Thursday, January 16, 2020

“Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.”

Thought I’d post this summary from 2015, article by Preston James PhD.  It appears he was correct in his assumptions - or historically verified facts.

“End of the hegemony of the Petrodollar system?”
“The American Economic System has been designed to keep expanding until it engulfs the whole world in US Petro Dollar Debt-slavery and then is imploded when desired in order to shove a new RKM electronic monetary/banking system in place. Soon the US Petro Dollar will no longer function as the World’s Reserve Currency. Our FRS Banksters who serve the Khazarian Mafia (KM) will be cut loose like us and the top dogs who are really in control (the Powers that Be aka the Select Few) will just proceed to the next step in their age old plan.
But what is this age-old plan they have been working to implement for many years? It has many different names: Globalist NWO Agenda, One-World Government, Evil Empire are but a few. 
To truly understand what this NWO Beast is that the RKM is attempting to impose on us against our will and the whole World too, we need to examine some basic trends over the last hundred years.”

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Exposed by MSM: Soleimani in Iraq at Trump’s Request (not Saudi) to End Embassy Violence (Judas)

As published on VT, it stated that Soleimani was to visit Abdul-Mahdi, the prez in Iraq, to discuss how to ease tensions with Saudi. Then they state that Trump ordered his murder.  No trial, no judge or jury, just drone him.  Sounds like an Obamarama episode that killed Americans with drones. And on who’s orders or advice?  Chabad Lubavitcher’s?  And the Iraq legislature has voted to remove the US Military?  Hmm. . .I doubt that will happen anytime soon, especially with the 4 horsemen pumping all that oil.  We gotta protect American interests there and not mine or yours.
This meeting was also scheduled right after the riots and attack on the US embassy, that no one can put the finger on who exactly orchestrated it. Does the term ‘by deception thou shalt do war’ come to mind.  Did Israel, puppets of international bankers, have its blood soaked fingers in that little episode?
And this military action in the ME costs us, how much(?) Maybe $10 trillion so far in the past 19 years and that’s not including all the other skirmishes scattered around the 70 countries we have our military protecting our interests?  And all based on a false claim of WMD and 9/11 was basically orchestrated by the PNAC’ers and our military just sat around by playing stupid little games in the pentagon?
Looks like the easing of tensions in the ME isn’t supposed to happen, especially when Israel doesn’t have the Yinon plan in place.  We also have our military guarding the oil wells in Syria to keep them from falling into the ISIS hands, who are under the table recipients of our tax $$$ from the CIA. But maybe they get most out of their black budgets from selling smack and cocaine.

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Netanyahu Distances From Soleimani Slaying, Says Israel Shouldn’t Be ‘Dragged’ Into It: Report

Yeah, what the hell, we only conned the idiot Trump to go assassinate Soleimani - besides he was going to meet with the Iraqi’s and Saudi’s and reduce tension - we don’t want that, we want continued wars to fatten our master’s wealth!  And we need the US military in the ME to protect our Yinon Plan so we can control everything - damn! Let the goyim croak for our evil schemes and NWO.
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Nikki Haley says the Soleimani strike left the Iranian regime shaking in their boots

Haley is a complete idiot! A bought and paid for Israel firster, she needs to go to a rehab center and clear the junk out of her mind. Look who immediately distanced himself from this atrocity of Soleimani's murder - yup Netanyahu! The tool for the international bankers.

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Bolton Impeachment Testimony Bombshell Flummoxes Senate GOP

Its finally coming to a head - it’s not the Dem or Reps, its the deep state owned by the Khazarian Mafia Bankers - the con of the century - well so far, it’s only 2020 and UN Agenda 2030 is 10 years away, when the international bankers via the military and secret societies completely take over the world and eliminate 6 billion people.  Trump is finally letting his true colors come to light - he was duped into taking the presidency and now it’s becoming clear where we’ll end up unless something drastic in the contrary will occur.
And you need to take note, the first comment “Exposed by MSM” was from VT, whose articles are 40% fake news, then the article about Netanyahu and Haley and Bolton are on the main stream media.  Who’s lying - who’s telling the truth, I suppose you have to sit back, wait, then make up your own mind - but by then, when you figure it out, you’ll be in a FEMA camp or smart city stacked over a Walmart or maybe 6 feet under.

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U.S. military believes Iran will attempt to kill one of its commanders in 'tit-for-tat' response to the death of General Soleimani and expects a 'major' attack within two days

Hmmm. . . .any bets this will be the precursor for an assassination of maybe Trump? Hell, he’s got his nose so far up the Joo-ass, he can’t tell where the smell is coming from, but then it may serve a number of actions to satisfy Agenda 21, 2030 and whatever this psycho Khazarian Mafia want to push on the world. D’ya thinks they’ll sacrifice one of their own pawns?  Yup, you can bet on that.

Soleimani was to deliver Tehran's reply to Saudi de-escalation letter when killed: Iraqi PM

Wait a minute, the corporatists want war not peace! Send a drone and eliminate this logical thinker, we need wars and mass murder to fuel our wallets.

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Kennedy Jr. says we’re living in a science fiction nightmare

Log on and read this - vaccines are a poison!

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Los Angeles Under Siege …AGAIN…DAY 6…Chemtrails, Be Concerned – VERY CONCERNED

A good article from Veterans Today regarding the skies being laced with toxic material.  Good read if you can stand it.
It also references additional articles that would also be worth reading.

Learn About the Monsters Behind It All:

The above should tie you up for a while but worth the time.  Then we need to form a new group to resist the movement.  And I picked up on this 65 years ago when I was in high school looking at what was being taught in school and quite a bit in contrast with the literature I read in the 40’s and I was always in odds with the teachers - if you want to call them that - Michael Collins Piper named them an arm of the Judas Goats.  The schmucks were rewriting history back then, can you imagine what the little kids are being taught now with common core?  “Hey little boy, put on this dress!!”

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The MSM and alt news all seem to get involved with when one nations leader threatens another - but step back and look at the whole picture - it’s more like one puppet threatening another - the back room boys, who stuck these clowns in there, are the ones who should be shot, and on top of the pyramid is the international banker, but then nobody says a word about those schmucks cuz they control the purse string and media. The World Bank finances Agenda 21 and sustainable development - guess who runs this psychotic agenda (?) and controls the WB, IMF, BIS, Fed and other countries central banks (?) Yup the Rothschilds and Rockefeller’s and the scheme has been in the works longer than 1992, say the 1700’s, or maybe farther back than that!

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Iran is using bulldozers at the Ukrainian plane crash site, which could make it impossible to prove what happened

They're just following the 911 example. Clean out all the mini-nuke evidence and melted steel, vaporized concrete and send it to China before anybody figures out it was a home cooked PNAC plan for the international bankers.

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Trump reportedly told associates he killed Soleimani under pressure

The Zios, AIPAC and ADL, tools for the Rothschilds Khazarian Mafia, have Trump's gonads in a vice and squeezing hard to start WWIII and take the sheeples minds off the failing economy orchestrated by the bankers Ponzi scheme to promote NWO.

Trump, at Israel’s Request, Assassinated the General Most Responsible for Destroying ISIS

RBN hits the nail on the head and comes out with the truth, and Pompeo lied about the planned attacks by Soleimani - as stated above, the RKM has these puppets under control, time to get rid of the evil ones pushing for war!  ISIS was run by Israel and KSA also with financing and weapons from the good ol’ US of A (A stands for assholeos), but the KSA took over the dummy role with the Zios in charge.

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Luxury apartments demolished in southern India for violating regulations

Two luxury apartment complexes in southern India were demolished today (January 11th) by controlled explosion for violating planning regulations.
Looks like Lucky Larry owned these, explosive demolition, but I don’t think they used any nukes like on WTC I & II. And these have planning regulations?  And the kids poop in the streets, and sleep on sidewalks(?) or maybe they have some Johnny on the Spots scattered around with blankets stacked around the dumpsters for sleep. But I don’t think I saw any garbage bins when I was there, just a lotta cows sleeping on the streets and cars had to go around them -  traffic jams everywhere.

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From snake oil salesman to criminal psycho collecting wealth.  As stated before, the CIA doesn’t work for the people, only the money boys and MI6 and Mossad do their nasty deeds for Rothschilds and you can guess who started all the wars since the 1700’s - of course, they control the military industrial complex and headed for the NWO.

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Canada's Trudeau: Iran plane victims would be alive had there been no regional tensions

Damn, he’s growing a beard, soon he’ll look like his father, Fidel, give ‘im a Cuban - just like down town Havana in a ’55 Chevy.  Which brings up another point, the guy / general that ordered the shoot down, must have had some pretty good advisers that could be a planted mole, especially with the transponder turned off, or was it highjacked by SPC that Zakheim ran before he stumbled into the Pentagon accounting and made $3.2 trillion disappear.  Gotta admit, ol’ Dov’s got some orchestrated magic and nobody knows where the 350 - W54 mini nukes went from Pantex, TX!  He should get a job at the Fed. But Justin has a point and you’ll never guess who causes the regional tension!  Yup - Israel.

But the story keeps getting better, or worse, it has been clearly stated the transponder actually was shut off and communications not available and the plane was diverted and headed for the missile battery that shot it down.  Hmmm…MKUltra?  It will be interesting on the passenger list also, when that comes out, any bets it has Iran nuclear scientists on board?  I believe there were a few Iran scientists Arkancided a while back, but the ‘chosen’.

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Canada Might Pay for Meghan Markle and Prince Harry’s Security Bills in Taxpayer Money

Yeah what the hell, if some one would step up to the plate and get a DNA of Hewitt and Diana, then check Harry’s, maybe it won’t cost the poor Canucks any more money for this fake regime and give Harry a job at Walmart and throw the rest of this stupid royalty in a zoo.

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Just thought I’d stick this in here - give you an idea where it all started - or maybe continued.
Adam Weishaupt’s dream or was that nightmare come true.

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US to Iraq: ‘Vote All You Want, We’re Not Leaving!’

A democratically elected gov’t in Iraq voted for the US military to leave?  Pompeo and Bolton (at the time) and Trump said no!  Trump’s campaign was to bring our troops home - now look at the picture. . .yup it sure looks like we have no president, only a tool for the international bankers that seep in wealth during war, and of course, eliminate millions of people - the goal of the filth in power.

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Professor Loses Position for Committing a Grave Sin: Telling the Truth

Yup, tell a lie, get a bonus, tell the truth - get fired!
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Have a look and check where we’re being lead down the path by the Judas Goats and everything you  think you own is fake.  It sho’ looks like these money changers have been trying to screw up the world since before 1776, maybe before 250AD.

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And looks like more guys other than the Chabad Lubavitcher's have his nuts in a vice or is it his senior advisors giving him advice for the corporations, yup - fuck the sheeple.  Trump is turning into a gross disappointment, or that’s the plan!

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Lev Parnas implicates Trump on the eve of Senate impeachment trial

Lev - A #$%$ or more likely a Khazar, telling the truth? Doesn't seem likely!!

A copy of my post to this article - I suppose the editors didn’t like the word ‘Joo’ so they edited to read #$%$

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