Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Those who would destroy our lives with lies will themselves be destroyed by truth. Cicada 3301

You just can't make this stuff up!!!

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Oh BTW - I've deleted my facebook account - it's run by the CIA, NSA and other criminals and the other bunch of idiots called Cambridge Analytica that use all the data.  Zuckerschmuck is just a front man or boy or plagiarist . . .  whatever . . . 

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The Money Masters, 1800.  On youtube - watch this. 3.5 hours, but detailed as far as timing, but leaves out the actual perpetrators other than key figures.  D'booger has skirted this on many occasions with a little sarcastic comment here and there but has never gone anywhere near the extent of this presentation.  

Time to scrap the Federal Reserve and hang the boys in the back room counting the money.

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6 Confirmed Dead in Bridge Collapse at Florida International University

Yeah, damn it, pi r round, cake r square - some of them there injunears ain't had much learnin'.  Oh, and sometimes you have to add a little cement in the concrete to help it stick together while curing and I suppose they should have double nutted the post tension cables.  This is called sustainable development with a wannabe Bill Gates the structural engineer - that couldn't make a computer program that works either.  Come to think of it, is Microsoft doing the programming for the F-35?  That thing can't fly and for $1.5 trillion - with a "t"  Anybody see a trend? Common core??? Fascism????

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U.S. accuses Iran of trying to influence Iraq's election

And our bought and paid for politicians are upset when Iran complains about the CIA orchestrating the Mossadegh coup in '53.  One of their first accomplishments in world terrorism.  Yeah, those damn Iranians stole our oil from us, even tho' it was in their country - that shit is ours!!! What about the other 60 regime changes our bright intelligence department have conducted - not for you or me, but the corporations. The bankers are in control.  Orwell's 1984 is already in place

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Trump Jumps in Bed with CIA, Pedophilia Crackdown - Robert David Steele

It certainly appears we need to get RDS and Kevin Shipp on the same youtube broadcast. See which on comes across the best. But then Steele does attack the Zios, so does Shipp and Steele states Cheney was the mastermind behind 9/11, hmph, never thought he was that smart but he did pave the way for Halliburton and MIC / bankers and 4 horsemen into making fortunes in the ME. The Zionists may go down the toilet, but what will take their place - the clouded saviour NWO dressed up in the Grim Reaper's outfit*>:) devil? Hope he don't have a funny haircut and munches on McDonalds quarter pounders.

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Ex-CIA Boss John Brennan Tears Into Donald Trump Over Andrew McCabe Firing

Brennan - accusing Trump of corruption? The Wahhabi communist moron doing the pot - kettle - black thingie? This f**k'n knuckle dragger is part of the satanic cabal destroying the world - he's a puppet, the real rulers are in the City of London bankers that launder CIA drug money - and that's for loose change!  Oh, and he just happened to be in the KSA issuing visas to the so-called box cutters to enter the US of A but Steele says Cheney was the master mind - Yup, Brennan's an idiot puppet for sure. D'ya thinks he'll pull an Allen Dulles and stage a book depository on Elm St fake lone gunman deal near Mar-A-Lago? 

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Trump to combat movie piracy by China saving the US economy 600b annually.

Wait a minute!  Game of Thrones is going to save us $600 billion annually.  Who the hell watches that crap and how will this save us money?  And they call this 'intellectual property theft'? China is stealing from us? But, big business shut down all the manufacturing facilities and out sourced the products to countries with cheap workers and for unimaginable profit.  We're running into debt to pay for the pokemon and other 'shooting' games made in Korea or Japan or wherever creating the kill set mind for the kids after force feeding them with SSRI's or MKUltra...but that's ok... this works in depopulation ... Bill and Ted can go have a bbq and circle jerk by the Georgia Guidestones.

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Gore travels to Dubai, warns: ‘Global warming’ triggering ‘flying rivers, rain bombs’

When you factor in the chemical trails sprayed over the world and HAARP electronic manipulation of weather, the global warming is a joke. This is man made, but the military is sponsoring it and plan to control the weather warfare by 2025. Do a search on Project Cloverleaf and this should give us WTF is going on and sustainable development.

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It had to come out sooner or later . . . more likely later . . .

Putin Releases Identity of Russian Spies who Influenced Elections

Putin is light years ahead of these clowns - well, maybe not clowns, they're not funny at all, simply horrible examples of what US of A politics has sunk to - at the bottom of the swamp.

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The most Evil Corporations (Listed on the Alternate News Media)

1.     Monsanto – I would put this on top of the list, since they’ve killed people for decades with their fungicides, pesticides Agent Orange and GMO crops that don’t produce anything of nutritional value.  Now Bayer has bought up this, big pharma mixed in the swamp - but they were already there swimming around the fecal matter.
2.     Apple – Phones that fall apart after the 6 years and you have to buy another, spy on you and they don't pay taxes
3.     Nestle – Up there on the list – they steal water and make you pay for it then sue you for collecting rain water that falls on you.
4.     Phillip Morris – light up a Marlboro and choke then croak.
5.     McDonalds – greasy food that kills you – Chicken McNuggets rank up about the world’s worst foods.  Blahhh and probably no chicken in there mainly GMO'd Soy.

But the list forgot the Federal Reserve and City of London that control the world's central banks and finances all wars and then swallow up the destroyed country for sheckles on the dollar. These evil schmucks should be at the top of the list - the turd in place of the eye on the pyramid!  And where is Raytheon, Boeing, Smith and Wesson and who makes the DIME bombs our boys came home with Gulf War Syndrome?

The following are listed as a group, and fund the Deep State and Shadow Government and have to rank up there as absolutely evil in their operations.  They love wars and profit immensely and killing millions of people for profit.

Goldman Sachs
JPMorgan Chase
ExxonMobil and the rest of the oil boys
Dow Chemical – 
Up there with MonsantoDuPont – Up there with Monsanto
Bayer – need to include the rest of big Pharma.
British American Tobacco – should be included with Phillip Morris.

More of the same, but in bed with the CIA and NSA and the rest of alphabet criminals.

These do provide some sort of service but so much for monopolies and WTF happened to the antitrust laws?
Amazon – Goes without saying and not on the list, and Bezos pays his workers shit and now the richest man in the world, well, outside the Rothschilds
Walmart – These guys are starting mail order business too.

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The Former Fox News Anchor Donald Trump Allegedly Tried to Kiss While Married to Melania

All the crapolla about sexually tainted in-you-end-do's take the sheeples minds from Dossier, Uranium One, pay to play, grossly corrupt Clinton Foundation, body counts - whew - the presstitutes are having a hey day!  Probably why this lady is a 'former' Fox news anchor.

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Sergei Skripal - Russian spy that was poisoned in the UK, and the idiot Theresa May is blaming the Russians . . . . well . . . .  come to find out the story goes that this guy was one of the people involved with the Christopher Steele's Trump Dossier and was about the come out and tell the truth.  Hmph . . . . looks like we added another one to the Clinton Body Count.

Hadta post this - I like the finger - I'm still #1

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This is just a little piece of info I found on the net.  The key to unlocking parallel universes...

Breakthrough Starshot – hmmm….Steven Hawking was going to disclose this and they killed him – so the narrative goes.
With the SVR discovering that all of the Physicist Billionaire Yuri Milner and Professor Stephen Hawking  communications into the “multidimensional visitation hypothesis”, ancient aliens having visited our planet, and advanced artificial intelligence “bio-robots” being interdimensionally sent to Earth—and all being funneled through the Jared Kushner-Milner co-owned New York City-based real estate technology company Credo—this report concludes—an explanation can now be found as to why President Trump has suddenly begun declassifying and releasing to the public stunning videos of US military encounters with UFO’s and ordered the Pentagon to admit its secret UFO program—and is why many now believe that Trump is now in preparations for the first official UFO and alien disclosure in history—and that, also, could be due to Trump actually being able to see the UFO’s that trailed his plane while he was flying to Washington D.C. to be inaugurated—but that the “Deep State” will do everything they can to prevent from happening as they know their true demonic origin.

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Taken from The Anti-War Blog  Just for a little info with referenced backup and check on how bad these deep state assholeos are!!!  Then watch the Money Masters above.  Then everything becomes clear and where we're headed.

Gulf of Tonkin 1967: McNamara knew it was a mistake before LBJ used it as an excuse to escalate. Daniel Ellsberg’s firsthand account from inside the pentagon: http://www.pbs.org/pov/mostdangerousman/excerpt-ellsberg-memoir/2/
(Gareth Porter says Mac kept the truth from LBJ: 
Cold War’s End 1988-1991: CIA so busy lying about Soviet power under Casey and Gates, they missed the USSR’s fall. 
Iraq War I: 1990-1991: Lied about Iraqi preparations to invade Saudi, Iraqi forces murdering babies
Kosovo: 1999: Lied about 100,000 Albanian Muslims slaughtered by Serbs
Afghanistan: 2001: Lied that Taliban wouldn’t give up Osama bin Laden and al Qaeda
Iraq War II 2003: Lied that Iraq was making WMD, including nuclear weapons, was allied with al Qaeda 
Somalia 2006: The Islamic Courts Union government was not truly in league with al Qaeda as claimed 
Libya 2011: Lied that there was an impending genocide in Eastern Libya 
Syria 2013: No Slam Dunk on al Qaeda false-flag sarin attack, they finally admit much later
Yemen 2015: Not really bad intel, but notably knew war would be “long, bloody and indecisive,” launched it anyway, just to “placate the Saudis.”
—Hasn’t led to war yet, but they’ve been lying for years about Iran’s intent and actions to make nuclear weapons, which never existed.
CIA did finally admit this was so in 2007 
Older phony casus belli:
1812: Impressment of sailors was the excuse when the Democrats really just wanted to seize Canada.
1846: Mexico: U.S. invaded, called it defense from the Mexicans https://www.archives.gov/education/lessons/lincoln-resolutions
1861: Civil War: Keeping Ft. Sumter open after South Carolina secession was a provocation. (Everyone’s got a different opinion about this one.)
1620-Current: Indian wars: Paid Napoleon for the land. God says we can. And they started it anyway.
1898: Spain: Remember the Maine was an accidental fire which spread to the magazine.
1898: Philippines: Must Christianize these Catholics. 
WWI: Lusitania was a deliberate provocation, Zimmerman telegram threat of German-Mexican invasion of U.S. Southwest was a ridiculous joke. 
WWII: Pearl Harbor: FDR Knew. 
Korea: Syngman Ree’s forces’ provocations preceded Northern invasion 

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These are 5 censored books

The Phoenix Program - Douglas Valentine; The Lords of Creation - Frederick Lewis Allen; Blowback - Christopher Simpson; Underground to Palestine - I.F.Stone; Hidden History of the Korean War - I.F.Stone; DuPont Dynasty, Behind the Nylon Curtain - Gerard Colby

Some good reads, and if you can get them on the net - most you gotta pay for . . . I'll try and download them for entertainment when the snow falls here in Texico.

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Where we're headed - or more like where we came from - it's called sustainable development - look it up!!  Think you'll have enough water to drink?  Think again - Nestle owns all the water rights and you'll get a few drops whenever they deem it practical.

Need some cash? Let's print up a few bucks or computer digitize some wealth in a fake bank account - so we can spend it on something - if you or I did that they'd throw us in jail...

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Wednesday, March 14, 2018

A little stuff to make you smile

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And now we get into the 9th Circle Satanic Cult.  Do a search and check on the members - whew - all the way to the British Royalty - Pope - and a buncha other crazies that kidnap little kids and molest them, chop them up and eat them.  Chester the Molester was a choir boy compared to these sick psychos.

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William Cooper’s predictions (in 1991)
The government encouraged the manufacture and importation of military firearms for the criminals to use. This is intended to foster a feeling of insecurity, which would lead the American people to voluntarily disarm themselves by passing laws against firearms. Using drugs and hypnosis on mental patients in a process called Orion, the CIA inculcated the desire in these people to open fire on schoolyards and thus inflame the antigun lobby. This plan is well under way, and so far is working perfectly. The middle class is begging the government to do away with the 2nd amendment.

Then we have all the school shootings, the latest being Florida - whose sheriff, with the last name Israel, backed Hildabeast!  Looks like another false flag - the Satanists are getting desperate!!  Y'all should read "Behold a Pale Horse".  Interesting...

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Here we go again!

United States of Corporate America - 

Kinda makes you wonder why they don't teach or present this in schools - only in legal classes, even then, it's clouded to make the sheeple follow the Judas Goats.

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I've noticed on various podcasts by the CMMM, occasionally they reference Institute for the Study of War and claim this is the correct analysis of WTF is going on and how to correct the problem, create a panic reaction then provide the corporate solution.  These are the same evil assholes that created the PNAC crew think tank that were complicit in 9/11.  These Kagans and crew abandoned PNAC when the investigation was narrowing down on how they orchestrated the catastrophic event like a 'new Pearl harbor'.  Does this give anybody a clue what may be coming down the road in the near future.  Beware the Ides of March!!

All the podcasts by Ryan Dawson's site have been removed from YouTube.  They must be panicking and going after all the sites that don't agree with the bovine excrement spilling out of the mouths of the satanist loonies.

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The US Navy has put to sea the first-ever F-35 aircraft carrier — and it's a big warning to China and North Korea

You mean it can fly? The Russians will make a scrap pile out of it! More money for the MIC. War is for profit, not saving the world - when the hell will people figure that out and kick the bought and paid for politicians out of our government!!!

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Just a little snow in Scova Notia.

Damn, and I didn't bring a shovel!!!

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Horrible Side Effects of Marijuana That People Never Talk About

Yup, might as well light up a Lucky instead - which kills you faster? Answer - tobacco but first on the list is opioids pushed by the pharmaceuticals! Natural hemp is a health cure big pharma doesn't want to let out.

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The Bush political dynasty is finally about to end. Good riddance.

They'll all head to Paraguay to avoid indictments on the criminal activities for the past 85 years, starting the coup that Smedley Butler exposed to trading with the enemy in WWII to WMD - Iran Contra dope dealing - Whew! And this was also arm in arm with the corruption Clintonians. Do a search on the Clinton Foundation on WRH - Kevin Shipp does a good analogy on what this criminal enterprise is / was / ongoing.

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Senate Dems propose tax cut rollback to pay for infrastructure

These morons in congress can't find their butts with either hand. Stop the damned wars, shut down the 1000 military bases around the world, work on diplomacy and education instead of profit for bankers and the war machine. First on the list is seize the Federal Reserve and the $trillions they've raped the US and world, arrest the shareholders, then shoot them - set the example, then give Bill Gates a dose of his toxic vaccines and a cell phone duck taped to his head set on redial.

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More on the school shooting shit!!  And the teacher that was hit by a bullet on her arm says she saw the shooter in full metal jacket with weapon she's never seen before, and they arrested some little mentally handicapped with SSRI's and he says he's guilty. MKUltra goes a long way!!!

Thin-Blue-Line - We'll Kill Your Kids
Got some real whackos in charge here - time to leave - but to where?  And I gave up my .357 and .38 when I got rid of the liquor and jewelry stores.  Guess I gotta go get a .410 pump with double 0 shot and slugs.  Can you put a bump stock on one of those?

The real story on Mandalay hotel is coming out in the alt news. Whew - we got some real dumb fucks in the FBI - well maybe not dumb - just deranged.  Was it Soros money or Saudi or maybe Mossad/CIA?

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Guess who owns the banks?

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And those damned animal rights activists~~~


Sorta looks like we got our priorities a little mixed up?

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Governments are ...

Just more good stuff!!!  Makes you wonder WTF we're headed.

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Putin ‘couldn't care less’ if Russians were involved in hacking US election

Yeah, what the hell, the US was involved in more than 60 regime changes for corporate America since the CIA was created. And that's what we know of, AND they're probably behind the N Korea debacle to create more money flowing into the MIC coffers. No money in peace!  
Let's create another enemy terrorist - how about that cancer virus or bacteria or some other genetalia masterbated orgasm change that kills people - can't cure that . . . nope . . . besides it makes us money selling drugs and all that chemo shit!!

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This started before WWII

These intellectual(?) philosophers at Frankfurt School escaped Germany when Hitler came to power and started to clean house.  They went into the US and started the master plan in education, entertainment, media and politics to subvert the culture and twisted it into what we have today - a pile of bovine excrement...and we need more wars!
Can you imagine what the world would have been like if these satanists used their intellect to further the cause of mankind instead of controlling and destroying it?  And this started not before WWII but from over 2000 years ago yet most of them still resemble neanderthals - have a look at Harvey Weinstein.

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