Saturday, December 11, 2021

The worst evils which mankind has ever had to endure were inflicted by bad governments.~ Ludwig Von Mises

And we gotta bunch of that crap scattered over the world and its getting worse as time flies by!!

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is an Anagram and means


Yup - the new variant coming out of Africa - and damn, they don’t enforce the vaxx there - ‘what’s a psycho to do to make a few bucks’!!  And there’s hardly any people with the coronahoax.  But the 4 that got it were already vaxx’d - d’ya thinks the Moronic virus was in the vaxx? Like Delta and Omega? 

Gates and company have killed many Africans over the years with his philanthropic vaccine delivery for various manufactured illnesses that made him fortunes, then you can understand why the Africans rejected this new vaxx for the imaginary SARS-CoV-2.


Keep in mind I am not a virologist or a medical professional. And neither are the politicians taking advantage of this crisis, the folks pimping Big Pharma drugs, or the journalists writing breathless headlines.

Doctor Blows the Lid Off Omicron Hysteria

The first doctor to treat a patient with the Omicron variant of SARS-CoV-2 wants to set the record straight: There is nothing thus far about the new variant that warrants the “extreme action” many governments are taking in reaction to the variant’s discovery.

“And let me be clear: nothing I have seen about this new variant warrants the extreme action the UK government has taken in response to it,” Dr. Angelique Coetzee added.

And this doctor is in S Africa - d’ya thinks she’ll experience an Arkancide soon?  Probably the term would be better labeled ‘Pharmacide’ or Fauci/Gatesencide!!  But the question still remains - has anybody identified this virus(?) that’s only recognizable on a computer screen cooked up by Ferguson?

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Satanist Manifesto Unveils the Future~Henry Makow


Henry’s got his topics a little mixed up, but his quote is where the satanists are trying to lead the 

world. This corresponds with Klaus Schwab’s statement ‘you’ll own nothing and be happy’ - he is part of the Rothschilds Khazarian Mafia Klan.

‘Kissinger refined Hitler’s ‘Terror Technique’ into the more subtle and powerful ‘Tension

Technique’: building tension in society and then finding a scapegoat.'

But you gotta get behind the scene and discover who was leading or pushing Adolf in the direction he ended up, but when he kicked out the Khazarian bankers, up came WWII, and he retired in Argentina with Mengele.

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Fauci had to be the orchestrator of this cartoon.

But I have a sneaky suspicion that both are imaginary. And it’s moronic, not omicron!

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Ghislaine Maxwell Is Finally on Trial!~TTS

I didn’t get into the article too deep, but it states the jury has been selected.  I can imagine who they are, Slick Willy, Larry Summers, Rudy Giuliani, Alan Dershowitz - with his underwear on, Bill Gates and a few others that were complicit in the pedo program - is Victoria Secret’s owner still alive, or relaxing on the beach in Haifa with Epstein, fondling little girls? Ghislaine knows where all the incriminating tapes are stashed too.  Not guilty!!!!  Any bets??? 

And they got her on 8 counts - hmph - that would put the Federal Reserve owners out of the spotlight for sure for the time being.

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Wife Describes Dr. Andreas Noack’s Death Ray Torture

Direct Energy Weapon? Noack was against using the vaxx due to graphene oxide. The psychos are having a ball with that little ray gun. Probably the same one used on Liam Scheff when he opened the hatch about the HIV/AIDS crap Fauci was mixed up in.  And they've upgraded it to slice houses in half - like in California - houses reduced to dust, even toilets and steel girders, but the trees next to them were completely untouched.  But I don’t think anybody noticed that, cuz the Rothshilds that control PGE are still marching on the bank wagon.

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It Begins: Biden to Announce Mandatory Quarantines for Americans, Even Fully Vaxxed, Punishable by “Fines and Penalties”

Idaho Nurse: COVID Patients Dying from TREATMENTS, not from COVID

Who do you believe? The idiot Biden or a trained nurse that is conscious of WTF is going on in the criminal incompetent medical complex? The back room boys gotta be threatening Biden with impeachment, if he can understand what that means, or they’ll put a muzzle on him and he won’t be able to smell little girls - that last one had to really shake him up so he goes along with what the scumbag swamp dwellers put on the monitor.

Biden Administration Tells Second Whopper in as Many Weeks

I didn’t get into this, cuz it’s just business as usual.

But I did note the following on RBN. 

Rockefeller’s got their start selling snake oil also, but that was when people believed in the magic of the snake, but when you look around, they still do - they believe the idiot Fauci and worse, Bill Gates, the champion of eugenics, are pushing for the cure of humanity - d’ya thinks that’s right?  I think I’d heat the rail up in La Palma, duck tape both Fauci and Gates on it, then throw them into the volcano.

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A Coupla jokes to keep you smiling.

When the Vodka, Xanax and stool softener all kick in at the same time 

My Face when liberals say Kyle Rittenhouse only got off because he is a white boy


Presidents who were known by their initials 

How to Start a Fight.

One year, I decided to buy my mother-in-law a cemetery plot as a Christmas gift.

The next year, I didn’t buy her a gift.

When she asked me why, I replied, “Well, you still haven’t used the gift I bought you last year”

And that’s when the fight started.


Yup - I stopped believing in Santa Claus when I was 4 years old. Imagine that!! Now this schmuck shows up. Ho Ho Ho, Merry Xmas!!!

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KEN’S CORNER: Executive Order 11110 & The JFK Assassination In Question~TLB

Debugger Comment”

“If this mischievous financial policy, which has its origin in North America, shall become endurated down to a fixture, then that Government will furnish its own money without cost. It will pay off debts and be without debt. It will have all the money necessary to carry on its commerce. It will become prosperous without precedent in the history of the world. The brains, and wealth of all countries will go to North America. That country must be destroyed or it will destroy every monarchy on the globe.” — The London Times responding to Lincoln’s decision to issue government Greenbacks to finance the Civil War

This was the same reason why the Khazarian Mafia shot JFK and Lincoln, but the gun didn’t fire on Andrew Jackson, and now Putin, after he kicked out the Khazar banksters, has made Russia national  debt free.  That’s probably all the hype about Ukraine and Russia starting a war, but NATO is knee deep in the squalor floating on the swamp on orders from banksters.

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Court Orders FDA To Comply With FOIA and Release Information On Pfizer Vaccine – First Batch of Documents Shows Over 1,200 Vaccine Deaths WITHIN FIRST 90 DAYS~RBN

Who the hell does the FDA work for? Obviously big pharma, not the people paying taxes!! And when you factor in the big pharma crooks pay 75% of the FDA costs, and probably baksheesh not included then they approve an experimental vaxx disigned to kill the people.  But adding the 01, 02,03 versions of the vaxx, the elite are excluded from the killer one, only the saline solution that makes them look good.

And the FDA claims they need 55 years to send the info? Posted this before, but we need to have somebody in government to start arresting these carpet bagger satanic assholes.

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Catherine Austin Fitts | 2nd Full Interview | Planet Lockdown~RBN

The lady that discovered the $21 trillion missing from the Pentagon and HUD, is now looking into this planet lockdown by the central bankers - they want to take all your money and you’ll be happy!!!

This brand new variant, Omicron, or Moronic in my book, is the new key. 

“Yup, this is a really really bad bug and will kill you before our vaxx does.  And our buddies, the central bankers, will seize all your hard earned money!”

D’ya think, if we arrested the central bankers and put them in line to the guillotine, the world will be on the road to sustainability - not the crap the Agenda 21/2030 creeps are pushing?

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The Jewish Satanists Behind Covid~Henry Makow

‘In 1989, on national TV, a courageous young woman exposed the satanic Jewish forebears of the Illuminati cult that now dominates the world. They are Sabbatean Frankists who hate assimilated Jews as much as goyim.’

And this was on Oprah - in 1989.  And she described eating little babies!!!  Believe it or not, but this was on Oprah - I believe other sites state Oprah has joined the club.

If you watch it, make sure you have a vomit bag close by.

As stated before, I’m not anti-semitic, I’m antiseptic.

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Research “Game-changer”: Spike Protein Increases Heart Attacks and Destroys Immune System~TTS


Yup , This creep looks like a clone of Fauci and Gates.

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Chicago Public Schools abolish gendered bathrooms for trans inclusion amid struggles to maintain student proficiency 

Yup, I suppose this will work for the Wokeness people!

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Doctor Blows the Lid Off Omicron Hysteria 

A good pic from RBN describing who really is the Dr Evil POS.  But the doctor in South Africa states this is not serious and the hype is going crazy by the governments.  They must really want the New Normal of the NWO Great Reset. The big question, did she identify the virus, and did the good doctor actually distinguish the virus as being Moronic or Omicron or whatever the next variant will be named.  How about the plain old flu that’s been around for thousands of years?

How many people is this vaxx gonna kill?  And it’s working - Dane Wigington / geoengineeringwatch. org needs to take more samples of WTF they’re spraying in the skies - what - a little Graphene Oxide - with some mRNA spike proteins(?) and that’s if you don’t take the vaxx - they’ll infect you one way or the other. Time to lock and load!!

There are many articles stating the hospitals won’t allow Ivermectin - and the patients family are going getting court orders to have this administered and the results are phenomenal.  They get healthy and get taken off the ventilator and leave the hospital in a couple of days - but that loses $$$$ for the medical incompetent complex.

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The Vaccine Is the Disease, And you need to KNOW that.~TTS

Hmm VAERS report states 2.14% people have died from the vaxx.  Fauci and friends hide the reports that post there is over 99.7% survival rate from SARS-02 and I won’t post the adverse reactions and permanent incapacitation of the vaxx’d. You can search yourself. 

This is crimes against humanity!!!  FDA, CDC, NIH, CIA, FBI, AMA (American Murder Association) 3 branches of gov’t and FED plus the rest of the alphabet criminal org’s in our gov’t,  all bioweapons labs to be shut down including all the schmucks that promote the research to be arrested - and I won’t get into the experimental labs with monkeys, Beagles and children that were murdered for profit by big pharma and their shareholders - the bankers.  Stop the Chemtrails!!! Damn, they’ll need to build more FEMA camps to incarcerate these assholes let alone grease for smart guillotines.

The fingers seem to point to one source of this criminal activity and it is the secret societies controlled by the international banksters.

More Evidence That the Covid Conspiracy Theory Is a Fact~Paul Craig Roberts

“The coercive practices of restricting movement of people and compulsory Covid vaccination are spreading throughout formerly free countries.  Germany has now joined Austria, Italy, and Australia in resurrecting the Third Reich”

My take is, the 4th Reich is in control, and are puppets for the Khazarian Mafia and they can blame this on whoever they want when it’s time to throw the puppets under the bus. Then the Khazars run free-with all your wealth.

“Here - trust us - let us save you - bend over and touch your toes!!” And the sheeple believe the rhetoric that’s laced with bovine excrement. 

Ignore ‘Variant’ Nonsense – Stay Focused on Dangers of ‘Health Mandates’

What’s happening around the world is 1984 on steroids - when the people finally wake up, let's hope big brother hasn’t been installed on your computer and tv and isn’t watching you. But they’ve already got the software and it’s on your ‘smart tv’ and computer.

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Makow — Covid Unites Humanity Against Its Common Enemy 

Yup, this is part of the skum in charge of your health and money. Like Klaus the Schlob states, “you’ll own nothing and you’ll be happy.  This coronahoax is a narrow window of opportunity to ruin the world, and we’ll own it.” Ha!!!!

Henry goes after these assholes, a pHd in Canada, the up pops this article on TTS.

mRNA inventor stands with Abp. Viganò’s call for alliance against ‘fundamentally evil’ COVID tyranny 

Dr Malone along with Abp. Carlo Maria Viganò’s state Global Totalitarianism is a bigger threat than the virus.

It appears anyone with half a brain is going against the coronahoax meddlers.  Yup, time for people to smarten up and go after the globalists. It’s getting serious!!

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The Lancet Admits It’s A Pandemic Of The Vaccinated & All Evidence Shows Omicron Not More Dangerous

A Step Ahead - the Nuremberg 2 Trials - go after the skum!!!  And it’s not difficult to figure out who they are - top down - start with the Khazarian Mafia, then the bankers and down the pyramid of power.  Make sure they have lots of grease for the smart guillotines. We’re in the middle of the Muther of All Fuckups.  Forget the bomb, it’s already exploded even before Event 201!

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The Worst That Could Happen

Call To Suspend Covid-19 Vaccination Upon Discovery Of Spike Protein In The Nucleus Of Living Cells Resveratrol Pills Could Rescue The Vaccinated

The first thought that comes to mind, the California wineries have climbed on the Covid band wagon and states the red wine molecule resveratrol and this will reverse the damage of the mRNA inflicts on your DNA.  Hell, I have a couple of bottles of Malbec - I suppose I have to pop the cork and see the light!!

Watch this for the post vaxx detox

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Top Doctor Warns COVID Jabs Secretly Intended To Reduce World’s Population~TLB/ER

Dr. Shankara Chetty, who has treated over 7,000 Covid patients, says in a video linked to below that the Covid-as-bioweapon (our choice of words) is one of the most contrived, elaborately engineered toxins ever made – it’s a ‘poison with an agenda’.

A must watch on WTF is going on. 

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COVID-19 a Pandemic of Fear ‘Manufactured’ by Authorities: Yale Epidemiologist

Hmmm. . . looks like the Skull and Boners are noticing the sheeple are catching on to the Fauci/Gates promoted fake armageddon and don’t want to be blamed for the coronahoax and when the guillotines are rolled down the street to the FEMA camp, they’ll all get in line and scream “It wasn’t me, it was the one armed man!!”  Or maybe the idiot with maybe one brain cell left, Fauci, counting his money - one, two, three - nope - one, three, fifteen - nope - hmmm. . .five fingers on one hand, and five on the other - damn, I need more fingers - duhh! Where’s Billy Boy when you really need him??  He’s hiding in his DUMB with years of supplies to survive, then when he comes out, the people will forget about this Mainstream Economists Are Struggling to Hide the Incoming Economic Collapse by misdoings for power and eugenics control. 

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Mainstream Economists Are Struggling to Hide the Incoming Economic Collapse~TTS~ Brandon Smith 

Nothing going on here, just cleaning up the garbage - ya? Move along.  This is spreading all over the world, not just LA, or Philadelphia or downtown bankers paradise.  The boys from BlackRock and Vanguard avoid these streets - their limo would get stuck in the excrement - but they survive in the swamp ok.

The devil’s bargain

All the Federal Reserve really accomplished was to forge a devil’s bargain: Trading one manageable deflationary crisis for at least one (possibly more) highly unmanageable inflationary crises down the road.The difference between a crisis and a real crisis

The difference between a crisis and a real crisis

A Catch-22 situation arises and the Fed must make a choice:

  1. 1. To continue with inflationary programs and risk taking the blame for extreme price increases
  2. 2. Taper these programs and risk an implosion of stock markets which have long been    artificially inflated by stimulus

The stock market is propped up by funny money, QE, Scamdemic - to disguise the disaster by orchestration of Repo - Reverse Repo and people don’t recognize the con job - but they’re waking up and ‘Omicron’ (Moronic) opened the eyes of billions of people.

Fascist corporatism at its finest.  Better get some grease for the ‘smart’ guillotines and prep the deep staters.

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Brendon O'Connell

Do a search and check on this Aussie on exposing the Talpiot program, Israel’s secret weapon, and the countries they control via their methods of Intel. He’s been thrown in jail for over 3 years, bones broken, simply by bringing out his view on WTF is going on.

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Ontario Chief Medical Officer: A basic means of protecting individuals is stopping the mixing of unvaccinated and vaccinated.”~IWB

Well, it don’t get any better than that - you gotta get vaccinated to protect you from the unvaxxed, but then you can’t mingle cuz you might get the virus, that nobody can seem to find, or a mutated virus that nobody can find, from the unvaxxed, then they might catch it from you, cuz they’re unvaxxed - so they have to get vaxxed, to protect them from the vaxxed, or is that unvaxxed. Something don’t seem right here - but it makes $$$ for big pharma and you gotta convince the unvaxxed to get vaxxed that don’t protect them from shit!!!

Does anybody in the heath and human services have a fuckin’ brain?  Or are they counting money?

I mighta got into this before, but it keeps coming up with the crazies and the idiot CDC director, or is that NIH , Francis Collins, or WHO or whoever promotes the Rockefeller / Gates depopulation agenda 2030  or new normal?  Klaus the Schlob has to be on the beach in his weenie strap and nylons. 

As disgusting as this schmuck is, I posted the pic again.  This will show you WTF we’re dealing with.

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BoJo Unveils “Plan B” Restrictions As Omicron Cases Top 500 While Deaths Linger At Zero~TTS

Whew - and there’s only 24 more plans left.  Who the hell manages these idiots? But then BOJO is only a few blocks from where Jacob Rothschilds hangs out at the City of London.  But Fulford posted these bankster criminals are hiding in a Rothschilds Khazarian Mafia (RKM) BIS DUMB in Basel Switzerland. 

This pic above was posted a few years ago when our national debt was around $17 trillion.

I read another article by Henry Makow stating, Jacob commented that China was the role model and soon the world will follow suit. 

Schwab, Nazi, Transhumanist, Techno-fascist Great Reset, WEF-Davos

You’ll never guess where ‘Nazi’ came from, that’s just a shortened version of Ashkenazi. The Khazars that finance Hitler to come to power - but he nationalized the German banks and brought the country out of debt - that’s a no-no in Khazar terms so WWII was implemented, and these hook nosed creeps control over 187 countries central banks. Where its headed, if the sheeple don’t stand up and take over their own countries that are run by puppets to the RKM.

Jacob R — It’s “Obedience Training”

From the horse’s mouth: “For the New World Order we needed a much deeper and lasting compliance. When the overwhelming majority of the people yield in allowing you to inject into them, a substance which any free and thinking person like yourself would reject and object to, not even knowing what the substances are, but trusting their governments and our media networks, then that is most certainly the most important victory our structure could every hope for.”

“The universal vaccine programs not only open the door for behavior control through gene modification and enhancement, but more importantly for the present operation – psychological behaviour control with the vaccines is even more fundamental. Regardless of whether or not the vaccines are unnecessary and useless regarding the virus, or even harmful for many, they are the most uniform and concerted psychological weapon ever devised to control human behaviour.”

And the Khazar admits it - so Henry Makow states.

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Big Pharma Ramps Up Lobbying to Sink Law Aimed at Protecting Whistleblowers~TLB

Yeah, we don’t want to let those guys with a whistle tell what we’ve been planning for centuries and make $trillions!!!

But then, Assange was basically a recipient of info provided by Manning - why is Assange in prison?  The let Manning out.  Assange just published what he was given, not a twisted truth manufactured by the bankster owned MSM.

The government lies and MSM swears to it. Disgusting!!!!  We need a change - where’s the liar in chief Obamarama?

A Majority of Americans Are “Anti-Vaxxers”~LR

According to mainstream media, if you raise questions about the safety of COVID-19 vaccines – anti-vaxxer!  If you raise questions about the efficacy of this vaccine – anti-vaxxer!  

If you question the FDA, CDC, or White House guidance on this vaccine – anti-vaxxer!  

If you want pharma companies to be liable for vaccine injuries – anti-vaxxer!  

If you want long term placebo-controlled trials prior to licensure – anti-vaxxer!  

If you raise concerns about breakthrough cases – anti-vaxxer!  

If you think natural immunity has anything to offer without a vaccine – anti-vaxxer!!!

I suppose I’m an anti-vaxxer!

Another comment I’ll post:

“Don't take RNA shot. There is no pandemic. 600,000 die each year from cancer, but government doesn't force chemo and radiation on us. 660,000 die each year from heart disease, but we aren't force fed anti-cholesterol drugs. Smoking kills 480,000 yearly but government doesn't destroy economy with shutdowns. Only 400,000 die each year WITH covid, not from it. There is no pandemic. Tell your friends, family, and employers to calm down. Its time to arrest government servants for mass murder using genetic experiments.”

And more good stuff - on Lew Rockwell - 

Illinois Bill Proposes to Strip Unvaxxed of Their Health Insurance

The Demon-ocrats at high speed - who the fuck votes these assholes in? Dominion? They get into politics, no substantial assets, then when they get out, they retire on a beach in a $150 million estate!  What does that tell you - lobbying is a good job?

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Operation Extermination–the Plan to Decimate the Human Immune System with a Lab-Generated Pathogen~TTS

“If someone wished to kill a significant portion of the world’s population over the next few years, the systems being put in place right now would enable it.” Dr. Mike Yeadon, former Pfizer Vice President

“And this is the spirit of the antichrist, of which you have heard is coming; and now is already in the world.”  1 John 4:2–3 

Question– Does the Covid-19 vaccine damage the immune system?

Answer– It does. It impairs the body’s ability to fight infection, viruses and disease.

Question– If that’s true, then why haven’t more people died after getting vaccinated?

Answer– I’m not sure what you mean? The vaccine has killed more people than any vaccine in history. “So far, in the United States, the death toll is three times higher than the total of all vaccines in the last 35 years.” 

Question– All I’m saying is that the percentage of people that have died is quite small compared to the tens of millions that have been vaccinated.

Answer– And all I’m saying is that if the vaccine is lab-generated pathogen– and I think it is– then it certainly was not designed to kill people on the spot. It was engineered to produce a delayed reaction that gradually but relentlessly erodes the health of the vaccinee. In other words, the full impact of the blood clots, bleeding, autoimmune issues and other vaccine-generated injuries will only be fully felt at a later date via increasing incidents of heart attacks, strokes, vascular illness and even cancer.

There’s more to this Q & A but the first 3 brings it to the forefront.  Michael Yeadon, provides the background - probably why he left Pfizer - they’re criminals killing people for sake of $$$$$. And you need to factor in, Gates, BlackRock and Vanguard are the major shareholders. It all stems back to the banksters - that need to be lead to the guillotine.

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