Thursday, May 23, 2024

Every man is guilty of all the good he did not do.~Voltaire

 “Hell is empty and the devils are all here.” —William Shakespeare

“Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.” – Leonardo da Vinci
The KISS method!!!
The United Spot keeps showing up on YouTube and I watch it cuz it’s funny - the item I enjoy is the video of FJB with the ‘Check Engine’ lite on his forehead - some times it shows the battery sign with less than 1% charged. 

Oh well, On to bigger and better things.
Oh - truth11 has established their new location and apparently all the devices are in working order - probably they’ll be high jacked soon:-
30 Days Since Tennessee BANNED Geo-Engineering “We USED to have stripes ALL day long”~
How about that - soon, they won’t have brain fog, dizziness, tinnitus and a host of other ailments nobody can seem to know what they are - maybe just need the Covid Jabbb - that should do it!!!  And at night you’d be able to see swarms of stars - not just 8 or 9 bright ones.
Texas has some legislation working - maybe this state will be next, but currently the geoengineering is running rampant and floods everywhere.
Besides, that strontium, barium and nano aluminum particles get into your brain and difficult to remove - maybe with a little banking soda, chlorella, ACV with cilantro with black pepper as the binding agent to the heavy metals to excrete them out. The time has come to shut down the chemtrails and geoengineering that really doesn’t do shit other then for the benefits of the elite / parasite / skumbags (E/P/S). I know this is getting old, but it needs to be stopped and perpetrators arrested and sent to GITMO.
8 States Banning A. Kirby 

Tennessee, Illinois, New Hampshire, S. Dakota, Kentucky, Rhode Island, Minnesota, Pennsylvania.
Where the fuck is Texas and the other 40+ states? 
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Why the Blackout on the Effect of Cannabis Legalization?~
Debugger2 post:-
Hmmm. . .used to make rope out of that stuff, Henry Ford made a car out of it and could run on the cannabis oil - the 4 horsemen from Oil Industry didn’t like that so they paid off the local politickers and made it illegal - gotta cut out the competition, and it cures many diseases - cancer being one and I have proof of that since I had cancer on my ear and had it nuked off and when it reoccurred, I had it nuked off again, then when my doctor retired, when it came back on my ear, I tried a little hemp oil, high grade, applied it to it and presto - it was gone in about 3 days. It keeps coming back, cuz I’m in the sun considerably, and I need to apply the CBD / hemp oil and it goes away.
Big pharma and the medical incompetent complex don’t want you to use this stuff cuz it’s cheap and they need to make payments on the Bentley, and Fink needs to rule the pharma world.
Henry Ford stated, the hemp car was stronger than steel and it could run on cheap refined hemp oil. This could put Billy the Gates hundreds of thousands of acres of land flourishing with hemp and can you imagine the low cost of just about everything that uses refined oil as its base at the local plants, and the end product is biodegradable!!!  Damn - Walmart could have plastic hemp bags, you can put in your garden and it’s blends in and grows stuff!!!  And you can have a toke or two and smile!!!!
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Quote from Dr. Pascal Sacré
Read if you wish and have the time:-
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Ol’ Andy Jackson’s probably wondering why in hell our ‘nations leaders’ didn’t rout out the ‘den of vipers’!!!  Only problem is, it appears we don’t have any ‘nations leaders’ only ‘pathetic money man followers’ with their palms out waiting for a little funny money!  Yup - time to leave or join the revolution!!!
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75 Horsemen of the COVID Apocalypse~truth11~ Dr. Paul Alexander | 

75 Horsemen of the COVID Apocalypse:
Dr. Francis Collins (head of NIH)
Matt Hancock (Midazolam Matt)
Melinda Gates
Former VP Mike Pence
Barak Hussein Obama (Former POTUS, GoF)
Dr. Robert Malone (mRNA technology inventor)
Dr. Rick Bright
Uğur Şahin (CEO BioNTech)
Dr. Peter Marks
Dr. Katalin Karikó
Rishi Sunak (Prime Minister UK)
Justin Trudeau (Prime Minister Canada)
Jeremy Farrar
Jared Kushner
D Hinshaw (Canada)
Dr. Peter Jüni
Dr. Peter Hotez
Matt Pottinger
Randi Weingarten
Dr. Leana Wen
Andy Slavitt
Sanjay Gupta (CNN)
Bill Gates
College of Physicians & Surgeons of Alberta
Dr. Janet Woodcock
Albert Bourla (CEO Pfizer)
College of Physicians & Surgeons of Ontario (CPSO)
Amanda Pritchard (NHS)
Bojo Johnson (Boris) Prime Minister
Stéphane Bancel (CEO Moderna)
David Fisman, Public Health Professor Ontario
Christine Grady (ethics NIH)
Dr. Mandy Cohen (CDC Director 2024)
Dr. Paul Offit
Andrea Horwath
Xavier Becerra (HHS’s new head)
Dr. Drew Weissman
Dr. Anthony Fauci
Dr. Howard Njoo
Dr. Scott Gottlieb
All hospital CEOs who approved COVID death protocol
Premier Doug Ford (Ontario)
Michael Osterholm
Dr. Deborah Birx
College of Physicians & Surgeons of Alberta (CPSA)
Dr. Bonnie Henry
Alex Azar (Secretary HHS)
Dr. Theresa Tam
Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus (WHO)
Dr. Rochelle Walensky (CDC Director)
Ralph Baric
Dr. Stephen Hahn (FDA Commissioner)
Mark Zuckerburg
Jack Dorsey
Moncef Slaoui
Peter Daszak
Eric Topol
Gadde, Baker, Roth, Agrawal (TWITTER)
Supriya Sharma, Health Canada/PHAC
Isaac Bogoch, Infectious Disease Physician
Jacinda Ardern
Dr. Eric Fiegl-ding
Dr. Asish Jha
Dr. Maria Van Kerkhove
Jason Kenney (Premier Alberta)
CNN e.g. Cuomo, Gupta etc.
FOX News e.g. Siegel
The New York Times Editorial Board
Andrew Cuomo (New York Governor)
Andrew Hill
Dr. Vivek Murthy
Tom Frieden

The list is a little short - how about the rest of the elite/parasite/skumbags that went along with this and forced the sheeple to line up and get a jabbbb.  The doctors with half a brain had to know this was a criminal scam, but they got the funny money and looked the other way - how about the hospitals with ventilators and the stopping of administering ivermectin and HCQ?  This was a world wide racket, and the dumb shit politickers fell for it - just gimmee the money!!! How many lives is this going to cost?
Then we get into:-
Chris Cuomo just said that ivermectin works, he takes it daily, and that the medical community knew it couldn't hurt you if you took it for Covid.

Yup - the joke keeps on getting funnier!!! But then, there’s not much money in ivermectin - only in the jabbbb and body bags.
UNDER PRESSURE: With Defenses Collapsing and His Constitutional Mandate About to End, Ukraine’s Zelensky Cancels All Foreign Trips~sotn~
Yeah, what the hell, Zelensky’s already on the beach in Miami counting the funny money donated by the poor schmuck US tax payer, that they owe to the Fed.  "We gotta shut down foreign travel, I don’t want the Azov Nazis coming after me - that I set up with the assistance of Vickie Nuland, the Cookie Monster back before 2014." Besides, the PNAC’rs needed something to do after 9/11!
Oh yeah - they started the Institute for the Study of War - or something like that! Then have a look at the partners that are located in Ukraine - you mean to say this has been going on since 2007(?) The Plan of the Klan!!! 
CLIMATE PSYOP & GASLIGHTING OPERATION: The Single Most Destructive Hoax In Recorded History~sotn~


Geoengineering Is The Primary Cause Of Manmade Global Climate Change, Not CO2

Nonstop Chemical Geoengineering Has Pushed the Planet into Climate Chaos by Purposeful NWO Design! Klaus the Schlawb has to be mixed up in this also.


“All pilots on leave are required to report to their CO by Dec 15th for special training operations, to qualify for Indigo Phase 2 flights, expected to be initiated by January 21, 2015.”
Source:- OPERATION INDIGO SKYFOLD: The Most Secret Covert Black Operation In World History

It all ties in together:-
New World Order = One World Government = CO2 ‘Management’ Regime
‘When you stop and think - I doubt Billy the Gates is bright enough to orchestrate all the havoc we’ve been subjected to for the past 50 some odd years, and accelerated in the past 10 with more chemicals, heavy metals, viruses and other health tampering injections loaded into the spray tanks on planes.  He just might have climbed on the band wagon and as usual, made himself the creator - or maybe something worse, the destructor.

Damn - if the leaders of the USSA ever smarten up and start arresting these lunatics pushing for the NWO bullshit, we’d need to make a deal with Cuba and expand GITMO - not enough room to put all the elite / parasite / skumbags in. The list of the 75 above, doesn’t even come close to all the evil behind this global warming/climate change bullshit!
Quote from Report From Iron Mountain:-
“GROSS POLLUTION of the environment can eventually replace the possibility of mass extinction by nuclear weapons as the principle threat to the survival of the species.”

Another article dealing with the same stuff:-
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More stuff on Climate Change:- 

The one good thing is, 7 states are getting laws to ban chemtrails over their states - and they also need to go after DEWs and HAARP - maybe the other 43 just might smarten up and get off the geoengineering assholes payroll.  And we pay for the crimes against humanity!!!!!
More Stuff:-
Response to National ARM Grand Jury Petition in WA Is An Outrage - Claiming C19 Bioweapons Are Safe & Effective. EPA Response To Inquiry In NJ Denies Chemtrails And Plays Dumb~ truth11~ ANA MARIA MIHALCEA, MD, PHD |
Yeah - I suppose the idiots in gov’t haven’t read Operation Indigo Skyfold or Project Cloverleaf - that the other idiots in gov’t developed!
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There Never Was a “New Corona Virus”, There Never Was a Pandemic~ @MICHELCHOSSUDOVSKY1

At this juncture in our history, the priority is to “Disable the Fear Campaign” and “Cancel the Vaccine” (including the repeal of the so-called “Pandemic Treaty”). 

Good article, something to what I’ve been toting for years. I copied Shakespeare’s quote and posted it above. Read it if you wish - not enlightening but factual on how the E/P/S have manipulated the sheeple and made a few $$$..
Here we go - more Climate Change Bullshit!!!:- Part of the Agenda 2030 / Agenda 21 UN Skam!!!!
Extremists Call for Climate ‘Deniers’ to Be Jailed~Chris Morrison | The Daily Skeptic ~
Yup - forget about the military running programs like Chemtrails - HAARP - DEWs - polluting the resources with the life threatening junk inserted in the spraying of the skies - that’s ok, but if you deny the earth’s climate is changing - forget about the tampering - you’ll go to jail.  This doesn’t include glyphosate and other poisons infecting peoples, animals and the bees dying off - that make the crops grow.  Besides, Bayer / Monsanto need the money - oh - and we can’t try them in court cuz Larry the Fink pays off the judicial criminals. And we don’t even have to get into the criminal covid shit that they’re cooking up another imaginary virus that resembles the flu, and we’ll need another lock down, lock step and Event 666 coming up by the Gates / Soros klan.
More on Climate Engineering - Geoengineering - Dane Wigington has the data!
A Meme that’ll ring a bell or maybe 2:-

One more:- 

I know Boeing has had a coupla quality control people that just happen to croak after becoming a whistleblower - but now they’ve hired someone that knows how to deal with them being a master of Arkancide:- 

Hmmm. . .Vince Foster didn’t work for Boeing? Or did he?
King Chuckie 3 - his painting: 

One More:- 

A meme, I need to post - shoulda had this 4 years ago:- 

Fauci said this works, then he said it didn’t work, then he said you need 2 masks - the guy is a moron.  But now he suffering from the CRS disease - (can’t remember shit) and you can really smell the fart with a mask on - D’ya thinks the mask will save you(?).
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NATO has become the military wing of a globalist power structure that promotes the self-destruction of all nations and a depopulated world~tts~ ~ Leo Hohmann – 

Jens Stoltenberg
#NATO exists to defend 32 nations, and our peoples’ right to live freely & in peace. On the International Day against Homophobia, Biphobia & Transphobia, and every day: all love is equal. LGBTQ+ people deserve respect & dignity, and I am proud to call myself your ally. #IDAHOBIT

I made the ‘right to live freely and in peace’ bold - sort of contradicts WTF NATO was orchestrated for!!!
Yup, we gotta keep the Military Incompetent Complex flowing in funny money!!! No money in peace! (My Comment)
Read the article and come up with your own thought.
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The COVID-19 Endgame: Global Governance, “Digital Tyranny” and the Depopulation Agenda~ 
You can download his book if you want, and Mike does get into the plan of the Klan - my take - on the depopulation scheme - and Billy the Gates was the man in charge or appointed by the DC and Wall Street Sewer Rats.
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In 2010 ‘ted talk’ Gates stated the following:- 

in relation to a World population of the order of 8.0 billion
  • An absolute reduction of 10% in 2024 would be of the order of 800 million. 
  • An absolute reduction of 15% of the World Population in 2024 would be of the order of 1.2 billion.
Hmmm. . . any guesses on how many sheeple will be eliminated by theCov-19 jabbb?

Kenya: Gates Killer Vaccine
Bill Gates, who is now at the forefront of the Globalists’ mRNA “vaccine” program was intricately involved.
“The Gates Foundation was sued by governments around the world, Kenya, India, the Philippines – and more” (Peter Koenig, April 2020)
Klaus Schwab’s protégé Prof. Yuval Noah Harari, nonetheless begs the question, “what to do with all these useless people?
I suppose, the WEF and YGL’s are really useful people - more like Elite / Parasite / Skumbags - Ya? And you’ll own nothing and be happy!
Yup - its worth the time to read the article and the book.  You can imagine the size of the envelopes Gates sends to the Sewer Rats to keep him off any court order - well - in the USSA - but his funny money does go around and pollute the world.
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I did a further search and came up with this article on Reddit - article does tie in the W54’s with WTC demolition as posted in the last blog!
The Fact Checkers didn’t eliminate this site off the net! 

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Anybody have any ideas how this happened? 

Does this coincide with the false flag wars accelerated by 911? And you gotta throw in the coronahoax too.
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One Dead After Boeing 777 Hit By 'Severe Turbulence' On London-Singapore Flight~ 

Just a little trash from the turbulence!  And a Boeing? Damn - don’t fly Singapore Airlines.  I can remember flying back from Yemen in ’93 to UAE and I looked ahead and saw this huge cloud, from almost ground to over 40,000 ft, and the pilot was flying straight into it - when we skirted the edge, the plane shuddered and had to drop sideways at least 1000 feet, and items were falling off the overhead storage that had no doors, and scattering over everyone on the plane - I said to myself, don’t let me die in this sorry country, at least make it to Abu Dhabi  - but then we went thru it, then I saw another one, and the pilot must have grown half a brain and went around it. Must be some geoengineering causing this - any bets?
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Debooger1 Comment:-
‘Hmmm. . .Klaus the Schlawb retires? Or was he eliminated as Ben Fulford site posted? Anyways Hariri is still the mentor left and probably will continue the genocide.’
‘Will Schwab and Soros retire on a deserted island together to watch the end of the chaotic world they enabled from a distance?’
‘Hmmm. . .nobody’s seen Soros in public also - maybe they’re on an island off shore from Tel Aviv or Gaza with Jeffery Epstein fondling little girls - or boys and watching the offshore drilling for gas and oil after Gaza is completely destroyed. (My take)’
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How Artificial Intelligence Will Radically Transform the World~Doug Casey - International Man
Interesting article, but they do go into unknown specters of intelligence, but the ones running this ridiculous program are dumber than shit!!  ‘Ya, baby, lets create this monster and we’ll control the world - well - the money part, we don’t give a shit about the sheeple!!’  Besides, these schmucks, well - E/P/S buncha assholes - are on the road to Agenda 2030 with the depop covid skam - Gates is heading that one - the ‘ted talk’.
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Biden Fires Warning Shot…~zerohedge!
  • Income taxes
  • Death taxes
  • Capital gains taxes
  • Corporate taxes
Sean Hannity is probably trying to sell a book - he’s aware of WTF is going on, mind as well make a few $$ on this.
My take is, FJB is too f’k’n dumb to make any plans, it’s the back room Khazars doing all this, and reducing the USSA to a 3rd world country - the rest of the world has gone down the toilet - and floating in the sewer in DC.
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