Wednesday, September 4, 2024

I keep old books, for they teach me something; from the new I learn very little.~Voltaire

 Dr Ron Paul quote:- “Don’t steal - the government hates competition!!”

A meme to start the blog: 

The big question - For Who? And it ain’t for the poor schmuck that can’t afford groceries.
And a couple more:- 

And what’s developing with the new improved NIH Monkey Pox as promoted by Billy the Gates, Soros, WHO, WEF and big pharma:- 

Another con job - don’t take the jabb or wear a mask!!!! The E/P/S (Elite/Parasite/Skumbags in case you forgot) already got the politickers in their back pocket or is that AIPAC babysitters.
Must Watch: RFK Jr Drops 'Reality' Mic On Dems, Suspends Campaign - "Who Needs Policy When There's Trump To Hate?"~zerohedge~

Yeah - what the hell. . .I suppose, RFK Jr. did take a sip of flouridated water to clear his throat and he’ll back Trump - hell - he might even become the CIA director general.
“Democrats have become the party of war, censorship, corruption, big pharma, big tech, big ag, and big money wanting to abandon democracy by canceling the primary to conceal the cognitive decline of the sitting president.
I left the party to run as an independent...
The DNC and its media organs engineered a surge of popularity for VP Harris based upon nothing. No policies, no interviews, no debates. Only smoke and mirrors.”
"A Chicago circus that is based on NOTHING. Who needs a policy if you hate Donald Trump?"
And the Chicago circus is basically a buncha clowns masquerading as politickers with their hand out for a little backsheesh.  And they put Al Capone in jail - he was a saint compared to the schmucks in power now!
Who Owns America? Oligarchs Have Bought Up the American Dream~By: John & Nisha Whitehead~
“The politicians are put there to give you the idea that you have freedom of choice. You don’t. You have no choice. You have owners. They own you. They own everything. They own all the important land. They own and control the corporations. They’ve long since bought and paid for the Senate, the Congress, the state houses, the city halls. They got the judges in their back pockets and they own all the big media companies, so they control just about all of the news and information you get to hear… They spend billions of dollars every year lobbying. Lobbying to get what they want. Well, we know what they want. They want more for themselves and less for everybody else… It’s called the American Dream, ’cause you have to be asleep to believe it.”—George Carlin”
You can read it if you wish, but long ago when I was in China, I traveled over 2000km+ by car, from Maoming to Lijiang, and saw what was going on there over 24 years ago, at that time, I sent an email to my daughter at SHSU for her to learn Chinese, cuz in 10 years it will own the USS of A. Ok so I blew it by a few years, but they do own a considerable amount of business, land, housing etc., and our fearless leaders want to go to war with the Chinese.  The Federal Reserve can print another $20 trillion to finance it, sell the bonds to the Chinese - and they can print money as fast as the Federal Reserve, which the Chinese probably already own!
The Cancer Cash Cow: Why Big Pharma Fears Natural Cures~truth11~ | Danceaway ~ 

It’s time to wake up, see through the corporate propaganda, and embrace the real solutions that God provides. The cure for cancer isn’t locked away in some pharmaceutical vault—it’s all around us 
Let’s get one thing straight: Cancer is big business. And like any big business, those at the top are more interested in raking in profits than actually curing anything.
Yup - no money in healthy people!!! Plan of the Klan!! And we can’t forget about the Rockefeller School of Medicine

And you can check on how many holistic doctors just happened to pass away during the coronahoax start up in 2019.
Good article - read it if you have the time!!!T
On YouTube there’s a lady doctor - holistic - that presents the natural produce and nutrients you can consume to cure the vile diseases you can get from the GMO’d foods and contaminated water and crops sprayed with glyphosate by the psychos who want to stay in control.
Below is the skies on 9-2-24 at 7:15AM - They want the chemtrail sprays to be misty by the time the sheeple wake up. 

WHO Declares Emergency Over a Non-Existing, Never Found Purified Isolate of a So-Called Monkey Pox Virus!1~ phmiraclelife@pb05.wixemails.com
The World Health Organization (WHO) on Aug. 14 declared the outbreak of mpox in Africa a public health emergency of international concern, due to the increase in cases and deaths...
Tedros, the puppet for Billy the Gates at the WHO really couldn’t identify a virus - only the money!  The article above lists the monkey pox is shingles and a product of the mRNA spike protein jabbb.
Imagine that - these m’th’rf’k’rs just never quit!!!!
Mike Stone – Zionists Did 9-11 – Why is US Defending Israel?~tts~Mike Stone – (
Mike and Henry post the info that takes the guilt from Osama bin Laden and boys with box cutters - that’s how the ‘chosen’ conduct business and it ain’t the Semites - it’s the Khazarian / Ashkenazis who’s AIPAC babysitters control our congress and politickers.  Lucky Larry made $billions from this false flag.  Fool me once - shame on me, fool me twice - shame on you! 

And we have the art students(?) 

There was also Urban Moving Systems who’s owner somehow escaped to Israel immediately after 9/11 plus the dancing Israelis that were arrested, then let go so they could go back to Israhell.

‘How infinitely gullible does one have to be to think it was merely a colossal coincidence that the 9/11 attacks occurred at the exact same time that NORAD was conducting drills involving hijacked planes being flown into New York City skyscrapers?’
Do Your Own Research
‘Researching 9/11 doesn't mean running around making citizen arrests. It means educating yourself on the truth of what actually happened. Read the books by Christoper Bollyn, Victor Thorn, Mike King, and Michael Collins Piper. Watch the videos 9/11 in Plane Site (, 9/11 Mysteries ( and more. And then encourage others to read the same books and watch the same videos. You owe it to the people who died that day and to the people who were killed in its wake.’
I have M C Piper’s books and Bollyn’s - I don’t have the rest, but they’re all similar and post WTF actually went on during this holocaust. William Cooper did predict 9/11 and he met his demise after it happened. Michael Collins Piper met his also and Bollyn - it appears he’s stopped publishing books and articles due to the possibility of being Arkancided also. I met him in Sequin Tx, at the webinar - ‘USS Liberty - The Ship That Won’t Sink’ sponsored by Republic Broadcasting Network / John Stadtmiller - who, by the way, appeared to be healthy like a horse when I met him, and he passed away shortly after this - an Arkancide?
This is old stuff, but they keep on getting away with conning of the sheeple so the E/P/S can end up with power and  fortunes - and at who’s expense - yup - you ’n me.
A meme you’ll appreciate:- 

And this is kept quiet by big Pharma / WHO / Tedros / Billy the Gates!!!
And another one:- 

You can take a guess and check on WHO the puppets in our government really work for. Could it be the foreign agent AIPAC babysitters?
Silencing Free Speech | Global Depopulation Plan in Plain Sight~truth11~John Gideon Hartnett | BibleScienceForum.com
Harris the Kamal stated this in her speech - you can log on and listen to it if you wish, but this does approach the Deagel prediction of the depop scheme by the globalist E/P/S!
Will the WEF complete these predictions?

‘The World Economic Forum (WEF), run by psychopath Klaus Schwab and his international bankster and mega-corporation mates, has been exposed again with their plans to depopulate the world. They want 6 billion culled and now it has been revealed that it is not by 2030, but by next year, 2025.’
We only have less than a year to get rid of these m’th’rf’k’rs pushing the depop scheme.  Better stand together and go after them  and don’t give up your AR15 and wheelbarrow full of ammunition!!! 
Yup - Klaus the Schlawb / WEF is legalizing pedophilia and blaming it on Sharia Law!  -  soon the Comet Ping Pong members can do what they want and nobody can arrest them and take them to court. 

WTF has this world turned into?
Israel coordinates delivery of 25,100 polio vaccine vials to Gaza amid fears of outbreak- TheTimesOfIsrael~tts~Mike Whitney – The Unz Review
Yeah, what the hell, Israhell is running out of bullets but got lots of the Jabbb left - kill ‘em one way or another!!
And this don’t have anything to do with the MonkeyPox - well - yet - if the latest jabbb didn’t kill them - we got the new, improved, revised, updated, tweaked, super duper Monkey Pox Jabbbb - that’s really effects from the original Covid-19 jabbb that Moderna had before the coronahoax blossomed out. And the Mossad motto - “By Way Of Deception Thou Shalt Do War”!

It’s worth noting that the World Health Organization is not a benign public health agency selflessly seeking to eradicate disease and sickness wherever they may be found. Quite the contrary. It is a flock of power-mad internationalists who seek to push through a “global pandemic treaty…. that would grant it absolute power over global biosecurity, such as the power to implement digital identities/vaccine passports, mandatory vaccinations, travel restrictions, standardized medical care and more. (Children’s Health Defense)
Yup - Yahu the Nut has these WHO creeps, sponsored by Billy the Gates doing what he is planning - “Get Rid of the Palestinians - we need all those resources offshore!!!”
And it sums it up with this article on The Truth Seeker:-
Gaza – Israel’s Longtime Policy of “Provocation & Revenge”~HenryMakow 

‘Think the USS Maine, the Gulf of Tonkin, USS Liberty, 9-11…’ they forgot JFK, RFK, MLK.
A meme you’ll appreciate posted on Ben Fulford:- 

As noted before, the MonkeyPox is the shingles side effect from Covid-19 vaxx!!
Monkeypox | Next P(L)andemic On Its Way | Do Not Comply~henrymakow~ 

I’d have to say, he does look a lot like Billy the Gates - both with the same IQ - but I believe the monkey is a little smarter than the skumbag psycho Gates.  As stated on MONEY POX: WHO DECLARES GLOBAL HEALTH EMERGENCY -- Dr. Robert Young - this has nothing to do with monkeys.
Then up pops this article:-
Dr David Martin, Monkeypox a cover for Covid injection Side Effects, with transcript, given August 23rd, 2024 ~
The good doctor Martin has exposed many of the con jobs by the E/P/S and big pharma.
X-FILE HAARP n. 4. Thunderbolts’ Alert after Geomagnetic Storm triggered by Alaskans Dangerous Experiments funded by US NSF~veteranstoday ~ by Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio
Nothing strange here that I can see can you? (Satire)

DAZZLING AURORAS DEBUNKED! Artificially Caused by HAARP & US NSF. Not by a Solar Storm as CNN Told
Yup, HAARP and DEWS hard at work, but these are natural occurrences and certainly not man made - as stated by the f’k’n idiot US National Science Foundation - gotta trust the science- hmph - is Fraudski involved in this catastrophe they blame on natural occurrences?? 
More to read on:- It’s in English also, so you can figure things out.  And it’s suspect - this is similar to Paradise and Maui!
Another article on the same post:- WUHAN-GATES – 75. Spike of SARS-COV-2 BIOWEAPON Promotes CANCER. As the Vaccines One! For Big Pharma’s Huge Business
Pfizer Invests $43 Billion to Battle Cancer:- Hah - Pfizer invests in a cancer cure company after they make $billions on selling Coronahoax Vaxx that spikes the turbo cancers(?) Big business at its finest!!! Or can this be redirected to total fascism / communism???!!!
IRS Agent Fired for Exposing that No One Actually Has to Pay Income Tax ~rbn~
Debugger2 comment:-
‘Hmmm. . . I believe I’ve come across this before, just can’t remember when - Ol’ Timers I suppose.
But a good watch - I very seldom go to Republic Broadcasting Network since John Stadtmiller passed away but it appears they keep broadcasting into the alt media news that is spilling out the truth. Besides, if you check the ‘constitution’ then this is illegal along with fiat currency that’s been going on since 1913 and then flushed down the toilet when Nixon collapsed the dollar that was still based on gold they held in Fort Knox that has some how disappeared!’
Yup - the United States Incorporated is broke - when will the debt collectors get in line and seize control - but I believe they already are and have been in control driving the USSA Inc., bankrupt since 1871.
Here you go:-!!!!!!
Turbo Cancers Caused By Pfizer + Moderna Covid "Vaccines" Can Be Overcome By | Belle Carter~
Hah - can you imagine the repercussions big pharma and Billy the Gates plus the Mockingbird Media spill with more censoring data to counter act this statement?  Klaus the Schlawb will be shaking his head and state the ones that cure any cancer will own nothing and be happy!!!!
I had a friend that travels to India and he brought back some ivermectin and I have a drawer full of 12mg tablets.  Lucky me.
Yup - Tampon Tim hard at work posted on Babylon Bee. 

Oh, and this meme tells it all:- 

Filet of Roach - medium rare - anyone? 

I’d like to see Billy the Gates having dinner with Soros, Bourla and a few Khazarian Mafia goons munching on a cricket!!!
I couldn’t stop myself from posting this meme!:- 

There’s nothing posted on how much cool aide he consumed!
As Posted at the begging, this is from Dr. Paul’s desk:-

How a foreign country controls our branches of government - and you can total the $$$ spent by the foreign country - who we give over $3 billion free military goods.
Hmmmm. . . .I didn’t check to see how much China, Russia, India, N Korea, S Korea and the rest of the carpet baggers donate - but it would probably exceed how much we spend on helping the homeless that big business got rid of, and you need to conclude the Coronahoax effects on jobs, salaries and health destruction by the Jabbbb. . . .Oh, and check how much Mitch McConnell, Chuck Sckumer and Bob Menendez - they receive an amount almost $4.5 million. That’s not bribery d’ya thinks? And you need to throw in Half Wit Romney, Ted Cruz and Lindsey Graham.  And you need to factor in Menendez has been found guilty on corruption charges on over 5 counts.  He’s not a crook,  yeah?
Yup - climate change:- 

Those jets pollute more than a cow farting - then we have to factor in the toxic contents in the

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