A sorta progressive look at the shit that’s gone on in the financial circles since the last Debugger and some of it may be hearsay or plain sorry ass history.
You know, Debugger should get paid for sooths…there was one on Al Jazeera indicating “how the financial bubble burst”… and it almost to the letter describes what Debugger surmised in the last post…and ol’ Al Greenspan is gettin’ all the credit…of course the Bush Gang won’t admit any part of the this either.
The cocksuckers kept on trying to save Lehman Bros…why? Nobody gives a shit about the small businessman that is losing his right to free enterprise by paying exorbitant taxes, levies and controls imposed by the US gov’t… Fuck ‘em, the little bastards ain’t got no lobbyist…but cronies on Wall Street overrun by Zion Protocol creeps…well, those assholes gave the administration in power $10 million they stole from their investors during our last campaign and they need protection!!!
Barclay’s pulled outta negotiations with Lehman Bros…they gots lotsa garbage loans on inflated housing prices too and this would just add to them…kinda wonder how in the hell those morons can manage our finances…they call this risky shit “toxic loans”… Sorta like dumping poison in our drinking water… Merrill Lynch is pretty shaky too…along with a buncha other major financial institutions… but never fear, the gov’t including Bank of America in all their infinite wisdom will no doubt take over these bad boy assets and let the taxpayer take care of their stupid liabilities. How come we don’t just throw them in jail or better yet, put ‘em up in front of a firing squad…? they’d do it in China fo’ sho’…and that’s our biggest trading partner…
Heh, heh, looks like the first guy down the shitter gets the first free bees from the taxpayer. Bear Sterns got $30 Billion…now Merrill Lynch, AIG, Goldman Sachs including Fannie and Freddie who else??? Oh, this other buncha other crooks are lookin’ for some free money too. These cocksuckers rob, cheat and steal their way to incredible wealth then go down the shitter taking the taxpayer with them…but their money’s in the Cayman’s. The stock market is taking a huge kick in the nuts, even the flag in front of the NY Stock Exchange looks like it’s draped over a casket…
And the Federal Reserve is gonna take another look at interest rates…damn…looks like I’ll be taking a cut in my retirement income…
But ya kinda gotta wonder, how can these geniuses fuckin’ up everything they touch, get paid astronomical salaries…yacht…Kennebunkport homes…Lear Jets…limo’s…hmph …and they just keep right on stealin’…like they’re invisible…
Ya, know, when Georgia attacked S. Ossetia, and the Ruskies went in and chased them out, Cheney dashed over there with a big aid package…Haiti that just got devastated by Ike and Guzman or whoever that last typhoon got named after, they get shit…no oil…Ya’d think they’d be a little more sneaky than that…
And the fuckin’ oil’s below $ 100/bbl…what are we gonna do now? Probably all lose our jobs cuz there’ll be no exploration…besides, how in hell can the major oil boyz spend money on new development on $95/bbl. But everybody forgets they did it when oil was at $8…imagine, payin’ 25¢ a gal… where it should be… sheesh!!!
“Ike” destroyed homes in Galveston, but *whew* luckily it didn’t hurt the refineries that much…but it could be up to $18 billion in losses and claims…I suppose the next ones to be “saved” by the taxpayer is the fuckin’ insurance companies… yup, and AIG is next on the bail out list…but fuck the home owner…
Gas went up around $5/gal…yup …see, you don’t need a war to raise the price of gas…just a catastrophic storm…hmmm…the big oil boyz are wondering how they can create another one when the price/bbl goes down??? Scatter a little dry ice on those big ol’ clouds…they need to hire the rainmaker!
The Bush Gang is in a real frenzy to increase foreign arms trade before they flee the dictatorship they’s created …$16 billion to UAE, $10 billion to Irak, $10 billion to Afghaniland, $20 billion already in the works to Saudi, $30 billion gift to Israel, a few billion to some of the missile shield countries… damn, Georgie’s gonna have a real high position with Carlyle Group when he takes off his clown suit playing prez and kin ya imagine his bonus…at least he’ll be close by, cuz Carlyle’s office is on Pennsylvania Ave right between the White House and House of representatives and good thing cuz they won’t need to contact Interpol to deliver the arrest warrant…Dickie’ll be a little harder to catch in Dubai, in his penthouse office at Hallybutton…but he’s always been a little smarter than George…
An article about the “Ex-Presidents Club” – Carlyle is one of the largest investment companies in the world… probably bigger than LB and BS…it was started not too long ago by a coupla Heebs…into military supply, health care, mortgage brokers, money launderers, but nobody hears too much about them tho’…this must be kept really quiet by sleight of hand of the CIA and Mossad…
Getting back to the financial crisis, here’s another quotable quote by some asshole carpetbagger in Wall Street…
"We've been making a lot of money from cheap money … we are the pinnacle of greed … we’re going to pay for it all the way through next year. The bleeding is going to hemorrhage."
Amen to that, and I kiss myself a thousand times when I involuntarily got out of the goddam stock market in 2000 cuz my IRA went down the shitter in the DOTCOM bust along with chads in Florida… the value dissolved to practically nothing, so I got out, involuntarily…cuz there wasn’t nothin left…This musta been an omen, sorta like writing on the shithouse wall when that fuckin’ Bush got to be prez, by what appears to be illegal if not immoral means…but what would we have gotten with the global warming nut – Gore? Not much of a choice, and what do we gots now? Not much different…I better check my 401K and take it out of the money market and stick it in a CD…what can happen to that, that hasn’t already happened???
Buy when you stop and think, nobody came up to me and said, hey asshole, here’s the money you lost in the gambling den named NYSE… why in the fuck should anybody bail out those cocksuckers that have been stealing hand over fist for decades??? And use my tax money to boot…???
Now this asshole Paulson says, they’s just gonna let failing securities companies fail…why the hell did they bail out Bear Sterns and Fannie and Freddie for a total of $50 billion and could be more?? Probably somebody told Georgie that Carlyle gots some shares in there…hell, that kinda bail out would fix the damage IKE made in Texicas…
And now that Barclay’s backed out of buying Lehman Bros. but they ain’t a bit shy about goin’ after some of Lehman’s tangible assets like a flock of vultures…yeah, why not? It’s approved by a judge… Why buy the whole fuckin’ mess with all those fuckin’ liabilities when, after the smoke clears, we can sort out what’s worth a shit and get it really cheap…fuck the poor schmuck investor that’s losin’ his house, the big dogs already took their money out …carpetbaggers all the way… ahh yes…the American way… then the Brits will gain back what they lost in 1776…then on to AIG…that’s gonna cost somewhere around $85 billion…hmph… there just ain’t no accountability if you fuck up…the gov’t will come and save your ass…well, maybe not yore ass…only if you donated a sizable chunk to the boyz in the back room…Bear Sterns, AIG did but I suppose Lehman just didn’t give ‘em shit…so they’s gone…
Bush is so fuckin’ stupid, he goes along with what his sleezeball advisors tell him…stuck in his thumb and pulled out a lump (outta his ass)…what a good boy am I??? But McCain would fire that sumbitch Cox…
Jesus!!! Now the genius Bush Gang has asked congress for $700 billion to bail out the financial institutions…hmmm … does that help me? Nooo…does that help you? Nooo…does it help the poor asshole that just lost his home? Nooo….does it help the cocksuckers in Wall Street along with the Bush Gang that put the world in this position in the first place? Yup… so much for government of the people, for the people, by the people…
I mean this is a crisis of mammoth proportions and we have to act immediately…there are weapons of mass destruction hidden in the sewers on Wall Street and al Qaeda is lurking there too!!!! Quickly lets take a vote on this and let’s give those assholes some of “your” money they pissed away!!!
That idiot Paulson says in one breath, it’s gonna cost the taxpayers billions…then in the next breath he says they did this to protect the taxpayer…which ones??? The guys with the biggest loopholes???
I mean, how in hell can paying off scumbag corporations and their CEO’s and assuming worthless mortgages help anybody and put our grandchildren in debt? And this is being implemented by a shithead that wasn’t capable to make a nickel on his own… not only that, the idiot was smiling…it’s gonna cost us po’ ol’ taxpayer $trillions by the time we add interest let alone the time it takes to pay this back, if it ever does get paid back… and these same morons claim this enormous investment can be realized in time…any bets??? Sorta like goin’ to the race track…and have the same results… a coupla winners…a whole lotta losers… guess who’s the losers???…but let’s get back to the war on terror…!!!
Didjya notice, the shares in Shanghai went up 7% with this announcement…Sheeeit…they’ll just lend the US more money and up their $1 trillion investment in this country…they already own Wal-Mart…better start learning Chinese…Nee How!! And flied lice is cheep…Mayo, Mayo…(only thing I remember in Chinese that means NO...NO…hell, the price of mercury and lead just went up too…wanna quart of milk???
But reading all the crap that stares you in the face and just by casual observatin’…somebody tell me if I’m missing something…
* The gov’t wants the taxpayers to foot the urgently required $700 billion bill and bail out all the cocksuckers that created the crisis in Wall Street …reason being, this will save the US taxpayer a buncha money, but it’s gonna cost them a staggering amount money before the poor asshole on the street can save a teeny bit of money IF any at all.
* The gov’t says this is the world’s champions of democracy and free enterprise and a shining example for all to follow…
* But the gov’t treats countries with contempt…Venezuela being one, cuz they nationalized the oil industry and kicked XOM outta there…I suppose XOM is makin’ money there and the financial institutions on Wall Street were losin’ money here…
* Then the gov’t goes ahead and takes over the companies that have lost the most money… (the principle being similar to China …cuz the Chinese own the ones that’s losin’ money but they also own the ones makin’ money hand over egg roll)
* The gov’t says they don’t need universal health care cuz it’s gonna cost too much and the pharmaceutical companies and medical facilities won’t make so much profit…I suppose if the drug companies lose money, we’ll just go ahead and take them over too…
* The gov’t gives free money and bullets and bombs to countries that support the military actions protecting oil company interests around the world, and create tension and fear in our lives so we all go along and support this stupid foreign policy.
* The gov’t has invaded a country with no reason just to get the oil…and gas is $4/gal., when it used to be less than $1 and they killed a buncha our kids and the countries kids and their moms and pops for the majors to make astronomical profits.
* The gov’t has borrowed almost a $1 trillion from China to finance their war on terror…yet China being one of the countries that pose the biggest threat No. 1 by being anything but democratic… but…they’re currently privatizing industry and have a stock market…and selling toys with lead paint…a little cyanide in baby’s milk…but they got the money!!!
* The gov’t sneaks spies into countries and disrupts their way of life to allegedly promote democracy, like we see above and assassinate the opposition…but only in countries where they have oil…or provide a market for war toys…
None of that shit is connected… yet it is, but still… is there somethin’ wrong here with the mass contradiction of terms and ideals of a “free” country?
The only time I can agree with Clinton is when he said…”We should be careful by not rewarding bad judgment and risk taking amongst financiers”. He forgot to throw politikians in there too… That’s putting it mildly…these bastards were stealing with both hands…those outta cut those off at the shoulders…but we’s gonna bail them out…
But did read some of the comments in Al Jazeera…quote:”Bush has done more damage to the US of A and the “free” world, than any AK-47 gun-totin’, flag wavin’, plane flyin’, box cutter wielding rag head ever could have dreamed of doing?
And I can’t even vote yet…
And last but not least…WaMu has gone down the shitter, shit so has Wackovia, however you spell it…I suppose I’m just a dummy cuz I’ll never unnerstand how a fuckin’ bank can have $188 billion in assets and $350 billion in liabilities…that’s like me owning a piece of shit clunker Cadillac worth $50 and owing $100 thou on it…damn…d’ya think somebody musta been asleep at the wheel with both hands in the cookie jar??? Yeah, but what the hell, lets give their genius CEO and his slimy henchmen a great big bonus for allowing this grand larceny shit to go on and let Morgan Stanley buy the assets for 10¢ on the dollar and we’ll just let the taxpayer pay the liabilities… boy, ain’t we financial wizards??? And why do those bastards all have one-way tickets to the Caymans??? Damn, Enron was just a nickel and dime Friday nite bingo game compared to what goin’ on here… and Kenny Lay ain’t dead, he’s in the Caymans, beard, shorts, sipping on a little tequila singing “Margaritaville” lookin’ for his lost shaker of salt… Rolls Royce parked out in front…
Just read on Al Jazeera, a buncha Jewish settlers shot a Palestinian shepherd grazing his goats close to their illegally seized land…there you go…let’s give those fuckin Heebs another $ 3 billion to go squat on some poor assholes land and shoot ‘im… Who’s the terrorists??? We are… just by financing these fuckin’ evil horrible bastards… and they complain about Hitler…
The morons finally approved the “bail out bill” along with more spending for war…I know, I’m gonna fuck up everything I do, go broke, then contact congress and get some money…think it’ll work???
OOOPS…they turned it down…the market dropped 777 points…wonders never cease!!!
But anyways,
Mullah Omar the one-eyed, one-horned flyin’ purple people eater in Afghaniland says the Taliban is gonna defeat the US and supporters…just like they whipped the Ruskies back when…but he forgot to say, the US had supplied them with all sortsa weapons to defeat the Ruskies, hell even Rambo was over there… I saw the movie… but now, who the hell is supporting the Taliban…the Ruskies??? Trying to get even somehow? Seems like the only winners here are the military supply companies…d’ya think Carlyle or Mossad or KGB is behind supplying weapons to the Taliban? Besides, Europe needs the heroin… What the hell, lets keep stirrin’ up the shit and make some money…d’ya think the stock market should invest in military supply companies…now that should make a lotta money…maybe put Carlyle outta bidness…
Beam me up Scottie, there’s no intelligent life down here…Scottie, goddamit…click…click…click… this fuckin’ transporter don’t work…
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