It's a wonder this statement applies to the people locked in their chicken coop and think what they’re doing is right. But then, they’re conned into believing the corona-hoax bullshit spilled out by our corrupt leaders supported by big pharma and eugenics psycho Gates.
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Israel Perfecting Surveillance Tech
“By Deception thou shalt wage war” is the Mossad Motto - I may have posted this before, but I forget, ol’ timers setting in. But this exercise is being conducted on many fronts from here to around the world. One of their grossest exercises is eliminating the Palestinians and developing the Yinon Plan for the Greater Israel, which brings up Kissinger’s statement in 2012 that Israel will cease to exist in 10 years. That means there’s only 2 more years before the criminal state is gone - or will it expand to different countries like this coronavirus? Zionism is a plague and what we’re experiencing now - kinda goes along with fiat funny money and bankrupting the world.
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China Threatens to Place Apple, Boeing, and Other U.S. Firms on ‘Unreliable Entities’ List
Apple's symbol tells it all, especially hidden in plain site, where Eve bit the apple conned by Lucifer dressed as a snake, and the world went to shit - and she even had to wear clothes after that. Connect the dots yet? And Cain and Able married women - where did they come from(?) - then Cain killed Able? Musta been on orders from the snake.
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The sun has entered a ‘lockdown’ period, which could cause freezing weather, famine
Wait a minute - this is global warming, who cares if the suns hot spots stop for a while? Either that or this climate bullshit has been a scam since Gore was paid off by the greedies in charge of FEMA and Federal Reserve and he bought a home on the beach in California! No concern about sea level rising.
Besides, they need the 5G to set off the “influenza” panic going on - good article about ‘The Story of Influenza. An Important Tale to Tell Your Friends’ then reference the book by Arthur Firstenberg “The Invisible Rainbow”.
Posted on ‘The Truth Seeker’ 5-15-20. You can check the summary of his works on:
I don’t suppose any one of the geniuses at the WHO, CDC, FDA etc., have read this or even did any research if the information is correct - but probably now - this would cut into their Vaxx funds and depopulation wouldn’t happen to satisfy the lunatics in charge.
Genocide: Millions are Starving Due to Rothschilds’ Scamdemic
Is this the facts(?) - the Rothschilds are behind this - throw in Soros and Rockefellers and Gates, I suppose they could buy their way into anything to destroy the world - but then, they’re already old geezers that don’t have much longer to pollute the earth, even with the reduced imports of Adrenochrome from Wuhan.
Donald Trump is planning to RESUME US funding for the WHO at the same level as China after calling the group a mouthpiece for Beijing, leaked White House letter reveals
Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus isn’t a doctor or has any medical experience and accused of covering up genocide in Ethiopia, and he’s the head of this Swamp Pit WHO? Or Gates either - he don’t know shit about health, only how to make money from Vaxx and depopulation. It sure looks like the deep state has Donald’s gonads in a vice and squeezing hard.
“Approve worthless fiat money to this illegal enterprise and pay them or we’ll expose all your misdeeds and Epstein’s pics of you fondling a little 12 year-old.” The Gates Vaccine Gestapo, is really busy going after all the truth sayers.
The world should follow the Sweden example - and no lockdown or business closed, but then maybe Sweden doesn’t owe the Rothschilds much money - why the MSM doesn’t publish any comments about their method of handling the man made scamdemic - but there are moles in there to publish fake numbers to satisfy the goal of the satanists.
Hell, it’s getting better as time flies by, the decision to leave this US of A is becoming clear.
Covid Vaccination May Be Required for Social Standing
Get ready to get your Gates bar code on your ass after the contaminated Vaxx. I want to see the Gates Family get the shot up the butt first then the big pharma exec’s along with banksters and politicians in the swamp.
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2020 election: Joe Biden says anyone who believes Tara Reade should not vote for him in November
Hah - d'ya thinks Gropin' Joe will get any votes? This may be a fix to make sure Trump is elected by the deep state - hell - they already have Donald's gonads in a vice and turning the screw - yup - gotta get that Vaxx!
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Here you go -
The Medical Mafia Philanthropists? This is all part of the Medical Incompetent Complex - they can’t cure anything, but can line their pockets with $trillions of people’s wealth using the Rockefeller snake oil fakery.
And this is directly connected to the following:
BILL GATES: A Menace to Society Who Must Be Arrested and Prosecuted for Crimes Against Humanity
The Mark of the Beast!!
And I had to post Ben’s cartoon - he hit’s the nail on the head again!
Looking at the amassed wealth from Windows OS to the Foundation, it is uncovered that his wealth was manipulated by the International Banking Cartel and Crime Syndicate. The world needs to put an end to this and don’t take any bribes or blackmail activities that put you in control by these psychos.
A short post, but if you do some research you can find the truth - it may take many sites to find out which one is trustworthy or not.
I suppose I have too much time on my hands - I hope the weather clears and I can go play a few holes and the fairways aren’t soaked from the horrific storm we had last night. Downtown Houtown got hammered again. The weather manipulators want to control the oil capital before it goes broke.
Spanish Flu Did Not Kill 50,000,000 – Vaccines Did and They Are Repeating the Same Pattern Again Now
Do a search and check what these idiots did back around WWI. You can find a clip on ‘The Truthseeker:’
An Italian lawmaker has managed to bring the conspiracy blame-game to an entirely new level, exercising her parliamentary privilege to blast Bill Gates as a “vaccine criminal” and globalist tool. Read the full article at RT here:…
Maybe Gates shouldn’t go to Italy? You can see it on - I watched the translation on bit chute and it wasn’t that clear, but rt should give you a better view. Conte was challenged in this also as being a part of the scam after the Gates visit. Even rt downplayed it as her being a conspiracy theorist - but bringing out a conspiracy out into the open isn’t a theory besides rt doesn’t want to lose any advertising money!
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Massachusetts Contact Tracing NGO part of Clinton Pedophile Ring in Haiti
The state of Massachusetts has authorized an NGO named PIH which is connected to child abduction and pedophilia trafficking in Haiti via the Clinton Foundation, to operate in the state as a Contact Tracing organization.
PIH is a Clinton-Soros backed non profit(?) that has been awarded a contract in Massachusetts to do Contact Tracing.
It appears the Massachusetts government is contaminated by the Clinton-Soros-Gates criminal org. They can buy anyone to enforce spying of the people with their Gates Bar Code stapled to their ass. HR 6666 is the plan of the klan.
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China announces $2 billion in virus help at WHO assembly
Tedros has gotta be jumping up and down, "Wow - can you imagine the bonuses and first class airline tickets and 5 star hotels we can stay at while we travel around the world for no reason other than spreading all this bullshit?”. The WHO, CDC, FDA are as corrupt as the Federal Reserve and big Pharma including their backers like the lame brain Gates!
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Bill Gates Admits That As Many As 700,000 People Could Die From The COVID-19 Vaccine He Keeps Insisting Everyone Must Take When It’s Ready
I listened to the video, he did say that 700,000 could be affected, or be compromised and could die. Elderly are the most affected, but they have to take the Vaxx anyways. I want to stand in the room when Bill and Melinda get the shot right up their butts along with the implant - any bets that would happen?
You may think I pick on this schmuck too much but have a look - who’s pushing for the Vaxx and who has crippled, paralyzed, sterilized and killed thousands of Vaxx recipients - and who makes the money?
I was in China from early 2000 to 2005 during the SARS epidemic, and in the ME, UAE, Iraq, Kurdistan, Jordan for almost a year when the MERS epidemic was ongoing and I never even got even a cold. I was in contact with many of the locals in all the countries also. Eat a few oysters, and a vodka tonic and you won’t need the Vaxx. When the militia comes around with their needles, I can only repeat what I’ve said here and deny the Vaxx. D’ya thinks they’ll take me to the FEMA camp?
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Trump Takes Control of the FED
Oh, oh - does this sound plausible? You mean the US gov’t has taken control of the money printing press? And Trump appointed the Larry Fink, CEO of BlackRock, one of the biggest investment manipulators in the world to run the financial dept? Stick the wolf in the chicken coop. The only outcome that I can see is when the country goes down the toilet, even farther down the rancid swamp than it is now, the failure can only be blamed on Trump, but then, they own him anyways. When the population - deplorables, lose everything they’ve accumulated, the international bankers will come out on their blazing saddles and say, “see, it works better when we control it so let us at the money pit and you all will be happy”, then you’ll stumble in line to the slaughterhouse or FEMA camp.
This has been planned for over 10 years with the scamdemic by the Rockefellers - and then the dimwit Gates in 2018 and later involved with Event 101 in October 2019, and they’re blaming the financial crisis on the virus and you really need the Vaxx, when in the background the most despicable swamp dwellers were running the Ponzi scheme that they thought was too big to fail but its gonna anyways.
Or - is Trump smarter than he appears? Kick the Rothschilds Khazarian Mafia out of power and take over the country and encourage the other 180 nations to get rid of them too? Somehow I doubt that’ll happen any time soon and there won’t be many humans left on the planet earth.
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Not tested extensively:
In one study, 23% of people treated with remdesivir had serious side effects, including dysfunction of multiple organs and septic shock. However, because this data is from a single small study, it’s not clear if rates of serious side effects are typically that high.
Other problems:-
- Diarrhea
- Abnormal liver function (as assessed by blood tests)
- Rash
- Kidney problems
- Low blood pressure
- Nausea and vomiting
(they forgot to mention dementia - but that’s before you take the shot)
A smaller study out of China of over 200 patients did not find any improvement in recovery time and survival.
This drug needs to be flushed down the toilet or added to the drinking fountains at the next DNC convention. Gates, Melinda and Fauci gotta be in the front row to have this crap injected in their blood.
Maybe Monsanto can use this to spray over crops if it don’t work and Wall Street can get some of their money back. But hell, the money comes from our stimulus program, that we’ll be stuck with the bill and borrow more funny money from the Fed - it’s a game folks and the rig is set - you ain’t gonna win.
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5G Apocalypse – The Extinction Event
Take some time and watch it.
The following article was referenced:
Google, Facebook, Neuralink Sued for Weaponized AI Tech Transfer, Complicity to Genocide in China and Endangering Humanity with Misuse of AI
Hmm. . .and this showed up in a comment to the discussion of implementing 5G. They can cook your brains with these little transmitters located blocks apart. In particular the effects on children is horrific. Don’t let your child mess with an iPhone, iPad or computer and make sure your smart meter is covered in aluminum foil then sue the local provider. It even got into molding some aluminum foil and put it on your head when you go to sleep - I wonder if this has anything to do with the tin foil hat syndrome.
There are neutralizing items available to protect you from this, I use the EMF crystal or rock from Japan or someplace and they have some Himalayan Salt Lamps you can get online and put one beside your computer and make sure its hard wired, not wifi, or behind the TV and leave your cell phone in another room when you go to bed - it will slow down the ol’ timers.
Hell, throw in the Vaxx and chemtrails loaded with nano particles impregnating your brain - the greedies are going full speed for the NWO. Turn on the switch and you’re cooked. The 5G transmitters placed in schools are programing the children and limiting their intellectual growth. Incidentally, Bill Gates and Donald Trump have ordered the local communications company to not put 5G towers near their homes but it’s ok around the sheeples’ neighborhoods.
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Nail in the Coffin: Dr. Buttar Exposed 100% as Fraud
It appears the controlled opposition trolls is saying Buttar is fraud. He goes against the loonies promoting vaxx and the article states his reporting is not advisable. On the second thought, what makes me think that this is true? Is the controlled opposition posting articles on alt news sites, that state he’s a fraud, or could it be that he is correct? He’s on YouTube, that’s a question in itself and they’ve banned Ben Fulford. You can watch Buttar lambasting the Vaxx boys and that the coronavirus is perhaps a progressive state of the flu cooked up in a bioweapons lab. Dr Shiva Ayyadurai also is a reliable critic of the goons pushing the Vaxx and Lock Step. We really don’t need a vaxx for the flu and the body will cure itself and this may take a little longer and there’s a possibility you could croak if you have respiratory problems and it turns into a deadly pneumonia. I always look in the opposite direction of where the main stream media pushes the viewers.
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COVID-19 Naturally Leads To Corruption
Yeah, what the hell, Gates has been infected with this disease since he pirated the DOS operating system and said it was his own. In Lock Step is Zuckerberg - these schmucks only know how to rob and steal!
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Will Some Churches Be Forced To Close For The Entire Duration Of The COVID-19 Pandemic?
Hey, the Pope has to be beside himself with anguish, saying “Damn, who’s gonna pray for the little children I fondle?” And the Rothschilds Khazarian Mafia controlling the vault are worried they won’t have any more Benjamins to count. Hurry up and hatch this Vaxx, we need the money!!! Who really gives a shit if it works or not!
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I repeat - This was William Blum’s statement a US Department of State Employee.
“No matter how paranoid or conspiracy-minded you are, what the government is actually doing is worse than you can imagine”
I’ll post various quotes - this guy has hundreds pointing to how deep our corrupt gov’t has gone.
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H.R. 6666 is track & trace program, not evil plot to destroy freedom
My comment to the article on VT:
“And we really need the Patriot Act, DHS along with the Federal Reserve, IRS, CIA, FBI and a host of other draconian and evil acts passed for the Khazarian Mafia and their lackeys. Orwell was maybe close to what we're being subjected to, and it'll get worse!”
This is obvious that VT has sold their souls to the devil in a blew dress.
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And Ben’s hit the nail on the head again!
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Yup, our children in school - being taught the correct method of obedience - with a dunce cap.
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Shopify CEO says employees to work remotely until 2021, sees end to 'office centricity’
Hell, I made this suggestion 25 years ago when I was in the engineering business- give ‘em a computer and let them work from home - the management thought I was crazy when I mentioned pay them by the byte. No rent, no power, no maintenance, no gas, no tolls and babysitters - look what's going on now - lock step, bailouts and Vaxx!
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Top scientist warns not to count on vaccine as worldwide cases hit 5 million
What its all about - put a Gates bar code and a chip on your gluteumus maximus so the gov't can spy on you - 1984 on steroids. But Billy has invested in the Vaxx - so I guess we need that also - to reduce the population.
And the main stream media keeps on pulling the rug over the people’s eyes - keep ‘em fooled! The ‘V’ shaped economy trend.
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‘I Am Very Serious About Them Losing Their Life’: Alabama Mayoral Candidate Calls for Public Hanging of Drug Dealers
Hah, I doubt they have enough rope to hang all the CIA, Mossad and logistic perpetrators in the military coming out of Afghanistan or Columbia, that includes Clapper and Brennan and international bankers that have been doing this for years - maybe centuries from before the Opium Wars.
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Who Controls the Gates Family?
Good watch - and don’t go to Starbucks!!
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Anderson Cooper reacts to 'utterly heartless' Trump tweet
The Gay Caballero goes against Trumpkin. Cooper is related to the Klan - Vanderbilts. And I’m still wondering why I opened this video - damn!
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Vandana Shiva: We Must Fight Back Against the 1 Percent to Stop the Sixth Mass Extinction
This lady does hit the nail on the head on various issues in India, going from Monsanto / Bayer and poisoning of the world’s people with roundup and GMO’d crops to achieve population reduction by chemicals and AI - pushed by the 0.001%. Some of the effects to the population can be discussed but generally correct in my opinion - the basic causes or results etc, need investigation with more research. But then, what these chemical assassins are doing to the world, the jury is out - Guilty! She doesn’t get into little children pooping in the streets as I witnessed when I was there in 2012 - but they were starting to put Punj-on-the-Spots at various locations in New Delhi, but I didn’t see any toilet paper or water cannons.
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“The Fed has, effectively, become a hedge fund in drag as a central bank.”
And this is illegal - these pump and dump swamp dwellers have boosted the debt by another $2.4 trillion by bailing out the casinos on Wall Street and buying up corporate stocks to keep the market shining and the US bailout and worthless stock purchases, repos/reverse repos amounts to around $9 trillion in the last year. The G10 balance sheet is now over $20 trillion. When this craters, the too-big-to-fail will push it , via the corrupt and bought politician, on to the taxpayer - who now doesn’t have a job - and holed up in his attic with a bottle of cheap wine wondering how he can pay the rent. Deutsche Bank is teetering on the brink of disaster and will pull down the debt wheeling, derivative, hedge fund, credit default swap MBS basterds around the world when they collapse. Which probably wouldn’t be such a bad thing to see, but what will it do to the average guy with a few bucks in the bank, with mortgage and auto loans and new tuition coming up when the lock down ends and the kiddies have to go back to school.
Reading various sites the numbers don’t necessarily agree, but they’re close, but still boggles the imagination. keep looking around for a place to move to from when we sold our home, but there isn’t anywhere that seems like it would be secure enough and I don’t think I can carry that many shells with my AK47 around to protect the measly little amount I have in the bank, that so far isn’t bankrupt yet, and freeze my funds, but with the digital currency and forced Vaxx coming up, I may as well kiss it goodbye.
Good thing I got lots of golf balls and tees and hopefully they should last past the crater of the economy - oh and the Mexicos still cut the fairways and greens. I never did check if they had any green cards or temporary work papers, but then, who really gives a shit - and according the Putty Face Polsi, they can vote for the Dems too.
Besides, time to tee ‘em up.
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This Coronavirus Fraud Is Planned Panic and Murder for the Purpose of Advancing Agendas of Control
From RBN
“We are fast approaching the stage of the ultimate inversion: the stage where the government is free to do anything it pleases, while the citizens may act only by permission; which is the stage of the darkest periods of human history, the stage of rule by brute force.” ~ Ayn Rand — Ayn Rand– Nathaniel Branden, Alan Greenspan, Robert Hessen (1986). “Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal”
Yup - 1984 - and Annie made this statement in 1986 - it’s been cooking for a long time.
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“It Is Destined To Happen This Way”
A good watch while you’re locked up in your room - connect the dots. Time to wake up.
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Is This Controlled Demolition all over Again?
Another good read by Gilad Atzmon - He broke away from the ‘Chosen’ and their code - the ‘Babylonian Talmud’.
And Gates and Soros are the creepiest creatures to walk on hind legs.
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President Dwight Eisenhower, in His 1961 Farewell Speech, Prophetically Warned Us of the Country Being Ruled By an Unelected ‘Scientific-Technological Elite’
Great podcast by James Corbett ‘The Corbett Report’ tying in the Eisenhowers speech about beware of the military industrial complex and this also involved the CIA, NSA and other agencies that spy on the people via, Google, Facebook, Twitter and the rest. You do a search and they know about it and if you leave your iPhone with location on, they know where you go, what you buy and what you use to pay the bill. Ebay, PayPal, credit card companies and the rest of the goons also transfer the data to these spy master (baters)! This recent new improved surveillance ‘Contact Tracing’ pushed by Slick Willy and Gates, is simply another method of the spying, they probably have satellites (that Elon Musk just sent up with the 5G transmitters) zeroing on you continuously if you have the Covid-19 or other infection or just going shopping or visiting friends. The spy HQ in Langley and Silicon Valley including the 40 some odd offices in the US alone, forget about the foreign offices, has to be full of geeks doing a job and probably don’t wear a face mask.
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And to wrap up this latest blog, the following is the direction from Trumpkin - well - via Fauci’s directions of guiding the public into survival when you take the vaxxxxxx. Posted by Jon Rappoport.
Summarized in the following:
‘If after receiving your RNA Cybervaxx shot, you fall down in the street foaming at the mouth, be aware that you’re experiencing an adverse event. It’s called an auto-immune response. Basically, your body is attacking itself. Hopefully, you’re carrying your cell phone with you. Step one—remove your mask to avoid drowning in your own fluids. Step two—try to bring your tremors and flopping motions under control. Step three—take out your cell and press 9^83*2A-7bX6. This code is case sensitive. Step four—shelter in place, help is on the way. In some areas, especially large cities, there will be delays, owing to technical system overload. Roaming mobs of liberals are rioting.
It just don’t get any better!
Be safe and be careful and don’t take the Vaxx.
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