Wednesday, May 1, 2024

The Truth Has No Defense Against a Fool Determined to Believe a Lie.~Mark Twain

 "There is a plot in this country to enslave every man, woman and child. Before I leave this high and noble office, I intend to expose this plot."~JFK

And JFK just went by Dealey Plaza and ended his plan for exposing the E/P/S plan for enslaving the republic.  And it’s on the way now - read the article below The Peoples Operation Restoration!

"The first panacea for a mismanaged nation is inflation of the currency; the second is war. Both bring a temporary prosperity; both bring a permanent ruin. But both are the refuge of political and economic opportunists."—Ernest Hemingway
Sorta looks like where we’re headed today - yesterday - tomorrow!
Aaron Rodgers (NFL) States HIV/AIDS was a Government Engineered Pandemic in 1980’s With Dr. Anthony Fauci Playing A Corrupt | Jim Hᴏft
Aaron says ‘Look Into It’.  Strange, I was single in the 70’s and 80’s and might have messed around a little and never caught this nasty little bug.  Fraudski was mixed up in the AZT / HIV scam then and got his start into being big Pharma’s gofor disciple?  Look it up!
"THE END OF HUMANITY – As Planned By The Global Leaders
Watch this - only takes around 40 minutes.
This is what Klaus the Schlawb / Hariri and cohorts have in store for you, me and everybody - well - except for the elite / parasite / skumbags!!!
And you can bet your ass, if Billy the Gates is involved with development, there will be malfunctions and disaster occurrence failures, that he (if he’s still alive) will instruct his cyborgs prepare a fix or patch, and that’s only if the ‘smart’ robots, that can recognize a malfunction, complain!  Oh - and if in fact the E/P/S can figure this out.
It sure opens the door for the Orwell / Huxley end of time - let alone humanity. And probably they’ll shut down all the golf courses - or perhaps leave them open - so cyborgs can watch just how stupid humanity really was.  I think I’d object to that, cuz I still enjoy to tee - it - up!!!!
Sorenson’s little video does connect a few dots - WWIII - Coronahoax - false flags by the criminal Zio state on behalf of the banksters - and don’t forget - Russia - Russia - Russia!  Whew - we’re f’k’d if we don’t smarten up.
House Passes $95 Billion Aid Package For Ukraine, Israel And Taiwan - But Not US Border~
The House on Saturday passed a set of foreign aid bills that would send $61 billion to Ukraine, $26 billion to Israel, and $8 billion to the Indo-Pacific region.
Democrats and some Republicans waved Ukrainian flags during the vote, a rare moment of bipartisanship in a bitterly and narrowly divided House.
And you can piece together the contaminants in the DC sewer including the actions of the RINO Mike Johnson!!! “Fuck the border - we need those future military assassins that don’t have a conscience and wipe out the sheeple with half a brain!!”(my take)
Another dot to connect:-
Was Israel Going to Nuke Iran as Pepe Escobar’s Source Claims? | Ray McGovern~
A meme to take note of:- 

Posted this one before - of the coronahoax:- 

And lets not forget about the Constitutional Amendments:- 

And Billy the Gates is also mixed up in this:-

Enough memes for now - on to the good stuff:-
Well - maybe a couple more:- 

And some guy shot him in 1948 - probably paid for by big Pharma - he must have had a clue on WTF was in the jabbbb. . . 
The Maharaja TugginMyPudah the teacher of the Love Guru did resemble Mahatma.
Euthanasia~Dr. Vernon Coleman~ 

Dr Coleman got it right:- watch it. Fidelito is promoting this in Canada.
UK announces ‘largest-ever’ military aid package for Ukraine~rt
And as posted above:-
US has passed the $61billion to Ukraine~CNN
Dunno WTF the EU and other countries have donated - didn’t check what Canada sent, but this is a racket - how many of these so called do-gooders will end up multi millionaires in the process. I suppose they already know, the piano dickie player Zelensky’s days are numbered so the EPS gotta get in there and take as much $$$ paybacks from ‘Z’ as they can, and leave the sheeple homeless and broke!!!  Besides, ‘Z’ already has a home in Miami that cost us a few $$$$. Anybody see anything wrong with this pic? The Azov Nazi’s that the Cookie Monster paid, need more money too!
Franklin was a visionary who worked with dedication to create a more perfect society in America: an intellectual and humane civilization. 

This is a sign on the ‘Philosophical society ‘Recapturing the Spirit of Renaissance’. Amazing Benjamin could come up with laws and amendments etc., to ensure the people aren’t abused or slaughtered by the banksters - but it’s sorta ended up that way anyways since 1913 when the Creature from Jekyll Island reared it’s ugly head. 

Enough said.
Another meme I gotta post:- 

No Shit!!!!
* * * *
Ok, I can’t stop posting memes that make me smile:-
Get the picture?

When I go pick up my other half at the hospital, there’s a pothole that sometimes I don’t miss when I take the Tbird - maybe they’ll fix it some day! 

Oh well, maybe if F J Biden’s wife is in the rehab center, they’ll fix it - take a few $$ from the gift to Ukraine and Israel.
* * * *
Judge Cannon reveals conspiracy between Biden and National Archives to prosecute President Trump. Julie Kelly has the unredacted, down and dirty receipts.~ Citizens Watch Report
Hmmm. . .d’ya thinks they’ll uncover all the malfeasance going on in the DC sewer? Probably not, they don’t have enough shovels and the pile of shit is astronomical.
Why Have Americans Forgotten Trump's Treachery In Implementing A Culling Of The American Population?~
‘There is no right versus left, there is no Trump versus Biden. There is a machine in control of a spending machine that is financed with our taxes, and debt barred in our names, that is being sold into our pension funds and into our retirement accounts. There is that machine, and that machine, to keep balancing the books, is implementing a depopulation plan. That is the reality that has to be faced. And changing the president won't matter.’
Something to think about. I always wondered why in fuck did Trumpkin enforce the Warp Speed junk, and this now becomes more clear - follow the money!
The States of Zionist Israel and America Are One and the Same: Both Murdering, Terrorist Nations~Gary D. Barnett | 

Dr. Evil has it under control - yup - destroy and keep the $$$$ that’s worthless anyways - for now!!!
Final Nail in America’s Coffin?~Ron Paul Institute
‘When future historians go searching for the final nail in the US coffin, they may well settle on the date April 20, 2024.’
‘On that day Congress passed legislation to fund two and a half wars, hand what’s left of our privacy over to the CIA and NSA, and give the US president the power to shut down whatever part of the Internet he disagrees with.’
And the sewer creatures in DC simply can’t seem to handle the budget - they need to send our debt to the Federal Reserve to Ukraine and Israhell - for what? Death and destruction and drive the poor schmuck US citizen broke and turn the USSA into a 4th world country in debt to the banksters.
Dr Paul got in trouble when he instituted ‘Audit the Fed’, the later when removed from DC, he did publish ‘End the Fed’ - and why he is labeled a Conspiracy Theorist - the E/P/S just cant seem to handle the truth - only lies and propaganda to swindle the sheeple out of their hard earned $$$! 

* * * * 
Federal Reserve’s Capital Has Now Plummeted to Negative $121 Billion, and Congress Needs To Act~ALEX J. POLLOCK Washington, D.C.
‘Hold up your hand if you think that the aggregate losses of an organization are an asset of that organization. No hands at all? Absolutely right. Losses are not an asset. That’s accounting 101. Yet the greatest central bank in the world, the Federal Reserve, insists on claiming that its continuing losses, which have accumulated to the staggering sum of $164 billion, are an accounting asset.’
The Fed references this as a ‘Deferred Asset’ - hmph - Right = Wrong, Up = Down, Minus = Plus. . . the game keeps on rolling and nobody says a f’k’n word about this - and they should END the F’K’N FED!  - NOW!!! - and claw back the $quadrillions stolen in the past 111+ years and arrest the perpetrators and put them in Gitmo next to the guillotines.  Hell, there’d be nobody left in the DC Sewer - but then - not a bad idea!!!
* * * *
mRNA Is A Class One Carcinogen + A Broad-SpectrumMutagen~truth11 ~
Professor Angus Dalgleish - Massive cancer deaths study vindicates my warnings over covid boosters. 
Yup - how it works in the ‘Gates world of make believe’ - log on to TLB and read the article - soon, our legal division of gov’t just may smarten up - or is that impossible - depending on the Benjamins!! The Elite/Parasite/Skumbags do own just about everything!
* * * *
April 25 – Why Does Russia Keep America’s Secrets?
‘Why doesn’t Russia tell us what really happened on 9-11? Who murdered JFK and RFK? Who shot down MH 17 over Ukraine? What happened to MH 370 which disappeared in 2014?’ 

Henry does raise a few questions - and assumes this is in concert with Russia being run by the same Khazarians as the rest of the world - it’s all a plan.
Henry’s note:-
‘To compare, the Allies kept Hitler's secret: grandson of a Rothschild, homosexual prostitute in Vienna. Wars are all orchestrated to kill patriot dupes on both sides.  This is why Russia didn't just remove Zelensky. They needed to kill 500,000 Ukrainian goyim and 100,000 Russians.’
D’ya thinks the truth will surface anytime soon? So far nothing has been corrected since the Creature from Jekyll Island reared it’s ugly head over 100 years ago - Inflation - war - destroy!!
And Ernest Hemingway had it nailed:- 

And as past Zio’s stated for the survival of Israel - they need an enemy - so they create one or more - have a look at Al Qaeda, ISIS, ISIL, Boko Haram and more, and these are all financed by the Zios and most of the $$$ comes from the USSA taxpayer debt to the Federal Reserve.  Do a search on Netanyahu’s statement in Finks Bar in 1990 - USA is the golden calf!!!
 * * * *
Today in History: Democrats Gather to Hold Their First KKK National Convention in Nashville, Tennessee~gatewaypundit~Jim Hoft
Debugger comment:-
‘They need to clarify all the bullshit the Demo-Commie-Nazis are orchestrating with David Duke! Even he makes more sense that the schmucks running the Demonrats’
Hmph, this comment was made yesterday - so far gateway pundit hasn’t posted it.  What did I say wrong???? 

* * * *
Harvey Weinstein Conviction Overturned On Appeal~zerohedge~Tyler Durden
‘the court found that the trial judge in the disgraced mogul's case had made a critical error, allowing prosecutors to call a series of women as witnesses who said that Weinstein had assaulted them, but whose accusations weren't part of the charges against him, the NYT reports’
Huh? Yup - he’s innocent for sure - the skumbag abused hundreds to promising actors, but that’s ok, when he touched their butt or worse - that’s a no - no!!! But it wasn’t part of the crimes he committed so - he’s innocent - hell, Jeffy Epstein was probably innocent too, but the hell with the little minors abused, or victims of a little Spirit Cooking - it was the illegal videos he took, that somehow the FBI (fuckin’ big idiots) lost someplace.  Nawww - it’s not rigged - d’ya thinks?
Great legal system we got, ya? And prosecutor Bragg will need to see if he needs a re-trial of Harvey - and lets forget about the charges on Trumpkin - one real, the other fake, or is it the other way around - who to believe???
* * * *
Biden: White Americans Are the Threat~Paul Craig Roberts – ~ tts
‘Tucker Carlson points out that president Biden, illegitimately in office due to the theft of the 2020 election, has as president of the United States defined America’s majority white population as the major cause of racism and a threat to national unity. Note: it is the majority that is the threat.’
Yet, tens of millions of dumbshit white Americans designated as America’s worst threat by Biden vote for him.’
Yup - Roberts got it pegged properly when he tagged them ‘dumbshit’. I think I’ll change my description of the DC politickers to ‘Sewer Rats’. 
As I labeled ‘DC degenerates’, in the last blog, in the sewer - a swamp has ecological benefits, a sewer is full of shit!!! I might have to repeat myself a few times!
* * * *
How both Israel and the GOP completely lost my support in just 6 1/2 months~Mike Adams ~ Natural News ~ tts
Debugger Comment:-
‘Mike - I’ve never supported Israel even when I was a young man - and when you study the rules of Zionism, including the Babylonian Talmud, you’ll discover the Zios always need an enemy and if there isn’t one, they create one - similar to Al Qaeda, ISIS, ISIL, Boko Haram and a host of others, including HAMAS, and they create false flags - hundreds - the main one that sticks in my mind is the USS Liberty - the Ship that won’t Sink! History also shows, Israel was created by the Rothschilds Khazarian Mafia via Balfour, and has been a terrorist country since before the Irgun Zvai Leumi also Stern Gang was created and has now blossomed into the Likud party.  Israel needs to be renamed Palestine and made into a singular state and get rid of the Mossad and the rest of the terrorist supporters.’
We’ll see if it will stand
And this sort of blends in with:
People: This may be just what we’ve all been waiting for—YUUUUUGE!!! (Part II) ~A Vietnam War Protester ~ SOTN Exclusive
‘Political Bipolar Complex (PBC)is a very serious mental disease which very few know about, and even fewer know that they have it.’
Let’s take Israel as an example where PBC is so serious it eventually evolves into Political Bipolar Syndrome the physical disease associated with a highly developed case of the mental/emotional one.
And this gets summarized:-
‘So, in the Zionist State of Israel, we have these two diametrically opposed political factions which truly detest each other, but who are still bound together because of the patently manufactured existential threats they are facing.’
What’s the critical point here?
It’s all a game … a BIG act … nothing but Kabuki theater—24/7—in both Washington, D.C. and Tel Aviv.
You can log on to ‘State of the Nation’ and search this and get the rest of the gobbledygook posted that does ring a bell!
* * * *
9/11, JFK, OK City, 5G, Chemtrails, Vaccines, COVID-19…~sotn ~ Revisionist Historians for World Peace SOTN Exclusive ~
Nothing changes until those who secretly rule US are prosecuted for 9/11, JFK, OK City, 5G,  Chemtrails, Vaccines, COVID-19….. 

The Khazarian Mafia Takes Complete Control of the United States of America
Read it!!!
* * * * 
Jewish Rabbi admits that Jews are aliens who are here to “conquer” Earth~sotn~
Hmmm. . . I gotta bridge in Brooklyn I need to sell you - cheap!!! But it’s gotta be in $cash$, or gold or silver - no digital currency!!!
A meme - I had a chuckle:- 

Sorta blends in with the Gary Webb, Michael Hastings, Ann Hecht arkancides, and we can’t forget about Officer Yeakey in Oklahoma after the Murrah bombing after discovering a couple of unexploded bombs inside. 

No way in hell a van with fertilizer can do this much damage - I’ve posted Cody Snodgres book 'Choosing the Light'.
What Fyodor Dostoevsky wrote in 1877 is coming true 150 years later.~sotn~ 

And I read Dostoyevsky’s books when I was a youngster in school - they were quick and to the point, not rambling like Tolstoy, but both good authors.  I liked his book ‘The Idiot’ - for some reason the title struck me where it counts!!  The ‘Yid’ he states weren’t really Jews, they were Khazarians, and come from the same area that Zelensky’s Nazi - Azov warriors are fighting Russia now.
Soros is doing this so that Hate Speech Laws will be passed in Congress and signed into law by Biden which will giving Israel, Zionists and Jews special protections.~NYPost 

Yup - Ordo ab Chao keeps coming back - Soros is a champion in starting the problems.  ‘Yup, gotta stop all that anti-Semite bullshit, that I created in the first place!!!’ My comment, not Soros - but still the same - and the real reason why we have ‘Open Society’, Antifa, BLM and the rest of the bullshit - oh, and we now gotta include the ‘KKK’.
David Duke has to be pissed off big time!!
Here’s a coupla sites you need to access and find out WTF is going on with the idiots in the DC Sewer:-

And one of the best memes of the day!- 

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