Just too many one - liners
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Did I ever mention this before, Snowden
and Zuckerberg are cousins? Both connected to the CIA. Spreading of lies and
bullshit appears to be the norm with those two – throw in Assange, Greenwald –
look in the opposite direction – who are they really trying to destroy? The
intelligence agencies? – Nope – People’s belief in what is right and what is wrong.
Looks like the Deeper, Deep State (DDS) wants to remove the idiot Deep State
(DS) actors, then they’ll be in total control, d’ya trust them?
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Huge Leak! Mueller, Comey, Rosenstein,
Barsoomian - The Final Piece of the Clinton Foundation Fraud Puzzle (Video)
A good watch – sort of connects the dots
of the biggest crime organization in the history of the US of A. Well, maybe the second, the Creatures from
Jekyll Island has to rank up with the first then Clintonians or Klingons, and
Bushes need to be up there. It clears up who this Barsoomian is – Rod
Rosenstein’s wife – figure that one out.
And another one – been this way before
many times before and connects the dots.
This does appear to approach the
Orwell’s description of the future at first glance, however the key word was
“think” that’s something the sheeple really don’t do or not capable of doing,
other than to further their own personal benefit, not the world’s civilization
- only the greedies in their twisted minds that want to control everything -
think in terms of destruction! Yeah,
lets waste $trillions on wars and weapons of mass deception and create
medicines and vaxx’s that kill people, but let the homeless in California and
other areas sleep and shit on the street.
And I thought Delhi was bad, at least they started putting up portable
johns when I was there, and I didn’t see any needles.
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Atheists still believe in the
supernatural, new report finds
I believe in the supernatural – in fact D’boogerism is on top of the list. Give me your money and I’ll guarantee you go
to heaven when you croak, if you don’t make it to the pearly gates and go ‘down’
there face to face with Moloch in the inferno, then I’ll give you 2, no, 3
times your money back.
the goddam world is flat. . . well, maybe it has a few curves around it, sorta
points into a ball!
has right to retain ‘SOME’ of West Bank, US envoy says as Trump’s peace plan
takes flak
Khazars have no right to be there in the first place without legal immigration.
Balfour, as a payback for his corruption, signed the declaration to the
Rothschilds to create this terrorist state and havoc in the energy producing
countries to make a pot full of money for the bankers and MIC. It should be one state and name it back to
Palestine and let the locals whose families have lived there for centuries run
the state. Not some offshoot Likudniks of the terrorist Irgun or Stern gang.
J. Edgar Hoover’s statement in 1956 "The individual is handicapped by
coming face-to-face with a conspiracy so monstrous he cannot believe it exists.
The American mind simply has not come to a realization of the evil which has
into our midst. It rejects even the assumption that human creatures could
espouse a philosophy which must ultimately destroy all that is good and decent."
comment indicates this was against communism, but when you look at it, this has
been in operation since Weishaupt and Pike then do a search, more like since 0
AD and before. The money changers.
Lawmakers Pass Landmark Bill Requiring Child Molesters to be Castrated
now’s the time to invest in the Mogen industry, hell, that’ll beat
bitcoin. Well, you’d need the up to
date, modern, customized and modified version that cuts off the balls and dick
too. Or is that three. Hell, can you imagine what the Hollywood and political
elites and religious guys would look like hobbling around with a big bandage? Hah, McDonald’s would be buying up all that
skin and bone and advertise chili cheese dogs with a side order deep fried
nuts. Lamb fries anyone?
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video released doesn’t show a 757 crashing into it, but sure as hell looked
like a missile and supposedly shot from a military plane that’s accelerating in
altitude rapidly shown in the photo.
site noted the missile was fired from an Israeli submarine, but no photos or
description given, just the round hole in the wall, that no way in hell a 757
could fit into – no wing marks shattering windows or jet engines, or body parts
scattered around.
thinks the government will open an additional investigation? And I just watched the movie Vice about
Dick-less Cheney. Makes you wonder where
all his heart replacements came from that matched his DNA. They had to go into
the deep part of the swamp to get that slithering thing, and the actor who
played him labeled him Satan?
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blasted the Khazar Polish crypto Jew creep. Remaking this country? He’s
screwing it up! Holocaust survivor? He
was part of the scam! This POS sold out his Khazar buddies and whatever assets
they had to the Nazis for a piece of their wealth and brags about it! This schmuck
is the Rothschilds tool here, arm in arm with Netanyahu, even though publicly
he’s at odds with, to screw up America, not remake it. The org’s he finances create most of the
crime in this country and spreading around the world. I suppose he thinks we need a few immigrants
too! Bill Kristol, PNAC’er and part of
9/11 crew, also stated the immigrants will replace the working whites. Makes
you wonder where the whites will go – FEMA camps – snort a little cyanide?
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Day in History: June 11
the Murrah building - read Cody Snogres's book 'Choosing the Light" and
will give you a better idea of what went on, and a little van full of
fertilizer parked outside couldn't do that amount of damage. The officer, Yeakey,
that went inside to check on survivors found another unexploded bomb, was
eliminated right after also. Part of the Arkancide and Texicution scenario!
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Kushner is Abusing His Office in 'Plain Sight'
Not my
favorite topic, but this little creep is making a name for himself – well,
maybe a curse instead of a name. Corruption at it’s highest, and stepping back,
if Trump doesn’t go along with the Zios, he just might be impeached – and this
POS pencil neck schmuck is the Mossad mole in the white house.
White House in Washington is now named “Tel Aviv on the Potomac.”
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to Announce Ban on Single Use Plastics
A hemp
byproduct is biodegradable plastic, not from hydrocarbon. Henry Ford made the Model T out of it and ran
it on refined hemp oil – but that didn’t last too long going head on with the
Rockefellers and Standard Oil – then came prohibition the manufactured banning
of booze – but this made the Bronfman’s and Kennedy’s richer than shit. NXIVM a
byproduct? Now it’s legal to grow in Canadia, so they may as well grow this
stuff. The 4 horsemen won’t like this, but WTF, lets get on with saving the
planet instead of destroying it for the psychos.
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Senator Murdered in Her Home After Reportedly Uncovering Gov’t Child
Trafficking Ring
Yup - Linda
Collins-Smith as previously posted suggesting this is an Arkancide, comes to
pass. And there was another one – will post his name when I get it – oh
– Oklahoma
State Sen. Jonathan Nichols – he was shot 2 days after Linda got it. 27,000
children went missing in 2017. Damn, those satanic pedos are a disgrace and
should be lined up and shot.
Linda Collins-Smith About to Testify Against Hillary Clinton?
sudden death of an Arkansan or a politician is not somehow tied to the
Clintons. So, the MSM states.
it’s coming to a head!
Here’s the list of the fateless 10 (all connected
to the Klingons one way or another) in 72 hours
Linda Collins-Smith – former Arkansas state
senator – died of gunshot wounds
Jonathan Nicole – former Oklahoma state senator –
died of gunshot wound
Steven Silks – NY Deputy – suicide by gunshot –
about to retire – Anthony Weiner’s laptop
Joseph Calabrese – NYPD homicide detective –
suicide by gunshot – Anthony Weiner’s laptop
Dante Austin – Deputy Philadelphia – died of
suicide by gunshot
Chris Reed – Texas police chief – fell overboard
fishing boat
Lola Gulomova – Commerce Department US diplomat –
died of several gunshots – her husband died also and they are claiming it was a
“murder suicide”
Tony Rodham – Hillary Clinton’s Brother – cause of death not being released
Tony Rodham – Hillary Clinton’s Brother – cause of death not being released
9 Herb Sandler – tied to Pizza gate and the Podesta
Walter Lubcke – died of gunshot on his terrace
Whitney Has Passed Away
lady, a broadcaster on Republic Broadcasting Network, was also involved in
creating Parents Against Mandatory Vaccines, AntiCorruption Society.com, People for Safe
Technologies, this obviously
has gone against the bought and paid for criminals in our government. Kinda makes you wonder if this was another
exercise by the deep state. And she had a 5G tower next to her home.
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are calling themselves Minor Attracted Person (MAP) on Twitter. They are trying
to become a protected class by entering the LGBT community.
the pedos gonna label this LGBTQP, P is for pedos (or prick) instead of MAP in
case you couldn’t figure it out
some more shit. . . .
list of Jewish Child Molester Rabbis gets no media coverage and Jewish
homosexual pedophiles are undisturbed
like they’ll fall into the LGBTQP group and get off scot free – like the
priests. Oy Vey – read the list, hundreds of these creeps but you can’t
criticize them or take ‘em to jail, that’s anti-Semitic.
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in the New York state legislature introduced a new bill that would make the
Empire State the first in the U.S. to decriminalize sex work.
gotta pay the tax – would the rate be set by the hour or number of shot spots –
do they get a tax break on premature ejaculation? How about a limp dick? Take
the money and don’t perform? Hell, this
is the oldest profession in the world. Make a spear – go get f**k’d!
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on Trump’s ‘nasty’ comment: ‘I’m done with him’
A long
term politician is corrupt to the core. Pelosi's and relative’s wealth gain in
the past 22 years has been related to politics KKN, corruption, collusion and
nepotism. And she has a wall around her property to keep the illegals out.
Damn, we need some term limits!! How about putting this on the next voting
session – pick a candidate and include 2 term limits per puppet politician.
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lesser Men
read the article on VT regarding the people chosen for government. The Satanists in the back room pick these
puppets to further their evil goal of enslaving the world. Reagan, Bush I & II, Clinton, Obama and
now Trump simply do what they’re told due to some form of blackmail whether
it’s molesting children, murder and pirating $millions from unsuspecting people
of the nation and unfathomable evil actions.
first eye opening example was when JFK addressed the secret societies and
stated he would expose and stop them from ruining the republic during his
presidency, then he was eliminated and followed up by 9/11 covertly covered up
by the henchmen. This goes parallel what Debugger has been blogging for the
past 30 some odd years, and mostly the cynical sarcasm may cloud the actual
the 1700’s the bankers had the purpose of enslaving humanity based on Zionism
and Communism and it is notable that the Rothschilds financed Herzl – Zionism;
and Karl Marx – the Manifesto; and continues until today with the Rockefellers,
Warburg’s, Mellon’s, European Royalty, and the rest of the bankers goose
stepping right behind forming the CFR, Bilderbergers, Illuminati and
Freemasonry infiltrated by the Zios.
Balfour paid back the Khazars with the declaration and this gave them
control of the Middle East and energy via Palestine where they’ve raped the
locals of their property and inserted the Satanic Likudnik terrorists.
research will expose these acts and progressing to mind control via MSM, fluoridated
water, vaxx, include chemtrails full of heavy metals penetrating the brain
barrier and flip the switch for 5G to activate and opioids prescribed by paid
off dumb doctors whose kickbacks push them in that direction. Now we got the
LGBTQP’ers on the board of education teaching our kids to want a sex change.
cartoon of Wall Street goons. . .
much in derivatives are there unprotected by the casino bankers the sheeple
will end up paying for? $1.2 quadrillion?
out of control folks – time to lock and load.
of Parents Pull Kids From School to Protest LGBTQ Curriculum
P’ers are hard at work pushing their agenda. Soon home school will be a crime –
keep the kids stupid, damn, what’s an oligarch to do?
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blames Iran for the tanker attacks
posted before – this is another Gulf of Tonkin, Lusitania, Pearl Harbor, 9/11
exercise to start the war – Looks like I need to send another letter to the
White House. Israel was already caught with the previous vessel attack in the
Persian Gulf, this was another false flag – by deception, thou shalt do war.
was in a meeting with Shinzo Abe at the time this occurred, and the Norwegian
tanker owned by a businessman dealing with Iran. Why in hell would Iran do
this? Looks like the greedies want war –
the economy is going down the shitter, so we need something to take people’s
minds off whatever wealth they have accumulated going down with the economy.
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Trump, Kushner took in as much as $135M last year
But it
doesn't list the money received from Saudi's and now the pencil neck is
romancing Jordan. And these idiots fly around on Air Force One - for free! And
homeless living on streets in California defecating and shooting up. Something
wrong with this picture.
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administration providing ‘false’ information about Gulf of Oman attack, says
Japanese tanker owner
says 'Iran did do it,' as U.S. seeks support on Gulf oil tanker attacks
is falling into the Mossad trap – “by deception thou shalt do war” Let’s hope
he finally smartens up and GTF out of the ME.
rises again on tension fueled by tanker blasts
Or it could
also be sponsored by the 4 horsemen – any guesses, and I seriously doubt it was
about a little diplomacy and arrest the corporations that are in control of the
Pompeo is a known liar, especially when it comes to Iran.
2. The
US empire is known to use lies and false flags to start wars.
John Bolton has openly endorsed lying to advance military agendas.
Using false flags to start a war with Iran is already an established idea in
the DC swamp.
5. The
US State Department has already been running psyops to manipulate the public
Iran narrative.
6. The
Gulf of Oman narrative makes no sense.
Even if Iran did perpetrate the attack, Pompeo would still be lying.
7 items were copied from The Truth Seeker as discussed on Ron Paul’s Liberty
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US to
Send 1,000 More Troops to Poland
will make 5000 troops there, and for what? Protect our country? Or provoke
another skirmish that’ll kill thousands of people. What’s that cost us? Average of $850,000 per
year per head – and that’s conservative – hmph – a little over $4.2 billion,
shit, in Poland(?) hell, that could build dorms for the homeless in the US and
maintain them including a few Johnny on the Spots, then figure the other $21
trillion wasted the military just can’t seem to find, that would rebuild our
country and half the world! Except
Africa – Gates is saving people’s lives there with Vaxx…but they die 48 hours
after the shot.
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people are being removed from history
George Washington was Black? Brown? Yellow? Green? Divide and conquer – damn we
got some sickos ruining civilization! Well, if you can call it that –
civilized? We need war!!! Gotta push up Raytheon’s stock!
Craig Roberts contributed to this article.
Makes you
wonder why Trumponius doesn’t pick Roberts, or Ron Paul as advisors, only
problem is they don’t work for the bankers.
wife has ventured into the health care industry and I thought this was a great
idea cuz when I get old(er) she’d be able to look after me and get paid for it
– so she doesn’t get annoyed by cleaning the bed pan and changing my depends.
Then I looked into this and came across the various types of euphemisms and related
facilities – senior living(?) assisted(?) palliative(?) hospice(?) memory(?)
rehabilitation(?) end-of-life(?). Then I got into who pays for this and I do
have Medicare since I had to take it when I got to be 70, and then you need to
take the supplement that covers the cost of doctors, drugs and related
equipment to help you get around. When you run out of the allotted time for a
stay say after an operation for a broken bone or something from when you run
into furniture walking around in a little place, and you can only stay in the
hospital that fixed it for a couple of days and they kick you out, pay
ridiculous amounts for opioids for pain (I don’t take any cuz I love pain) and
contact one of the above facilities to help you heal.
cost of these places cost over $744 per day – damn, I could get a room Wynn
Resort in Las Vegas, beside the golf course, for $139 +/- per day including
b’fast, then throw in a care giver of my choice and a round of golf every other
day, crutches, wheel walkers, motorized cripple carts – and that would beat the
daily rate. Methinks I need to make a deal with Medicare – d’ya thinks they’ll
go for it. Besides after a few weeks at the casino, I’d probably lose all my
money and jump out of the window.
to think about, oh and I did come up with the D’booger health care program –
ship the patient to Shanghai and get a heart transplant for $10,000 instead of
the $million here, charge them $100,000, that covers the round trip plane fare,
a couple of weeks in the China Motel 6 for rehab that’ll total $20,000 and
hell, I keep the rest. Figure in the 30,000 transplants a year, and that’s just
here, hell – that’s over a couple $billion – and contact other countries, damn,
I’d be richer than shit. Need to start a health insurance scam too, but needs
to be payable in Yuan – gold backed. Whew, Bill Gates and Bezos will be
knocking at my door looking for a handout or try to sell me some shares in
looking at all the private health care facilities blossoming around the US of A
tells me something that’s been lurking in the back of my mind, constantly, and
I’ve probably mentioned it once or twice, that there is no money in a
cure! Like there’s no money in peace or
education! Keep the people sick, in wars and stupid, and make big pharma and
military incompetent complex and bankers filthy rich! All points back to death
and destruction is the name of the game including Agenda 21, 2030, Georgia
Guidestones and fiat funny money! You
don’t think we’re being manipulated, do you? Besides, now I gotta go outside
and spray a little Round Up and kill all those nasty herbs and bugs.
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There's Definitely Been Gay Presidents Before
Yeah -
Everybody forgets the Franklin Scandal - Lawrence King bringing little boys
from Boys Town in Nebraska for overnighters at the White House with Georgie and
Ronnie! And Jeff Gannon (Guckert) little lap dog for W. Damn, we got some real weird sickos mixed up
in politiks – throw in Comet Pizza and spirit cooking, Adrenochrome. Oh, and
Buttigieg is coming out with a crypto currency, Butt Coin. I think it shows him
bent over, looking behind for his closet buddy sneaking up.
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Workshop on Palestinian Economy is the Opportunity of a Generation
Response to the daily email from the White House, or maybe Pink House
best solution for Palestine would be to dissolve Israel - they are the grossest
oppressors of people since before Christ. It's not the Jew, it's the money
changers from Khazaria where they all originated from and aren't Semitic, only
robbers. Do a check on the origin of all of Israel’s leaders, they're not from
Israel or Palestine!
funding the apartheid state and stop the wars for these satanic people, if you
can call them that.
consider and follow the constitution.
doubt I’ll get a reply as usual.
Oh, I
did get a reply stating they’ll review my comments and take it in context since
I am one of the people or is that sheeple.
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ousted president Morsi dies in court during trial
frozen dart vanishes minutes after death. They need Israel's puppet el-Sisi in
there to ruin Egypt not some leader elected by the people, and I’m not a
Brotherhood supporter, but Morsi was elected democratically(?). This is the
same as Venezuela now and before, Iran in 1953 and Pakistan when they murdered
Benazir Bhutto - same scenario, same perpetrators - the Khazars.
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and Uruguay suffer ‘massive’ power outages to millions of homes
The assholeos
are experimenting with the EMP weapons! Lets try Argentina and Uruguay first
and iron out the flaws, then bring them home and bring the sheeple to death and
destruction - this give Gates and Bezos and Turner more land to acquire, then
they'll be next in line to the Rothschilds and Rockefellers in controlling the
world. Give 'em a little Vaxx to help it along.
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Embezzlement Scheme Threatens Juan Guaido’s Political Future
now who’d of thought that? This guy would embezzle money? Nawww – he’s in it
for the Venezuelans! Or is he? Maybe the
CIA didn’t give him a bonus when he went there and caused havoc and they’re
throwing him under the bus – “well, shit, that didn’t work, we need another
venue to take control of the oil for the corporations, besides the Koch bros.
refining mill in Corpus is running on empty and they’re pissed and won’t give
us any more money to fuck up the nation!”
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are the U.S. states with the highest prevalence of psychopaths
probably didn’t realize the state or district with the most psycho’s is DC.
Imagine that! Texas is in the middle, probably my presence is holding the
rating down and of course Lulu the Dog has great influence.
Main Suspect behind Attacks on Oil Tankers in Sea of Oman
wars are bankers wars” good article by Mike Rivero and hits the nail on the
head. Who benefits? Iran? Tankers? US? The real culprit – Israel Mossad – but
the Mossad works for the Rothschilds, not Israel. Smedley Butler – most
decorated general in 1935 – “War is a Racket” spells out who concocts the cause
for war! He passed away at 58, makes you
wonder if an Arkancide took place after he exposed the plot to have a rebellion
and overthrow Roosevelt by the Bushes, Harriman’s and the like.
Jones Confirmed as a Deep State Mouthpiece
would figure this out – but he’s been a presstitute for the Zios for a number
of years. They even composed a scheme to ban him from broadcast as the front
for going after the ‘real’ alt media sites.
Government Establishes ‘Trump Heights’ Development on Stolen Land in Golan
we got some stupid people in gov’t. Trump ranks up there. I just chewed the
fingers off that held the pen in the voting booth. It wasn’t the fingers, it
was the lame brain attached to them, but then, what would have happened if
Hildabeast got in there? Probably a worse scenario?
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coming across southern border have ‘rolls of $100 bills’
And a
bunch of them were transported to San Antonio – 300 +/- with another 200 +/-
coming? Any bets some of these illegals are contaminated with Ebola Zaire? WTF is going on – Soros must be betting in
taking over Texas then knock down the wall at the Rio Grande – give ‘em some
rafts and let them float in instead of a ‘wet back’ and he’ll pilfer the wealth
while they kill the citizens. Just too much damn oil in Texico.
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