Sunday, June 9, 2019

"If voting made any difference they wouldn't let us do it." -- Mark Twain

Why You Should Not Underestimate The Severity Of The Coming Recession
Henry Kissinger: Control oil, you control nations; control food and you control the people. This creep was at the latest Bilderberger meeting in Switzerland. You can imagine what the topics were.
LBJ: You control the weather; you control the world. This has been going on since 1962 and before.
USAF 1996 “Weather as a Force Multiplier – Owning the Weather by 2025”

Hmmm…connect the dots and hear the bell? Does this wake you up on all the crapolla that’s been going on with geoengineering, HAARP and DEWs? Sanctions, threats of war and military mobilized to areas in the world of potential conflict.
So far, the petrodollar keeps the worlds’ nations under the greedies thumb and severe sanctions placed on countries that don’t allow the 4 horsemen in to pillage and plunder the resources makes wars appear to be looming in the horizon.

Flooding in central US of A, violent storms covering the central US for the past 2 months and over 1 million cows and calves have died, poultry production has also suffered a collapse and this will create a shortage for almost a decade for beef and probably 3 years for poultry – if the farmers have any funds to replenish. Crops have been destroyed in most of the agriculture areas, and corn, soybeans, wheat and oats will take at least 2 or 3 years to reach the harvest peaks providing the weather makes a dramatic change to normal.  Unfortunately, the mega corporations will own all the bankrupt lands and all will be managed by SERCO.
California, drought and fires have destroyed the crops, housing and countryside, flooding has wiped out most of the topsoil and in this breadbasket of the US, no food will be grown this year or more.

The price of food is going up as we speak but will skyrocket by summer and people working paycheck to paycheck won’t be able to afford the inflated market price. Hunger and starvation, then riots, robbery and break ins occurring around the country.  People will be attacking each other with guns, knives, ropes, sticks and stones and the militarized police will come and take your weapons. Millions of people will be forced into FEMA camps and with the 2500 gals of cyanide and military with gas masks, the psychos will most likely eliminate the masses to make room for the next batch. Auschwitz will turn out to be a summer camp with a little Zyclon B for lice compared to what will be in store for the loyal citizens watching ABCNNBCBS and Fox and friends waiting for the next hand out of GMO’d big Mac or KFC washed down with some contaminated fracked water.
Damn, this appears to be approaching Orwell’s 1984 and big brother will control the sheeple.  I certainly hope I’m not the sooth sayer of the century if this in fact comes to pass. Time to wake the fuck up!!!

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Bolton Claims Iran Was "Almost Certainly" Behind Latest Attacks on UAE Ships

Yup – and fat boy Pompeo agreed with it stating that Iran ‘might’ be behind it – note the words ‘might’ and ‘almost certainly’ – a classic case of one lies and the other swears to it.  By deception thou shalt do war – the Mossad motto and the puppets of Israel, Bolton, Pompeo, Abrams and it appears now Trump go along with the scenario – gotta create a war to keep funny money flowing out from the Fed, driving us deeper in debt.

US Forces Blow Up Three Oil Tankers In Syria Enforcing Oil Embargo

And then this happens – any coincidence? Blame Iran, then shut down their trade, for who? You, me? Nope, the robber barons and 4 horsemen.  For some ridiculous reason, this is ok for the US, but not ok for Iran to sell their oil. But if Exxon, BP, Shell and the rest of the carpet baggers had a share in or control Iran’s oil production, this would be ok, and the new Shah would be in place protecting our interests, then again, not for you and the people, for the corporations!!!
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More creative doodling………

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Bolton Warns Iran's Proxies They Risk Strong U.S. Response

“Who else you think is doing this?” he asked. “Somebody from Nepal?” - Hell no! Israel is the culprit - look at the false flags created in the past 70 years and before - remember the USS Liberty never sank!

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It's Now Impossible to Deny Who Caused Climate Change

First read "Weather as a Force Multiplier - Owning the Weather by 2025", next check Dane Wigington site, next look up in the sky and see the chemtrails sprayed, next check on HAARP and DEWs being utilized. It's not the diesel truck, it's Agenda 21, 2030 or whatever they, meaning the Illuminati / Bilderbergers will name it next.

And some more weather shit

Dangerous tornado touches down in Kansas City; severe weather moves east into Missouri

LBJ must be having a wet dream in his grave – in '62 he promoted weather manipulation and stated "He who controls the weather, controls the world"! The psychos have been doing this for 60 years - this suits the Agenda 21, 2030 goals. Soon the depopulation will commence. Better get ready! Time to lock and load.
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Kushner meets Jordan king in push for US peace plan

Can you imagine the conversation - "Duhhh - Hey Kingie – I think we gonna wanna have some peace over there in Palestine - my Zio buddies can't build their condos without some Pali makin’ a fuss and throwing rocks at them! Oh, and can you gimmee some money for my 666 bldg on 5th Ave – the piddly little amount I got from the Saudis just ain’t enough and I gotta pay the tax?  But don’t tell my father-in-law" he really thinks I’m helping the world instead of my pals in Israel, oh, and lining my pockets.

Mike Pompeo questions whether Jared Kushner's Israeli-Palestinian peace plan can succeed

Unfortunately, the idiot Kushner works for Israel, not the US of A. This dumb shit should be in Gitmo or jail with his father Chucky.
Can you imagine – Pompeo questions this when in fact he and Bolton and Abrams including 95% of congress work for the Zios also.  Gotta sign that oath.

Trump Advisor Kim Jong Un: Bolton a “defective human product” (he means a pile of “sh#t properly translated)

Well. . . .I kinda gotta agree with that statement.  Makes you wonder, how long this zio psycho is gonna remain as an advisor(?) – and that idiot Kushner – Pompeo, Abrams – I certainly hope I didn’t vote for the end of the US of A.
Should’a posted the turdometer here,

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Washington’s mighty warriors: Draft dodgers and scoundrels

As I’ve posted before, if these brave armchair macho shithead war hawk pedos want war, death and destruction, give them a helmet with a bullseye painted on top, an AR15 with one bullet and stick them in the front line! My son, a major and pilot in the marines returned from Afghanistan and Iraq with all his fingers and toes, then I cancelled my hunting trip with Cheney.

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Did 2 F15s Intercept Contagion Spraying High Speed Craft? Event Now Confirmed!

Hmm. . . the plane originated in Missouri – there was an Ebola training drill going on with the military after and during the storms, tornadoes and flooding when the plane took off. There are some major Ebola strains infecting people in DRC Africa. Ebola Zaire is the name of this bug and now a case in Texico was reported.  Makes you wonder if Bill Gates has been sending some vaccines to the DRC or Zaire. The plane on its flight from Missouri, down to the Florida west coast, to alligator alley then flew east and crashed outside the continental shelf and most likely it’ll never be found to check what the hell was on it. But it does make you wonder – what’ll happen to the people in Missouri and along the path.  Any bets this Ebola might just break out?  Let’s wait and see.  Ever notice, every time the military or police have a training drill, like 9/11, Boston Bombing, school shootings, Las Vegas, Florida, Charlie Hebdo, the exact drill they’re training for, actually happens, and at the same time? Coincidence?

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Pompeo says US ready to talk to Iran with 'no preconditions'

Do a search on "Noam Chomsky: U.S. Has Been “Torturing” Iran for 60 Years, Since 1953 CIA-Led Coup". And people should trust the US on any deal(?) in particular for the benefit of Israel - the biggest terrorist state in the world – the tool for the Rothschilds!

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Bubonic Plague ‘Likely’ Already Present in Los Angeles, Dr. Drew Says

Yup, and they already got typhus and the latest strain of Ebola – gotta get rid of the useless eaters and fecal depositors, and those damned needles – damn – what’s an oligarch to do – give ‘em a needle with some toxic dope, shoot ‘em up and they’re still alive?  Besides, the boys in Ft Detrick and Tbilisi Lugar biological warfare lab need their bonus. Oh, and move those tent city guys off the street – send them to San Francisco, we need to make a sanctuary for the illegal immigrants from down south - cut grass and take garbage out, oh, and clean up the needles instead of piling up on the sidewalks.
But where we gonna put the garbage and dead bodies FEMA will eliminate with the cyanide? The Philippines already sent a couple of vessels full of trash back to Canada – how about China – they have lots of places for trash – oh, and why not the walled in City of London financial district, or Vatican or Wall Street - DC?

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“Brainwashing in Action: Pence Hails Virtue of ‘Certain War’”

His speech at West Point - The armchair generals need to provoke a war and our boys and girls will die for Israel!

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Word Porn
A little video of George Carlin – you’ve probably seen this, but then - no wonder they put him to rest so he doesn’t alert the dummies!

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How Soybeans Became China’s Most Powerful Weapon in Trump’s Trade War

Those GMO'd soybeans are trash - I wouldn't buy that shit either, or that epicyte injected corn - mass sterilization - what Agenda 21 and 2030 need to depopulate the world.  Yup -  Terminator technology – and Monsanto has the patent! We have some real whacko's running the world.

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No Bigger Secret: Why the New Mach 5 SR-72 Spy Plane Could Be Everything

Hell - This will only cost another $1.5 trillion to activate and it won't work worth a shit either. Like the F35. Microsoft must be making the software – that shit don’t work either.  How about negotiate for peace, cost - next to nothing, people won't get killed, but the MIC and bankers will go broke. Maybe not such a bad idea.
“I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around [the banks] will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered. The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs.”
Why doesn’t the idiots in congress follow the constitution? Any guesses? Yup - Benjamins.
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Tech giants now pushing ANTI-knowledge to keep humanity dumbed down and trapped in mental prisons

Yup, gotta keep the useless eaters stupid – only listen to ABCNNBCBS or read WaPo, NYT and the rest of the presstitutes, play with FB and Google games.  They tell the truth, and the other sites, well, they don’t! Cuz we say so. And remember, the Federal Reserve is a government org working for the people, IRS also works for the people and FBI and CIA never tell a lie! Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me.  Looks we got a nation full of shamed fools many times over in the past 500 years and before!

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NWO Insider Killed After This Leak! Final Warning!

Curious listen – the world is about the change – slowly, then the Satanists will be in control.

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Jared Kushner Doesn't Care How Stupid He Sounds

Like most demented psychos, they don't know if they sound stupid, besides his marriage into the family was most likely orchestrated by the Zios - same with Chelsea Klingon and her bankrupt husband. The psychos didn’t know who was going to win the 2016 election - And this idiot is a senior advisor?

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Yup, things have changed over the past few years. Ellsberg was charged with the same espionage act.  But the secret society boys can lie all day long and never get arrested. SHTF soon.

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Trump calls Queen Elizabeth a 'great, great woman'

"After nearly a year of litigation, Queen Elizabeth and her husband, Prince Phillip, were found guilty in the disappearance of ten native children from the Catholic-run Kamloops residential school in British Columbia. Grieving parents haven’t seen their children since they left for a picnic with the Royal couple on Oct. 10, 1964."

Yup, she's a great woman! Tell that to the 10 children never found. Ninth Circle Satanic Cult at work. Chugalug on some adrenochrome.,

It looks like we have to unite and stop this insane act of polluting the world.  Check “Putin offer to Trump to ban geoengineering if NATO is abolished. 
What’s going on here – 5G is in partnership with geoengineering to depopulate. The heavy metal nanoparticle shit they spray gets lodged in your brain, they turn the switch and your brain gets toasted.  Don’t believe what I put here, do a check and see. Open the above site and check all the subtitles in various modes of pollution. It’s not CO2 – it’s funny money for the bankers.

Ocasio-Cortez: Serious climate plan to cost at least $10T

First they need to find the $21 trillion+ the Pentagon and HUD just simply can't find where this was squandered and seize it back. The earth’s climate has forever evolved but this current fiasco is directly related to climate engineering / geoengineering, and needs to be stopped. Hell - even Putin offered Trump a deal to stop global chemtrails if NATO was abolished - and that's another gross waste of our money driving us deeper in debt for the goals of the satanic Rothschilds Khazarian Mafia.  And next on the list for AOC is to go study a little physics and history then learn how to make efficient desalination and irrigate the deserts and pump water to the depleted aquifers that Nestle and Coke are robbing to sell water in plastic bottles, that cost more than a gallon of gas.  Hell, I could go on forever, but then who the hell would listen.

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Trump’s high-wire act on trade risks a rough fall

Trade wars, tariffs, prices raising - blame Russia, China, Mexico? It's corporatist fascism at work, the multi-nationals and worldwide central banks owned by the Satanists is the problem. Corporations have moved manufacturing out of the US of A to increase their profits by slave labor, screw the US citizen. Soon we'll be living in smart rooms stacked over a Walmart and the illuminati will be having tail gate parties in the back of their Bentleys.

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Colloidal Silver: Erased From Textbooks Because It Treated Illnesses From Syphilis to Tuberculosis to Ebola

Hmmm. . . . big pharma don’t want you to know this(?) – and I read an article where it stated during the black plague in Europe in the 1300’s where it wiped out 60% of the Europe’s population, but the people with silverware, made from real silver didn’t get the plague.  I can imagine soon; they’ll be coming after your kitchen utensils along with your guns. Then Gates can inject this Ebola Zaire crap into the chemtrails and depopulate the world.  Georgia Guidestone’s.

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Orwell’s 1984 was nothing like actual 1984. But it’s exactly like 2019

Funny how this has evolved and been in the works for over 300 years.  NSA, CIA, TSA, DHS, Facial Recognition – Soon the satanic pedos will have their dream come true and own the sheeple – well – the ones that are left after the Vaxx and geoengineering and nuclear holocausts coming up.

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Canada says Cuba will have a role to play in Venezuela's return to democracy

Maduro was elected, Guaido is a puppet of the US and bankers and 4 horsemen. Once the oil is taken over by the greedies, then Venezuela will be worse than before. Have a look at Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan, Syria and the pirates have already raped those countries. Venezuela is next.

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