summit on COVID-19.

Transhumanism as a political ideology and cultural movement was defined in 1998 by Swedish economist Nick Bostrom, then a professor at Oxford, and David Pearce, a British philosopher, who that year founded the World Transhumanist Association.
More recently, Yuval Noah Harari, the Israeli historian and author of Homo Deus, who is regarded as a “great visionary,” has been promoting transhumanism.

It kinda makes you sit back and wonder how long these satanists have had this in the works and now it’s coming down the road - the New Normal after you get shot up with the Vaxx then the Great Reset will be in place. 1984  
Since the WHO or CDC can’t seem to identify the virus, they’ve conned the sheeple into social distancing and wearing a mask that doesn’t do a damn thing to protect you from anything and only proves that the dumbed down sheeple obey what the MSM spills out.  And soon we’ll have transhumanism?  The schmucks behind this preach this will enable “super longevity, super intelligence, super well-being,”
And if you believe that crapolla, you’ll take the vaxx and suddenly they (meaning the satanists) can control what you think, do or even want - how about food and a roof over your head and not in a high-rise over Walmart.  
What would really piss me off if they closed the golf courses!  
So much for life, liberty and pursuit of happiness - forget freedom - and the banksters will control everything including Gates and Klaus Schwab!

Maybe better make a plan to GTF outta here before the military comes with the needle.
And not to O’ Kanader - cuz Justin Castro is part of the machinery.

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President Trump: you have the incredible opportunity to right the terrible wrongs perpetrated by the Obama/Biden Administration. History will smile kindly upon you if you also grant full pardon to Julian Assange and Edward Snowden – and any other truth-teller who faces persecution for exposing the Deep State warmongers.
Dr, Ron Paul.
I gotta agree with that, he just needs to go a little farther and right the terrible wrongs from the Bush-Clinton-Bush Admin and you need to go a little farther back - start at 1913 and the Creature from Jekyll Island.

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Hey, it’s starting, when are the BLM/Antifa/al Qaeda guys gonna burn down the Federal Reserve and the branches.
Maybe they’re too liberal - we might have to get in line without a mask and get some kerosene.  A mini nuke W54 pit might be better, just make sure the head of their offices are in there - then go to the City of London and BIS in Basel and nuke them too and make sure you have the Rothschilds / Rockefeller Khazarian Mafia locked in before you pull the switch.

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Dr. Flip Flop: A timeline of Fauci’s school reopening positions.

How many times? Maybe 100 from back to the 80’s and AZT that didn’t cure shit - but you can tell when he’s lying - he opens his mouth - fits in with the Gates, Tedros, Redfield and Schwab big Pharma scenario.  But then they’re just actors for the real scum behind the Great Reset!

“People are tired of hearing Fauci and all these idiots. He’s been here for 500 years.  Fauci is a disaster. If I listened to him, we’d have 500,000 deaths.” ~ President Trump
And RFK Jr is tearing them a new asshole, but then you don’t read anything about this on the MSM - they’re owned by the Klan.

Anthony Fauci: 40 Years of Lies From AZT to Remdesivir - Mass Murderer!
Do a search on ‘Vaccine Impact” 

Yup, Dr. Moulden died at 49 - did big Pharma have something to do with this - Arkancide?  Any bets?
So it sure appears we’re being lied to!!  And if you refuse the vaxx you’ll go to a FEMA camp!

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Biden Appoints Labor Economist Yellen As Treasury Sec, Global Markets Decline (But US Pending Home Sales YoY Rises)

Here you go - if the schmuck Biden really gets in power, then we gotta real problem.  Yellen was a puppet put in place by the Zio bankers and follows the illegal path of the international banker Ponzi scheme - print money out of nothing and have the citizens pay interest on the loan.  The debt, around $28 trillion will never be paid back by our children and grandchildren - the plan of the klan - the country will go broke, either have civil unrest and destroy the assets, then the bankers can turn on their money vacuum and suck it up with the bought and paid for military from foreign countries, quite probably China at this point in time, then we’re f’k’d and forced into the FEMA camp and snorting a little cyanide or waiting in line for the guillotine.  Biden is not the real choice                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           

Canada PM Trudeau indicates U.S. border restrictions to last a long time

Yup, ol’ Justin Castro is also bought and paid for by the Zio banksters - funny how that happens in this world of conning the sheeple.  The scum really want the Great Reset (NWO) in place, probably before they catch the non-existent virus. 

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Henry Ford Made a Hemp Car in 1941, But No One Knows About …

Hell, this is stronger than steel - there’s a video of somebody banging on the trunk lid with a sledge hammer and not even making a dent.  This could put the famers back to growing hemp and making biodegradable plastic that turns into organic dirt instead of polluting the oceans and beaches and killing all the marine life.  I suppose nobody has a brain in the manufacturing industry, yup, let's use oil based products and make the Rockefellers and Rothschilds richer than shit besides, they own all our stock.  The new green deal may have some implications, but then the politickers will get bigger pay offs and situation back to normal - screw the sheeple, besides they won’t be around much longer with the vaxx.  The money boys must have a deep secret pushing for the global climate change scenario - the deeper you go, the more scary it becomes, I’m getting old, but I still worry about my kids and grand children.

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This was published on Debugger back in 1-1-07 and I thought I’d compare it with WTF is going on today.
Hot Damn…the F-35 Lightning II is gonna replace the F-18, F/A-18, Harrier and A-10 Fighters.   Just think of the huge tax dollars we’re gonna save by having just one fighter jet…The US is gonna buy 2400, the rest of the world is gonna get up to 3500 of the fuckin’ things…wonder how many they’s gonna just flat-ass give to Israel?   Probably at a cost of around $100 million each…lemmee see… scribble...scribble…scribble… WOW that’s almost $ 600 billion...!  With HIV/AIDS taking over the worlds low class peoples and a buncha high class peoples…if they don’t find a cure…what’s the sense of having a super duper fighter to go kill more people…?  They’ll all be dead anyways…only people that benefit are the Lockheed Martin share holders and a coupla slimy graft-laced politikers …

Fast forward to today - the damn F-35 still don’t work too good and our lame brain government and military has wasted $trillions on this piece of shit trying to get it to fly.  HIV/Aids vaxx, promoted by the satanic Fauci and invested by Billy - the queer - Gates, that was created in bioweapons labs, the same as Covid-19 and the slimy graft-laced politickers keep on collecting baksheesh and nobody in the MSM is saying one word about this - they’re all in cahoots and pushing for the NWO.  Things just don’t change and people becoming dumber and let these psychos keep on trucking - maybe better organize a hit squad and go after the perpetrators.  And it’s all organized so the digital currency will put an end to people’s worth and value and you can’t go anywhere without the COVID-19 Vaxx cuz our idiotic bought and paid for government won’t do a f’k’n’ thing to protect the sheeple - just corporations and banksters.

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America’s Future Is Liberal Fascism Sporting a Smiley Shirt and Armed With a Syringe 

Quite a few sites are posting the satanic rituals of Gates, the Fat Fuck Dwarf Kissinger and banksters.

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Climate Change Is Killing People at Alarming Rate, Doctors Warn

Comment by Debugger: 12-03-2020 on Children’s Health Defense.

The climate change is accelerated by chemtrails. Do a search on the USAF 1996 study on "Weather as a Force Multiplier - Owning the Weather by 2025". The nano size heavy metals also penetrated the blood brain barrier causing mental problems. This is the plan of the so called elite on behalf of the Rothschilds Khazarian Mafia. Don't take my word - search for yourself.

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The Stench of Bipartisanship Cooperation on the Potomac: Dave Stockman  

The geniuses in DC are coming up with the solution how to improve the economy - like they’ve been doing for the past 107 years - or more likely 2000 years.  Romney got in front of the parasites in DC and started preaching.


Keynesian Economics - The Federal Reserve is mixed up in this someplace, more like everywhere - the Vampire Squid!

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Man arrested for alleged human trafficking in Ft. Bend Co.

In Cinco Ranch - hmph - right next to the golf course - tee ‘em up and get a blojob. Does she have her own golf cart - ball washer (sic) - ball retriever - ?
Come to think of it, used to play at the Panhandle golf course in Cypress next to Longwoodie Trace and one of the holes bordered along some property that had a swimming pool. Sometimes on a nice day, a coupla young ladies would be sunning themselves in their g-string bikinis and there were more 3 - 4 putts on the green than you could ever imagine.

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Watch this and make up your own mind.

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 A post from David Duke with a coupla pics - and he’s really disliked by AIPAC.  Not that I’m a favorite of the KKK, but since he’s left the Klan, and pursued his PhD, he makes more sense than a babbling klansman. 
The interview was with Alex Jones, in 2015 who’s changed his ways since he married the Jew Princess - or was she a ‘Ho’? 

You’ll notice that these hook nose creeps are basically plagiarists - and they get rich from stealing other people’s ideas.
 We live in a media-created pseudo-reality in which absolutely crucial things like the rule of law seem to have become secondary to ideological imperatives, no matter how extreme, there are those who simply refuse to see the obvious. Yes, the 9/11 false flag trained the western societies well and many now simply lack the lucidity and courage to face reality.

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Bay Area orders month-long lockdown for 8.5M people at 10pm on Sunday ahead of California’s stay-at-home order as 22,000 daily cases are recorded, 145 people die in 24 hours and hospitalizations hit 10K

Well, this doesn’t include the BLM or Antifa rioters - they can do what they want and don’t have to wear a mask, besides, when they riot and break into businesses and steal their product, destroy the structures, there won’t be anybody watching this and reporting, cuz if the citizens are out trying to protect their property, they’ll get thrown in jail.
Ol’ Gavin the Newsom says they can do what they want(?). This schmuck only works for the Khazars, they want total control of California and grow all the grapes for wine and now marijuana is legal, everybody can toke up and get stoned, but then they’ll wonder where they’ll get their brownies after they’re stoned.

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Naww - who’d have guessed that? And they also cooked up the Smartmatic software too, I suppose and change the vote with a little ctrl-alt-delete procedure.

The “asymptomatic cases” con and the PCR fraud exposed

It don’t get much better . . . . the rabbit hole is becoming exposed(?)

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Deep Stater Bill Barr Sells Out Trump and America ~ Kelleigh Nelson

Yup, nothing to see here folks, move on! Billy boy has been and still owned by the Bush / Clinton / Bush including Obama cabal and has been known for a long time. Even I wondered why in hell would Trumpkin appoint him, being aware of his connections but it did appear he was headed in the proper direction, but then deception is the art of war.  The deeper staters are wringing their blood soaked claws waiting for the demented Biden to take control, then they can exert the real power of the Rothschilds / Rockefeller NWO communist Agenda 21.

William Barr’s father is Donald Barr, who was the headmaster at Dalton School in Manhattan which was founded by progressive educator, Helen Parkhurst who took her cues from developmental psychologist Jean Piaget and education reformers such as John Dewey and Horace Mann.  Jeffery Epstein became a professor at Dalton School. Yes really!
And this was the father of Bill Barr who was also connected with the CIA, and Office of Strategic Services (OSS) during WWII and quoted as having a Marxist upbringing.  Whew, it don’t get any better than that - and approaching what our Common Core education has been manipulated for our children being dumbed down. 
'It’s not academic education, but communist propaganda!’  Sidney Shapiro, an American Jew, was in charge of China’s propaganda organ. Another Jew, Israel Epstein, was Mao’s Minister of Appropriations (Finance)
And the Rothschilds control China’s central bank and our Federal Reserve - See what our future has in store for us?  Order by Chaos.

Bill was also connected to the GHW Bush as AG and buried most of the evidence with Iraq-gate and Iran-Contra.  Shit, that wasn’t in the US of A’s interests - well - maybe corporatist and bankers interests - fuck the people, they just go to work 9 to 5, pay their mortgages, drive gas guzzling SUV’s and eat GMO’d food laced with glyphosate.  Now with Coronahoax, the sheeple are locked up in their basement with a mask on, can only go to the grocery store - Walmart, cuz the others are locked down and bankrupt, or order online from Amazon, cuz Bezos needs the money and the crap is delivered in a gas guzzling SUV.

But getting back to the main topic, ‘Deep Stater Bill’, this was planned by the deep state and Trumpkin’s insiders, who are owned by the DS have conned him into picking Billy and now the Donald is being crapped on, fake votes, Russia, Ukraine, etc., etc.

Kelleigh Nelson writes on ‘News With Views’. Do a check and pick up her various articles that aren’t in lock step with the main stream media.  She was also a classmate of Hillary Rodham - that may raise a few eyebrows and does she toe the line? You can check her article “The Choice is Ours, Trump and Freedom or Biden and Slavery” and as posted before the phrase - ‘communism proposes to enslave men by force, socialism – by vote.  It is merely the difference between murder and suicide.’  —Ayn Rand
Bobby Orr and Jack Nicklaus have both supported Trump - what’s that tell you other than you like hockey and golf?

The mainstream media arm of the Democrat Party refuses to tell Americans the truth regarding Joe Biden’s 47 years of political corruption and how he used his son, Hunter, as the pimp who brought home the money.  Honest journalism is dead, and Marxist censorship is the rage with Twitter, Facebook, Google and others.  Truth has become hate speech in America.

The more you get into what’s going on behind the scenes, the more you want to GTF outta this country or any one that has a Rothschilds controlled central bank!  There’s only 3 left, Cuba, Iran and N. Korea - not much of a choice, but probably Cuba has a great history and they grow the best tobacco in the world - I can even remember the Davidoff’s made out of Cuban tobacco cured in a cave in Switzerland, I don’t smoke anymore, but do chew on a Clayborne - made in Dominican Republic.  But still - where to go??

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Chief Medical Officer Says Canadians Who Refuse Vaccine Won't Have "Freedom To Move Around"

Dr. David Williams gotta be on the Gates dole!  WTF is Oh’ Kanader turning into - a state of the US of A?  I thought Canadians have more of a brain than the Klan!
I suppose you have to build your own golf course and the hell with any public issues but the wet-backs cutting the grass need to wear a mask. Grow your own food, a chicken coop and pig pen and a few cows.

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Alberta Premier Jason Kenney REJECTS “The Great Reset”

Some of the politikers are smartening up and going against the WEF Schwab’s reset to rob the world on orders from the Khazarian Mafia.  Trudeau is part of the Klan and doing what his masters dictate.

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A good comparison of WTF has been in the works for over 60 years and it’s similarities.

And all tied in to the elite Bilderbergers, CFR, Club of Rome, Vatican and the rest of the sleazy carpet baggers.

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The difference between DNA and RNA 

I really don’t know the difference or how they test for it, other than it’s some sort of mechanism to distinguish life and they can cook this up in a lab, in, say, Fort Detrick, or in Tbilisi or Wuhan.
I don’t give a shit, but this plays a part in the PCR test, that really doesn’t prove anything other than the ‘gimme the money’ bunch getting richer and you can get a false positive result or maybe a true negative - you’ll notice they never say ‘true negative’ on the MSM.

Tested positive for COVID-19? Be sure to ask this one questionThe most important question you should ask if you or a loved one gets a positive PCR test result.

“What’s the Cycle Threshold (CT) value for that test?”
If it’s high, you don’t have a virus, if it’s low, you gotta bug - but where’s the dividing line?  Ahah!! That should screw them up.

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Soros foundation president resigns in suspected anticipation of joining Biden administration

Yup, the insane psychos need their own puppets in place to screw up the world - Rockefeller tried it - Rothschilds blackmailed them to achieve phony nobility and maybe somebody has taken over Jeff Epstein’s place and nothing to hear from Ghislaine Maxwell lately - she must have opened a copy of her book of names of pedos with videos!

And even much more better with Shifty Schiff:

Rep. Adam Schiff, the ranking Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee, was previously financially aided by the George Soros-financed to win his Congressional seat.  Schiff was also awarded the Toll Fellowship, which is sponsored by the Council of State Governments, a nonprofit that monitors federal government activities and is heavily financed by Soros’s Open Society Foundations.  The Open Society and Soros-funded groups have additionally supported a number of Schiff’s legislative efforts.  Does Soros really run the show for Schiff?

You can bet on that, the hook nose stick together! The House Intelligence Committee - “Intelligence” is an oxy-moron!

Then this pops up:
Whistleblower: FDA Failed to Address ‘Biohazard Nightmare’ at Merck Vaccine Plant

“Who cares if we pollute the neighborhood - besides, we gonna kill ‘em with our warp speed Vaxx anyways!!”

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President Trump addresses Operation Warp Speed Vaccine Summit
My comments to the President on Warp Speed!!

Mr. President
You should be extremely careful promoting the Covid-19 Vaxx.  Please consider contacting Robert Kennedy Jr. and his comments on this criminal operation to infect the population with a toxic vaccine that has to research or time proven benefits other than fattening Gates and big Pharma's pockets.
You are most certainly aware this is a hoax.
While you're at it, shut down the Federal Reserve, stop all wars and bring the military home to protect America from the deep state controlled by the international bankers.
Please consider and Make America Great Again.

Shit, I forgot to put in arrest all the deep staters, stick them in Gitmo, then shoot them!

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NY Attorney General announces lawsuit against Facebook

It's about time, put those schmucks in jail too. Then go after Gates and boneheads supporting him and his / their masters.

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This is how things operate with China
Yup, that’s how CCP operates - Mao was a skull and boner - and Rothschilds have made fortunes.
And Ben Garrison did bring a chuckle to my face.
No corruption here that I can see, can you?  I recall when in China, I knew this guy - well - I think he was a guy, and he got tied up with a lady named Fang Fang that sounds like Fong Fong or - however you pronounce it, and when he was getting ready to head back to the US of A, for the next couple of days he needed some Yuan to get by. I generally went to the Bank of China and got Y10,000 for loose spending money locally, and this cost me around $1200, he figured he only needed Y1,000 so he goes to the bank and gives them his credit card.
Come to find out he got Y10,000, since he was standing in line behind me, he musta been a little under the Tsingtao influence - Maotai influence is when you’ve fallen flat face first on the floor.  I did witness a few clients, collapsing in the elevator and they had to be dragged to their room - Dunno if Fang Fang was there.
Anyways, the next day at b’fast in the Sun Lake hotel, he staggered down to my table and complained the damned B of C cheated him out of around Y9000.  Being aware of his drunken state, I mentioned, “first you better look in Fang Fang’s purse”, that’s how they do business in China.  They don’t sell you what you want, they sell you what they want.
That’s the way of life in China when I was there, when you check into a hotel the concierge generally waits until you go to your room then calls you and asks when would you like for him to send up a nice lady for some company.
Now that I think of it, this was during the SARS epidemic and you got nuked in the forehead at the airports, hotel, restos, toll booths, and they had plenty of them and I never even had a runny nose.

But that bug most likely was cooked up in Ft Detrick for the PNAC’ers, right after 9/11 and I was stuck in the Sheraton Great Wall but I had my golf clubs - whew - anyways you can check Israeli’s written ‘Rebuilding America’s Defenses’ and on page 60 you read this:

And advanced forms of biological warfare that can “target” specific genotypes may transform biological warfare from the realm of terror to a politically useful tool. 

Funny how that worked out, ya - and accelerating as we speak? Good thing I poked a hole in my mask so my Macanudo can stick out.

You can get the PNAC’ers article on the net and read it while you’re locked up in your basement or if you can’t find it, I can forward a copy.

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