That’s the way it’s been going on for the past 1000 years and it don’t look like it’s going to end anytime soon.
This episode is getting too big, so I have to send it out now instead of the 31st. Too much good stuff.
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1-15-20 Virginia Gun Confiscation Bill Pulled as Huge Pro-Gun Crowd Shows Up at Legislature To Protest
1-16-20 Northam Declares State Of Emergency In Virginia Because “Armed Militia Groups Plan To Storm The Capitol”
Hmmm. . . . First they want to take your guns, when you tell them to F’k Off - they declare a state of emergency. In the background some idiot field organizer, Kyle Jurek, calls for violence and mass murder, and this moron works for the Bernie Sanders campaign - who does have a hooked nose.
The idiot Jurek (should drop the 'e’) stated the following “If Bernie doesn’t get the nomination or it goes to a second round at the DNC Convention, f*cking Milwaukee will burn. It’ll start in Milwaukee and when police push back on that, then other cities will just f*cking (hand explosion).”
Jurk also commented on, if the people nominate Warren, then they’re obsesses with vaginas.
Anybody see where this is headed? D’ya thinks they’ll have a Maiden riot where they had the Joo coated Nazi’s shoot at both the police and demonstrators and created the ‘Porky’ and ‘Yats’ comedy, well, maybe not too funny for the Ukrainians, but it did serve the bankers purpose and the cookie monster Nuland stated it only cost us $5 billion as debt to the Federal Reserve.
But we could have the same in Virginia - the militia group sure as hell won’t give up their AK47’s or AR15’s then we could have the same little demos throughout the country, then guess what - Martial Law - FEMA camps overcrowded and they’ll run out of cyanide but they’ll have their W54 mini-nukes on standby.
That’s the plan by the insane CFR’s and Illuminati. Rockefellers and Rothschilds will prevail, since they have enough money to buy up congress, our military and stop food from being distributed around the country, hell, with all the geoengineering, they’ve already ruined next years wheat, oats and corn crops, rice is also down the toilet along with the animals drowned in floods, then scorched to death in fires. Won’t be able to get a steak, Big Mac or French fries and that’ll piss the Donald off. But he’ll be impeached and retired in Mar-a-Lago sitting on the beach watching an orchestrated hurricane roar in and flood his golf course. Melania will be on her way back to Slovenia with tons of gold and silver. The pencil neck jerk Chabad Lubavitcher will be renovating the 666 building on 5th Ave, for a tail gate party with the Wall Street schmucks and flipping digital coins in the air - heads I win, tails you lose.
And today is MLK day, let's hope they don’t have a Boston Bombing false flag. I read an article where it stated the government killed MLK, cuz he was uniting the people against this fascist regime.
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Hmmm. . . . they’re becoming more insane as time marches on. WTF is this world turning into. The same as in Austin Tx where the lezbos are taking over the curriculum. Do we have any parent teacher meetings? Or do the only ones that attend are the LBGTQP’er nut cases? But there was considerable opposition to this and they pulled it out being unacceptable.
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War is a Racket - Gen. Smedley Butler
Latest Middle East War Scheme Revealed
A good read - the General’s little memo - You can get this or I can send you the pdf if you really wanna read it. He was also approached by Prescott Bush, Harriman's and the like to stage a military coup against FDR but he went along until he finally turned them in, guess what(?) Nobody went to court or tried or sent to jail. How it works with the money boys.
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Thought I’d post this little cartoon for your amusement.
But then if the almighty created man and he’s such a nice guy, why does he let them croak? But then, if nobody died, can you imagine how many people will be in the bail out line?
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Now we take a closer look at the new, improved, magical financial wizard function of the repo market, then delves into the reverse repo market, something the geniuses in Wall Street and Federal Reserve have cooked up. Now you have to keep in mind this isn’t QE4 (Quantitive Easing) like QE 1, 2 and 3 where the Fed has the treasury print $trillions out of thin air so they can sell these worthless treasury bills and bonds to the sheeple, dumb corporations and countries kissing our ass, and charge the US of A stupid tax payers interest, and this fuels the banks that are teetering on insolvency from all the hedge funds, credit default swaps, toxic mortgage backed securities, imploding credit card and tuition debt, auto loans and then gamble on $quadrillions of derivatives, that was supposed to be basically insurance on their stupidity at the roulette wheel by the investment bankers - who really shouldn’t be mixed into dealing with public finances, checking/savings accounts, CDs and cash in the vault. The Glass/Steagall Act, keeping investment banks away from commercial dealings and sheeples savings, was flushed down the toilet in 1999 when the politickers Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act got bribes from the money boys or Epstein had pics of them fondling some 10 year-old and opened up the door so the casino on Wall Street can steal everything and get more free funny money printed by the Fed, who they own anyways and Slick Willy signed it. Sort of like a circle jerk with no hands.
The toxic mortgage system works something like this, a house, worth $100,000 in 2010 $ and now has inflated to $1 million and the funny money boys wealth has magically created $900 thousand - a guy with a family goes and borrows $900 thou, with 10% down for low interest of 3.5%. He pays for what the house was really worth but owes 9 times its real worth in mortgage. Hmmm. . . the Wall Street magicians bundle all this crap into mortgage backed securities and sell it to other investors like Deutsch Bank or Leman Bros, that shouldn’t be in this business anyways, and buy derivatives to ensure their assets in loans that aren’t really worth a shit. The financial market tightens, then the Fed has the treasury print $trillions to produce liquidity out of nothing and the stock market skyrockets - but basically it’s not worth anything - hmmm. . .I’m getting lost in this.
I read somewhere, this Repo market is like going to a bowling alley and renting a pair of bowling shoes - you pay them a few $$ for using their shoes and leave your $1000 custom made alligator loafers as collateral. When you finish bowling you give the bowling shoes back and get yours to wear outside, but they keep the deposit.
I believe the new improved, redesigned and reconfigured repo market isn’t turning out like the 2009 crash where over $2.5 trillion (that we can put our fingers on) loaned, or probably given, to the snakes on Wall Street and lots of people lost their homes, property values crashed and more people left their homes cuz the mortgage was double what the house was worth after the crash. Bankers get a free bailout from Moloch the Fed, and you get to sleep in pot holes on the street!
See the chemtrails over the homeless?
So far since September, the repo, where the Fed lends the bankrupt banks money cuz they need to lend money to the dumb shit who needs a new Pokemon and keep the phony economy afloat, and reverse repo, when the bankrupt bank has some surplus cash and he needs a little interest from the Fed, has gone over $6 trillion, and these are supposed to be overnite loans for maybe 6 - 7% interest. The reverse repo is only 4 - 5%. Anyways, this is a good deal, print funny money, not worth a shit and charge them interest that ain’t worth a shit. See where it’s headed(?) - yup - digital currency that ain’t worth a shit and the sheeple are broke!!
And the debt limit on the government has been removed - so claims Hunter on USA Watchdog, whew, we’ll be swimming in worthless money soon along with the snakes in the district of criminals swamp.
This is similar to the bowling alley owner, he realizes the customers shoes he has as collateral, aren’t worth a shit cuz they’re used, and the bowlers are walking out with his shoes and the little fee he collects won’t buy another pair of bowling shoes and nobody will give him anything for the warn out loafers in the garbage bin. Then enters the reverse repo shoe business. Hmmm. . . how does that work, you walk in to the bowling alley with their shoes, pay a fee to get your old shoes back, then pay another fee to keep the shoes to bowl, but you already got your shoes and a pair of bowling shoes, so this is a plus, plus, you got your shoes and bowling shoes and only cost you 10%. The bowling alley goes in debt to the repo market, cuz they got no shoes, but got some balls and pins and you can still bowl in your stocking feet at a discount rate.
So where does that put the money goons, they all know it’s planned to fail in the not so distant future, and all the inflated wealth that the sheeple have accumulated will go up in smoke! The banker goons will get more bailouts, but the schmuck that’s lost his savings, or loses his bowling alley, has to steal a tent to sleep on San Pedro St. in LA. At least the bankers can sleep in their private jet, the poor schmuck is lucky if he gets a used worn out contaminated mattress thrown out of a rehab hospital.
Damn, better keep your AK47 and lots of ammunition when this happens. Then go to Wall Street and Fed in DC and shoot the basterds. Then get on a plane, or maybe a boat, cuz you can’t take your weapon on the plane, the DHS/TSA/CIA/FBI/IRS and Patriot Act will make sure of that, and go to City of London and Switzerland, to get the rest of the money hoarders, or is that whores. Israel won’t have shit, being the front for the agent of the Rothschilds Khazarian Mafia terrorism, so you won’t have to go there after the international bankers are eliminated unless they’re hiding on the beach in Haifa with Epstein and Baghdadi.
The guys that write these articles believe the Federal Reserve is going to make things right, but when you look at the constitution, the Fed is an illegal enterprise raping the people of resources, throw in all the Draconian acts installed since the Bushes, Clintons, Obamas and Trump, they ain’t gonna make anything right. We’ll see who’s correct. Debugger the sooth sayer or the lame stream media.
“If the American People ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their Fathers conquered. . .I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. . . The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people to whom it properly belongs.” - Thomas Jefferson
Now there are many bankster paid trolls on the web stating this was never stated by Jefferson, or they get into editing the statement, like they do in modern day common core history class, but I’ve read this long before these assholeos were old enough to access the net.
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944 Trillion Reasons Why The Fed Is Quietly Bailing Out Hedge Funds
You can take a look above of my views on the repo and reverse repo markets and bowling shoes and then summarize it with this gargantuan swindle and you can see where it’s heading. This is insurance, for the insurance you got to ensure your investment in the insurance company that’s broke. Make sense? I think investing in a slot machine in Vegas would yield more return than the casino on Wall Street. These tricksters have been inventing more ways how to fuck the people and economy - better get into quantum intelligence, that’s a brain the size of a nanoparticle nobody can put their fingers on.
Damn, I picked up these topics in about 2 minutes on the net. Whew, I’d go insane if I spent an hour.
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I’m sure you all have read this, but I had to post it for amusement.
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And more of the same. Sent in last post about the Wiz of Oz.
Los Angeles Under Chemtrail Attack Again, X Marks the Spot, Help President Trump!!!
See the “X”? The pilots are just screwing with your mind. Kinda reminds me when I was driving east on I10 approaching El Paso, and I saw these X and O’s pasted in the sky. I suppose the illegals needed something to look at sleeping in the desert.
The Deep State, New World Order, Khazarian Mafia or Cabal use the obvious and in plain sight daily barrage of Chemtrails or geo-engineering that bombards each of us, our family and friends every day as a litmus test of how asleep humanity is and how far they can push their agendas of global enslavement and population control
They just never quit and it seems nobody can do anything about it. Time to go after the psycho’s in charge pushing for mass annihilation of the people.
Dbooger response to VT on this article:
Check with
Dane Wigington has been going after these Agenda 21 psychos for years.
I contacted the TCEQ regarding the chemtrails and they claimed these were contrails. I sent them photos taken over the course of a year, plus all reference sites, including “Weather as a Force Multiplier – Owning the Weather by 2025” published by the USAF in 1996, then asked them what they’re going to do about it, they replied it was not in their jurisdiction and for me to contact the FAA. That was a joke to say the least, then I contacted NOAA – they sent a reply that they would contact me shortly, that was two years ago. Time to unite!!
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You can do a search and find out WTF these alien’s offspring are up to, and going back over 1000 years. I picked the site to view, but there are plentThe little film about ol’ Milchan won’t display but you can find another one to watch what this guy was up to. Stew Webb, on previous articles, a while back also referenced him and others connected to the RKM. This was just a little flicker about what this article was about.
I see Prince Philly was a little terrified when one of the RKM henchmen Berezovsky was murdered and hopes he doesn’t release those (SEX) pictures. And they’re worried about Andy?
Russia, UK, Europe and other countries scattered about the world are also connected to this mafia - you need to do a search and find out. The most of the Jewish Mafia came out of Russia after the USSR caved in, and resettled in Israel or the US of A, but they are still running all the dope, prostitutes, child porn, arms trading etc., etc. and carry a big stick. Putin should watch his back, and Trump, the way he’s caved in to the war hawks, appears to have had a visit from one of the boys, his son-in-law, the Chabad Lubavitch stool, is a little too stupid to be in the front row, just skirting around getting free-bees.
David Duke also states quite a bit of info about the organized crime sponsored by the Rothschilds. He does make more sense than ABCNNBCBSFaux, well, at least after he quit the KKK - but that was a long time ago. This also makes you wonder about RT America the news site I watch for the latest news, but this may also be controlled by the Zios and Lee Camp (Redacted Tonight) better watch himself, and check the gas pedal on his Merc - hate to see him suffer a Hastings.
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Kanye West Says He's Running for President in 2024, Along With an Unlikely Competitor
Yeah, what the hell, he’s as qualified as the rest of the schmucks running for prez. Just think, then Kim can sit in the White House and have her family around her showing off their fake tits and butts and puffy lips. The oval office would have more plastic in it than the Corvette factory in Bowling Green.
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Iran Reconsidering Downing of Airliner, Evidence of Cyber Attack Surfaces
6 US F35’s on the Iranian border, cyber attack on the missile system(?) naw, we’d never do that, or would our geniuses in the CIA on the dole from the RKM create another false flag? Lavon Affair, or King David hotel? How about the big ones - 9/11 and WMD.
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Airports Screening For Chinese Coronavirus
This could be cooked up in the bio labs in Tbilisi Georgia, or Ft Detrick, MD or other sites in Africa? Gates gotta be mixed up in this butcher shop somewhere.
New, Improved SARS Bioweapon Tested in China?
VooDoo6Actual January 21, 2020
Of course it was. Face it much of the General public is vastly ignorant to this day of how Masonic Zionism & Freemasonry covertly culls & purges the planet’s population using engineered BW’s. Plausible deniability, low signature, Nano particulates etc. Dr. Dennis Bushnell’s NASA “Future of Warfare” presentation confirms the agenda. Plum Island, Fort Dietrich & newer BW’s labs in Africa-Kansas are not an accident or coincidence. Woke yet ?
Dbooger January 21, 2020
UN Agenda 21
Sho’ looks like the people are smartening up and picking up on the evil doings of the NWO psychos. VooDoo forgot the mention the biowarfare lab in Tbilisi.
And big Pharma is probably cooking up some vaccines for this little plague and convince you that this is safe to inject into your blood stream, but will kill you anyways cuz that’s the plan and you can’t sue them or take them to court, cuz the corrupt politickers are already bribed and rich, and have passed laws shielding these satanic monsters producing vaxx. The leading executives in the CDC and FDA used to have jobs with big Pharma, or will go there when they retire from politicking. Besides, big pharma is owned by the international bankers and Wall Street goons anyways, and they satisfy their retirement funds by passing these draconian laws. Damn, this is corruption in an outrageous scale - Agenda 21 in the works. Connect the dots yet?
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Factbox: As Trump goes on trial, a fight over witnesses remains unresolved
Yahoo and Reuters are part of the disinformation crew for the RKM. Trump sure as hell isn't pure, but impeachment only serves the back room money boys and takes the sheeples minds off what's really going on towards the NWO.
I started to watch this and got bored, no case, witnesses or basis for an impeachment - but that’s ok in the world of make believe.
Iran MP offers $3 million reward for killing Trump, U.S. calls it ‘ridiculous'
Now this wouldn’t be fake news would it? I haven’t seen this in the alternate news site - or it could be another making of a false flag, shoot Trump, blame it on Iran, or Oswald, or Sirhan Sirhan, or maybe Tsarnaev - but he’s in jail, or Adam Lanza - but he never existed, or some rag head with a box cutter - but they’re on the beach in Haifa. It was claimed to be stated by Hamzeh - was this Hamzah Haz of Kalimantan? Nawww - just a twist I stuck in here.
Pompeo: New US Policy Authorized Drones Strikes on Russian, Chinese Leaders
Looks like they’ve completely lost their minds. The Likudnik Chabad Lubavitchers, not so secretly, squeezing hard on Trumps nuts, and it’s a wonder they found them. They couldn’t put the vise on fat bastard Pompeo’s cuz there’s too much blubber hangin’. Putin has completely taken over Russia’s central bank and he’s kicked out the Rothschilds and Soros isn’t allowed in the country, and now he’s reorganizing the Kremlin and getting rid of all the dual citizens, so this turned the switch, like Gadaffi when he was starting to create the African Central Bank with a gold backed dinar. Gotta turn those drones loose and eliminate these monsters that wanna stop the NWO.
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Pompeo urges end to 'tyranny' of Venezuela's Maduro
What a crock of shit this is by the lunatic Pompeo - but on who’s orders(?) Chavez nationalized the oil industry and kicked the 4 horsemen out from raping their resources. And why now Venezuela is our enemy, not mine or yours, the corporations!! They killed Chavez probably with a cancer dart. Besides, the Khazars kill people for money and have for hundreds or maybe thousands of years. This is Fascism and NWO.
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Hundreds of Australians have been arrested for allegedly deliberately lighting Australian bushfires
The article goes on to say, these people have mental problems and burned the brush. MKUltra goes a long way for the global warming hoax. As previously posted, the climate engineering is in full swing in Aussieland, and not only there, but everywhere the military is dumping the toxic chemtrails.
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Where the world is headed! Queen of the Month. . . .
There were also pics “boys can be princesses too” with little boys in gowns - I got sick and couldn’t post it. These queers just can’t get enough, ya? And tons of one eye’d pics also, the satanic symbol!
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Oops - its reported that Mexico has found the largest deposit of lithium in the world near Sonora. Looks like we gonna mobilize our military, gas up the F35’s, invade, attack, bomb, destroy, sanction and annihilate people and install freedom and democracy for the battery makers, electric cars and iPads.
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