Thursday, April 15, 2021

"Reader, suppose you were an idiot. And suppose you were a member of Congress. But I repeat myself”~Mark Twain

“Hell is empty and all the devils are here.”~ William Shakespeare

More fake news 

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Bill Gate’s money and influence is infiltrating university research, shutting down scientific progress on vaccine safety

As stated before, why isn’t the schmuck Gates arrested and sent to Gitmo?

And guess what, nano aluminum particles are inserted in chemtrails along with the barium, strontium and other toxic worms - hell - yesterday, while on the golf course, the skies were laden with chemtrails and the color wasn’t even white, it was brown - makes you wonder WTF was the agent added - bullshit?

And don’t take the schwab test!!! 

The Covid “vaccines” are not vaccines at all but a form of gene therapy with a Nanotech delivery system which in other words is genetic engineering. ~ Dr. Ariyana Love

Yeah, what the hell, we’ve had geoengineering for over 60 years and more, why not genetic engineering(?).  Gates needs the money to reduce the world’s population - and who the fuck put this psycho in charge of killing people? Rockefeller - Rothschilds/Bauer - owners of the main stream media?

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Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene Introduces Proposal to Bar ‘Vaccine Passports’

Now we’re getting somewhere!! It’s about time the politikers smarten up and go with the reality of science.

This probably will run into roadblocks if you want to travel, the airline industry will not let you board, because it’s their right and the money received from the Gates criminal organization will stop if they don’t kiss his ass.

And another good thing from this woman is to issue a resolution to impeach Biden.  Greene is a R-Georgia congressman or woman or person - whatever the new green deal labels it.

Not much chance of this being approved in the USCC, that’s ‘United States Communist Congress’

This is the oath the politikers take when entering government body.  The only problem is, the politikers are the ‘enemy’ / ‘domestic’ including dual citizens of Israhell, and on the dole from corporatism!  So much for being a republic or democracy, besides, this is a corporation, so it appears all 4 branches of government call the shots, on orders from the banksters.

Whew, the conversation could go on forever, so I’ll stop here.  Point being made.

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Preserving the Presidency: JFK and the Military Industrial Complex

Good article - the history, not taught in modern ‘common core’ education about the evolution of the MIC and CIA, and I can remember when I was in Canada, rushing home from school to listen to JFK’s press conference and his putting the media on the defensive with his sarcastic humor that was actually the truth, they couldn’t stand, at least the owners of MSM in concert with the CIA and they shot him after EO11110.

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Watch this - before it’s taken off YouTube.

Peter Navarro, Top Trump Advisor, Says Fauci Created COVID 19 and Engineered World Pandemic (really)~VT

The big question is – when are they going to start arresting these satanic perpetrators involved in this horrific exercise in eugenics population control connected to the Georgia Guidestones? Then put the guillotines FEMA has purchased for their camps with the 2500 gals of cyanide to work?

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Goodbye War on Terror & Hello Permanent Pandemic~TLB

Debugger comment~

We need the War on Stupidity!! It’s a good thing, FEMA has all the guillotines, cyanide, hollow points and coffins – the people can round up all the corrupt politicians, put International bankers first along with the fascist corporations and stick them in there and flip the switch.

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Kinda makes you wonder, who edzakery is the ‘real’ Hickory!  Maybe she’s in Gitmo, as stated by the lunatic David Zublik.

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Another good pic of Justin Castro with the homo queens. 

Watched a good podcast on JouTube of Pierre Poilievre stating that Justin Trudeau was the captain on a sinking ship.

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Here you go - Weapons of Mass Stupidity!!!  Sort of matches Department of Homeland Stupidity that I have a t shirt with the official symbol on it, the next time I go to airport I’ll wear it - makes me wonder if they’ll let me on the Boeing 737 Max without a vaxx.  

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"It really was a big help to the army. They probably killed a lot of people, and I probably have a lot of blood on my hands, but that's not all bad." -- Robert Martens, former member of the US Embassy's political section in Jakarta, in 1990, discussing the 1965 US-backed coup in Indonesia

Been there, done that - posted this many times - also my take on WTF really happened.

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Posted on Lew Rockwell~Dr Ryan Cole

You can check on this and the following.

  • Coronavirus infections are seasonal
  • Average COVID-19 age of death 78.6 years. Average annual US age of death historically 78.6 years. 
  • Face mask wearing outdoors is absolute insanity. No study shows any super-spreader event outdoors.  The best mask of all is your immune system.
  • There is no such thing as cold and flu season. There is only low vitamin D season.
  • Inflammatory (cytokine) storm cannot be controlled without adequate vitamin D levels.
  • Massive numbers of Americans have low vitamin D levels.
  • 96% of ICU patients are vitamin D deficient
  • You cannot synthesize vitamin D from sunlight during fall and winter at 35-degrees north.
  • You living in northern climates you are immune suppressed if you do not supplement with vitamin D during fall and winter.
  • Scandinavian countries (Finland, Norway, Sweden) test their citizens twice a year for vitamin D and fortify 35 foods with vitamin D.
  • Our population is left vulnerable to any seasonal viral infection without a public health program to promote vitamin D adequacy.
  • There is not social disparity of care but the fact darker skin pigmentation inhibits sunshine vitamin D synthesis in the skin.
  • Fauci says he personally takes 8000-9000 units of vitamin D per day but why has this not become a public health message?
  • The top three public health messages should be: 1- vitamin D; 2- vitamin D; 3- vitamin D.
  • By law, the federal government cannot approve a vaccine if there is a proven treatment. That would be Ivermectin.
  • The government is in bed with a vaccine company; both the federal government and Moderna co-hold patents on their RNA vaccine. The “fox is guarding the henhouse.”
  • The drug Remdesivir only works during the first 2-3 days of the infection. It does not increase survival.  It is like “peeing on a forest fire.”
  • Four billion doses of Ivermectin have been safely taken. Death rate decreased 70-90% in hospitals treating COVID-19 patients.
  • Of the half million COVID-19 deaths in North America, there would be 375,000 less deaths if Ivermectin were used! Public health officials have blood on their hands.  100% of Ivermectin-treated patients don’t get ill.  Works for all genetic variants.
  • The vaccines are an experiment on society.
  • The vaccine is unproven and long-term safety data is not even being checked.
  • You can get Ivermectin from doctors online.

Yup, Gates and company don’t want you taking natural cure, they wanna poison you, and kill you anyways - they gotta reduce the population - Georgia Guidestones.

“Mass masking”

Ordered by the Maskholes!!!

We gotta a new environmental issue rearing its ugly head - those damned carbon credits will be completely drowned in masks in the dump - that will leak into fresh water sources, oceans, whales and fish infected by micro plastic let alone the particle shit that gets into your lungs when you’re forced to wear this piece of junk.  What has happened to the world? Are the master-baters creating havoc to reduce the populations - yup - we need sustainable development.

Time to wake up folks, and give the organized crime cabal running the world an anal schwab with an RPG on the tip.

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‘60 Minutes’ Deceptively (and Maliciously) Edits Ron DeSantis Video

Yup, we can’t have the truth on MSM - but we can change it to sound like OUR truth. Hee Hee!!!

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D’ya notice, I keep repeating myself on occasion?

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Prince Philip Dead at 99 

Oh, oh, I suppose we can expect a new virulent virus coming down the road - gonna need the new improved, modified, altered, laced with nano particle heavy metals and microchipped VaXX!@!@!.  Seems like they ran out of Wuhan Adrenochrome at the palace.  He won’t be going to where the 10 children from Kamloops BC went after their little picnic, he’s going down, not up!

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So CANADA is paying people to lie about COVID!(?)

Hmmm. . . . does Canada have politikers on the payroll of big pharma and corporatists? Probably, all politikers are corrupt and have been chosen and trained from birth to lie, cheat and steal with a straight face while swearing their oath to secret societies - screw the sheeple - we need the money and power.

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Bill Gates persuaded Oxford University to sign an exclusive deal with AstraZeneca for its new offering, rather than allow it to be copied freely by all

Fergoosin, or is that Ferguson, has to be mixed up in this while making his predictions on the computer model at sprint speed, about 300K Americans to be infected and probably die in a couple of months after contracting this Coronahoax virus.

Not that I’m skeptical or anything like that, but it does seem like a fake enterprise to push for the NWO and total control of the greedies. Hell, why not go play a round of golf or something and enjoy life instead of eliminating the people locked up in their basement.  Caddies need a job too, especially the ones at Bogor Raya or Cengkareng.  Ahh - vitamin D the key!!  Why they want you inside out of the sunlight.

When you connect the dots in the recent past, with the Federal Reserve, repo, reverse repo, derivatives, hedge funds, sub prime mortgages and the roulette wheel on Wall Street, they needed to come up with the Aldous Huxley and PNAC’ers predictions on biowarfare targeting specific genotypes to cloud their insatiable NWO greed and blame it on a virus that just happened to be created in their secretly financed bioweapons labs.

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Almost 19,000 unaccompanied minors entered the US from Mexico in March alone – largest monthly number ever~RBN

Whew - what a bonanza - harvesting adrenochrome for the nasty pedos.  And Prince Philly musta ran out, then croaked. Now Abbott is going after the pedos taking care of bidness.

Another Denver Airport mural(?) - 1994 - 10 years after 1984? in line with the last post showing the mural of a satanic guy with gun and sword stuck in a dove. These kids have a mask - hmmm - I wonder who painted that one?

And I enjoyed Denver when I was there for a few months in 2007 - and I did notice these stupid paintings at the airport.

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Back in 1999, Philip Morris courted officials of the Czech Republic by explaining how smoking would in fact help their economy, due to the reduced healthcare costs from its citizens dying early.

From an article on RT, I had to post this - yup, have the old farts die young and think of health care savings for the corrupt insurance companies!!!  Gotta light up a Lucky!!

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What if Chauvin is acquitted of killing George Floyd?

Then this:

George Floyd Trial Update: Prosecutor’s Case Falls Apart

The MSM will no doubt blast mayhem around to cause riots, looting, burning, destruction and you won’t need a vaxx or wear a mask to participate.  This will no doubt turn into a military action to take your weapons for the not so deep state floating in the swamp.

I read this on 4-12-21 - lets see WTF will happen in the near future.  This could very well be another Boston Bombing or Sandy Hook, as stated before - false flags are the modus operandi used in hundreds of horrible actions created by the creeps running the fiat money game.

Then this:

If Derek Chauvin Acquitted, “All Hell Will Break Loose”

You can bet your ass this will happen and blame it on corrupt legal exercises in our court system who all belong to secret societies, then this will be another excuse to impose Martial Law, and Jade Helm 15, renamed 21 in real time exercise. 


The cop sho’ as hell looks like Ben Bailey, not Chauvin. Tricksters at work? Naww, they wouldn’t stage a horrific exercise to fool the people, and they shot the older Tsarnaev brother, makes you wonder WTF he did, when the bomb in the back pack matched the security teams, not the ones Tsarnaev bros wore.

And strange another article comes up and states the police had a stand down order on Jan 6th.  Hmmm. . . .who would give them that order - Pedosi? Biden? DNC? FBI? CIA?

Then we have to get into who finances BLM - a few majors are in the hunt

1. DoorDash - $500,000

2. Deckers - $500,000

3. Amazon - $10,000,000 - split with a couple of other useless orgs.

4. Gatorade - $500,000

5. Microsoft - $250,000

6. Glossier - $500,000

7. 23andMe - (?)

8. Airbnb - $500,000 split with NAACP

9. Unilever - $350,000

10. Bungie - No amount specified

11. Nabisco - $500,000 split with other groups

12. Dropbox - $500,000

14. Devolver Digital - $65,000

15. Skillshare - (?) only stated they’re donating

16. Square Enix - $250,000

17. Thatgamecompany - the $20,000 split with NAACP

18. Tinder - (?) No amount specified 

Cisco is providing $5 million to various groups with BLM being one and you can see who to boycott sanction and divest.

The article didn’t list the $200,000 Footlocker donated to BLM, and right after that, the gang looted the stores in Minnesota - go figure - I suppose they needed a pair of Air Max and no where does it list how much Soros donated, or more likely paid off.

I can agree with supporting various groups, regardless of color race, creed or origin, and freedom is the main aspect, discrimination is not acceptable.  But when you direct and provide financing of the various groups to cause mayhem, loot, burn destroy and ruin assets and people to justify the cause, that is not acceptable.  The people financing and promoting this need to be arrested and sent on the trip to the guillotine. Then take a step back and look at who’s supporting the groups causing riots and destruction, and who benefits?  Follow the money - Amazon is growing tremendously, probably Microsoft sales are going off the charts with people screwing with lap tops locked up in their basement. Quite a few dots to connect!

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'We Were Creating A Story -- Our Focus Was To Get Trump Out': CNN Director Busted By Undercover Veritas Operative

CNN along with the other crooked fake media with perhaps the efforts of FoXX, were ganged up together to get rid of Trumpkin.

And now we have Tucker Carson questioning Fauci and the Vaxx - wait a minute, he’s not supposed to do that, that’s against big pharma’s rules - d’ya thinks FoXX might fire him - if they don’t get any money from Pfizer or Moderna or AstraZeneca?  J-J is already banned or will they call it something else on the MSM besides, maybe the people that died or got a blood clot most likely had a preexisting condition - nothing at all? - besides, Gates CDC, WHO, WEF gotta depopulate to suit the Agenda of Sustainability. 

And another good read

All 18 make sense and proof of the fake vaxx complex and goes along with the 31 posted in last Debugger.

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Need to post this pic, the Crown, controlled by SERCO or versa visa owned by the Rothschilds have a patent on the nasty imaginary little bug floating around the world.

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Just a little more news. . . .


Uhhh. . .no insider trading here that I can see, can you?


Yeah, definitely, maybe, could have, on purpose by mistake - damn, how many other versions of this could there be - let’s bet on ‘Gates and Fauci, WHO, WEF, Federal Reserve, MIC, and BIS could maybe, definitely, could have, on purpose, by mistake - hmph - simple answer - follow the money!

“If you wanted to depopulate a significant portion of the world, and to do it in a way that wouldn’t require destruction of the environment with nuclear weapons, or poisoning everyone with anthrax or something, And you wanted plausible deniability, whilst you had a multi-year infectious disease crisis; I don’t think you could come up with a better plan of work than what seems to be in from of me. I can’t say that’s what they’re going to do, but I cannot think of a benign explanation for why they are doing it.”

It’s for money and power!  Psycho Gates and other wealthy people want that!!!!

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