Saturday, November 21, 2020

“America has the best politicians money can buy.” Will Rogers

I don't make jokes. I just watch the government and report the facts.  
Will Rogers made a lotta quotes that fits in with the politickers and this was what - hell, almost 100 years ago - see (?) - time just never changes anything - and neither does politiks - it’s the same swamp and has gotten infinitely worse since 1913.

Well, the election is over - at least the trip to the voting booth or Dominion software loaded computer with your mask on - but the people working at the voting booth didn’t wear one - hmph - what’s that tell you?
Its a little too early to tell, but Biden or his handlers, has, no doubt, pulled the hanging chad trick - but this is in mail-in voting, ballots missing and thousands of votes just happened to be flushed down the swamp and the voting clerks ran outta fingers plus the thousands of voters who are already dead -  how does that work?  Trump on the other hand will go after the DNC for their chicanery and won’t make much sense talking while kissing Netanyahu’s ass, sorta like a muffled fart and you gotta please the international banksters if you want to succeed in the phony world of politiks.  But then, the Rothschilds / Rockefeller Klan have gotten them a much more better follower of the snake oil salesman - the lame brain Biden, who no doubt will be declared demented in a coupla months after Jan. 20, 2021 and Harris the Kamel will take over for the satanists.
We’re fucked folks!

And I just watched the Mike Harris show on VT with Scott Bennett plus a couple of other commenters Steve Pigeon and Michael J.  The topic was the orchestrated election by the Dems, but no doubt the Dems are owned and manipulated by the Deep State controlled by the banksters.  One of the items that stuck out in my mind, is they all seemed to blame China!  China is not a real democratic institution that supports the people, they support the boys in the back room pulling the strings, not much different than here - and when you look at little deeper, who financed the Chinese revolution - yup - the Rothschilds in concert with the skull and boners, and not any of the moderators even delved into the ‘real source’ of the problems we’re facing.
I do believe Benjamin Fulford is more in line with WTF is really going on, and he’s even stated, the White Dragon Society - do have the mercenaries that will go after the perpetrators in Beijing, Israel, London, Switzerland, DC and other locations of the money masters and eliminate them - which I am in favor of. Get rid of the snake!
Trumpkin needs to go after the schmucks behind the scam, but needs to go farther - go after Israel, but first the Federal Reserve and their owners then there won’t be an Israel. He’s got 90 days +/-, lets see what happens, and I’ll be making a plan on where to move to.

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Former Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich Claims the DemoRats have been stealing votes for years!

Damn, Goblok-ovich makes it on the MSM YouTube. Does this explain anything?

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How the CIA Used Disinformation and the ‘Jakarta Method’ to Change the World

“The Jakarta Method is the intentional mass murder of leftists or people accused of being leftist,” journalist Vincent Bevins told Inside Edition Digital. “It was such a big success that it inspired movements elsewhere around the world, specifically in Latin America.”

And this was around the time when Casey -head of CIA - stated, "We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false”.

And these skumbags are doing this today with Biden, coronahoax, China, Agenda 21, 2025, 2030 and the rest of the criminal exercises of enslavement - these creeps are about as left as you can get - probably Karl Marx would be jealous - but then we need a lotta disinformation to keep the funny money printing going - damn!!! - Need a place to move to.

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I just checked one of my older posts and noted Biden was ‘mentally challenged’ and now this Muther F’k’r is president elect?  Whew - where did the people with a brain go?  I picked Trumpkin - he is the lesser of two evils - now we got Lucifer’s assistant to be in charge - any bets the ‘secret societies’ are lining up in the bailout line?

The neocon scum of the earth rushed to congratulate Joe Biden after the media prematurely declared him the projected winner of the presidential election on Saturday. 

Wait a minute - are these creeps reps or dems?  Or attached to the secret societies that run the US of A? It doesn’t matter, left, right, up or down - as long as they give ‘em the money, that’ll be worthless in a year or two.
And gold just dropped $86.10 - whew - I just lost a B’mer overnite.
And whatchya got since 911 - Patriot Act, DHS, WMD, Arab Spring, Color Revolutions, Obamarama - the queen, and recently we have repo, reverse repo, $quadrillions in derivatives in the gambling den, Covid-19 to disguise the criminal activity of the banksters, then we’ll have a Vaxx to completely dumb down the population and the US of A totally bankrupt now we got the voter fraud - the back room schmucks didn’t like Trump, so they rigged the Dominion electronic voting machines to run the ‘one for me, none for you’ scenario.  If by some stroke of bad luck, the creepy pedo Joe gets in, then that’ll be the end of what we know and the Great Reset will take over and Orwell will roll over in his grave.  FEMA camps will blossom, cyanide will be the perfume of choice and guillotines will be the last frontier before masses hit the plastic coffins they’ve purchased with our tax dollar or more likely the funny money printed by the Fed.  The New Normal.  This has been in the works for a long time and even before 1992 Agenda 21 the UN world puppets signed and when you look at who owns the UN and their subordinate org’s you’ll see what’s the driving force.  Yup - The Reptilian Rothschilds / Rockefellers.

Fox News Either Doesn’t Understand the Trump Movement, or Worse, it Does
Yup, the gotta protect their income from the corporatists and Tucker Carlson just might lose his job.  Hannity ain’t too bright.

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Just a few little tidbits from the news. 

Those BLM guys have all the toys!! Soros gets a discount from the machinery supplier 

There are only 15 lesbian bars left in the entire country.
Only 15? Damn, do they have to wear a mask? Ellen Degenerate can’t tell the difference anyways.

Tens of thousands left the president option blank, though 'undervotes' were down from 2016
Yeah, I know how they thought - it was a question too, but Trumpkin was still the lesser of two evils and when you have a look at all the voter games being played by the dems, it was sorry but the best choice.

Chris Hedges on the task ahead: Will Biden surrender to plutocrats and paralysis?
Creepy Joe has already surrendered, what - 47 years ago when he got into politiks - cuz he didn’t know Shit from Shinola anyways - like most lawyers, those that can’t really fool the justice system, get into politiks - their real savior - and you need to wear a yarmulke along with a masonic ring and bow to Moloch and get circumscribed.

'A scary number' of retail companies are facing bankruptcy amid the coronavirus pandemic
Damn, that’s over 50 major companies now, but Walmart and Amazon keep on truckin’ and Windows adding more spy shit to the software.  And the USPS will keep going - they’ve messed up with the mail-in voting and got caught, but the management is part of the Klan and only do what their master-baters tell them.

12 Life Lessons Queen Elizabeth Follows for Good Health
Damn, can you imagine, I ventured into this article and no where does it say she sucks up Adrenochrome!

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They gonna free the shit out of everyone 

Yup, the central bankers method of installing freedom and democracy, bomb the shit out of them!!!  Can you imagine what the MIC bonuses have been in the past 100 years?  And they killed millions of women and children. Nice buncha guys ya?

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Whistleblower Drops Hard Evidence, Biden, Obama, Hillary Executed Seal Team 6, Audio Proof! 

This was a little video on Next News Network and Anna Khait was the lady being interviewed but it does leak out what might be coming down the road - outlandish treason with the phony assassination of Osama bin Laden and the seal team was eliminated in the event they may whistleblow the truth - besides, that was fake anyways, due to he died from complications of renal failure in December 2001.
You’d need to do a search on BitChute since YouTube has wiped it off their site.  It does have the Alex Jones scenario to a degree - but you need to make up your own mind.

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Trump Has Reportedly Been Asking About Pardons for Himself, His Family, and More

Then I read this on MSM.  Trump gonna pardon himself and family?  Did he do something wrong? Hell, that’s politiks - they do everything wrong and he’s no exception!  Look what that f’k’n Biden and family has done - corruption at the highest or probably lowest level - you can’t get any worse than that with $300 million in a Swiss bank - and doesn’t even come close to the Clinton / Bush pirating  The schmuck Biden hasn’t turned a wheel in over 40 years - just politikering with corruption hand in hand.  Throw in the MIC, big pharma and banksters - hell that’s the bottom of the swamp.  Sorry to keep on repeating myself!

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Prince Charles Takes Fossil Fueled Flight To Proclaim Climate Change (scam) An “Existential Threat”

This idiot Chuck - ee - Cheese must have an IQ bordering in the (-) range and takes a jet to push some global warming bullshit. Besides, he wanted to turn into a tampon and go up Camilla’s you know where - regardless how disgusting that place is if it matches her ugly face.  It appears the Rothschilds are pushing their fake royalty to take the hit so no one will blame them on the NWO coming up after the Great Reset when the people actually grow a brain and go after the skum! Besides, the world is running out of Wuhan Coronavirus laced Adrenochrome for the elite.

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Fines issued in Manitoba as more than 100 protesters gather in Steinbach to protest COVID-19 restrictions

The Canucks are brighter than the sheep here (?) - the ‘Yak - She - Myish’ bunch are protesting?
Some protesters could be heard cursing at enforcement officers issuing fines to people who broke public health rules.
You’ll note the ‘public Health’ statement - the Gates coercive home cooked virus at Event 201 - and ya gotta keep the sheep at a social distance with a mask.
Which brings up another question(s) -
  • You can’t go outside, unless its for bare necessities or essential work and gotta wear a mask 
  • the f’k’n mask doesn’t do a damned thing to stop any virus, just maybe some snot or spit 
  • you can go to a restaurant, wear a mask in and out, but you can take it off while eating
  • you can’t gather in a group larger than 6, 
  • but the Antifa and BLM schmucks can riot, destroy property, steal goods from small business and drive Walmart and Bezos competition bankrupt
  • you can’t use, not so real money, cuz the virus sticks to it and you’ll spread it around but the banksters are hoarding it in their sanitized vaults
  • hell, I could go on and on but you can see where it’s heading -
  • in the not so distant future we’ll be in FEMA camps in line to the guillotine.
The Plan of the Klan

‘Shove Your New World Order Up Your *ss!’ — London Erupts in Protest Against Lockdown

The people of the world are smartening up to the Hoax!!!

And Oh Kanader comes up with the “Quarantine Act” damn even they’re following the satanist program for enslavement!  But Pierre Puck’s son Justin is just following orders - gimmee the money and I’ll do what you want.

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4 Stages of Ideological Subversion By Yuri Bezmenov - ex KGB - 1984

I posted this before, but the year Bezmenov published this does ring a bell.

DEMORALIZATION - educate an entire generation in Marxist Ideology

DESTABILIZATION - economy, foreign relations, and defense systems

CRISIS - violent change of power, structure and economy

NORMALIZATION - period of stability (until the next cycle reaches crisis point)

So where are we now - demoralization, with the new generation dumbed down with Common Core, is past so destabilization is where we’re at now with the covid scam - and the GREAT RESET is part of Marxism to keep you in line with the goal of the master-baters the Global Commissars are engineering through the CoVid pandemic (a live exercise that Pompeo noted) and UN Agenda 21.

The Crisis - violent change of power is underway with the election shenanigans and vote manipulation by Dominion computer software that Gates has his fingers in along with the DNC to take the votes away from Trumpkin and this very well may involve a revolution.

Normalization ‘the New Normal’ will be right around the corner when the biotech and re-engineered human genome on a mass scale with the Vaxx that probably has nothing to do with stopping a virus only to transform the sheeple into obedient slaves all squealing ‘Yassah Massah’!

Protocols of Zion 5.11 lists the creation of the first supernatural world state - but this is run by the Central Bankers in Basel Switzerland and City of London and the world will be communist under control of the banksters. But they’ll run the world out of Israel, in case the sheeple grow a brain and attack the skum, and they’ll be sitting in their villa in the Alps counting their shekels.

Australia is a classic example, with California in tow - burned to the ground and they tried it in Colorado, now storms will devastate the burnt out patches and floods to erode the surface off and stop growing food.

The Whackos are hard a work and have been for hundreds of years.

The solution(?) don’t give up your AR15 and ammunition and be prepared - have plenty of Indomie on hand in case the stores are closed or bankrupt!!  
And now it’s time to make a tee time - damn, the club is closed on Mondays.

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The growing web "troll" industry - Yes, it's real and it's big business

Turkey hired 6000 people, Canada, Israel, China and other countries are hiring government shills to post online social media, fake poop to trick the people - “yup this is true, I just read it on Twitter, CNN and Yahoo”.

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New Company to fill U.S. Military Vacuum

Ben Fulford indicated this on his weekly post - and the new military bunch (they’ll change the name from al Qaida and  ISIS to ‘hallelujah saviors’ for our pirating the world’s wealth) will take over from the US when they pull out of the ME and other areas of war.  Looks like Trumpkin may have read my message I sent a coupla months ago - but then the secret societies really don’t want peace to function - there’s no money in peace, only wars and slaughter of people headed for the NWO.
The comments to the article lists Corey Good, David Wilcox, Abby Martin and others who do go against the hierarchy listed as the MSM.
One thing is our military will be sent back the US of A, but the mercenaries who’ll take their place is questionable and will things ever change - besides, Soros, Rockefeller and Rothschilds money goes a long way - unless their heads are chopped off.

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“Next Crisis Bigger than COVID” – Power Grid/Finance Down – WEF

Jeremy Jurgens, WEF Managing Director:
“I believe that there will be another crisis. It will be more significant. It will be faster than what we’ve seen with COVID. The impact will be greater, and as a result the economic and social implications will be even more significant.”

Ol’ Jerkins must be related to the psycho Klaus Schwab.  So it does appear they’re at it again, or have never stopped. . .and we’ll be in real trouble but the real assholeos will be in their tax funded DUMBs.  Don’t sell your gold yet or give up your weapons.

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Mask of Virtue: Behind the Guise of Domestic Terrorism & Regime Change 

Yup - Hickory Klingon and Soros the skum.  And note the term ‘Philanthropy’ - gimmee the money!!

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And a little more on the Great Reset.
So … Who Pressed the Great Reset Button?

Posted on James Corbett “The Corbett Report”

The Grand Plan
In her blog post “The Great Reset for Dummies,” Tessa Lena summarizes the purpose behind the call for a global “reset”:3
“The mathematical reason for the Great Reset is that thanks to technology, the planet has gotten small, and the infinite expansion economic model is bust — but obviously, the super wealthy want to continue staying super wealthy, and so they need a miracle, another bubble, plus a surgically precise system for managing what they perceive as ‘their limited resources.’
Thus, they desperately want a bubble providing new growth out of thin air — literally — while simultaneously they seek to tighten the peasants’ belts, an effort that starts with ‘behavioral modification,’ a.k.a. resetting the western peasants’ sense of entitlement to high life standards and liberties (see awful ‘privilege’).
The psychological reason for the Great Reset is the fear of losing control of property, the planet. I suppose, if you own billions and move trillions, your perception of reality gets funky, and everything down below looks like an ant hill that exists for you. Just ants and numbers, your assets. Thus, the practical aim of the Great Reset is to fundamentally restructure the world’s economy and geopolitical relations based on two assumptions:
One, that every element of nature and every life form is a part of the global inventory (managed by the allegedly benevolent state, which, in turn, is owned by several suddenly benevolent wealthy people, via technology).
And two, that all inventory needs to be strictly accounted for: be registered in a central database, be readable by a scanner and easily ID’ed, and be managed by AI, using the latest ‘science.’
The goal is to count and then efficiently manage and control all resources, including people, on an unprecedented scale, with unprecedented digital … precision — all while the masters keep indulging, enjoying vast patches of conserved nature, free of unnecessary sovereign peasants and their unpredictability.”

As reported by Fox News:30
“A radical movement called the Great Reset embraced by some Democrats poses a grave threat to liberty and free markets in the United States and around the world … The Great Reset is perhaps the biggest danger to capitalism and individual rights since the collapse of the Soviet Union …
It would destroy the current capitalist system and replace it with progressive and modern socialist systems, with a special emphasis placed on eco-socialist policies … Policy ideas offered by ‘Great Reset’ advocates include government-provided basic income programs, universal health care, massive tax increases and the Green New Deal …
For example, at a campaign event on July 9, Biden said we need to end the ‘era of shareholder capitalism,’ a major part of the Great Reset proposal that would alter how companies are evaluated, elevating social justice causes and climate change concerns over property rights …
The Build Back Better plan comes straight from the Great Reset’s playbook … As recently as July 13, the World Economic Forum promoted ‘building back better’ through ‘green’ infrastructure programs as part of the Great Reset …”

Global Asset Reallocations Will Not Benefit ‘the People’


As posted by Bill Sardi
Who is behind The Great Reset?  The International Monetary Fund; The World Bank; The United Nations; The World Health Organization; Mastercard; Microsoft; Blackrock; Most billion-dollar corporations that plan to gain an anticompetitive position.  He didn’t list the World Economic Forum, but then it’s all owned by the Rothschilds Khazarian Mafia and they gonna take your money.

One fight in particular that I don’t see us being able to evade is the fight against mandatory COVID-19 vaccinations. If we don’t take a firm stand against that and fight for the right to make our own choice, there will be no end to the medical tyranny that will follow. As noted in the Covert Geopolitics article:32
“As you might have guessed, ‘the most important anchor of recovery’ is for a COVID-19 vaccination … The implication is that without a vaccine the world will be unable to return to any sense of normality, particularly in terms of open interaction with your fellow man …
You can actually participate in the global efforts to cripple the Deep State organized criminal cabal’s ability for genocide, while enjoying healthcare freedom at the same time, by boycotting Big Pharma for good.”

And more and more people are waking up to the hypocrisy and flat ass lies about this pandemic to further the complete enslavement of the world’s populations by the totally insane satan worshippers pushing the NWO.
The New Normal!

You can check Corbett’s site and listen to the entire podcast.

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“There is no difference between communism and socialism, except in the means of achieving the same ultimate end: communism proposes to enslave men by force, socialism – by vote. It is merely the difference between murder and suicide.”~ Ayn Rand (1988)

Good observation!  But the article by Gary Bennett doesn’t get into the lives lost in the expansion of capitalism and greed, when you examine the history from Alexander the Great, Genghis Khan, to the modern military industrial and pharmaceutical complex owned by the Rothschilds / Rockefeller banksters - billions of lives have been sacrificed by the greedies, throw in the puppet Gates, WHO, CDC, FDA we’ll see the world coming to an end as we know it. 

"Give me control of a nation's money and I care not who makes it's laws" — Mayer Amschel Bauer (Rothschild)

And you’ll note the first word in his statement “give” but the satanist and his cohorts ‘took’ by swindle and extortion.

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Weather channel founder destroys the climate change narrative live on CNN

I ain’t saying anymore!  Hahaha - about time the truth comes out. But in the meantime - the global climate change bullshit is still going on and little Greta is having a PMS attack but she’s been coached and groomed well - makes you wonder - were there any pedos involved?  Just think how much $$$ the assholeos can collect from the carbon tax and the New Green bullshit coming down the road - let’s hope Biden goes to an assisted senior living retirement home before he fucks up ‘mer’ka.

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Mouthwash found to kill coronavirus within seconds
Mouthwash may kill coronavirus in a lab but it won't stop transmission among people

Yeah - don’t believe the shit on the alt media that the ‘real’ doctors are stating this Cov-19 is bullshit and you don’t have to wear a mask. 

35 places you're most likely to catch COVID (another twisted fabricated article)

Damn, the MSM is going beyond stupid attempting to terrorize the people - and no where did they mention the IHOPs in Blok M in Jakarta are closed.  I wonder if JokoWi passed a law that made this legal and part of essential business - damn - can you imagine how many people (well, mostly ladies) would be unemployed and their little kiddies won’t have any bubur?
Top Pathologist Claims Coronavirus is “The Greatest Hoax Ever Perpetrated on an Unsuspecting Public”
Says “masks are utterly useless.”
Everyone should check with Dr. Russell Blaylock 

And there’s more:

Dr. Roger Hodkinson, Chairman of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons committee in Ottawa

This Is the Biggest Hoax Ever Perpetrated on an Unsuspected Public
He’s speaking about the Coronahoax and stated 1 in 300,000 die. 
Hell - This is no where near people dying in traffic accidents - 12 in 100,000.  Maybe should ban cars(?) and comments to his speech were the Corona Vaxx will kill substantially more people than the virus.  The Plan of the Klan.

And even more:

Dr Mikovits: Vaccine Could Kill Tens of Millions in America

Time to wake up folks!!!

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Here you have the devil in disguise - Marina Abramovic and the psycho Jake Rothschild - they’re hanging around to engage in a little spirit cooking - or maybe chopping up a little child - whatever turns them on.  Sick bunch of mother f’k’rs.

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Fraudski knows he doesn’t need a mask - but the sheeple do - again - the Plan of the Klan - enslave the dumb shit’s listening to MSM.

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