Wednesday, January 1, 2025

Work banishes those three great evils: boredom, vice and poverty.~Voltaire

It’s 2025 - kinda makes you wonder what this year will bring to the world - happiness - freedom, or despair?


Scanning the new, improved, modified, accurate, researched and factual data on the ‘alt news’ more truths are becoming exposed!!!


Fmr. Congressman Curt Weldon Leads Charge for an Unbiased 9/11 Investigation~AE911Truth

Yeah, what the hell - the E/P/S assholes have been trying to silence this bunch for 24 years, but no one in the f’k’n government wants to complete the investigation - any guesses why? Any bets its the AIPAC babysitters hard at work? They sure as hell don’t want the ‘real’ truth to come out and start arresting the Khazarians who orchestrated this and the puppets like Cheney and W, Rumsfeld and Wolfowitz, following orders and getting a little baksheesh. Al Capone is rolling over in his grave thinking “Why in hell didn’t I think of that” But then he did have Meyer Lansky handling the purse strings and out of his control - sort of!!


Elon Musk then brought down the hammer on the German democratic order, retweeting Seibt’s video and remarking that “Only the AfD can save Germany”.

This is the AfD as posted on ZeroHedge - the satanic symbol(?) 

Did Musk really say that(?) and he’s one of the DOGE operators now for Trumpkin along with Ramaswamy?  Holy Shit - D'ya thinks the masses have just made a major F’k Up!!!  Lets wait and see if this is fact instead of a con game from the Mockingbird MSM and Khazarian Mafia.

Maybe Cicero’s quote from the last post comes into play - ‘the traitor within’ and Klaus the Schlawb’s YGL’rs are taking control(?) Musk was a student also.  Putin was removed from WEF history.

Article summarized by this statement:-

‘Any political order that is truly threatened by a six-word remark from anybody – even should it come from the wealthiest, most antidemocratic, fascistic and powerful man in the world – is not a political order worth having.’

Yup - gotta agree with that - but then this also raises a series of questions - 6 words - 6 pointed star 6-6-6(?) WTF is really going on in the world and we need to dig deeper into the ‘sewer’ to uncover the misleading and fake reasons of totally incapable and corrupt organizations that control the masses and their wealth / assets.  Then soon, you’ll own nothing and be happy!! The Plan of the Klan!


Die Führer Show Their Hand~tts~


Yup - read the article and check WTF the sewer dwellers are doing to con the sheeple!!!

Blends in with ‘Achtung Schweinhund’!! And the rainbow puppet who’s WOKE!

Some quotes from the article:-

Anyone who uses the internet rather than depending on mainstream media will know that there is compelling evidence that the mRNA jabs are unsafe. Here are just five examples:

No doubt it will be said that these are only five examples, so in anticipation, consider the following:

Finally, Pfizer has a long history of fraud, corruption, and using children as human guinea pigs.

Big Pharma as organized crime

As Edward Snowden so succinctly put it:


Time to wake the ‘F’ up!!!!!


Coupla memes to make your day:- 

Yup - Ordo ab Chao!!


Next - you’re gonna be banned - and he has shares in Campbell’s Pork and Beans!!!

It never ends - the pencil neck skumbag keeps on truckin’ and not in jail!!

I gotta stop putting this schmucks pic on my posts - I keep getting viruses!!

Make your day???!!


Ukrainian Drones Attack Russian City Over 600 Miles From Front Line~

Hey, the building didn’t fall down like WTC I, II and VII!! Maybe no W54 pits available - they’re probably stacked in cities around the USSA by AIPAC and ADL to keep the ‘sewer dwellers’ in line! 

Musta been one helluva drone!!!


Douglas Macgregor: This General Kirillov Masterclass in Ukraine leads to his assassination~ tts~

Col. Macgregor comes out with the truth - the general did publish the presence of over 46 bioweapons labs to the UN and most of them on the Russian border targeting slavic genes - not semitic. As posted on last blog ‘Kirrilov is the one who submitted all the evidence to the UN about Hunter Biden’s Metabiota, and accused Soros, Clinton, Obama, and Biden, of creating biological weapons in Ukraine.’  Now the partners in crime are admitting this and broadcast on the alt news.

It doesn’t take long - from presumed guilty to obviously guilty.  And the Azov Nazis, Zelensky represents, is thinking about nuking Russia with missiles and the nukes will have to be acquired from the west. That would be a sad day for sure, cuz the Ruskies will blow them off the face of the world. Zelensky will no doubt, be hiding in his villa in Miami, that our taxpayers have paid for with $billions of our debt to the Federal Reserve.

What a world!!!


They Know They Will All Be … HANGED LIVE ON THE INTERNET~sotn~

Okay, ready or not, here goes the rant.

Really, these mother WEFers lock us down, force us to wear face diapers, close off the beaches so we can’t recover, shut down our businesses, close down the schools, coerce us to social distance/shelter-in-place/isolate ourselves/quarantine our families, order us to stop walking and exercising in public places, prevent us from visiting infirm and/or dying loved ones in every kind of care facilities and, on top of all that, cancel holidays and reunions, anniversary and birthday celebrations, weddings and funerals, baptisms and bar mitvahs, etc.

A good article - I just copied the opening statement and you can read the rest - but the title does bring the possibility of “They Know They Will All Be … Hanged Live on the Internet”

We’ll have to wait and see. . . .


Dr. John Coleman – 21 Goals of the Illuminati and The Committee of 300 – Wake Up America~

Interesting 21 point plan and is in progress as we speak!!!

The E/P/S want CONTROL - while you sit and eat gruel - if you can find some.


Global Censorship Of Free Speech Increasing~

Yeah, the hell with the 1st amendment - but thats the USSA not the world so they all need to exercise their draconian methods - skumbags!!!! But then it also is enforced and censored in the US - the M’th’rf’k’rs just never quit!!!


BREAKING: Sen. Rand Paul Calls For The Immediate Arrest Of “Evil” Dr. Fauci For COVID-era Crimes Against Humanity~infowars~

Haha!!!. . .it’s about time!!! Only problem I can see here is the Mockingbird Media will not publish any of this and shut down any alt news sites posting the results.  Only solution I can see here is to arrest the MSM also Gates, Bourla and rest of big pharma and hang them on Pennsylvania Ave, DC - right above the sewer - oh - and slam shut the Federal Reserve along with arresting their management and share holders - that racket has gone on way too long and they’ve ruined the USSA along with the rest of the world with their Ponzi scheme.


The Catholic Church Has Nothing To Do With the Bergoglian Church!~

 Yup - I kinda, sorta, gotta agree with Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò - and the Pope does look like Jonathan Pryce - but when you dig a little deeper you’ll find the banksters control the incredible wealth of the Vatican. In the USSA alone, the church collects $85 million +/- every Sunday - thats around $44 billion per year and that’s just the USSA, the other countries gotta be included too, it doesn’t say how much is sent to the Vatican, but you can imagine the wealth stacked in the Vatican City and most likely most of it has been transferred to Basel, Switzerland or City of London Rothschild’s vaults.  Dunno what Jesus would do with all this free $$$ and gold and incredibly expensive artwork, but He would no doubt pass it back to the people - health care, food, natural remedies for curing ailments, or simply use his power to eliminate all the bad stuff that kills people, including the Khazarian Mafia. And you have to factor in, when Eve ate the apple!

This gets deeper, when you think - Adam and Eve - the only people in the world back then, that God created, had a couple of kids Cain and Abel, then after Cain killed Abel he went out and married a girl - where did she come from? Did he marry his sister? Adam and Eve must have been really busy. But then, there weren’t any tv’s, books and movies or golf courses around back then, so I suppose they were engaged in a little poon tang most of the time. Oh, and there were apples in trees everywhere, the Bible didn’t say where bananas or pineapple came from.


A good meme posted on truth11:-

My favorite Emoji.  


Bill Gates Calls for ‘Anti-Vaxxers’ to Be Censored by AI: Questioning ‘Vaccines’ Is ‘Inciting Violence’~

Debugger2 comment:

This POS needs to be in GITMO beside the guillotines! Then remove one finger at a time, then toes, then work its way up to the neck. He'll experience what this M'th'r F'r deserves.

Nowhere does it state that natural immunity is 99.9% better than a vaccine, this was posted on considerable sites back in 2020 and 2021.

D’ya thinks it will stand(?) Yup - it stood up!!!!


Russian MoD Reveals U.S. African Biolab Complex, Sponsored by the Gates and Clinton Foundations~

“American specialists capable of enhancing the pathogenic functions of microorganisms are actively operating in Africa.”  Major General Aleksei Rtishchev, Deputy Chief of the Nuclear, Chemical, and Biological Protection Troops of the Russian Armed Forces, recently delivered a briefing highlighting U.S. biological activity in Africa. In the following excerpt, he states, “The US administration views the region as an unlimited natural reservoir of dangerous infectious agents and a testing ground for experimental medical drugs.” 



Oh, and you need to include the rest of the E/P/S assholes like Soros, Bourla, Fink, Fauci and more.  There are safe healthy holistic methods, that will save people instead of killing them and stop making fortunes for the Khazarian dominated big pharma and banksters.

But those damned Ruskies!!! Exposing WTF our fearless leaders(?) - well, maybe not leaders, more like followers/members of the Khazarian Mafia - are pushing for - depopulation!!! Oh, and ‘get rid of the inhabitants, then all those resources will be ours’ Money in the bank!!!

And there was a video on ‘X’ by Mary Kathomi on ‘Livestock Vaccine’ - gotta shoot up the herd!!!

Makes you wonder, how many countries in Africa have a Central Bank run out of the City of London - hmph - just checked - they all do!!!


And Santa is finding it difficult to navigate now a days:-


Those damn aliens always seem to get in the way!!!


There’s something about this pic of Al Gore that doesn’t seem to add up:- 

That goddam global warming is freezin’ his balls off!!!


Posted this meme a year or so ago, and it comes to play now - again!!!:- 


'Elon Is Controlling Trump!' Complain People Controlling Biden~

George Soros son let out a blast - and after they let the reins loose from O’Biden.  I mean after all, Billy the Gates, Soros, Bezos, and the rest of the $billionaires that have made their money out of stealing and/or swindling people - forget about the 9 to 5 imbecile that files his IRS papers every year.

Double Whammy! US Dollar Lost 97% Purchasing Power Since Creation Of Fed, Public Debt UP 188% Since Obama/Harris~cwr~ 

Yup - just think, if we didn’t have a central bank - we wouldn’t have any debt!! Why they killed Lincoln, tried to kill Andrew Jackson and finished JFK in Dealey Plaza! Also many around the world - the key ones were Saddam Hussein and Gadaffi right after they removed their nation’s currency from being based on the USD.  ‘Yup - those damned terrorists with all the WMDs’  in Iraq, and Color Revolution in Libya!!!

You can check the chart above and in 1972, when Tricky Nixon took the US$ based on the value of gold which was $33 / oz at that time, and the national debt was under $3 trillion, then began to slowly raise to skyrocket when O’Biden took over - it went off the charts.  Nobody stated where the gold in Fort Knox went after this move.

And it’s plainly clear the banksters are the evil ones - controlled by the Khazarian Mafia based in City of London and also Basel Switzerland.


The vanishing Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 airliner was electronically hijacked then flown west at a very high elevation which likely killed all the passengers and…..~sotn~

You can watch the video if you wish, but this is what I presumed happened to MH370. The reason is another, they did mention there were Chinese  electronic engineers with patents on a semiconductor  - 4 on the plane and a Rothschild in the UK. The 4 died, the remaining patent holder ends up with complete control. Funny how that happens - like JFK and Lincoln died from assassins - the Banksters keeps on clickin’.


No Peace On Earth~ 

Yup, as stated before, no money in peace or healthy people.


Nearly $10T of US govt debt matures in 2025 with 2.50% avg. coupon. Refinancing at > %5 will make the debt interest payments huge and consume most of the budget.~cwr~

Just think - if we didn’t have the Fed, our treasury could have printed the $$$ out of nothing and paid off the debt and we wouldn’t owe the Fed anything let alone the skyrocketing interest! China now is in competition with the Federal Reserve to control the USSA’s debt - but then who started the China government government in 1949 - yup - the Rothschilds and when Mao took over, he had jew controllers of propaganda and finance - go figure . . . . 


The meme that sets it straight;- 

I suppose there wasn’t enough room in the pic to put Gates, Soros, big pharma, WHO, WEF skumbags.

Also one of FJ O’Biden and cronies.


A meme that’s coming into play this year!!!:- 


And another one:- 

Yup - we need government for peace - right?


Coupla more to make your day:- 

Yup - double meaning - one for the Gov’t and one for You!

Looks like Gaza or Maui  or maybe Paradise Ca., - either way the E/P/S assholes get their way!!!  And nobody says a  f*k*n word!!


Study Finds Zero ‘Global Warming’ Increases in 50 Years of Data~truth11~ 

Yup - and Gore and Obama bought houses on the beach - no fear of sea level rising that I can see - this is about as fake as the coronahoax and simply another method of controlling the sheeple.

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