Thursday, November 5, 2020

It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning: Henry Ford.

Working people pay taxes.
Rich people pay accountants.
The super-rich pay politicians.

Just thought I’d send this out after the election and summarize WTF really happened. Only problem is, they’re still arguing about it - this might not be resolved for a few years.

Singapore halts use of flu vaccines after 48 die in South Korea

Damn, that cuts into our profits - who the hell are these guys in Sing’po?  Looks like they’ve gotta brain, well, sort of, when they let the vaxx out to poison the people - now they’re back tracking - they wanna save lives(?)
That goes against the agenda 21, 2025, 2030 - what’s a NWO assholeo to do?

UN says new polio outbreak in Sudan caused by oral vaccine

More on this topic below. .

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‘Iraq War Diaries’ at 10 years: Truth is Treason - Ron Paul

Assange and Manning are / were in jail - Bush, PNAC’ers, Cheney and the rest of the Yinon Plan ‘chosen’ skum bags are free - plotting more treasonous actions.

Taken from the book Ron Paul issued “The End of Unearned Opulence”:

“We are indeed in uncharted waters surrounded by blood-thirsty sharks.”
Dr. Paul does summarize this analogy stating the people should protect themselves - I think I’d come up with another solution - shoot the basterds - cuz the sharks in government and big business and banking can’t swim and sit in their multimillion dollar high rise on 5th Ave counting funny money!!  Trumpkin also didn’t drain the swamp - he’s made a few gestures but then he also falls into the same rancid decayed pond.

And there’s more but you need to read the book. Dr. Paul makes the most sense - and you can check his site on JooTube - “The Liberty Report” or BitChute since YouTube deletes the programs they don’t like that attacks their financiers.

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Debugger Letter to the White House - Att. D J Trump

Mr. President
I’m sure you are aware of the fact that the Rothschilds have financed the creation of CCP and Soviet Union, and they control our Federal Reserve, Wall Street bankers, corporatist society and the military industrial complex, the secret branch of the CIA and MI6 and Mossad.
The first item on the agenda would be to slam shut the Fed and claw back the $quadrillions they’ve pirated from our country since 1913. The dollar has lost 99% of it’s value since the Fed was created in Jekyll Island. The second, stop all the wars, shut down the 800+ military bases scattered around the world and bring our military back to protect this country from the money changers.  Next - kick your son-in-law Lubavitcher out of the White House and put him and his handlers in Gitmo.
Do your job.


I did receive a response stating they’ve received the letter and would review it.  Any bets?

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More on Chemtrails:

Good read if you can stomach it, then note there were many labs working on the chemicals sprayed, but none provided info what the others were working on - a secret by the Deep State on how they want to control the NWO.
This may even connect to this coronahoax - but the underlying reason is obvious. Time to smarten up and make sure you make your notes so when short term memory is gone you can reference it.
And the mass media is pumping ‘climate change’ into your brain while they shove you into a FEMA camp!

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Connecting the Dots: Why They’re Doing This

As published on ‘The Truthseeker” from the UK - a good listen @DavidCullen (BitChute)- what these assholeo psychos are doing!

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The Great Reset

And to wrap it up - the following podcast from James Corbett analyzing what the Great Reset really is.  Not to fool anyone and blame it on the coronahoax, but this was the game plan over 30 years ago - and implementing the nasty bug as the well planned excuse for this reset by driving fear into the hearts of the masses, and the WHO, by some by some mistake, claimed its about the same as the flu, not some devastating virus that’ll wipe out civilization but you’re forced to wear a mask and locked in your basement.  You can see where it’s headed.
The World Economic Forum is tied into the WHO and UN pushing for the NWO.  James does show in the video the lunatic Klaus Schwab, who of course will be in the limo’s drivers seat, with the Rockefellers, Rothschilds Khazarian Mafia, military / medical / pharmaceutical / intelligence incompetent agencies / Wall Street Bankers in the back seat.

This is evident with the entire world countries catering to the lock downs in goose step with what these satanists are promoting - they’ll take over the world completely and with your vaxx and AI digital implant, they’ll even know what your thinking.

Deborah Tavares has a good site on ‘Stop the Crime’ stating the chemtrails have nano chemical agents passing the blood brain barrier, that make the people subservient to the lunatics.

Hell, I can remember a few years ago, I posted the nations people will be living in a one room apt, over a Walmart and work stacking shelves, collecting shopping carts and delivering the goods to the rich parked in their Bentleys and barely make enough money to buy food and pay the rent, and have to keep working to stay alive. But now looking back at this prediction, it sounds better than being shipped to a FEMA camp waiting in line to the guillotine snorting a little cyanide, and ending up in a plastic coffin. I suppose I wasn’t that good of a sooth sayer.  But then it’s difficult staying up to speed what the satanists are cooking up at Warp Speed for the masses.  Let's hope the people will wake up before this reset takes place and we’re all prisoners - if we’re still alive.

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48 People Dead After Taking Flu Vaccine in South Korea

Looks like the home cooked vaxx SKYCellflu Quadrivalent isn’t working too good. Some of the US vaxx manufacturers probably used the same chemicals - China claimed a patent on one in Jan 2020, that no doubt the US agents have copied the patent on the CoronaVirus as noted in previous posts.

CORONAVIRUS was funded and patented by Wellcome Trust (UK, fake sold to GlaxoSmithKline), Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, DARPA, DEFRA (UK), World Health Organization, European Commission (EU) via THE PINBRIGHT INSTUTUTE (UK). Note the patent date of Nov. 20, 2018 so this has been cooking for at least a couple of years before that date - hell - and obviously before Event 201.
You’ll notice the mother of all multinational corporations SERCO - this sleezy org is owned by the Crown / Rothschilds and also manages FEMA Region IX where all the fires and destruction is happening and the Rothschilds just happen to own PG&E.  What a nice bunch of guys, ya?  They’ll own the entire west coast and all the people will be forced to leave or sleep on the streets with some in tents, then the Great Reset will happen.  They produce in the mid US of A are being destroyed by rain, floods, now freezing and they’re burning up Colorado as we speak - good thing they had some snow to kill some of the fires.  Of course, the Denver airport has all the DUMBs underneath where the elite can hide when the masses finally wake up and go after them for the carnage going on here and around the world.

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Anthony Fauci: 40 Years of Lies from AZT to Remdesivir

As the planet’s “Virus Tsar” since 1984, he has spread misinformation and ignored critical questions. The consequences could hardly be more fatal.

The initial question alone is unworthy of a journalistic medium:
Dr. Fauci, you once said of yourself that you had‚ a reputation of speaking the truth at all times and not sugarcoating things. Can we hope to get a few samples of previously unspoken truths from you today?”
And Fauci answers:
Of course! I will always give you truth. Just ask the question and I’ll give you the truth. At least to the extent, that I think it is, right [laughs].”

Note, Fauci did state “that I think it is”. Then laughs. He knows what he’s saying is bullshit, you just have to believe him cuz he thinks its right.  The con man and liar in chief - well - next to Biden, Clintons, Bushes and Obama and you can throw in the entire 3 departments in gov’t.

This is the ‘new normal’? Hell it’s been in the works since 1776 and accelerated in 1913 with the Fed but this time they’re all in lockstep.

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And I’ve been looking at houses in the past year or so, and thinking where is the best place to move to from downtown Texico - New Mexico - Florida - Arizona or West Texas where it’s a little drier?  The alt news keeps stating the worst is yet to come, in spite of Trumpkin’s statements of a flourishing economy with the national debt over $27 trillion (that they admit) and going deeper.  Maybe he’s bad at math?  We do appear to be on the edge of collapse of the greatest Ponzi scheme the world has ever seen and it’s gonna suck the world down with it into the rabbit hole swamp surrounding the central banksters.  Madoff was a boy scout compared to what these banksters is forcing the world into.

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Coronavirus cases surge nationwide as voters cast ballots early

Yup, the MSM is publishing the bullshit - you can’t go vote for Trumpkin - stay in your basement and send in your vote via mail in voting. That way the DNC can control the outcome. Remember, what Ol’ Joe Stalin stated “Those who vote decide nothing. Those who count the vote decide everything.”

Read Solzhenitsyn’s “The GULAG ARCHIPELAGO” and one of his quotes was ‘We have arrived at an intellectual chaos’.
Does this ring a bell on WTF is going on today? Soon we’ll have the Order - New Normal!  Achtung Schweinehund

This should be the sign on top of Comet Pizza.

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Abp. Viganò Pens Open Letter to Trump: Resist ‘The Great Reset’

His open letter to President Trump in May warned that the COVID-19 pandemic was being used to usher in a “world government” resulting in permanent loss of personal freedoms. 

Hmm. . . . Vatican Whistleblower?  You mean even some people in the church are smartening up?  That’s good to hear.  And I hate posting a stupid pic of the psycho Gates.
The pope is on the illuminati gravy train with depopulation and ushering the NWO - when will he grow a brain and notice what these evil schmucks are doing or is he part of the pedo orchestrators.
RFK Jr. better watch and take care - lets hope he doesn’t have a Boston Brakes occurrence.

Then we have the “Dark Winter” that keeps popping and appears to replace the term ‘New Normal’ and the puppets are claiming there is a second wave of the nasty COV-19, they’ll name it COV-21 and stick you in your basement with a mask on and needle up your ass loaded with toxic crap that’ll kill you or make you subservient when they switch on 5G.  These crazy fuckers are really going after taking complete control of the world and brings up another question - are they human? Or some alien that’s taken over the brains of the elite Bilderbergers, CFR’s, and Bohemian Grove party goers?  Gates for sure is gone, along with his side kick Fauci, but they, meaning the people with a brain left, need to go after and arrest all central bankers and Rothschilds / Rockefellers and put them on Pennsylvania Ave and line them up on the guillotines FEMA has purchased to eliminate the common folks trying to keep America Great or at least stop it from sinking deeper into the swamp.

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Before and after the “Holocaust”: Jewish population numbers in 1933 and 1948

I did post this a number of times, and this site states similar evidence.

“World Jewish Population between 1933 and 1948 from 15,315,000 to 15,753,000”

Either the Khazars had great reproductive genes or it was a flat ass ‘6 million’ lie to create Israel and the “6 million” number keeps occurring constantly in the Jew Press.  This has made fortunes for the money changers and cause havoc throughout the ME and fuel the Central Banksters and MIC purses and has grown into the big pharma’s pockets - now we got the virus 19, then 21 and they’ll really get rich and we’ll all be in FEMA camps.

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Welcome to the USSA (United Socialist States of Amerika)

Good article on Lew Rockwell’s site by Vasko Kohlmayer - he does get into Marx writing the Manifesto, but doesn’t state into who financed him.  Yup the Rothschilds - the same evil schmucks controlling our Federal Reserve.  We can get into blaming all sorts of evil doers - Marx - Lenin - Stalin - Trotsky - Mao - Castro - Obama  but never get to the source. Divide and conquer - the name of the game by the Klan and we’ll be there sooner than you can think or blink an eye. 
Besides, cyanide has a fairly quick ending of life in the FEMA camp and 2500 gals will go a long way, and it’s most likely a whole lot cheaper than those 30,000 guillotines and billions of ammo DHS and FEMA has purchased. Most likely the goal of the Patriot Act.  Plan of the Klan - Klan, meaning the Khazar Banksters sneaking around behind the curtain with their puppets pushing for the NWO.
Do a search:
FEMA Ordered 102,000 Boxcars With Shackles and Guillotines – Why Are Modern Guillotines On Military Bases Throughout North America?
Agenda 21 / 2030 - and where will we be in 2025, 2020 was a disaster to say the least.

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And gold and silver is starting to go up again - it appears the Wall Street gamblers are running out of paper contracts and will be going after the physical stuff.  I need to check if they have a hedge fund or derivative contract on that stuff.

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Dunno if this is true or not, but it does look interesting.

The one thing that stands out is, Barr is part of the deep state - Trumpkin should have known this, but then why did he pick Pence - he’s part of the same bunch in lockstep or is that goosestep with the NWO creeps. 

Looks like these achtung guys need to practice social distancing - hell - they’d kick their mate in the ass.

Then do a search on PROJECT POGO & PROJECT ZYPHR: This should interest you.

And they murdered Goldberg in June 2019 before Event 201:

This is Important! Whistleblower David Goldberg found dead foaming out of the mouth in June 2019, claimed to have possession of leaked documents of Project Zyphr, which would crash the economy and eliminate targeted political dissidents in 2020/2021, using the cover of a worldwide viral outbreak.

It appears that this operation, "project Zyphr" is currently live and well underway.

Then up comes Coronahoax, economy crashing and the world is lockstep with WHO, CDC, FDA, Big Pharma and the rest of the alphabet criminals!  This isn’t just a local attack on civilization, but the world!!!
You need to log onto BitChute cuz it’s been deleted on YouTube - go figure!
And Goldberg is a Jew!  His first video was over 2 years ago, his last one was around over 1.5 years ago.  
He also states Trumpkin is part of the plan and the nasty Zios have promised him the moon - this needs to be researched a little more.  
An article in June 2019 on VT also deals with Goldberg’s murder - d’ya thinks that’s why they changed their attitude or they fell in line with the Alex Jones scenario.

AMERICA THE BLIGHT: The Method to the Madness Shocker: They Are Telling Us The Purpose Of The Covid-19 Vaccine Is To Tag, Track & ID Us - Certificate OVaccination and ID in 2019
Don’t take the vaxx or get chipped up the ass! 
Lots of heavy metals and chemicals in chemtrails to dumb us down also.
Make sure you take Chlorella or Spirulina with a little ACV and baking soda every day to get rid of the heavy nano sized metals sprayed in the skies that you inhale and drink in contaminated water supplies and penetrates the blood brain barrier that will be set off when the flip the 5G switch.
After a few days of clear skies, t hey started yesterday in downtown Texico.

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The truth behind the Halloween 2020 blue moon, according to an Astronomer

The story didn’t even get into the chemtrails sprayed in the skies - they can make the moon blue, green, yellow, red and poison the atmosphere at the same time.

This was taken around 7:00 AM on 11-3-2020.  I went to vote, then golf and around 4:00 PM there was only a haze in the skies and it looked grey instead of blue.  Just imagine the crap that’s floated down to earth and polluted everything - this may have the Democrat’s plan to send the mind bending chemicals down that alter your thinking process and you’ll go vote for the moron Biden. If Biden gets in, the Agenda 21 creeps will have control and we’ll have wars all over the place - they gotta reduce the population like the Georgia Guide Stones.
Next on the list is check what country to move to.

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In Pennsylvania Trump was ahead by nearly 700,000 votes.
In Michigan Trump was ahead by over 300,000 votes.
In Wisconsin Trump was ahead by 120,000 votes.
But in the middle of the night Democrats went to work stealing the election by fabricating fake voting numbers in Michigan and Wisconsin.
To carry out the fraud, the Dems shut down vote reporting until 3:30 am, and then magically out of nowhere, Biden jumped up 200,000 votes without a single vote for Trump. This is the rigging under way:

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