And some more good quotes I’ve picked from the news - today, yesterday and tomorrow:
“It’s called the American Dream, because you need to be asleep to believe it” – George Carlin
"We're going to take things away from you on behalf of the common good." -- Hillary Clinton 6/29/2004
With the risk of being censored, we make this public..
A good watch - see where we’re headed.
“Governments don’t want a population capable of critical thinking, they want obedient workers, people just smart enough to run the machines and just dumb enough to passively accept their situation. You have no choice. You have owners. They own you. They own everything. They own all the important land. They own, and control the corporations. They’ve long since bought, and paid for the Senate, the Congress, the state houses, the city halls, they got the judges in their back pockets and they own all the big media companies, so they control just about all of the news and information you get to hear.”~ George Carlin
I think he copied JD Rockefellers statement “I don’t want a nation of thinkers, I want a nation of workers”.
Then he created the General Education Board (GEB) in 1903 to dispense Rockefeller funds to education "We are on the verge of a global transformation. All we need is the right major crisis and the nations will accept the New World Order." David Rockefeller.
You’ll note the date - 1903, and now we have ‘common core’ turning our children into idiots, but maybe will learn how to pull the plow. And how many major crisis’s have occurred in the past 100+ years.
Letter to the White House 12-20-20
Mr. President
I've written to you previously and stated to be careful of the new RNA vaxx - this has not been tested and not secure. Please, again - contact, RFK Jr., and get his advice.
Secondly, cancel the Federal Reserve!!! If we go digital, all the people will be bankrupt with the exception of a few oligarchs that thrive on increasing their wealth and the masses go bankrupt!
Please consider:
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Trump slams John Bolton as 'one of the dumbest people in Washington' after his former National Security Adviser said it was 'appalling' if Trump had asked General Flynn about declaring martial law
More Fake News ~ This was about conducting a re-election in states with problems in voting, not putting people in FEMA camps like the Dem’s wish. It’s obvious there was massive tampering with voting machines - Dominion - and nobody is doing anything about it. Plan of the Klan.
I gotta agree, the mustache is an absolute moron laced with a little psycho!! And you can throw in his totally insane side kick PNAC/CFR partner Elliott Abrams.
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CHD (Children Health Defense)
Gates and his minions insist the billionaire never said we’d need digital vaccine passports. But in a June 2020 TED Talk, Gates said exactly that. Someone edited out the statement, but CHD tracked down the original.~ RFK Jr.
This Vaxx bullshit is going into warp speed - but the next New Normal will be the cyberterrorist attack on the nation’s grid and probably the worlds’ - these satanic assholes just never quit! Sorry for repeating myself time after time, but the sick scenario is ongoing.
CNN & Dems call to unleash HELL on Tucker Carlson for ‘trying to kill people’ with vaccine SKEPTICISM as his Covid rant goes viral
MSM don’t like Tucker - he does attack the money grubbers.
“How many people did Tucker Carlson try and kill tonight?” Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-California) tweeted on Friday.
Ol’ Eric musta been playing with Fang Fang, during a Bang Bang session after his trip to the bank.
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Biden getting his Warp Speed shot up the a$$! But it might be simply a little water injection to fool the sheeple. Let’s hope he didn’t eat some refried beans before pulling down his drawers.
And AOC got her shot, dunno exactly what happened to her other than a rash, but maybe time will tell, but she can’t get much dumber.
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Unmasking the Maskholes
Watch this - and do some fact checking!
It all ties down to Agenda 21 (1992) and depopulation (NWO - Great Reset) - the plan of the klan. Lotsa sick muther f’k’n satanists running this program and have been for hundreds of years. 2025 is coming up soon, then 2030 will have all the people slammed in FEMA camps.
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Trump contradicts Pompeo, downplays Russia’s alleged role in US cyberattack
Pompeo - ex CIA stooge, claimed publicly that they lie, cheat, steal all of the time is maybe smarter than he sounds. Pushing the cyber threat from China to Russia was part of the game. Putin kicked out the Rothschilds bankers, so now he’s the enemy of the scum - China still maintains its ties to the Khazarian Mafia and were in fact created by the international bankers with Israeli’s in charge of PRC finance and propaganda back in the 50’s and its obvious they’re still arm in arm. But then, with my experience with the Chinese, once they don’t need your input, you’re not needed anymore - and even now, the Chinese still need the business to keep their economy afloat during the critical time of financial collapse of the world’s economy also by the Plan of the Klan.
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Amerigeddon (2016) Banned Hollywood Movie - This Film Dares to Show Martial Law and Civil War Coming to America! Great Movie!
I think I watched part of this one time or another, can’t remember - Ol’ Timers setting in, but Chuck Norris was involved with his - hmph, and now it’s banned? Not a real Hollywood style movie with all the gadgets and tricks but it does summarize the goal of the elite! The second amendment is also the target of the greedies.
American’s Enemies And The Red Dawn Invasion
The US Government is trying to tell you that China is the enemy of America as the Jews always use a frontman for their dirty work. Just look at 9/11 and Osama Bin Laden con job.
This sort of goes against the Pompeo’s statement in post above, but then - confuse the people on what to believe is what keeps the deep state in control
I’m not sure if this is a real site, maybe disinfo, but worth a check - even if it maintains a little tongue in cheek or is that nuta. That’s ‘nose up the ass’ trick - coincides with HUTA.
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“X” marks the spot, the dirty basterds figured out where I live and are showing off - hell - next comes the DEW. They just never quit, and pushing the sheeple for the vaxx with mRNA proteins and nano fiber to penetrate your brain. One good thing, I haven’t seen any 5G towers around here, yet, but Musk has already launched a couple hundred 5G satellite transmitters in the sky.
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Yup, they cook something up every once in a while at Ft. Detrick and Tbilisi. Gotta keep the sheeple terrified, 911, WMD, al Qaeda / ISIS didn’t work too good, now we got the key - yup - coronahoax - next - Dark Winter.
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Rand Paul Scolds Congress over $900-Billion COVID Stimulus
And it’s loaded with pork barrel waste - Examples of pork in the package include $325-billion for small businesses; $69-billion for vaccines, tests and tracing; $3.3-billion in grants to Israel; $1.3-billion to Egypt; $1.4-billion for an ‘Asian Reassurance Initiative Act’; $135-million to Burma; $130-million to Nepal; and $10-million to “gender programs” in Pakistan. President Trump sent the bill back to Congress saying he would veto it unless the stimulus checks are increased from $600 to $2,000, unless some (not all) of the pork is cut.
(Most likely the Israel benefits will remain - Trumps failure)
Pelosi and the Klan just won’t give up and hell, even the RINO’s passed this! They need their pockets lined. Damn - it sure looks like there’s a revolution coming down the road.
A little more from different article and the various news sites need to get together and sort out the real facts.
Hmmm. . . anybody take a guess?
- “Foreign aid” is a big winner. Egypt is getting $1.3 billion, Sudan, Israel and Ukraine get over 500 million each, and many other countries around the world sizable contributions, much of which will be spent on “defense”. Which is to say sent straight back to America via massive arms purchases.
- Not all the money being sent overseas is for buying weapons, some is for backing coups. Venezuela and Belarus get special mention here, each getting their own section of the bill detailing how terrible their “illegal regimes” are. There’s also a large section on “combating Chinese influence”.
- For some reason there’s another section on copyright law, which makes illegal streaming copyrighted content a federal crimes, punishable by up to three years in prison.
- Nearly 300 million is put aside to develop influenza vaccines and prevent a future influenza pandemic.
- 4 BILLION dollars for the Gates-funded GAVI, the Vaccine Alliance.
- Vaccine “misinformation” is also a concern, and the bill provides for a pro-vaccine propaganda campaign – or rather a “PUBLIC AWARENESS CAMPAIGN ON THE IMPORTANCE OF VACCINATIONS”
You can download it from the web site and it involves thousands of pages of gibberish or gobbledygook and monkey talk on how they can approve / control the spending and it definitely appears the cost to you and me (more like ‘debt to our great grandchildren’) will be a whole lot more than what the results will be. You’ll also take note that this money is maybe 5% for the coronahoax the rest if for corporatist fascism.
This all has to do with the COVID stimulus - damn - create a bug and spend all sorts of sheeple’s money - or in reality ‘debt’ to the Fed! The money to countries as listed above is spent on ‘defense’ to our military industrial complex - hmmm. . . all tied in together - with the medical incompetent complex, WHO, CDC, WEF (private corporations), UN - owned by the Khazars.
Ben Garrison has to have made a cartoon to suit this scam of the century - this is even bigger than 911!!!
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Then we have here now the doctors and people assassinated or died in the recent past that have been working on Covid19 studies.
- Russian scientist (biologist) Alexander Kagansky Assassinated (stabbed and fell out of window on 14th floor in his underwear)
- Canadian Scientist Frank Plummer (Coronavirus HIV Vaccine)
- Professor Bing Liu, University of Pittsburgh (on the verge of a breakthrough in scientific understanding of new corona virus)
- Gita Ramjee, an HIV scientist (died of coronavirus)
- WHO driver carrying Coronavirus samples shot dead
- Vaccine Whistleblower Brandy Vaughan (Merck marketing)
Persons of interest:
- Peter Daszak, EcoHealth Alliance (orchestrating myth coronavirus is of natural origin)
- Dutch Virologist Ron Fouchier (created one of the deadliest virus strains and isolated the virus from Saudi Arabia)
It appears big Pharma and Gates / Fauci don’t want this to get out and leaked to the public. Like I’ve stated before, don’t take the Vaxx
Yale University Study Says Coronavirus Causes AIDS Now
Wisconsin Judge Says ‘Our Court System Has Been Deeply Intimidated by the Left’
Pennsylvania Health Department Issues Recommendations for COVID Safety at Sex Orgies. Yup, gotta wear a mask having a little poon tang.
Democrats Now Want to Move from COVID Lockdowns to Climate Lockdowns
New World Order/Order Out Of Chaos - it’s happening around the world and the desperate loonies are pushing this ahead in Warp Speed.
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Santa Claus is More Real Than New Government COVID Claims
Bullshit Meter at work.
The idiot Fraudski is showing his true colors. Another article states someone should put a diaper on his mouth - he’s suffering from verbal diarrhea!
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The following is a chart of Covid-19 PCR test kits sold to different countries in 2017. Now, who would have thought of that back then, huh?
This wouldn’t be the Plan of the Klan, would it?
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And another good one.
If you watch these, do you think we’re on the path to complete slavery? 1984 was like a summer camp compared to what’s coming down the road.
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The Devil in the red shoes - sucking up a little Adrenochrome.
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WHO Deletes Naturally Acquired Immunity from Its Website
Hmmm. . .something fishy going on (As noted in the article, but I have to agree)
Coronavirus lives on surfaces - now they don’t
Masks didn’t work, until they did, now they don’t.
Lockdowns work to control virus - but they don’t
PCR tests aren’t accurate - cuz they were never intended to be diagnostic and nobody knows how to figure the results of something that isn’t there.
Everyone is in danger of the virus, but they’re not.
It spreads in schools, except it doesn’t.
WHO changes its concept of herd immunity and you can trace biological reality or probability theory.
Then it gets really messy, and stinky too - if the host dies, so does the virus, if the virus doesn’t kill the host, it jumps off to another host, - I think(?) and boils down to Virology / Immunology 101 - that seems to coincide with Event 201.
And now the WHO deletes all the references from a few thousand years history of humankind including over 100 years of medical advances, and scrap the info about natural immunities and herd immunity, if they recover, vaxxed or whatever, you can’t find this in their gibberish cuz it’s deleted.
Methinks, maybe psycho Klaus Schwab (WEF) and the gay caballero, Tedros (WHO), with Gates in the drivers seat, have gotten together and are collaborating to push this Great Reset for their masters, the Rothschilds Khazarian Mafia and the NWO or communism - or maybe fascism - whichever will suit the money boys and they can eliminate 90% of the world’s population and have 3000 slaves each, that are labeled as goyim.
Bezos would need to cut back on Amazon, cuz there won’t be many to order online and have it delivered to the high rise stacked on the local Walmart.
Musk will be on his way to Mars to sell some electric cars, and maybe build a road or two or probably local parking airports for the flying autos - international money boys will establish a central bank with digital counterfeit funny money and Hillary and Slick Willy can go and spread more good stuff from their foundation and maybe chop up a kid for b’fast - (That won’t be anytime soon). Maybe even Gates will open his software toys store there too, contact trace the astronauts with a bar code, and shoot them up with a vaxx and turn them into AI robots.
Does anybody smell this rancid direction the maskholes are pushing the world into and think this could very well be the grandest racket ever played(?) - where’s General Smedley Butler when you really need him.
Sorry to pick and chose the content, but the mind swirls in different directions at the same time.
If you’re really bored you can log on to the site and read it for yourself.
Great News
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Quack cure or Covid hope?
Six things you can buy in the shops that scientists believe could protect against severe coronavirus infection
Dark Chocolate and grapes
Grapefruit Seed Extract - Nasal Spray
Tinned Food Preservative - natural food preservative found in canned goods - you get that with tuna.
Seaweed - (I use Chlorella or Spirulina works good too)
Then put a tsp baking soda in ACV with some maple syrup to kill the taste, and I add the chlorella / spirulina too with some organic cinnamon. And I love dark chocolate and grapes, never had the Kefir or grapefruit seed stuff, and order Atlantic Salmon at Luby’s. And don’t forget to take a tbsp of hemp oil also garlic, ginger, turmeric blended with cilantro and a tiny piece of chili pepper (the kind you get in Indonesia) on an empty stomach in the morning. (You won’t get heartburn if you’re healthy)
That combination, juiced with the cilantro that helps the chlorella bind with the heavy metals sprayed in the skies and get rid of it in your body, especially your brain.
Hell, no wonder I ain’t got the coronahoax.
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And how it works in the world of lunatics!
Actually, this pic was supposed to be a post from Ziggy - cartoon...Usually, I have too much month left at the end of my money . . .This year it feels like I have too much year left at the end of my sanity.
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The Left Destroyed An At&t / Nsa Facility That Was Going To Audit Voting Machines
Hmmm. . .an RV bombing in Nashville, by the AT&T building? That’s strange, huh? And it's rumored that AT&T got the contract to audit the Dominion voting machines?
This wouldn’t be another Murrah building trick where Tim McVeigh got blamed - and a little truck packed with fertilizer demolished the big building in Oklahoma.
Officer Yeakey found a couple of unexploded bombs inside the building, while rescuing people inside, but this was never posted on the MSM. And Yeakey suffered an Arkancide!
There is a connection to both - Murrah and AT&T - the deep state don’t want the truth to come out - at least maybe only one person was killed in Nashville - over 160 were murdered in Oklahoma.
The pieces are coming together - and it ain’t pretty - it never is with the ‘chosen’ behind the pranks.
The Nashville mayor was laughing about this bombing on television. He’s a Dem. Now we know why.
In an article on RBN, it also stated that the FBI entered the damaged AT&T building and removed all the Dominion voting machines - what’s that tell you(?) looks like we’ll never know the exact results of the election.
VT posts the pics of Anthony Quinn Warner (the Gentle Terrorist), was in the RV that exploded and he left property to some lady. MKUltra in the works? Or is this another Boston Bombing, or Sandy Hook? Gotta keep the sheeples occupied while they line up for the Vaxx.
But key in Anon - Q - Warn(?) Naww, just the mind is wandering a little or is it?
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Mass Deception - Dietary Supplement Industry Is Brain Dead In Face Of The Biggest Man-Made Health Threat In History
Yup - Big Pharma don’t want you taking natural supplements - they wanna give you the VAXX!!!!
The Vaxx will probably kill you or alter your genes and turn you into a zombie, but who really gives a fuck, cuz that’s big bidness - and this boosts their stock value.
Besides, zinc has run off the shelves, so has tonic and vitamin C is gone along with vitamin D. Who’d have guessed that?
And gold and silver has jumped in value, and makes the dollar around 1 cent based on 1913 value, along with the funny money Dow Jones but crude when down - no money in gas cars - the New Green Deal.
Are the money boys orchestrating another 1929 and rob everyone’s wealth? Then the USSA will be formed, that’s the United Socialist State of America and they’ll come and get your gold and silver along with any weapons you may have - but don’t forget, you’ll still be able to throw shit in their face - providing you’re not handcuffed and have enough to eat in the FEMA camp.
Then this happens (?) Big Pharma must have its fingers in Taiwan also - Wuhan for sure, but methinks the CCP and WHO, WEF, CDC, FDA are intertwined by the vampire squid that only smells money!
The Bill Gates Multi-Billion-dollar Briberies of Academia, Big Vaccine, Big Pharma, WHO, the NIH/CDC/Fauci and the World Economic Forum’s Great Reset
It should go a little deeper and discover who owns Black Rock. More HUTA.
Have a look at the above site.
It does state, maybe the vaxx isn’t the best thing you could do.
Another good video about the psycho Gates:
The nine fascist attitudes; are briefly summarized here:
- Conventionalism: Adherence to conventional values.
- Authoritarian Submission: Towards ingroup authority figures.
- Authoritarian Aggression: Against people who violate conventional values.
- Anti-Intraception: Opposition to subjectivity and imagination.
- Superstition and Stereotypy: Belief in individual fate; thinking in rigid categories.
- Power and Toughness: Concerned with submission and domination; assertion of strength.
- Destructiveness and Cynicism: hostility against human nature.
- Projectivity: Perception of the world as dangerous; tendency to project unconscious impulses.
- Sex: Overly concerned with modern sexual practices.
Frankfurt School’s work - I believe I’ve posted this before and the professors before WWII when Adolf took over the 3rd Reich, left Frankfurt and went to the. US of A and continued their evil teachings and ultimately blossomed into AIPAC, ADL, SPLC and the icing on the cake was PNAC. And you can’t criticize them cuz that’s anti - semitic.
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Bill Gates' Savior Complex Spirals Out Of Control, Funds Sun-Dimming Plan To Save The Human Race
And Gates is mixed up in the chemtrail business? They’ve been doing this for decades, now he’s gonna get into it? Damn, I suppose the Vaxx won’t work until the nanoparticle heavy metals and chemicals float down to earth and penetrate your BBB with the vaxx and silicone nano fiber connected inside and trigger the explosion when they flip the 5G switch. Then you’ll turn into a veggie and follow the Judas Goat to the FEMA camp.
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12-29-20 Congress has passed a $2.3 trillion 5,592 page spending bill. It combines the $900 Billion “Stimulus Bill,” with another $1,400 billion Omnibus bill. Everything was largely written by lobbyists and contains thousands of pages of pork and secretive measures. The combining of the Stimulus Bill with the Omnibus bill seems like an intentional act of obfuscation. They combined the bills to help shield everyone involved from criticism.
The lobbyists don’t want to be noticed. . .they just give money to the politikers who also don’t want to publicly state who the creeps are conning the people out of their future hard earned money.
And the following is a partial list of the waste!
$500 million for border security in Jordan (page 407)
$100 million for border security in Lebanon, Egypt, Oman, and Tunisia (page 415)
$169.8 million to Vietnam, including $19 million to remediate dioxins (page 1476).
$198.3 million to Bangladesh, including $23.5 million to support Burmese refugees and $23.3 million for “democracy programs” (page 1485).
$130.3 million to Nepal for “development and democracy programs” (page 1485).
Pakistan: $15 million for “democracy programs” and $10 million for “gender programs” (page 1486).
Up to $15 million “for the refurbishing of a high endurance cutter,” Sri Lanka: (page 1489).
$505.9 million to Belize, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, and Panama (pages 1490-1491).
$461.4 million to Colombia for programs related to counternarcotics and human rights (pages 1494-1496).
$74.8 million to the “Caribbean Basin Security Initiative” (page 1498).
$33 million “for democracy programs for Venezuela” (page 1498).
$132 million “for assistance for Georgia” (page 1499).
$453 million “for assistance for Ukraine” (page 1500).
$75 million for “humanitarian aid” to the West Bank and Gaza
A quick tally pushes this to $4.1 trillion - but not as listed in congress summary.
WTF, a little Bang Bang here, Fang Fang there - what’s a few $$$ when congress keeps on receiving their dole from the taxpayer and corporatists hand in hand with the countries giving them free money!
You’ll notice the $3.3 billion to state of Israhell not listed but I suppose that’s part of the regular budget like DOD that should be labeled DOO - Department of Offensive.
Al Capone would roll over in his grave - the Mafia was simply a kindergarten class compared to WTF is going on in our government.
Yup - this will help the Covid crisis - or will it - doesn’t look to good from here. Too much pork barrel crap in there to suit the corrupt politicians on the dole of big biz and backsheesh from foreign governments. Obviously, the lobbyists are going crazy - the first thing is to label lobbying any government official, from local to national a capital offense and punished by guillotine on Pennsylvania Ave - both the giver and taker.
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And you gotta keep your social distance!
Besides, Boeing gotta get their 737 Max up in the air
Another article states a nurse tested positive for the virus 8 days after the vaxx - hmph - I suppose that’s a can of decayed fodder for the sheeple to swallow.
The developers of the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine have previously undisclosed ties to the re-named British Eugenics Society, the Galton Institute - they don’t want their donors to figure out they want to kill the useless eaters and line their pockets.
Just think if 6.5 billion of the 7 billion people had a few assets of at least $100 in gold, or cash - that’s a lotta money, forget the houses, cars and golf balls.
Speaking about golf, there’ around 30,000 golf courses around the world and probably a minimum of 25 people per course to maintain the greens, another 20 to maintain the equipment and another 50 to manage the 45 and make a report, shit, that would keep 3 million people busy and not including the caddies and ball washers, bar tenders and beverage cart drivers. Throw in the ball and club manufacturers including PGA super stores, damn, that’ll grow to 100 million. Figure in the military industrial complex, big pharma, central banks and local care-giving butcher shops and vaxx houses - whew - I don’t think the elite have figured out this depopulation game and the amount they need to eliminate.
I gotta better idea, let's eliminate the 0.01% and redistribute the wealth, hell, then the world could tee ‘em up and have a little change left to buy food for the little ones.
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"The Red Pill Hardcore TV Show"
Listen to this - and it ties in all the other activities by the whackos - Chemtrails with barium, strontium, aluminum nano particles, mRNA Vaxx, 5G, nano-silicone fiber, then they flip the switch! And he labels Gates as the anti-Christ. I gotta agree - this is the turning point for mankind.
But the Covid19 hoax has spiked. Funny how that happens - ya?
DeMaio explained, “if you are going to use a set of numbers like COVID stats to shut down the economy, to take people’s livelihoods away, then we have to really look closely at what those numbers really mean, and whether those numbers are giving us the right picture.” Continuing, “my concern has been from the get go, that we are relying on numbers from government agencies, that may have a different agenda at stake. We would benefit from having a different set of eyes looking at them, such as an auditor or a citizens review committee. Because again, the decisions being made on these data sets are sweeping, the lockdowns are far reaching in terms of their impact.”
You’ll note DeMaio stated ‘government agencies’ - and stated they may have a different agenda! Which one, 21, 2025, 2030 sponsored by the satanic Rothschilds / Rockefeller Klan?
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Catherine Austin Fitts | Full Interview | Planet Lockdown
And you can listen to this while you’re sobering up from the New Year celebration - this should make your headache get worse. People are smartening up and soon will eliminate the skum pushing for the NWO - or Rothschilds communist great reset and new normal.
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CHD Article on Big-Picture Look at Current Pandemic Beneficiaries Accepted by Peer-Reviewed Journal
The 4 stooges - hard a work, the more virus and economic lunacy, the richer they become - but I gotta feeling these are the fall guys for the behind the scene super rich satanists - they don’t want to be recognized and always have a schmuck to take the fall.
Good read if you have the time or interest. And it looks like the 3 stooges just added another one.
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