The cynical sarcastic comments occasionally get confusing when reading this blog, but that’s the way it’s meant to be.
KEN’S CORNER: Today’s Truth Should Shake Your Faith In The Political Establishment 3-14-20
Every war is a Banker’s war, and they confiscated the Catholic Bank, said to hold it in trust as they conquered Italy and the Vatican, control the arms industry that needs war to survive, and the media full of lies and deceit, propaganda, and light one fire after another to stay in power.
- They dominate Our Congress, holding duel citizenship, and bypass the Constitution with Maritime Law.
- They want our guns.
- They own the Universities and have conquered the minds of our children wanting to displace our Constitution with Marxism.
- There are laws being enacted as I write that will make it illegal to mention any of this.
The Secret Society evil psychos are in control and we let them keep on destroying the world. The assholes create the repo bailouts in $trillions yet the people lose their homes and go into debt deeper than ever. Feed the useless parasite bankers and starve the people paying for their criminal enterprise.
Six or so years ago Putin kicked the international bankers out of Russia, four families fled and one arrested, some exported, but out of power. He then created the Russian bank, and this is why we hate Russia so much. And as Christians were systematically destroyed in Europe, by Zionism domination, open borders destroying culture, and Marxism destroying Nationalism, just like here in America, The confiscation of guns left them no way to push back. Last week, Putin held up a document. It stated that Russia had zero national debt.
Damn, they paid off their debt in 6 years? No wonder the media, owned by the Khazars blasts Russia continuously publish “we can’t tolerate that, no debt” - what’s an oligarch to do?
And now, 3-16-20, the markets are shutting down for an hour when the Dow sinks 10% then shut down completely at 20%. Any bets this is the plan by the klan? With the $trillions of repos this has to completely shut down the bankrupt Federal Reserve share holders. “Hell, we can’t print any more money!” Arrest the skumbags then shoot ‘em.
Fed To Inject Up To $5 Trillion To Stop The Next Financial Crisis 3-16-20
And brings up the question, where the hell do they get the money? They already have bailed out Wall Street, for $quadrillions - just print some more cash or add some zeros on a screen? Hell, the printing press at the US Treasury will be running out of ink let alone paper - cut down more trees and go green! This podcast doesn’t even get into the repo and reverse repo markets or hedge fund bailouts, well, maybe they delved into just a comment or two, and listed the $3 trillion I noted in my last post, but this is astronomical. Even Dr Evil couldn’t come with that amount to threaten the world with Mini Me at his side.
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China is coming after author Mario Vargas Llosa for saying the coronavirus originated there
Strange, an article on veterans today listed the military being there in Wuhan a month or so before the outbreak doing military exercises with other countries and they were so bad they were labeled “Soy Sauce Soldiers” and quite a few of the military guys were hanging around the seafood and live animal meat market where it’s claimed to originate from. And the Chinese can’t find patient Zero. This wouldn't be an orchestrated event like WMD and 911? Any bets? Gotta bail out the casino on Wall Street with $quadrillions and cook up an excuse why this happened! If the people ever find out what they evil psychos orchestrate, they’d chase them down the street and lynch them - Like GHW stated to Sarah McLendon about the Iran / Contra fiasco.
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I got an idea - why not vote online -then the hackers can stick whoever they want to screw up the country - any bets soon we’ll be herded into FEMA camps by the Judas Goats?
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Dbooger Comment: “Theses criminals have to blame something and feed Wall Street gambling den with repo reverse repo and QE 4 or maybe 5 and $quadrillions of hedge fund and derivative gambling! These schmucks need to be put in Gitmo or a FEMA camp and snort a bit of the 2500 gals of cyanide!”
You wouldn’t believe the thumbs up I received on this comment. Well, maybe 2.
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Trump's expanded travel ban is un-American. For me, it is personal, too.
Hell, they should send all the dual citizen politicians in our government back to Israel and don't allow the carpet baggers back in here. Shut down their bank accounts and BDS Israel. Then shut down the Federal Reserve and quarantine Wall Street!
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Breaking/Exclusive: US Brought COVID-19 to China with Fake Army Team for Military Games, Evidence Mounting
Article on VT - do a check!
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CORONA VIRUS, Italian Pulmonologist: «Herbal Medicine May Help Prevent and Treat Virus»
I use the garlic remedy and so far no Carlsbergvirus - I ran out of Molson XXX. Damn, I wonder if they’ll let me across the border in May when I visit an old friends service. It may be like when I was in China, they’d shoot your forehead with a laser thermometer at the toll gates and hotels and airports.
Shit - just found out, people returning people to Canada have to go into a 14 day isolation before they wander around coughing and sneezing - I wonder where you gotta go isolate? The Barnea House in Fort Erie? They had some of the best chicken wings I ever had, well, 40 years ago, and even better than the Anchor Bar on Main Street in Buffalo NY where the “Buffalo Wings” originated from. Heck, I just checked on Google Earth and it looks like its shut down - must be the Buffalovirus. Nothin’ lasts long, maybe they went to ‘The Plaice’ - they got good wings too.
And some more shit - A Coupla articles on Truthseeker.
Coronavirus COVID-19: “Made in China” or “Made in America”
This runs around the first discovery of this covid-19 and a few cases came up then the major mass media went on the rampage and blamed China and the stock market crashed being caused by this virus. A buncha other stuff of speculation that was going against one, then against the another the ramping up and blaming it on anybody except more than likely where this originated and big pharma will profit and FEMA camps will be tested and the NWO action will be in place.
Then this other article just happens to appear:
Israeli Scientists Claim It’s ‘Pure Luck’ They Were Working On A COVID-19 Vaccine Prior To The Outbreak
Simply amazing!! - of course the heebs didn’t know this was going to happen, and everybody is blaming the Chinese. This biolab was working on this coronavirus for a few months, or maybe over 4 years but they’ll have a vaxx in 90 days. (Normally it takes 10 - 12 years for all the experiments on rats, testing, trials and approval from local CDC and FDA guys). In the meantime, let the market sink into the fecal swamp in Wall Street, blame it on this virus, not the money magic of the Federal Reserve, and the people and corporations not associated with the military or big pharma will have gone completely bankrupt and the Vaxx will only cost $15,000. If you can’t afford it, you’ll just have to get in line to the crematorium.
Does anybody notice the smell? Do you know where it's heading?
The Coronavirus Hoax: Dr. Ron Paul
Kinda gotta go along with Dr Paul’s views and as stated earlier that the loonies in charge pushing for Agenda 21 / 2030 - “never let a good disaster go to waste”.
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NO RESERVE REQUIREMENT: The Fed will replace fractional reserve banking with NO RESERVE BANKING and 0% interest rates. Thousands of banks now free to create limitless amounts of loans without any reserves.
Yup, the end is coming - so much for fractional reserve lending - have a customer deposit $100 and you can lend out $1000 and charge them interest, a lot more than you pay the schmuck who deposited the money. Something wrong with this picture. This was a Ponzi Madoff scheme - Hell - I should open a mobile bank on a street corner with a big sign and lend money out, with nothing to back it, besides it’ll be just a number on a screen and I’ll give them a credit card with no chip. And if the borrower goes broke, so what, I didn’t lend him anything that was worth anything and with a little luck I can get a $quadrillion bailout!! The game on Wall Street orchestrated by international bankers. Damn, I suppose the sheeple don’t give a shit on WTF is going on - and no nations leader says a damn thing about this? They’re all on the dole. And the Dow dropped almost 3000 pts today, I only lost maybe 1% on gold, but damn - over 12% on silver. Hmmm….I don’t suppose it’s not anywhere near what the gamblers flushed down the toilet on the market.
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CDC: Gatherings of 50 or more people should be canceled or postponed for next 8 weeks
At least I’ll still be able to play in the foursome at the club - no virus there that I can see, and we’re all old farts whacking away at the ball. Maybe last thing should be - don’t shake hands after the round and do the fist bump.
Now its down to 10 - and martial law is right around the corner - Corona Helm - something like the Jade, but this time they’ll arrest you and take to the closed Walmart.
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BIDEN GOES EXTREME: Give Oil Industry ‘No Ability’ To ‘Continue To Drill’, Take ‘Millions’ Of Cars Off The Road
Yeah, ol creepy Joe has lost it. Agenda 21. Gotta go green, besides Burisma only sells gas not oil, or do they - dunno, but him and his idiot son Hunter sho’ as hell had made $millions offa that scam.
But if the people can’t drive, they’ll be locked up in the 50 sf 2 room condo and no bathroom, just a little window to pee out of, in the high-rise slum over Walmart, managed by the son-in-law Jared, so they don’t have to go anywhere and being on the 20th floor, they can keep in shape running up and down the stairs.
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The Poop Apocalypse Is Real: Shipping Companies Now Banning Truck Drivers From Using Their Restrooms!
I don’t have anything to add here, just strange “Poop Apocalypse” that raised a chuckle when I read this.
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Ben Fulford podcast is close to hitting the nail on the head about what’s happening around the world. Maybe some of his sources are better than before. CIA, MI6 and Mossad are questionable - they tell you what to believe not what is true, besides, they own the mainstream media. Operation Mockingbird.
Check on the latest corporate resignations - ties into the pedogate, pizza gate and Fedgate.
And a good podcast about WWII in case you're interested.
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And another one about Bacterial Warfare against N. Korea and China
Good read if you have the time.
We got some really smart cookies managing the biowarfare scheme. But then you have to think, the Rothschilds finance both China and N Korea and are communist states - they also control our Federal Reserve and Wall Street along with corporations here in the US of A. I guess they need to create an enemy so money flows from the idiot tax payer to fund this.
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And now we got Moloch in the Vatican - what’s that tell you? He’s just missing the little kids beside him. And this is the Catholic Church? Poope Francis has to be part of the Klan.
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The Project for a New American Century, Rebuilding America’s Defenses (September 2000)
“Further, the process of transformation, even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event––like a new Pearl Harbor.”…And advanced forms of biological warfare that can ‘target’ specific genotypes may transform biological warfare from the realm of terror to a politically useful tool”.
It certainly appears the PNAC’rs, Zio hook nose including satanic secret society goyim, were planning what’s coming down the road. - 19 years ago, 9/11 and you couldn’t travel anywhere, airports shut down except for the bin Ladens and I remember I was stuck in China but did have my golf clubs and went for a round or two. I was also in China during the SARS epidemic and was nuked at every airport, toll gate and hotel. They (Satanists) during that period, were working on ethnic bioweapons that target certain people with genes such as Russian and Chinese with SARS being one of them, now we have Covid-19, I suppose H1N1 and the rest of the little bugs didn’t seem to work to terrorize the people. This biowarfare scam now is scaring the shit out of the masses all over the world and soon they’ll welcome being stuck in a FEMA camp and think they’re safe. Only problem is, the greedies will have your weapons, money and property but you’ll be cozying up to your loved ones in an open air prison, eating some rancid gruel and drinking contaminated water. Palestine was one of the experiments, now they’re going full scale. Better check on some vacant Walmarts close to your place, then go inside when its closed and dig a tunnel so you can escape when you’re thrown in there and make sure you have a pile of weapons and ammunition stacked in there to grab on your way out. You’re gonna need them.
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Tucker Carlson calls for Senator Burr to resign over insider trading ahead of coronavirus
The same as 911 - all the dumping of stocks just before the WTC was attacked - they all knew it was going to happen. The Zios and PNAC'ers keep in touch - and millions have died in the process. This and the Covid19 were cooked in Israel for the international bankers and NWO creeps.
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Former FEMA Head Craig Fugate Calls ‘Bulls–,’ Storms Off MSNBC Interview on Coronavirus Response
Yeah, damn it, don't bother me with all the bullshit - we need to activate some of the 2500 gals of cyanide we ordered when we stick all the sheeple in the FEMA camp, then blame it on some rag heads with box cutters or some Chink in a live animal and seafood market in China.
And more shit on the nasty little bug.
Fox News’ Brian Kilmeade Argues ‘Chinese Virus’ Isn’t a ‘Racist Term’
Yes it is, this was cooked up in either Ft. Detrick, or Lugar lab in Tbilisi but let's blame the Chinese. Wake up and see what the nutcases are doing to implement the NWO.
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Former U.N. envoy Nikki Haley quits Boeing’s board over its plea for $60B in aid
This witch would be the complete end of the world as we know it, even tho' it's a swamp pit of excrement. She is completely bought and paid for by the Zios for the international bankers. How in hell was she put on the board of Boeing? Need a little influence somewhere in politiks and now we need the money cuz the Max is down the toilet.
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Some plagues and death tolls.
- Black Death (Bubonic Plague) – 200 million dead
- New World Smallpox Outbreak – 56 million dead
- Spanish Flu – 40-50 million dead
- Plague of Justinian – 30-50 million dead
- HIV/AIDS – 25-35 million dead
- Third Plague – 12 million dead
- Antonine Plague – 5 million dead
- 17th Century Great Plagues – 3 million dead
- Asian Flu – 1.1 million dead
- Russian Flu – 1 million dead
- Cholera Pandemics 1-6 – 1 million dead
- Japanese Smallpox epidemic – 1 million dead
- Hong Kong Flu – 1 million dead
- 18th Century Great Plagues – 600 thousand dead
- Swine Flu – 200 thousand dead
- Yellow Fever – 100-150 thousand dead
- Ebola – 11.3 thousand dead
- COVID-19 – 9,000 (as of March 19)
- MERS – 850 dead
- SARS – 770 dead
The Ft Detrick lab wasn’t opened until 1943 and operations supposedly shut down in 1969, but they’ve been cooking up some really nasty shit in their overseas labs, around 20+ of them scattered around the world. Nice bunch of guys running this charade ya and all about national security, or is it??
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Congress toils on $1 trillion rescue, Trump unleashes fury
Toiling over relief for small business and people? But the banks get $quadrillions of fiat funny money to bail them out, since 2008 - how many $trillions have gone down the rancid swamp hole? But the people, uh-uh, nope, nada, nyet! Not good for the bankers! They're sitting around a circle whacking the willy and wondering how much more they can rape the people of!
Another comment on a similar article on the news.
Strange there's never a discussion in congress when the mega banks need bailouts - just give it to them, the stupid taxpayer will cover the cost! Now the orchestrated hysteria about the virus is the plan for shutdown of the people's rights and slam them into FEMA camps and let them snort some of the 2500 gals of cyanide FEMA ordered over the past few years. A bunch of sickos in charge of this and need to be lined up at the guillotine in Gitmo.
And this may be hiding the following:
Today, a new systemic meltdown of a $1.5 quadrillion derivatives bubble has similarities to the 1929 crash and other similarities to the 1923 hyperinflation of Weimar. While the coronavirus may or may not be used to trigger this new blowout, one thing is certain: a new fascist coup should be taken more seriously than ever.
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Fauci tempers Trump's optimism on chloroquine use for coronavirus
Indonesia with only 2 - 3 cases of the virus, uses chloroquine and another one that was for dengue fever. With over 230 million people, that's a good percentage. Besides, the price doubled on chloroquine overnite here and it's still cheap and big Pharma doesn't like that, they need the ridiculous price of their home cooked fake drug that will kill you faster than the virus. Vaxx anyone?
I did a quick search on the net and came up with this. Hmmm. . . . anyone surprised?
“Vaccine Officials Stanley Plotkin and Anthony Fauci Commit Perjury
Scientific evidence tampering, concealing facts, neglecting and silencing opposition has been standard operating procedures for government and vaccine industry officials. But now two leaders have been caught committing perjury under oath. These officials include Dr. Stanley Plotkin and Dr. Anthony Fauci.”
Bill Gates -- Vaccine not Virus Will Cull Humanity
Another good article - Gotta factor in Event 201.
And some more shit. . .
COVID 19 was a US Army bio-weapons project to manufacture a pneumonia causing disease that would be nearly impossible to vaccinate for in patients over 40 years old.
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Iran leader refuses US help, citing virus conspiracy theory
China, Italy and Iran, the 3 major countries hit with the virus. Italy and China making deals, Iran won't let the 4 horsemen in to steal the oil and no Rothschilds central bank - guess what(?) the bio labs scattered about the world cooked this up along with the SARS and HIV. We got some real sickos running these end of time works and need to be eliminated, not the people that don't kiss our corporate rear end. We need a change, and soon!
The first clue is when the MSM quotes anything, look in the opposite direction for the truth! Dbooger!
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Michael Collins Piper (Mysteriously deceased): Rudy G: Godfather of the Russian Mob?
I have almost all of Michael Piper’s books that I read when on an oilfield site in Kurdistan. Also, when I discovered PressTV and Veterans Today, Rense, WRH and RBN including American Free Press, who Piper contributed to, on the news stations during weekend stays at a hotel in Erbil. These sources for news did open the path to seek the truth about what was happening in the evil corrupt society and raping of the world’s resources by our corporate fascism. Being in the structural engineering and construction business for nearly 50 years, it was common sense the WTC buildings were destroyed by planted explosives since they were designed to withstand a strike from more than one plane and office fires don’t melt the steel or granite below.
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Bill Gates said the US missed its chance to avoid a coronavirus shutdown and recommended businesses stay closed for 6 to 10 weeks
This eugenics psycho is trying to tell the people how to react? "Here, I have this vaccine, it will cut down the population by 10% to 15%."
Event 201 is working out pretty good, soon small businesses and working class will be bankrupt and the carpet baggers can rape all the assets, the repo and reverse repo will usher in the NWO. Orwell wasn't even close to what these lunatics are doing!!!
Spain Deaths Surge; Prince of Wales Tests Positive: Virus Update
Problem - reaction - solution. The game is being played out by the psychos. The solution is written on the Georgia Guidestones. 500 million people for sustainable development and AI will operate the robot warriors protecting the rich!
The problem - reaction is going on now as we speak.
And Charlie better be careful who they get the blood from for Adrenochrome - hell, at least take the child’s temperature before you chop ‘em up! Sorry, that was a sicker than shit comment, but I couldn’t help myself.
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Top coronavirus doctor Anthony Fauci has some theories on why Trump hasn't fired him
Fauci has been guilty of perjury before, why not do it again! Let's lie about the Ft Detrick cooked up bioweapon, and we'll get a bonus. Trumpkin doesn't know the difference.
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World Chloroquine production controlled by Israeli Bio-Terrorism forces
Damn, who would have thought of that? Israel was working on the coronavirus vaccine before it infected Wuhan right after the military games. They were just lucky, ya?
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Letter to White House 3-26-20
Mr President,
I agree with your directing of easing the restrictions of the citizens being controlled and aid provided to the people needing it, including small business. The huge mega corporations can survive on their own and don’t need taxpayers funds to support their work, including executives bonuses and there is no such thing in existence as “Too Big to Fail”.
This includes Wall Street and the Federal Reserve, IRS and FBI that were created for the international bankers in and before 1913. Shut this Ponzi scheme down and follow Jackson, Lincoln and JFK’s directing of controlling the finances of the country and stop raping the people.
Also shut down the countless bioweapons labs scattered around the world including Fort Detrick and Lugar Lab in Tbilisi that has made deadly infections and kills millions.
Arrest Bill Gates and all the Event 201 participants and give them shot of the Covid-19.
Close down the 800+ military bases that serve no purpose other than to line the bankers pockets and do a history check on the Rothschilds Khazarian Mafia, including the Rockefellers. Arrest them also and stick them in a FEMA camp and have them snort some of the 2500 gals of cyanide FEMA has acquired.
This would be a good start and set our nation and the world in the proper direction for sustainable development and not the Agenda 21 / 2030 scam!
All I got back was a ‘thanks for your message’.
It most likely hit the garbage can or shredder - or maybe the Vaxx used needle pail.
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And the bone yard in Az.
Seems to me I remember driving by this place back in 2005 and there were hundreds, maybe thousands of huge airplanes - I wonder how much this has cost us. And Boeing needs a bail out.
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It’s coming!!!!
And this will be discussed on 3-26-20
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We have a terrifying example in 9/11 of how this goes. Let’s calm down and figure out who has what to gain by stirring panic.
As I’ve mentioned before - follow the money - who gains
- Big Pharma - develop an untested drug and make it mandatory to shoot into your body. Mandatory vaccines in schools, maybe 60 of them costs $3000 per shot for over 20 times.
- Big Banks and Major Corporations- issue all the fiat Ponzi money to the people - maybe 2% then give maybe 2% to small business, then the 96% to the bankers, corporations and investment junkies on Wall Street. Congress has approved $2 trillion, but they didn’t mention the $4.5 trillion already issued to the repo, reverse repo, or even hedge funds (that’s around 100x the amount).
- Enforce Martial Law - keep the people locked up in your homes and only venture out to go to work or the grocery store. The yellow vests in France won’t be able to go and demonstrate on the International Bankers raping their country.
- Now the idiot Jared - Pencil Neck Kushner - has come up with a social distancing invoked product called ‘reodorant.’ Something like a deodorant but it smell so bad nobody will come close to you, and another called a impenetrable mask,
This is something like a giant condom you pull over your head and tighten it around your neck and you can’t infect anyone, then you’ll croak and the only one expose to the virus is the bulldozer operator burying all the bodies. And Fauci, the schmuck was charged with perjury in another case similar to this.
- This is just the top of the barrel, well, the pork barrel Pelosi has inserted into this.
On top of this, Mecca is shut down, the Pope is in hiding and the Chabad Lubavitchers are waiting outside the Oval Office to collect their handouts to give to AIPAC and ADL, JINSA and the rest of the carpet baggers.
Who benefits? - Surely not the people and Agenda 21 / 2030 is in place in 2020. Damn, where’s Smedley Butler when you need him?
And last but not least, it was shown on a video by the Isaac Kappy, (the guy that killed himself) the list of people that are known pedophiles and satanists including Slick Willy and Hickory, including Chelsea, it even listed Oprah and Celine Dion and more of the idiots in Pedowood- short for Hollywood.
Then at the end of the video it noted that Adrenochrome manufactured in Wuhan was tainted with the Coronavirus - it’s amazing some of the people testing positive manly Tom Hanks and Harvey Weinstein and now Prince Charlie and a few of the Queen’s aids and she’s in hiding also - and Justin Trudeau’s wife has it too. I suppose Andy wasn’t the only royal mixed up in this shit. It listed a bunch more and I imagine this will come out soon and many going under self quarantine. Then there was a pic of Bill Gates holding the devil’s books.
Looks like the fan gonna hit the Schitt pretty soon and it’ll come crashing down - no wonder why they’re blaming China on this, but then the Chinese don’t drink that stuff, or maybe they do. The muddy water is becoming more clear.
The Queen just accidentally turned herself into a meme
Well, Charlie just tested positive for the virus most likely for sipping some Adrenochrome (made in China), and queenie been chugging that stuff since she made the trip to Kamloops BC and the 10 kids went missing. So she's in hiding - throw in the Neanderthal Harvey Weinstein, Tom Hanks and others in the pedo chain.
Nothing to do with the pedos, but I had to add Ben’s cartoon.
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Need I say anything more?
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Bill Gates on coronavirus: We need an 'extreme shutdown' of 6 to 10 weeks
Yeah, and they won’t demo in front of the WHO office when we’re having our Event 202 exercise setting up the next crisis to murder them.
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The Airlines Most in Danger of Going Under During the Crisis
George Orwell would be rolling in his grave - damn, I missed that scenario for the NWO. One airline, one car maker, one food distributor, one high rise over Walmart, one poison to inject - Hmmm. . . .was this also discussed in Event 201? Any bets?
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