Monday, February 3, 2025

The deepest sin against the human mind is to believe things without evidence.~Aldous Huxley

Yup - How it goes with the Mockingbird Media! And those damned forest fires!

And tomorrow (1/30/25) I head back to Indoland - never even swung a club here - the f’k’n weather has been so terrible.

(2/2/25) I’m back, and just woke up.


Secret depravity of the Davos global elite: More sex parties than ever, NDAs for prostitutes, transsexual women… and the most commonly-requested sex act revealed~ TTS ~

DAVOS? Global Elite? Ahhh. . . they forgot to add ‘Parasite Skumbags’.  ‘Yeah Baby, lets go to Davos and have a coupla orgies - and it’ll be paid for by the dimwitted tax payer!!!’

‘The secret depravity of the global elite coming to the World Economic Forum in Davos has been laid bare, with escort agencies revealing that the demand for sex parties, NDAs for prostitutes and transsexual women has increased.’

‘Since the start of the WEF, we’ve seen around 300 women and trans women been booked in Davos and the surrounding area,’ Andreas Berger, spokesman for Titt4tat, told MailOnline.

This buncha skumbags just never quit and stick it up the poor schmuck’s taxpayers ass and they sit around in a circle jerk and giggle - I’ve posted plenty of  memes that indicate who they are.  The article didn’t state how many pedos were there either - but you gotta bet there was a bunch of them. And they got ‘Tit 4 tat’ posting all this.


Oh, and thank God the Texas Freeze is finally over, well -  for the next few days - we’ll just have to wait and see what the geoengineering skumbags have up their sleeve in the next go around - maybe flooding? Drought? Hurricanes? Earthquakes?  Another Coronahoax? And maybe faggot boys playing in women’s sports.

Anyways my little Tbird, froze to death in the weather, doors wouldn’t shut, windows wouldn’t go down, warning lights on the dash stating oil etc., is low - Well - I took it to Scannels and they checked all the items, and then it suddenly worked, then the next freeze when it went down to 16 Degrees F, the doors and stuff would shut and windows wouldn’t work etc., etc., to I decided before I went back to Indoland that I have to take it to an electronics shop - today the 26th - the temp roared to an amazing 56 deg. F and all of a sudden, the windows, doors, warning lights on the dash went back to normal, but everything seems ok. So I guess I don’t have to take to the shop.  But when I return in July, we’ll see - I’m a lucky guy. Maybe not so lucky, last night was the first time I drove the Bird at night - the auto lights didn’t turn on, so I put it on manual, then all the dash lights went off and windshield wipers would move once in a while. So I guess I gotta take it to the electric shop today. Damn!!!! The guys says it’s probably one of the sensor modules and it would take a couple of days to fix - but I’m leaving in a coupla days - so July is the time period of repair - damn!!!


And guess what??? is classified as a fake internet site, that will try to steal your data. . . hmmm . . .I suppose they really hate the memes - I post them when I have a chuckle and apply it to my blog, cuz it does expose the truth about WTF is going on with the E/P/S assholes. I suppose they really don’t like that!  This action really borders on the Third Reich or Marxism and 1984 also Huxley’s Brave New World!

I suppose Debugger2 will be labeled a ‘fake internet site’ maybe next week so you won’t be able to read it and have a little chuckle now and then.


I did circumvent  the warnings of suspicious notes and getting into a site the creeps that control the world wide web and found some memes on truth11 access behind the scenes:-

Here are some:-

They Put Stink On Real Cures We Found Out:-

Here’s a quote from article:-

The pardon of Dr. Fauci says it all!  As perpetrator of bioweapon research and psychological warfare, his 50 years of medical fraud and the extermination of millions may never be exposed in a court of law.  The diminutive doctor of death promoted lockdowns, ventilators and remdesivir and said, “Wait for the vaxxxine.”  Meanwhile, alternative opinions saved lives with ivermectin, HCQ, iodine, nebulized H2O2 and NAC, Vitamin C and even  nicotine patches which block spike proteins from attaching to ACE 2 receptors. Once the mRNA vaxxx became widely available, deaths really skyrocketed!

Saving Fauci’s rotten hide was not even the point!  Protecting the other bad actors and a most evil government plot IS!

Whether or not the covid19 “can of worms” has been sealed-shut,… remains to be seen.

Log on and read it :- 

And some more:-

“They know better”

They dismiss natural immunity and tell you you need vaxxxines.

They say steak and butter will give ya a heart attack.

They push testing to look for things just to scare ya.

They disperse disinformation to steal your minds.

They created the darkness of your captivity.

You built their mansions, but never caught-on to the game.

Vitamin C

As I’ve stated many time over 4 years ago, from info by real ‘holistic’ doctors - natural immunity is 99.9% better than a vaxx!! But Big Pharma doesn’t want you to know that!!!!  A little garlic, turmeric, ginger, ACV and lace with cilantro and a dash of black pepper and you’ll be healthy again.  I haven’t been taking that since I’ve been in Texico and have a plugged nose with giant boogers.  Where I changed the name to D’booger from Debugger when I had a runny nose maybe 5 - 10 years ago.


Artificial Intelligence: Even a Transhumanist Tycoon and GATES inside STARGATE Trump-Musk Plan~VT~

I need to send Trumpkin a letter and instruct him to stick that f’k’n lunatic Gates in Gitmo and guillotine the m’th’rf’k’r!!!


 I’ll post some memes when I took the risk and accessed site.

Yup - DEWs!!

Dr. Schweinhund Fauci.

Kinda makes you wonder, how can these ‘PigDogs’ wake up in the morning and function!!

The New World Order run by f’k’n mentally challenged lunatics with Schlawb in the front row and Gates shaking his purse - now thats unsustainable!!  Another thing - the world isn’t moving, it’s being forced into the dystopian quagmire of depopulation and being slaves to a small group of insane psychopaths.

Enough for now - maybe more later. . . .


Jan 27 – Trump Prepares to Make Israel Great

When you stop and look back, since the Balfour Declaration - when you connect the dots - it does appear this is an orchestrated skam by the E/P/S assholes to enslave the sheeple.  And it’s getting worse.

Washington, Jefferson, Adams, Franklin, and a whole bunch more gotta be rolling over in their graves - must be a tsunami triggering the Richter scale in DC - the sewer rats gotta be scrambling trying to find a dry place they can hide their baksheesh.

Yup - It really doesn’t matter who you vote for - they all answer to the same bunch of skumbags that have slowly ruined this country - oh - and the world, in the past 200 (maybe 2000) years - and they’re getting much more better at it and more concealed.

Orwell and Huxley did discuss 1984 and Brave New World and they didn’t completely agree, but WTF is going on today is actually a real ‘mix and match’!!!

Oh - Checked the real meaning of ‘Baksheesh’

Baksheesh is also used to get favors, or as an outright bribe. Because many Middle and Near Eastern nations do have severely corrupted governments, government employees use this money to support their minimal government income. 

It’s not correct either - and they forgot the Western Countries where the governments are even more outrageously corrupt - they all fall into the same category E/P/S assholes!!!! Like I said, it don’t matter what lame brain corrupt POS, your vote for!!! I believe it would be better if the sheeple didn’t vote and go raid congress and take over - make sure you got the military on your side - even they are wising up to the corruption - but then, they’re part of it - well - at least the up high commanders like Mark Milley and cohorts. Anybody check to see where the $21 trillion unaccountable went in the Pentagon and HUD?


New FDA Study: BOMBSHELL on CANCER RISKS from mRNA Vaccines~ VT ~

Hmmmm. . . didn’t read the article or where it answers my question, but isn’t the Muskovitz / Trumpkin going after a cancer cure using AI, mRNA technology?

‘And Now Trump Says He Has a $500 Billion AI Cure for Cancer’

The covid shot loaded with mRNA causes cancer with the spike proteins, the other AI stuff cures you of it(?) - something don’t seem right here!

It’s probably more like “If we didn’t get you the first time, we’ll get with the second”!!! - And take your money!!!

Kinda glad I’m leaving the country in a coupla days!!! But then Indo health minister is in cahoots with GAVI and WHO - that both should be nuked and sent to GITMO f

Which Senators Are Owned By Big Pharma? RFK Jr.'s Confirmation Hearings Are Showing Us


Hmmm. . . Bernie gets $1.953 + from big pharma and Pocahantis only gets a measly $1.224 million?  I suppose they gotta vote in that direction - ya?

I suppose they’re bombarded with AIPAC babysitters also - great source of funds, that comes from us poor taxpayer after the IRS sends to the Federal Reserve, and they give this to Israhell who in turn fund the babysitters


Another one:- 


Ya gotta watch this:-

 A good group of videos including the above.


Now here’s a meme that should get your ‘tention - even with more impact:- 

This guy Bessent gotta keep an eye on his rear view mirror!  Arkancide follows anyone who goes against the DC Deep State Sewer Dwellers direction of enslavement!!! Hell, he might even be forced to take the next covid25 jabbbb. . . .probably be labeled - Snake Flu!!!


Another one - looks like Baron is a little brighter than the rest:-

Makes you wonder when will the guilty’s be brought to trial and charged with crimes against humanity? Fauci was the front man, who instructed him to conduct this horrific action? Gates (?) Soros (?) or the Khazarian Mafia (?) When this m’th’rf’k’r is guillotined, next should be the NWO, WHO and WEF skumbags, and executed on Pennsylvania Ave in front of the WH!!! Then go after the hidden secret society evil ones, and make sure this never happens again also end the wars and slam shut the Federal Reserve!


White House | New Jersey Drones For "Research" Purposes~

In a press conference on Tuesday afternoon, Leavitt said the drones spotted over New Jersey and New York in December had been authorized by the Federal Aviation Administration for “research purposes.” ~

Yup - ‘research’ - same as the 50+ labs in Ukraine to attack people with Slavic genes or Wuhan to attack people with any kind of genes. And it costs us poor tax payers $trillions.  This is for the good of mankind - or is it - more like ’for the good of Sewer Rats in DC and City of London.’ and ya gotta include the E/P/S assholes that make money from this atrocity.  Doesn’t seem to rhyme with ‘Life, Liberty and the Pursuit Of Happiness! And ya gotta question who is this for - really? Not you or me!!


 California has some sirius road problems:- 


Why I never take a jabbbb - well - I’ve had two, maybe 3, Small Pox when I was 9, that made me sick for 2 - 3 days, Polio - a squirt under your tongue, that I think it taste bad and I spit it out, Tetanus when I went to Yemen for maybe stepping on a rusty nail, but it was compulsory and maybe a flu shot, maybe 40 years ago and I don’t think I’ve had the flu in over 40 years. I suppose nobody realizes that natural immunity is 99.9% more effective than a poisoned shot up the ass - or arm, depends on the doctor from Rockefeller School of Medicine. 

Aren’t you happy your child had the shots? Makes you wonder, why in hell do they force that on people?  Oh, I know - $$$$$$$$$$$.


DEW Proof Blue | US10337841B2 Directed Energy Weapon Patent~ 

Yup - like I posted in last blog - the E/P/S know what to do - paint their roof blue!


Nancy Pelosi sold Nvidia stock worth millions just weeks before DeepSeek caused collapse~

Ahh heck - no insider trading I can see, can you? Come to think of it, she’s instructed her husband in his underwear to buy and sell stock before gains or crashes occurred - what a lucky woman - ya?


The Hackable COVID19 “Vaccinated"~ truth11 ~

Hmm. . .So. . .a buncha gobbledygook in a package from China, found it’s way into the CoronaJabbb, that turns the person into a hackable ‘Internet of Bodies’? IoB?


This had to be the plan, and probably why Fraudski accused Rand Paul of not knowing shit about science!! 

‘Ya Baby, we got this little nanobot in this jabbb that’ll turn you into a readable robot and we can control you with a flip of a switch.’ And you’ll own nothing and be happy living in this ‘smart city’ right after we nuke it with a coupla DEWs and wipe out the people and property that we’ll control!!!’  Well, except for Gavin Newsom and  Oprah houses with a blue roof!

Sounds like LA, Maui, Paradise Ca., are turning into not-so-smart cities and the psychos will sit in their mansion with a blue roof, playing little games - ‘here we got this IoB trying to think for itself, and we were supposed to be able to completely control it - hmmm - looks like we gotta turn up the Vibes and fry this little POS’s brain!’

It sho’ appears things are turning that way, and psycho Gates is lacing the chemtrails with these little nanobots, are helping the m’th’rf’k’rs control - damn - we got some real fried brain psychos at work!!!!


Shocking Poll Exposes How Much the Elite Hate Us~

Debugger2 comment:-

You need to complete the term 'Elite'. it is Elite Parasite Skumbags!  EPS!! I use this phrase every time I reference the EPS.

Hmmm. . .lets see if the EPS let this stand. its up..


“People Who Have Been Riding High for a Really Long Time are about To Be Brought Low, and… I Suspect They Know This.”~

Reflections in a Petri Dish

‘Imagine that a foreign race of psychopaths came into The United States and started squeezing the entire population into smaller and smaller locations while raping and murdering at will; literally killing for kicks! That is what is going on in Palestine, and it used to be their country!!!’

Hmmmm. . .WTF do you think the explorers, Pilgrims and big business from Europe did to the native Indians in North America - the very same thing the Zionists are doing to Palestine.  And we should be worried about a foreign body coming to the USSA and seizing the property(?) - Hell - they’re already doing that with HAARP, Geoengineered Chemtrails and DEW’s, let alone WTF Monsanto, Pfizer and the rest of the satanic bodies have done to the world!! Yup, the same bunch of whackos - just change the origin. The group is labeled E/P/S!!! Oh, that’s Elite / Parasite / Skumbags in case you forgot.



Nothing to say here - just thought it was funny 


One more that’s not so very funny:- 

Yup - the Pedo List!!! Hell, that’s 99% of Hollywood and Disney, Oh and you gotta throw in the House and Senate also the WOKE military.


Secretary Robert F. Kennedy Jr poised to expose~
Big Pharma’s #1 secret

The Medical elite are DESPERATE to keep this hidden from you…Big Pharma and the eugenicists really don’t want you to watch this - I know they’re selling a book, but it’s true - I watch Dr. Barbara O’Neil on YouTube when she has a topic I’m interested in.


Big Pharma's #1 secret

The evil satanists hard at work!!!



Hmmm. . .I suppose the Deep State sewer rats will be opposing this move - I mean after all, we need useless gov’t employees that give their bonuses back to the sewer rats, and they tax the crap out of the income from workers that actually do a job!  Interesting article - then you can make up your own mind.


URGENT! Banks Are Desperate to Block Your Access to Redemption Centers: Gold-Backed Currencies Are Here, QFS Is Live, Wealth Is Ready, and the Fiat Dollar’s Collapse Is Imminent! ~

Hmmm. . .the QFS is underway? I suppose we need to fact check Gazetteller and check their sources. Not by the checkers paid for by the Deep State Sewer Dwellers - a real one that works for the constitution.  That’s if we really have one left and not taken over by the Khazarian Mafia in 1913 or earlier - 1871 when the republic went bankrupt!


The Skies Aren’t Safe: How DEI Policies Are Compromising Air Traffic Control~ tts ~

Debugger2 comment:-

‘This clearly is the MO of the Khazaria Mafia - practice crashing airplanes, then suddenly one will crash into the White House by ‘accident’ when Trumpkin and associates are having a party.’

Hey, the comment stayed up(?)


Head of Russian Duma Accuses Biden of Attempting to Assassinate President Trump, Putin, and Other World Leaders (VIDEO)~

Well - I think I’d rather state instead of ‘Biden’ - it should be ‘Biden Administration’ - surely they must be aware of the fact that Biden is an absolute senile idiot who likes to smell little girls. Oh - I read part of the article and it did state ‘Biden Administration’ - I suppose even the insiders admit to this.


A meme that’s being posted by the alt media.


Yup, the low life turds on the waterfront - and the E/P/S assholes higher up - but those damn forest fires just can’t seem to spread but the DEWs are a little more accurate to the targets so these E/P/S assholes can take over the property - even insurance companies are starting to deny payment - they’re owned by the same assholes. Think about the ‘smart city’ with a wall around it, but only 15 min from one end to the other 

Notice how the trees are ok, but the cars melted by that damn forest fire? Climate change - yeah(?) How about ‘organized crime’ at its finest, and the E/P/S asshole mockingbird media don’t say a word about it, but go after farting bovines, Sheople puttin’ around in their little chevbbie making lotsa carbon, oh and none by the USAF controlling the weather by 2025 or E/P/S owned private jets. You can imagine how big this city is when the average person walks 5 mph, hell it’s only 440’ long and wide, or maybe just a little circle so they don’t have to walk corner to corner and it’ll match the size of a FEMA camp. Oh, and you’ll only need a 9 iron to navigate the maximum size, par 3 and but no sand bunkers and the really tall buildings that house the sheaple.  Hmmm. . .how many useless eaters will this metropolis house?


Pfizer has its spokesperson in Gov’t:-

Ya don’t think this will affect the appointing of RFK Jr.? Oh, and Pocahontas, the alleged descendent of the original native tribes here in North America, are also fact checking - or is this fake? And I posted this pic above also - hmph!


And one more:- 

Sorta tells the truth about corrupt government, ya?


One More:- 


Year of the Snake has the worst avg returns for S&P 500 of any Chinese Zodiac sign~

Hmph - I made a comment before and reference the ‘snake’, I didn’t know this was the Year of the Snake(?) Just lucky I guess.


MASSIVE BLAZE at Martinez oil refinery in California triggers public health advisory for nearby areas… ‘This is f**king crazy bro, I’ve never seen it this bad’~

Hah - those DEWs are getting better - demolish an oil refinery, then Newskum can make a little more $$$ under the table - just think about how much the price per gallon will increase there in Ca.


HAARP, Chemtrails, and Geoengineering: Former Air Force Insider Exposes the Deadly Truth About Aluminum, Barium, and the Toxic Chemicals Destroying Our Planet!~ 

Posted this many times and now the alt media (gazetteller) is starting to wake up! A crime against humanity. And all the E/P/S assholes are extremely aware of this hoax by the bought and paid for military!!! Who else would allow this to happen and pollute the world, not just the USSA, the whole world!  


Warning: If You Laugh at this “Anti-Semitic” Cartoon, Trump Will Arrest and Deport Your Ass🤠🤠🤠~VT~🤠🤠🤠/utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=warning-if-you-laugh-at-this-anti-semitic-cartoon-trump-will-arrest-and-deport-your-ass%f0%9f%a4%a0%f0%9f%a4%a0%f0%9f%a4%a0 ~Mark Dankoff’

‘You’re a great American if you support Israel for pulling off Deir Yassin, the murder of Count Bernadotte and James Forrestal, the Lavon Affair, the JFK Assassination, the USS Liberty attack, the Pollard Spy Case, NUMEC, the PROMIS Affair, 9-11, the War on Terror, the Epstein-Maxwell Sex Trafficking and Blackmail Ring, murdering over 47,000 Palestinians in Gaza, a coming military attack on Iran, and getting Zelensky covertly repatriated to Miami. Laugh at this cartoon and our “Temple Mount First” President will Arrest and Deport Your Ass.’

Yup - MIGA - forget about the USSA . I guess this should show you the loyalty of Donald the Trumpkin.  And you gotta include Diddy being part of the DC Sewer Rat Pack! WTF is going on in this world - Pedos everywhere!!

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