Sunday, May 12, 2024

We do not talk -- we bludgeon one another with facts and theories gleaned from cursory readings of newspapers, magazines and digests.~ Henry Miller ~Yup - my favorite author!!!

 Truth-teller Patrick Buchanan goes ballistic on America’s ZOG catastrophe~ 

How it goes in the land of make believe!
* * * *
One article I forgot to post in the last blog, and you gotta watch Alex Jones interview with Pascal Najadi the son of the co-founder of the World Economic Forum:-
One Last Battle And The Rockefeller/Hitler Branch Of The KM Will Go Down~
You can make up your own mind on how much of this is truth, but then if you believe the deep state sewer dwellers in DC, you’re not a heart beat away from a lunatic!!!! (My opinion - for what its worth)
Another blog from Allan Greenspan about debt - they print $$$ from nothing and can pay off the debt - hmph, why the tax??? It appears they (E/P/S) wanna keep the sheeple broke and completely enslaved!!!!
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Opposition leader suspended after Trudeau ‘wacko’ comment~RT~
‘Poilievre replied that he was ready to replace the word “wacko” with “extremist” or “radical” instead of just withdrawing the comment.’
Hah - tell a lie - get a bonus, tell the truth - get suspended!!! I gotta sorta go along with Poilievre’s comment - Fidelito is a ‘whacko’!!!  But then 99.9% of politicians are the same!!
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INDISPUTABLE EVIDENCE CONFIRMS: 9/11 was both an “Inside Job” and “Mossad Job”~ 
Yup - I figured that out in 9-11-01 when I was in the Sheraton Great Wall in Beijing working late with the TV on and the program showed a little explosion on WTC I - no real video of a plane hitting it, and I thought ‘what a dumb f’k’n pilot’ - then WTC II was hit, I then changed my thinking and come up with an orchestrated terrorist attack. Then WTC VII fell down after I & II. Being in the structural engineering business for over 30 years, and familiar with the codes and engineering factors for tall buildings, in particular the WTC building, being designed for impact from 2 - Boeing 707’s. AE911Truth has completed analysis stating this was controlled demolition and the NIST report is a sick joke.  After more research, I also wondered what happened to the 300+ W54 pits that went missing from Pantex Tx nuclear plant.  I did a search, yesterday and couldn’t find these being noted as missing - most likely removed from the web. 
Along with this research, back then, up popped Dov Zakheim - the CEO of System Planning Corporation (in 2001, Under Secretary of Defence on GW Bush’s admin) that had the ability to remotely control airplanes in flight and override the pilots (my take) but these planes ran into buildings at speed of almost 500 mph that’s next to impossible a near ground elevation. You can do a search on the web on ‘NIST WTC report is a joke’ if you can find any articles dealing with this.
Anyways, my computer was stolen and the 9/11 data also correspondence with TCEQ on chemtrails - makes me wonder why?
Well, enough of that stuff - its history and hopefully the perpetrators will be brought to justice - along with the same creeps mixed up in the Coronahoax.

Another article dealing with 911:-
The Zionist Death Grip On The United States Government…~tts~ CtrlAltDelete@TakingoutTrash7 

Another one on 911:-
BOMBSHELL EVIDENCE! These are actual photographs of Israeli military explosive experts wiring the 91st floor of the World Trade Center for the 9/11 controlled demolition of the Twin Towers~sotn~
Read it if you want - more proof - and don’t forget the Dancing Israelis!
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URGENT!!! “TOR-CON-9” Extremely rare, historic, high-risk alert For Tornados – Oklahoma and Kansas~
Another little geoengineering on the way - look what happened to Texico!!!  And we’re still in a flood!!!
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The Traitors In Congress Have Passed New Vile and Unconstitutional Hate Speech Legislation ~ SOTN~Patrick J. McShay~

Hate speech? Truth? - but that’s a no-no - you can’t talk about truth in the Mockingbird scenario!! Yup - you can only say what ‘they’ E/P/S (elite/parasite/skumbags, in case you forgot) dictate!!!
* * * *
Another thing I see is that Truth11 doesn’t post any articles on the web lately - d’ya thinks they’ve been silenced - hmmm. . . .maybe debugger2 is next. Then up will pop 1.1 Amendment - sort of revise the free speech doctrine of the constitution  - you can say what you want, you just can’t talk about or criticize the Khazarian Mafia and their illegal activities around the world - and soon the funny money will be replaced with the CBDC and you won’t be able to buy what you want - only what they allow you to.  
Oops - truth11 just came up on May 3. Censorship and Economic Sanctions Against 

‘Our mission remains: Armed With The Truth • United We Stand’
You can’t say anything against the MSM - Mockingbird Klan - otherwise, they put you out of bidness.  Hmmm. . .I post many articles and memes from truth11 - d’ya thinks debugger2 will be sanctioned and censored?  It could be considered anti-semitic - the Khazarians (that don’t have a semitic gene in their body) have run the media for hundreds of years.
The Enemy Is Among Us?~Philip Giraldi – The Unz Review May 2, 2024 ~
Read it - make up your own mind.
Meme I appreciate:- 

This of course is north of the equator - south likes it in Late October / Early November.
Another one:- 

Yup - Northrup, Boeing, and the rest of the MIC could develop new methods of making roads last instead of falling apart in 3 - 4 months - but then, they’d be out of bidness - there’s no money in peace - wars make money and you can read or watch Mike Rivero’s “All Wars Are Bankers' Wars” 


44 Senators Call on Biden to Reject Two Totalitarian Agreements That Surrender U.S Sovereignty to WHO~The Gateway Pundit~
Debugger comment:-
Hmmm. . . only 44? What about the other 56?  Not many ‘critical thinker’ brains in the DC Sewer. 

Tedros is a quack! No medical experience - a genocidal maniac - just does what Billy the Gates tells him to do. (My Take)
If this happens, the Deep Staters will make sure you have a digital certificate in taking the graphene oxide / mRNA spike protein jabb that’ll shorten your life and the greedies can seize your social security check.  We got the bird flu coming up - and that’s probably 100x worse than the coronahoax.
You need to remember 100 x 0 = 0!!!!  And nobody in the E/P/S ranks even says a word about natural immunity being 99.9% better than a vaxx - I mentioned this before - during my yearly checkup - the good doctor suggested I take my covid shot - I responded by saying “I will not take a gene editing shot!!” being exposed to SARS 1 and MERS and never even had a runny nose.
All these schmucks - elite / parasite / skumbags - are driving for depopulation - remember that before you line up for a jabbbb.

Oooops - and up pops this article on SOTN:-
Disgraced Ex-CNN Anchor Chris Cuomo Now Admits to Taking Ivermectin Daily — Refuses to Apologize for Shaming People Who Didn’t Take the Experimental Shot
How about that? And everybody thinks I’m crazy! Well - maybe just a little.
WOW! Even the CIA’s Mockingbird Media is talking about: “Thousands Believe Covid Vaccines Harmed Them”~sotn ~
‘Within minutes of getting the Johnson & Johnson Covid-19 vaccine, Michelle Zimmerman felt pain racing from her left arm up to her ear and down to her fingertips. Within days, she was unbearably sensitive to light and struggled to remember simple facts.’
Too long to comment on - read it and make up your own mind!
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Watch: Biden's Head Of Economic Advisors Try To Explain Government Borrowing~Authored by Mike Shedlock via
Jared Bernstein was asked about Modern Monetary Theory (MMT)...
MMT says government is different. It owes the money to itself and the debt can be canceled at will. In MMT theory, a benevolent government would spend the money wisely, cancel all the debt or pay interest to itself, and everyone will essentially live happily ever after.
And the 900 lb gorilla in the room asks - “why do we have income tax, when the govt can print money out of nothing?” (My take - but still - this does border on the edge of slavery - that we’ve been in since 1913 - The Creature from Jekyll Island was hatched by the funny money boys!!!
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Alex Soros Funds New Psyop and Chemtrails, Bird Flu and Economic Crash Ahead (Video)~

Yup, and ‘they’ (meaning the elite / parasite / skumbags) got 6 ways to Sunday to getchya!!!
And brings up another question - where is George Soros? His son has taken over? If you ever watched him at the WEF conference interview - he is an idiot!!!!
* * * *
I’d like to post some memes from Truth11 but they’re still setting up their new office.

Yup - you’ll never guess who, that has $billions donated by our absolutely insane gov’t who are slaves to the Khazarians - and we’re deeper in debt - but still - good meme!

Neither are the carpet baggers in Tel Aviv.
Here We Go: Two New COVID Variants Named ‘FLiRT’ Reportedly Spreading Across the U.S.~ Gateway Pundit!~
WebMD reported:
In recent weeks, COVID-19 forecasters have reported on a new set of variants picked up in wastewater surveillance. Nicknamed FLiRT, they’re threatening to cause a new wave of COVID infections, which recently bottomed out after spiking in December. 

Debugger post:-
Wastewater Surveillance(?). You mean the sewer in DC is leaking(?) And who is doing the surveying? Biden and gang? Or maybe Gates and Soros - and Bourla buncha criminals:- 
“Yup - let’s create a variant in the sewer in downtown DC and let this spread around the world - then we can shut down the country on election day and only allow mail in ballots - that need to be sanitized if it doesn’t have FJB’s name listed.”
And it makes you wonder, Who the F’k is gonna be FJB’s VP - Hickory Klingon?
A meme from Henry Makow’s site - that showed up on ‘X’:-


I suppose the prince had it figured out way back when - and also put together Germany into a flourishing country that didn’t need a central bank run by the Rothschilds - funny WWI should start after Otto passed away. WWII started after the same progress Germany made under Adolf - not saying he was a saint, but it did flourish when he threw out the Rothschilds central bankers - history has a way of repeating itself - all with the same perpetrators.  I don’t suppose Von Bismark wasn’t aware these Khazarians / Ashkenazi’s didn’t have a Semitic gene in their body.
A pic of Andrew Jackson and comment - Den of Vipers:- 

He had this figured out also - how come our recent so-called leaders haven’t(?) I suppose they get a BIG envelope!  They just need to change the figures in the ‘4 Horsemen of the Apocalypse
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Chinese Scientists Engineer Mutant Ebola Virus in Controversial Experiment, Causing Severe Symptoms and Deaths in Lab Hamsters~gateway pundit~
The experiment has drawn widespread criticisms due to ethical and safety concerns and the potential fears of another lab leak scenario:
  1. Gain-of-Function Research: The creation of a mutant Ebola virus falls under gain-of-function research, which has historically been contentious due to the potential for accidental release or misuse.
  2. Lack of BSL-4 Facilities: Ebola virus typically requires handling in biosafety level 4 (BSL-4) laboratories. Conducting similar research under BSL-2 conditions, as done in this study, raises questions about biosafety protocols.
Hmmm. . . Wuhan? It listed the location - Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Changchun, China. 
Is Billy the Gates and Tony the Fraudski mixed up in this - with a little financing from the DOD?  Maybe need to look into this a little farther and do some fact checking - I don’t suppose the ‘fact checkers’ at our NIH would be involved.
Goddam - the Chinese aren’t a heart beat away from our own HHS.
* * * *
The pilots are figuring this out?  They gotta fly the Boeing - good thing I checked with a relative - who’s a pilot - he flies Airbus - *whew*!!!
I suppose the coronahoax didn’t work, so they (E/P/S) gotta get the citizens when they fly someplace - and me and family are planning to go overseas in a couple of months - I need to check to see what the carrier is before I board.
Damn, I hope Truth11 comes back online soon - I really miss the memes!!!
The problem I see here is that Tulsi did attend Klaus the Schlawb’s Young Global Leaders class. WTF will that do to our gov’t - well - so did Ivanka Trump - the wife of a Chabad Lubavitcher - hmmm. . . we might be in trouble - d’ya thinks?
This Week in the New Normal #89~tts~Off-Guardian – May 6, 2024~ 

1. “Biometric Payments Will Keep You Safe”
2. De Santis’ Lab-Grown Meat Ban
3. Gaza Protests and Celebrity Arrests
BONUS: Cringe of the week - That’s Star Wars Mark Hamill - having a conversation with FJB. Can you imagine how much sense that made?
This is just maybe - 4, that I could put my fingers on, but I imagine there could be tons more of the good stuff for the E/P/S to get their paws on to screw you up, oh, and me too.  Klaus and Tedros no doubt will get a bonus this year and Gates and Soros will giggle, counting funny money and the ‘New Normal’ is, no doubt, the New World Order and we’ll all be in the ‘smart city’ waiting for the next vaxx for Big Brother to administer lined up for the handout of filet of roach - that will be for ‘free’ cuz the EPS have already stolen everything of value.
Report: US pauses weapon shipment to delay Israel from entering Rafah~tts~Miri Weissman – Israel Hayom~
“The Biden administration has delayed the sale of thousands of precision weapons to Israel, raising questions about whether the US is deliberately slowing the delivery of arms to its top Middle East ally amid growing domestic political pressure.”
Sale? I thought this was a ‘gift’ to the Likudniks via orders from AIPAC - so they can wipe out the real ‘Semites’ the Palestinians.
“White House National Security Council Spokesman John Kirby on Monday declined to comment on whether any arms sales to Israel had been put on hold. “Our security commitments to Israel are ironclad,” he said during the White House briefing.”
We’ll probably need to wait and see if this holds true - I can’t believe the EPS run skumbags in the DC sewer really listen to common sense!!!
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FAA investigates Boeing for falsified records on some 787 Dreamliners~Kris Van Cleeve – CBS News~ 

‘After being notified by Boeing that some company employees failed to complete specific inspections on some 787 Dreamliners but reported the checks as having been completed, essentially falsifying inspection records, the Federal Aviation Administration has opened a formal investigation.’
Hmmm. . .does Billy the Gates and Soros have shares in Boeing? They probably got rid of them when the Agenda 21 and 2030 came into effect - right behind Rockefeller ‘Operation Lockstep’ - 2010 and Event 201.
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Another good one - falling into place in modern society:-
Woke Disney Gets a Nightmare Update – Now the Mouse House Is Headed for Total Disaster~ 
Mick Farthing – Patriot Journal~ 

“Not that long ago, the Walt Disney Company was a juggernaut in the entertainment industry. But the mask fell off after the company tried to stop Florida from passing a law that shielded children from transgender ideology. Top Disney CEOs admitted they intended to push LGBT characters and themes in their movies and shows.”
Yup - another ‘train wreck’!!!! Disney will be up for a ‘bail out’ soon - too big to fail!!!
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Damn - and Truth11 still isn’t up - they must be having a little opposition to their site? Nawww. . . the MSM wouldn’t do that, would they?
‘Safe and Effective’ No More! AstraZeneca Pulls Covid Vaccine After Admitting Rare Side Effect~sotn~ZeroHedge.com
Well, that’s one - how many more are there cooking up with lethal jabbb to depop? How many people  have taken the jabbbb?. . .And this started 4 years ago+??? Yup - we didn’t know that was gonna happen and shorten the life span - and we can’t be held accountable!!! (My take) but then, Trumpkin is running for POTUS - and he will be blamed for ‘Operation Warp Speed’ - that has killed millions - this may be the ‘one way from Sunday’ on how to get him off the ballot!!! D’ya thinks??? And we’ll have nothing and be happy!!
Former Head of the U.S. Fed Reveals Washington's Nasty Trick to Confiscate Your Savings... Here's How Americans are Resisting...
“In January, U.S. government debt surpassed a record $34 TRILLION.
It took over 200 years to rack up the first $1 trillion in debt. But today, the debt is soaring. In fact, Washington racked up the last $1 trillion of debt in 
3 months.”
Former head of the U.S. Fed, Alan Greenspan, put it simply: "Deficit spending is simply a scheme for the confiscation of wealth."
Greenspan has figured this out - and the Fed can print money out of nothing!!!! And they gonna steal your retirement and savings - hmmm. . .time to get the f’k outta here!!!  But go where?  A BRICS country? - China - Russia - Brazil? Naw. . .but we gotta come up with a place to hide pretty soon!!!
Did These Twelve [INCREDIBLY STUPID] U.S. Senators Commit a Federal Felony: 18 U.S.C. 1503 – Threatening Judge(s)?!~SOTN~Hal Turner~

And these geniuses in congress sent this letter to the ICC in the Hague.

Sho’ looks like AIPAC has their filthy little fingers imbedded in these idiots.  Why in hell should our politickers even care about what the international criminal court will do to an obvious insane criminal regime, when the world just sits back and watches the genocide?

Besides, Yahu the Nut is a really nice guy - below is his comment recorded in the Finks Bar in 1990. 

Anybody notice WTF is going on around us now as we speak or maybe even think a little?
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A post on Ben Fulford’s site:-
Only7 out of 100 senators have not taken any money from AIPAC:
  • Tommy Tuberville- Alabama
  • Alex Padilla & Laphonza Butler- California
  • Maxie Hirono- Hawaii
  • Rand Paul- Kentucky
  • Bernie Sanders- Vermont
  • Cynthia Lumis- West Virginia
Only 7 - hmph - looks like the Khazarian Mafia controls our government for sure - just need to fact check Ben’s article.  And this does make the ’12 incredibly stupid senators’ posted above come to light in supporting a known criminal against the ICC.
Some more interesting posts by Ben F.
Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi says “The United States has sought to overthrow more than 50 foreign governments, blatantly interfered in the elections of at least 30 countries, and attempted to assassinate more than 50 foreign leaders.”
And this was carried on by unelected schmucks with approval of the dead beats we elect. . . .

You can log on to this site and read / watch his posts.  Then make up your own mind.
New “Guide” Teaches UK MPs to Spot “Conspiracy Theories”~tts~Kit Knightley – Off-Guardian~
‘The British government has issued a new guidebook to all sitting MPs to help them spot “conspiracy theories”.’
This sorta blends in with:-
“We’ll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false.” William Casey - CIA
Then the Mockingbird Media rose it’s ugly head - “only tell the sheeple what we want not what is real or factual!!"
This was posted on an article about disinformation on Libya - way back in 1981 

Then the ‘real’ queen of fake news, did orchestrate the Arab Spring and got rid of Gadaffi in 2011, who went against the central bankers with his African Gold Dinar!! Hickory Klingon was the master mind - or was she - maybe somebody to blame by the Sewer Rats in DC.
Can you imagine what the history books will post, when the ‘real’ truth comes to play? Obviously, the sewer dwellers will claim this is disinformation - again!
And this is what Klaus the Schlawb is posting on the WEF program the YGL’rs are chanting:- 

And you’re gonna hafta eat bugs!!!
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BURNED ALIVE: Biden’s chemical weapons rain on Gaza’s children as Jews hit Rafah with white phosphorus~Jonas E. Alexis, Senior Editor~VT~sotn
Veterans Today - catching a spot on SOTN.
I logged on to VT and caught some of the headlines of articles posted on 5-11-24 - you can log on to the site and watch them if you wish:-
  • VITAL! Scientist Fauci’s accomplice in the Artificial SARS-Cov-2 tried for having BEHEADED a Holy Lady Statue
  • NATO’s COUP IN UKRAINE – 4. Putin: “Western Conflict vs Russia since 2008”
  • Globalists Plot Worldwide Genocide via WHO Pandemic Treaty
  • Jew US Senator: “Is not Antisemitism to Point out the Racist Netanyahu Govt Genocide’
And many more - worth the reading if you have the interest and time.

Hey - Truth11 is back up, only problem is they haven’t updated their MEMEs chapter! I suppose I have to wait until tomorrow - gotta go play 18 today - something about the ‘Greenskeeper’s Revenge’!
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And the one that takes the cake:- Only thing - the 2 didn’t get any stitches - just a coffin.

I’ll add more on next blog - there’s just too much happening and not enough fingers to catch them all.

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