Monday, May 10, 2021

I cannot teach anybody anything, I can only make them think.~Socrates

The Politics of Heroin & the Afghan US Pullout – Private Mercenary Occupation 

I might have posted this topic before, but everybody knows what’s happening in downtown Kabul. At least we won’t have our boys and girls guarding the poppy fields and getting shot and Eric Prince will get a bonus.

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Police shootings vs. Medically caused death; how the news shapes public perception and controls minds~Jon Rappoport

Gates, Fauci and Big Pharma can kill you, but that’s good - a cop shoots a bad buy, that’s bad.  If the cop shoots a good person he’s tried in court. The relatives of the person that died from the biolab / eugenics scientists that create gene engineering - you can’t sue them or try them in court, cuz they’re protected by bought and paid for politikers passing these criminal laws protecting the crooks from prosecution and who pays for the results of the malfeasance(?) Yup, you and me with our illegal tax dollar. 

And a good pic above of where we are!!

A couple more dots to connect: 

The above chart does throw some evidence of why the US and other cohorts in criminal wars went into Afghanistan. The Likudniks and PNAC’rs orchestrated 9/11 to push for invasion to protect the poppy farmers from those Taliban guys and their CIA budget full of dirty money and the phony WMD myth let the 4 horsemen in to rape Iraq’s oil fields. A plus plus operation.

This does bring up more questions, the ones that Catherine Fitts and Dr. Mark Skidmore found evidence of $25 trillion missing money from HUD and Pentagon, the first one being, why in hell would the military guys want to misappropriate our tax $$$ when the CIA, MI6 and Mossad were making $trillions selling dope?

The second being, why in hell does the Fed print more worthless $$$ and give it to prop up the fake Wall Street Ponzi scheme, meanwhile driving the people into hyper inflation and now a shopping cart half full of MSG laced GMO’d food costs over $200.  The deep state is gonna kill you one way or another, Vaxx or nuclear war, or starvation - whichever comes first.

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Covid-19 – The Musical – by Frankie Goes to Nowhere

Good little show to watch.

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Operation Indigo Skyfold

Do a search and find out WTF these insane psychos are doing to the world!!!

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Pfizer CEO says, we’ll probably need the 3rd shot before we return to normal. 

What normal? It seems like the only ‘normal’ for Pfizer is to make an enormous bonus on the scamdemic, plandemic, or more likely the endemic-related to sickness that has completely overtaken the greedies and they need your pocket change too, forget your bank account, that’s already digitally transferred to City of London.

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A couple of alt news published that are similar and something I’ve been in agreement for over 50 years and now the dots are connected.

Proposed: A Declaration of War against the RKM, Rothschild Khazarian Mafia~Preston James PhD.



These tie in together - read them and have a peek at history, that’s really not published in our educational establishment, since this was completely taken over by the Rockefellers/Rothschilds and now we have common core dumbing our children to the level of sickness the incredibly evil satanists want on the road to the NWO and they’ll love it being stacked up in a high rise slum.

One thing for sure, if they eliminated golf courses - I’d get an AK47 and do some hunting, but when the people wake up and realize the evil, that J Edgar Hoover spouted in the 50’s, has them completely surrounded, they’ll all march down toward DC, City of London, Vatican, Basel, and do a little damage.

Michael Collins Piper published quite a few novels regarding this also-that I read while in Kurdistan, and you can go back to Henry Miller even Socrates. This sickness has been around for a long time.

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Canada Ends Funding for Terror Linked ‘White Helmets’ -Tied to False Flag Gas Attacks in Syria~VT

Canadian support to the White Helmets was worth about $4-million per year, with final payments of just under $900,000 being made in March, 2020

Makes you wonder who exactly supported this in the Canuck gov’t.  Justin Castro?  I never checked but they must have a CIPAC in concert with AIPAC in the US.

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Hmmm. . . . .is this why they’ve assembled all the FEMA camps? And DHS purchased 1.6 billion rounds of hollow points, 2500 gals of cyanide, 30,000 guillotines and $1 billion worth of disposable coffins?  These numbers have been bunked, debunked, rebunked and unbunked, hundreds of times over the fake news network but even if they only purchased 1000 guillotines - WTF would that mean? A longer line?

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Victoria Nuland again? The one who said “fuck the EU” and who supported neo-Nazis?~VT

The cookie monster Noodleman is now second in command as under secretary of political affairs and her deranged Zio hubby was a PNAC’r promoting war with Iraq also including biogenetic warfare for certain humans - check on page 60 of ‘Rebuilding America’s Defenses’? 

WTF is the countries ruling class turning into - more wars, regime changes and funny money taxation?  And you can bet your ass more of our debt to the Fed  

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Kenya’s Dr. Stephen Karanja Calls ‘Them’ Out, Dies of C 

Yup - criticize Melinda, and her zero medical knowledge and the Great Reset eugenics gene therapy - get an Arkancide!  And this wasn’t the first time he challenged the medical incompetent complex whose MO is based on the Rockefeller school of medicine - treat the symptom, not the cause and make money. 

How it goes:

If you have time, take the time and watch this on TLB.

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And I read someplace that Billy and Melinda are getting divorced - damn, I thought they only ruined one family, hell, now they’ll spread the genocide around to more - but they already did that. 1 + 1 = 666.  

D’ya thinks she’ll rise to the occasion and compete with Hickory Klingon?  In one of the pics, I did appear that Melinda did have an Adams apple or as Ben Garrison states, she looks like Kevin Kline.  Another article on stated she was upset about their meeting with Epstein after he was convicted as a pedophile.

Which brings up another question, did Gates pay for information from Epstein pedophilia connected to the upper, or lower politicians in order for them to go along with the coronahoax and force the vaxx on the people?  

Or is she aware Ghislaine might be in a position to drop the bomb on Billy and the covid hoax also the criminal acts of their foundation?

Any more dots to connect?

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Florida passes ban on transgenders in women’s sports, Gov. DeSantis says he’ll sign

Now wait a minute, does this mean a female that thinks she’s a male can’t compete in women’s sports - can she compete in men’s sports?  Uhhh. . .I can see where a man that that thinks he’s a woman shouldn’t be allowed to compete in women’s sports - hmph - maybe I should read the article again, but screw it, this is stupid to begin with.

Then we get into this:

The Feminization of Western Men~Paul Craig Roberts


Danish journalist Iben Thranholm about the disappearance of Western manhood: “Dear European Men: You Are Pathetic Pussies.”

Yup, and Gates does look a little on the “fem side” - makes you wonder what sport he was interested in? 

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This was on Ben Garrison’s site - thought I’d post it.


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Yup, I suppose I won’t be going back there anytime soon. Justin Castro is on the take from big Pharma and the NWO Agenda 21 / 2030 psychos - besides he’s a weirdo anyways and suspiciously guilty of fratricide, when they get rid of him, maybe things will return to normal - whatever that was. Sharpen the skates and drop the puck!!

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Jane Grey – JFK Jr Told The World Who Murdered His Father: But Nobody Was Paying Attention

The following an excerpt from the article:

“As president, John F. Kennedy understood the predatory nature of private central banking. He understood why Andrew fought so hard to end the Second Bank of the United States. So Kennedy wrote and signed Executive Order 11110 which ordered the US Treasury to issue a new public currency, the United States Note.

Kennedy was working with president Soekarno of Indonesia who was at that time the signatory for the Global Collateral Accounts which were intended to be used for humanitarian purposes but which were subverted at the time of the Bretton Woods Agreement at the end of WWII.

The intention of Kennedy and Soekarno was to end the reign of the globalist privately owned central banking system which is the main reason that Kennedy was killed, and for his part Soekarno remained under house arrest for the rest of his life.”

BIN publishes some off-the-beaten-path articles connected to bovine excrement - but this one hits the nail on the head.

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Pfizer’s COVID-19 Vaccine For 12 to 15 Year-Olds by Next Week~VT

Debooger comment:

Emergency use? In children? 6 months and up? The gene altering poison will no doubt make them sterile and help with Gates depopulation plan!

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Are We Being Set Up For An “Alien Invasion” Psyop?

Yup - Gotta scare the shit out of the sheeple - have they cooked up a vaxx to protect us from aliens?

The World’s Master Diabolitician Calls The Shots On The Extermination of the Human Populations.

Jacques Attali - 1981 - French Economist:

Attali: “The future will be about finding a way to reduce the population. We start with the old, because as soon as they exceed 60-65 years, people live longer than they produce and that costs society dearly. Then the weak, then the useless that do not help society because there will always be more of them, and above all, ultimately, the stupid. Euthanasia targeting these groups; Euthanasia will have to be an essential tool in our future societies, in all cases. Of course, we will not be able to execute people or build camps. We get rid of them by making them believe that it is for their own good. 

Overpopulation, and mostly useless (sic), is something that is too costly economically. Socially, too, it is much better when the human machine comes to an abrupt standstill than when it gradually deteriorates. Neither will we be able to test millions upon millions of people for their intelligence, you bet that!

We will find or cause something a pandemic targeting certain people, a real economic crisis or not, a virus affecting the old or the fat, it doesn’t matter, the weak will succumb to it, the fearful and stupid will believe in it and seek treatment. 

We will have made sure that treatment is in place, treatment that will be the solution. The selection of idiots then takes care of itself: You go to the slaughter by yourself. ”

He had this figured out 40 years ago - or maybe read Huxley’s books, and Billy Gates and company just climbed on the band wagon, or is that the ‘dead wagon’ to haul the bodies to the crematorium - or a FEMA camp that’s already in the works. 

This schmuck Attali, who incidentally received an honorary degree from Haifa U in Israel - who wants to curb population, in particular the older folks, is still alive at 78! Is he on the extermination list? Where’s Kevorkian when you really need him?  Oh yeah, he croaked!!

Then fast forward today - WTF is going on as we speak(?) 

And when you stop and look at the MSM news, what’s going on as we speak - Covid panic - genetic engineered Vaxx, devastating fires, horrific storms, in Saudi, UAE, Africa, India, China, USA and North America, South America - geoengineering DEWs in the works by the military - on who’s orders?  Anybody take a guess?

Hell, I was in Kurdistan for 8 months, and it rained one day - I had to take an NSAID for joint pain for 3 days, the only time when I was there. Now you see the floods roaring down the streets in Mecca - hell - it never rains there in the desert.  Only good thing I can see, is they’ll be able to grow a little rice for some nasti puti, and some trees to use up all the CO2, and the world will enjoy a halt of the fabricated climate warming or change the dumbshit lunatics are orchestrating around the world.  Blame it on the b’mer or Toyota cuz everybody’s not in Bobby’s level of wealth.  Hell, I drive a 23 year-old Mark VIII, or sometimes an 19 year-old Tbird when its not raining - I can’t afford a b’mer.  Another reason I drive the old clunkers is, they, meaning the psychos, won’t be able to control me via cyber attacks and I have the ABS function shut off and hopefully I won’t experience a Boston Brakes like Michael Hastings an investigative reporter. Hastings Arkancide may have been tied into his publication, that was never issued by Rolling Stone, of taking down Gen. Stanley McCrystal in the phony ME wars and dope smuggling of the CIA - that JFK stated he was going to break into thousands of pieces and throw it in the wind. JFK was shot and we know where Hastings ended up!  There’s more, but I’ll let you guys connect the dots.

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W.H.O. and CDC - The New Nuremberg Trials 2021 (Crimes Against Humanity)

A team of over 1,000 lawyers and over 10,000 medical experts lead by Dr. Reiner Fullmich have begun legal proceedings over the CDC, WHO, the Davos Group for crimes against humanity.

It’s about time, how many people have been infected, locked up, lost their jobs or killed by these psychos on orders from Gates, Fauci and cohorts in big Pharma owned by the Khazarian Mafia - maybe that’s why Melinda decided to take a hike. She probably realized what a psycho she was married to and didn’t want to be lined up at the guillotine.

Aldous Huxley Foresaw Our Despots - Fauci, Gates, and Their Vaccine Crusaders.

Huxley wrote “Brave New World” in 1931, Orwell wrote “1984” around 1949, Orwells prediction was orchestrated by “Sadism and Fear”, Huxley’s was people seduced by a mind-numbing drug.

It appears Huxley was more in line WTF the psychos are pushing with the SARS2 vaxx.  Millions of people have taken the vaxx - let's see in the coming year, how many will kick the bucket that have taken it. I won’t take it, so hopefully I’ll live long enough to see what the outcome will be.

The scary part is, they’re pushing this on little children now - sterilize and dumb down, I suppose common core isn’t doing the job good enough. 

From Mind Control to Viruses: How the Gov. Keeps Experimenting on Its Citizens

Have a look - nice gov’t we have ya?

And this pops up in the alt news - not published on the lame stream media…

Then this suddenly appears, and you won’t see this on the MSM either. 

This puppet, Fergoosin, head garbage collector and model fixer at Imperial College-London (ICL), lines up with Fauci/Gates - the experts on deception!!  Falls inline with the Mossad and central bankers.  They’ve really screwed up the world - see how easy it is when you have the MSM backing your fake stories and paid off politikers supporting the genocide?

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Demand For Ass Implants Booms During Pandemic

I don’t know about this article - I stopped in Walmart to do some shopping and couldn’t get the cart down the aisle - too many fat asses in the way, I mean, not big but out buttrageous and make the Austin Powers, Fat Basterd look like tiny Tim.

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If There’s Nothing to Hide, Why Are Dems Freaking Out about the Arizona Audit?

MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow is so terrified of what the auditors might find that she insists that the whole exercise is not only “dangerous,” but also the “end of democracy.”

Wait a minute: “End of Democracy”? Hell, It’s been flushed down the swamp in 1871, then 1913, 1933 and in 1967 and sealed the coffin of JFK. Besides, the Dems need to be in power, they need more retirement money - poor Pedosi has not even $200 million saved, dunno what Schitt and Nadler and Sckummer have but they’re chosen and have a free ride to Israel paid for by the banksters.  Besides, I never took Madcow seriously.

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Cyberattack Forces Shutdown Of Largest Gasoline Pipeline In United States~TLB

Yup, they said it was coming, but a cyberattack by terrorists?  You need to step back and check on who the real terrorists are and any bets you’ll come up with the greedy corporatists running the fascist government bordering on communism with the international bankers in control?

This was started with the covid scam - and outrageous control over people based on a non-existent virus, then we had a little freeze, that shut down power to Texas and other states that depend on alternate sources or energy, that froze up and ruined the potential crops harvests.  The price is escalating as we speak.  Hell, you can’t even go the super market and a handful of fruits and veggies and stuff runs over $100. What’ll it be in 2022?

Klaus the Schlob stated in early 2020, a cyber attack appears to be very likely in the future and this would also affect the WEF, WHO, Fed, and other parasite org’s tied into the mafia controlled UN pushing for the NWO and great reset.

One of these, Event 201, was cohosted by the World Economic Forum (and Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation) in October 2019 and simulated a novel coronavirus pandemic that spreads around the world and causes major disruptions to the global economy—just a few weeks before the first case of COVID-19 appeared - the model was cooked up at ICL

Now they have the following connected to cyber attack:

Cyber Polygon 2021 is merely the latest such simulation, cosponsored by the World Economic Forum.(Dealing with Cyber Attacks)

They practice on a table top and examine the alternatives on how they, meaning the psychos, can take control of the world and sheep waiting in line to the FEMA slaughter house.

Let's see how this turns out - any bets?  Keep your gas tanks full and have a little surplus supply on hand and some cash on hand - not the digital version, just real stuff and a little gold and silver.

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Dr Vernon Coleman - Why and How They Plan to Kill Seven Billion

Anybody with half a brain left, listen to Dr Coleman’s podcast.

Dr Coleman explains why it is important to see the big picture rather than to concentrate on small issues, and why we are now all in the “killing fields”. He discusses Sustainable Development Goals, genocide and the various ways governments are killing people and how they plan to reduce the world population to 500 million.

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