Thursday, October 3, 2024

Democracy is not the law of the majority but the protection of the minority.~Albert Camus

Yup - here I am in downtown Indoland - it doesn’t seem to get any better - only problem is the green fees have gone out of site.

Short but sweet blog:- 

THE AMERICAN “CASSANDRA PROPHECY”: Everything Changes After Election Day 2024~ sotn ~ 

Good observation by Cicero - and we got treasonous fools within - the Trojan Horse has been around for more than 100 years and traitors have been around polluting this country and more around the world.

The reference article included:-

Soros Must Be Arrested, Prosecuted and Imprisoned to Prevent Civil War’~ and it’s not just Soros - read the article and discover most of the E/P/S assholes that need to be sent to Gitmo!

Trump needs to borrow a page from Putin’s playbook’



Another good one:- 

The Rockefeller School of Medicine. 

Bezmenov had it figured out. . .


NHS Whistleblower: ‘We Were Instructed to Euthanize Patients to Inflate COVID Death Toll While Hospitals Sat Empty!’~tts~The Expose – Sept 22, 2024~ 


Yup - one way to reach the number on the Georgia Guide Stones. 

A meme that hits the nail on the head!

And a couple more to make your day:-



Thursday Bombshell Broadcast: The Entire Globalist Deep State System Is Collapsing Before Our Eyes! Jan 6 Being An FBI Operation, Biden Admitting He Hasn’t Run The White House For Four Years, P Diddy Working With Epstein & The CIA!~

Alex Jones Show:- Watch it: 


England’s Chief Medical Officer admits “we may have overstated danger of Covid”~Kit Knightly – Off-Guardian ~

“Whitty doesn’t “think they potentially overstated the danger”, he knows they definitely did. We all do, it’s been pretty much proven. “Covid” was a tapestry of lies, and a tangle of deliberately inflated statistics created specifically to enable those lies.”

Duhhhh. . . no shit!!!!!!! “Ayyy, May-teee - we fucked up on this one, lets hope they don’t get the Nuremberg 2 trial going!!!”

I made a comment on thetruthseeker but it didn’t stay up!


The Vampire Fiat Money System: How It Works and What It Means for Your Wealth~tlb~ Thorsten Polleit. ~

Yup - I’ve posted this before, and it keeps coming back - soon the sheeple will figure out that the funny money is worthless and the only ones that benefit are the E/P/S assholeos.


A little Sunday b’fast here in downtown Indoland:- 


‘Bubur Ayam’ - ‘Chicken Porridge’ with all kinds of good stuff in it. . . .


Weather as a Force Multiplier: Owning the Weather in 2025~USAF~

How about that? I can’t remember how long I’ve been posting this skam by the USAF for the E/P/S, but it’s been a while since I discovered it.  Now it’s posted State of the Nation website and you can download it - I have the pdf copy also.  And we pay for this from out debt to the criminal Federal Reserve skam.

I made the comment referencing this site in the last blog post and many before.


Orange County, California Confesses: No Scientific Evidence That SARS-CoV-2 or Contagion Is Real… Or That Anything About “Covid” Was Legit~tlb~ Thanks to Peggy Hall, the Healthy American~

Huh? What was that? Sars-Cov-2? Damn, I forget, must be ol’ timers setting in - but we got that climate change roaring and the sheeple gotta believe that bullshit spilled outta the E/P/S assholes mouths. And think about how many sheeple were forced to take the coronahoax jabbbb. . .that f’ks up their health!!!


CDC Onboarding | Facebook Censorship Dashboard~truth11~ ~

I’ll post Step 1, or part of it:-

Step 1 – Access to Account

First, Facebook granted “Access to CRS.” These slides showed CDC employees how to sign up, register, and login to the new portal.

The “Access to CRS” - can’t remember shit? It appears many of the E/P/S assholeos really can’t remember a goddam thing about what they did to force / coerce the sheeple to be locked up, wear a mask, let their small business go broke with the doors closed due to some evil swindle to get the unsuspecting people take a potential life ending shot full off mRNA spike proteins and turbo cancer and a little graphene oxide to light them up when the 5G gets turned up(?).

And now these same m’th’r’f’k’rs are backing up or down, claiming the fact they really didn’t know the real outcome of the jabbb - like Fauci / Gates / Bourla / Zuckerschmuck and the rest of the evildoers and they’ll all sit back and blame Trumpkin on his Operation Warp Speed that no doubt he was conned into.


Deagel’s Grim Prediction for the

Explosive Gov. Report: Quadruple-Vaccinated Mortality Rates Skyrocket – Shocking CIA & Rockefeller Foundation Ties to Deagel’s 2025 Depopulation Agenda Exposed

The ‘EXPOSE’ pieced together these topics that does appear they’re connected through the ‘benevolent’ foundations run by the Rockefellers and more foundations run by the E/P/S schmucks - oh and the CIA - strange connection?

Only thing is that Deagel passed away in ’21 - I tried to check this in wikipedia but couldn't access the site thru the tough regulations they have in the Indoland internet. Why? I suppose they don’t want the public to access anything that resembles the truth.


Julian Assange Testifies on U.S. Prosecution~truth11~

Watch it ~ Yup - he was let off by pleading guilty - for publishing the truth and methods of acquiring it!

Ya got a country attacking another country under false accusations tied into 9/11 committed by a slimy group of assholes connected to the Khazarian Mafia that orchestrated 9/11 - to seize all the natural resources and Cheney gets a bonus!! This isn’t the only occurrence - its gone on for the past 300 years, or maybe 2000 years? Connect the dots yet?


Zionists Invade Lebanon to Accelerate Murder/Expulsion of All Palestinians~ Kevin Barrett – Kevin’s Newsletter ~tts

I had to post Bar’s statement lower in the article:-

“Netanyahu, who inherited an atheist version of messianic-millenarian extremism from his father, Benzion Netanyahu, does not expect God to assist his genocide, but intends to do it himself. Indeed, he has devoted his entire political career to that task.”

It does appear that Yahu the Nutt is a whacko put in there by the Khazarian Mafia and that’s how politicks happens in the terrorist state.


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