Thursday, May 14, 2020

“In the Time of Universal Deceit Telling the Truth is a Revolutionary Act” - Orwell.

“The worst evils which mankind has ever had to endure were inflicted by bad governments.” ~ Ludwig Von Mises (1985)

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Where do I start with this new post?

I think I’ve covered almost all of the horrific events caused by the not-so-crafty boneheads in the banking sector and most comments are redundantly hitting the nail on the head.  And of course there’s the coronavirus that keeps the tv filled full of bullshit to scare the crap out of people.  This virus, if you’re healthy isn’t much different than a bad cold or the flu.
Oh, and anything that sounds like “remdesivir” don’t even come close to it - it’s tainted with Gates and Fauci virus that looks like a Benjamin, it’ll kill you eventually and they’ll go to the bank.

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Here’s one - I responded to the Trump campaign money trail that they keep sending when I don’t donate anymore.
Any bets it reached the Donald?

Don Jr.
I’ve donated to the president on at least 3 occasions. I have sent him messages over the ‘White House’ mailing and reply section and I am disappointed also.
I have never received one response on what I’ve suggested.
I will not donate again until some of the suggestions are put into place
1. Shut down all bioweapons labs in the world - over 25 of them
2. Shut down the Federal Reserve
3. Stop the wars and bring our girls and boys home
4. Arrest the 9/11 perpetrators including the PNAC crew
5. Follow attorney Vincent Bugliosi’s direction of arresting the Bush gang on the 911 and unjustified wars killing millions of people
6. Shut down the City of London financial district and arrest the Rothschilds and Rockefeller’s
There are many more on the path to peace and prosperity, but we can start with this.  Accomplish 1 item, and I may consider contributing more.


No reply - I wonder why?

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9 Simulations, Drills and Laws that Planned and Prepared for the Coronavirus

They planned for this little exercise - posted on RBN 5-2-20, Published on “The Freedom Articles” and you can access on the net.   I think I’ve covered some of these in this blog, going from JFK, to 911, WMD, Boston Bombing, Sandy Hook etc.  One item of interest is, the drill Dark Winter June 2001 (anthrax bullshit) was attended by John Hopkins Center for Health and Security and then 19 years later up comes Event 201 and they were connected also, including the Gates Foundation and a bunch of other psychos and one in particular was Robert Kadlec, connected to the 2001 exercise, was put in charge of the 2020 CV19 Health and Human Services.  Damn, put a lunatic from a past criminal exercises into the recent ones?  What’s that tell you?  D’ya thinks Gates was connected too? Yup! Connect this to the MSEHPA (Model State Emergency Health Powers Act) is a public health act originally drafted by the CDC in 2001, and it also included ‘forced vaccinations’.  Is the cloudy cesspool becoming more clear?  Hell, now you can see to the bottom of the swamp and all the dwellers wringing their blood soaked fingers sitting in a circle and snorting a little Vaxx - loaded with an opioid to keep them high.  Connect this with The Project Bioshield Act of 2004, they can inject you while you're chained to the cross and the 2010 Rockefeller Foundation Paper and The New Normal in Lock Step with the Military outlining how they control the people.  Problem - Reaction - Solution scenario.  And going on for over 20 years, or more like the past 200+ years when the bankers took control.

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Damn, with all the stores and shops closed, I couldn’t get a hair cut, and watching my wife clip Lulu the Shit Zoo’s hair, I asked her if she could do mine.  Well, after she finished with hair all over the floor, in my nose and eyes, I went and looked in the mirror and presto, I looked just like Lulu, a rag-a-muffin-shithead. 

But not nearly as cute - Lulu is the winner by far. . . .

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I enjoy David Icke’s podcasts too - but pay attention and listen - and that’s if its still up on the web.  YouTube has censored Icke now Ben Fulford, but you can get him on but it costs you 50 cents or something, I suppose he needs the money.

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Donald Trump attacks George W. Bush after the latter does a coronavirus video

Bush better go hide someplace, Vincent T. Bugliosi published a book on the deception of 911 and will go after Bush, but Cheney was the lame brain, and the rest of the PNAC crew orchestrating that horrific event. The same people that did that, are also involved with the CV19 circus and geoengineering, bioweapons labs around the world and more. . .Billy Gates is also involved - do a search on Bill Gates and Chemtrails - he’s given Harvard $3 million to simulate or conduct the study on global warming - then factor the snow in the northern states and Canada in May - it sort of contradicts the scenario of global warming - well - they call it climate change now and yesterday the skies were laced with trails spreading out to a haze here in southern Texico.  I also read an article about Apple 666 - this electromagnetic field sterilizes people - reduces sex drive and women’s egg are hardened and the little sperm can’t penetrate it - do a search, I’m not bullshitting you. Take the iPhones and iPads away from your children!!!

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Reopening states will cause 233,000 more people to die from coronavirus, according to Wharton model

Lets put in some hypothetical numbers in the Windows 10 computer and see what the results are - yup, there's a virus in there and billions of people will die, damn, a great ‘model’ to run the operations - oh, and buy this patch, stick it on our glutamatus maximus and we can track you, manage your bank account and kill you if we have to when you start using your brain and discover all this is fake! Then, if you're still alive, you'll obey Dr. FrankenFauci and take the Vaxx and get the Gates Bar Code on your ass, and Billy Gates, the Incompetent, will make more wealth!

And some more comments on articles you need to hear.

Dr Witch Birx is part of the NIH crew that Fauci runs on the behalf of Gates. If you believe these people, you'll believe the WTC bldgs fell down from office fire and there really is a Santa Claus.  Oh, and I have this bridge I can sell you, cheap!

This is another MSM conn job on the people by Fauci, nobody wants to listen to his psycho - Trump should have fired him and brought in Dr. Ron Paul, at least he has a brain and not bought and paid for by Gates and big Pharma. This is the plan, microchip everyone, except the psychos, and control the world and finance - the hell with health. Dr. Rashid Buttar has a better knowledge of the quackery in NIH, CDC, FDA all for the goal of money, power and NWO!!

Did China ever acknowledge the $3.7 million our gov't via NIH gave them during Obama's reign and continued on to Trump’s? Even the Bush and Obama admin ended up giving various labs in China $millions.  This smells like bat excrement here - somewhere - everywhere.

A new article came out that Dr. Birx did a 180 and stated she doesn’t believe any info from the CDC. She must be trying to protect her future when all this fake pandemic is brought out in the open.

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What Happened to the Land of the Free?

Home of the Brave? First you need this Vaxx - until then, you need to stay holed up in your basement, if you croak, nobody will find you until they come and arrest you for not paying your taxes, by then you’ll be a rancid pile of crap and the bank can take over your property and sell it to the Gates Foundation for pennies.

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 Creepy Joe at work.  #gofondleme.

This guy is a real creep and should apply for a job at TSA.

Hillary, as per Fox News Anna Paulina, is ‘like herpes’ because she ‘won’t go away’. She has endorsed Joe Biden for the presidency.

Good observatin’ of the Wicked Witch of the East! But when Biden is kicked out of the presidential candidate - guess who will take his place - any bets? - yup, Hickory Klingon.

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Dr. Anthony Fauci Dismisses Claims Virus Was Made In Or Escaped From Chinese Lab

Does anybody really believe this proven liar? This schmuck including Birx, Gates, WHO, CDC, EPA and other corrupt government agencies - hell, all of them - that only conduct activities to satisfy big Pharma and should be tried for RICO. This is almost as corrupt as the DOD, Federal Reserve and military industrial complex - do you notice AIPAC is lurking in the shadows?

Dr. Judy Mikovits Exposes Gates, Fauci, Corrupt Science | Blacks Targeted by NIH, CDC

Do a search and this doctor has been arrested and jailed and tried in court for going against the medical incompetent complex and our blatantly corrupt government officials on the dole. And the MSM is discrediting her in every chance they get, if they say one thing - look in the other direction for the truth.

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Israel's government research agency says it successfully isolated a key coronavirus antibody, paving the way for a possible breakthrough treatment

Really? The bioweapons labs in Israel have cooked up many diseases and amazing they have the cure for one cooked up in Wuhan and Ft Detrick? And the Likudniks really need the $3.8 billion every year or our tax dollar to pay off the main stream media partners in crime (Project Mockingbird) and bribe our politickers that only serve the corporate fascist bankrupt state controlled by international bankers. It won't be long for the NWO communists to take control.

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Just some crap to entertain you!

The one eyed sign - they own you!
And this idiot joined forces with the Gates Foundation - note the shirt with the devil on the cross.  They all belong to the same satanic club and you ain’t in it! Hail Moloch!
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Benjamin Fulford: Secret Space Force Flushed Out via the Pandemic?
Trumpkin stated this would be the new branch of military, but methinks this has been in the works for many years and part of where the $21 trillion dollars the DOD and HUD just can’t seem to find out where it went.  And Musk is sending Space X up and positioning many satellites around the world - any bets this has 5G transmitters installed and when the heavy metals get lodged in your brain from the chemtrails, and with the new improved Vaxx with the electronic chip they’ll flip the switch and the sheeple will head to the slaughterhouse fumbling in their pockets for the digital dollar that’ll replace the Ponzi Petrodollar? It sho’ looks like something sinister is coming down the road folks - time to wake the f’k up!
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Dr. Marc Siegel: Coronavirus vaccine creation at warp speed – This is science, government at their best

You gotta be joking!  Trump did a 180 and now is pushing for this criminal activity ‘Operation Warp Speed’?  I guess, snorting a little formaldehyde won’t work.  He’s joined the ranks of Gates and Company and enforced Vaxx that nobody knows WTF is inserted in there, then you’ll have a microchip?  Fauci has been in collusion with the Wuhan lab for a number of years and even funneled $3.7 billion of our tax dollar for them to continue with the development of this virus that was in collusion with the US biolab in NC and Ft. Detrick as stated by many people that have been thrown in jail for objecting the direction Gates, Fauci and Birx are pushing. We need a big flush handle in the swamp in DC and stop these psychos from ruining America. Arrest them and hang them on Pennsylvania Ave.

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Oh No! It Was Long Planned!!

This HR 748 was started in January of 2019 to protect against excessive taxation on health care provided to employees by business - then massaged, fumbled and bumbled into the ‘Care Act’ that Trumpkin signed in March 2020.  Now we have the above ‘Operation Warp Speed’.
These schmucks creating ‘models’ from computer simulated exercises that predicts the deaths of hundreds of millions of people, like the Swine Flu, H1N1, H5N1, SARS, MERS and other little tests of skill of the eugenics and other nasty programs carried out at the Imperial College in the UK, that’s associated with the Gates Foundation, imagine that. The actual results of infection, death or disability amount to maybe 0.001% of the ‘model’ and you really don’t know who wrote the model program - Bill Gates? He couldn’t find his ass with either hand, only his wallet.
In 2002, Arnold S. Relman, then a professor of medicine at Harvard University suggested that  ‘’the medical profession is being bought by the pharmaceutical industry, not only in terms of the practice of medicine, but also in terms of teaching and research. The academic institutions of this country [USA]  are allowing themselves to be the paid agents of the pharmaceutical industry. I think it’s disgraceful.’’
Obvious statement, he should have added ‘criminal’ and Arnold probably lost his job - there’s no money in cures - “keep giving them poison that only prolongs the illness and we make a fortune” is the goal of the pharmaceutical industry.  Come to think of it, Rockefellers pushed this agenda back in the early 1900’s when they quit selling snake oil and orchestrated this con on humanity and through their amazing and generous philanthropy, financed the twisted goal of the medical profession and their teachings - to make a big buck - the hell with useless eaters saving lives.

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 The Rothschild’s Global Crime Syndicate and How It Works

Do a search and read about these criminals also “The Hidden Powers Behind the Destruction of America”
Gates, Soros and the rest of the multi billionaires etc., are simply puppets with tax free deposits in offshore accounts. The only reason why I voted for Trump is that he wasn’t controlled by the cabal, although he owed them megamillions in bailout money.  But then, the future will tell and it’s coming down hard with all the social distancing and criminal laws being instituted by the corrupt satanic government.
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Kesha Has Been Using Butt Masks with Her Boyfriend While Social Distancing at Home
I was wondering if wearing this mask in public, what protects the others when you let out a little flatulence? I suppose those little viruses have mutated into something else, then you get the coronafart disease.
Damn, I don’t know why I even looked at this article - yup - holed up in the room - but gonna be a nice day and will play 18.  And hell, shot one over my age - it’s getting easier the older I get.
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Get Ready for the Next Game-Changer: the Digital Yuan

An article on RBN, but when you connect the dots, this is controlled by the nasties in City of London and Bale Switzerland, Bank of International Settlement (BIS).  Step back and look at who financed the PRC - and who were Mao’s finance and propaganda officers? - Yup Jews inserted by the Rothschilds.  Mao Zedong was a Yale Skull and Boner in the Yale University establishment in China in 1921-22 The Yali Academy, sponsored by guess who - yup the Rockefellers and of course the opium trade went sky high and interconnected dots tied in all the nazis in our government and financial district.  (Sorry - I don’t mean to give the Nazis a bad name)

With the exception during the Carter administration, every U.S. Ambassador to Beijing, since Kissinger’s deal with Mao Zedong was a member of the Skulls and Bones.

But getting back to the digital yuan, this is another test like the coronavirus - see - it kills many people, not the disease, the Vaxx we’re cooking up in Ft Detrick, Haifa, Durham, Wuhan and Tbilisi including the other 25 bioweapons labs surrounding Russia and Iran will do the trick.  Just think how the digital yuan will destroy all the world’s hard working people’s wealth.  “We turn the switch and they can’t use this digit to pay the rent or pay the guy in the noodle shop”.  When the test is over, we can curse and swear at the Chinese for doing this horrible exercise in controlling the wealth, but in the meantime we’ll be upgrading the Ponzi computer model in the Federal Reserve and City of London so they can play games and predict elimination of millions more people and steal their money.  Hell, then we’ll control the world!!!  But damn, who the hell will take out the garbage?  And what about all that gold stored around the world, no problem, they’ll be dead and we’ll have a digitized gold finder that can smell where its’ buried.

The power elite’s favorite means of controlling people is the dialectical process. This often involves creating a “threat” to a particular population. For example, the terrorist threat after 9/11 caused Americans to be willing to give up certain of their freedoms which they had been unwilling to give up before 9/11.

‘Problem - reaction - solution’ - game of the new century!  Look at what we’re giving up now - freedom - welcomed enslavement - unemployment - financial destruction and get a Vaxx and digital implant.

The Sooth of 2020!

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One of the reasons why the elite are backing this lunatic Biden and what are the motives!  This was just endorsed by the left wheeling democrats representatives - lets hope it is blocked by the Senate. They did work in the Satanic numbers in this new 

With H.R.6666 created: To authorize the Secretary of Health and Human Services to award grants to eligible entities to conduct diagnostic testing for COVID-19, and related activities such as contact tracing, through mobile health units and, as necessary, at individuals’ residences, and for other purposes, we get a huge look at what ‘as necessary, at individuals’ residences’ really means in the 1st video at the bottom of this story from Ventura County, Commie-fornia. 
(Hmph - No video available to copy from “The Daily Coin”

Democrat presidential candidate Joe Biden stating earlier this week “let’s use the coronavirus to fundamentally transform America”, should that ‘transformation’ be designed to usher in tyranny as we’re now witnessing in California and some arguing that California will be a model for ‘contact tracing’ in America, and now HR 6666 on the table, as some of those commenter’s argued, “Time’s up”, “it’s going to get ugly”.

If Trumpkin wants to Make America Great Again, then he needs to step in and stop this tyranny and he better get going quick!  “Never let a disaster go to waste” - the motto of the deep state puppets.

Bill Gates offered House of Reps $10m bribe for speedy passage of compulsory vaccine bill – CUPP alleges

And this was in Nigeria - I suppose Gates hasn’t eliminated all the Africans out of Africa yet, Malaria, HIV/AIDS, Ebola Vaxx didn’t work too well, but we got this new improved and untested CV19 Vaxx - and in 2011, the Gates Vaxx killed or crippled almost 50K children in India.

But its money in the bank.  Are you sure this psycho is human?

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“The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organised habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country.” ~ Edward L. Bernays (1930). “Propaganda”

Eddy was right, and the propaganda expert of the world. And it’s going absolutely out of control as we speak, or rather Gates spouts off the bullshit while we watch TV, sleep, eat and go hide in the closet AND you don’t have a job.  But we have to wait until we get our $1200 check - Wall Street gets $trillions - we get the Vaxx.

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Proposal to give $2,000 per month to Americans gains traction in Senate

Aww come on now! Is this being funded by Gates or Big Pharma, or the Fed printing more funny money driving us deeper in debt?  These assholeos will do anything for the people to accept the Vaxx or better yet, keep ‘em locked up in their basement, but then they can’t get out and spend all this free money and will end up crippled, or dead when they get the life saving Vaxx cooked up in Wuhan, the subsidiary of Ft. Detrick.  The Chinese have already patented the Vaxx remdesivir or however you spell it, now Gilead will assume it here. This pill only costs $1000, Hydroxychloroquine only costs 64 cents - what’s that tell you.

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Trump says coronavirus will 'go away without a vaccine'

Oops, there goes the Donald’s campaign contributions from Big Pharma. Maybe he does have a brain! The story goes farther and sites Fauci as ‘a leading expert on infectious diseases’, I suppose it was a misnomer or mistake on Yahoo News editor’s notes - that f’k’n Fauci is a criminally insane psycho on the dole from Gates.

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Discredited Doctor and Sham ‘Science’ Are the Stars of Viral Coronavirus Documentary ‘Plandemic’

Plandemic - pulled from YouTube? I suppose you need to look the other direction to find the truth, if MSM discredits something or somebody, then it's a coverup to protect the psychos in power. 
Like "We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." William Casey
Funny he died right after he made that statement - probably shot with a cancer poison dart.

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And this really takes the cake!

This was posted on YouTube under “Kill Bill - Closing the Gates of Hell.  And guess who this little girlie is - Yup - Bill Gates in 1963.
At first, I thought that was a dumb movie about killing people then I noticed the “Closing the ‘Gates’ of Hell”, it made me think it just might be about our little Billy Boy or is that Girl.
Microsoft Founder Bill Gates ‘Comes Out’ As Homosexual
Article posted on Empire News, November 2014.  Hmmm. . .I never checked but does Melinda have an Adam’s Apple?
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Nearly one-third of Americans believe a coronavirus vaccine exists and is being withheld, survey finds

I haven't had a flu or anything shot in over 25 years and have never had the flu, I did get an ear infection after I flew from Dubai to Erbil with all the passengers coughing and choking along the way, but the site medic gave me some ear drops and it cleared up. This Covid-19 is a scam cooked up in bioweapons labs. Why doesn't the CDC/NIH/WHO explain the $3.7 million given to the Wuhan lab? These schmucks have been cooking up this stuff to take the people's minds off the criminal activity at the Federal Reserve and Wall Street that will bankrupt the world, then the Rothschilds Khazarian Mafia can take over.

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FDA authorizes first coronavirus antigen test

Amazing the FDA is making a test - I thought all they knew what to do was to count money - even then they get into trouble when they run out of fingers - let’s cook up a model on the Windows 10 and fool the people.  And take a look at the WH task force, Fauci, Redfield and Hahn - a pile of corrupt bovine excrement - Trump needs to clean house, and throw out the idiot Kushner along with the swarm of carpet baggers.

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While snooping around the net, I just had to add this picture.  

Notice the similarity?  Fidel weighed a little more than Justin.

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It started in 2019 and before, the weather manipulated warfare being implemented, droughts, floods, fires, unseasonal cold weather now with ridiculous heat coming - now we have the biowarfare created virus, destroyed economy and funny money pumped into bankrupt corporations and inflated Ponzi stock market and depression related unemployment with digital currency looming in the near future. We’ll have food shortages, locked in our homes wearing masks with social distancing and a toxic Vaxx cooked up by the Gates criminal foundation in conjunction with Wuhan and Ft. Detrick that you will be forced to receive to shorten your life span. Most of the children will suffer from paralysis or become autistic or die. Population control by the whackos.
Is this the future? Better stock up on ammunition and keep your AK47 greased up cuz they’re coming for your wealth and throw you in a FEMA camp.
This has been in the works since before 1992 and sustainable development Agenda 21 / 2030. The psychos are taking control for the NWO.  And you can imagine what a loaf of bread will cost next year.

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And They're Gone! The Obscenity of Dr. Fauci's Jobs-Mageddon

The alt news sites pick on Fauci, given the fact he’s a whacko like Gates, but he’s simply a bought and paid for puppet, hell, even Gates is also along with the other schmuck billionaires. The money boys rule, that being said, when you look at WTF has gone on in the past 6 months, the world has gone down the toilet like a lousy software system, or worse. These psychos in the Council of 13 gotta be sitting around a the witches caldron, cackling and giving each other the one eye or bullshit sign - I’d give them the one fingered salute - and with their little calculator figuring out, “hell, this virus is cheaper than the 911 debacle and we’ll make 1000x the amount of money - gotta give Gates a little pat up his dress for coming up with this great idea along with Fauci and big pharma, WHO, CDC FDA, EPA, CIA, damn - these guys cost us $trillions.
Hell, we’ll be able to buy all the property from the 47 million people unemployed, house them in the FEMA camp and open the cyanide bottle, then factor in the rest of the world - SHIT, the new world will be ours!!!

Throw in the committee of 300, freemasons, Jesuits, Opus Dei, knights of Malta, Knights Templar, illuminati, Rosicrucians, Yale college skull and bones, Bohemian grove, Priory of Sion are down the list of the pyramid.
Tie in all the dots it points to the reptilians (dunno about this) but the Q of E shape shifts on occasion chugalugging some adrenochrome.

 Article on Truthseeker - “Why do we still trust these people” the Satanists in control.
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Bill Gates Operative Vows To Exterminate “All Whites” In The US To End Opposition To Vaccines
Excerpted From Infowars: 2009.  Dr. Carol Baker of Houston is caught on tape proposing that society “get rid of all the whites in the United States” to reduce the number of “vaccine refusers.”
This has been going on for years, now it’s happening - soon the remdisivir will be mandatory and they’ll come around in armored vehicles with armed mercenaries from Prince’s Blackwater, to give you a shot, if you resist, they’ll take you to the FEMA camp or shoot you on the spot - whichever comes first.  There are some real whackos in charge here.  Trump better step in and start arresting them, start with Gates, Fauci and the rest of the corrupt fake health org’s on big pharma’s payroll.
Coronavirus is Another Live Drill
Pompeo referred to it as “a live exercise.”  He refused to deny that it was a hoax!  They want us to know.  That’s why Google relaxed its censorship. They want us to be complicit in our own enslavement.
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And it gets better cruising down the road to oblivion and run out of gas. . .or dead battery in the Tesla. . .
Rockefeller Foundation Paper Published in 2010 Predicted How a Pandemic Can be Used as an Excuse to Establish Global Authoritarian Power
Hah, imagine that!  And it was labeled “Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development”.  Published a report in May 2010 in cooperation with the Global Business Network of futurologist Peter Schwartz and the first scenario was LOCK STEP (I’ve heard that phrase before) with a world of total government control and authoritarian leadership using a pandemic as the reason.  Problem-reaction-solution.  So this was planned 10 years ago or maybe 100 years before, when you think of it, and Gates, the little ‘queen’, organized Event 101 to practice how they’ll orchestrate the disaster.
Then the scenario gets very interesting: “During the pandemic, national leaders around the world flexed their authority and imposed airtight rules and restrictions, from the mandatory wearing of face masks to body-temperature checks at the entries to communal spaces like train stations and supermarkets.  From pandemics and transnational terrorism to environmental crises and rising poverty — leaders around the world took a firmer grip on power.”  You can click on power and it will open the document to review if you’re interested.
I recall when in China during the SARS epidemic, we were nuked with laser thermometers at all airports, checkpoint toll booths and hotels and restos every day and this mainly was in 2003 - 2004 but didn’t have to wear a mask.  I didn’t get checked before or after that period - but then the Chinese Communist Part had absolute control of the people at that time under the total manipulation of the International Bankers. 
But this is setting off bells of the past and more dots to connect - we’ve already had the orchestrated terrorist bullshit with al Qaeda, ISIS, Boko Haram and International Bankers, next will be the rising poverty caused by the pandemic and result of terrorism managed by the Department of Homeland Security, then environmental catastrophes, that we’ve been experiencing in the past few years with floods, drought, massive fires as in California, chemtrails polluting the world and infecting your brain with nanoparticles and FEMA taking over the properties while managed by Serco, owned by the Crown.  And we’ll have 5G coming to trigger the effects. These psychos really want to take over the world, and Billy Gates and his puppet Fauci appear to be, but little assistants in the Plan of the Klan.  Wholey Shit, folks, we need a revolution and fast otherwise we’ll be imprisoned in a FEMA camp - Auschwitz (bludgeoned as the Khazar story goes) was a vacation resort compared to what we’ll be stuck in and fed limited amounts of contaminated fake manufactured meat out of a Windows AI 3D printer / computer.

Then we get a better description of “LOCK STEP: A world of tighter top-down government control and more authoritarian leadership, with limited innovation and growing citizen pushback.” 

There’s more to add, but do the search and make up your own mind. And BTW, I sent the White House a reply to their email I seem to get daily and referenced this lock step bullshit and the pandemic.

No reply yet. . .

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Israel to Annex the United States

Then to put a smile on my face, I logged on to RBN and saw this article.  But come to think of it, we’re already annexed. AIPAC, ADL, AJC, Chabad and hundreds of other Khazarian run orgs that are loaded with wealth, most likely stolen from the US tax payer and supported by the Khazar bankers having the treasury print $quadrillions of Benjamins out of nothing.  Even our members of congress have to sign an oath to Israel and Cynthia McKinney refused, then somehow she lost the re-election - her competition ended up with $millions in campaign contributions.
Hell, they already own our wealth, Federal Reserve, Wall Street and City of London, and Bank of International Settlement and have annexed most of Palestine, now claiming the complete West Bank and Golan, and killing the Palestinians in the micro districts left, now with all the PAC’s and so-called phony humanitarian groups that are Israel firsters they may as well Annex the US of A.   I suppose Adolf wasn’t such a bad guy after all - it depends on who controls the media.  He was even nominated for the Nobel Prize before WWII, but the Nobel committee scrapped it. We could get into this farther, but I’ll stop here and let you all make up your own minds. 

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Sitting in a freezer for years, potential SARS vaccine now ready for coronavirus trial

First, they need to inject Bill and Melinda Gates, Fauci, Birx and Redfield, then all members of the Federal Reserve and their owners, then if they're still alive or walking on two feet and can make a sentence without incoherently blabbering - well - they can't do that now, but then maybe, just maybe they can test the Vaxx first then shoot up anyone that accepts it.  Any chance of this happening?

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Listen to this podcast - the doctor in Dallas has prescribed hydroxychloroquine and it has cured her patients.

She gets into this a little farther so log on and listen. Damn, soon we’ll have the national guard militia goons knocking at your doors, give you a phony test and haul your ass into the dungeon and feed you toxic Vaxx that’ll kill you.

Who Is this Evil Fauci and Why Is He Running the White House and Congress?

And another article listing the incredibly sinister programs this satanic asshole has been involved in since over 20 years ago and continuing today along with the org’s he’s been involved in.  As posted above, the Rockefellers did a simulation back in 2010 and undoubtedly he was mixed up in that fiasco along with Event 101.  Do a check and make up your own mind. Damn, it’s sickening these idiots are in a position to kill millions of people and get paid for it along with the shares in big pharma lining their pockets.

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