Saturday, July 20, 2019

Politicians and diapers must be changed often, and for the same reason

They say Mark Twain stated this but it was some fellow from Spain, I think, but he’s right – they stink!!!!

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Project Veritas: 1,000 Google Employees Signed Internal Anti-Breitbart Petition

And Google Chrome symbol is '666' Nice bunch of assholeos running the google business on direction from the CIA.
Pow Wow Chow II  @debugger
Google doesn’t need input from CIA, they are bad enough on their own. You let Google off the hook when you say that.

debugger @ Pow Wow Chow II
Google, CIA, Mossad, MI6, FB, FBI, BLM, FEMA,. fascist corporatism and the rest of the alphabet criminal org's are all part of the same satanic group. Attack one, you attack them all.

More following comments to comments on this article.

Michael Daniel
1930s Nazis burned books they didn’t like, 2019 Nazis ban news they don’t agree with.

sdguy  @Michael Daniel
That wouldn't work in our present era. WTF good would it do to burn books when the majority don't/can't read them in the first place?

debugger  @sdguy
It sure appears Common Core has achieved it's goals. Keep the sheeple stupid and only believe what they post on the Khazarian Mafia's news site, Communist News Network.

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The Jeffrey Epstein case is why people believe in Pizzagate

Another stupid article about pedophilia. . . . the Chabadnik Lubavitchers are really going after Trump, and they already got is nuts in a vice, to start the f’k’n war with Iran thru this blackmail shit on orgy island – Syria failed so they need something to reduce the population and give all the oil to Israel and put the Yinon plan into fruition.

But there’s gotta be a plus side – if the Likudniks get all the oil, will they refuse the $38 billion plus in free stuff from us poor taxpayers? Or probably not – they want it all and bankrupt the USA as tape recorded by Netanyahu in Finks bar in 1990.
“If we get caught, they will just replace us with persons of the same cloth. So it does not matter what you do, America is a golden calf and we will suck it dry, chop it up, and sell it off piece by piece until there is nothing left but the world’s biggest welfare state that we will create and control. Why? Because it is the will of God and America is big enough to take the hit so we can do it again and again and again. This is what we do to countries that we hate. We destroy them very slowly and make them suffer for refusing to be our slaves.”

So, it appears Epstein will be thrown under the bus to save the DDS and throw the rest DS’ers in Gitmo and the bankers, MIC and big Pharma will get off scot free and protect their holdings or pirated wealth and this won’t even come close to the 13 ruling bloodlines – well, with the exception of Prince Andrew caught with his hand in a cookies jar or is that panties.  Damn, why in hell do these creeps go to Pedo Island on the Lolita Express – they could go to the Melawi Hotel Interhouse or is that Intercourse(?) in Blok M in Jakarta on the 6th floor.  Maybe they got some cameras there too?
And Comet Pizza needs the money for some spirit cooking – Marina Abramović will probably lose her pot to piss in also.

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Cargo ship owned by JPMorgan Chase seized by US with 20 tons of cocaine

I suppose the bankers just can't trust the not so intelligence agencies to do their work, they do it themselves and cut out the commission. Banking is organized crime at it's best, or probably worst. Check Scott Bennett and Berkinfeld's notes in the "Shell Game". The Rothschilds Khazarian Mafia at it's finest.

US Coast Guard storms submarine carrying thousands of pounds of drugs

Gonna have a buncha smiling sharks cruising around the Caribbean - makes you wonder what'll happen to the red snapper - ROFLMFAO

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U.S. officials push for sanctions on China over oil purchases from Iran

Haha - ol' hook nose moustache wants more sanctions. Damn, if China sanctioned the US, Walmart would go broke!
“We need a war, there's no money in peace!!!” So, say the bankers.

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WTI Hits $60/Barrel Mark as Tropical Storm Barry Approaches

Sure looks like the 4 horsemen have shares in the Chemtrail business and HAARP along with Gates and the rest of the psychos. Disaster strikes with manufactured storms, who needs terrorists? Besides, the real terrorists are in the banking and MIC and big pharma corporations that run our government - fascism anyone? Hitler and Stalin and Atilla the Hun would be jealous if they could see these effects of the NWO and Weishaupt and Pike would be proud.

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UK Labour under pressure over anti-Semitism after BBC doc

Quote from ~ Harold Wallace Rosenthal (1947 – 1976) - "Anti-Semitism does not signify opposition to Semitism. There is no such thing. It is an expression we Jews use effectively as a smear word used to brand as a bigot, like you guys, anyone who brings criticism against Jews. We use it against hate-mongers."
So much for that idiocy and this guy was probably killed for stating what is really going on behind the curtain!

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White House’s Alex Acosta reportedly claimed Jeffrey Epstein ‘belonged to intelligence,’ previously told to back off prosecution

Hmmm. . . .and whose ‘intelligence’ does this benefit?  Yup, you guessed it – the Zios and Mossad.  CIA had nothing to gain, Russia the same, but it is in Israel’s interests and AIPAC can blackmail all the politicians involved with the little honey pedo traps to do their bidding. Get the assholeo stoned on some dope on Orgy Island and take pics of him/her in bed with a 12-year-old that Epstein and his ‘Madam’ (lady pimp) Ghislaine Maxwell coerced and paid off.  What a world – yeah?

And it gets deeper. . . . .

Epstein Arrest Is a Mossad-Staged Deception

An article by Henry Makow – a Jew – that doesn’t go along with the shenanigans of these creeps, or perhaps another divide and conquer scenario and keep confusing the sheeple.
Anyways, it goes on to tell the story of the university drop out, Epstein, somehow got to teach math at the Dalton School in NYC and handpicked by Donald Barr, father of William Barr who’s now Trump’s AG. Damn, this is HUTA in major proportions. Throw in names of Hoffenberg, Wexner and the ‘Mega Group’, Greenberg and other Ponzi scheme perpetrators with some or probably all of these connected to the 911 events, then the police claimed to break into the $77 million residence on E 71st St, to seize records and photos of little kiddies. The residence used to belong to Wexner, who Epstein says is his.  Now we got this schmuck who claims to be a billionaire started from nothing – who is paying for this – Mossad? Rothschilds? Sure as hell looks like the statement to the article above is nearer the truth than what the MSM craps out.

Well, for sure 1A and 1B are the Podesta bros. in the Madeleine McCann case, 4A could be Maxwell, dunno about the other ones other than d’ya thinks 2A could be Obama, and no prince Andrew or Phillip, but now ol’ Philly just sips on a little adrenochrome.
And another article about child sex traffickers on the pedo-pipeline involving our dear sweet CIA. Whew, we got some real problems in this world, and it ain’t about carbon footprints and global warming, it’s global dementia created by the not so bright Luciferian Illuminati. Do a search and read ‘Pedophilia and Empire’ this would make you sick!  Instead of a ‘War on Terror’, we need the ‘War on Stupidity - Dope and Pedos’ – that would put the pedo bankers and MIC out of business.

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Indiana Brothers Charged with Manufacturing Automatic Rifles for ISIS

Yeah, these basterds were getting into Colt's and Remington’s bottom line. Only the MIC can make this stuff and sell to terrorists paid for by the CIA and Mossad that ends up being our debt to the Federal Reserve.

How a 'slick talker' lobbyist boosted the false Seth Rich murder conspiracy — before getting shot himself

This sounds just like Sandy Hook! Crisis actors, swat teams, police, johnnie on the spots and the Seth Rich horrific murder was 99.9% an Arkancide. Can't you presstitutes get anything correct? Fool them once, fool them twice?

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Tombs riddle could see Vatican efforts to find teen backfire: analysts

Vatican, isn't this run by the Chabadnik Lubavitchers that handle the coin for the Rothschilds? Plenty of body bags surrounding these Luciferian Pedos!

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What If America Lost a Carrier in a War with Iran?

Note the key words, 'What if',  'Global Mission', 'Broader National Security', 'Renewed Challenges', ‘American Interests’, and I didn’t read the second page, but in whose interests? Not mine or yours, but corporations and Israel. WTF are we doing over there? Iran, Iraq, Syria, Libya, Sudan, Egypt, Somalia have never been a threat to our nation. The corporations want our military over there protecting their interests – even the poppy fields need protection from those evil Taliban that destroyed almost all the fields before we sent in our military under the pretense to capture bin Laden, who BTW passed away in December 2001.

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Then we get into big pharma and the AMA.

Yup, Rockefeller started all this pig pharma crap – treat the symptoms, not the cause.  No money in cures! Do a check on how many holistic doctors have croaked in the past 5 years.

Franklin Graham warns Equality Act would be ‘catastrophic’ for Christians if it becomes law

I think they spelled this wrong, it should be ‘castraterophic’ – but that’s for the ‘queens’ and bull dykes.

This must be taken from a conversation with ol Jeffey Bezos in Amazon.

Dogbert’s in line with modern business – besides we need more sanctuary cities.

1.5 million people have signed up to storm Area 51. What could go wrong?

And I suppose William Tompkins was a loonie

Eric Schmidt, Google to Sterilize USA With 5G, Take Guns With Robot Army for Chinese!

Throw in DARPA, damn, this article doesn’t get into heavy metal chemtrail penetrating the brain when they turn the switch.

They’re coming for your guns!  But that’s after they’ve taken over your brain.

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Deep Deception! This Insidious Agenda Is Right Under Our Noses And Everyone Is Too Distracted To Notice!!

It sure appears the alternate news sites are pushing people to believe anything! It makes you wonder how many are paid trolls similar to Zublik, by the fake news psychos to turn the idiots in different directions and to never unite to defeat these psychos.  Divide and conquer.
Damn, where do I start – lets start with Medicare for all – these guys, Sanders and AOC believe they can provide health care for everyone.  The price for a doctor’s visit will triple, that pill for pain will cost $100 and Medicare will go broke – or will it? Nope, the backroom boys will print more funny money and hyperinflation will take over – or is that more like complete deflation of wealth. Whatever you have in savings or investments will be worthless, so you line up at the soup kitchen for a bowl of rodent intestines simmered in contaminated fracked water laced with fluoride.
I suppose these socialists simply can’t add two numbers together and find an answer, 1+1= war. Stop the f’k’n wars first, then go to a value backed currency second, seize back the $quadrillions blatantly raped from the people – then shoot the illuminati and secret society creeps – but that’s too simple – how about educating the people with facts and creative thinking instead of Common Core to dumb them down with little boys wearing skirts.
More to add – Ohmar, that the media labeled as anti-Semitic, to BDS of the terrorist state of Israel is correct but changing our homeland from a pretended democracy may be another gross error in judgement, or perhaps she just may be right to change, but not in the direction of socialism, but to take it away from corporate fascism and return it to a republic.
There are monopoly and anti-trust laws, yet corporations have merged into oligarchical monsters that crush competition and are classified by Wall Street as too big to fail, so the poor schmuck on the street must pay the bill.  In simple terms, the rich flat ass fuck up with greed at the roulette wheel and the bought and paid for criminals in government all get in line and vote for the sheeple to pay for the criminal works and the Fed has the treasury print more funny money – this is what we should be living in?   We have org’s to supposedly protect the people, like FDA, EPA, FBI, CIA, NSA, DHS, TSA, BLM, FEMA and others that have turned into a money pit for corporations – and we need wars with lame countries to install freedom and democracy and our military leaves it destroyed in scrap piles and these morons sit back puffing on a Cuban and debate and wonder why they don’t like us.  So our brilliant leaders label them terrorists and the MSM pushes this ridiculous theme and make the dumbed down sheeple believe it, when in the first place our military went in there and terrorized the country for no actual reason but based on false flag intelligence to promote the invasion of corporations to rape and seize the wealth and resources.
Then we have the petro-dollar – whew – dunno if I have the time to get into this but you can understand where it’s going.

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