Monday, January 13, 2025

What distinguishes the majority of men from the few is their inability to act according to their beliefs.~ Henry Miller

Henry Miller - I may have stated this before but he was one of my favorite authors when I was young and in school - I read almost all of his books and enjoyed them - but then, everybody thought I was just a little bit crazy too!!! His books were banned in Canada - and I wondered why(?) D’ya thinks my comments full of satire, that just may criticize the E/P/S assholes may not be tolerated by them?


Top 10 Thought Crime Stories Of 2024~tts~

Yup - gotta log on to the site and check what these ‘thought crimes’ really are, and if in fact they are actually a crime or a thought process that goes against and exposes the evil satanic E/P/S assholes.  Sounds  more like Big Brother - 1984, is the operation governing this bullshit!!!


Lara Logan: CIA Was Urging Taliban to Activate Sleeper Cells in US For Terror Attack to be Blamed on ISIS~tts~

Nawww . . . the CIA wouldn’t do that - would they? Or would they - just to keep the purse strings functional? Sorta makes you wonder who the f’k is running the CIA - (Criminally Insane Agency) and keeps the Ordo ab Chao operating to terrify the sheeple. I believe I read somewhere that the CIA HQ is in Switzerland - close to the Rothschilds Khazarian Mafia’s Central Bank HQ! Basel(?)

Make up your own mind - look what these m’th’rf’k’rs have done in the past 250 years.


And another one - cooked up by the Gates Klan:-

mRNA Inventor Blows Whistle: ‘Bird Flu’ Is a Hoax to Push More ‘Vaccines’~tts~

Dr. Malone has been stating this since the coronahoax started back in 2019 with Billy the Gates,  Fauci, WEF, and John Hopkins U, Event 201 where they laid the ground rules for this deception then with financing the ‘gain of function’ circus in Wuhan bioweapons lab down the street from the wet food market, that our military was there rehearsing plandemic wars etc., etc., and one of the corrupt pharma companies already had the vaxxx for something that didn’t exist - has anyone actually seen this little bug that has ruined the world via the E/P/S assholes game of destruction(?)

The Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, World Economic Forum, and Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation jointly propose the following:

  1. Governments, international organizations, and businesses should plan now for how essential corporate capabilities will be utilized during a large-scale pandemic. 

Klaus the Schlawb did make the statement that this was a narrow window of opportunity to  expand control. I couldn’t find his statement to post, but this was close - WEF does want control and they’re getting close!! And they got a buncha lunatic Young Global Leaders in positions in governments around the world - the USSA is one and Canada the same, surely being flushed down the corruption toilet. This started way before the Rockefeller Operation Lockstep in 2010 setting the ground rules for Event 201!  The skumbags never quit!!!

The following is an excerpt from Operation Lockstep - that Snopes have fact checked and stated most of this is not fact and can’t be located in documents:- but then Snopes doesn’t work for the sheeple, they work for corporations - that should give you a clue on the truth - or close to the ‘truth’ - whatever that means.  The relationship between Lockstep and Covid and Event 201 - appears to be misleading, how in hell in 2010 would they label a virus as Covid19, why not Covid20 or 40(?).

You can also correlate this Lockstep and Event 201 as being orchestrated by the same E/P/S assholes.

Phase 1 and 2 outline how this was formulated back in 2010 and the plan for Covid19.  I was in China during the first SARS epidemic from 2001 to 2005 but no vaccine was promoted, but we did have our temperature taken every where we went including toll road payment booths, hotels, restos and places of people gathering - airports etc., but no social distancing or masks required. 

Phase 3 does implicate the ridiculous direction of the Vaxxers that somehow produced a weaponized virus!! The Plan of the Klan!!!  Phase 4 wasn’t included in the article.

Snopes states this is not true and no relation between the Operation Lockstep - after SARS1, and Covid19 scenario although they do admit the 4 phases, one dealing with a pandemic, or more like plandemic.

I’ll stop here and you all can come up with your own conclusion on how evil the E/P/S assholes are also the relationship between the evil Rockefeller and Gates Foundations are close hand in hand.


ALMIGHTY DOLLAR CONFIDENCE GAME: How it ends with the greatest sucker’s rally of all time!~sotn~


` 1950’s                                         



Yup - the end is here!!! So much for funny money!!! And 9 more countries are accepted in the BRICS coalition, with many more waiting in line. The US$$ is f’k’d for sure but need to watch the money changers - there’s something sneaking going on and it’ll surface sooner than later.  It does appear Yahu the Nut’s statement in Finks Bar in 1990 is coming true. The Khazarians will turn the USSA into a welfare state.


Another Meme to make your day:- 

Careful - gotta watch the global warming!!! Oh, now the E/P/S knows its fake, now it’s climate change.


"Man-Made Virus, Watch Millions Die Biggest Profit Of Their Lives. Here's Inflation, That's Your Prize": Striking Anthem Of Our Time~ Zerohedge

You can watch it - it’s not funny - but maybe a little factual.


Yup - they got the new, improved, contaminated, poisoned, deadly vaxx up for the sheeple:-

Kinda makes you wonder, why in hell isn’t Gates, Soros, Fauci, Fink, FJB, Liz Cheney and Klan shot up with this deadly life saving(?) jabbbbb? 

Did ya get yours yet? R U Still alive?


Another one that hits the nail on the head:- 

They also gotta include the UN assembly along with the WEF / YGL’rs / WHO and you gotta include all the satanic secret societies that JFK warned the people about - and they shot him 6 months after.


GENOCIDE BILL GATES to mRNA-vaccinate ALL cows, goats and sheep in Africa, but never animals they DON’T EAT, so what’s the “methane emission” goal again?~tts~

This POS wants to shoot up the animals people eat with mRNA spike proteins cuz they fart too much!The goal is to infect the people that won’t take the jabbbb.  This evil piece of shit needs to be arrested and stuck in Gitmo - look how many people he has murdered with his philanthropy(?) And he gets a deduction on his income tax(?)

The government in charge of health and welfare to protect the people lets this happen!!!! And issue mandates for the people to take the jabbb - for something cooked up in a bioweapons laboratory to destroy humanity? Does anybody in government have a brain, instead of a hand out collecting corrupt free money?  We need a change and quick!!!

The past 4 years has exposed the incredibly corrupt government - run by the Demonrats! And a few Rinos lurking in the background.

JFK’s statement surrounds these Skumbags in charge:-

This also borders on Cicero’s statement about ‘traitors within’.


Zelensky’s Black Mass: Satanic practices and child sacrifices of the Ukrainian leadership~VT~

Hmmm. . . I used to read Veterans Today on a regular basis, when Gordon Duff and Jim Dean were editing and posting articles that were off MSM topics, but now I only visit when I see articles that develop my curiosity. This one does raise a series of questions and I did step back and wonder about verification. 

You can check this out yourself and make up your own mind - although sometimes the ‘truth’ is unbelievable and worse than you can imagine.  With the Khazarian ‘piano player with his dik’, so-called leader of Ukraine, ‘Z’, conducting satanic practice, it does appear to be genuine although various alt-news sites are now in the hands of the Satanists to twist your mind.



Article published 1-5-25 on SOTN - ‘Z’ has sold the bread basket of Europe to the poison companies - they can spray the toxic poison infected grain and produce and contaminate all the sheeple in Europe and Asia. The depop skam at work - Gates has shares in Monsanto, Cargill and Bayer too - it’s a money maker while people perish!!!


Pfizer and Other Sociopaths~

This kinda makes you wonder WTF are the E/P/S assholes gonna do when there’s no sheeple to exploit and terrorize - d’ya thinks maybe they’ll start attacking each other? This should be on top of the list.

In an earlier essay I argued that New Zealand, together with many other nominally ‘democratic’ countries, is fascist, and in a follow-up, I went on to argue that Pfizer and other Big Pharma corporations are organized crime networks operating what amounts to a global protection racket.

I dunno if I’d label these whackos Sociopaths - maybe evil insane assholes would be more in line! But then I don’t post in areas of news - more likely ‘blogarism’.


Another meme:- 

And Julian Assange and Snowden - they were scheduled to go or in jail - for telling the truth(?) Amazing how deep the blatant corruption has penetrated the government and their agencies designed to only help the ‘real’ criminals.


And FJB gotta get the laundry done before he vacates the POTUS office:- 

FJB and Hunter and family not too corrupt that I can see, can you?


War Is Satanic Human Sacrifice~

As Trump surrounds himself with warmongering zionists, we must remember there are no good wars. Wars are designed to depopulate. All sides work together, are funded and armed by the same people. War is a racket. War is designed to keep the human population down. War is not a part of the human condition it is part of the control system. Notice that no politicians go to war, they just send others to die. War is satanic human sacrifice, and they all know it. 

As stated before, stick the politickers, banksters, MIC exec’s including ‘W’, Kissinger (but he’s already gone) and cohorts in the front line, with a rusty AK-47 with one bullet, bottle of water and a helmet - any bets all the wars will come to an end.

I posted the meme ‘No Peace on Earth’ on the last blog.


Meme of the week:- 

Yeah, but they forgot the Rockefellers - Lock Step!!!


In case you were wondering why(?):- 

I suppose it depends on how much - $$$ - ya(?)


Another one:- 

How it goes in the world of funny money$$$!!!!

Time to load up on a little silver and gold.

Isn’t it strange when a meme is posted, it’s supposed to be funny but the truth sets in and it’s not funny at all - more like it makes you ‘sick’ not health wise, but mentally!!!


Good article by Benjamin Fulford:-


Medical doctor: ‘Pandemic preparedness’ industry ‘like arsonists running the fire department’ ~

Comment on article from ‘Think About It’:-

“Office of Pandemic Preparedness and Response Policy” – OOP-PARP


“Office of Plandemic Fraud and Response Trannies – OOP-FART


The Syria Carve-Up Creates a de-Facto Israel-Turkey Border Ensuring a Broader ME War ~ 

Yup - how things happen traveling west:-The USSA and Israhell hard at work!!!  This shouldn’t cost us too much funny money!


12 Changes Under RFK Jr. at HHS~cwr~

Debugger comment:-

The first item on the list is to "Ban Geoengineering"!!!
2nd item is to arrest Bill Gates for ‘crimes against humanity’ also his cohorts and put them in GITMO!!
3rd item is to shut down the Federal Reserve and claw back the $trillions they've robbed the US citizens and distribute back to the people!!!
There's more, but I'll stop here and let this sink in!!!


CRITICAL! Banks Are Desperate to Keep You From the Redemption Centers: Iraqi Dinar, ZIM, QFS, and the New Gold Standard Signal the Death of the Fiat Dollar!~ 

Hmmm. . . is a site that somehow I got on their mailing list, (?) and they do come up with logical directions for the government to head and save the sheeple.  The question is this a ‘real’ site that does it’s research or another ‘fake’ one that posts what the sheeple want to read and keep their minds off the criminal activities going on in the DC sewer!!


Mel Gibson says the Pope and the Vatican are Surrounded by Child Molesters — He Believes the Catholic Church is Now a Counterfeit Paralle Church that runs an Entirely Different Religion ~

Hmmm. . .Mel Gibson said that? They spelt Parallel wrong - In an interview with Joe Rogan? Mel’s been accused of antisemitism before, but when you stop and think of it, it’s common knowledge that the City of London Rothschilds Bank controls the Vatican’s purse strings and all its wealth - and they claim they’re going broke! You can figure that out - ya?? - and who’s stealing the $$$! 

And it does look like the Pope, but what’s that strange figure on the wall behind him? Looks like Satan - sort of?

Where’s the archbishop that was kicked out of the Vatican? He’s probably in the welfare line now.

I posted a pic of the church at the Vatican before and it does look a little strange also and also resembles a reptilian creature!


Biden Awarding George Soros the Medal of Freedom is Proof That the “Conspiracy Theories” Are True~tts~

Hmmm. . . .Sorass and Cuntun got a medal of freedom? WTF has this world sunk to? Makes you wonder why in hell didn’t FJB give Gates a medal also - he’s contributed to the demise of millions of people with his philanthropy(?)! 

Comment from: Yukon Jack:-

Anyone want to argue that the state isn’t the most corrupt evil thing ever invented?


Delusion Enabled Incompetence (Cartoon)~wrh~ 

Yup - the correct translation of DEI!!!


And we got fires again in California:-


Houses demolished and tree stumps still standing - must be tough trees there, huh?

Then we have this idiot in charge:- 

He’s a smart dude - huh? And HAARP, Chemtrails and DEWs working hard on overtime!!

And another meme that sorta tells the truth:- 

Dr. Evil Newsom at work!

This pic showed up on Babylonbee - houses, cars destroyed and trees and brush untouched as noted above:- 

Can you imagine how much it costs to run the HAARP and DEWs, let alone the chemtrail planes.  And all on our nickel - or funny $$$.


Watch this:-

D’ya thinks the sheeple are finally smartening up? - Geoengineering by the E/P/S assholes!!

And this pops up:-



US Civil War About To End, War With China About To Begin~truth11~ ~ Benjamin Fulford

Read it - dunno how much is fact to be checked, but he does get close to the truth! There was an article stating the unemployment in China is around 50%! That sure as hell doesn’t sound to good - they could have a revolution - the hell with a fight with the USSA!  Xi might have to negotiate like Gorbachev back, what - 30 years ago, then if they kick out the Rothschilds Khazarian Mafia’s central banksters, that supported Mao in power - China will become another enemy?


Zuckerberg claims Biden admin pressured Facebook, retaliated over refusal to censor memes. ~

Yup - Zuck or whatever his name is - is trying to cover his ass - for sure - when they arrest Fauci and Gates, and big pharma - he won’t be on the list - but then - the government should also be arrested - at least the ones that benefited from the coronahoax - and that should be almost all of the Dominion elected fakes.  Hell - There’d be nobody in DC other than garbage collectors!


California was set up to fail ~

Yup - disaster capitalism!!! Plan of the Klan!!!! And the location of 15-minute cities, where the sheeple are in a prison and E/P/S assholes are wallowing in funny money!!! These muther fuckers need to be slammed in GITMO and lined up at the guillotines!!!


What happens when you go against big business:-

Hmmm. . .and I have some diagrams how to make energy out of magnetic and gravity perpetual motion generators - hmmmm . . . I wonder if I should apply for a patent (?)


It’s cheap too:- 

I use it almost every day to treat cramps and joint pain from swinging the golf club in 95 deg humid weather and exercising too much - mix with a little ACV and organic honey - goes a long way! I’ll be 86 soon and still golf almost every day - handicap not where is used to be, but it’s fun anyways!!!

Another benefit:- Nobody tells you about this either!!! 

The FDA doesn’t want you to know this also:- No money if cheap treatment!!! Also no money in healthy people!!!!!

And you gotta factor in, there’s really not a whole lot of money in diplomacy and peace - but lotsa money in wars and death and destruction!!!! And you gotta throw in Geoengineering, HAARP, DEWs and death to the sheeple that benefits the E/P/S - that’s Elite / Parasite / Skumbags, in case you forgot!!

Does this look familiar - the Plan of the Klan:- 

Same results by the same E/P/S assholes!!!!!!! The ground work for 15 minute cities and imprison the sheeple!!! 

The Elite’s Are Planning To SHOCK The World | Whitney Webb BlackRock Exposed~

Wicked Agendas, Pre-planning + Artificial Fires~

And there’s more posts about the E/P/S pushing for complete enslavement of the sheeple - I just got tired reading all of them, but we do know who’s orchestrating these catastrophes. 

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