The people never give up their liberties but under some delusion. —Edmund Burke
And it’s getting much more better - When you step back and look at all the crapolla going on today, and yesterday and tomorrow, you’ll need to take notice of ‘follow the money’. Every time there’s a horrific event, the 0.0001% make $trillions. Take all the major wars, and minor skirmishes, false flag operations, the military industrial complex goes bonkers and makes weapons to kill more people and make huge profits. Who are the major stock holders? Yup, BlackRock controlled by the Goldman Sachs, J P Morgan, Credit Suisse, Barkley’s, BIS and the host of other skumbags - on top of the list are the Rothschilds and Rockefellers.
They’ve made money from death and destruction in the past 200 years+ or more like 2000 years, but in recent times, look at the Middle East, Africa, Balkanized European countries, Ukraine, Korea, Vietnam, Venezuela and more, but the ones that don’t have any valuable assets like rare earth elements or oil, they’re left alone - no point in going there and the people are starving anyways. The IMF, WB, ADB and more international finance conglomerates feed a few shekels to the bankrupt countries and rape all the wealth and assets, then give or sell it to major corporations, all controlled by the bankers anyways. It’s a rabbit sh*t hole with no bottom filled with piles of evil excrement, but soon we’ll all run out of all the good stuff and people will need to learn how to plant corn or wheat, raise some chickens, cows to milk, to survive. The fraction of percentage of assholeos will be on Mars sitting in their glass dome watching on their remote screen, AI controlling the masses, impregnated with a digital micro chip, trying to start their electric car or motor scooter or horse, if it’s still alive to maintain some sort of order out of chaos.
Here’s a bunch of pics copied from Before its News to add to the dot connector.
And this schmuck is a Dr.?
And Trump let this M’F’K’R in the White House?
More dots - the fuckin’ psychos are all connected via Bilderbergers, Council of Foreign Relations, UN, Illuminati, Bohemian Grove and a host of other secret society swamp dwelling swine orgs that worship Lucifer or Moloch - one in the same. Sorry, I didn’t mean to degrade the swine.
These are the whackos controlling the MSM to push the agenda - except for Ron Paul - I would rather see him up at the White House as senior advisor than other puppets surrounding Trumpkin.
How To Become A Billionaire (and what to do with it).
A good podcast by James Corbett on Bill Gates - how he started by stealing software and claiming it was his and screwed up just about everything he touched - good thing he did have some people with half a brain that could repair some of his incompetence - and he’s developing a Vaxx to help the people? Somehow I knew he was a total incompetent like Zuckerburg. But the CIA controls the Zuck. Connect the dots yet! The CIA don’t work for the people of the US of A - they work for and take orders from the international banker Klan.
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Mafiacracy Now
Yup, the Federal Reserve and City of London - Bank of International Settlement etc! They print money from nothing and fund their partners in crime yet when they run out of money they just print some more fiat currency or steal it from the people. Open up “Best Evidence” on YouTube and you’ll get a couple of articles that’ll surprise you
This article goes into the COVID-19 virus and why the Federal Reserve is promoting the bailout of the people - its not a bailout - its theft at a grand scale even worse than the 2008 mortgage bailout and the too big to fail schmucks raping the world and blame it on a bug - it’s working, but for how long.
But it does bring to the surface, the alt news is getting lots of competition from the trolls for the MSM. Alex Jones is one and isn’t even hiding it anymore and Veterans Today is in lock step. Let’s spill out lots of bullshit that is fake, along with our owners patterns, then discredit the ones that print the truth, that way we’ll keep the f’k’n sheeple confused and won’t object to our fingers in their wallet. Makes you wonder who the hell to believe is telling the ‘real’ truth, but for sure, anyone that goes against the central bankers, may or may not be telling the way it is in the hidden agenda. “By Deception”
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The Century of Enslavement - History of the Federal Reserve. James Corbett - The Corbett Report.
Another good site to log onto once in a while when he comes out with all his investigations. And it makes you wonder why he’s based in Japan along with Ben Fulford - it must be a safe haven and the Yakuza must protect them from being Arkancided by the money boys.
A Letter to the Future
And another post by James Corbett. Add that to the shopping malls closed last week, then yesterday I went to Trader Joe’s and the people were lined up around the block to get in there, so I went to the Asian Market and it was open and nobody wearing a mask but didn’t see any military in bullet proof riot gear there to arrest the violators.
The psycho’s have the world in their grasp now, in just 3 weeks the unemployment count went over 17 million and targeted to over 47 million. Countless businesses closed and it’ll be a guess how many will open the doors again. The Great Depression was a dip compared to what’s coming down the road. You’ll need to get in line for your Vaxx loaded with mercury aluminum and toxins and microchip imbedded in your ass so the NWO guys can find out where you are going, thinking or pooping on the street in California. Then if you don’t have the chip, you won’t be able to get any money out of the bank!
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Fauci: The Bernie Madoff of Science and the HIV Ponzi Scheme that Concealed the Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Epidemic
Hmph, who’s this creep working for? He does appear to have plenty of protection and Trumpkin hasn’t fired the asshole yet.
Letter to the President 4-14-20
Mr. President
It certainly appears the Dr. Fauci should be removed from his position as adviser to you.
He has been proven conducting perjury on previous Vaxx issues, what makes you believe he is stating truth now.
He is also connected to Bill Gates Foundation, WHO and CDC who are basically corrupt to the core.
Check the connection between the CV19 and PNAC published “Rebuilding America's Defenses” - “And advanced forms of biological warfare that can target specific genotypes may transform biological warfare from the realm of terror to a politically useful tool”. Page 60.
This has been in the works for over 30 years!
Please investigate this and arrest the perpetrators behind the gross criminal activities conducted by psychos in power - Bill Gates is one.
All I got was “Thank you for your submission” - and probably made the shredder pail.
And while Trump is at it, why not investigate the $3.7 million given to the Wuhan Lab by our own government officials and who authorized it! Maybe Fauci was involved - WHO and CDC and throw in the CIA and Federal Reserve?
James Corbett - The Corbett Report April 13, 2020
Was there Foreknowledge of the Plandemic? Questions for Corbett
As noted on response to the president above.
James, please take note of the comment on page 60 on the “Rebuilding America’s Defenses” before 911. stating “And advanced forms of biological warfare that can target specific genotypes may transform biological warfare from the realm of terror to a politically useful tool”
This ties in the PNAC’ers of over 30 years to this virus.
So far no acknowledgment or response.
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Federal Reserve announces $2.3 trillion in funding for households, local governments
And this is on top of the $2.2 trillion Trump approved a couple of weeks ago a total of $4.5 trillion? This goddam virus is a real money maker for the psychos - imagine that! Turn the printing press at the treasury on and set it on overdrive.
You think you were worth $1 million today? Well, that’ll be down to $10 thousand tomorrow.
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Rosa Koire
You’ve all probably seen this little video before, but it’s worth looking at again.
Then check Dr Devra Davis - 5G
And there’s more conspiracy theorists, who, btw, are experts and now we have Veterans Today, who doesn’t believe the streams sprayed in the sky are chemically induced toxins, and only water vapor. They must have received their pay check in advance. Check comment below.
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Chemtrails vs Reality. ( Dbooger comment to Article on VT 4-10-20)
“Weather as a Force Multiplier – Owning the Weather by 2025” published by the USAF in 1996, 4 years after the meeting in Rio on Agenda 21 including Sustainable Development.
Which part of this ‘Chemtrails vs Reality’ article above is part of the 40% false news admitted by Gordie? It appears VT has been bought and paid for by the back room boys!
Funny, I never got a comment back from Gordie or Ian.
Some of the VT boys, mainly Gordon Duff and Ian Greenlaugh (however you spell it) are stating that Vaxx’s are safe and chemtrails are just vapor from jets. My comment was that they’ve most likely been paid off by the money boys or that it’s to save their lives from being Arkancided going against the deep state assholeos.
Looks like its time to delete these idiots from my search engine - and they used to post some good stuff back what - 10 years ago? Money talks and bullshit walks. The same with Alex Jones when he married the JooWhore whose family is connected to the Federal Reserve. Strange how that comes around just like Ivanka marrying the idiot Jared who pretends he’s a senior advisor while lining his pockets.
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Top Doctor Exposes Everything the Deep State is Trying to Hide About Coronavirus
A good watch - Dr. Shiva Ayyadurrai - he does present wrtf (what really the f*ck) is going on. And he invented email and other tech stuff, working on cures for ailments - that big pharma doesn’t want you to know or have, now he’s running for the senate in Massachusetts. Any bets? He’ll be nailed to the cross by the money changers, but wish him luck. Imagine that a Punjabi running for gov’t or biz, but then who’s managing Google - Sundar Pichai(?) But google and alphabet are basically tools for the CIA. Surely these guys can’t be connected.
Adding another little item on Lew Rockwell, the lockdown and stay inside sort of leads to depleting Vitamin D you get from around 15 minutes of sunshine - that’s better than a Vaxx - it kills the virus, but the money boys don’t want you to know that, especially Gates and big Pharma. You gotta have the needle instead of free polluted sunshine but the UV rays do go thru the chemtrails a little and has some benefit. Hell, playing a round of golf in the sun, that’s enough to last for a week.
New motto “Play Golf and Stay Healthy”. I need to add to the list of commandments on the Wholey Religion - ‘Deboogerism’ - that would put the total up to 3 or 4 instead of the 10 what Moses came up with on the tablet.
And hell, now we got a county shut down here in Texico! They’re coming after us! Next Jade Helm mobilized or is that martial law, but they better watch themselves, the Texicans have many guns and bullets.
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And now we get into the stimulus program, and budget, but mainly for the people(?) - have a look and make up your own mind on the geniuses in government making sure the people are safe from the effects of the COVID-19. The comments in brackets are by the author David Stockman - he was nice, I think I’d be just a tad bit more cynical.
$25,000,000 for additional salary for House of Representatives (blows your mind, right off the bat!)
$100,000,000 to NASA (because, who knows why?)
$20,000,000,000 to the USPS (because, why the hell not?)
$300,000,000 to the Endowment for the Arts (Ah, screw it – let’s do it! They’ll never know)
$300,000,000 for the Endowment for the Humanities (because, not that many people even knew that was a thing?)
$15,000,000 for Veterans Employment Training (for when the GI Bill isn’t enough)
$435,000,000 for mental health support (Man, oh man, that’s a lot of suicide hotlines)
$30,000,000,000 for the Department of Education stabilization fund (Whoa, that’s a big one! Wonder how much goes to the NEA?)
$200,000,000 to Safe Schools Emergency Response to Violence Program (I guess the virus is kind of violent)
$300,000,000 to Public Broadcasting (NPR has to be bought and paid for by somebody. That somebody is you.)
$500,000,000 to Museums and Libraries (Who the hell knows how we are going to use it?)
$720,000,000 to Social Security Admin (But get this – of this, only $200,000,000 is to benefit people. The rest is for admin costs.)
$25,000,000 for Cleaning supplies for the Capitol Building (Seriously, it’s on page 136)
$7,500,000 to the Smithsonian for additional salaries (Wait a minute, what about the virus?)
$35,000,000 to the JFK Center for performing Arts (See above)
$3,000,000,000 upgrade to the IT department at the VA (I guess $3 billion ought to cover it.)
$315,000,000 for State Department Diplomatic Programs (What the hell does this mean?)
$95,000,000 for the Agency of International Development (What is this? Let’s keep the money here and clean up the streets of S.F. and L.A.)
$300,000,000 for International Disaster Assistance (Put this and the next one together and we’re starting to look pretty compassionate – Globally, anyway)
$300,000,000 for Migrant and Refugee Assistance (page 147)
$90,000,000 for the Peace Corp page 148 (Specifically to fight CoVid-19?)
$13,000,000 to Howard University page 121 (Wonder what the University did to deserve this?)
$9,000,000 Misc. Senate Expenses page 134 (Otherwise known as Petty Cash – maybe it’s needed to settle all them, there Harassment claims?)
$100,000,000 to Essential Air carriers page 162 (This is OK because the Airlines are going to need billions in loans to keep them afloat. Besides, $100 mil is chump change)
$40,000,000,000 goes to the Take Responsibility to Workers and Families Act page 164 (This sounds like it’s direct payments for workers. Let’s hope so)
$1,000,000,000 Airlines Recycle and Save Program page 163 (A cool $1 Billion? What’s the hell is this program all about?)
$25,000,000 to the FAA for administrative costs page 165 (Not even gonna ask)
$492,000,000 to National Railroad Passenger Corporation page 167 (AMTRAK – a.k.a. THE BIG OLD MONEY PIT)
$526,000,000 Grants to AMTRAK to remain available, IF NEEDED, through 2021 page 168 (“IF NEEDED?, IF NEEDED !” ) Tell me, what are the odds that it doesn’t go unused? – Hidden on page 174 the Secretary of Transportation has 7 days to allocate the funds and notify Congress.
$25,000,000,000 for Transit Infrastructure page 169 (Why isn’t this in a separate bill? We need it, but what’s it doing in a Coronavirus bill?)
$3,000,000 Maritime Administration page 172 (Who knows? It’s a piddling amount anyway)
$5,000,000 Salaries and Expenses Office of the Inspector General page 172 (This office has been pretty busy the last couple of years) No voter ID to get a ballot , and anonymous “ballot harvesting” page 650 (Hmmmm. Does the phrase “voter fraud” come to mind? Any price tag? What’s ballot harvesting?”)
$2,500,000 Public and Indian Housing page 175 (CoVid-19 related?)
$5,000,000 Community Planning and Development page 175 (See above)
$2,500,000 Office of Housing (See above)
$1,500,000,000 Tenant-Based Rental Assistance Office of Public and Indian Housing. (See above)
$1,000,000,000 of which can be used as “additional administrative and other expenses”. page 176 (That’s a billion we’re talking about here – a billion, with a “b”)
$720,000,000 to the public housing fund page 177 (CoVid-19 related?)
$100,000,000 for Community Block Grants for Native Americans page 183 (See above)
$250,000,000 for Housing Block Grants for Tribes page 182 (See above)
$130,000,000 for AIDS Housing page 185. $20,000,000 of which goes to one time grantees, whatever that means page 186 (See above)
$15,000,000,000 for the Community Development Fund page 188 (That’s $15 Billion!) (Only $10,000,000 of which is set aside for infrastructure for fighting infectious Disease page 191)
$5,000,000,000 in Homeless Assistance page 193 (Aaahhh, what’s another $5Billion?)
$100,000,000,000 for Rental Assistance – page 198 (Or another $100 Billion, for that matter?)
An additional $7,000,000 to enforce the Fair Housing Act page 203
Paid Family Leave for Sickness is 2 paid work weeks – page 213
Emergency Family Leave (Now applies to all employers, not just companies over 500 employees – page 208)
Guarantees paid leave to employees who have an in-law who gets sick – page 209 (In-law? Really?)
Opens up leave for someone you are in a “committed relationships with” – page 212 (What if there’s more than one? There could be several)
$1,000,000,000 for more Obama-phones! (That’s right, folks. A cool $Billion. Do you have any idea how stupid your Congressman thinks you are?)
$227,000,000 for grants to States for youth activities – page 80
261,000,000 for grants to States for dislocated worker employment and training activities, including supportive services and needs-related payments; page 80
$10,000,000 for Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker programs (What the hell? Thought this was supposed to be about the virus)
$100,000,000 for ‘‘Job Corps’’ (See above)
$15,000,000 for ‘‘Program Administration’’ (Who would want a program without an administrator or two)
$6,500,000, to the ‘‘Wage and Hour Division’’ (Who knows?)
$30,000,000, to OSHA (Guess they can’t get by on the fines they impose)
$10,000,000 for Susan Harwood training grants (You can bet this money will be well spent)
$1,300,000,000, for ‘‘Primary Health Care’’ (A billion-three? Who gets to spend this?)
$75,000,000, for ‘‘Student Aid Administration’’ (Enhancing our student debt fiasco)
$9,500,000,000, for ‘‘Higher Education’’ (Come on now! Somebody should be asked to explain this. $9.5 Billion? Really? Higher Education? Higher than what?)
And it ran into the $trillions the Fed has to print at the treasury - well - at least they have a job!
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It didn't post but it wasn't that funny anyways.
You’ve probably read this, but that’s how it is - but maybe the company that bought Dilbert’s biz is from China or Mozambique financed by the WB, IMF or BIS.
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The Hidden Tyranny (The Rosenthal Document)
Quote from Harold Rosenthal in 1976 - and he was murdered right after this in Turkey somewhere and the Zios blamed the PLO.
"Anti-Semitism does not signify opposition to Semitism. There is no such thing. It is an expression we Jews use effectively as a smear word -- used to brand as a bigot like you guys -- anyone who brings criticism against Jews. We use it against hate-mongers."
("Anti-Semitism" is a recent creation by Jews. Jews tell us what constitutes Anti-Semitism and when it exists. All the "anti-Semitism" that exists in the United States is the deliberate creation of the Jewish leaders. The Jews want and need this tool to control and silence the opposition to their harmful and repugnant ways.)
I might have posted this before, but worth reading again and connect the dots what’s going on today.
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Peter Schweizer drilling down on CDC corruption: Less than 10% go to fighting infectious diseases, while budget grew 200% last two decades.
Well - now - who would have ever figured that one out - WHO, CDC, DOD, IRS, FRS, Gates Foundation, Clinton Foundation - maybe 2% of the donations or fees collected really go where they’re supposed to. And the CDC has admitted about lying about the % of real death numbers caused by CV19. The first model created by some idiot that didn’t know up from down, and Fauci spouts this off at the White House, then later on interviews being proven a fuckin’ liar, he admits the first model was based on bullshit, but now the newer model of the new model of the older model is bringing it closer to WTF is really happening, soon the model of the model of the model will be living proof these creeps are psychos, but by that time all the sheeple will be Vaxxed and in a state of unconsciousness before they pull the plug and croak when 5G is turned on from space.
As mentioned above - we gotta stop this bullshit and depopulation for the elite. Follow the money!!
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Small Chloroquine Study Halted Over Risk of Fatal Heart Complications
The best cure is a little vodka and lotsa tonic (rich in quinine) and a dozen oysters (zinc), but not from the Gulf due to Horizon pollution ongoing. Damn, that should put a smile on your face! Then take Gates to Gitmo and give him a shower. And most people with serious heart conditions will most likely have fatal heart complications even if they don’t take it. Did the Gates Foundation publish this article?
Teens who vape may be at more risk of serious infection from the coronavirus — here's why
I suppose Gates doesn't have any shares in the tobacco industry, so that's surely not a cure, but that damn mercury in vaccines and nano heavy metal particles in chemtrails is good for you.
Bill Gates on a coronavirus vaccine: The major issue is time
Yeah, 'time' - look at all the money he's losing not peddling Vaxx! But then if and when it does happen, of course if Gates doesn't catch the COVID19 bug, but then he's safe in his DUMB along with his other cronies, the schmuck will make $trillions, and probably only 20% of the world's population will croak. He'll need to have the bioweapons labs make another virus to scare the shit out of the people, then make another Vaxx - d’ya notice history has a pattern of repeating itself? And the sheeple keep following the Judas Goat to the slaughterhouse.
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Only good article left on VT that I thought I’d post. By Kevin Barrett
At a press conference this morning outside his 350-billion-dollar mansion sprawling across three of Seattle’s poshest neighborhoods, philanthropist Bill Gates tearfully confessed: “Woe is me! Would that I had not hired the CIA to take Event 201 live!”
Spluttering, bawling, and blubbering, Gates toweled tears off his face and explained: “But it was…it was supposed to help with depopulation! They promised me it would! Instead, the whole world is locked down with their spouse or significant other, with nothing left to do but make babies! Horrible, awful little human babies! And there are no more condoms left, it’s even worse than toilet paper! If you order condoms on Amazon today you won’t get them for six months! And what’s worse, the abortion clinics have all closed due to social distancing! DO YOU REALIZE WHAT THIS MEANS?! The coronavirus is creating another baby boom! The horror! And almost all of the victims, useless eaters though they are, are well past reproductive age! This damned virus isn’t solving the population problem! It’s actually making it WORSE!”
Gates’ closest advisor, a nice CIA germ warfare man from Fort Detrick, consoled the grieving billionaire by whispering in his ear: “Don’t worry, next time we’ll get it right.”
I think there’s a little cynical sarcasm lodged in here someplace.
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The beginning of the end. Damn, why do people and idiots in government believe this shithead? The gov’t guys get a paycheck the sheeple get the road to the slaughterhouse.
Bill Gates says Trump's decision to ax WHO funding during a pandemic is just 'as dangerous as it sounds
What about the over 400 K children in India that were paralyzed and died with the great new Vaxx promoted by this schmuck and he was kicked out of the country. I don’t know why he wasn’t caught and thrown in the hoosegow and given a Vaxx. Depopulation is the game for the elite psychos. Let's give Gates and his family the Vaxx first then send him to the Kevorkian clinic.
Bill Gates: Lies About Event 201, The Rockefeller Connection, & Lock Step Simulation
Nope - we didn’t do an exercise on how to subjugate the people and shoot ‘em up with a Vaxx but keep them locked up in their home from fear of this terrible virus that we paid for creating it. Sorta HUTA.
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Letter to the President 4-18-20
Mr. President
Please investigate the article on Veterans Today:
"Documentary Proof: University of North Carolina Generated COVID-19"
I realize that the editor has admitted that the articles posted are approximately 40% false, but if even it 60% is correct, then we have a serious problem with our military pharmaceutical and intelligence agencies and go against the interests of the citizens of the USA and the world.
Please verify and advise:
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Robert F. Kennedy Jr. — Children’s Health Defence April 16, 2020
Yup, Bobby did a number on Sanjay Gupta’s CNN fake broadcast on how good vaccines are for you.
CNN uses the term “vaccine misinformation” as a euphemism for any statement that departs from the Government / Pharma orthodoxy that all vaccines are safe, necessary, and effective for all people
And later he factored in the complicity of the WHO, CDC, Big Pharma cooking the books to make money. As noted on a previous comment, RFK Jr.’s research didn’t find any clinical trials based on time and tests in the medical industrial complex’s records for Vaxx. And it all connects into - follow the money - f’k the people.
Then his daughter and grandson went missing in a canoe - d'ya thinks the deep state creeps were involved to teach him a lesson?
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