Monday, February 13, 2023

Every time we witness an injustice and do not act, we train our character to be passive in its presence and thereby eventually lose all ability to defend ourselves and those we love ~ Julian Assange

Thailand To Become First Country In The World To Declare Its Pfizer Contracts Null And Void ~naturalnews
You can review the article, but the main reason is the king’s daughter had a severe reaction to the jabbb and still in a coma.
Thailand seeks billions in retribution from Pfizer for fraudulent covid injections
Once the Thai’s get rid of Pfizer, they’re gonna sue them for $billions for the damage done.  When you figure the other countries with at least half a brain not bought and paid for by big pharma and BIS, this will wipe out Pfizer and the rest of big pharma assassins.
Who knows, maybe holistic and natural organic treatment for the ill will come back into play - can you imagine the stock in cannabis will skyrocket!! 
I also believe we need to rework our medical education program and remove the Rockefeller School of Medicine that treats the symptom, not the cause.  While we’re at it, we must repeal HMOA73 and take profit out of health care - that may even bankrupt the hundreds of bioweapons labs around the world, and of course, shut down the 40 in Ukraine, Nuland stated.

And while we’re working on combatting climate change: 

Gotta get rid of those gas stoves to stop the carbon! 

Those Injected With A Deadly Covid "Vaccine" Considered Unvaccinated For The First 14 Days ~truth11
Yup - article states 75% of the people that died before the 14 days transpired, were victims of the coronahoax virus, not the poison jabbb.  Looks like VAERS only posts what benefits Pfizer and gang, not the people.  But it appears, people are finally smartening up and going after the perpetrators, hell, even complicit up to his armpits - Gates, is turning against the jabbers - he needs amnesty. “Repeat a lie often enough it becomes the truth”~Joseph Goebbels and Billy’s in lockstep.
Another quote from Joe the Goebbels that underlies WTF is happening today:-
It is the absolute right of the State to supervise the formation of public opinion.~Joseph Goebbels
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Pfizer Pleased To Announce Their New Vaccine 90% Effective Against New Virus They Created ~bb
Great to see ‘Dirty Berta’ Bourla is on top of the game - make a vaxx, then produce a virus!! Sounds like the Chapel Hill/Wuhan game in play - with just a little sarcasm.

Punxsutawney Phil Emerges From Burrow To Let Everyone Know There Are Some Documents Marked ‘Classified’ Down There~bb 

DOJ officials scrambled to retrieve the documents from Phil's burrow as word began to spread among the assembled media that yet another hidden stash of Joe Biden's classified documents had been discovered.
In a press conference, the puppet Karine Jean-Pierre said. "The documents were, indeed, temporarily stuffed into the burrow of one Punxsutawney Phil by an unknown person.
At publishing time, Punxsutawney Phil was reportedly planning to give an exclusive interview to Tucker Carlson this evening about overhearing people mentioning "the Ukraine deal" and "Hunter's laptop" last fall as they were stuffing the documents into his burrow, but he was quickly subdued, muzzled, and forcefully escorted away by federal agents for waterboarding at an undisclosed government location.
Not much satire here, or there. 

They forgot another quote, ‘The Military Industrial Complex’ and international bankers want peace.
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Alfred Kinsey and the Children Of Table
Not that this has anything to do with coronahoax, but I came across this when looking for what the satanists are doing in Pedowood, Ca.  These m’th’rf’k’rs have been doing this for centuries and concealed by the elite/parasites. And the creep Kinsey is praised by the education klan - or maybe who runs it, not the educators - they just do what they’re told or they lose their job.
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Jeffrey Epstein’s Island Flight Logs Finally Released: What does this Mean?~tts
The list is huge - I imagine the same as his pedo list, and does involve many people in power, or in the position to use their power - you can do a search and check endless bunch of whackos including our infamous leaders - or more like Judas Goats.
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America’s Ukraine Screw-Up~tts~brother nathanael~real jew news

Yup - the cookie monster hard at work!  This only cost us $5 billion in 2014 now running into +/- $100 billion today.  D’ya get the feeling, the ‘state department’ really don’t give a shit about the Uke’s, only power and money for the klan with the goal of splintering Russia - who incidentally kicked out the Rothschilds banksters.  Connect the dots yet?
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Global weather engineering operations are a reality. Atmospheric particle testing conducted by has now proven that the lingering, spreading jet aircraft trails, so commonly visible in our skies, are not just condensation as we have officially been told.

I’ve been posting this for almost 10 years now, and the weather channel still doesn’t make the recognition of chemtrails - only contrails or partly cloudy.
And this is only one of the photos from Dane Wigington’s site.  I’ve taken hundreds here in downtown Texico and have posted on the blog of my contact with TCEQ and their response to chemtrails ( labeled contrails by TCEQ). 

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Watch: Biden Tries to Brag About Female Staff in Front of Bill Clinton - It Goes Horribly Wrong. ~thewesternjournal
FJB did state over half of his female staff are females.  Rachel Levine, is a person with testicles, Sam Briton, the bald headed non-binary queen that steals suitcases in airports, maybe has some too, dunno about the rest and Pete ButtJabb is a person who doesn’t menstruate yet does take paternal leave to breast feed his adopted children with his partner, who also doesn’t menstruate.
It sho’ looks like the FJB admin is f’k’d up for sure - the plan of the Klan being the preclude to going to a CBDC and you’ll own nothing and be happy. See where it’s headed?
* * * * 

And you’ll need to slam shut the IRS and FBI with the same repeal.
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The Draft of the WHO Pandemic Treaty Promises to Equally Destroy Your Rights
The most current draft of the pandemic treaty, released publicly on February 1, is big on “equality.” To make it clear, the writers don’t want anyone to feel left out — small countries, Third World countries, marginalized populations — we are all equal in the face of the Mighty Germ and its Countermeasures.
This equality stuff is taken to extremes, however. Let’s take a look at Article 14, titled Protection of Human Rights. As the whole concept of a “one size fits all” global treaty to mandate uniform responses to a centrally declared pandemic is utterly at odds with the very concept of human rights, I sat up and started paying close attention.
What Article 14 seems to be proposing is that we will all have our rights violated EQUALLY and with EQUITY under this global One Health system. So if you are black, transgender, disabled or indigenous, the treaty will ensure that the restrictions and violations of your rights take place … EQUITABLY.
Here is Article 14 in its entirety:
Article 14. Protection of human rights

1. The Parties shall, in accordance with their national laws, incorporate non-discriminatory measures to protect human rights as part of their pandemic prevention, preparedness, response and recovery, with a particular emphasis on the rights of persons in vulnerable situations.

2. Towards this end, each Party shall: (a) incorporate into its laws and policies human rights protections during public health emergencies, including, but not limited to, requirements that any limitations on human rights are aligned with international law, including by ensuring that: (i) any restrictions are nondiscriminatory, necessary to achieve the public health goal and the least restrictive necessary to protect the health of people; (ii) all protections of rights, including but not limited to, provision of health services and social protection programmes, are non-discriminatory and take into account the needs of people at high risk and persons in vulnerable situations; and (iii) people living under any restrictions on the freedom of movement, such as quarantines and isolations, have sufficient access to medication, health services and other necessities and rights; and (b) endeavour to develop an independent and inclusive advisory committee to advise the government on human rights protections during public health emergencies, including on the development and implementation of its legal and policy framework, and any other measures that may be needed to protect human rights.

Kinda makes you feel all warm and fuzzy, doesn’t it … just knowing that the restrictions on your freedoms, undelineated and possibly life-wrecking, will take place in an inclusive manner with the highest regard for your rights.
And if that isn’t Orwellian gobbledygook, I don’t know what is….
Looks like we’re in deep shit if the sheeple let this come into play!! 

Need to get out the Bovine Excrement Detector!  You’ll need to recharge the batteries every 10 minutes in Davos.
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Passing Of Internet Censorship Bill Pushes Canada Toward Communism~truth11
This is how fascist states are made. Emulating authoritarian dictatorships of history, Justin Trudeau and the Liberals transition Canada to the most unfree society among all western nations.
Fidelito is pushing for the WEF end game - enslave the world - it looks like Kanader needs to have another trucker freedom rally and run over Ottawa.  And I’ll bet they’ll pass laws that ‘If you don’t agree with the rulers - you’re mentally ill” - then they’ll open the Kevorkian clinic! They need to get rid of the commie Trudeau and Nazi Freeland plus the rest of the YGL’rs. Damn, and I thought the Canucks were smart - that was before I left in 1967.
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Clade X and Event 201~armstrongeconomics
“In May, 2018, the WEF partnered with Johns Hopkins to simulate a fictitious pandemic  dubbed ‘Clade X’ . . . . .A little over a year later, the WEF once again teamed-up with Johns Hopkins, along with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, to stage another pandemic exercise called ‘Event 201’ in October, 2019. . . .the World Health Organization (WHO) officially declared that the coronavirus had reached pandemic status on March 11, 2020.”
You’d need to include the Lockstep 2010 Rockefellers little simulation:-
The simulation(s) covered the following scenarios:
  • Governments implementing lockdowns worldwide
  • The collapse of many industries
  • Growing mistrust between governments and citizens
  • A greater adoption of biometric surveillance technologies
  • Social media censorship in the name of combating misinformation
  • The desire to flood communication channels with “authoritative” sources
  • A global lack of personal protective equipment
  • The breakdown of international supply chains
  • Mass unemployment
  • Rioting in the streets
This also blends in with:-
“The pandemic represents a rare but narrow window of opportunity to reflect, reimagine, and reset our world to create a healthier, more equitable, and more prosperous future” — Klaus Schwab, World Economic Forum
This obviously has been the Plan of the Klan for decades, or more like centuries!  And it’s working - look around and see what’s happened to the world and you can guess where its headed!!!!
When will the f’k’n sheeple wake up and go after this evil scourge of satanists!!! Hail Moloch!!!
Orwell and Huxley have to be rolling around in their graves!!!
I did check the net for 1984 and came up with this pic that sho’ as hell resembles our pal at the WEF Klaus the Schlawb. 

Was this the plan in the works for centuries? 

* * * *
As posted above the Thai princess has gone into coma after the Pfizer booster and the king has ordered a stop of the vaxx and go against Pfizer.  If in fact the prosecutions begins in Switzerland, it appears Klaus Schwab will need to vacate and head to Miami.  He probably has a villa next to Zelensky.  You can check the video and it does tie in together all the crimes. 
This would be astounding if in fact it does proceed and the evil satanists are put on the guillotine in a FEMA camp.
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It’s gonna be tax time soon - better get ready 

BREAKING: Beloved Tennis Player Dies Suddenly After Collapse On Summerlin Court~wrh
43 year old Ryan Vannah, dies on the court - the article didn’t state if he had the jabbb - but you can bet your ass he did.
Amazing Novak Djokovic won the Australian match and didn’t have the jabbb - Billy Gates the weenie was at the match. 
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Fire at Waikato farm kills 50,000 chickens~NZ-2/23
50,000 chickens dead as West Auckland poultry farm razed in late-night fire~NZ-12/22
Fire strikes major Wairarapa farm~NZ-9/14
Firefighters race to save farmhouse, douse hedge fire in Southland, warn of dry weather risk~NZ-1/23
Damn, that’s a lotta fires - that almost matches the 20 major food processing plants, chicken/egg/turkey/beef and grain facilities destroyed here in the USSA.
Is there a plot to reduce the quantity of food for the masses?  But the YGL’r banshee Jacinda Ardern has resigned so it appears her puppet masters have taken complete control.  Maybe her jock strap did’t fit too good.
Looks like we’ll have the ‘hunger games’ competition in 2023/2024 and on.
Food Production In The West Is Being Systematically Destroyed~paulcraigroberts
Roberts lists over 700 food processing plants have mysteriously been destroyed around the world.
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Meanwhile in the Democrat hellhole of California…gatewaypundit
Prostitutes are now soliciting johns next to a St. Anthony’s K-8 Catholic grade school in Oakland all hours of the day after Governor Newsom signed a law ending loitering arrests for prostitution.
And I suppose, in the pro’s spare time, they can go to the school and teach a little transgenderism in a drag queen outfit.
This makes you wonder is Newsom insane? Dumb question - of course he is! WTF has gone wrong with this world, or rather WTF has been going on for the past 2000 years? WEF YGL’rs at work??
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The Federal Reserve Cartel: Who owns the Federal Reserve?  They are the Goldman Sachs, Rockefellers, Lehmans and Kuhn Loebs of New York; the Rothschilds of Paris and London; the Warburgs of Hamburg; the Lazards of Paris; and the Israel Moses Seifs of Rome.
I believe we already knew that - but it’s being posted more on the alt news sites and hopefully the sheeple will wake up and kick those m’th’rf’k’rs out and hang ‘em on Wall Street.
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I had to add this meme - truth11 

And more with hundreds of thousands homeless. Yeah, lets give Zelensky a few more $billions, that he’ll funnel back to our congress critters through FTX, oh, he’s outta bidness, but there’s more to pick from, it’s called Wall Street.

Where we’re headed - I stopped looking for homes for sale, maybe need to check on some property that’s not close to nuclear fallout.

Then of course the WEF / FRB pushing the CBDC coming up! 

Say No to the Central Bank Digital Currency!!!!!  But, Cash is funny money, at least they can’t track it or control where you spend it.

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Tonight’s State Of The Union To Be Sponsored By Pfizer~bb
Maybe some day I’ll watch the sotu the COTUS spit out.
“Pfizer Did Not Defraud The Government. We Delivered The Fraud That The Government Ordered”~truth11
Hmmm. . . .now its getting interesting - the lawyers should be making fortunes off this skam!!! I don’t suppose no where does it state how much big pharma money was donated to PAC’s to pay off the politickers, that control the DOD and HHS! But that is secret - bounced around the Caymans, FTX, Ukraine, Wall Street, bioweapons labs baksheesh, and Bill Gates, Schwab and Soros. It’s a tangled spider web of deceit and swindles and that’s how the deep state and congress critters cover their ass, with no N95 or jabbb, oh, and Trump’s National Security Council was also part of the mess!  Is this how the DINOs and RINOs will control the 2024 elections? Spill the garbage out and the sheeple wade thru it and convince them to vote for the savior, Hickory Klingon?
While we’re waiting for this caldron of deceit to make it’s way to the top of the swamp, maybe should investigate which country to move to when the CBDC comes into play and you’ll own nothing and be happy!! HUTA

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FALLOUT: Michigan Lawmakers Demand Accountability for Pfizer “Gain of Function,” Fascist Partnership with Feds and Lamestream Media after Project Veritas Report~gatewaypundit
It makes you wonder when this will be resolved, and perpetrators arrested and put in jail for Nuremberg2 trials - or will there be series of another Wellstone, or Hastings or Vince Foster event?


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Catholic Student Removed from School for Rest of Year for Believing God Created Only Two Genders: Report~western journal
Huh?. . . .in Canada?  You mean to say there’s more than 2 genders?  Male - Female - ???. These m’th’r’f’k’rs really don’t have a clue - and they’re in the education system?  Damn, we need another Sandy Hook, but leave the kids alone - go after the gay caballeros and fruitcakes.
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Freedom’s Extinction~andrewnepolitano
“Freedom is always just one generation away from extinction.”— Ronald Reagan (1911-2004)

Today, our rights can be extinguished or denied and our liberty and property can be taken by politicians and bureaucrats, without a jury trial.
These are the times that try our souls because at home we have a government that spends $2 trillion a year more than it takes in, while abroad it taunts the Russian dictator by paying for a war in Ukraine that the Ukrainians simply cannot win.
And we’re headed toward a totalitarian state in overdrive coerced by the skumbags on the dole from the Rothschilds Khazarian Mafia. Now these same evil satanists are pushing for the CBDC!  If we don’t wake the fuck up and get in gear to stop these m’th’rf’k’rs, then we’ll all be in a FEMA camp - well, the ones still alive, that is.
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Time to go to Bingo tonite:- 

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“Take a look at the 65-69 and 70-79 age groups. Surprisingly, the number of new infections or positive cases per 100,000 people is four times higher for people who have been vaccinated twice, compared with unvaccinated people…”
I copied part of the article to note what the Japanese have been researching the data of vaxx vs nonvaxx and it really isn’t that surprising since I haven’t had the jabb and neither has someone I know, a health care professional, with patients that have been diagnosed with the so called covidhoax and neither of us have had a runny nose.
I’ve posted from various articles published by medical professionals, that have shown proof that natural immunity is 16x better than any jabbb that’s supposed to stop you from becoming infected and the jabbb is 98x worse than the coronahoax, that I call it, (also the jabbb doesn’t stop you from becoming infected - makes you wonder why the mask or the jabbb) - but others label it Covid-19 (certificate of vaccination ID) and most likely if one of the gofers of pharma turns on the 5G next to you and you don’t light up, then you don’t have the jabbb and you’ll probably be arrested and stuck in a FEMA camp. So far this hasn’t happened, and it does appear the people are waking up and fighting this insane method of ‘control’. The CBDC will be the next lock down, to take the sheeples minds off the last lock down, and you’ll need to wear a mask while they steal whatever you have in the bank and claim it’s theirs, not yours.  Makes you wonder, what are they going to do with all the paper funny money scattered around the world - hell - that’ll be a bigger waste dump than what’s next to NYC or LA and Shanghai, FRB and City of London / BIS, polluting the world. A fish will have a ‘Benjamin’ stuck to his face when caught.
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Project Veritas kicks out James O'Keefe. What is going on?
The founder and driving force of Project Veritas, James O’ Keefe has been placed on paid leave by his own board. 
Hmmm. . . .it sho’ looks like Gates, Soros and big pharma have moles and trolls everywhere!!!  Divide and conquer!!  “Keep the sheeple arguing and fighting amongst each other, then they won’t know WTF is the difference between truth and and Mockingbird ‘Fake News’!”
Fierce Backlash As Project Veritas Sidelines James O’Keefe After Pfizer Bombshells
You can bet your ass the donors will cancel any funds for sure!!! This brings up another item as posted above, are the board members trolls and paid for by Soros/Gates and Klan?
Then this pops up on CHD:-
How the Powerful Use Crises to Concentrate Wealth, Manipulate the Masses
“In various kinds of crises, whether it’s an energy crisis, a health crisis or a military crisis, there are curious profits and benefits to be had,” ~Russel Brand
Yup, big pharma and the 4 horsemen including the military incompetent complex and international banksters, have yielded enormous profits from the Gates/Soros/Fauci orchestrated crisis!!!!  I would have listed the FBI and CIA in there, and they’re run by the same Khazarian Mafia!
Now we have a balloon!! What’s next - yup - war!!! ‘The Psychology of Totalitarianism’
Ordo ab Chao - problem, reaction solution! Plan of the Klan
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A coupla memes:- 

Only question I see with this meme is they stuck Xi in there, is he part of the Klan? But communism is part of the Rothschilds Khazarian Mafia’s program who financed Marx, Lenin, Trotsky and Mao. 

Yup - they need amnesty!!! Forget about the millions that have died or suffered severe reactions.
And the best, if not least:- 

The non-elected schmucks in the deep state, controlling our bought and paid for politickers, just don’t quit!
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How it goes in the USSA, 

The following meme rhymes with my post of a few years ago with Sh’t and F’rt from planet Pu’k after visiting the 3rd rock from the sun, they left based on the discovery ‘there’s no intelligent life down here’! 
And a little pic of a strange cloud over Turkey minutes before the massive earthquake:-


And a little pic of a strange cloud over Turkey minutes before the massive earthquake:-

This wouldn’t be HAARP and DEWs would it? Besides the military only has less than 2 years before they control the weather etc., by 2025 - posted this before “Weather as a Force Multiplier - Owning the Weather by 2025”, published by the USAF in 1996, right after the UN Agenda 21 meetings.
I suppose you can guess who controls our military - and it ain’t for the people!!!
Turkey’s Interior Minister Suleyman Soylu “I’m calling out to the American ambassador here,” he said. “Get your filthy hands off Turkey. We know very well what you have done …
Yup, it sure appears "if you don’t do what the USSA rep states, you’ll suffer” - and the earthquake was simply a devastating example of what the evil assholeos are capable of.
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A meme of Dr. Evil - Klaus the Schlawb. 

And he does have a cook book - how to prepare a cricket burger and filet of roach. Hmm. . .is that rare or well done?
Ted Rall got it right!  But then the ME isn’t like ‘merika.

Flashback – Russian lawmaker names first city Russia will strike if World War III begins~tts
Whew - London is the target - I thought it would have been DC, but then the City of London has been the creator of almost all the wars since over 200 years, and the general forgot that Klaus the Schlawb is in Switzerland hanging around Basel, but in the underground facility. The Ruskies will need a bunker buster.

Satanist (Communist) Corporate America~tts~henrymakow

America’s largest corporations are controlled by the Satanist Jewish central bankers. They are no longer in the business of providing products and services. They are in the business of dehumanising and enslaving you with their woke nonsense.

I had to post Henry’s quote under the fist.
CJ Evans--"After reading this article, ask yourself; do you have any choice? I am convinced that those who succumb to the NWO will be those who are dependent on woke governments and employers for ever-lower real wages and pay. Try to be as self-sufficient as possible."

And there’s more from the post from Joel Skoussen’s article - you can log on and read it if you wish. 

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