Sunday, January 31, 2021

No amount of evidence will ever persuade an idiot ~ Mark Twain

Congress: America's only true criminal class ~ Mark Twain 

Another good quote that hits the nail on the head.

Blockbuster: Was Michael Flynn’s brother involved in squelching military response to the coup? — but Army covered it up: report

This article starts out with “The Washington Post revealed” posted on VT – I stopped reading it and went to the comment section. The MSM are the whores of the deep state and their owners – international bankers! I suppose VT simply hasn’t figured that out!

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You’d think these would be the first ones on the pardon list - but nope - it appears Trumpkin is part of the swamp especially when he pardoned Sholam Weiss who was pushed by Alan Dershowitz.  But Dersh, kept his underpants on. Dersh and Weiss, including the idiot son-in-law Jared are all part of the swamp maintenance crew, the Chabad Lubavitchers - organized crime from Lithuania connected to the Rothschilds Khazarian Mafia.  Hail Moloch!!! 

Trump just may have had some flippers and snorkel on while floating in the swamp he was supposed to drain.

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Trump Pardons Infamous Spy

Jonathan Pollard flew back to Israel on Dec 30, 2020 - in a private plane owned by Sheldon Adelson, and Sheldon and wifey were on it too - and now he’s free and Adelson just croaked or was that the coronahoax!  But Assange and Snowden are still exiled or held prisoner and no pardon for doing what was right and honest. 

You’ll note that this wasn’t posted on the MSM - and Trumpkin didn’t want to appear to be the modern day Benedict Arnold - owned by the same bunch of psychos.

Commit a crime that makes money for the swamp - get a bonus!! Tell the truth - get thrown in jail!  The game of the Klan that runs all countries with a central bank - controlled by the Khazarian Mafia.

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Dystopia Now! – Surveillance Through Vaccine Certificates, Digital IDs, and Biometric Data

Achtung Schweinhund” - says the the insane psycho from WEF.  

Ya Baby - let’s imprison the world and take their money or whatever they have left after the great reset!! Then kill ‘em!!”

“The engineers of the “plandemic” recognized that new technology is often resisted by the masses, but could be adopted quickly due to a public health crisis. What better way to coerce people into using technology that has long been planned to enslave humanity than by holding them hostage to a “deadly” virus causing people to fear for their lives?”

Shit - this was the plandemic of the century, and it’s been a short ride from 911 and draconian measures activated to infect the sheeple.

Operation Lockstep:  From the Rockefeller Playbook~  B.Fulford

1st Phase: Common cold/Flu. Mild symptoms at most. Media endorsement of mass paranoia and fear. Flawed testing system utilized, which picks up genetic material in the body and triggers a positive result. Inflation of Covid case numbers through changing death certificates, double counting, and classifying all the deaths including other diseases and natural causes as Covid19.  Lockdown will condition us to live under Draconian Laws, prevent protests and identify public resistance.

2nd Phase:  The 1st phase will lead to compromised and frail immune systems through lack of food, social distancing, wearing of masks, and lack of contact with sunlight and healthy bacteria.  Exposure to 5G radiation will further attack the immune system.  Thus, when people re-emerge into society, more people will fall ill.  This will be blamed on Covid19. This will all occur before the vaccination is ready to justify it.  A long and more potent lockdown will follow until everyone takes the vaccine.

3rd Phase:  If majority of people resist the vaccine, a weaponized SARS/HIV/MERS virus will be released.  A lot of people will die from this.  It will be survival of the fittest. It will also be the ultimate push for everyone to be vaccinated, in order to return to normality.  Those who have taken the vaccine will be at war with those who have not.  It will be anarchy from all sides. 

Then we got Kim Jong Un raising some pertinent questions.

And all this blends in with some history on a little research to connect the dots.  Quite a few haven’t been connected yet, but its getting closer. . .check the following:

Aldous Huxley - 1894 - 1963 ~ quote: 1962 to the Tavistock Group.

“There will be, in the next generation or so, a pharmacological method of making people love their servitude, and producing dictatorship without tears, so to speak, producing a kind of painless concentration camp for entire societies, so that people will in fact have their liberties taken away from them, but will rather enjoy it, because they will be distracted from any desire to rebel by propaganda or brainwashing, or brainwashing enhanced by pharmacological methods. And this seems to be the final revolution”

This Tavistock Institute was composed of some real satanic sickos: including CIA, MI6, Operation Paperclip, Rockefeller Foundation and Cryptocracy plus many think tanks on how to fuck up people’s minds.  PNAC was no doubt part of this - "lets run some planes into WTC and make the people believe it was orchestrated by some rag heads with box cutters run by a schmuck in a cave in Tora Bora with a cell phone.” 

And amazing WTF is going on now - Coronahoax, lockdowns, masks enforced by the maskholes, Federal Reserve driving the country/world to bankruptcy, mRNA vaccines that alter your genes and screw up your brain with a microchip turned on by 5G, and you’ll be conditioned to sit back and say, “hey man, this is wonderful - gimme some of those deep fried lab created meat munchies and chugalug on fluoridated, lead infected water to fry my brain. And turn up the gigs on the transmitter!  Yahooooooo!!!!”

Orwell didn’t even come close with 1984, or was he in cahoots with Huxley(?)

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Just a coupla pics to keep you occupied - and not bored to death reading this shit!

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Biden signed an Executive Order on Preventing and Combating Discrimination on the Basis of Gender Identity or Sexual Orientation hours after taking office 

This is anti-discrimination(?). The world is going down the swamp - anybody hear the flush?

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ACLU Wants to Erase Male, Female Sexes from ID Documents, Add ‘X’

Why not ‘Y’?  X for male, and Y for female or is it the other way around, the Y has something sticking out, the X has a lotta cavities.  And the closet queens can take it up the ‘A’ whenever they get the urge.

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China revives conspiracy theory that links coronavirus with US army lab Fort Detrick as Beijing's state TV suggests 'something fishy' was going on there

Something Fishy? Hmm. . . . notice the smell(?) - everybody knows this was in partnership with the lab in NC and Ft. Detrick and NIH, CDC, WHO, WEF and Fauci sent the Wuhan lab $3.5 million to develop the bat mutated virus and why isn’t this posted on MSM.  Are you Fu-king kidding me?  Besides, this was Trump’s fault - well - we can blame him now for anything - besides - he’s gone and teein’ ‘em up by Mar-A-Lago.

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How is This Legal?! Multiple Banks Close Donald Trump’s Accounts

Yeah - I suppose now that Trumpkin is outta the WH they can go after him - besides - he’s gone bankrupt at least 2 or 3 times and bailed out by the Rothschilds Khazarian Mafia who he was pleasing  by passing stupid resolutions in Israel - move the consulate to Jerusalem - oh and give AIPAC some more $$$.  Some of the dumb things I objected about Trumpkin and have written many ‘Contact the WH’ notes to kick Jared, the mole, out of the WH and don’t let those Lubavitchers in there ever.  But I suppose Biden will be having a meeting soon with the ‘chosen’, and he’ll sign more gifts over to them and drive the people broker than ever.

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COVID “CASE”DEMIC: Thread Chronicles The Year’s History Of The Propaganda & Fraud

Good article on RBN on the first anniversary - but this mischief has grown into international crime activity - sponsored by the Agenda 21 guys and eugenics assholeos with Gates in the front row.

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If You See Them, Shoot Them, But Not the UFO’s ~ Benjamin Fulford

I just thought I’d post this from Ben’s site - we need a little humor now and then.

A monstrous crime has been carried out against the American people. An election was brazenly stolen.  A lot of people are very angry and they rightly should be as dark forces are attacking.

This is not the time to give up hope and flail about blindly like a man in a dark cave. It is time for swift, pinpoint, decisive action.

The criminals who stole the U.S. election are now systematically murdering any and all patriots and leaders of the truth movement.  That is why a shoot to kill order is being issued.

Patriots guard your families.

Everyone who swore an oath to defend the Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic within the system this call goes out to you first.  Follow your good conscience and act accordingly to save the Republic from Satanic forces.

Military units also need to focus their efforts on where it counts most. This means targeting the headquarters of the big media and telecommunications firms electronically. Shut them down. Activate the EBS.

Arrest the criminals immediately before they can do any more damage and begin public military tribunals.

Also, occupy the Federal Reserve Branches and take away their control of money.

If you see a member of the Joint Chiefs of Staff who went along with this crime, shoot him.

If you see a politician who knowingly went along with or promoted this crime, shoot him or her.

If you see anyone knowingly pushing harmful RNA Covid, DNA changing, transhumanism vaccines, shoot him or her.

If you see a member of the criminal propaganda media broadcasting hate speech and condemnation of patriots or promoting changes to the Constitution, shoot him or her.

If you are a bodyguard for these criminals, remember, they are actively trying to kill your extended family and friends, so shoot them before they can do that.

Remember, do not trust anything visual on a screen or digital. Only communicate via handwritten notes. If you must use a mobile or a landline, only use pre-agreed code words and phrases like “meet me at the parking lot,” or “meet at the place where we caught that big trout.”

This is a war for freedom from Satanic slavery folks…it is either kill or be killed.

May God Bless You All In This Battle Against Evil.


I don’t think he’s encouraging violence - just what needs to be done - my opinion also.

Comment posted on BF site 1-22-21

Ben, I do post some or part of your articles on my blog and do check your posts on BIN or directly to your site. Appreciate the views and comments. It’s a shame the greedies stole the election. My worry was that Trumpkin was owned by the RKM and served Israel’s interests, but has completed several benefits to the locals. His first action should have been to abolish the Federal Reserve, but it appears Biden and cronies will only cast in cement their influence on ours and world’s economies being destroyed by the elite.

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Federal Asset Relief Trust

This is the new program the Federal Reserve will put in place when the economy goes berserk.  F.A.R.T will be the venue. They’ll simply print a wheelbarrow full of money, well, maybe a double 18 wheeler and dole it out to Wall Street, with a few shekels trickling down to the homeless living in a tent on Rodeo Drive or 5th Ave. The boys on Wall Street will have a buncha cash and go to their yacht parked in the harbor and cruise to the Caymans for a permanent holiday.

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Hank Aaron Dies

18 days after he received the first 2 doses of Moderna Vaxx.  He wanted to inspire other black Americans to take the jab. He stated he wanted to help zillions of people in this country.  He did and the message is clear.  Don’t take the f’k’n Vaxx especially if your older than 19 or younger than 19 since there’s only a millisecond difference.

Larry King Dies

From Covid - forget about the multiple heart attacks, lung cancer and strokes, but this damn bug killed him - either that, or one of his 8 ex-wives got even and apparently he didn’t need the vaxx.

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Chuck Schumer Makes a PROMISE to Fight Disinformation but There’s Just ONE HUGE Problem

Yup - he’s 100 years too late!  And it’s continuing today with the Dems in power.

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Been there, done that!

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Amazon’s offering to help Biden’s vaccine push. There may be a reason why.

Yup - a $3.8 trillion marketplace.  The Amazon van driving around your neighborhood will have a needle filled with poison and can you imagine the profit? Then Bezos can slam Musk calling him a stupid knucklehead and surpass Musk’s wealth.  These guys have this contest running and Gates is sitting back counting the future increase of his $$$$ with shares in all the poison manufacturers.  Then when the population is reduced to 500 million, they can take a cruise on a space ship to Mars with a flash stick filled with digital currency. 

It’s a game folks and you ain’t invited!!

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Ya know, watching the alt news, reading the ‘left’ biased MSM and some alt news mole sites discrediting Trumpkin, you have to step back and look at the results.  The Demorats and quite a few Repugnanticans have taken a stance against Trumpkin and rallied to institute another impeachment and make sure he never runs again for Prez.

So far, Trumpkin has gone against the deep state that want to reverse the benefits to the people who elected him.  His campaign promises to stop the wars, limit the Federal Reserve or nationalize it, bring back manufacturing and put the people back to work and MAGA was a good method of becoming elected.  Based on his bankrupt history to the RKM, this put him in place to win.  The Epstein obvious blackmail data did give the deep state the final hammer to make him cow tow to their wishes.

His promoting Israel and sending money to the Likudniks went against any common sense, but pushing to stop the wars and bring our military back home went against the international bankers interests and these satanists did in fact establish Israel via Balfour Declaration to the Rothschilds. They need war to line their pockets with incredible wealth and keep killing people and need to inject the masses with fear of any fabricated enemy for them go along with the carnage.

His cabinet and members of his governing forces were most likely without a doubt, moles and career swindlers inserted by the Master-Baters convincing him of them being the best choice. He fired and blasted quite a few of them including Bolton, Brennan, Clapper and Comey and pushed Fauci aside - these actions and more, really went against the deep state stooges for the bankers and they slowly united, both left and right and fought Trumpkin. Manipulating the Dominion programed voting machines did complete the task.

The covid scare was also preplanned over 20 years or more, as mentioned by Aldous Huxley, noted above, then later by PNAC in 1997, and he downplayed it, stating this was overblown and not a serious virus.  The virus was the final key to control the masses and NWO, and he went against it and became the enemy of the elite that control, the City of London, Vatican and DC - finance, religion and military.

It certainly appears the satanic assholes have won the battle, and Biden is the tool to reinstate their complete total control of the masses.

What the outcome will be, is anybody’s guess, but it certainly doesn’t appear to be encouraging.

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 Prepare for Extreme Tyranny

It doesn’t get any better than this - yup - gotta have the vaxx. 

My guess is they spelled ‘Security’ wrong in the sign over the Walmart front - it needs to be spelled S-T-U-P-I-D-I-T-Y!  Funny, I don’t see the tanks of cyanide - they must be in the back of the camp. 

“This is already beginning, as Biden declares "war" on domestic "terrorism."

Hah - must be Trump supporters. Can you imagine how many people will be shot(?) - after all - FEMA has over 1.6 billion rounds of hollow points and they gotta use them up then order some more to keep the MIC in bidness.

Ex-CIA Director, John Brennan, said "Biden's intel community are moving in laser-like fashion to try to uncover as much as they can about the pro-Trump insurgency that harbors religious extremists, authoritarians, fascists, bigots, racists, nativists, even libertarians." 

Yup, Brennan - the Wahhabi communist isn’t in jail or Gitmo - and they’re gonna go after all the people that voted for Trumpkin. Come to think of it, I didn’t receive my stimulus check - they must know I voted for the Orange Man, only because I don’t think I could stand the demented Biden, but the POS got in by voter manipulation, so that’s my punishment and the gestapo military is gonna park outside with an 18 wheeler full of needles and contaminated mRNA vaxx or shoot me.   And they already sprayed the skies today - damn - they’re playing X and O’s as shown below in beautiful downtown Texico on the 4th tee box, 75 deg yesterday, 35 today - soon the military will completely control the weather for the deep state. 

The following is a good example of who is in control of the idiot governments. 

D’ya notice that the entire MSM and even sites like Veterans Today, is blasting Trumpkin and Hickory’s named deplorables that voted for him against the deep state controlling the idiot democrats?  They’re really headed hell bent for leather to impeach him so he won’t run in 2024. He was going against the plan of the klan and great reset / communist NWO / Agenda 21.  Well, after lining his and families pockets with some fiat cash.

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“We’re going to have to figure out how we rein in our media envi- ronment so you can’t just spew dis- information and misinformation,”~ AOC!

Yup - we gotta follow the Operation Mockingbird rules - when the CIA took over the content vomited out by the MSM full of back room cooked propaganda.  It’s getting worse folks - maybe move to Tora Bora - the Taliban is more free than what’s coming down the road for the ‘white’ people and you need to include, brown, yellow, black, cuz we’re all useless eaters according the hook nose fat pig Kissinger.

Then this popped up on JouTube:

Is this the End of CBS, FOX, NBC, and ABC?

All newscaster repeated countless times from the above sites that news broadcast out of the alt news sites “This is extremely dangerous to our democracy”. This is similar to the repeated garbage from politickers on ‘We won’t turn back to normal until everyone has the Vaxx’ or ‘Osama bin Laden’ quotes after 911 - to make you believe he was responsible for the attack then came up al Qaeda, then ISIL, then ISIS but nobody references the RKM.

Yet if you fact check Operation Mockingbird, as noted above, you’ll discover the main stream media is controlled by the not so intelligence agencies and they spout off bullshit, not real news.  

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Nice video by William Cooper.  Who wrote the book - Behold a Pale Horse.

The FBI or CIA finally shot him in his driveway in November 2001, after predicting 911 in June 2001 and emphasized that you don’t ever believe Osama bin Laden orchestrated it.  I posted this before in case you forgot.

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Following the Science? Don't Make Me Laugh

Watch this and if you can log on to Dr.Coleman’s site - watch more.

Then up pops “CDC Admits Vaccines Contain ‘Aborted Human Fetus Cells” and puss from a diseased Green Monkey kidney - I suppose y’all can’t stand the time you have waiting in line to get the shot.

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Biden tells Fox News reporter he talked to Putin about ‘You’ when asked about his call with Russian president

“His intention was also to make clear that the United States will act firmly in defense of our national interests in response to malign actions by Russia,”

But the demented whacko didn’t clarify exactly what ‘National Interests’ is.  Could it have been fascist ‘Corporatist Interests’(?). I doubt it would be in the people’s interests, cuz they’re just sheep waiting to be lead to the FEMA camp.

White House: Biden talks tough with Putin on security issues, Ukraine and more

Oops, now we got ‘Security Issues’ - and talking tough!  Forget the Burisma and China pay offs bullshit!  Putin had to pick himself up off the floor from rolling around laughing his ass off. ROFLMFAO

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This was posted by Jon Rappoport in July 2020 and on BIN Jan 2021~GEMMA O’DOHERTY. 

For some reason it appears this little bug can’t be found - but millions of people are claimed to have have died - was it the virus - or medical incompetent complex?

Not that I give BIN much credibility, but once in a while they do post some good articles.

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Hmmm. . . hair smell like fortune cookie?

I shoulda posted this up with the Kim Jong Un cartoon, but this needs to stand alone.

But anyways, the article states the control of food production is part of the Covid and climate scam - which is working for the whackos - and Gates just bought up a buncha farm land that grows crops - when he shuts that down, we won’t be able to go to Walmart and get a cobba corn - that’s all GMO’d by Monstanto (sp).  Hell, this would put the taco push cart outta business - no refried beans.  Worse than that, no bubur in Indoland, but hopefully Gates hasn’t bought any property there, but Abuzbal and brothers do, maybe JokoWi will put him outta business - how about arrest and shoot ‘im - Gates that is.

Good comment from Fred B on the Truthseeker:~

“There is no man-made climate change. This is all based on the CO2 scam just like the Covid one, all part of the massive globalist sustainability fraud for totalitarian controls. One false crisis after another, from population peril to CO2 peril.

If the the power elites can reduce the independent food supply which they believe they can they can completely control everyone in the cities and the urban areas.

These government bastards doing these things are as evil as their masters. All the way from the bottom to the top those in the chain of command they all have to go.”

I agree, the ‘government basterds’ are controlled by the Deep State assholeos who in turn work for the international bankers and Black Nobility / Committee of 300 / Vatican / CFR / Rothschilds-Rockefeller Khazarian Mafia.

Satanist Goal is 70% Depopulation by 2030 – Insider

Another article - and podcast on Truthseeker, and these guys are going at Warp Speed to accomplish this task. Make sure you have plenty of ammunition for your AK47 and maybe some RPG’s.  When you stop and think, if you got rid of the evil schmucks on the top, or more likely bottom, maybe there won’t be any problems. Sounds like a revolution coming?

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And you have to remember, these are my views on what’s happening in this crazy up-side-down world.

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