Saturday, March 4, 2023

"Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it."~The Unz Review

This post was probably a revised George Santayana post around in the 20th century, but I like his quote “History is a pack of lies about events that never happened told by people who weren't there.” And we gotta lotta that shit going on now!!!

Fauci Publicly Dismissed Concerns About U.S. Ties to Wuhan Lab — But Privately He Worried, Emails Suggest~CHD
Hmm. . . .Fauci, Birx, Daszak, etc., etc., and no doubt Gates and Soros and big pharma including the DOD, been involved with this creation of a virus - illegal Gain of Function, to infect humans for years and Obama climbed on the band wagon when he was the POTUS and after.
This is organized crime! Well - most governments are organized crime and in the USSA, since 1777 or maybe before.
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Five Environmentalists Flying to Ohio Die In Plane Crash – Worked For Company Testing Water In East Palestine, Ohio~gatewaypundit
Hmmm. . . .and it took off from the Bill and Hillary airport in Little Rock Ark? Is this another Arkancide?  I suppose the slime doesn’t want the water tested - the FDA says it’s ok, but is it, especially the vinyl chloride that turns into Phosgene when burnt!! Like they did in WWI - hmmm. . . Is this the plan?  ‘It wasn’t our fault, it was the rail!!’
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War and the Constitution~AndrewNapolitano
Can the president fight any war he wishes? Can Congress fund any war it chooses? Are there constitutional and legal requirements that must first be met before war is waged? Can the United States legally attack an ally?
So far in the past 80 some odd years, the USSA has entered into wars with no congress approval, at least on the surface - the military industrial complex has many slimy little fingers imbedded in our congress critters and the banksters own the MIC.  Besides, apparently we don’t have a constitution - only what’s written on some paper in DC to make the sheeple believe.
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Banned by YouTube – CDC Confirms That Majority of Fatal Covid Vaccines Were Knowingly Sent to Red States
CDC confirms 100% of reported Covid-19 Vaccine Deaths were caused by just 5% of batches produced & the majority were sent to red Republican States across the USA~2nd smartest guy in the world.
CDC Confirms That Majority of Fatal Covid Vaccines Were Knowingly Sent to Red States~ paulcraigroberts
“Evidence that US Government Targeted Red States with Deadly Batches of Vaccine”


Hmmm. . .which state are you in? I’m in Texico but haven’t had the jabbb!!!
Did you happen to save the little jabbb bottle with the lot number on it? 

This investigation of VAERS data reveals several concerning findings which warrant further investigation, but it also leads to questions of why authorities within the USA which are supposed to monitor the safety of the Covid-19 vaccines have not discovered this themselves.

Kinda makes you wonder why VAERS and other gov't agencies connected to the coronahoax don’t do a little research and publish the correct data instead of what the Gates/Fauci/Soros and Big pharma spit out to fool the sheeple.

Then I came across this article published in 10/21. 

I suppose Hagopian had this figured out back then - come to think of it, I had the same sneaky suspicion, well - when you figure Gates / Fauci / Soros were involved it sort of bubbles up to the surface of the swamp.  And we have YGL’rs in our government changing the rules and Klaus the Schlawb is happy in his mini jock strap on the beach. And you can throw in Tedros blah blah blah (I can’t remember his name) of the WHO parading in gay bars in his mini tank top and short shorts - I suppose they all belong to the same club and you gotta throw in Gates and drag queen Zelensky and Pussy ButtJabb and Fidelito.

CBS: Soaring Heart Attacks Due To Lack Of
CBS News’ medical expert has claimed that the unprecedented spike in the number of young people suffering sudden heart attacks is due to a lack of masking and a failure to keep up to date with vaccinations.
Celine Gounder - the network’s medical contributor, argues that otherwise healthy young people who died suddenly from fatal heart attacks in the past couple of years only have themselves to blame.
And CBS labels this dumb witch a medical expert?  Kinda makes you wonder how much Pfizer and Moderna give to the CBS advertising department.

PREMEDITATED MURDER • Charges Filed Against: Anthony Fauci, Peter Daszic, Ralph Baric, Thomas Madden, Peter Cullis, USG + Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau Citing "Acts of Terrorism.”
Federal case filed by Dr. David Martin, MD. & We, the People, cites Acts of Terrorism, Premeditated Murder, Racketeering, and Crimes against Humanity.

It’s about time!!!  But I didn’t see Soros or Gates or Klaus the Schlawb and big pharma’s CEOs name on the list - they assisted in financing this debacle.
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Brendon O'Connell: 179 Major Corruption Exposed. British Israeli Partnerships to Take Down America. James O'Keefe & The Deep State, Ukraine, Mike Gill & The Nation Of Corruption
This is a long video, with Brendon O’Connell and he does bring up various people and quite possibly the opposite view on WTF they’re mixed up in - but it does surround the program of ‘Follow the Money’
I haven’t watch O’Connell’s site bullshit for quite a while but he does get into the Talpiot Program, Oded Yinon Plan etc., etc., including the interconnection of opposite sides, that could very well be all on the same side - just diversity, divide and conquer, Ordo ab chaos, to keep the sheeple mixed up and fighting amongst each other with information, disinformation, misinformation - instead of heading in the direction of freedom and getting rid of the skum elite / parasites controlling the masses and counting the funny money!
Cambridge Analytica black op global disinformation program by Israel.  How deep does this penetrate the left or right’s plans?
And it does bring up the fact, O’Connell is still alive - he’s been arrested a number of times and banned from entering countries, yet he can still broadcast his posts on Rumble.
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Ben’s cartoon - yup, our corrupt congress critters!! 

Orchestrated geoengineering cold front coming - but it looks like a clown symbol - is this a joke?

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The Plan to Wreck America~lewrockwell~mikewhitney/the unz review
In America, we have an oligarch problem in the grips of billionaire elites who have a stranglehold on the media, the political establishment and all of our important institutions.
In other words, are the mandated injections, the forced lockdowns, the aggressive government-implemented censorship, the dubious presidential elections, the burning of food processing plants, the derailing of trains, the attacks on the power grid, the BLM-Antifa riots, the drag queen shows for schoolchildren, the maniacal focus on gender issues, and glitzy public show-trials merely random incidents occurring spontaneously during a period of great social change or are they, in fact, evidence of a stealthily orchestrated operation conducted by agents of the state acting on behalf of their elite benefactors?
I picked and chose the comments at the beginning of the article, but it still remains the same as posted many times on this blog.  And the sheeple aren’t really smartening up - yet!!!
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“BAN THE JAB” Movement Picking Up Steam In Florida’s Political Circles~sotn
How about that??!! DeSantis would get my vote for sure!!!! That’s if the Jabbb is banned!!!
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Judgment Day: Canada criminalizes dissent~the corbett report
It is illegal to participate in an unapproved political protest in Canada.
Yup, the Canucks have lost it, probably the next criminal activity will be ‘You build a rink in your back yard and play hockey - you go to jail!!!’
Hell, I can remember 75 years ago doing that - natural ice was much more better than the cooked up one on concrete sprayed with a little fluoridated water.
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“Those who do not remember the past are condemned to repeat it.”~sotn
This time around, Zio-Nazi Ukraine is playing the part of Nazi Germany in a long-planned Khazarian scheme to trigger World War III as a pretext to forming a totalitarian One World Government, fully implementing their New World Order agenda and executing their civilization-destroying Great Reset. 
(1) The 1930s Great Depression
(2) The US domestic gold seizures
(3) The 1934 Silver Purchase Act
(4) Citibank’s Great Chinese Gold Robbery
(5) The Worldwide Gold Robbery – The US FED
(6) The 1933 Jewish Declaration of War and Economic Boycott of Germany
(7) The Attempted 1933 Jewish Fascist Coup in America
(8) The Takeover of China
(9) Preparation for WWII against Germany
Can anybody remember this note? 

Backed by silver? Not funny fiat money at the FR printing press.  And you have to remember, they shot JFK a couple of months after he enacted EO11110.
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Read it if you wish - these schmucks really don’t give a shit about the sheeple - or is that part of the depop plan of the klan.  How about the hundreds of food processing plants that went up in smoke, and here in Ohio and neighboring states will suffer from crop destruction by the chemicals that was blown up in smoke and polluted the region and could very well infect the US and Canada.

“World War 3 has begun and it is the fault of Europe and the US.” — Former Malaysian President~sotn
1. I hesitate to write this article. I may be accused of apologising for the Russians. I am not. I think the present war between Ukraine and Russia is caused by the Europeans’ love of War, of hegemony, of dominance.
2. Russia was the partner of the Western Europeans (including U.S. and Canada) in the war against Germany. The moment Germany was defeated, the west declared that Russia, their partner was their new enemy.
3. So they must prepare for war against Russia. And NATO was set up to form a military alliance against Russia. Russia then set up the Warsaw Pact. And a Cold war ensued. And the world had to choose between the west and the east.
4. After the Russians disbanded the Warsaw Pact and allowed the countries of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics to leave the bloc, NATO did not disband.
Instead the countries freed from Russian hegemony were urged to join NATO as enemies of Russia. The pressure against the weakened Russia was heightened.
5. As the former socialist republics join NATO and the threat against Russia heightened, Russia rebuilt its military capabilities and confronted the powerful western alliance. Tension increased as NATO forces carried out exercises close to Russia.
6. Provoked, Russia pre-empted with the invasion of Ukraine. That invasion can be interpreted as the start of the Third World War. There is talk of using nuclear weapons. Already the world has to endure shortages of supplies due to sanctions against Russia and Russian retaliation
7. There is also provocation in the Far East. A visit by a high U.S. official to Taiwan caused an increase of tension between China and Taiwan. Both are arming and the U.S. has sold a lot of weapons to Taiwan, while China became more belligerent.
8. Even Malaysia is experiencing shortages and inflation. It is important that the country prepares contingency plans to deal with what may be the beginning of a Third World War.
24 Feb 2023
And I did find Mahathir quite interesting in the late 1990’s, and included the activities in debugger2 posts, in particular when he charged Anwar Ibrahim (who’s now the PM) with porkin’ his driver over the hood of his car, but we all know that was fabricated to a certain degree, but he still didn’t let the RKM and their bankster puppets in to control the nations currency and then up came MH370 and the semi-conductor patents the Rothschilds ended up with and the MH17 shoot down to blame Putin, but the plane did resemble MH370, and it was posted some of the passengers were already dead full of formaldehyde - hmmm. . . .what to believe huh? But they gotta blame Putin for sure.
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A Coupla Memes to make you smile
This sort of relates to the groceries, now a shopping cart full of stuff cost over $200 when a couple of years ago it would run approximately $50. 

Hmmm. . .another Arkancide? 

Woody’s got it right!

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For Some Reason, US Treasury Secretary Flies To Ukraine~bin
Hmph, I suppose Yellen went cuz FTX - Sam Bankman-Fraud is in jail, or at his parents house under surveillance with an ankle bracelet. I suppose when our Fed owned treasury sends over another $100 billion, it’ll be laundered back thru the usual channels and into the politicians pockets in the DC Swamp.
This Ukraine war is another great cloak to get rid of all the rusty AR15 bullets, RPG’s and tanks that have a flat track and won’t go anywhere.
But then again - the sheeple believe we’re trying to help Ukraine when in fact we’re fueling the MIC pockets and the Fed has another unlimited extension to their blatant robbery.  Yeah,  what the hell, soon we’ll own nothing and be happy!
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CBC Building In Toronto Canada Covered With Images Of The Vaccine Injured + Killed~truth11
And this is after the BBC building was covered up with pics of the victims of big pharma and Gates / Soros depop skam.


Lotsa pics - d’ya thinks they’ll get the message?  Probably not, they’re controlled by the same Mockingbird media as the US, UK and rest of the not so free world.
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Yup, this meme makes sense!
And the following pic shows where I prefer, and it ain’t on the plane. 

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Gaza Children’s Artwork Removed from London Hospital~tts
A London hospital has taken down a display of artwork designed by Palestinian schoolchildren from Gaza after complaints by a British pro-Israel charity.
UKLFI claimed that the young students at the two Gaza schools had been taught with Hamas ideology embedded within their curriculum.
Hmmm. . . didn’t mean to post this cuz I’m antiseptic, but it did bring up the point that Israel is occupied by Khazarians that most don’t have a semitic gene - I suppose there’s some in the mRNA jabb, but why in hell would they claim ‘Hamas ideology embedded within their curriculum’ when the world is contaminated with the Babylonian Talmud and you’d have to include Weishaupt’s 1776 Illuminati plan:- 
1. Abolition of all Order Governments
2. Abolition of Private Property
3. Abolition of Inheritance
4. Abolition of Patriotism
5. Abolition of the Family
6. Abolition of Religion
7. Creation of a New World Order
Sort or rings a bell with the WEF’s great reset.  Yup, you’ll own nothing and be happy - after the jabbb. It’s been in the works for over 250 years or more like 2000 years.
This was Karl Marx’s 12 point plan in his manifesto:-
1. Abolition of Private Property
2. Heavy progressive Income Tax
3. Abolition of all Rights of Inheritance
4. Confiscation of property of all emigrants and rebels
5. Creation of a Central Bank
6. Government control of Communications and Transportation
7. Government ownership of factories and agriculture
8. Government control of Labor
9. Corporate farms, regional planning
10. Government control of Education
11. Abolition of Religion
12. Abolition of the Family as Basic Social Unit
Marx did expand the Khazarian prophecy and its working for the Rothschilds Khazarian Mafia who incidentally financed Karl with a few shekels probably going to Engels.
And a couple of items that rings a bell
  • Germany, Russia, Cuba, North Korea and China to name a few of past dictatorial nations, had concentration camps.
  • In America we now have almost 1,000 such concentration camps, or P.O.W. Camps as the sign at the Fort Dix, NJ compound informs us. Though, the politically correct verbiage would be “FEMA Camps.” So, then why is it the bidders contracts clearly spell out that they were constructing "Enemy Prisoner War Camp”?
Time to wake up folks!!!
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“Vaccine-Induced AIDS” – Military Records 500% Increase in HIV after COVID-19 Vax~halturner
And they got a new name for AIDS, it’s called VAIDS - oh, and Fauci made a few $$$ with his AZT skam that killed thousands - that’s business, I suppose and blends in with the Rockefeller School of Medicine.  I suppose you need to read RFK Jr’s book on “The Real Anthony Fauci” that the MSM doesn’t even mention.
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Government In 2071~truth11
World Government Summit: How the Merging of Humans and Technology Will Define the Next 50 Years~Michael Nevradakis, Ph.D.
2071: Catastrophic climate change, mass unemployment, social unrest and humans as cyborgs
Yup, in 2071 the sheeple will be cyborgs, and won’t be able to think, only react to big Brother’s orders.  But this brings up another question, how will the cyborgs be able to reproduce?  Maybe they have a USB port near the genitals, plug it in, get charged and presto, up comes a baby cyborg - with no fuckin’ clue why it’s here - notice I used the word ‘it’ instead of he/she or him/her or other disgusting pronoun.
But then, they’d all fit into a 3D printed floating ‘smart’ 15 minute city with a Tesla on a statue with programmed sheeple standing around wondering WTF was this used for!  Of course, the text books at the local school, that resembles a charging station, USB ports everywhere, bells and whistles for the test and exam, when they all go off, presto - you’re a registered cyborg!!!
I could go on forever, but will stop here and let ya’ll take over and predict.
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Yup - a little geoengineering goes a long way, just think how much it is accelerated in the lame brains with the Jabbb.  That graphene really turns on the receptors and sheeple hiccup and grin.
And we’ve already had a few trains running off the tracks, some with vinyl chloride that turns into phosgene when burnt like in WWI that killed over 85000 people and was declared illegal and a crime by nations - guess what they did in E Palestine?


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Bernie Sanders Vows to Tackle Drug Prices — RFK, Jr. Says Sanders ‘Shouldn’t Stop There’ ~chd
Drug prices? Damn, RFK Jr says don’t stop there!  But the article only deals with the pharmaceutical agency, they need to get to the core of the motives of WHO and WEF, who are basically fronts for the international banksters - the Khazarian Mafia.  Look at the list of WEF, YGL’rs scattered around the world that are complete lunatics, and this doesn’t dismiss Ivanka, since her idiot husband, a Lubavitcher only does what the skumbags instruct him to and make a ton of money. Then you need to factor in the involvement of the DOD who illegally finances the hundreds of bioweapons labs, that produce the Masks, Jabbs and Lock Downs depop schemes, with our tax dollar, or debt to the Fed, plus the 40+ in Ukraine that Biden’s idiot son is connected to - which does bring up the question, F J Biden and Hunter aren’t the brightest bulbs in DC, who instructs or leads them(?) - that’s the question - but we already know the answer.
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Accused Pedophile Mayor Patrick Wojahn Called Pete Buttigieg His ‘Buddy’ and Mentor~NYP
So - ol’ Pete ButtJabbb was this pedo porn’s mentor and Buddy? Hmmm, was he bent over the desk taking his advice up the you know where?
This skum is all tied together and they keep on fuckin’ up the world teaching little 4 - 5 year olds how to dress in drag - these assholes, LGBTR’s,  (term used loosely) need to be exterminated in E Palestine, strap them to the rail road then light the match and blast this pollution.
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Mike Lindell Turns on DeSantis, Calls Governor a ‘Trojan Horse’~rtms~Tony Gray
Mike is turning on DeSantis?  This is a little confusing, but the pillow guy turns on DeSantis and in favor of Trumpkin - I suppose time will tell what the exact reason for this, but will it be too late for the Floridians?
DeSantis is not a scheduled speaker during the 2023 CPAC event as he is on a whirlwind book tour to promote his newest offering: “The Courage to Be Free: Florida’s Blueprint for America’s Revival.”
GOP Presidential candidate Nikki Haley is scheduled to speak Friday evening along with Trump’s Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo.
First you have to take into consideration that Haley was a Klaus the Schlawb’s YGL’rs and the WEF is the center of the Khazarian Mafia’s group to control the world, throw in Fidelito, Freeland, and the rest of the list of skumbags infecting the world.
These same basterds are in the process of taking over health care and the following diagram indicates what they want to control - the hell with having a ‘free’ nation, besides you’ll own nothing and be happy.

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And this is a pic at 7:00 AM here in  downtown Texico.  The second day I haven’t seen any chemtrails.  I think I even have a little sun burn on my arm, that happened when I took my jacket off on the golf course, and the sun was bleaching my skin.
It appears they’re busy spraying the shit up north to freeze the sheeple and blame climate change.
You’ll notice the sky is clear blue above and when you look closer when the sky meets the horizon in this flat earth, it turns brown - laced with pollution that’s filtered down from the horrendous chemtrails laced around here for the past 10 - 20 years. 

Enough for today - should be great on the course. 

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