Friday, April 2, 2021

If, as they say, God can abolish evil, and God really wants to do it, why is there evil in the world?~Epicurus

Geert Vinden Bossche this vaxx creator now is stating the Covid Vaxx shit can affect you forever?  Hmmm…Maybe some of these guys are growing a conscience?  


And they arrested a 65 year old lady in Galveston for not wearing a mask in the Bank of America!! What’s that tell you - and they had occult paintings all over the place, almost as bad as the Denver Airport with all the satanic paintings - and location of DUMBs. 

And a really macho shithead cop too - he showed her that 65 year old ladies can’t do WTF they want.  Abbott already passed the rule so you don’t have to wear a mask or distance but did state the company needs to make that decision - what decision?  Keep the sheeple humbly following the Judas Goat?

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SARS-2 Manmade in Biolab and Concealed by NWO Intel. As Ties among ISIS, Turkey, NATO & CIA

Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio ~VT

“Three weeks after the inauguration of the new National Director of US Intelligence appointed by President Joseph Biden and confirmed with lightning on January 21 by the Senate. What is his name? Lawyer Avril Haines, the CIA deputy bio-weapons expert with Obama-Biden in the years 2011-2013 in which the government agency USAID financed the bacteriological experiments in the USA, China and Canada on “dual use” enhanced chimeric viruses (weapon or vaccine).”

This article posted on VT, by Fabio - ties in quite a bit of history and connects to 9/11 and the psycho perpetrators named PNAC’ers - that happened 10 years before the Rockefeller Lockstep meeting in 2010 addressing bioweapons and plandemics to depopulate.  Hmm . . . seems like this has been cooking on the back burner for quite a while within the Aldous Huxley and Albert Pike time frame.

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Matt got into this but didn’t reference Operation Mockingbird - the CIA took over the ‘real’ news and have the MSM publish disinformation since the 50’s. And we’re suppose to believe this shit they print or blabber on a screen!!!

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Facebook Global Planning Lead says the Company “Needs to be Broken Up”

Benny Thomas, Facebook Global Planning Lead: “I would break up Facebook, which means I would make less money probably — but I don’t care. Like that’s what needs to be done. Instagram, Facebook Messenger, Oculus, WhatsApp — they all need to be separate companies. It’s too much power when they’re all one together.”

Yup - the CIA runs Google and FB.  Zuckerschmuck is simply a tool and a good thing he can put two words together and sometimes makes a bit of sense - but then his controllers make sure he’s in lockstep. Besides, the real owners will still govern WTF goes on and the data being harvested and sold to the highest bidder.

Why the fury?~ Irish Savant

The world-wide reaction to the Covid scamdemic has convinced me that we’ve fallen under an evil magic spell, that a malevolent miasma has captured people’s minds. And – it seems – the higher the intelligence the greater the susceptibility. The cognitive dissonance is, at least to my mind, unprecedented.

Consider: The PCR test and masks have been scientifically proven not to work. There’s a 99% survival rate and the median age of death is over 80. Yet on the strength of these trivial indicators restrictions falling just short of martial law have been imposed on and accepted by a supine public. Draconian lockdowns, confining people to within a few miles of their homes, bankrupting countless businesses, falsifying death statistics, the lockstep Stalinist cohesion of government, media, Big Pharma, transnational organisations and the medical establishment fully and perennially on message.

How could any intelligent person not identify these as red flags?

Good question!  This is the scam of the century, well, two centuries, 20 and 21 but has been going on for hundreds of years by the psycho banksters and their minions.

They gotcha fooled folks, and don’t take the vaxx or wear a mask.  I wear one at Spec’s when I go get a case of Carlsberg, not cuz I believe the bullshit, but they won’t let me in to get the good beer.

This ties in the dots!!

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Future Effects of Those Vaccinated for Covid w/ Jana Bennun & Dr. Carrie Madej

Watch this, then make up your own mind.

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Leftists mount pressure on Gov. Noem to allow biological males in girls’ sports

I suppose Billy Boy was confused on what he wanted to play with a skirt on. Ping Pong?

Using Herd Immunity Excuse for Gene Therapy Vaccine on Kids

And there’s many more of these topics about girls should be boys and versa visa, damn, the soccer and hockey moms are taking over logic. 

Damn I can remember coaching ‘squirt hockey’ - that’s the 5 - 8 year olds, when my boys were playing and I quit after constant bombardment from the hockey moms! If they had a hockey stick they’d hit me on the head - they should have joined the Antifa gang, but they didn’t have one back then - they were named Charles Manson Family or Branch Davidian or People’s Temple surrounded by hippies puffing on a joint down in Jonestown.

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And Biden goes on to say, Russia interfered with the elections. . . .I don’t suppose Creepy Joe ever looked into the regime changes caused by the USSA from when the CIA was established for the money boys and had nothing to do with elections(?) - what - around 60 of them?  And it had nothing to do with changing the ruling class, it destroyed countries causing millions of deaths - but that’s ok I suppose and the MSM doesn’t provide the real news of how and why this happened.  Libya is the classic example - Gaddafi was going to create the Dinar as the base currency backed by gold or other valuable assets for Africa and kick out the central bankers - then, all of a sudden, Hickory Klingon sets up color revolutions and murdered Gaddafi.

As posted on The Liberty Beacon

Six years ago Putin arrested and ran off the Secular Zionist organized crime that had Russia by the throat since the Russian Revolution. There is a reason this is not taught in our Communist government schools, and the media of propaganda. Two things happened, profound, and a true revelation. Putin became a reborn Christian in a Christian Country, and he announced just six months ago that Mother Russia is now debt free - now, that doesn’t sit well with the international bankers. ‘We need WWIII and take over that republic stealing our fiat funny money’.

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President Magufuli Dead at 61

This Tanzanian president denied Covid 19 too and didn’t keep the people locked up or wearing a mask, and he died from a heart attack - so the MSM posted. Arkancide? Any bets the MSM will be listing Coronavirus was the real cause? Besides that Novichok shit works great and the reaction to covid19 in Tanzania will most likely reverse, then Billy Boy will be happy his payoffs worked and do some humanitary actions and ship them some contaminated vaxx similar to the ebola and HIV shit that killed thousands.

Come to think of it, I read in a site that this Covid vaxx contains some HIV virus, that’s cuz this helps with the satanist eugenics movement.

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WHO insiders blow the whistle on total immunity of Bill Gates through GAVI(global vaccine alliance)

Dr. Astrid Stuckelberger former member of WHO.

Watch this before it’s taken down - and her description of criminal activities of this “benevolent” organization connected to the Rothschilds / Rockefeller United Nations who control the WHO and WEF and the Federal Reserve.

There is a movement to put an end to this and it should go a step further - arrest the psycho Gates and his cohorts including the maniacs behind this. Obviously, when the world finds out what a criminal Gates is, they need to address the fact that he is the front man - who will be thrown under the bus when this surfaces.  Another good watch if you have the time.

And some more good stuff about the insane Gates - my opinion, that’s really not worth a shit.

Vandana Shiva: Bill Gates Empires ‘Must Be Dismantled’~Dr Joseph Mercola

This also appeared on The Liberty Beacon 

Great article on CHD also TLB and summary of the podcast with Vandana Shiva, PhD regarding the so-called philanthropy of Gates the Devil in the Pink Dress, this all boils down to his eugenics program that’s been active for the past decades if not centuries.

This ties in the Alliance for the Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA) that both Gates and Rockefellers joined to promote this program. You can also examine the path of control that J. D. Rockefeller, the most hated man in the USA, turned to concealed philanthropy to con the sheeple that Gates is following to the letter and now treated as a saint, when in fact he’s not. And an evil one to say the least.  

Interesting quote from the article, then follow the path Gates is on:

“In 1910, Rockefeller and Carnegie produced The Flexner Report,2 which was the beginning of the end for natural medicine in the conventional medical school curriculum. They eliminated it because it saw natural medicine as a hugely competitive threat to the new pharmaceuticals that were primarily derived from the oil industry.”

Read the article and make up your own mind on the direction this lunatic is forcing the world into with his accumulated wealth that was disguised as philanthropy and control over the WHO in lockstep with WEF.

Follow the money - is the clue, then shoot the basterds that benefit from this hoax. 

The Dr. Vandana Shiva has also been involved with other programs of improvement of life. Her origin in India / Punjab and her drive for betterment of humanity, does seem to contradict the development from when I was there in 2012 - but they did start putting port-a-potties along the streets before I left New Delhi.  

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The real Dr Evil. He’s not a heartbeat away from Adelson - the other con man.

American Police State … Now Forming!

Its started - with the fence with razor wire on top, around the capital building to keep the people out of government. These slimy swamp dwelling creatures are ruining the world now they got Creepy Joe in there - who just does what he’s told, if he can remember that long and can still read the telemonitor showing him the Gates to hell!

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Pro-Israeli lobby presses Biden to reject Iran deal in current format~VT

Simple solution – get rid of the Zios and their backers – Rothschilds and throw in the Rockefellers, Soros and gang including Gates and Fauci and Schwab and make sure Tedros wears pants on his way to the guillotine.

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Its about the money - the 4 horsemen at work using our military to further their goal of dominating the world’s energy supply, let alone by massive corruption of our government by AIPAC.

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But Mengele was a real doctor - well - about as real as you can get, WTF is Gates?  He really can’t do anything but lie, cheat and steal and bribe the idiots in gov’t to assist in his eugenics game - and he’s obviously an evil psycho, that the Zio controlled MSM accused Mengele of.

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Justin Trudeau’s Liberals approve bill allowing doctors to kill mentally ill Canadians

Damn, this would reduce the government, media, central banks and secret societies by 99.99999%. Who would be left to run the sheeple? Where’s Dr. Kevorkian when you really need him?

And can we have this bill introduced in DC?  Time to take America back.

More good shit on the net - and I keep polluting this blog with this idiot’s face.


This mentally deranged assholeo keeps on truckin’ - “gimme the money and I’ll have Pfizer develop a gene editing vaxx that’ll change your DNA and make you subversive sheep - then I can control more farmland and grow GMO’d crops laced with Roundup or Agent Orange and you can feed your kids this ‘healthy shit’, and they’ll end up as stupid as you.”

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"Look at how [Trump] steps and look at how I step. Watch how I run up ramps and how he stumbles down ramps, okay?”

Biden made this statement before he boarded AF 1 and misstepped on the ramp!  It appears the Branch Bidenian Complex is being set up in Waco and planning to send in the BATF with tanks and kill the residents.  Besides, Biden is taking the clue from Hickory Klingon act in Waco - 1993 

Comment to this article:

“Most of Old Joey's voters didn't pay attention to his waning condition.

They couldn't.

They are dead.”

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Attacks On Gender Confused Athletes Is Threatening Women’s Sports Or Something

The gamblers on sports will make a fortune with a swab test. “Hmm. . .this lady’s gotta pair of balls - let’s bet on her.”

And I don’t mean to keep on hitting on Billy Boy Gates, but:

Could dimming the sun help to cool the Earth? Bill Gates wants to spray millions of tonnes of CHALK into the stratosphere to reflect sunlight and slow global warming - but critics fear it could be disastrous

Dbooger comment:

Gates is completely insane - if the vaxx don't kill you, then we'll poison the atmosphere and make sure we finish our eugenics program listed on the Georgia Guidestones. This schmuck should be arrested and ushered to the nearest Kevorkian Clinic along with the Federal Reserve owners and throw in Pedosi and Schitt.

This idiots IQ - if you multiplied it by 2 may approach a double digit.

Watch this - I don’t mean to scare you but go to the end and make up your own mind.

But this has been going on for years with experimenting.  The lunatic Gates must have just figured this out - “hmm - I don’t have to give all this fiat money to pharmacy, I can get the government, who’ve I’ve blackmailed by gathering info from Epstein, and they’ll make this happen on your dollar, not mine.  And I can change the temp to culture my maggots to stick in the sheeple’s frankenmeat at What a Burger?”

When you watch the video to the end, you’ll come across Ted Gunderson, who criticized the geoengineering bullshit - then suffered an Arkancide!!

  • Operation Ranch Hand
  • Operation Popeye

And this is going on today from over 60 years ago and Monsanto - who Gates had shares in - created these poisons that polluted Vietnam and now poisoning the world.

It makes you wonder, are these people human?

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Putin Hits Back at ‘Strange’ EU Criticism of Sputnik Vaccine

Yup - the EU jumped all over this cuz it doesn’t have any gene altering nRNA poison - and WTF will the elite do with the sheeple surviving the vaxx?  Now we have to go to plan B!!

911 didn’t wreck the world completely, the coronahoax is starting to fail, now they gonna go full speed ahead to polluting the air you breath, water you drink, veggies and fruit you eat and frankenmeat.

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31 Reasons Why I Won’t Take the Vaccine

Read this - then make up your own mind.  But they have some real good points - all 31.

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All Wars are Bankers Wars. Listen to this~Mike Rivero

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Just some notes from articles posted on the net for your amusement.

2021 will be a very bad year for crop losses. We have entered a Grand Solar Minimum much like the Maunder Minimum of 1645 to 1715 when the price of wheat spiked 400% in certain years in the UK. During a GSM, the sun has reduced magnetism which allows more cosmic rays (nuclear particles from distant stars) to enter our atmosphere creating more clouds and more rain. And nuclear particles are also allowed to strike the earth which energized volcanic magma chambers and earthquake fault zones. In 1709 three volcanoes in Europe erupted sending so much ash into the atmosphere that the sunshine reaching the earth was greatly reduced. This caused the Big Freeze which froze the top meter (nearly 40 inches) of the soil in France spiking food prices 600% higher. It will take awhile for things to get that bad though there are more than 80 active volcanoes right now.

And what have we had here in the good ol’ USSA? Geoengineering, Fires, drought, freezing weather, hurricanes, tornados and farmland reduced to a briar patch.  The cost of food will explode sky high in 2021 and 2022 and no doubt we’ll run out of stimulus checks since the US of A has been a corporation since 1871 and bankrupt in 1933, then flushed down the toilet on November 22, 1963 and now or since 1871 is ruled by the Vatican, City of London and Washington DC that is not part of the USSA.  You’d need to throw in Bill Gates, Klaus the Schlaub - WEF, and Tedros the declared leader of the WHO who’s not a f’k’n doctor like Gates, just a closet queen wearing pants and they must have somebody with at least half a brain counting their money. The Rothschilds and Rockefellers are taking a toke from a Cuban, sipping a single malt and watching this on the hologram image in the sky.

The forming of this corporation in D.C.  is of major importance to understand, for when President Trump signed an executive order in 2018 on Election Interference/Fraud for entities both foreign and domestic, it outlined how assets would be seized.  The President and the people knew and had the proof that a coup transpired out of the Corporation of the United States of America along with other foreign nations and was ignored by the Corporation in D.C.. They continued with their illegal steal, and the military is now in the process of seizing the assets of this foreign  country  known as THE CORPORATION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.   It appears that President Trump’s executive order was actually directed at the Washington D.C. corporate swamp/cabal all along.  D.C. is now walled in and filled with military guard.

President Donald J. Trump has moved out permanently for he cannot be president over a Sovereign Nation in a Foreign land, which is what the White House and Capitol are.  President Trump was voted in by We The People. Not the Corporation.

D’ya thinks this will come to fruition soon? Or will it take several years or centuries - the deep state and their owners the international bankers don’t want that to happen anytime soon.

This obviously has been the plan since 1871 and followed by the satanists and passed on to their appointees and offspring before they croak to carry on this demonic ruse of enslavement.

It makes you wonder if Orwell had any inside information before he wrote 1984. 

This symbol really has nothing to do with the USSA - just the ruling maggots with all the wealth stolen from the world over 1000 years.

I’ll stop here, cuz the door to the swamp is open, and one of the creatures might slither out and contaminate me with a bioweapon virus.

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Tass-Russia: Biden may need rifts in relations with Russia, China due to problems inside US — analyst ~VT

Dbooger comment to article:

The media keeps stating Biden this, Biden that, but it’s not Biden – its the deep state scum creating problems to fatten their pockets. Biden can’t find his rear with either hand and more like HUTA. The media needs to blame someone and he’s the easiest, now that Trump is gone, but he’s waiting in the background.

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During the notable “kitchen debate” in Moscow in 1959, Nikita Khrushchev asserted that Richard Nixon’s grandchildren would live under communism, while Nixon argued that Khrushchev’s grandchildren would live in freedom. Both were correct, if not as either intended.

How about that!  When you connect a couple of dots, this is what’s happening today - the damn Khazarian Mafia just won’t give up!!

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JOE AWKWARD Biden completely forgets what he’s talking about and mumbles incoherently at camera in excruciating press conference

This was the first press conference for demented Joe. I didn’t waste my time and watch it for sure, but on some of the posts on the net, its obvious, the press sent their questions previous the meeting, and he was set to read the responses.  But sometimes he forgot where he was, wandered around then it ended.  He is a complete idiot and dementia has taken control. WTF will happen when the puppet for the puppet masters Harris the Kamel takes over.  I suppose we need to make a plan on where to vacate to. But then Harris wasn’t a US citizen when she was born - so who would take over when Biden slips and falls into the swamp?  Yup, Pedosi and have Sckummer as VP.  Whew - time to leave this country if that happens.

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Mass Shootings in Boulder, CO, and Atlanta 

They want your guns for sure, cuz when the NWO ZIO-commie is in control, they don’t want anyone shooting at them when they steal your property and wealth.

This keeps ringing the bell in the back of my brain and believe it’s tied to false flagged Sandy Hook, Boston Bombing, Parkland and Je Suis Charlie.  That MK Ultra crap goes a long way.

Then up comes the following article:

Boulder Attack Is Seventh High Profile Mass Shooting Where Attacker Was Known to FBI Beforehand Fort Hood Shooting (2009) — 13 Dead

Boston Marathon Bombing (2013) — 3 Dead, 280 Injured

San Bernadino Shooting (2015) — 16 Dead, 24 Injured

Parkland High School Shooting (2018) — 17 Dead, 17 Injured

Pulse Nightclub Shooting (2016) — 50 Dead, 58 Injured

Curtis Culwell Center Attack (2015) — 2 Dead (both perpetrators), 1 Injured (Security Guard)

Then this one:

Boulder Smells Like Another False Flag

Makes you wonder if more people are beginning to recognize the actions of the psychos.

In the second place, while politicians in DC make a living off of feigned outrage over domestic violence, they spare no expense, time and effort in exporting violence all over the world.

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I did ask my son, a pilot, about the chemtrails. He simply stated this has been outsourced. 

Can you imagine how much flatulence or methane in the air if cows and hippos could fly?  How about whales, can you imagine the bubbles?  And gobbling up some beans by a camp fire like “Blazing Saddles”.

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If you have nothing to do watch this and check what’s going on today.

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Govt of Norway Indicted for Crimes Against Humanity Over ‘Planned False Pandemic’

If this is fact - it’s about time the criminals are arrested and walk down the plank to the guillotine. Put Gates and Fauci in the front, then Rothschilds / Rockefellers next in line, then the DNC.  The alphabet criminals would need to be blown up along with ABCNNBCBSFoXX.

But then, the following are 13 experiments our pure, benevolent saintly government has experimented for the good of the people - probably not too far from this coronahoax and needs to be added to the list.

1. Project MKULTRA, Subproject 68

2. Mustard Gas Tested on Soldiers via Involuntary Gas Chambers

3. U.S. Grants Immunity to Involuntary-Surgery Monster

4. Deadly Chemical Sprays on American Cities

5. US Infects Guatemalans With STDs

6. Human Experiments to Test the Effects of The Atomic Bomb

7. Injecting Prisoners with Agent Orange

8. Operation Paperclip

9. Infecting Puerto Rico With Cancer

10. Pentagon Treats Black Cancer Patients with Extreme Radiation

11. Operation Midnight Climax

12. Fallout Radiation on Unsuspecting Pacific Territories

13. Tuskegee, Alabama

Do a search if you don’t believe me - besides, I never make things up.  And there are hundreds more of these sick exercises in killing people the Zios cook up.

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Just a few pics to keep you smiling with all this bullasheeta. 

BoJo - macho shithead setting the trend in the UK - good thing the helmet hides his haircut. 

The start or final chapter - how the great reset will come into fruition - yup - get the vaxx and burn up your money then have a digital source. Klaus the Schlob is in charge. 

Oops - diversity at its finest - our brave military - its a wonder they don’t sprain their ankles. 

This was posted right after the USAF prepared their study on “Weather as a Force Multiplier - Owning the Weather by 2025” in 1996.  Cohen is another dual citizen - how in hell do these creeps get in a position to fuck up the world.

And Gates is getting involved with solar radiation management and wants to seed the atmosphere with chalk or dust probably loaded with toxic chemicals and nano particles and go hand in hand with the vaxx you need to counteract all the problems you breath, eat and drink.

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Florida Executive Order Forbids Vaccine Passports

I suppose DeSantis is a whole lot smarter than the Branch Bidenians following the Judas Goat.

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The Covid hoax has given mankind a unique opportunity to throw off the yoke of the satanist (Masonic) central bankers responsible for Communism & wars, depression, pandemics, terrorism, corruption & decadence.~Henry Makow

1. First and most important, the nations would regain control over control over their credit and currency creation. They would renounce all “debt” created out of thin air. They would create the medium of exchange by spending it into existence, debt-and-interest free.

2. mRNA vaccines would be banned. All politicians, journalists and medical officials who collaborated in the Covid hoax would be fired. Jacob Rothschild, George Soros, Bill Gates, and Tony Fauci would be tried for crimes against humanity and have their wealth confiscated and added to public coffers. Joe Biden would be jailed for rigging an election. The traitor Donald Trump will be tried for reality show opposition and dereliction of duty. All those complicit in the election rigging, including Trump, Pence, Congress and the Supreme Court judges would be fired and put on trial. 

3. Media and tech monopolies would be nationalized, broken up and resold to people who will guarantee free speech and the free flow of information. The CIA and FBI will be shut down and reorganized. Local and state police will be purged of Freemasons. 

4. Freemasonry would be banned. Its leading members would be tried and incarcerated. Freemasons would be banned from holding public office or employment.

5. Communists would be purged from the education system, especially universities. Universities would protect free speech and inquiry. Scientific method would be re-instated. 

6. Antifa, feminists and other Leftists would be sent to “re-education” camps.  

7. Elections would be publicly funded. No private contributions would be permitted. Politicians would not be permitted to profit from their office. 

8. The promotion of Satanism, gender dysphoria, illegal migration, climate change and all globalist shibboleths would be punishable by fines and prison terms. 

9. Family values — marriage, fidelity, responsible parenthood — would be become government policy. Human life would be considered inviolate. Abortion would be scaled back or banned. 

A healthy national and racial pride would be encouraged. Everybody would be afforded opportunity on the basis of individual merit and industry.

10. There will be a collective effort to discern and enact the Creator’s Design. The public would be encouraged to celebrate the Miracle of Life and praise God!  

I believe I’ve posted opinions aligning with the items listed above and the punishment to be more severe than incarceration.  Like the Tale of Two Cities, Madame Defarge - Guillotine! - Guillotine!.

BOMBSHELL! Former Pfizer VP: ‘Entirely possible this will be used for massive-scale depopulation’

Stated by Mike Yeadon - ring a bell?

And then Gates will go on a rampage and claim the Coronahoax has mutated and we need another updated, modern, configured, tweaked mRNA gene altering poison to save your lives, and that’s just before you croak.

I suppose Yeadon didn’t get his bonus either after he made this statement.

“Recently, I noticed that the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) had made a grant to the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA)! Can that ever be appropriate? They’re funded by public money. They should never accept money from a private body.”

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Very Interesting, this article was published by American Intelligence Media, on May 7, 2020 and guess who’s the perpetrators 

Obviously, Jacob is in the background and the schmucks to his left will no doubt take the fall if and when this is brought to court for the mass murder that has been planned and carried out for the people!

And strange how this has been connected to:

Nick Knowles, virologist, director of the Foot & Mouth division of The Pirbright Institute, and just happens he oversaw the founding of Merial Animal Health Institute in Nanching, China for Pirbright, just four hours from Wuhan, China; Pirbright holds the U.S. Pat. No. 10,130,701 named “Coronavirus.”  

It doesn’t state when the patent was made but you can bet is was years before this so called outbreak.  The dots are being connected - read the article all the way to the end and piece together all the events that has lead up to today and what’s coming down the path tomorrow!!!!

And it makes you wonder, why the MSM ignores this and why in hell aren’t these evil schmucks in Gitmo???

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SCOTUS: Cowards, Crooks, or Compromised

Of course the SCOTUS won’t look into the voter fraud  in 2020 like they did in 2000 - they have the glaring reminder of Scalia being Arkancided at the Cibolo Creek Ranch that no law abiding agency looked into as to who, what, why - they know how.  the Federalist Society - probably part of the Order of Saint Hubertus, Skull and Boners, also connected to Bohemian Grove and Franklin Scandal - besides, they’re all pedophiles and protect each other - the Secret Societies on a roll.  I don’t think Isaac Kappy got into this - he was pointing out the pedos in Hollywoody and forced(?) himself off a bridge - another Arkancide - Maybe Tom Hanks pulled the string on that one. 

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