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Rock legend says he’s on Ukrainian ‘kill list’
Pink Floyd co-founder Roger Waters claims he’s been targeted for “liquidation” after urging Kiev to make peace with Russia
Yeah, what the hell, the slamming shut the bioweapons labs would stop the insane research on how to kill people with a virus, and that’s a no-no! Look at the $billions or US tax payer debt to the Federal Reserve invested in this inhuman research, let’s create a bug from a bat and make it infect humans called ‘gain of function’ then our savior, Billy Gates and Schwab can make $trillions plus depopulate for Agenda 2030!!
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U.S. Caught Shipping HIMARS in Hold of GRAIN Ship~TTS
‘Damn, we didn’t know those weapons were in the hold with all the wheat! ‘ But what’s grain going into Ukraine, when this is the bread basket of Europe? Or was it an empty ship? Yup, GMO’d grain out, weapons in! How it works with the money boys and generate wealth in and out.
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Biden must know he’s losing his mind~SOTN
Hah, this asshole is already whacked - how in hell would he know he’s losing his mind? Like the article states, there must be editors working 24/7 making statements on the teleprompter, let alone painters putting arrows where the idiot can walk, and only if he is aware of what they’re there for.
This is Ford’s new sticker on their F150.
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Notorious Ukrainian diplomat tells Musk to f**k off~RT~SOTN
Ukrainian Government has shown itself to be the most publicly vulgar and offensive in modern history. Kiev is nothing but a gang of warmongering thugs and bullies who will commit to any criminal act to get what it wants.
And Musk proposed a peace plan? The banksters don’t want peace, they want WWIII!!! And you need to check on their genetic roots.
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Venezuela Introduces New Currency, Drops 6 Zeros~TLB
Hah - that’ll happen here quicker than you can think - we’re already a bankrupt corporation. USI!!
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A Meme to make you smile:-
Just a little geoengineered rain, nothing to worry about. The croc is knocking at your door.
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U.S., European health officials admit Microsoft founder Bill Gates runs the globe~TTS
‘Again, Gates is a computer nerd and is not at all qualified to make global health recommendations, let alone take the lead in a global pandemic response;’
‘What’s more, Gates has never been elected to represent the public in general or Americans in particular.’
Yup, a school dropout and stole an operating system, turns out to be a billionaire! But his connections to the Rockefellers and Planned Parenthood and the depop scheme does give a clue. Who exactly does Billy the Queen represent (?) - not the people - the f’k’n banksters and WEF but he’ll take the fall when the juries start being assembled and Klaus the Schlawb will just twiddle his fingers and go free.
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Why is the size of Hurricane Ian’s eyewall so much larger than Hurricane Charlie’s?!
Because Ian was geoengineered to be much larger and more powerful weather weapon, that’s why!~SOTN
Yup, Ian swallowed up Charlie - geoengineering is getting better every day!!
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San Francisco says no monkeypox shots for straight white people, but shots are free if you’re black or a prostitute~TTS
“belong to one of the following priority populations: Black, Indigenous, people of color, gay, bisexual, transgender, or a current sex worker of any gender and orientation.”
Debugger2 Comment:-
I suppose a guy could wear his girlfriends skirt, and his girlfriend (sorry for the bad pronouns) could wear his jeans and work boots and go get a shot, but then, the monkeypox and this covid shit is fake anyways, so the hell with getting the jabbb that’ll probably kill you in the end.
I don’t suppose they’ll let this stand.
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Canada – Doctors told to give drugs to or refer people to psychotherapy who don’t want COVID vaccines~truth11
Huh? Yup, I suppose you’ll need psychotherapy if you refuse the jabbb. . . .Canada is going down the swamp following the DC criminals on the dole from Gates and big pharma, oh, and lets not forget Klaus the Schlawb that runs the WEF and the 1600 +/- YGL’rs inserted in governments around the world.
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Putin Is Kill Shot Vaccinating His Army Too
D’ya thinks Putin is on the WEF gravy train? Or is this simply a crank on the MSM to turn you against Russiaphobia. Sputnik vaxx also has this mRNA gene editing shit in there too. . .but it doesn’t list if graphene oxide/hydroxide is in there also. One causes spike proteins, the other turns you on in 5G.
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Executive Orders By Trump and Biden Show They Are Both Agents of Big-Pharma~truth11
I don’t know if it’s true that Trumpkin is an agent of big pharma, but he did explode the Warp Speed trials for the coronahoax, but then he eased out Fraudski from the White House after maybe he finally figured out he was conned - either that, or the pharma guys came up with enormous pay-offs, and the proof was in Mar-a-Lago the FBI went in and took.
My thoughts do seem to coincide with the following:-
Big-Pharma’s Pharmaceutical WWIII started with numerous actions Donald Trump took, while president, that demonstrated that he is either an idiot, or he was/is/became an agent of Big-Pharma before he signed Executive Order 13887 expanded the definition of viruses and giving a blank check to the WHO/CDC/NIH to experiment on humans with dangerous vaccine-like drugs that are actually bioweapons.
But Trumpkin took the HCQ and Ivermectin, and the money boys told him to STFU - and depopulate. Again my analysis from the lame stream media run by the Mockingbird buncha assholes that was/is and integral part of the following:-
“We’ll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false.” – William Casey, CIA Director 1981
Casey did meet his maker shortly after making this statement that Barbara Honegger stated was true, and Casey probably experienced an Arkancide. Much like James Traficant when his tractor rolled over him. He was sent to prison on charges of corruption, and “He claimed the government had tried to frame him because of his criticism of the FBI, CIA and Internal Revenue Service.” He didn’t include the Federal Reserve that these alphabet criminals work for.
So, I imagine, Trump doesn’t want his golf cart to somehow roll over him, and he’s taken the cue from the money boys.
Sort of makes you wonder if he’s the right one to vote for prez in ’24, and maybe DeSantis would do better, but then all politickers do have the grim reaper waving his sickle over their heads, and it rhymes with Fiat Funny Money
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EPA Refuses to Regulate Pesticide-Coated Seeds That Harm Pollinators~CHD
Obviously, the EPA doesn’t follow orders from the people, big pharma and big chemical companies dictate the policy with donations (bribes).
Einstein stated, 'when the bees go, the people follow right behind’.
Monsanto / Bayer need the money, in Oct 2022, Monsanto paid out $11 billion and there are around 30,000 Roundup lawsuits yet coming. But then, that’s peanuts compared to how much money and depop accomplished on the ‘Gates’ crimes against humanity book, that for some funny reason, or is that money reason, this little prick isn’t in court.
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Julian Assange and Our Impunity Democracy~jamesbovard
Read the article if you want, but the following is my take on the evil direction of our dear sweet, benevolent gov’t - bought and paid for by the Banksters.
Yup - Democracy at it’s finest! ‘Kill the Messenger’ - Gary Webb story! Assange will most likely end up in the same condition - dead!
But then, how does this work:-
Chelsea Manning provided the videos of the slaughter of people in Afghanistan, that had nothing to do with terrorists - besides, Al Qaeda was a CIA operation,
Assange via his Wikileaks website posted the information,
Suddenly, Manning is arrested and Assange put on the watch list to be prosecuted in the future,
The US military, was in Afghanistan and Iraq under illegal and fake operations, “OIL” Operation Iraq Liberation, conducting criminal actions in killing people, ‘Collateral Murder’ and they don’t have to serve any time in Gitmo, and bear in mind, this was under orders from the US president and VP including the skumbags PNAC’rs and RKM.
The US gov’t tries many schemes to get Assange to trial and he hides in the Ecuadorian Embassy for a few years, then the US gov’t bribes the newly elected prez of Ecuador and lets Assange out and he’s thrown in jail in the UK and the violations of actions against human rights:-
- Art.3) The right to live free and safe
- Art.5) The right not to undergo tortures or cruel, inhuman and mortifying treatments or punishments
- Art.9) The right not to be subjected to arbitrary arrest, detention or exile
- Art.10) The right, in a position of full equality, to a fair and public hearing before an independent and neutral court (in this case it is a British and US court!), in order to ascertain one’s rights and obligations and the soundness of any criminal charge brought against someone
- Art.19) The right of opinion and expression including the right not to be harassed for one’s own opinion and the right of seeking, receiving and spreading information and ideas through every means and without regard to borders
Now they’re going to extradite him to the USSA for trials and the main reason for publishing data the gov’t wants hidden from the sheeple due to blatant criminality that is also treasonous, listed as 'classified information’!! Yup, we shoot and kill people, but that’s our secret, not the people that pay taxes for support on our criminal activities - that’s how it works in ‘freedom and democracy’ - my comments, not listed in the article.
In the same token, the same criminals raid Mar-A-Lago and stole all of Trumpkin’s classified information! The FBI (Fuckin’ Big Idiots) don’t get punished, just a bonus and a trip to the Caymans and get to wear Melania’s soiled thong over their heads and breath deep.
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I reckon the covid jab has lowered the average IQ by 20 points~vernoncoleman
“The blood brain barrier is a semi permeable barrier of cells which prevent some substances in the blood from crossing into the protective fluid around the central nervous system.”
The good doctor has completed tons of research and obviously, the mRNA and graphene nanoparticles can zoom past the barrier and experimented with the junk in the PCR test, and reduces the IQ. Good thing I never had the jabbb - but then I still breath and the junk in the chemtrails probably contains most of the BBB penetrating crap. I suppose my IQ has gone down by at least 0.001%, but I can still find my golf clubs and know how to mark the score card - sometimes adding the score is difficult and have to do it at least 3 times, but where I put the car keys enters the equation.
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A meme to make you smile:-
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And some more stuff to connect the dots:-
Mass protests against NATO and EU hit Paris streets (VIDEOS)~RT
Yup, it lists NATO as the North American Terrorist Organization.
“Jacob Schiff was head of the New York investment firm Kuhn, Loeb and Co. He was one of the principal backers of the Bolshevik revolution and personally financed Trotsky’s trip from New York
to Russia. He was a major contributor to Woodrow Wilson’s presidential campaign and an advocate for passage of the Federal Reserve Act.”
When you research a little history on who financed the USSR, it was the banksters and they created an ‘enemy’. Then NATO was put in place to protect the poor schmucks in the ‘free’ world from the communist predators, who followed Karl Marx’s manifesto, who was related and financed by the Rothschilds. The dots connect to the Rothschilds Khazarian Mafia, who in 1913 ‘the creature from Jekyll Island’ created the Federal Reserve and they also control almost all the central banks around the world. And now they want a digital currency!! See where it’s heading?
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Another Meme:-
Maybe not so much as a cartoon, but Stanley Kubrick, that made this movie was Arkancided right after ‘The Matrix’ about Artificial Intelligence was released and the greedies deleted 25 minutes of the movie - and for what. I suppose the greedies didn’t want their activities to be publicized to the sheeple and they also want you to take the jabbb and when they turn up 5G you’ll bow and squeal ‘Yassah Massah’!!! And you’ll own nothing and be happy!
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When gas prices in California hit a record high and you hear Newsom suggest raising taxes to solve the problem. ~RTM
Can this f’k’n idiot think? Obviously he’s failed math - that’s really not that difficult to figure out WTF is going on with the Marxist government in California soon to swallow up the USSA into the swamp.
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U.S. Congressman Introduces Gold Standard Bill as Inflation Spirals Out of Control~EOL
H.R. 9157 - hah! D’ya thinks it’ll work? There’s too many swamp dwellers in the capital hill! They want free funny money - and if it goes to gold or silver backed, that Tricky Dick took the value of the dollar based on, in ’71, these creeps will need to be collecting bovine excrement to fill their pockets and cause more climate change with the flatulence.
H.R. 9157 points out the following: “The Federal Reserve note has lost more than 30 percent of its purchasing power since 2000, and 97 percent of its purchasing power since the passage of the Federal Reserve Act in 1913.”
Alex Mooney (R-WV) better keep his eye on the rear view mirror and don’t go anywhere near Dealey Plaza - the RKM may wanna stage an Arkancide cuz they need the funny money to swindle the sheeple.
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New Zealand unveils plan to tax cow farts~RT
Hmmm. . .how does this work(?) a monitor you have to buy from the gov’t and paste it on the butt of your holstein? It will trigger off a big zing or kaboom, but it makes you wonder is the tax based on volume or incident(?). How about percentage of shit smelling air(?). And this causes climate change - and the private jets and limo’s for the elite don’t do a f’k’n thing to the air?
WEF has their agents in NZ led by the loonie Jacinda Ardern, and in the process of fucking up the world!
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“The most cruel hoax which history has ever perpetrated.”~SOTN
A good read of history, you won’t find in the school library - if you have the time. . . .
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Jeffrey Sachs: US Biotech Cartel Behind Covid Origins and Cover-up
Watch this!
And this guy is leads the Sustainable Development cartel. Hmmm. . . .what’s that tell you?
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The BIGGEST Manipulation of History in History~SOTN
When Churchianity Replaced True Christianity~Cosmic Convergence Research Group
Yup, it’s about the $$$ - can you imagine how much the Vatican has and managed by the RKM? And what about the Mormons, Baptists and Holy Rollers? I liked the Protest-ants! And they’re concerned about a little baby being baptized? Put some shekels in the pot boy!!!
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Some more Memes to make you smile:-
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Alex Jones ordered to pay $965 million in damages TO FOREVER TERMINATE FREE SPEECH ~SOTN
Yup - the Sandy Hoax Hook - and he’s gotta pay almost $1 billion? No problem, the school was shut down in 2008 around 4 years before the hoax, due to contamination from asbestos.
As I’ve mentioned before, and I don’t pay much attention to Jones, but he will probably be paid off to take this hit, and maybe $800 million will be shared by the congress critters, to shut down all free speech and label it as a crime - only fake news by the RKM owned MSM will be allowed. Lets forget about the crisis actor David Wheeler, who masqueraded as a FBI Swat Team member, then father of fictional Benjamin Wheeler allegedly shot during the fiasco. Wheeler will no doubt have a share in the $$con job.
PayPal was also going to fine their customers $2500 for telling the truth labeled as misinformation, as they call it - so I shut down my PayPal account.
Damn, and the MSM paints bad stories about Hitler - hell - he was a saint compared to the skum swimming in the swamp at District of Criminals. Obama took all the alleged parents on Air Force One for a trip - so we know who’s connected to the fake news. But then FJ Branden ain’t a heart beat away, if he can remember where he is, while smelling a little girls hair - but he don’t care what gender they are, cuz he’s a little woke too.
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U.S. D.O.D issued a contract for COVID-19 Research to a company in Ukraine, 3 months before COVID-19 was known to exist~WRH
And there are more than 40 bioweapons labs since 2014 Maidan debacle, in Ukraine, that our tax dollar pays for and so far, the USSA has wasted $3.63trillion on the coronahoax program. Where did the money go(?) any guesses? They bought up billions of jabbs too, and made big pharma rich along with Gates, Soros and the district of criminals floating in the swamp.
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W-54 Davy Crocket Test Fire (Tiny Nuke)
Sorta looks familiar with WTC I&II - that’s probably where a few of the 350 W-54 mini nukes went from Pantex TX.
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Elon Musk: “Nuclear War Probability Is Rising Rapidly”~WRH
Yup, the coronahoax didn’t do it, UFO’s didn’t appear and scare the shit out of the sheeple, so the only way to finish Agenda 2030 sustainable development, is to ‘blow off some nukes and lets start with Ukraine, where we’ve f’k’n around for the past 70 years.’
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These fatal Covid treatment lawsuits may bring about the collapse of the American Healthcare System!~SOTN
That might be not a bad solution - get rid of the money grubbers, coached by the Rockefeller School of Medicine and repeal HMOA73 that Tricky Dickie instituted, and take profit out of health care. Use natural cures for disease manufactured in the Wuhan and Chapel Hill labs and stop killing the holistic doctors, then arrest big pharma, Gates and his eugenics bunch of psychos and give them a shot of formaldehyde up the ‘you know where’ and chase it with some remdesivir - then compost the bodies - wait - that may not be a good idea - they’ll pollute the environment, but they’re already doing that via chemtrails.
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We’re Coming For You~the burning platform
Slip slidin’ away… Slip slidin’ away… You know the nearer your destination… The more you’re slip slidin’ away…. —Paul Simon
Have you noticed, as the election looms, the Party of Chaos trips deeper into its own self-created chaos? Turns out that the effort to make Ukraine the fifty-first state is not going over so well with the voters. Nor is the campaign to convince children to switch sexes. Or the crusade to sell ever more mRNA “vaccines” that the CDC knows good-and-goshdarn-well is killing and maiming credulous citizens by the millions.
Yup - ‘Ordo Ab Chao’, Order of Chaos - in the deep state playbook.
Read it if you want, but it does describe the shenanigans going on with the morons in DC.
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Hah - the demonicratic party is recognizing they’re gonna lose in November, so they’ll switch parties and still be in the mess to fuck things up!!!
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Ontario College of Physicians recommends ‘medication’ and ‘psychotherapy’ to encourage COVID vaccination~SOTN
I suppose these morons on the take from big pharma, just won’t quit. “Get the goddam jabbb or we lose our corrupt retirement money!!!”
Does the psycho YGL’r Freeland have any stroke over this corrupt and idiotic college of physicians?
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