Wednesday, July 20, 2022

Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect~Mark Twain

The Most Important Video This Week … This Month … This Year!!!
Watch it and the truths spill out, but you won’t find it on the Mockingbird Media.

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The Biggest Crime Ever Committed on Humanity (Covid Vaccines) – Christine Anderson (German MP) – EU Parliament – 05 July 2022

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Haiti Did Not Vaccinate Its Citizens, The Current Vax Rate is 1.4% — Yet Country Has One of Lowest COVID Death Rates in the World

Hmmm. . . natural immunity must have taken over and the majority of the people didn’t get the depop jabb.  And Moise was assassinated because he didn’t support the covid jabb.  And this did have something in common with the leaders of Burundi, Swaziland, Ivory Coast and Tanzania who also rejected the depop jabb, that died ‘mysteriously’ (that is a new term for Arkancide).

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Army Cuts Off Over 60K Guard And Reserve Soldiers From Pay And Benefits For Refusing Vax

But they can get a free sex change operation(?) Anything wrong with this picture?  The libs are f’k’n crazy!!  As the idiot Austin states “Trans rights are human rights” - but wait, let us shorten your live with the jabb.

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Governments Have Directed Liability Onto Business Owners, Police and Doctors For The Covid Scam And Vaccine Genocide~truth11

Then up comes this. . .
Pfizer Asks Court to Dismiss Whistleblower Lawsuit Because the US Government Was Aware of Vaccine Fraud~truth11

You just can’t make this shit up - about what’s coming and big pharma and their gov’t puppets won’t be to blame, it’s the idiots that do what they’re told by the deep state m’th’rf’k’rs.  And the military needs the jabs and can have their free gender change - maybe need a few more pronouns!!!
It don’t get any better than this, ya?r How about a revolution?

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THEY ALL LIED AND WE HAVE PROOF! Highly Sensitive DOJ Jan 6. Documents Leaked to The Gateway Pundit – FBI Confidential Human Source INFILTRATED Proud Boys, Ran FBI Operation on J-6, Reported They Were INNOCENT! ~gatewaypundit

Another scam by the FBI (Fuckin’ Big Idiots)

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Does this cartoon bring up the thought that our so-called gov’t is run by corporations with their servants running the show?

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Is this why Mel Gibson was forced out of Pedowood? 

D’ya thinks someone is watching us - pic taken in Manitoba, Canada.  Or it could be the big ‘eye’ on the pyramid placed in on the dollar bill.
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It keeps on trucking:-
Setting the Stage? A List of Manufacturing Plants that Have Mysteriously Burned Down Around the World

69 animal processing factories, 33 chickens and turkey plants burnt or bombed to the ground.
‘Fact-checkers,  including Reuters and Snopes, insist claims that fires at processing plants are intentionally orchestrated to create supply chain shortages are conspiracy theories.’

Yup - the fact checkers checking the facts are paid by the conspirators - of course they’ll say it’s a theory - the m’th’r f’k’rs don’t wanna get caught.

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Abe, Johnson fall, Biden and Macron next as Khazarian mafia takedown continues~benfulford

Macaroni is next?  The Italian Prime Minister resigned(?) - When will Fidelito and Biden go?  Lets not forget about the idiots in NZ and Australia.

The G20 meeting in Indonesia gives a clear sign the KM will collapse and the world order will turn to peace and prosperity instead of death and destruction that’s been going on for thousands of years.  I suppose JokoWi isn’t that bad of a leader - maybe they’ll go to the BRICS financial system with Argentina (BRICSIA)- I guess I better send more fake $$$ and convert it to the Rupiah so it’ll have some value when the Fed collapses.  How about arrested?

Hey and crude dropped below $100 on 7-12-22.  How about that - is this a good sign or greedies manipulation? And the Nikkei market jumped over 142 points after Shinzo Abe was shot - another good sign?

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Explosive! Dr. Ardis: Nicotine - The New Vaccine for COVID-19

Hmmm. . . does this guy work for the tobacco companies? I don’t smoke but chew a Macanudo when I golf and other times and never had the coronahoax. Could be something value there.

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Graphene Oxide Generates Corona Effect, And Why It's In Chemtrails, Vaxx, Masks, Hand Sanitizer, Food, PCR And Antigen Tests!! Human Race At Risk Of Genocide And Tranhumanism By Digital Parasitism!! One Of The Most Important Videos Of Modern Times!!

And they’re lacing the skies every day now, and have been for over 50 years. I suppose they just add more toxins that suits the elites.



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How Jewish Is the War Against Russia?~Philip Giraldi
Read the article, I won’t say anymore - besides I’m antiseptic, not antisemitic. And, Philip is an ex-CIA agent. He should know.

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Michael Hudson: The End of Western Civilization~moon of alabama
Yup, and we’re headed in that direction in Warp Speed!!!  Debt by the oligarchs!!!
Of course we had a little help from the Federal Reserve, Wars, Funny Money, repo / reverse repo, now coronahoax and hundreds of variants in the jabb, and war in Ukraine - these are all orchestrated and the MSM keeps the sheeple’s mind focused on their cell phone walking toward the cliff.  The article does describe the fall of empires in the past and we’re right in the middle of it, or more like the down spin.
Copied from Article.
‘The United States through its New Cold War is aiming at securing precisely such economic tribute from other countries. The coming conflict may last for perhaps twenty years and will determine what kind of political and economic system the world will have. At issue is more than just U.S. hegemony and its dollarized control of international finance and money creation. Politically at issue is the idea of “democracy” that has become a euphemism for an aggressive financial oligarchy seeking to impose itself globally by predatory financial, economic and political control backed by military force.’
As I have sought to emphasize, oligarchic control of government has been the distinguishing feature of Western civilization ever since classical antiquity. And the key to this control has been opposition to strong government – that is, civil government strong enough to prevent a creditor oligarchy from emerging and monopolizing control of land and wealth, making itself into a hereditary aristocracy, a rentierclass living off land rents, interest and monopoly privileges that reduce the population at large to austerity.’

And some more to take your mind off video games:-
BOMBSHELL: Pfizer’s own documents admit that mRNA covid vaccines will result in mass depopulation~TTS
It turns out that 90 percent of pregnant women who took the shot ended up losing their babies.
Of the 270 pregnancies Pfizer was tracking, a shocking 238 of them just disappeared from the dataset.
Of course the FDA completely ignored this - they work for big pharma, not the people!
And some more:-
As of this writing, the UK government guidance is recommending that pregnant women take the Pfizer shots just so long as they have evaluated the risks involved. At the same time, these same authorities continue to tell pregnant women to avoid soft cheese, herbal tea, and vitamin supplements because they could be dangerous.

This isn’t even a joke anymore - it’s mass murder!!!

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Investigation finds that big pharma money permeates drug regulatory agencies throughout the world~naturalnews 

Yup, it’s the money - fuck the sheeple!!!
The regulators sitting in the board room, sipping on a 21 year old single malt, wondering when the next wheel barrow of funny money will be delivered so they can go buy their girlfriend or more likely ‘boyfriend’ a new Mercedes.  Oh shit, got my pronouns mixed up again!!!

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Damn - the news is depressing - I suppose I’ll have to go to watching porn to amuse me.

WHO demands return of Covid masks~RT
Tricky Tedros - the queen - is spilling more garbage and preparing for the draconian lockdowns, social distancing coming up. This should give the 2000 mules another job when the elections come up this fall and maybe, just maybe, Hickory Klingon may run for prez in 2024.
Hell, now we got the Ninja virus - another Omicron psyop - cooked up by big pharma injected in the covid jab.  This psychos just don’t quit, hell, 2030 just around the corner and we haven’t seen the mass depop yet - but they’ve got graphene oxide in the chemtrails, that should help with they flip the 5G switch.  There’s thousands of towers already and maybe the death count is being manipulated.
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IDIOCRACY ALERT! Heated debate in US Senate erupts over abortion rights for men~SOTN
A Republican senator who doesn’t believe men can get pregnant was called “transphobic”

Hah - they’ve completely lost it in our government!  And they f’k’d up the pronouns.
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The World Braces For Europe's July 22 "Doomsday"0hedge

How it started! The guy with the biggest club wins.
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And some stuff from the truth seeker. . .
Why You Should Vote ‘Coleman’ for Britain’s Next Prime Minister
“Here’s my manifesto.
First, all political parties will be illegal. They just cause trouble. Members of the Green Party and all Liberals will have stakes driven through hearts and will be buried twelve feet deep to make sure they don’t come back.

Second, Brexit means Brexit. We will tell the EU that we’re off and properly on our own. Boris only jumped on the Brexit bandwagon because he realised it was his best chance to get his dibs on Chequers and to acquire access to unlimited quantities of expensive soft furnishings. We get rid of all the stupid laws the EU gave us. Remember, that the EU was created by Nazis and was redesigned to take us straight into the Great Reset. Whatever they’ve got on offer, we don’t want it. All remainers will, like the Green Party, be buried at least twelve feet deep to keep them quiet.

Third, we will ban all trade unions. We don’t need them anymore. They went out of fashion after the Tolpuddle Martyrs, and unions are as relevant today as doublet and hose. I regard them all as communists. Britain doesn’t need them. They’ll lead us straight into the Great Reset.

Fourth, we’ll get rid of the royal family, send them all off to the Arctic to count icebergs and replace them with a lottery system. Punters will pay £1 a week and if they win the royal lottery they become King or Queen for a week. That way we can make money out of the royals and still have someone for the tourists to photograph. TV companies will be invited to bid for the television rights. It will be the ultimate reality programme.

Fifth, anyone wearing a mask in public will be executed. I find mask wearers deeply depressing. People who want to attend parties as the Lone Ranger can do so if they get a note from their doctor. People who wear masks with paisley patterns on them or wear masks matching their outfits will be executed twice just to make sure.

Sixth, anyone promoting or giving covid jabs will be given a triple dose of a covid jab and made to run flat out until they collapse. We can use the 100 million out-of-date jabs for this. When hundreds of thousands of doctors and journalists suddenly drop dead their deaths will, of course, be reported as ‘mysterious’.

Seventh, all mad cultists publicly supporting the global warming garbage will be sent to live in Sweden with their heroine. They will not be allowed to return.
Eighth, all electric cars, solar panels and windmills (except for the little plastic ones sold at the seaside) will be scrapped and dumped in old, disused coal mines. They are all a blight on the landscape. The HS2 project will be abandoned and everyone working on it fired immediately.

Ninth, all drug companies currently making vaccines will in future be restricted to making aspirin and dandruff shampoo. That’s it. Nothing else. And they will be allowed a maximum 5% mark up on their costs.

Tenth, the BBC will be closed down and the 22,000 staff transported by bus to the Ukraine, which they all love. They will be given £20 each in redundancy money and told to make it last. Once there they can interview each other interminably, though no one will ever see their interviews.
And that’s about it.”

A little satyrical but fits the boots.  I would have added a few more and edited the ones he came up with, but I’ll let it stand. Ol’ Vernon knows WTF is going on. But the Brits do speak funny. . .
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Britain and Japan aim to merge Tempest and F-X fighter programmes

Yup - why not figure out the process for diplomacy, discussion of how to make the world a better place without bombs, bullets and bioweapons labs.  I could come up with my own list, but I’d run out of paper, or digits on the screen.  And the Brits need to learn to spell.
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Zuckerberg warns that COVID-19 vaccines are “experimental” and “unproven” in a leaked video (but Facebook bans you if you say the same thing)
You mean to say this idiot has part of a brain that functions?  And let it slip?
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Health experts are quitting the NIH and CDC in droves because they’re embarrassed by ‘bad science’~RBN
No shit! As soon as they figure out this is a Gates and company’s depopulation program, they’ll join and go buy some AR15’s and hunt Gates and Fauci down, then go after the Khazars that orchestrated this.
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Navy Officer who Refused COVID ‘Vaccine’ Cleared of Misconduct in Groundbreaking Legal Case~RBN
Is this headed in the direction of the military finally smartening up - not the asshole that’s been put in charge of the DOD Lloyd Austin and Mark Milley - their the ones that need to be taken to court - in GITMO. Then the non-elected creeps of the deep state next and wrap it up with the Federal Reserve, BlackRock, Vanguard and State Street.  And as future security indicates, Wall Street should be nuked.
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Hunter Biden’s ‘Pedo Peter’ Contact Isn’t Who Everybody Thought~TLB
Yup. It’s creepy Joe - now who’d have guessed that - the whacko that can’t keep his hands of little children. And you can imagine what he does behind the curtain.
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On The Menu For The Remainder Of 2022: War, Pestilence, Famine~IWB
Yup its headed in that direction in Warp Speed!  Make sure you have a lot of consumables to weather out the storm or Death, Famine,  War and Conquest. You can also place the 4 horsemen at XOM, Shell, Chevron and BP or take a step farther and list of Federal Reserve, BIS, City of London and Vatican. 
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Dr Vernon Coleman: Ready For the Big Kill
You should take the time a watch this. . .I always appreciated his insight and he’s a ‘real’ doctor, not the fake schmuck Gates or Fauci and as noted in his election format listed above.
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Senate RINOs Working with Democrats to Basically Prevent Americans from Challenging Elections in the Future~gateway pundit
Yeah, what the hell - if you elect a career politician, you get what you vote for, a corrupt piece of shit that’s been chosen by the back room boys to lead the country to oblivion and it’s happening as we speak.
Take a good look at Liz Cheney and McConnell.
As posted before, politicians should be limited to 2 terms, one in office and one in jail.
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Government Has Unleashed A Mass Murder Campaign~truth11
Yup - they’ve got the payoffs from big Pharma to politickers on video - so the elected, or probably Dominion elected schmucks have to do their bidding - gotta shove those jabs down the sheeple’s throats and kill ‘em or give them debilitating sickness. As the article states, Pal Pot, Mao Zedong or Joe Stalin were pikers (my take) compared to WTF is coming down the road for people that took the Jabbb.
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Biden’s Transgender Assistant Health Secretary Rachel Levine and Gender Fluid “Pup Handler” Sam Brinton Attend French Ambassador’s Bastille Day Party

Is the world sick or what? And where the hell is Pete ButtJab?
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Trans Swimmer Lia Thomas Nominated by Woke UPenn for NCAA ‘Woman of the Year’ Award
Yup - it’s fucked!!!
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UN deletes article on “benefits” of world hunger after CFACT reporting~cfact
Yeah, “you can’t talk about the benefits of hunger!! The people will think we encourage hunger and geoengineering is ruining the crops and food supply, oh, and they gotta take the jabbb, that will also shorten the life span and we, and Klaus the Schlawb will be richer than shit!! Cuz we’ll take their money when they croak or before with our digital $!”
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Yup, Jacob Shiff - back in the late 19th century and beginning of the 20th.
Not that this has anything to do with the world hunger but it got its start:
This evolved to the formation of Israel after the Balfour Declaration
David Ben-Gurion, first Prime Minister of the Jewish State of Israel.
“We must use terror, assassination, intimidation, land confiscation, and the cutting of all social services to rid Galilee of its Arab population.”

And it’s accelerating today - and spreading to Ukraine
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Another good article on SOTN

Just wanted to bring you up to speed with WTF is going on. . . 
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Stunning official Canadian data show vaccines now RAISE the risk of death from Covid
More stuff to digest - but does this raise a thought of ‘when you get the shot - your immune system is destroyed and the little worms they put in the jabbb will attack your healthy body’?  And the phony PCR test indicated you’re infected - but you really aren’t but your need the jabbb anyways cuz big pharma makes money.
One of the disagreements with Trump was he was conned into pushing for the ‘Warp Speed’ by big pharma to accomplish the goal of the Great Reset junkies.
And this little pic popped up:-

LGB or more like FJB!

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The Modern Day Trojan Horse – Illegals Coming into the Country by the Millions are Military Age Men~truth11
Hmmm. . . .this sort of rang a bell in my little brain when I read the title. When you stop and think of it, the military is ordered to receive the killer jabbb - then they’ll not be fit to go to the front line in their skirts and high heels.  Now we have these illegals coming in droves and will likely be drafted into the military and they will go to the front line with no conscience and shoot who their leaders tell them to  - and the target, very well could be the citizen of the USSA. This would make Soros have a wet dream!!! Like his statement years ago:   
“I’ve made my life’s mission to destroy the United States. I hate this country and I hate all of the people in it.”
The debunkers, paid for by Soros, says this is not fact - he didn’t say this, but for some reason I don’t believe the ‘fart' checkers.

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Lets hope continuing cash used for paying bills will stop the digital shit coming down the road. 

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IS THIS ALL FOR SHOW? FBI Launched Inquiry Into NIH Funding Of Wuhan Lab, Emails Show~0hedge

Huh? The FBI (F’k’n Big Idiots) have launched an inquiry? Fauci and Daszak have admitted NIH through the path of EcoHealth have conducted gain of function financing in Wuhan. This has been already shown on interviews and congressional oversight meetings questioning Fauci and other criminals. The big question, why wasn’t Gates also brought into the congressional meetings also - but then he’s the liar in chief, well, next to Fauci and Biden and you may as well throw in the entire swamp creatures, that unfortunately Trumpkin didn’t drain.
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Of course you’ll be getting the facts and truth from these assholeos. 

And nothing but the facts here - and the dems are lining up for the witch hunt. 

Something I’ve been saying for over 2 years. 

Enough memes for now! 

Ok, just one more - and this is in Camp LeJeune. 

And another - what the hell, this Roe/Wade crap only suits the elites, now we got the jabbb.

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As Boris Johnson resigned, UK officials quietly released data showing that covid death rate is highest among fully vaccinated~TTS
Since at least April of this year, the “fully vaccinated” population of England accounts for the vast majority of deaths that are being blamed on “covid” – this in terms of deaths per 100,000 people, which is how the data is presented.

Yeah, that goddam Covid - it’s killing people - wait a minute - the jabbb was supposed to save lives, not kill them(?) The Plan of the Klan is progressing in their favor - depop!!!
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Biden Awards George Soros Related Group $172 Million to Help Illegals Avoid Deportation ~RBN
Democracy PAC(?) Soros wants to get his puppets in power in November. Is the Biden admin completely insane? Well, its obvious they are and go to the Bohemian Grove to worship the Owl (Satan) and chop up little children!  Sick - ya?
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Makow – I Finally Understand “The Truman Show”
Like Truman Burbank in The Truman Show, we live in a reality show consisting of actors and facades like a Western movie set. These facades — democracy, wars, plandemics — are designed to hide the sad truth that humanity is satanically possessed, covertly controlled by a satanic cult — the Illuminati ( i.e. Cabalist Judaism/ Freemasonry) — which aims to destroy, dispossess and enslave. Everything is scripted. We are mushrooms, kept in the dark and fed shit.

Yup, kinda gotta agree with that!  And you’ll never guess who the scripters are - Khazarian Mafia banksters?
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Place Where Biden Face-Planted Off Bike Is Named 'Brandon Falls' On Google Maps~0hedge

And the article goes deeper into “there’s something wrong with Biden”. But I believe this may be the exhibition, that if he’s found guilty on crimes against humanity - he’ll get off cuz he’s senile and “not guilty” and the criminals involved, deep state and family, will all unite and claim, “he told me to do it”, and the victims get shit!!
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Biden Transport Secretary Again Says "Pain" Of High Gas Prices Is A Benefit

Pete ButtJab just doesn’t get it!  It costs 4 times the amount of household A/C to run a Tesla.  But this is a benefit?
D’ya notice almost all of the Klaus Schlawb WEF, YGL’rs are whackos and really can’t come up with a rational statement based on logic?