Sunday, October 11, 2020

The world is big enough to satisfy everyones needs, but will always be too small to satisfy everyones greed: Mahatma Gandhi

Gandhi’s statement classified greed is ‘everyones’, but in the 21st century it is narrowing on the select few.

This issue date is one of the brightest days I’ve had 57 years ago.  I’ve had 3 more but this started it - and ended 14 years later, but that’s life!

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Man dies from brain-eating amoeba linked to potted soil

Well, this nasty little amoeba would surely not survive in DC.  No brains there!

Residents of a Texas city told not to drink tap water after a brain-eating microbe was found in the water supply

Damn - looks like Gates is expanding his eugenics program and adding more revenue along with the Vaxx bidness - “this ain’t makin’ any money, so let's get into polluting water supplies - hell - it worked in Flint Mi, and we’ll give it a try in Lake Jackson Tx.  That’s close to Dr. Ron Paul’s home so maybe he’ll get this microbe in his brain and stop hammering me and my puppet Fauci“. 

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Elon Musk called Bill Gates a 'knucklehead' for criticizing his coronavirus response.

I  definitely agree with that statement and Musk was being very kind - but to the point. Everybody is aware the eugenics puppet is pushing for Vaxx and the corrupt CDC, WHO, FDA, DNC are in tow.

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And I watched part of the Ringling Bros circus debate and the MSM is going full tilt to push for Biden.

Biden attempted to keep his focus on ordinary Americans

Trump again refused to condemn white supremacists

Trump repeated his baseless claim that the election will be rigged

I’d comment on the three key articles, but Trumpkin did come out as being lacking in fact checking, and Biden did appear to have his hearing aid and various strange devices in his sleeve and jacket wifi’d to some person giving him the answers and obviously had the questions and topics provided ahead of time, like they did with Hickory Klingon.  But I did like Trump’s questioning Biden’s corruption and his family’s ties to the corrupt system in place, not saying Trump doesn’t have any connections, but more to the organized crime sector, but then the US government is organized crime controlled by the Banksters and Wall Street.

I’ll probably have more to add to this as time flies by. . . .

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Top US infectious disease expert Dr. Anthony Fauci calls some of Fox News' prime time coverage of the coronavirus 'outlandish'

This schmuck isn’t an expert on infectious disease - he’s an expert on lying, cheating, stealing and how to rape the public and con them into taking the Vaxx.  He should be in jail along with this side kick, Billy Gates the Queen!!

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Wife of Smallville star Allison Mack defends convicted NXIVM cult leader

You can see what’s coming down the road - if, by some gross failure of the American people, Biden is elected, then all the pedos and adrenochrome sucking satanists will get off scot free and have a party at Comet Ping Pong - a little spirit cooking - hot dog - pizza with cheese!  Then Ghislaine Maxwell will be let go and take over pedo island and keep entrapping the dumb shit government officials.

And the Bronfman lady got 7 years in the hoosegow for financing Raniere - damn what’s a pedo to do?

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Watch this. Duhhhh. . . .

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Ultimate Proof: Covid-19 Was Planned To Usher In The New World Order

A good read - and you all probably thought I was a Conspiracy Theorist - but been checking the facts.  I’ve posted most of these here and there, but this article connects the dots.

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Prince Philip Is ‘Very Disappointed’ in Meghan Markle for Not Supporting the Royal Family

Sorry to contaminate this blog with this scumbags comments, but he did forget to mention when he dies, he wants to come back as a virus and infect and eliminate all the useless eaters. But methinks when Harry finally figured out he wasn’t the lame brain Charlie’s son, he took a different path and stuck it up their ass. 

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To Dr. Scott Atlas: Walter Reed doctors are endangering Trump’s life

Comment on Kevin Barrett’s VT article

Trump Gets COVID—Kevin Barrett Interviewed by Radio Islam

Oh oh – this could be the saving grace for the elite scum bags – they couldn’t remove him with the 6+ impeachments cooked up by the satanists, “so maybe let’s infect him with the little contaminated virus” created by the not so benevolent secret societies. That might be the plan – any bets? And he was supposed to be taking HCQ – but maybe the moles in the WH just may have tainted it – or did someone give him the bug when traveling around – but the bug ain’t that dangerous – the treatment is and will probably kill him!! And they shot JFK in the open air, this is more subtle and sneaky. But then, if it really works and Trump survives – just think how much Gates and big Pharma will make on the vaxx and he’ll issue another EO and order the people to take the injection at the point of an AR15 by the military in HumVees or maybe a Tesla.  Gotta cut down those carbon emissions.

Today is 10-4-20 and I’ll send this out on 10-11-20. I just may be the soothsayer of the century - then make a plan to GTF outta here.

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If you have the time watch this.  Another dot connecter. 

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The democrats hard at work. Bernie - Biden - Trumpkin, not much different than if Billary was elected by voter manipulation - come to think of it, Bush - The Incompetent was weaseled in, in Florida with Jebby controlling the polling stations and chads. Sound familiar?  History does have a method of repeating itself.

The following is a new version of Judas Goat - need a little modern technology.

This is the Fauci plane paid for by Gates assisting the greedies for the demise of the human race.

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Dr Fauci warns Trump’s condition could reverse after coronavirus treatment: ‘It’s still early'

How come this dumb shit lunatic isn’t in jail?  Note the words ‘could’, how about maybe, sometimes, unlikely or might, or later - it’s still early(?).  If Trumpkin actually took any drugs other than HCQ in the asylum he was rushed to, cuz somebody said he tested false positive, how about true negative(?) 

Then we get into Biden the ‘mentally challenged’ - Huh? What did I just say?

But the quarantine just might keep Trumpkin from being JFK’d, but then there could be a mole with a syringe in the WH who works for the WHO, or CDC or Rockefeller School of Medicine lurking in the shadows waiting to give a jab or put a few drops in the diet coke.

Then we get into:

Federal Debt Tops $27 Trillion for First Time

And the Wall Street goons and Treasury Dept are blaming the Covid (Certificate of Vaccination ID stapled to your ass) crap going on - but nobody mentions the $trillions in repos, reverse repos, hedge fund, default swaps, bank bailouts including laundering $quadrillions of illegal money - JPMorgan, HSBC, Standard Chartered Bank, Deutsche Bank and Bank of New York Mellon was involved in - then throw in the other nations banks, India, Pakistan, Romania - hell - it keeps on truckin’ in Goose Step - sorry - Lock Step created by the Rockefellers / Rothschilds Mafia.  The world’s royalty has to be mixed up in this swindle of epic proportions someplace or are they surrounding the puppet fiat funny money bankers ushering in the NWO. Then it won’t matter if you’re white, black, yellow, brown marching in lockstep screaming ‘Yassah Massah’ on the way to the slaughter house!!  You’ll notice I didn’t include the ‘chosen’ hook nose! Oh vey!

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Round up? Damn, this psycho has shares in Monsanto too - if Glyphosate doesn’t kill you, this Vaxx will.  Now he wants to debunk the conspiracy theorists by conning the religious assholes that make money from promoting a phony being in the sky, step up and say this is healthy  - watch George Carlin’s take on religion - and Gandhi stated religion was control when it boils down to it, it is. Soon the Black Pope and Knights Templar, CFR, Bilderbergers and other creeps, will get on the money band wagon and push for this shot with digital ID and of course the digital dollar you can’t spend unless the banksters allow you too but only after you get the stab.

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On William Cooper’s June 28th, 2001 broadcast, he went on to predict 9/11, adding that the U.S. Government would attempt to use Osama bin Laden as a scapegoat:

“I’m telling you be prepared for a major attack! But it won’t be Osama bin Laden. It will be those behind the New World Order… Whatever is going to happen that they are going to blame on Osama bin Laden, DON’T YOU EVEN BELIEVE IT!”

Listen to this - then piece what went on in 2001 and what’s going on today - bin Laden has been replaced by a little home-cooked virus.

And the FBI goons shot Bill at his home in November 2001. 

Now we have a more subtle Event - 201 - shoot ‘em up with poison. Terrorism ain’t working out as planned by the money changers. 

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Rosa Koire: UN Agenda 30 is Literally Agenda 1984

Good Listen: Careful - you need to dissect the truth and get the real meaning of the podcast.  You need to copy and paste on joutube to hear it

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SARS-CoV-2 Is an Unrestricted Bioweapon 

And you can download this from the net.  If you don’t I can forward the pdf.  There was the first issue that I didn’t download but they’re all tied together - this one puts the manufacture on China - that I don’t doubt, and I didn’t read the complete issue to check if Dr Shi did note the funds from Fauci to Wuhan on this bat virus or collaboration with the bioweapons labs in N Carolina or Ft Detrick.

And you have to remember, the Rothschilds financed Mao and the CCP and own the Federal Reserve, a mixed bag of batshit crazy org’s.  The world’s FUBAR soon if it isn’t already.

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Trump hails his COVID 'cure' as leading medical journal calls him 'dangerously incompetent' on pandemic

Yeah - that Trumpkin is ruining our method of poisoning the people - when he stated:

“We have a cure. More than just a therapeutic, have a cure,” Trump said of the antibody treatment, adding, “This is better than a vaccine.”

Oh, oh, this means we don’t need a Vaxx?  But the medical practitioners want you to have a Vaxx - “Gates pays us a commission if we shoot this up your ass with the digital monitoring device - then soon the digital dollar!”!

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And Agenda 21 goals. 

Better get your FEMA mask - sorry, Covid mask and line up for the train to the camp!

We have some Sirius whackos in charge - bought and paid for by the international bankers!  The disturbing part of this, 178 nations signed up for this.

And it’s heading in the direction sooner than you think:


This is the beginning of the end folks - digital currency that the evil money lenders control - you won’t be able to go buy anything that’s not recorded - hell - they already contact trace Amex, Visa, MC - what’s left - yup - steal your money and you gotta have a vaxx to be able to buy necessities - like a little CBD with THC or a loaf of bread or eggs and bacon.  And the Rothschilds control all central banks, well, most of them and the US military is trying to go in there and install freedom and democracy like they did in Iraq, Afghanistan, Somalia, Sudan, Ethiopia (the WHO schmuck Tedros came from there in his little gay tight shorts and cropped t shirt) and other destroyed countries that don’t have a Central Bank.

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