Saturday, February 29, 2020

“Find out who you cannot criticize and you find who your real rulers are” Voltaire

Yeah, the BDS bullshit being labeled a hate crime - teachers and newscasters criticizing the genocide of Israel somehow lose their jobs?  What’s that tell you?

"One of the ordinary modes, by which tyrants accomplish their purposes without resistance, is by disarming the people and making it an offense to keep arms." -- Constitutional scholar Joseph Story, 1840

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Video Emerges of Bernie Sanders Admitting Free Health Care Would Bankrupt America

Before a free healthcare to be implemented it would be best if HMOA73 was repealed and revised to remove profit out of health care that Nixon opened the medical incompetent complex to run rampant. Dissolve the Federal Reserve and claw back the $trillions they're raped the people of, then stop the wars, go to diplomacy instead and shut down the intelligence agencies that work for the military industrial complex and banksters instead of the US of A. We'd have a surplus of funds to pay for healthcare and rebuild the country and take it from the fascist corporate bankrupt state it's in.

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Not a tease: Russia faces sex-toy shortage if coronavirus continues to spread
Aww yess, the Beach Boys, Good - Good - Good - Good Vibrations!!!  But what happens when the toy fondler sees that it’s been Made In China!!  Gotta a nasty little bug crawling around.  So the ladies and Butt-e-judge gotta be careful.

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Netanyahu Admits: We Control U.S. Laws. 

Yup - Epstein and Wexler made sure of that!
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“Operation Drop Kick”
“Project SHAD (Shipboard Hazard and Defense)
“Project Bacchus”

These are just a few of the nice little programs developed by our insane military on orders from the Deep State, who are basically slaves to the international finance psychos promoting UN Agenda 21 / 2030 and mass depopulation.
These little programs were also experimented in the US of A and mainly around the northeastern regions.  Drop tons of these little worms and organisms, viruses, bacteria, anthrax, cyanide and more toxic shit to test the results on the unsuspecting populous that are too busy watching cartoons and playing games with Xbox.
UN Defense Secretary Robert McNamara approved over 150 top-secret bio-weapons programs in the 1960s.  Who the fuck would give him the permission to conduct this heinous program?
Who would give Gates the permission to send toxic vaccines to Africa and depopulate?  We got some real whackos running this scam and we pay for this via our tax dollar to the IRS and Federal Reserve - guess who controls these illegal enterprises?  Yup - the Illuminati Khazarian Mafia, Knights of Templar, CFR, Trilateral and Vatican money boys!

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Alabama lawmaker responds to abortion ban with mandatory vasectomy bill: 'It always takes two to tango’

How about education - instead of teaching grade schoolers how to be a queer, teach them the correct methods of birth control. Or they could come out with the pink pill that keeps the boner down and the women drier that a popcorn fart - no entry - hell - big pharma would go wild and Pokémon sales would skyrocket.

Here’s a little joke from over 10 years ago, thought I’d post this again for a chuckle:

A Louisiana businessman was getting ready to go on a long business trip, so he thought he'd buy his wife something to keep her occupied. 

He went to a sex shop and explained his situation. The man there said, 'Well, I don't know that I have anything that will keep her occupied for so many weeks, except the Voodoo Penis!'

The husband said 'The what?'

The man repeated 'The Voodoo Penis.'

The husband laughed, and said, 'It looks like a dildo!'

The man then pointed to the door and said, 'Voodoo Penis, door!'

The penis rose out of its box, darted over to the door and started pounding the keyhole. 'Voodoo Penis, return to box!' and the penis stopped and returned to the box.

The husband immediately bought it. He took it home to his wife, and after the husband had been gone a few days, the wife remembered the Voodoo Penis. 

She undressed, opened the box and said 'Voodoo Penis, my crotch.' 

The penis shot to her crotch. It was absolutely incredible. After three mind shattering orgasms, she became very exhausted and decided she'd had enough. She tried to pull it out, but it was stuck. 

Her husband had neglected to tell her how to send it back to its box! 

So she put her clothes on, got in her car and started for the hospital. 

On the way, another incredibly intense orgasm made her swerve all over the road. A police officer saw this and immediately pulled her over. 

He asked for her license, and then asked how much she'd had to drink. 

Gasping and twitching, the woman said 'I haven't had anything to drink, officer. You see, I've got a Voodoo Penis stuck in my crotch and it won't stop screwing me.'
The officer looked at her for a second, shook his head and replied, 'Yeah right... Voodoo Penis, my ass!'

The rest, as they say, is history.

It does make you wonder, was Alexa or AI involved here someplace?

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What Is Going On At Area 51? Now We Know

No we don’t - Top Secret? And they take our IRS tax debt to the Federal Reserve and pay for this and nobody is supposed to know WTF is going on there? Connect the dots yet? The loonies are in control and Orwell wasn't even close with 1984 where this is headed. UN Agenda 21 in the works and has been for over 70 years and signed off by our bought and paid for politickers in 1992 in Rio.

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Clinton 'wants back in' as Bloomberg campaign VP pick

That's the game - everyone will object to the hook nose schmuck and believe the beast Hillary is the best option, but they're both despicable - fool me once? Fool me twice? And Blooberg will probably suffer an Arkancide. - but he’s part of the Klan.

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Will Spring Flooding in 2020 Repeat Last Year's Disaster? There Are Some Troubling Signs.

Shoot yeah! Ruin the crops, last year devastated the grain crops, this year will make sure they don’t grow and a loaf of bread will be $10.  That’s the plan, throw in a little coronavirus, whatchya got - yup, depopulation - Georgia Guidestones in motion.  The whacko’s just won’t give up and they’re still spraying the skies!  Last week, we went one day without chemtrails, but they were busy up north, polluting the population!

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Homeland Security waives contracting laws for border wall

Hah - this didn’t take long - after Trump named his idiot son-in-law in charge of building the wall, this illegal act comes into place.  The pencil neck Chabad is lining his pockets with paybacks - when will the people figure it out, the idiot was put in position of senior advisor when he didn’t have any experience at all in advising anyone of anything other than how to lie, cheat and swindle.  A common trait with the ‘chosen’!

Impeachment Didn’t Change Minds — It Eroded Trust

Yahoo, an integral part of the MSM fake news network! How much did the shot spots on Monika's dress cost us for the debt to the Fed? Hell, 9/11 and WMD has put us $quadrillions deeper in debt!
I did happen to watch the Corbett Report on the 911 $trillions - amazing how such an orchestrated despicable act can make the satanists a fortune.

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No Cellphone-Cancer Link
This obviously is a comedy article to screw the people as published on VT.
Dbooger Comment
“There is no money in a cure – only treatment for symptoms that ultimately kills the patient. The CDC and FDA need to ensure strict policies that anyone who is connected to big Pharma is not allowed to serve on its boards. Orwell wasn’t even close with what’s going on today, yesterday and tomorrow. The Satanists are in control.”

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Upon leaving prison, Rod Blagojevich announces his new party affiliation: 'I'm a Trumpocrat'

Ol’ Goblokovitch is free!! Gimmee the money! But this guy was thrown in jail for saying he would take bribes or conspire to abscond with public money - that’s like putting a guy in prison for thinking about assassinating Hickory Klingon.  All politicians are crooked, how in hell do you think they got there in the first place. First you have to kiss the Jooass and AIPAC gives you campaign contributions and if you refuse to sign the loyalty to Israel, you don’t get elected cuz their opposition at next election time is flooded with AIPAC money. Cynthia McKinney tells the story!

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McCollum Statement: Hate Speech Makes AIPAC a Hate Group

Yeah, these schmucks - a foreign country agent - create havoc in our government and force, bribe, coerce, trick and honey trap them to provide laws against ‘so called’ hate speech.  These same despicable evil ones can torture, kill, shoot, bomb and force Palestinians into an open air prison, but if you say anything about that or BDS them, that’s anti-semitic - another sick joke by the ‘chosen’ that are less than 0.1% of the world’s population, but their masters the 0.0001%, control your funny money and sick politicians that kiss their Khazar ass.
McCollum may suffer the same fate as Cynthia McKinney as noted above - let's push for exposing this criminal enterprise and kick their Khazar ass to hell.

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10 Plagues That Are Hitting Our Planet Simultaneously

#1 Armies Of Locusts
#2 Extremely Bizarre Weather Patterns
#3 Unprecedented Flooding
#4 Major Earthquakes
#5 Unusual Volcanic Eruptions
#6 The Coronavirus
#7 The African Swine Fever
#8 The H1N1 Swine Flu 
#9 The H5N1 Bird Flu
#10 The H5N8 Bird Flu

Hmmm. . .I copied this from ‘The Truthseeker’ 2-20-20 and this is going on as we speak. 
In Africa then spreading to Saudi, being deluged by Locusts the size of major cities devastating crops, Antartica melting and South Texas freezing, flooding of Europe, USA, Australia and other countries that have been ravaged by fires and drought, earthquakes, and virus and flu infecting the population of countries - does this sound like the NWO UN Agenda 21 / 2030 orchestration to depopulate the world, destroy crops and animals and birds and bees and ultimately starve the population to death?  The USAF controlling the weather by 2025 - HAARP, Space Weapons, Chemtrails and biowarfare laboratories cooking up fatal viruses.  Georgia Guidestones. 

Just a few biolabs around - cooking up some bad little bugs to reduce the population.  Have these creeps gone completely insane?  Dr. Bill Frankenstein Gates at work!

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No, you step aside: Democratic competitors 'shocked' by Bloomberg suggesting they leave the race

It sure looks like the hook nose NWO a$$holes want to get their own vermin in there instead of getting their goal of world domination via a puppet. These schmucks are worried? Throw in a few pedos whatcha got - the Klan!  I believe it would be better if David Duke ran for prez!
Besides, this useless POS Khazar doesn't like competition - GTF out of the way and let me at the cash register like all my buddies on Wall Street that control the Federal Reserve. Then we'll put all the US citizens in FEMA camps, give them a little Glyphosate for dessert and snort a little cyanide.
Ex-Goldman Sachs CEO: 'I Might Find It Harder To Vote For Bernie Than For Trump’
Billionaire? How much of this jerks wealth was raped from the bailout? Most of it came from customers but that was a bonus. These creeps are disgusting and need more repo to fund their worthless hedge funds that we'll owe to the Fed printing $quadrillions out of nothing!  Besides, Trumponius (Drumpf) is a tool.

And guess what - Yahoo News didn’t leave my comments online - wonder why?

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I’m 40, will get a pension and have $60,000 saved for retirement. Should I borrow from it to pay off $17,500 in credit card debt?
Shut down the Federal Reserve and international bankers and seize the $quadrillions raped from people and distribute to the needy, there will be no inflation or wars or debt. Affordable health care just may come into play and HMOA73 repealed to take the profit out of health care.

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Sen. Bernie Sanders takes control of Democratic race with resounding Nevada win: ANALYSIS

Any bets if Sanders does in fact get in as prez, will his rhetoric turn out the same as Trump's? Promise them anything, but give the bankers the money! Keep the wars going and feed the military industrial complex - keep the chemtrails pollution and HAARP cooking the ionosphere, ruin crops, with floods, droughts and fires and poison the people and animals and kill the birds and bees.
Who knows, maybe Mini Mike might pick Hickory Klingon as VP - that should put icing on the cake cooked in the swamp iced with a little bovine excrement.

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Influencer Says Instagram Removed Her Topless Photo Because She's Plus Size

Hey a little meat goes a long way. My father told me ‘only pick a woman who can carry two pails of water, not those boney ones’.

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Biogenetic Weapon Catastrophe. Intel sources: «Virus spread by CIA with nano-Uav» as Cyber-DragonflEye
I suppose it’s more difficult to bring people together and discuss via rational thinking, how to coexist instead of killing each other.  But there would be no profit in peace for the military industrial complex owned by the international bankers. They need killing and bloodshed to boost their wealth and control by the NWO and reduce the population according to the Georgia Guidestones.  Hail Moloch!

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'Flat earther' dies in rocket crash

And this idiot can build a rocket - that can't fly - he could have gotten a job with Boeing.  But a little late now.  I don’t suppose he even looked into why the clock on the opposite side of the world is 12 hours different.

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Warren Buffett warns coronavirus will affect business, but he 'certainly won’t be selling' stocks

Yup, orchestrated by the casino on Wall Street.  “Hmmm. . . let's see how we can fuck the sheeple, why not have Ft Detrick or Tbilisi lab cook up a nasty little bug, then contaminate a little town in China and take everyone’s minds off the $4.2 trillion owed to their bank, that we control anyways.  This will stop the m’f’k’n yellow people from coming over here to raid the vault or printing press at the treasury” . . 

then look at the following article. . .

Here Comes 1984: China's Regime Is An Existential Threat to the World

Dbooger comment: “Yeah - let's blame these guys, that we set up in the first place by financing Mao and his rebels to test the NWO plan.  This should really screw up the sheeple’s minds and they’ll welcome our enslavement so we can protect them in FEMA camps - steal their wealth - give ‘em a Vaxx - turn on 5G - hell - we’ll be richer than shit and control the world!!!”

And another one. . .

“the US alone has 13,000 scientists involved in illegal biowarfare work. People do inhumane work because of money.”
Copied from ‘The Truthseeker’ as published by Paul Craig Roberts.

Anybody connect the dots yet?

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Pete Buttigieg Helps 9-Year-Old Come Out To The World In Emotional Exchange

“Yeah kid, let's go into the LBGTQP rest room and I'll show you what it's all about.” 

But Butthead is a catcher, not a pitcher.  Can you play the game with two catchers?

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The solar panels on Jimmy Carter's farm in Georgia are powering half of his town

Hmmm. . . when the aluminum, barium and strontium float down from the chemtrails and blanket the panels, do they lose their efficiency? Or maybe Jimmy's got a pressure washer cleaning the heavy metals off every day! But then, that crap will pollute the soil and his peanuts won’t grow - ahhh - in comes Monsanto / Bayer - make a genetically modified peanut, with two nuts and one stem and will change your DNA, make you want to wear a dress instead of knickers - how about some lipstick - whew I could go on forever, but then you’d get bored.

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Judge Amy Berman Jackson rejects Roger Stone's bid to disqualify her from the case

General Flynn pleaded guilty to making false statements to the FBI in relation to the Special Counsel's investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 elections.

And this is just two cases - how many more have the Dem’s attacked that have backed Trumponius?
Trump ain’t no saint for sure and tweeted the juror in Stone’s case hated him and so did the judge, but that’s ok cuz the juror’s identities were kept secret and said she didn’t lie to get on the jury, and the judge is probably a neighbor to Hickory Klingon in Chappaqua, New York and share tail gate parties.  And Stone was tried for lying to the FBI on the Russian interference scam that was proved false?  Flynn also?  The FISA fiasco was based on false information cooked up by the Obamarama group on Hickory’s behalf Comey, Mueller, Strozk, Page, Rosenstein  and the rest of the bankster puppets following the cue - but on whose orders?  The Chabad Lubavitchers?
It gets more confusing the deeper you get, Trump is bought and paid for by the RKM, and so is Clinton and Klan, and where is this headed - divide and conquer - if the Coronavirus doesn’t kill you first. Bill Cooper was shot in his driveway after stating the more they divide you the more control they (satanists) have control.  He also uncovered many things that pissed them off also.  His reward - yup - a bullet!

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This Might Be the Last Time We’re Calling Harry a Prince—He’s Just Going by Harry Now

Yeah, they must have figured it out that Harry is Hewitt's son, not the idiot Charlie - that stated once he wanted to be Camilla's tampon. I sure as hell wouldn't want to be related to that bunch of sickos - do a check on the 10 children that went missing on a picnic with Lizzy and Philly in Kamloops in 1964 and were found guilty by ITCCS. Adrenochrome goes a long way with those m’f’k’rs.

And if you can believe it, Yahoo news didn’t post my comment - any reason why?

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How to Prepare for the Coronavirus

For a second I thought this article was about preparing a will!! The crazies are running rampant with Agenda 21 / 2030. Gotta reduce the population somehow - so let the boys in Ft. Detrick or Tbilisi cook up some nasty little bugs, then we can blame it on the Chinese and we won't have to pay the debt - cuz the Fed needs to feed their criminal associates $trillions for hedge funds, swaps and repos. The US treasury should print their own currency based on a value backed commodity like gold instead of fiat counterfeiting. Then we wouldn't have wars and nasty viruses manufactured by the RKM.

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Grand Teton: 36 mountain goats killed in helicopter shooting 

Why not catch these goats and take them to California and have some cabrito on the grille - and feed the homeless. These sharpshooters must have had a little training from the IDF. Goats are probably more tricky to shoot than little kids playing soccer in a field across the fence.

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Six dead in shooting rampage at Molson Coors in Milwaukee; gunman also dead

Yeah what the hell, he probably asked for a Molson XXX and was given a Coors Lite. That would pi$$ me off too.

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Anonymous Sources and the Guys and Gals Who Made the Iraq War a Reality Are Now Claiming That the Kremlin Is at It Again!

I suppose these satanists just never quit - they need a monster to blame for their greed and evil plans for enslaving the world and nobody blows the whistle on them, cuz they’ll end up like Seth Rich or William Cooper and Victor Thorn and Julian Assange - but he’s still alive and soon to be extradited to the US of A.  The coronavirus won’t last that long and won’t wipe out 98% of the world’s population, so we need a war!  Get those nukes all tuned up and see if the F35 can deliver them without blowing up on the tarmac. 

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1 in 5 Europeans says secret Jewish cabal runs the world, survey finds 

A crew of the Chabad around Trumponius with the pencil neck dickhead son-in-law being part of the Klan.  We gotta support Israel to keep the strife going and make $$$ for the banksters.  And the ‘real’ Semites wonder why the goyim hate them - like Palestinians being slammed in concentration camps.

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Flashback: Study blows ‘greenhouse theory out of the water’

As stated many times, CO2 makes the grass grow greener. Hell plant more trees like the millions in India - at least some of the people there have a brain and don’t believe the fake news generated by the global warming bullshit.  As stated before, the diminishing sun spots will have a cooling effect for the next few decades.  Besides the twisted elite need to keep the sheeple terrified and in line to the slaughter house.

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Just keep on making up lies and twist the truth to satisfy the deep state goals of manipulating the sheeple.
CIA programs labeled ‘Project Mockingbird’ - from the ’50’s to control WTF is going on and produce fake stories.

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And the Dow Jones dropped -1190.95 yesterday including gold dropping $22.60 - the big short in progress with the disciples of Bernie Madoff raking in $trillions of funny money.  Good thing I bought the gold when it was relatively low, I’m still ahead around 40%, and silver around 35%.  When the $$$ really craters, maybe I’ll be able to buy a loaf of bread with an ounce of silver and keep me alive for another 20 years.

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Bill Gates says the coronavirus is a pandemic and a 'once-in-a-century pathogen.' Here are the solutions he's proposing to fight it.

This eugenics psycho is going to come up with a solution? Yup, Vaxx 'em!! Hmm, this don't work, they die, that won't work, it kills them, hmm...maybe we should have the boys in Ft Detrick and Tbilisi experiment with a few more of these poisons and contribute to mass depopulation!!!