Friday, October 10, 2008


Ahhh… history in the makin’…

This fuckin’ Bloomberg, mayor of NYC says he’s gonna run a third time and fuck what the laws say…we’s just gonna do what we want…hell, why not… we give the Heebs $3 billion a year and they seize other peoples land and build condos and shoot the evictees and keep the terrorist hype goin’ …and that’s against international law, but that’s ok I suppose...DC is a wholly owned subsidiary of AIPAC…

The “genius” bellied up to the microphone and said this bail out package “demands to be passed in the House”… he don’t mention that this was created by Wall Street gangsters paying each other $ billions in bonuses or how we can avoid it in the future and fuck that policy of everybody, regardless how much they earn, to have their dream home back in 2003…the sub-prime shit…but now we gotta wring every last single cent outta the common folk to pay for this stupid major blunder and get my buddies off the hook so we can go fishin’…on a yacht…Lear jet…limo’s… $2000 manicures…somethin’ just not right about the gov’t holding worthless mortgages and the shitheads on Wall Street chucklin’ to themselves thinkin’ about what they gonna fuck up next...and get paid $ billions for!
But pretty soon, the gov’t will own all the foreclosed property, banks, sorry assed financial institutions on Wall Street, bailed out insurance companies, China will own the other half, so whatta we gots…
Instead of the people revolting and taking over the country, we gots some lame brain idiot that has been prodded and cajoled by heinous advisors with agendas that don’t even remotely relate to saving the “people’s” country from financial ruin and to sign a bill that will throw the country back into the dark ages and all of this to save a buncha scumbag gamblers and shysters. Now the government is gonna take over some ailing banks. Jesus…that’s a fuckin’ twisted form of communism or radical socialism…
Damn, Karl Marx and ol’ Mao, would roll over in their graves if they could picture this…we need revolution, goddamit!!! …not this cancerous consuming of worthless property…if we gotta pay for it, then we’s gonna own it!!! But let’s go after the money makin’ companies first…like XOM, Carlyle… Fire that fuckin’ Paulson…and arrest Bush and Cheney and Greenspan…and Clinton…and Bush Sr. and Carter….exhume Regan, Nixon…Guillotine…Guillotine…where’s Madame DeFarge when you really need her…She’s probably to busy knitting socks…

Headlines…the lame brain idiot has actually signed the “$700 billion bail out package”…next headline, “let’s wait and see if it’ll work”!!!...Goddam…”IF” it’ll work???...I guess there just ain’t no guarantees on anything anymore with morons masquerading as nation’s leaders taking the country down the drain… and the whole world along with ‘em…There’s gotta be WMD down in there too…d’ya think Osama bin Laden was right in sayin’ 9/11 has created the beginning of the end…??? I better go cash in my IRA’s, 401k’s, CD’s and empty out my checking and savings accounts…bury the money in the bunker on the 13th hole…
The rest of the world’s stock markets is goin’ down the shitter too…looks like this bail out plan really works and what was needed to immediately stall off the collapse of the world’s economy, huh? And what about accountability??? Oughta arrest all those CEO’s of L.B, B.S., Goldman Sachs, Aw shit, just nuke Wall Street!

A good place to check on what’s goin’ on with your money:
To sorta keep an eye on what these cocksuckers are doin’. But I can’t seem to find where the Fed released a $650 billion payout for other fuck ups that’s been issued to these geniuses in the money game …Now we’re workin’ on another $ 700 billion. Damn, that’s $1.35 trillion!!! I suppose the Bush Gang and company gotta go to the Bank of China ATM tomorrow…
Paulson is supposed to name a guy in charge of the bailout…Aaron Rippemoff methinks his name…

For some reason, I always envisioned that sooner or later everybody would be swallowed up by Wal-Mart, live in high rise slums, towering above the super store, and English – our second language, Chinese being the primary – Nee How!!! Microsoft handles the W-M employees electronic paychecks and billing of shoppers (purchases deducted from their wage = 0), Mitsubishi will supply the warranty on the elevators next to the greased firemen’s pole…B’mer 650’s will be in a museum next to the superstore…won’t need to go anywhere’s cuz that’ll resemble death valley, scorched by global warming and eroded ozone layer…XOM and BP re-runs on TV sayin’ what a great job they’re doin’ with alternative energy sources, Saudi and Irak and Iran a desolate wasteland, not much different that it is now… just a coupla camels in the desert starvin’ and dying of thirst, blinded by UV rays…and the worst of the worst of all imaginables…no golf courses…!!!
And it’s startin to happen as we speak…in Massachoosits they’re lookin’ for places for the homeless families that’s been evicted to live in…but the mortgage banks are bailed out with CEO’s receiving golden parachutes…Lear Jets, limo’s…one way ticket to the Caymans…and we gots “Big Brother“ lurking…Ahhh … Eric Blair aka. George Orwell…did he have a vision? Naww, besides, this is 2008 not Nineteen eight-four…

Ha!!! NOW these assholes testifying on capital hill are sayin’…”this crisis could continue indefinitely” …”we don’t know what the effect of this bailout will cause”…”it’s anybody’s guess”…”the market will rebound”…”nobody knows when”…”there’ll more economic pain ahead”…
Funny, nobody worried about that shit when they were encouraging the dumb shits in congress to pass the bail out bill…and I mean we need it NOW!!!
Like those assholes in Lehman…the bastard CEO has made over $500 million in the past 5 years and paid off his stooges’ leavin’ with over $20 million while he was preparing the bankruptcy papers and begging for money…

Just heard, Chevy pickup sales in DC have gone up…they’s already anticipating tail gate parties in the White House parking lot when Palin gets elected…just hafta bring your own 6-pack…ice chest… a little shrimp on the Barbie… oh, forgot, can’t afford shrimp, maybe just a little tainted hamburger… fillet of baloney…

And the market’s down the shitter…all over the world…I suppose that moron in the white house gotta be real proud of his legacy…

I better get this out and see what’s happenin’ today…

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