New Study Exposes ‘Global Warming’ Hoax~TLB~Frank Bergman~slaynews
There wasn’t any pic of Al Gore in this article. Hmph. . .so we’re supposed to believe mass murderer Billy the Gates and Pinocchio Kerry? Both of them don’t know shit about science - they need Fauci to assist, and count the funny money.
‘In a statement explaining “climate change” to children, NASA presents the “greenhouse effect” as a simple cause-and-effect:
How are humans impacting the greenhouse effect?
Human activities are changing Earth’s natural greenhouse effect. Burning fossil fuels like coal and oil puts more carbon dioxide into our atmosphere.
NASA has observed increases in the amount of carbon dioxide and some other greenhouse gases in our atmosphere. Too much of these greenhouse gases can cause Earth’s atmosphere to trap more and more heat. This causes Earth to warm up.
What NASA doesn’t mention is that carbon dioxide doesn’t cause Earth to warm up infinitely.’
I liked India’s idea of planting millions of trees!!
And hell, just think if Boeing and cohorts, thought about building massive economical desalination equipment, instead of planes that can’t fly, and irrigated the deserts - Sahara being the most prominent, how much CO2 would be consumed by the vegetation and produce oxygen?
Oh Kerry is retiring and John (Comet Ping Pong) Podesta, pedophile pervert is taking his place!
But then, all these schmucks belong to the same pedo secret society!
* * * *
A meme - you’ll enjoy:- Really Bad going out, much worser getting in!
Yup - Harris the Kamel taking over!
And another one:-
No resemblance that I can see, can you? Crooks might be a native ‘Mer'kan. His name was pegged right!
Oh - One more:-
Anybody guess why the USSA can’t seem to win a war? And besides, the Sewer Rats accountants state, there’s no money in peace.
The meme seemed to forget Admiral Rachel Levine who’s on FJB admin.
Unelected Technocrats Are Now The Nation’s Chief Executives~TLB~
Debugger comment:-
The Deep State and Swamp need to be re-labeled – It needs to be ‘DC Sewer’. A swamp has ecological benefits, the Sewer is full of Rats and Sh*t!!
It’ll stand, ya? But it’s still up for moderation. Hah - it stood - only 2 comments on this article. I suppose they need the people visiting the site. Made this comment before many times.
Netanyahu’s lies in Congress speech debunked amid huge boycott~tts~
Debugger comment:-
Any bets the AIPAC babysitters in congress are making a list and checking it twice?
Couldn’t have said it any better.
Ukraine’s Neo-Nazi Government Is Supported by the International Community~Michel Chossudovsky~
Well - you can read the article if you want, but I sure as hell don’t support the Azov NeoNazis run by the puppet masters Khazarian Mafia with Zelensky as their puppet.
Yup - Russia is a massive country with megatons of natural resources - Hmph - these same perpetrators financed Lenin and Trotsky to get their goal - the same with Mao Zedong in China. These ‘chosen’ m’th’rf’k’rs just never quit and don’t have a semitic gene in their body.
My father came from the ‘old’ Ukraine, before the Bolsheviks took over, and he left when he was around 17 years old - the reason is questionable, but I do remember stories of the oppression and abuse from the ‘chosen’ to the serfs during the remaining Feudalism. Most other countries did evolve past this evil system, but not there - and it appears it’s continuing today and starting to spread around the world. Just think what would happen when the WEF takes control of the ‘Great Reset’ and everybody, except for the E/P/S, will own nothing and be happy. (probably caused by the new improved, refined, geoengineered fentanyl)
The Real Boss of Congress Comes to Town~
Yup - congress with their AIPAC babysitters stood up and applauded this war criminal psycho Yahu the Nut and gathered around to send Israhell more funny money to shoot a few women and children. Obviously they can’t seem to find the Hamas that they created in the first place.
Another article showed Netanyahu went to Mara Lago to visit Trumpkin - can you imagine - our future POTUS sponsors this lunatic and for what??? If you can imagine, Harris the Kamal even stated there needs to be a state of Palestine - I suppose her baby sitter quit!
IVERMECTIN | Anti-parasitic, Anti-Cancer, Anti-Viral, Works Against Parkinson’s, Depression, Chronic Pain + Protects The Nervous System From EMF Damage~truth11~ | Ethan Huff
Make sure you have a few little ivermectin pills in your medicine cabinet - this apparently does wonders - and has been called ‘fake’ by the medical incompetent complex - and big pharma - both the same.
A coupla memes that caught my eye - you’ll appreciate:-
The little girl trying to watch the olympics looks like FJB daughter - ya? But butt crack got in the way!
Benjamin Fulford: The Secret History of the Financial War for Control of the Planet Earth~
You can read it if you wish, but I had to copy the following statement:-
“after the Cuban missile crisis of 1962 nearly led to all out global thermonuclear war, US President John F. Kennedy decided to take control of the US dollar away from the Federal Reserve Board. He made a deal with Indonesian President Sukarno, a senior Asian royal, to get gold to back Kennedy dollars he was going to issue. The result was then Israeli Prime Minister David ben Gurion, acting on the orders of the Khazarian mafia controllers of the FRB, had Kennedy assassinated. Later, the CIA murdered over one million Indonesians and deposed Sukarno in 1967.”
And this is real history that no one is actually taught in education - anywhere.
WEF Memo Reveals Plan To Depopulate the World of 1 Billion White People by 2030 (Video)
Dunno how much truth can be applied to Before Its News but this article does appear to be a little manufactured, but the WEF is an obvious arm of the Khazarian Mafia with Klaus the Schlawb in charge, and many leaders have fallen into the money trail to follow their examples - in particular the Young Global Leaders that have contaminated considerable governments around the world.
According to a WEF report, white people are responsible for the vast majority of the world’s problems including climate change and colonialism, and in the interests of an equitable future for the globe, the number of white people must be reduced as a priority.
Obviously the WEF doesn’t admit to the evil at it’s helm and the Khazarian money boys are the ones pushing for the elimination of anyone with half a brain recognizing this evil in force.
Wake up folks or you’ll be pushing daisies in the near future. Well, that’s in case the coronahoax didn’t achieve it’s goal.
Republican Platform Ignores Real Causes of Inflation~tlb~
And the reason why Dr Paul was eliminated from congress - his ‘audit the Fed’ was the primary reason. That bunch of evil maniacs have ruined the world with their funny money.
Dimwit politicians, costly failures and economic sabotage~tlb~
We shouldn’t denigrate ‘Dimwit’ - the politickians are worse than you can imagine. Too many AIPAC babysitters in congress - dunno why we don’t vote for abolishing lobbyists - especially the ones that back a foreign country that causes chaos everywhere.
“I am a Graduate of The Been There… and Done That… School… of Unnecessary Blows… to The Back of The Head.”~tts~Reflections in a Petri Dish – Aug 1, 2024~
Yup - I’ve been to that school, but then, I failed maybe 5 times before I got it right! I just had to go back and do it again and again - Einstein’s quote, “Insanity Is Doing The Same Thing Over And Over Again And Expecting Different Results”.
I finally smartened up - before they put me in a straight jacket at the funny farm, besides, I was forgiven when I joined April Sound CC - where all the other fellow old farts hang out.
KAMALA HARRIS BOMBSHELL! Sister Maya Harris is joined at the hip with Pizzagate’s John Podesta~sotn~
WikiLeaks Emails Show Kamala Harris’ (Maya Harris) Sister Attended Hillary Clinton/Podesta “Pizza Party”
Yup - play a little ping pong and then abuse a ‘cheese pizza’ or ‘hot dog’. I don’t suppose they try to hide the depravity of these E/P/S assholes anymore.
US sends more fighter jets and ships to Middle East ahead of possible Iranian retaliation~tts~ Luis Martinez and Matt Sayler – ABC News
Hmmm. . .Yahu the Nutt sends some assassins to Iran and wipes out the Hamas’ leader, that Israhell blames when they stood back on Oct 7, while the IDF shot some Israelis and blamed Hamas, to start the seizure of Gaza to secure the offshore oil and gas rights, so the Khazarians can profit from all of this debauchery(???) Does this sound right? And its gonna cost us another few $trillion in debt, to the Federal Reserve Bunch of loonies, and these benefactors simply print the $$$ out of thin air and drive us deeper in debt. And they got a little skirmish with Lebanon after wiping out the Hezbollah leader in Beirut. I suppose they want Lebanon’s oil and gas rights offshore also - then they’ll have the ‘Greater Israel’ that Herzl created with his Zionist book, that really does blend in with the Babylonian Talmud.
Oh - and I ain’t no anti-semite - I don’t have a damn thing against any Palestinians.
Number 01 Saline Placebo, Number 02 Toxic + Number 03 Highly Toxic~truth11~
Seems to me I posted this maybe 3 years ago and lets hope you all got the 01 jabbb.
Number 01 is the placebo, saline solution which all politicians receive and 30% of the population.
Number 02 is a the mRNA spike protein. This is a toxic jab, the spike protein itself is a highly toxic poison as exposed by numerous scientists. One example being a South African doctor who treated thousands of patients.
Number 03 is an mRNA stick that contains the onco gene, linked to the adenovirus that contributes to the development of cancer. She said those receiving the number 03 bottle will develop soft tissue cancer within 2 years of receiving the jab."
I imagine Bourla, Fauci, Gates and cronies all got the 01 stab - I suppose somebody has the records of how many of these 3 shots were manufactured and who got them - then come up with a method of excreting the poison - I believe there are methods out there now - just need to use them, well - that’s if you took the jabbbb, but then Gates is planning or already in operation of spraying the skies with chemtrails loaded with mRNA and Graphene along with the other heavy metal crap - so the ones that were smart enough to not take the jabb will get infected.
And this has been in the works for centuries:-
Ordo ab chaos:-A Latin expression, meaning Order out of Chaos. A motto of the Thirty-third Degree
Yup - and they control both sides!!!
WAR DANCE - USA 2 Weeks Away From “Armageddon"?~
I get on to the Burning Platform from time to time and I came across this photo that I had to post - it didn’t show up in the memes on truth11 but does resemble WTF is going on today. You can watch the video when you log on to the site and click - ‘USA 2 Weeks Away from Armageddon’. Some of the alt news does post some weird stuff. You can probably recognize most of the cartoon idiots doing the ‘War Dance’.
It does skirt the ‘Major Geo-Terrorism Alert’ that does spell a nuclear EMP, you won’t see the mushroom cloud, but all the power will be gone. The topic does state Russia and China will most likely be the creator of this cataclysm, and makes you want to stop and think - it’s not the 300 million +/- people living in the USSA - but a handful of lunatics running the agenda - like the Ordo ab Chao noted above.
Robert Koch Institute made the following statements during the “pandemic:"~ | Ethan Huff
The Robert Koch Institute made the following statements during the "pandemic:"
Jan. 18, 2021: No professional justification for the mask mandate. Masks have undesirable side effects.
Aug. 13, 2021: The "vaccine" fails in 79% of cases.
Aug. 17, 2021: Children are guinea pigs, vaccinated individuals suffer more severely from COVID than unvaccinated individuals.
Oct. 26, 2021: The influenza vaccine does not prevent infection. Let's not tell people.
Dec. 7, 2022: Unvaccinated individuals are "essentially immune" after a COVID [flu] infection. How can we present this graphically so that no one notices?
Did anybody see this published in the MSM? Oh - I forgot - The Mockingbird media doesn’t post what goes against the lunatics in charge and this was in Germany - probably never made it to the USSA. But Fauci CRS (can’t remember shit) about what he stated when he was assistant to the POTUS on the Coronahoax program.
You can listen to this - -
Another comment of interest on the article:-
Someone else on X noted that the World Economic Forum (WEF) and its Young Global Leaders program is a funnel for teaching the world's emerging leadership generation a unified globalist approach to "pandemics," which explains how and why they all march in lockstep no matter where they lead.
"These are the people who control the CDC, FDA, WHO, DOD, NIH, FBI, CIA, DOJ, and DHS," wrote another. "Bill Gates is one of the people using his power, wealth, and blackmail to control America and other countries."
Like I said - let’s hope everyone I know got the 01 shot! And don’t forget - ‘Say NO!!!’
The Dedicated Chemtrail Fleet~
Chemtrails • Genocide From Above~
Coupla good articles about chemtrails and the mass genocide continuing all over the world. It does list the HQ of this CIA run group and WTF has been going on for the past 70+/- years.
And the equipment fills up the Boeing or other make and the pilots do sign an oath of secrecy.
Read the articles if you wish - I’ve been posting this crap for years - even before the Coronahoax.
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