Tuesday, September 25, 2018


Gotta get this out, going for a long trip tomorrow.

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The Truth about the Deep State

Do a search on the topic - Jake Morphonios gives a good description of how it really works behind the phony scene of freedom and democracy.  It only takes 30 minutes but worth the time. 
You need to get on Morphonios site 'Blackstone Intelligence Network'  and check some of the podcasts - whew - the real truth about The Donald may just surface and see WTF we're headed!!  The money boys rule the world!
And this guy and family has been terrorized by apparently the 'intelligence' community - makes you wonder why? Or not!

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Interesting quote!

“Canadians are dumb driven cattle, obediently following their leaders while casting a wistful glance over their shoulder at what they might have been.” Historian A.R.M Lower (1889-1988)
I just thought I'd throw this in to make a point and posted in October 2017.

The 2016 census released last October documents the racist Illuminati (Masonic Jewish banker) policy to make Europeans a minority in Canada.

Not much different than the US of A and so-called EU.

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House Republicans seek permanent tax cuts as elections loom

Simple, shut down the Federal Reserve, IRS and FBI, CIA, DHS, TSA and a host of alphabet criminal organizations, then claw back the $trillions they've raped the country of since 1913. Result, wars will end, people will prosper and the US of A will be brought back to the republic the founding fathers started. Not a swamp of unpayable debt and complicit politicians bought and paid for by the Rothschilds Khazarian Mafia.

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“Screw the Troofers” Trump Closes Door on 9/11

I just attended a seminar in Seguin TX about “Erase the Liberty” and one the speakers, Christopher Bollyn, presented the inclusive evidence that Israel was the main perpetrator on 9/11. Some of the funds may have come from Saudi, but the satanic greedies need to throw somebody under the bus. The Liberty and 9/11 including the '95 Murrah and '93 WTC bombing were false flags to gather the sheeple and follow the Judas Goats to the slaughter house with money changers sitting back in the shadows and laughing at them.

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Altitudes and method of SRM Chemtrails Lift, the artificial Pinatubo-Effect. Recalling memory and truth by historic pictures.

I have been following the chemtrails since 2012 when I drove from Florida to Texas and noticed patterns laced in the sky. After doing a little research and reading Dane Wiggington's geoengineering site, I contacted the TCEQ and they responded with stating these were contrails. I then referenced considerable sites on the net and photos personally taken and related to various extreme storms, they stated this was not in their jurisdiction and for me to contact the FAA.  This in turn was a joke, and I contacted NOAA, all I received was a reply they would get back to me in the near future, that was 2 years ago and nothing has been received.  This is a ruse and the space weapons deployed aren't even yet known by the public.  We need a change and soon or we all follow the Judas Goats to oblivion.

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More on William Cooper

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9/11 anniversary special! Psychology of 9/11 truth denial—and our bravest survivor speaks out

I’ve been in the engineering and construction business for over 50 years. According to local and international building codes, the buildings of that height were designed to take a hit from more than one airplane. It’s obvious the buildings were brought down by pre-planted explosive devices. Instead of arguing how exactly they were demolished, go after the who and why and the evil perpetrators controlled by the Zio-Khazar Rothschilds!

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Hurricane Florence Is Probably Going To Cost A Lot Of Money

I suppose chemtrails and HAARP don't have any effect on storms, or the military's article of controlling the weather by 2025. Do a search and you just may discover the lunatics in charge of this fiasco that costs $billions and lives.

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Central Banks have gone rouge and places all of us at risk.

Former assistant Treasury secretary Paul Craig Roberts argues, that along with the central banks, we should also nationalize the media and the armaments industry. 

Can you imagine what would happen to the greedies if you shut down their ponzi scheme?  Throw in the unnecessary tools for the evil satanists - Hollywood, media, CIA, FBI, DHS, TSA, FEMA, FDA, CDC and the rest of the alphabet criminal organizations - Whew!  I keep on repeating myself - wonder why?

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How many people have been killed in America’s post-9/11 wars? 

To start with, it is estimated 2.4 million have been killed in Iraq along with 500,000 children that the witch Madeline Albright said was 'Worth it'.
I'll do a little digging and add the masses killed in the post 9/11 wars in the 7 countries to waged war against as listed by General Wesley Clark. Damn, depopulation is on an excellerated scale.  So far, the total has run up to 4 million people on this false flag to enrich the satanists.  We really needed this 'War on Terror' - check what the bonuses were for the MIC satanic pedos and how much deeper in unpayable debt the US of A is drowning in.

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Appointing Judge Kavanaugh is in jeopardy - 1 woman says he molested her, but CRS (can't remember shit) of who, what, when, where and 65 women come up and support him - hmph - funny how that happens, when one woman supported Slick Willy and countless ones stated he molested them.  The Dem's are going down the shitter for sure!

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Who Bought the $1.47 Trillion of New US National Debt over the Past 12 Months?

Simple solution - dissolve the Fed, including the alphabet soup in government controlled by the greedies, shut down the 800+ military bases, stop the wars, implement a value back currency with gold or other commodities and follow the Iceland protocol for restoring the economy.  Then shoot the money changers.

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read this if you can stomach it.  And this was posted in 2017

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In order to make the world safer, the US is developing a weaponized cholera virus at the Lugar Laboratory in Tbilisi, Georgia.  The proposed mortality rate for this “product” will be 50% and there will be no vaccine.

Another article about WTF is going on with the military industrial complex owned by the Illuminati and these assholes are claiming this will make the world safer - damn - depopulation is just right around the corner and don't take a vaccine for sure.  Garlic and ginger is better for health than any laboratory created death vaccine.  Now they're taking DNA samples from ethic people - cooking up a disease that will eliminate ethnic races in certain countries - like HIV in Africa and SARS in China. When I was in China during the SARS epidemic, I never got sick since I wasn't an oriental.

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Now we get into the SCOTUS appointment - Kavanaugh - Some lady comes up and says 30 some odd years ago this nominee sexually molested her - she can't remember when, where, what, who witnessed and the rest of the plausible deniability bullshit the politikians spit out- but the Dems are going after Kavanaugh.  Something seem strange here?  And the Clintons and Bushes get away with murder and nobody even says a word, Uranium One, Clinton Foundation, Seth Rich, Vince Foster - but that's ok, lets forget about that and go after the Rep's. And the idiot Schumer gets up and wants a full FBI investigation? Hell, they're part of the cabal run by satanists!  Don't give up your weapon yet and make sure you have plenty of clips!

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Herman Comic Strip for September 23, 2018

He's got a point!

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Notes: Trump and the Writing on the Wall

Hmmm…I voted for this POTUS, the main reason of him being the lesser of two evils. Unfortunately, evil is still evil and the swamp is getting more polluted every day. When you look at the plus and minus to date, he may have a positive sign. I’ve attended seminars of ‘Erasing the Liberty’, Christopher Bollyn’s 9/11 episodes and books plus many more authors and activists, yet we all need to unite instead of being divided and conquered to get rid of the Illuminati secret societies JFK warned us about, in particular the Fed. Once that is dissolved, we just may have the opportunity to prosper and peace will be implemented throughout the world.

Ian Greenhalgh - Managing Editor  September 23, 2018 at 8:56 am
The Mossad really got ya – Bollyn is Mossad, Trump works for the same people the Mossad do, the anti-Clinton disinfo campaign was and is run by the self same people. Israel is behind it all and Israel is the Deep State.

Israel certainly appears to be a tool also for the Illuminati – when the Likudniks finally gets thrown under the bus, another evil will take it’s place under the guise as a saviour of humanity and the sheeple will be lead further down the path of destruction by the NWO. It’s strange that in a conversation with Bollyn, I asked his opinion of VT of mini nukes destroying the WTC and he stated VT was a disinfo site. Strange how that happens and I do research on many sites with varying info and not just 2 or 3, and place the various info on my blog for people to make up their own minds. Regardless, we all need to get rid of the cabal and all disinfo agents.

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Alleged Video of Idlib Chemical Attack Fabrication Circulated by Syrian Media

Hmmm...when you watch the video you see a guy with a black and white striped shirt gassed and passed out on ground, then next one, the same guy with the unusual striped shirt is helping another guy with checkered shirt who's passed out, but manages to straighten out his shirt when put in the ambulances - one scene shows the checkered shirt open, the next one shows it buttoned up.  Same as the guy on Sandy Hook who was shown as the FBI uniformed officer, then later in interview says his child was shot then on to the Boston Bombing the Tsarnaev brothers videoed with small grey back packs that couldn't hold a bomb on any size  and the Craft Security mercenaries with the same back pack with the white square emblem as the one shown as the bombing back pack.  Makes you wonder WTF is really going on with the lame brained main stream media serving the interests of the NWO.

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