Wednesday, January 20, 2021

“Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty or safety.” ~ Benjamin Franklin

Breaking: Watch Trump Supporters Murder a Police Officer (Horrific Video)~VT

Dbooger comment to VT article:

Yup – all this violence in DC is recorded – why not publish some of the atrocities the Soros gang, Antifa and BLM have conducted in Oregon, Washington and more – and check Pelosi’s letter to Wheeler on August 27th, stating the obvious – let’s blame Trump. This is a sick orchestrated comedy to have Trumpkin GTF outta there. He may not be the answer to right the wrongs, but he’s still better than creepy Joe backed by the deep state and Slithery Hillery.

Can you imagine - VT deleted my comment - they’re on the same road as ABCNNBCBSFox.

And not much different in Oct. 2018 when protesters took over a senate office building when Kavanaugh was nominated for the SCOTUS and NY Sen. Gillibrand addressed them and stated,

‘This is a moment about all of you — all of you are speaking truth to power because you care about the future, you care about our children, you care about who is leading this country and who sits on the highest court in the land’.

Funny how that changes when the Dems do it - and it’s happened a number of times in history!

It sure appears, Dbooger will be having lotsa great cynically sarcastic comments coming up in 2021, well, unless they block me on, but then the big tech companies have deleted Trumps communications accounts and he can’t sent you a tweet or instagram, so it’s not to far from Dbooger being eliminated, but I don’t cause riots or violence - that’s the plan of the Klan - not mine.  

Another article on RBN that one of the state senators stated Texico could very well succeed from the USSA which probably wouldn’t be a bad idea and there are other states contemplating the move also. Damn, can you imagine, no Federal Reserve printing money out of nothing - and our value will be constant in the future?  But we got one of the branches in Dallas, hmm. . .I suppose a few red necks could pull a Murrah or AT&T building exercise and get rid of it, but we keep the gold and they’d need to do that like Anthony Quinn Warner and have a loud speaker telling the people to GTF outta the building - but only the workers, the demons controlling the purse strings to remain inside.  And we’d have the US of T $$$ backed with oil, or wind, or beans.

Oh, and it’s posted that Facebook even blocked Ron Paul!  The crazies really don’t want the truth to come out.  This is not much different than Nazi Germany or the Gulag in the USSR. 

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Does this ring a bell?

THE ACT OF 1871  The United States - a Vatican “Crown” Corporation in 1871 

The Bankruptcy of America – 1933

Birth Certificates, Bonds, Negotiable Instruments, Banknotes and Your Relationship to them  You Don’t Own Yourself — The Federal Reserve Does

And it goes on to state you don’t own your land either - the Fed does and this was put up as collateral in for loans to foreign banksters - guess who(?)

The Great Depression of 1929, like so many other catastrophes before and after this date was actually a staged event, concocted by the Sabbatean/Rothschild and Rockefeller Banking Empires; the Queen and British Parliament; the US President and Congress; the Vatican and numerous Elite families to steal America’s gold and silver reserves and replace it with, “Negotiable Debt Instruments” or Script money.  Their theft was ingenious and by allowing the public to fall on hard times, the public soon began to demand that the government fix the problem by any means necessary!

We’re approaching this catastrophe as we speak - Stock Market roaring, based on absolutely nothing other than debt to the banksters - Bernie Madoff was a choir boy compared to WTF these assholeos are doing to our country and the world.  I just checked the ’10 largest Ponzi schemes in history’ and no where does it mention the Rothschilds fiat money system, literally money out of thin air - that is the largest the world has ever seen - even Genghis Khan was no where’s near this atrocity and he owned the largest land ever, well, except for the Q of E who owns double what he had but she’s honest - ya(?) Hah!!  But then, hers is managed by The Crown - controlled by the Rothschilds. Sho’ looks like we’re f’k’d no matter which way we turn - and gonna hafta take the Vaxx and microchip and wear a mask.

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Is Donald Trump a Conman?

A trickster(?). He was going to drain the swamp - it sure looks like the swamp swallowed him up, hook line and stinker. Or was he a part of the con game - it doesn’t matter much anymore - he’s gone and the real satanists will take control of this nation and your wealth including your stimulus check and more debt to the Fed.  No hope for this nation!!

Predictions for 2021- by Liberty Beacon:  Just thought I’d add this, but some of 2021 has already gone by ~

January 1 – New Year resolutions begin

January 5 – New Year resolutions downgraded

January 20 – Biden sworn in

January 21 – Biden dies of natural causes

January 22 – Trump announces 2024 presidential run

January 23 – 2024 Campaign kicks off

January 25 – Obama releases new memoir

January 27 – Feminists finally begin to reverse Handmaid’s Tale

February 1 – All remaining Trump supporters hunted down and executed

February 2 – Electoral college, First Amendment, Second Amendment, churches, and capitalism eliminated

February 3 – Democrats announce return to unity

February 26 – China officially annexes United States

March 1 – Pronouns must be tattooed on forehead or hand

March 3 – Space Force training exercise accidentally blows up the moon

March 6 – Elon Musk fixes moon

March 10 – Obama releases new memoir

March 21 – COVID 20 arrives

March 25 – FDA approves first permanent mask facial implant

April 1 – Cuomo hunts down remaining elderly in New York

April 19 – Steven Furtick announces he is the Messiah

May 5 – Elon Musk accepts Christ

May 6 – Joel Osteen accepts Christ

May 10 – Obama releases new memoir

June 6 – AOC tweets something dumb

July 3 – Kamala Harris forces gulag prisoners to make bricks without straw

August 15 – Netflix releases Cuties 2

September 5 – CHAZ 2 founded

September 6 – CHAZ 2 dismantled

October 1 – Beth Moore becomes Head Pastor of Christianity

October 8 – Obama releases new memoir

October 11 – ISIS takes over all of Canada

November 17 – Development complete on Cyberpunk 2077

December 10th – We finally find out what the squirrels have been up to

December 25 – Kamala Harris outlaws Christmas and becomes Empress of The World

December 27 – Obama releases new memoir

December 30 – Sydney Powell announces Kraken will finally be released next week

December 31 – Jesus returns

Did this give you a smile?  I would have added a little more predictions, but that would be plagiarism.

And I have to agree with Jon Rappoport - "It’s a Freak show and the Freaks are running it”!! 

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Assault On The Capitol ~ Michael Shrimpton ~ VT

Michael, great article – it makes you wonder how this stayed up here, in particular when I’ve placed VT in the same category as a-z comics but I still get their posts in my junk mail.


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PBS lawyer fired after championing ‘REEDUCATION CAMPS’ for children of Trump supporters in latest Project Veritas sting

Damn, they gonna reeducate the children of Trump supporters?  I suppose this is connected with the Rockefeller GEB, General Education Board - yup, they gotta keep the little rascals  in line and stupid and then line up and get a Vaxx but don’t tell their parents!  I’m starting to believe Hitler was a ‘really nice guy’ compared to the satanic deep state stooges controlled by the bankers.

Amazon says it will SUSPEND donations to lawmakers who objected to Biden’s victory certification, joining a growing list of firms

Ya damn it - who says we can’t buy our government!  Either you do what we say, or you won’t get elected. Bezos gotta fit in with Gates - the knucklehead and stupid - where’s Musk?

Mike Pompeo: A Satanist and a Lying Liar. ~ VT

Dbooger comment to VT article.

All the presidents from JFK are / were controlled by the Khazarian Mafia, that includes the demented senile corrupt Creepy Joe. Trumpkin, as lame brained as he was/is, started no wars and after threatening N. Korea, all of a sudden he was on the 38th parallel with Kim Jong Un shaking hands and tried to bring peace. Even attempting to meet with Iran leaders, they refused, then their general was murdered, by who? Undoubtedly Israel, but put the blame on Trump. Trump’s idiot son-in-law was undoubtedly the mole in the WH, like Chelsea’s husband, in the event Hillary the snake was elected prez. But fortunately, that didn’t happen yet Israel’s Yinon Plan was saved and ongoing. Soon the world will smarten up – hopefully not too late.

Any bets it’ll not be deleted(?) Hah - it stayed up but ridiculed by a deep state follower who obviously didn’t do any research on history.

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Two sides on every conn!  Note, I didn’t say coin - I mean - hell - the M’F’K’n Khazars gotta be sitting in their condo on 666, 5th Ave, counting funny money!! 

And Nero (Biden) playing his violin while DC burns - that, really doesn’t sound like a bad idea. Sheldon Adelson croaked, so I suppose Trumpkin and Nutanyahoo won’t be getting any more perks from all the dope money laundered thru Vegas and Macau.  And the MSM is starting to become critical of Israel - now how in hell did that happen - I suppose Soros money is a little different than Adelson’s, one is for the fascist banksters and the other is for communist Soros - dunno which one is worse, but they both dwell in the swamp and both are controlled by the Rothschilds Khazarian Mafia - they need two enemies to succeed and the divide and conquer comedy is going on as we speak.  Nobody says a f’k’n word about that, just wear a mask and take a shot.

Yup, and look what’s in the pork barrel for the politickers.

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This is the New operating system 

The only good thing of when they stole my Surface - I don’t use windows anymore.  But the Mac is still confusing - maybe I’ve got a mental block, or too lazy to do any learnin’.

The Vaxx should end that problem for the fat dwarf psycho pig, but he’s an old POS and should be first on the list to get the mRNA Vaxx.

I suppose it’s time to end all this humor and get down to the sirius stuff.

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Trump’s Support Within GOP Down to 42%, Overall Approaching Single Digits…Seems High to Most of Us ~ VT

I look at it this way, if the MSM, Libs, Dems, Corporatism are blaming Trumpkin for everything, I do look the other way and search for the truth.  I can remember when VT would post some real news, not the home cooked MSM style of gibberish.

HUGE! Brother of Arrested Antifa-BLM Activist John Sullivan Turned Him In!

Then this article shows up and Sullivan claims he was part of the orchestrated mob rule that Trump got blamed for and Pedosi wants to impeach him, so if in fact he really did lose the election, he won’t run in 2024.

Hell, most likely after Jan. 20, maybe the USSA will turn back to normal, well, sort of normal, and all the businesses that are still not totally bankrupt will open up and people can go back to work.  But before they clock in to the office or Amazon warehouse, they need to have the vaxx so their brain, or whatever is left, will fall in line what the satanists demand.

It gets better:

Good article by Paul Craig Roberts - he goes deeper into the deep states actions in the elections.

And we’re supposed to be in a democratic republic, with a constitution and amendments that support the citizen - then we had them add a few more to insert the blatant thievery executed by the international bankers.

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10 Things You Need to Know about the Experimental COVID Vaccines

And another good site.

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Back to school at Pedowood. Or maybe the ‘I’ fell over.

Just a little history - watch it if you care.

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Nancy Pelosi says lawmakers who aided in Capitol attack may be prosecuted~VT

Damn, that would put the entire DNC in Gitmo and Pedosi would be first on the list, Schumer, Schiff in line and Soros in the drivers seat.

I doubt this will stay on the comment section on VT,

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Entire Dutch Government Resigns Because of Corruption

Damn - would this mean our congress 435 + 100 plus the other two branches, 9 SCOTUS, plus 15 cabinet members would resign and the 559 morons on the take from corporations will go home, or to jail?  Throw in the P and VP that’s 561 - good thing there’s plenty of room in Gitmo. Then you’d need to go into all the non-elected deep state department managers, assistants, under and over secretaries, aids, interns, outturns, room boys / girls that’ll add another 300 +/-.

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This is not a Vaccine – Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Medical Experts on the Covid Vaccine

The podcast was held in WDL (World Digital Library) Northern Ontario, wherever that is and it clearly points out the name ‘Vaccine’ is incorrect. It’s a biological weapon, synthetic pathogen and don’t cure shit - only pollutes your insides then brain and soon you become a veggie that needs to be lead to the FEMA camp.  You can watch the podcast on BitChute and make up your own mind.

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Flu Rates Plummet in the Midst of COVID-19 Pandemic

Duhh. . .no shit! That’s due to the false reporting. This also includes being killed in an auto accident - fall off a bridge, heart attack, airplane crash, get shot in a political riot, Arkancide - yup - coronahoax!!

‘Kaiser Permanente Washington Health Research Institute, states, that both influenza and COVID-19 spread in the same way, via respiratory droplets.’

More bullshit - is that only when you sneeze or cough or spit?  The mask don’t help much either, cuz that little fictitious virus, that nobody can find, will travel via moisture in your breath - and the mask is similar to putting up a chain link fence to keep out fire ants. 

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General Flynn Just Dropped a Bombshell! Trump Won!

Good watch - lets you know WTF the deep state is doing.  My only concern is Alex Jones was the interview guy - he’s obviously questionable, but Flynn isn’t.

You know, it’s not a case of whether Trumpkin is the best choice, it’s the question of how the back room boys really get away with the ‘steal’ and nobody’s held accountable and the MSM covers this over with more lies and tons of verbal diarrhea!

Then they get into the Extratesticles from outer space and they’re walking around us - I believe they’re actually international bankers and politicians from the dark side of the moon.

But only got another 3 days to go before we find out WTF will happen with this fake election.

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Message from Sidney Powell. Posted 1-17-21 ~ RBN

“All indications are that despite the overwhelming evidence of massive fraud, and more evidence available inside the government, and other legal options available, the President is taking no action to protect the Republic. People around him are limiting his information and lying to him about his legal options. The Biden administration will be consolidating power day one and the fascist corporations are already limiting speech and firing freedom lovers. Just look at the military in DC now. Trump did not call them in. And all that for a virtual inauguration that no one will attend?! It’s all about power and global/communist money. You can see and smell the corruption in DC. It’s gone from a swamp to a pure cesspool. There were and have been a lot more people illegally elected than just Biden and Harris.”

Comment on this message states “Note: There is no evidence this message is genuine.” 

But, it's been posted on various alt media sites.

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Why They Hate Trump So Deeply ~ Ron Paul Institute

The leftist communist, fascist swamp dwellers hate Trump so much they’ll remove him from ever running again cuz he doesn’t kiss the leftist a$$. One good thing is he never started a new war, but didn’t shut down the other illegal criminal wars he made the election promise and they are ongoing since 2001 that only feeds the MIC and banksters.  You can log onto Ron Paul’s site and read the description of hatred by the deep state.

Now the leftists are stating Trump started the insurrection on 1-6-21 that ended up with a few people killed.  But he didn’t, when you examine the facts and the ‘leftist fact checkers’ misconstrued his comments and turned them into what appears to be the cause and does fall in line with the 13 - 14 other fake methods used to promote impeachment the con artists keep stirring the pot or is that cesspool, even more rancid than the swamp he was supposed to drain.  And it doesn’t mention the trolls from Antifa and BLM were sent there by the Soros gang and create the violence, similar to Oregon, Washington and others, and the guy, David Bailey that shot Ashli Babbitt, was inside the building with connections to the same Antifa and BLM goons. (My Guess)

This ongoing crap, also takes the people’s minds off the covid bullshit that, according to the money boys, has driven the country bankrupt even more than before, but they forget about the Wall Street Ponzi scheme starting in 1913 and accelerating after 2008 then repos, reverse repos, bailouts etc., started in August 2019 and blow the stock market beyond reality.  Hell, the country is broke, but stocks have reached sky high limits - another con game of the banksters. It does boil down to the money boys creating catastrophes to keep the sheeple’s minds away from their criminal actions.  Besides, when they get the vaxx with all the gene altering poisonous chemicals plus a microchip, they won’t give a shit and accept their space in the FEMA camp and snort a little cyanide and Gates will park beside the Georgia Guide Stones and say a prayer to Moloch. 

Taking a step back, whether Trumpkin was right or wrong, what the f’k’n democrats and deep state have orchestrated since he was running for POTUS, is completely disgusting beyond anything I’ve seen, next to JFK’s assassination, and they should all be lined up to the guillotine on Pennsylvania Ave. 

This is the 17th, only 3 more days before the SHTF. I suppose I better start selling all the goodies stacked in closets, garage and under the beds, and prepare to head to Indoland or some place they’ll let me in without a mask.

And today is the 20th.  Nothing happened - just Trumpkin went to Mar-A-Lago and Biden stepped into the WH.  Is this the beginning of the end?  But there’s more fun stuff coming down the road.

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Democracy is Dead 

And this is in Oh Kanader!  This idiot Ford is following the same footsteps as his moron brother who probably O’D and croaked.  And these idiots get elected?  What’s that say about the voters? They follow the secret society satanists in lockstep!  Not much hope for that country either - the USSA is falling down the rabbit shithole, and Canada isn’t a heartbeat away.  The Khazarian hook nose scum have taken over the not so free world and you gotta take the shit, or is that shot - no matter, it’s in the same category and really smells bad!!!

Al Capone gotta be rolling over in his grave dreaming - “Why in hell, didn’t I think of that - they’ve got the entire world in prison with a phony virus and they’re stealing the money and nobody says a f’k’n word!!”

This a copy of the letter from Baber to Ford that got him expelled.  Looks like the Canucks gotta wake the fuck Up!!

In a time of universal deceit telling the truth is a revolutionary act.” ~ G. Orwell

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The Horrors of Social Credit – Coming Soon!

China is the working example of this satanic method of controlling the masses!

Comment by Ellis Taylor 1-17-21

“Rothschilds put Mao Tse Tong in power to bring communism to China

Rothschilds brought communism to Russia in 1917

Rothschild told his apostles those left wing Cambridge perverts of the 1930s that by the year 2000 Britain would be communists and the USA was overtaken by Rothschilds federal reserve in 1913

One man stood alone to stop this, the most denigrated man in history Adolf Hitler

he gave his people security and prosperity when the rest of the world was in the great depression

people say why would the richest people the Rothschilds Rockefellers Duponts and Sassoons want wealth sharing ? Dementiev explained it well when he quoted Rothschild ”communism is for the people, but not for us we are the elite ” ( jews )”

The Great Awakening! 

They started this in 1992 - Agenda 21, but has been in the works for over 200 years.  911 was the final starting point to enslave the people of the world.

D’ya thinks this is what Trumpkin was against(?) and the greedies got rid of him - he wasn’t perfect and corrupt as hell, but perhaps he didn’t want this scenario to fall in place.  The dots are being connected!

  • Termination of national sovereignty
  • State planning and management of all land resources, ecosystems, deserts, forest, mountains, oceans, and fresh water; agriculture; rural development; biotechnology; and ensuring ‘equality’ – equal enslavement
  • State define the role of business, and financial resources
  • Abolition of private property – as it is not ‘sustainable’
  • ‘Restructuring’ the family unit
  • Children raised by the State
  • Telling people what their job will be and where to live
  • Major restrictions on movements
  • Creation of ‘human settlement zones’
  • Mass resettlement as people are forced to vacate their land; homes, where they currently live
  • Dumbing down education – achieved
  • Mass global depopulation in pursuit of the above.

This is in the works as we speak - and the coronahoax is the engine driving us into the sustainable development NWO.

Can the people wake up and stop this?  Are chemicals sprayed in the skies full of agents that control the people’s mood and anger at WTF is going on? Gates and Turner are buying up all the land, and Gates is holding the agricultural production areas in control when the bell rings and the sheeple get in line and follow the Judas Goat.

Time to WTF up!!!!

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JOE BIDEN’S INAUGURATION – Pricey Security Co. Hired

Similar to Boston Bombing(?) 

This is the Craft Mercenaries (Blackwater) with back pack at the Boston Bombing - notice the little white square on the back pack the Craft guy is wearing and one that exploded and conveniently blamed on the Tsarnaev Bros. whose back packs were nothing like the one that had the fake bomb.

Probably Biden will employ these same gangsters - shoot Biden, then blame it on Trump and Harris the Kamel will take over. That’s how it goes in the land of corruption with center in City of London with branch office in DC.  I’ll send this out on the 21st, today is the 19th, let’s see what happens, then check out on the 21st when the droplets of shit fall after it hits the fan.

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We Told You Trump Was Sexually Compromised ~ Henry Makow

(Jeffrey Epstein ran a blackmail operation for the Mossad.)

Mossad Blackmail- Israel Has Trump by the Short Hairs   

Updated from Dec. 7 2017

This also ties in Freemasonry - then, stop and look, FDR, Churchill, Hitler and Stalin were all members of the Klan. It appears ‘they’ (international bankers), want to control both sides and have been doing this for over 200 years and have Trumpkin by the short and curlies. No wonder he went quietly into the night, when he should have dropped the bomb on the corrupt Dems. 

Then we have the new/old, improved, experienced, gofer saviors - and they’ve been at it for decades and ain’t fixed shit - only made it worse.  Kamel Toe wasn’t in the pic.

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The Deep State pics for Biden’s administration - not much diversity there that I can see!  They’re all Israhell’s and international bankers gofers.  Can you imagine the assistants, interns, outerns, under and over secretaries?  Whew, this looks like the Knesset.   The most sickening, is Yellen as Sec. of Treasury - the same as putting a wolf in the chicken coop - you can kiss the US$ goodbye.  Looks like the PNAC’ers have finally come home to roost.

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2020: The Year of … BIG FRAUD~ The Liberty Beacon

  • Election Fraud With No Apparent Judicial Relief
  • Media Fraud
  • 2020: The Public Health Fraud
  • This week we also learned that in 1986 Uranus blasted a gas bubble 22 times as large as earth. I think it might have landed here this year.

I could add more, but I imagine this covers most of the fraud going on with our gov’t and the schmucks in the deep state and I think I spelled Uranus wrong.

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