Saturday, October 12, 2019

"By all means marry. If you get a good wife, you'll be happy. If you get a bad one, you'll become a philosopher." – Socrates

Socrates was pretty good with philosophy.  Hmmm. . .I used to do a lotta philosophatin’ when I was younger, well, when I was sober.

"War is when the government tells you who the enemy is. Revolution is when you figure it out for yourself."

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Hillary Clinton Is Launching Her 2020 Presidential Campaign This Week

It does bring up the question, why the hell isn’t she in jail?  Now Biden is caught with his pants down blackmailing Ukrainian politicians and his unaborted son got a job at the gas company, while he’s groping a little girl, I suppose the next best thing for the Dems is Hickory Klingon(?) – but if I was a Dem, I think I’d pick Tulsi, the lady from Hawaii.  At least she wears two shoes.

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Ashkenazic Jews' mysterious origins unraveled by scientists thanks to ancient DNA

Hmm. . . they only got less than 3% DNA linked to countries in the ME.  That’s about the same as with Neanderthal DNA.
But the know how to count money, one for me, none for you, two for me, none for you and it goes on.

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A Glimpse of the World Before Vaccines

Don’t slip!  I think I had the smallpox vaccine when I was 10. I don’t think I ever had a flu shot, well, I had one when I was 40 and got the flu and I think I had a drop under my tongue for polio and I was around 19.  I never had smallpox for around 10 years when I wasn’t vaxxed, had the flu maybe 3 times in my life and never had polio for around 19 years without a shot. I don’t know if I knew anybody that had polio during that time. Now we got this push for vaxx with all sorts of toxic experimental crap that drives children autistic or they die.  We got some really bad shitheads running this program.  I did have my eustachian tube plugged when I was in Kurdistan, but that cleared up in a week with some oil given to me by the site medic.  And holistic doctors and the ones that discovered a cancer enzymes in vaxx are Arkancided. Big Pharma doesn’t like that, if the sheeple don’t take a shot – they lose money.

The Fed Is Offering $100 Billion a Day in Emergency Loans to Unnamed Banks and Congress Is Not Curious Enough to Hold a Hearing

The Repo Market. . . . Hmm. . . where does the Fed get that much money – oh – I know, they have the treasury print it out of nothing and devalue our deposits.  10 days is $1 trillion and the Deutsche Bank, along with Wall Street Ponzi goons, is going broke, probably being fed some under the table funds to keep them afloat – Gotta ship this counterfeit money in an oil tanker.  Shit! Looks like my great-great grandchildren will be saddled with an unpayable debt when they’re crammed in a FEMA camp.  Does anybody in congress have a brain??  Sure looks like the shit gonna hit the fan!

But then how does this work?  The banksters create $$$ out of nothing, lend it to some gambler overnight or a short period of time, then what happens to the repo loan when the time is up, does the gambler pay it back? If he does pay, where does it go, I mean the $$$ in currency, or is this just a digital number on a screen.  But the bankers created this funny money, is this recirculated, or sent back to the printing press shredder at the treasury? Somehow, I doubt that, it gets classified as a loan to the public or vice versa, the public owes the money, and somebody has to pay it back, but to whom? The treasury or the bankers? Or is this another Ponzi scheme and Madoff is kicking himself in the ass screaming, they put me in jail for the same operation these schmucks on Wall Street and Federal Reserve.  How come nobody says anything about this, I mean the representatives of the people, in congress – these puppets are paid off by the corporatists, so their loyalty is to the $$$ not the idiot voter.  Damn, we need a change! Where’s Obamarama – he promised change but what we got was a bigger dildo rammed up the ass. And Trump was to drain the swamp, hell, he just sent them a box car full of Life Jackets and keeps them afloat.

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Trump campaign drops more than $1 million on Facebook ads in counter impeachment push

Do you think the MSM is behind this impeachment crap along with FB, Google, Twitter etc., just to make more money?  Why not investigate Uranium One, Pay to Play and Clinton foundation and Chelsea, Webb Hubbell’s daughter, gets paid $900K per year?  Let's lead the sheeple down the path to the slaughterhouse. Read Michael Piper's book Judas Goats - The Enemy Within, this should give you an idea WTF is going on. Let’s cook up a story, then we carpet baggers can prosper and fool the public.

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The 2020 Social Security COLA is expected to be minimal — and that’s not even the worst part

But the Fed can print $billions out of thin air to bail out their Ponzi partners. You pay over 50 years into this retirement fund and can barely pay the rent, and the dollar is worth less than 1 cent from 1913, but the bankers cruise around in private jets and park in the bailout line.

‘OK’ Hand Signal and Bowl-Style Haircut Added to Anti-Defamation League’s List of Hate Symbols
I like the middle finger salute better  🖕 and give it to the ADL and AIPAC, then throw in Booz Allen Hamilton, BlackRock, Vanguard, Wall Street and the rest of the cockroach orchestrators of the world demise into the NWO.

Climate Change's Hidden Agenda - Communism
Greta Thunberg – Rothschild Pawn

“Communism takes many forms but ultimately it is the total monopoly over wealth, power, thought and behavior by the Masonic (Satanist) Jewish central bank cartel.”

This is coming out now in the alt media as published by Henry Makow (a Jew that goes against the Zios) Obviously the Chabad Lubavitchers have infiltrated and taken over the Masonic Scottish Rite including Trump and his son-in-law Kushner.  And local masons, the regular schmucks, used to do some good in communities, but the higher degrees you go the lower your morality sinks with ties to Satan and the Kosher Nostra.  Makow also states the Rothschilds do what these creeps want, but then, I would lean toward the idea that they created this group of nut cases and financed the Russian Jewish Mafia along with the Babylonian Talmud that claim goyim are genetically inferior to the Jew so the story goes.  Besides, “Israelis are the victims of every massacre they carry out” so says Allan Dershowitz. Anybody believe that shit?

RELATED - Brother Nathaniel  The Kushner family gave Trump his start in New Jersey, (couldn't quite break into Jew York yet); funded his campaign from the get-go; and came collecting, putting sonny-boy as daddy-in-laws' right hand man.”

Explosives used on 9/11 say commissioners

And this is the Commissioner in district next to Queens, NY, add that to the U of Alaska 4 year research, and AE 911 Truth involving thousands of engineers and architects, NYC Grand Jury investigating the data, BBC claiming WT7 collapsed when it was behind the newscaster still standing, a 10’ dia hole in the Pentagon that no way in hell a 757 could fit into, and a hole in the ground in Shanksville, with no bodies, plane parts, luggage, motors and black box.  Maybe we’ll see the PNAC’rs and Cheney hanging on Pennsylvania Ave. in the next couple of years, then we go after the financiers, who have raped $trillions in the phony war on terror and seize the funds from the 1700’s into the future.

Wait a minute!  I heard there was a chief ethics lawyer in the White House and he just quit.  How in hell could an ethics lawyer survive in DC?  The same as calling politicians ‘honest’ is the biggest oxymoron ever.  There’s smoke floating around the swamp shell game run by the Chabad Lubavitchers.

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Maxine Waters wants Trump in solitary confinement

“Forget impeachment, stick his ass in jail” – as things develop in the political cesspool, or maybe cancerous tumor would be more accurate, but the more the Democrats go after Trumponious, the more you have to think why are they doing this, is he a threat to their under the table envelopes and ‘golden’ retirement plans, or is he on the path of making America great?  He’s got a year left, until next November 2020, but I don’t think he’ll accomplish much, and the stock market is a joke and ready to crash, big time.  Alt news sites keep bringing up his involvement in other business and family lodged in the White House, but that does bring up why the Kushner’s have been placed there.  His idiot son-in-law and family are members of the Chabad Lubavitch cult, whose origins came from the Russian Jewish Mafia – and it appears this is not a religion, it’s organized crime and has infected every country in the world. 
Herzl, the Zio creator that gave the Lubavitchers a nice name, was from Hungary in the late 1800’s, and Chabad supposedly originated in Lithuania in the early 1800’s.  Is there a connection? Sure as hell looks like it’s all part of the same puzzle or con game by the Khazarian Mafia.
And then up comes the pencil neck Shifty Schiff…with a “tt”

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PHOTOS: China marks 70 years of communism with massive show of force

Hmmm...the Soviet Union made it almost 75 years, then collapsed, China has 5 more to go, or are the Chinese better in control. When I was in China in the early 2000's, I made a trip from Maoming to Lijiang around 2000km by car and witnessed the infrastructure development. I sent my daughter an email stating she should take Chinese while in college. They'll own the world in 10 years, I blew it by around 10 or so but it's headed that way.

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Prozac mass murders: the truth comes to light Oct 2
Trusting the FDA to protect people from drugs such as Prozac is like trusting a PR company, hired to promote war, to maintain the peace

Big Pharma at it’s finest – artificial drugs, Opium, Prozac, Sublimaze, OxyContin, Percodan, Percocet and Hillbilly heroin – the rest of the addictive shit they peddle as a cure for a symptom.  Why not go after the cause, instead of symptom – oh – I forgot – a cure doesn’t make much money, prolonging agony and shooting them up full of destructive chemicals is great for the purse string.  Throw in a little glyphosate, what’s ya got – a bunch of billionaires puffing on a Cuban and groping little children.

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Trump asking foreign countries for help against Biden violates law, Election Commission chair warns

Biden and son are corrupt to the core – fits in with the rest of the carpet baggers in congress run by the even more corrupt deep state. And Chelsea Manning is in jail for giving info on crimes committed by US mercenaries in Iraq, that were sent there on a completely fabricated criminal reason. WMD. Assange in being tortured for publishing the info. And the cookie monster Nuland gets a pat on the back for orchestrating the destabilization of Ukraine with our $5 billion. We got screwed up gov't officials on the dole from the Rothschilds Khazarian Mafia.

Michael Avenatti Takes Stormy Daniels to Court for Millions in Legal Backpay

Prostitute, porn actress, lawyer, politician(?) - hell they're all the same game and you can't trust either, but I’d be more inclined to believe the prostitute – the little ladies in Blok M need to support their family and their useless mate riding around on his 125 motor scooter, that’s 25 for the scooter, 100 for the noise.

FDA: Over 6,000 Dead From Puberty Blocking Drug For Transgender Kids - But We Get A "Vaping Crisis"

Big Pharma doesn’t want this to get out – Gates gotta be funding this too.  I mean these psychos produce a drug to change girls into boys, where do the testicles come from? But then the eugenics creeps don’t want to see any population growth, so that’s the plan.  Shit!!! They’ve gone completely insane – put them in a straitjacket and shoot ‘em up with the same little poison. And don’t take a puff from that vaporizer.

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How The Sun Affects Temperatures On Earth

“The sun is going through a stage known as a solar or Maunder Minimum. This is where the solar activity that ignites solar flares or sunspots has decreased.”

Hmmm. . .did Al Gore ever do any research on this? And we’re supposed to be going to a minimal period of sunspots with no solar flashes that affects global cooling?  But he’s more concentrated on carbon credits. He also bought a $million home on the beach in California. I suppose he’s not too concerned about sea level rising and ice caps melting. Besides he made $millions on this scam. What’s an oligarch to do?  And those goddam WTC bldgs collapsed due to planes and fire.  And those streaks in the sky full of chemicals, heavy metals and toxic elements is natural and one bullet killed JFK.

How Real Corruption in DC Works

Yup, the envelopes have evolved to other systems of corrupting the politician. Hunter Biden was one and the tip of the iceberg and Lobbyists are another – even Trump and his family is mixed up in this.  Cushy jobs for family in big bidness is another and establish a corrupt foundation – e.g. Clinton Foundation and a host of other false charitable orgs.
I don’t have anything to add here.

But before they institute Medicare for all, they need to repeal HMOA73 and take the profit out of health care.  Next take profit out of the military incompetent complex then shut down the Federal Reserve.

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The universe is expanding too fast, admit baffled astronomers

Hmm… expanding?  You mean getting bigger and going into places no universe has gone before? Ok, supposed we had the ‘big bang’ – what the hell was there before the bang? And this was 13.82 billion years ago?  That little speck of dirt had to weigh a bunch, maybe more with the entire universe in there and it had to be floating around with no gravity from anywhere to pull or push it.  Looks like we need another dimension or is that ‘demention’ of thought? The physical 3 dimensions, length x width x depth, with time being the 4th, we need a 5th or maybe 6th  related to thought?  How about a parallel universe? Where’s Captain Kirk and Mr. Spock when you need them. Gene Rodenberry didn’t answer this issue also and just came up with the Klingons – any relation to the Clintons? Space and the universe have baffled me since I was a kid reading the Book of Knowledge (a commonsense encyclopedia) in the 40’s. Then I read someplace that Eve ate the apple the devil snake dangled in front of her and the world went to shit after that – and where did politics evolve from? Darwin’s gotta be mixed in here someplace and leaves a lot of questions. D’ya thinks we’ll ever find out or will the illuminati destroy civilization before this is discovered.  Sure looks like dementia is the master race, oh, and central bankers who, by the way, are destroying the world.  Lend more money at low interest and the stupid people/corporations borrow and invest more and the risk involved becomes unsustainable and everybody goes broke and the Khazars really don’t have a final solution, or do they?  Sh’t and F’rt were correct in the analysis there is no intelligent life here on earth.

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Agenda 21, 2030 going on as we speak – or breath.

Climate change means geoengineering under pressure to keep our CO2 budgets under control

Here we go again spray the skies and infect the oceans with reflective crap that destroys life – plant more trees – yup a good start. How about irrigating the Sahara then plant vegetation, hell, this could feed the world and use up all the CO2.

And you can see this on the weather channel, but they don’t say anything about it.  I don’t think it’s about global warming! And strange when they show the potential hurricane, there are these stripes all around, and could very well be directing it.

U.S. headed for civil war as military mobilizes to take down cabal

Hmmm. . . this has been broadcast in several web sites that Trump has mobilized martial law.  This article showed up in Ben Fulford’s site and you can check it and I have added some credibility to the motion.  My son, a retired major in the US marines suggested I stop visiting all the conspiracy sites, but this is popping up in more than one or two.  This showed up in Alex Jones site, that I never read, but RBN is a credible site.
Fulford also gets into the financial control in Indonesia which should be interesting to some of the victims of this blog.  The finance lady Sri Mulyani, appointed by JokoWi, who has been coached and trained by the international banker cabal that owns the IMF, BIS, WB etc., and now they’re apparently after all the gold in Indonesia. I suppose the fiat counterfeit bankers need some collateral for all the funny money they own that just may go down the toilet when the SHTF.
Fulford’s comments are approximately more than 50% correct, depending on his sources and it will be interesting how this plays out.

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Frost-Apocalypse Set To Sweep Across US, Could Mark End Of Growing Season

Yeah, what the hell, the horrific storms, floods and fire have ruined the crops in most of the agricultural states, and the areas that have survived will be blasted by unseasonable freezing weather and that should eliminate all the feed stock for the sheeple, then we may have some little skirmishes in the supermarket food lines with empty shelves.  The plan of the clan – Gates and his foundation eugenics company including the climate engineering by the military.  This may be another reason for Trump to organize the marines to stop the riots and slaughter of people looking for a big Mac.  And brings up the thought – Agenda 21.  Maybe Trump never endorced the agenda papers, why they want him impeached – d’ya think?

They gotta do something to keep the sheeple’s mind off WTF the greedies are manipulating.

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Khazarian Mafia Doesn’t Exist, Ashkenazi Are Scapegoats Of Jewish Power Elite

“Ian, do a search on Preston James “The Hidden History of the Incredibly Evil Khazarian Mafia”. This hits the nail on the head. Whether you call them Khazarians, Ashkenazi or whatever, they’re all in the same club. The money changers.”

My response to Ian Greenhalgh – one of the managing editors at VT.  I don’t agree with most of the crap he writes, Preston James PhD is one of the best on VT.

Californians fume over PG&E power outage: ‘A humongous inconvenience’

FEMA and Serco really want the people to GTF out of California, well, if they did, all the greedy hook nose can sit on the beach when the quake of a lifetime hits and it falls in the ocean.  Better get some land in Nevada and Arizona, - ocean front property in the future.

“This is Third World” California Utility Company Cuts Off Electricity to Nearly 1 Million People to ‘Prevent Wildfires’

Another article – damn, FEMA and Serco really want Californication!  It doesn’t say if Hollywood was shut down, then need the money.

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Judicial Watch Fights in Court to Depose Hillary Clinton

Tom Fitton better keep an eye on the rear view mirror – another Arkancide may occur if he isn’t careful.

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