Saturday, September 21, 2024

Beware of the words, internal security, for they are the eternal cry of the oppressor.~Voltaire

I believe Voltaire should have changed ‘Internal’ to ‘National’:-The E/P/S (that’s Elite/Parasite/Skumbags in case you forgot) rely on this for them to be successful in raping the sheeple creating fear and providing a policy for protection. Sorta blends in with Ordo ab Chao.

Well, hell, I was going to send this out after I was in Indoland, but it’s simply too big and won’t send if there’s too many bytes - so I’ll send this out today 9-21-24


WTPN Situation Update: US / UK Trying to Trigger WW3, S. CA on Fire, Earthquakes, VT Intel~

I had to post the pic in the front of the article and it does appear to be a giant butt crack! 

Must be the devil hiding in behind.


Top Lobbyists of 2024~ 

Hmmm. . .Strange, I don’t see AIPAC on the list - maybe their classified as a foreign agent instead of a lobbyist.

Posted in 2019

‘All pro-Israel lobbying groups combined: $5,022,028’

AIPAC alone: $3,518,028’. 

The following was posted on 2024:-

The Top Ten:

US Chamber of Commerce: $94,800,000

National Association of Realtors: $72,808,648

Open Society Policy Center: $31,520,000

Pharmaceutical Research & Manufacturers of America: $27,989,250

American Hospital Association: $23,927,842

Business Roundtable: $23,160,000

Alphabet Inc.: $21,740,000

American Medical Association: $20,417,000

Blue Cross / Blue Shield: $18,754,221

AT&T Inc.: $15,820,000

Soros’ Open Society ran over $31 million, noted on the 2024 chart and I need to check for the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation amount.  The Pharmaceutical, Hospital, Medical, and Blue Cross Blue Shield also run up there.  Sorta makes you wonder why on earth our congress voted in by the people, doesn’t support the system to take profit out of health care that Tricky Dickie Nixon passed the HMOA73 allowing ridiculous profit to be made by this criminal org., and screw the sheeple paying for health care.


False posts share chemtrails conspiracy theory, claiming white trails 'spread Covid-19'~

My comments to this article - the WiFi was too slow to send.

‘First you need to fact check the USAF ‘Weather as a force multiplier - owning the weather by 2025” published in 1996.

Where I live, the water in Lake Conroe has be analyzed and the contaminants are Strontium, Barium and nano aluminum particles. 

You can also search DEWS and HAARP that causes storms and weather modification all over the world - Indonesia is one area. I was there in Oct. 2023 and flew from Bali to Jakarta with a dense cloud layer approximately at 20,000 ft, and the dense layer of chemtrails over 40,000 ft.

This is a crime against humanity and Bill Gates is also involved in Solar Radiation Management and has patents on mRNA and graphene oxide to also spray in the skies and this is supposedly to stop climate change.  The earth’s climate has been changing for over 4.5 billion years and we can’t blame it on diesel trucks and cows farting. I contacted the TCEQ in Texas and they stated the same as your article these are contrails - when I sent the data I accumulated for over 2 years back in 2014, I received communication that this is out of their jurisdiction and for me to contact the FAA.  That was a joke - do some research and contact the ones responsible for poisoning the world!!!!!’

I wonder if I’ll get a comment from AFP on my post!


She’s got a point there!!!:-



U.N. Summit of the Future will kick off Sept. 20-23 to build framework for new one-world ‘system’~tts~ 

Yup - the UN uses euphemistic buzzwords - equality,  inclusive, more efficient, and resilient — this new system will not be a friend of freedom as the skumbags promote their domination of the New World Order.  The UN does appear to be hand in hand with WEF and both are products of the Rockefeller / Rothschilds goal of owning the world. ‘If - We don’t get you one way, we’ll get you another way’.  Their puppets in business and governments all applaud each other and check their bank accounts.

It’s not getting pretty - all going to hell in a hand basket - what these m’th’rf’k'rs are cooking up and they got the funny money!!!


Ford files patent to eavesdrop on drivers’ conversations~tts~ 

Hmmm. . . .Ford can spy on people in the car(?) Who is recording and who is taking info that may be interpreted as terrorist activities, and what edzakery are they going to do about it(?). Incredible - the Great Reset is coming into play and soon the driver won’t be able to own the Ford and will need to walk around in a 15 minute city!  I suppose Ford hasn’t realized they’ll be out of business when the E/P/S assholeos are in charge!

Ford (not Henry) probably made a deal with the DC Sewer Rats - hell - they’ve got the iPhones all locked up and track you where you go, come and live, talk to, and even when you bank online, cameras everywhere - this isn’t a surveillance state is it? Where’s Orwell’s Big Brother when you really need him?


TOTAL RECALL: Canadian government DESTROYING all Covid mRNA jabs to eliminate evidence of genocidal crimes against humanity~tts~SD Wells – Natural News

‘Tens of millions of deadly Covid “vaccines” being recalled by the government for destruction now that the truth is coming out about self-assembling nanoparticles’

Debugger2 comment to article:-

‘As I’ve stated before, Al Capone was an saint - he just eliminated his competition -  compared to the E/P/S assholeos running governments around the world - they want to eliminate all the sheeple for them to take over the wealth of nations.

I imagine the pedos want to keep their flock flowing so they can have a little adrenochrome harvested from terrorized children.’


Mike Stone - Springfield is Poster Child for 3rd World 

And lets not forget, these illegal migrants will be going after your children, and all people.  The Demo - Nazi - Commie (DNC) gov’t we have is promoting this terrorism - soon we’ll have nothing and be happy.


A meme you’ll appreciate:- the Monkey Pox is on its way and you’ll need a jabbbb!!!



This has always been their NWO endgame for the USA.~sotn~

There are now between 50 to 60 Million Illegal Aliens in the USA by Highly Purposeful NWO Design … which means that the POTUS and VPOTUS and Congress have been
knowingly lying to US all along.

DEEP INSIDER & WHISTLEBLOWER: Now 50 to 60 Million Illegal Aliens in USA

OPEN BORDERS & ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION: A Highly Organized Communist Plot to Destroy the USA - Deep State Traitors Infesting the U.S. Federal Government Must Be Exposed 

If this is not an illegal alien invasion, what is it?

You can make up your own mind - and go get some more AR15 ammunition.


The Communist Manifesto | Do You Recognize Any Of The 10 Planks Of Communism + 45 Communist Goals Being Implemented In Your Country?~truth11~The Exposé | | Rhoda Wilson

I’ll post them here:-

1. Abolition of private property in land and application of all rents of land to public purposes. This plank advocates for the redistribution of land ownership and the use of land rents for public benefit.

2. A heavy progressive or graduated income tax. This plank proposes a tax system where higher-income individuals contribute a larger share of their income to the government.

3. Abolition of all right of inheritance. This plank seeks to eliminate the transfer of wealth and property from one generation to the next, aiming to break the cycle of inherited privilege.

4. Confiscation of the property of all emigrants and rebels. This plank advocates for the seizure of assets from individuals who leave the country or engage in rebellion against the government.

5. Centralization of credit in the hands of the state. This plank proposes the concentration of banking and credit systems under government control.

6. Centralization of communication and transport. This plank advocates for government control over infrastructure and communication networks.

7. Extension of factories and instruments of production owned by the state. This plank seeks to expand state-owned industries and manufacturing facilities.

8. Equal liability of all to labour. This plank proposes that all individuals, regardless of social class, be subject to forced labour or communal work.

9. Abolition of all right of inheritance. This plank reiterates the abolition of inheritance rights, aiming to eliminate social and economic disparities.

10. Free education for all children in public schools. This plank advocates for free, compulsory education for all children, with the goal of creating a uniform and socialist-minded population.

The following 45 point list is attributed to Cleon Skousen, researcher and author of ‘The Naked Communist’.

  1. US acceptance of coexistence as the only alternative to atomic war.
  2. US willingness to capitulate in preference to engaging in atomic war.
  3. Develop the illusion that total disarmament [by] the United States would be a demonstration of moral strength.
  4. Permit free trade between all nations regardless of Communist affiliation and regardless of whether or not items could be used for war.
  5. Extension of long-term loans to Russia and Soviet satellites.
  6. Provide American aid to all nations regardless of Communist domination.
  7. Grant recognition of Red China. Admission of Red China to the UN.
  8. Set up East and West Germany as separate states in spite of Khrushchev’s promise in 1955 to settle the German question by free elections under supervision of the UN.
  9. Prolong the conferences to ban atomic tests because the United States has agreed to suspend tests as long as negotiations are in progress.
  10. Allow all Soviet satellites individual representation in the UN.
  11. Promote the UN as the only hope for mankind. If its charter is rewritten, demand that it be set up as a one-world government with its own independent armed forces. (Some Communist leaders believe the world can be taken over as easily by the UN as by Moscow. Sometimes these two centres compete with each other as they are now doing in the Congo.)
  12. Resist any attempt to outlaw the Communist Party.
  13. Do away with all loyalty oaths.
  14. Continue giving Russia access to the US Patent Office.
  15. Capture one or both of the political parties in the United States.
  16. Use technical decisions of the courts to weaken basic American institutions by claiming their activities violate civil rights.
  17. Get control of the schools. Use them as transmission belts for socialism and current communist propaganda. Soften the curriculum. Get control of teachers’ associations. Put the party line in textbooks.
  18. Gain control of all student newspapers.
  19. Use student riots to foment public protests against programmes or organisations which are under Communist attack.
  20. Infiltrate the press. Get control of book review assignments, editorial writing, policymaking positions.
  21. Gain control of key positions in radio, TV, and motion pictures.
  22. Continue discrediting American culture by degrading all forms of artistic expression. An American communist cell was told to “eliminate all good sculpture from parks and buildings, substitute shapeless, awkward and meaningless forms.”
  23. Control art critics and directors of art museums. “Our plan is to promote ugliness, repulsive, meaningless art.”
  24. Eliminate all laws governing obscenity by calling them “censorship” and a violation of free speech and free press.
  25. Break down cultural standards of morality by promoting pornography and obscenity in books, magazines, motion pictures, radio, and TV.
  26. Present homosexuality, degeneracy and promiscuity as “normal, natural, healthy.”
  27. Infiltrate the churches and replace revealed religion with “social” religion. Discredit the Bible and emphasize the need for intellectual maturity which does not need a “religious crutch.”
  28. Eliminate prayer or any phase of religious expression in the schools on the ground that it violates the principle of “separation of church and state.”
  29. Discredit the American Constitution by calling it inadequate, old-fashioned, out of step with modern needs, a hindrance to cooperation between nations on a worldwide basis.
  30. Discredit the American Founding Fathers. Present them as selfish aristocrats who had no concern for the “common man.”
  31. Belittle all forms of American culture and discourage the teaching of American history on the ground that it was only a minor part of the “big picture.” Give more emphasis to Russian history since the Communists took over.
  32. Support any socialist movement to give centralized control over any part of the culture, education, social agencies, welfare programmes, mental health clinics, etc.
  33. Eliminate all laws or procedures which interfere with the operation of the communist apparatus.
  34. Eliminate the House Committee on Un-American Activities.
  35. Discredit and eventually dismantle the FBI.
  36. Infiltrate and gain control of more unions.
  37. Infiltrate and gain control of big business.
  38. Transfer some of the powers of arrest from the police to social agencies. Treat all behavioral problems as psychiatric disorders which no one but psychiatrists can understand [or treat].
  39. Dominate the psychiatric profession and use mental health laws as a means of gaining coercive control over those who oppose Communist goals.
  40. Discredit the family as an institution. Encourage promiscuity and easy divorce.
  41. Emphasize the need to raise children away from the negative influence of parents. Attribute prejudices, mental blocks and retarding of children to suppressive influence of parents.
  42. Create the impression that violence and insurrection are legitimate aspects of the American tradition; that students and special-interest groups should rise up and use [“]united force[“] to solve economic, political or social problems.
  43. Overthrow all colonial governments before native populations are ready for self-government.
  44. Internationalize the Panama Canal.
  45. Repeal the Connally reservation so the United States cannot prevent the World Court from seizing jurisdiction [over domestic problems. Give the World Court jurisdiction] over nations and individuals alike.

Do you recognize any of these communist goals being implemented in your country? Most of the goals are ridiculous and serving the goons that promote the Marx manifesto.

I’d highlight the ones that are happening as we speak and make a debugger2 satirical comment, but I’ll let you all do that. And apparently the USSA isn’t a heart beat away from Marxism if not completely devoured by the manifesto.  

This is where we are going(?) - if WE don’t smarten up and stop this carnage!!!


Here’s something you ought to look into:- 

I suppose I need to do a search and find out the ‘legal' way to do this!!! Note, I said ‘Legal’ cuz what the illegals are getting ain’t so legal to begin with.  And damn - free cell phone, prepaid credit card, free room and board at the Hilton! Drivers license, a lump of cash to put in your pocket!!!


Get the picture?:- 

250 years ago? And we ain’t any smarter? Yup - just play with your not so smart phone.


“BAY OF PIGLETS”: Venezuela Arrests Navy SEAL Among Several Foreigners Behind Alleged Maduro Assassination Plot~sotn~

‘Venezuela has announced the arrest of three Americans, two Spaniards and a Czech citizen, accusing them of plotting to assassinate President Nicolas Maduro’

The ‘Bay of Piglets’ caught my eye and I had to check it out. This appears to be another attempted regime change installing ‘freedom and democracy’ like our questionable secret societies including our not so intelligence agencies have been doing for over 100 years and even before 1947 when the National Security Act was passed.

List of regime changes:

1893: Hawaii 1899: Philippines.  1913: Mexico

1915–1934: Haiti 1916–1924: Dominican Republic 1933: Cuba

1945–1948: South Korea  1953: Iran 1954: Guatemala

1956–1957: Syria 1957–1959: Indonesia 1959–1962: Cuba

1960-1965: Congo 1960: Laos 1961: Dominican Republic

1963: South Vietnam 1963: Ecuador 1964: Brazil & Bolivia

1965: Indonesia 1966: Ghana 1967: Greece

1973: Chile 1980: Jamaica 1981-90: Nicaragua

1982: Chad 1983: Grenada 1987: Fiji

1989: Panama         2001: Afghanistan 2002: Venezuela

2003: Iraq 2011: Libya: 2014: Ukraine

Hmmm. . .that’s over 30 and I may have missed a couple when our fearless leaders may have attacked a country maybe twice or three times.

And you can imagine the cost let alone how many lives were lost and where are they today - the Middle East and Ukraine? The one that stands out in my mind is Libya - with the highest standard living in Africa in 2011 then the color revolution or Arab Spring showed up and Hickory Klingon’s quote “We came, we saw, he died” when Gaddafi was butchered. The greedies didn’t want a gold backed African dinar cuz that would put the Rothschilds Khazarian Mafia out of business.


The three branches of 

And it doesn’t look like this is home schooled~



This was posted in 2021 - Zev has already died - or maybe Arkancided due to his stance on the coronahoax - and he developed a cure for cancer.  Sound familiar with all the holistic doctors that sorta died when the imaginary coronavirus was being promoted by the Fauci/Gates/Soros/Klaus Schwab/big pharma gang?

Watch the video!


Yup - couldn’t have said this any better:-


And another one:- 


Murdered FBI Chief's Last Interview Uncovered: 'D.C. Elite Are Satanic Pedophiles' (Video)~bin~

Yup - Gunderson’s tractor just happened to roll over on him - amazing - and he died!!! Another Arkancide - listen to the video if you have the patience from BIN.



“To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.”

You can read the article if you wish, but it certainly does appear that the Zios created by the Khazarian Mafia by Theodor Herzl back in 1897 that now controls our banking system along with media, corporations and politicians etc., etc., and employ thousands of baby sitters in DC and around the USSA controlling the local leaders so they don’t criticize the genocide of Israel and Yahu the Nut pushing for the carnage. The baby sitters also coerce the politickers to keep sending money and military hardware to Israel and Ukraine - run by the same schmucks, 

You can make up your own mind but it sho’ looks like this is part of the stage for WWIV and that’s right after WWIII is finished.


I saw a sign on the road yesterday and realized I was getting stronger too:-


Or maybe it’s inflation? D’ya thinks?


Another good one:- 


US State Department and Biden-Harris regime desperately trying to ignite WWIII before election~tts~Ethan Huff – Natural News ~

Hmph. . .Ethan states - the Covid didn’t work, so they need to go to plan B - War with Russia - Yup - too many useless eaters!  Who decides who’s useful and who’s useless.  Oh - the Elite / Parasite / Skumbags who are Satanically Insane - they got the market cornered for Idiocracy!

You know - I always thought if they ever improved education and taught the young ‘uns about reproduction and what causes it - there may be a better control on population reduction, not slaughter billions of people and make $$$. I was never a religious guy after I studied history and saw the mass deaths supporting religion over the world for the past what 200,000 years(?) With more research on how to kill people instead of saving lives thru holistic methods - yup - the Satanic guys are still at work.


And this place is in Detroit - hell - I was born in Windsor, south of the border - and I didn’t swim across - I took the bridge with a green card.  Besides - holistic methods go against the goals of Billy the Gates, WEF, WHO and big pharma, owned by the banksters, they believe in the Georgia Guidestones - so I suppose we need WWIII.

Well Said!!


And another one:- 

5’317 - Gotta turn this one upside down. LIE’S?


The War for the Future, and the Battle for

‘A deeply entrenched parasitic class is waging an all-out war against humanity, and the responsibility to defend freedom and truth now rests with those of us who refuse to submit to their global agenda.’

Ahhh - somebody’s starting to wake up and stop calling these characters leading the sheeple to the slaughter house, ‘Elite’. They need to include the ‘real’ description of Parasite / Skumbags!! I’ve been doing this for years, and now others are starting to pick up on it.  And we really do need to eliminate these parasites that are destroying humanity! 


FDA Approves Vaccine for Mpox [Covid Vaccine Induced Shingles] Warns It May Cause Death in Vaccinated + People They Come in Contact | Richard Willett 

Hmmm . . .Posted on ‘X’ - WTF can you take to avoid this contaminated Vaxxx? It does advertise that Shingles can be cured in 24 hours with EMUAIDMAX and you can get it at CVS or Amazon and it ain’t cheap - but then, neither is the Mpox - think how much that has cost us with the coronahoax? The FDA (fuckin’ dumb assholes) has approved the ACAM2000 for something that doesn’t exist?  D’ya thinks the funeral homes will give your family a discount if you croaked from the vaxx?


The Spectre Of Government~Gary D. Barnett |

Elections: It Absolutely Does Not Matter Which Piece of Shit ‘Wins,’ We All Lose!


“Representative government is artifice, a political myth, designed to conceal from the masses the dominance of a self-selected, self-perpetuating, and self-serving traditional ruling class.” ~ Giuseppe Prezzolini

Hah - again we’re referring to the E/P/S!!!


Don’t Trust the Government. Not with Your Privacy, Property or Your Freedoms~John & Nisha Whitehead | | The Rutherford Institute 

“In questions of power then, let no more be heard of confidence in man, but bind him down from mischief by the chains of the Constitution.”—Thomas Jefferson

Good article!


How things happen with the Mockingbird Media:-

Sunday, 23 September, 2001, 12:30 GMT 13:30 UK

Hijack ‘Suspects’ alive and well!

Hijacking suspects

Flight 175: Marwan Al-Shehhi, Fayez Ahmed, Mohald Alshehri, Hamza Alghamdi and Ahmed Alghamdi

Flight 11: Waleed M Alshehri, Wail Alshehri, Mohamed Atta, Abdulaziz Alomari and Satam Al Suqami

Flight 77: Khalid Al-Midhar, Majed Moqed, Nawaq Alhamzi, Salem Alhamzi and Hani Hanjour

Flight 93: Ahmed Alhaznawi, Ahmed Alnami, Ziad Jarrahi and Saeed Alghamdi

Hmph - 23 years ago - Funny how that happens - well - maybe not so funny - more like a chagrin!!! But you can now imagine who exactly orchestrated 9/11 and it wasn’t OBL and box cutter armed Arabs!


I had to add this meme:- 

Everybody would hear the toilet flush in the DC Sewer then they’d need a enormous rota-rooter to clean up the mess.


And Last but not Least:-

21 toxic chemicals found in baby food sold at Target Stores~tts~Leo Hohmann – Leo’s Newsletter Sept 19, 2024

Hmmm. . .Poisonous baby food - brought to you by the same company that funds Planned Parenthood.  See the connection here?  I plagiarized the statement but it appears Billy the Gates has a connection here also.

Why not develop a herbicide or pesticide that’s a modified vinegar or alcohol, hell, the farmers can harvest, make a few $$$ then protect the people, bees and cows, then the sewer in DC may become a little less contaminated - but that’s a dream - not reality.

Good article and worth reading.


JUST IN: Former NYC Mayor De Blasio’s COVID Czar Caught on Video Talking About Wild Sex and Drug Parties He and His Wife Hosted While He Locked Down Businesses and Shamed The Non-Vaccinated (VIDEO)~sotn~gatewaypundit~


This schmuck Varma looks normal?

This is becoming more obvious this coronahoax is a hoax, something I’ve stated for over 4 years - that’s if you have ever read this blog.  But the E/P/S POS’s party while the sheeple get locked in a cage.  D’ya thinks Trumpkin will make the difference?


The UN's [Death] Pact for the [Globalist] Future~thecorbettreport~

Yeah, what the hell - many years ago, when I grew up, and realized the UN was put together by the Rockefellers I came to the conclusion this is a skam in major proportions - we always seem to have wars and now plandemics.


Counter Disinformation Unit Department for Digital, Culture, Media & Sport (DCMS)~sotn~

‘This meeting was attended by high-level staff from the White House, the NSC, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI), the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), the Departments of State, Treasury, Defense (DOD), Homeland Security (DHS), and Health and Human Services (HHS), the U.S. Agencies for International Development (USAID) and Global Media (USAGM), as well as high-ranking officers in the Army, Navy, and Air Force.’

Hmmm. . . thats a meeting from what - 14 different agencies that spy on each other and you and me? And they didn’t include the ‘baby sitters’? Maybe the attendees had their pagers on!

Not much money floating down the sewer in DC that I can see, can you? Maybe only a couple trillion dollars a year - or probably more! They parked their jets near Langley. Why not shut all these m’th’rf’k’rs down and have one security agency managed by a group of people with no AIPAC baby sitters, or backsheesh from organized criminal agencies like big pharma, military industrial complex and banking industry and if they do, it’s a capital offense!!!



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