Russia’s Putin Announces Military Operation in Ukraine
Hmm, its starting - is this the real WWIII? Or will Putin push the puppet game players out of Ukraine and go after the ‘real perpetrators a little farther south? Think about how much money this will cost us in our debt to the Federal Reserve! We went broke in 1871 and turned into a corporation, in 1913 - the Fed and up popped the IRS (the real terrorist group) and I hate repeating myself, but it’s happening over again, we’re broker than ever!
Was this the reason? I can imagine how many bioweapons labs they have there, next on the list would be to run over the Lugar Lab in Tbilisi in Georgia that costs us another fortune - hmmm . . . never thought of it, but is Fauci and Daszak tied up with this also? Gotta have a few BMG Foundations shekels floating around too.
But Ukraine has also declared a State of Emergency to ensure calm remains - how calm could that be?
But then Putin went to the YGL class also - Hmm. . . .is he part of the Klan? Or as posted earlier, is this deception? I suppose time will tell, the big question is how many lives will be lost in this game of superiority, order from chaos, divide and conquer - hmmm. The covid game didn’t work, so I suppose they need another game played - Taiwan is another spot they can keep fooling the people.
“Yeah, we need to spread freedom and democracy, no matter how many people we kill!!”
I had plenty of stories my father told be of what went on in Ukraine’s feudal system until the early 1900’s and it wasn’t pretty and what he commented on occurred before WWI.
There’s only a few bioweapons labs that I can see here, posted on the web.
“Ya, know, when our brave NATO members went in to Ukraine and created riots that upset the duly elected president, Yanukovych, and wasted $5 billion of our tax payer donations to the Federal Reserve, on paid for Nazis, shooting both the police and demonstrators, that was ok, but trying to stop us from putting up our missile bases in Ukraine, surrounding Russia, that’s really bad!!!” My quote:
But suppose Putin is getting rid of the Deep State actors we finance? That would save us a few $$ but then he would probably go after his Schwab’s YGL class mate Fidelito in Canada, but that would cost us god knows only how much, the what would happen if he went after all the Nato countries leaders on the dole from international banksters? That would put the fiat usury funny money system out of business, then the secret society elite carpet baggers couldn’t control shit anymore. Is this a start?
Looks like we gotta sit back and smell the roses - or is that thermite and see how this will evolve, then go get some survival gear?
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Soros Helped Known Actor/Comedian Volodymyr Zelensky Become President of Ukraine by Brainwashing the Country~TLB
Not much different than sticking in Porky and Yats into the quagmire, with the cookie monster and Hickory’s help - keep the Uk’s f’k’d up and we’ll keep control over the breadbasket of Europe in Russia’s lap. Now we got Zelensky in there, a comedian, bought and paid for by Soros on his show “Servant of the People”. Yup a modern day warrior!!
Zelensky sounds maybe just a little brighter than Porky (- who’s assets are currently frozen due to corruption, - somehow I don’t believe that,) but not much clout. So we need the creeps from NATO in there to cast our control in concrete - or maybe nuclear waste by Chernobyl.
Putin’s actions appear questionable and has challenged the dumbshits in NATO, but diplomacy has gone down the toilet with the desperate Khazarian Mafia Banksters scrambling to hold power, and they need a war to fool the sheeple - otherwise, the great reset game, lockstep and Event 201, starting with the coronahoax, didn’t work and put people in truck convoys objecting to their despotism.
Here’s a pic of Zelensky in a pair of high heals - showing his masculinity.
Odd Little Note on the Puppet Handler of Trudeau~TLB
Yup, gotta agree with the opening statement in this article, that “Trudeau is an empty vessel” and the words put into his mouth is by the Chrystia Freeland - who also went to WEF YGL classes - but she probably graduated and Trudeau just got an “in attendance” card and Klaus figured out, this guy can be manipulated easily. Freeland (Chomiak) history is interesting, her grandfather being accused of antisemitism, in Austria/Poland, but Freeland cozies up to the WEF skumbags - which one should be the direction? If they kick the clown Fidelito out, d’ya think you’d wanna have this bitch in there. Whew - NWO! So far the flush handle in Canada is stuck.
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Just wanted to post the pic of the new women’s official olympic team swimsuit.
Just in case, one of the girl competitors has some balls.
Yup - The damn pump is out of order!!!
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Follow the Data They Said & Then They Hid It
Yup, and Fauci says “follow the science” which he had to have at least the slightest clue that this is fake and phony, yet expects the people to believe it, and if they finally grow a brain, that’s not full of graphene oxide and spike proteins and go after him, he’d be in Gitmo with his buddies, Gates, Daszak, Soros and Schlawb and friends.
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Woke NATO is No Match for Real Men~Henry Makow
“West's armies are now Woke:
NATO has its own Office of the Gender Advisor”
“Wokeness is another way the Communist Jewish
world banking cartel is destroying the West”
I suppose those people that menstruate just can’t handle a killer job! Damn, why they were put in there - with the first class lesson, and you have to take notes, is (F**k the EU) Victoria Nuland’s cookie factory!!!
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Billy Horschel: Phil Mickelson has likely tarnished legacy with Saudi comments
Hmm. . . I checked what Phil stated about the Saudi’s and it wasn’t that far off line with what their history was, with the exception of a some profanity, that everybody uses - hell, even me - but looking at the past, he was right. Now, it appears, the Saudi’s are slowly changing their attitude about women and things, but maybe too slow, and they’re not WOKE yet, but they still got the oil money and have clout in the banksters front row - for now, and they’re growing food crops.
Methinks the real issue is the PGA has received $millions in cash and gifts from the Saudis and they don’t want to give it back or want it to stop - they want more!!! Follow the money!!!
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When Revolution Rises Give Them War~TTS~Max Igan
Yup, that’s how it goes, once the sheeple smarten up and go against a latest draconian rule and the truth emerges, the skumbags come up with another distraction to keep your minds off WTF they’ve been planning, screwing up the world to usher in the Great Reset. They won’t stop, until we get a weapon to defeat them - that’s called a brain!!!
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This comment below is the result of the Rockefeller School of Medicine.
Yeah, Sheeple! - Don’t trust natural treatment - trust the dope peddlers and snake oil salesmen. Besides, the MSM is also a part of big pharma and international banker syndicate - probably 1000,000 times worse than Al Capone or Lucky Luciano could ever dream of.
Gates is starting to panic and hopes the MSM covers his sorry ass.
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Ya know, with all the shenanigans going on, I’ve sort of forgot about my second, oops, third home of Indonesia. I wonder what’s going on there?
I should check on Tempo - this the first thing that popped up.
Minister Retno Marsudi, WHO, GAVI Discuss Vaccine
Whoa(?) Minister Marsudi, discussed this with WHO and GAVI? WHO and GAVI are Gates and big pharma bought and paid for orgs, that want to push the poison, not health for profit. I believe the Indonesian government should do a little FOIA research and come up with the truth, not the blatant lies spilled by the criminals in charge.
And anybody that takes an envelope from WHO or GAVI to be put in Cipinang prison - but that’s probably full of despots. And there’s probably not enough room for the criminals from WHO and GAVI.
A pic of people at the Bukit Sawangan housing complex. Hmph - Masks and social distancing. The WHO claims Indonesia is the 17th on the infected list. I suppose they used the PCR test also, that really doesn’t show if you have the cold, flu, mumps or clap, but you’re false positive and need the vaxx, that doesn’t do a f’k’n thing to protect you from any virus, but makes $trillions for the VaxxMakers.
Ivermectin shows the way of cure - look what’s happened in India and Japan!!
I enjoyed playing a round at the Sawangan Golf Club too.
I was going to make a comment on the article, but can only do that via FB - which I scrapped 4 years ago.
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Bill Gates Is “Sad” About Natural Immunity
On the Jimmy Dore show!
Awww - The poor basterd - he probably knows he’s up for the Nuremberg Trials and he’s back-tracking on his Vaxx game to make himself look innocent, and most likely Fauci and Daszak will take the fall. Big Pharma, of course, only had warp speed to create the Vaxx, so they’ll claim innocence, with Fauci and Moderna having the patent for the vaxx before the coronahoax hit! How about that??!!
Another article by Dr Mikovits, stating Fauci is the greatest fraud in the past 40 years. But, I believe he’s second in line to the Federal Reserve, BlackRock and Vanguard.
It’s coming to a head, but the Ukraine debacle is pushing the MSM attention away from this and they’ll stick footnotes on the second back page, everyone uses for cleaning up doggie poop!!!
And the winner is????? FIdelito is too new or stupid to put in there and Zuck - he’s just a puppet for the intelligence community - who traces your stuff on FB/Meta.
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The Hidden History of the Incredibly Evil Khazarian Mafia~VT 2-25-22
Just thought I’d post this for you’all to review. Preston James and Mike Harris has completed a detailed study and has been posted a few years ago and now they’ve updated some events.
A good read and you can do your own background checks. VT has wandered off the beaten path since I found them in 2013 in Kurdistan and watching PressTV in Erbil.
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Putin and the WEF – cause for concern. Are we being played yet again?~RBN
Hmm. . . .I suppose we need to rethink Putin’s master plan or is it really his(?). He’s been mixed up with Klaus Schlawb’s WEF since the 90’s and even tho’ he did bring the big Russian bear out of uselessness, the end result may be the question - looks like we better go back and trace a little bit of history and look at both, or maybe 3 - 4 sides of the equation. It could be the world might get complete tyranny up the ass, from the inside(?) “That’s ok, he’s one of us” - question, who is US? Putin’s a lot brighter then Fidelito, so this just may be the program set in motion. We have an idiot POTUS, a knee jerk VP with congress run by demented assholes - Hmmm. . . . .Plan of the Klan?
Recent history showed Putin did kick the Rothschilds bankers out of Russia, but then he’s cozy with the WEF - who basically is run by the Rothschilds puppet Schwab. Sorta HUTA. It appears we just might be approaching Orwell’s ‘1984’ or Huxley’s ‘Brave New World’. Something to think about while you’re filling out your unemployment card waiting in line to the FEMA Camp. You’ll own nothing and be happy!!
And have a look at the amount of population that have received the jab including boosters and they’re getting ready to flip the 5G switch. Hell, the world is half way there, and nobody even gives a blink!
They’re worried too much about the price of gas for the monster SUV.
Then I come across this article tied to the one above:
Greencrow: Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan… and Canada - Connect the Dots!~BIN
‘Greencrow concludes: Some analysts posit that Ukraine is just a psy-op. That Putin and the West are like professional wrestlers…choreographing wars to cover up slight of hand maneuvers against all humanity.’
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Fidelito comes up with the solution to end the Ukraine conflict.
I suppose he’s not a-Woke yet.
Justin Trudeau's New Scandal: His Deputy Prime Minister (Chrystia Freeland) is a Closet Ukranian Neo-Nazi
They gotta stop denigrating Adolf too - he wasn’t even close, a mere choir boy compared to the skum we’ve got in charge now, who manipulated the votes to make them look democratically elected.
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Headlines March 1, 2022 - Can Putin Trust the Promises of Thieves?
It appears Henry has been doing a little investigating on the background of the Russian invasion of Ukraine.
With my being of Ukrainian ethnic origin, it does ring a bell and following the Maidan debacle, to the present and I’ve commented on this before and centers around the ‘Cookie Monster’ Nuland, who is simply a front for organized criminal banking cartel, like the PNAC’rs were on ‘911’ centered around ‘Rebuilding America’s Defenses’.
It certainly appears, the USSA has been involved up to the armpits, with our sweet politician profiting from this charade. Porky and Yats were inserted by our government, then Zelensky, who just happens to end up with a $34 million villa in Miami and over $1 billion in cash deposited in offshore banks around the world.
The pics of Zelensky posted as currently his position on MSM were actually taken in 12-21, before the invasion.
“We Must Stand with Ukraine, as They Stand for Us”
So obviously the lunatic Soros is involved, along with families of US politickers, Biden, Pelosi,
Romney and John Kerry (- who sneaked a trip to Antartica when Trump was elected,) who have
reaped $billions from Burisma and other gas companies.
I suppose creating a coup and replacing Yanukovych was ok by Obama/Hillary and Nuland, but kick out Zelensky - nope - that’s a no-no in the deep state’s play book.
This does add a little confusion as to the stand of the USSA and Nato on this ‘invasion’ including Putin destroying bioweapons labs financed by the USSA including the dope money laundering banks, and this criminal activity and corruption will be exposed to the world.
Uhh. . . did Ted Rall examine a little history(?)
This sorta sums it up. But the end result will be exposed and we’re on the brink of WWIII, but the creeps in our government want to protect their greed.
I follow 3 Canadians who post on the internet - Henry Makow, Ben Fulford and James Corbett and both Makow and Fulford are Jews, yet criticize the hell out of the Khazarian Mafia.
This Russia/Ukraine debacle are viewed by the three, and their response are similar. Corbett posts his views from interviews with people associated with the problems. Makow posts info supplied by other authors, and Fulford posts info or maybe’s from intelligence communities.
Time will tell! Whatever we have left and there are serious problems being developed.
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And the Wiz figured out the ‘Tax” scam - sorta like HUTA.
You can check in but you can never leave.
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Russia declares war on the Straussians~Thierry Meyssan~TTS
More alternate news sites are coming out with the reasons and justifications of Russia’s war with Ukraine. As more sites are starting to state, this is not a war with Ukraine, but for Ukraine to bring the country back to its honorable state and not run over by the criminals pirating resources and infrastructure that has been ongoing for hundreds of years.
There were many comparisons and guilty parties involved, by Meyssan, but I copied one of the parts, buried in the narrative that caught my attention, for your amusement.
“Antony Blinken placed Vice President Biden’s son, Hunter, on the board of one of the major gas companies, Burisma Holdings, despite opposition from Secretary of State John Kerry. Hunter Biden is unfortunately just a junkie, he would serve as a front for a gigantic scam at the expense of the Ukrainian people."
Blinken is on Biden’s admin too, shit, the Khazars always seem to be in position of influence and Pedosi, Kerry, Romney and Biden had their kids in contracts or board members of Burisma - but that’s ok, cuz the banksters will make money from this corruption.
The eliminating of bioweapons labs, and other sites including the adrenochrome plants and over 100 children were let free- so posted on the site.
This fits in with WTF is going on today with another version of Congress-Man - Worst superhero ever.
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Biden’s SOTU Was A Combination Of Unicorn Dreams & Unicorn Poop~RBN~TLB
This did catch my eye - well, the ‘poop’ did - but I didn’t listen to the idiot blabbering on tv on prewritten scripts by his handlers. And he must have stepped into the Unicorn Poop.
But the article summarizes his maniacal programs, set up by corporatists and bankers, f’k the people, and this will solve the inflation including $108/bbl oil also preparing extensively for the Ukraine invasion by Russia. This also exposes the 70 years involvement of the CIA in destabilization.
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“Little Alex Jones Come Lately” Glenn Beck exposure of George Soros and ‘Dark Money’ connections to Dems and Biden administration
This will give you a chuckle at Beck’s exposure of the skum elite’s money flow.
I think I’m gonna stop watching Glen Beck, he’s trying to steal the cynical sarcastic humor path of Dbooger.
But worth the time.
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New Stew Peters: Biden’s State of Failure, Las Vegas Multiple Shooters Exposed, Bioweapon Jab Editing Genes
Yeah, we need the war in Ukraine - this keeps the sheeple’s minds off our criminal activities in the coronahoax and the future outcome. Besides we can blame Putin for that too!!!
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It’s not really funny how they’re interconnected - but I don’t see a spot for the sheeple or connection - maybe a rope would do.
Blow it up and check the ties - this started thousands of years ago. Add in the charitable groups listed on Glen Becks site, they form a group of satanists in control and the sheeple believe the dolt puppets controlled by the Satanists in charge. Klaus Schwab is on the bottom of the ladder, with Gates at his side hanging on.
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