Then we get into Funny Money. . . .
Having a quick look at the world's currency or assets or wealth as it accumulates and where's it's finally ends up and in who's creepy slimy fingers – how does this work(?) first you have a bunch of money changers (this started thousands of years ago and Jesus, so the story goes, ran them out of the temple) creating this fiat currency or legal tender, based on no value other than dictating to countries they have to trade their goods in a some sort of units recognized with value the international bankers place on it. Commodities – gold – oil – wheat – corn –Toyota's – tablets – single malt scotch or whatever has a value but not in the same category as fiat currency. One is real the other is fake!!
As is started and I've put in modern day terms, a farmer brings his wagon full of corn to the market and exchanges the value with a currency created out of nothing by the bankers, since 1913 and in periods before, but accepted by an incredibly stupid government as legal tender. He goes to the car dealer and buys a truck so he doesn’t have to feed his horses anymore and it sits in his garage over night with no poop to clean in the morning. He jumps on his tractor, that he purchased with this paper currency that he earned by selling more corn, and plows the field and plants more corn and sprays them with Roundup. The seeds, that are resistant to aluminum, barium and strontium sprayed in the skies, generally come from the local cooperative that in turn, purchase from Monsanto since the seeds produced from his harvest has no capacity of being planted and growing into a marketable commodity and can't resist the chemicals sprayed in the skies or the pesticides and herbicides he has to buy from the cooperative and he has to get more seeds next year and on and on.
After returning from the market, he places his money in the local bank since he doesn’t have a big vault at home and the bankers lend this out to other farmers at a rate possibly 10 to 100 times the amount they actually have in the people's savings accounts – this is called 'fractional reserve banking' and charge interest on this imaginary money only displayed on a screen or digital ledger. Where the funds from the actual value of deposits go - nobody really knows and where the money comes from lent out to other suckers and the printing press at the treasury is working overtime then the funny money is devalued. QE(?)
The farmer’s kids like to snort a little coke or pop an opioid on the way home from school while the old man is out in the fields working his ass off cultivating the crops. The little kids get stoned and can hardly find their way home and some even get kidnapped and sent to the Bohemian Grove or Brown Palace for pedo play or chopped up by the Illuminati spirit cookers at some ping pong place that sells pizza on the side.
The cocaine, the little kids snort is purchased from dope dealers with this paper currency with the “eye” on top of the Illuminati pyramid looking at you. The money collected goes to the local dealers, who pay off the highly secret importer of dope smuggled in from the Afghanistan or Columbia on military / CIA planes and this finds its way into the banks that lend out 10 - 100 times the amount deposited. A circle jerk of monumental proportions!
Eventually, the money from the farmer, kids, dope dealers, importers, car dealers, McDonald's, KFC, WalMart and Home Depot is deposited into banks and the reserves somehow end up in a huge vault somewhere in Basel, Switzerland, the home of the Bank for International Settlement.
Now these guys (bankers) in Switzerland or City of London Financial district run by the Rothschilds, Warburgs or Morgans and Wall Street goons with piles of currency, pick and choose whose paper is of value, that really is worth nothing and they speculate and trade in other nations currencies and gamble this into derivatives of unimaginable amounts. Countries that don’t recognize the, say, $US petro dollar, their paper value is speculated on exchanges and when the time comes to teach these assholes a lesson, cuz they don’t allow the fascist foreign corporations to rape their natural resources, the rogue nations currency is dumped on the market or Wall Street and plummets in value – take Venezuela as an example or the Italian Lire or Greece Drachma…that was devalued as we drive to the local grocery store or go for an oil change – worse in Venezuela since the value of the Bolivar has gone down with the toilet flush. Similar as in Germany in the 30’s when it took a wheelbarrow full of marks to buy a loaf of bread that in turn was created by the bankers and then up came Adolf who incidentally was financed by the bankers. More HUTA. Weishaupt and Albert Pike, puppets for the bankers, come to mind. . . .
Then when you factor in the value of gold from when these reptilian related bankers took over the central bank in the US of A and created the Creature from Jekyll Island, which was around $20 an ounce and was stable for over 100 years and now it's $1300, that means the value of the paper currency that will soon be used for toilet paper cuz it's cheaper, is 1.5%. And in the time period of a little over 100 years. Makes you wonder what the hell it'll be worth when the major reset occurs, and that's more likely sooner than we can imagine. These asshole creatures now control $trillions in funny money and gamble $hundreds of trillions in derivatives, that in turn will purchase a lot of gold and when the value of funny money goes down the toilet, they'll still be richer than the sheeple, but what will happen to the schmuck that has nothing - a rebellion and they'll be killed off by foreign and local troops stationed around the world in almost 1000 military bases and population reduced to a sustainable development - whatever that means.
When a currency debacle occurs like a country or state or banks or corporations declares bankruptcy, the fractional reserve lending comes looming into the picture of failing with the currency lent out exceeds the reserves by trillions and the entire world will go down the toilet or the charlatans orchestrate another bailout like in 2008 voted on in government by bought and paid for politicians, and the major Wall Street bankers receiving $trillions of our hard earned $$$ that is printed out of nothing, and the exec’s received $billions in bonuses and compensation of funny money they deposit in the Caymans that is controlled by the banks in Switzerland controlled by guess who(?) yup - the Rothschilds. Iceland's recovery and jailing the bankers appears to be part of the solution but not here any time soon. Damn, I'm getting dizzy following this charade in circles.
This cabal, controlling the currency of the world supporting perpetual wars that can't be won as planned by the brilliant military with enormous budgets, is boiled down to around 8000 individuals and Committee of 300 and the majority are Luciferians and sacrifice children – look it up – don’t take my word for it and do a search Ronald Bernard. And they've just had a Bilderberger meeting this month. Looks like they're making the plan.
Getting into this a little deeper – the US of A’s national debt is over $21 trillion in funny money which we pay interest on, even at 1% that amounts to $210 billion and the carpet baggers, the FED, is gonna raise this to 1.25%. Damn, the interest alone is 70 times the government budget spending when the Federal Reserve was created in 1913 along with the IRS to tax the shit out of the middle and lower class and the FBI to enforce collection of income tax plus all the other nefarious enforcements. Some Ponzi scheme ya(?) Madoff was a piker compared to this swindle. Throw in the NWO DHS plus 16 “intelligence” agencies we have grown into a police state, that’s another bottomless pit for pouring our wealth into. Hell, today, the defense budget is over $700 billion – shit – that could pay for replacing all the lead water pipes in the US of A plus Canada and Mexico and Europe plus desalinators and pipelines pumping the water to the deserts to grow food also in California after the chemtrail and HAARP created drought - then the fires in FEMA region IX. Then you factor in the profits from opium trade from Afghanistan in the CIA black budgets that nobody knows how much, and the $21 trillion the Pentagon just can't seem to account for, this boggles the imagination.
This crypto stuff also appears to be an orchestrated means of robbing the people - a barter coin that can be traded digitally and goes up and down quickly. When the schmuck buys it at $18,000, it goes down to $9,000. Funny how that happens in the gambling den of vipers.
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Did you know the FBI, DHS, IRS, CIA, BLM and Federal Reserve are private corporations - nothing to do with government and no oversight. And we pay for this shit? Actually, the IRS collects the tax$ and send it to the Federal Reserve whose HQ is in the City of London - none of that money stays in our government and our elected morons in charge borrow more money from the Fed and they have the treasury print out of nothing and we pay interest. HUTA Actually, it costs the Fed $230 to print $1 million, so I suppose they have some investment there, but then again, they steal that too.
We are a police state - Orwell's 1984 was a picnic compared to the rabbit hole we're sliding into.
And it's starting, or has already started 105 years ago - check comments below . . .
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BERNANKE: Trump's tax cuts are like 'Wile E. Coyote' and the economy's boost will fall off the cliff in 2020
And this POS idiot doesn't even come close to stating the Federal Reserve is an illegal enterprise - have the treasury print money out of nothing then lend it back to the government in interest? This is a sick joke and he and the rest of the shareholders of this phony enterprise should be arrested and shot!
I wrote a 20 page paper on the sheer uselessness of the Federal Reserve and how it actually contributed to the Great Recession. Next!
- Dbooger
- Read "The Creature from Jekyll Island" G Edward Griffin. The con of the 20th century.
What happens in 2020 will depend on who's elected president and to Congress.
- Dbooger
It doesn't matter who is elected, the economy will collapse. The Federal Reserve is a Ponzi scheme - Madoff was a piker compared to the evil Rothschilds Khazarian Mafia.
And it's starting - the criminal Fed is setting the stage to blame Trump for the collapse of the US of A and doesn't even get close to the raping of resources, not just here, but all the countries where regime changes and false flag wars have been orchestrated to satisfy the greed of the bankers for the past 1000 years and before.
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Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Thinks Sirhan Did Not Fire Shots That Killed Father
D'ya think they're getting closer to the fact the Deep State didn't want Bobby or JFK Jr. to be president? These NWO creeps are beyond disgusting - need to eliminate this cabal out of the world's history! 13 shots out of a 8 shot gun? And he was shot in the back when Sirhan was in the front?
The same groups that conspired and assinated JFK, also assassinated RFK. The FBI, KGB, CIA, LBJ, the Mafia, and the Military Industrial Complex did it.
- DboogerYou forgot the Mossad - they work for the Rothschilds, not Israel. When JFK enacted EO 11110, and had silver backed currency issued, they killed him.
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The Adorable Way a 13-Year-Old Queen Elizabeth Fell in Love With Prince Philip
What about the 10 children that went missing in Canada when these two despicable assholes made a visit in 1964(?) - the little kids were never found. This satanic pedo duo was tried and found guilty at the International Common Law Court of Justice in Brussels - strange she never went back to Canada after that. Ninth Circle Satanic Cult - follow the body count.
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Israel is universally rejected in US for the first time - The House passed the amendment Trump can't go attack Iran.
But we need to see what the Senate decides - they're already bought and paid for by the Deep State and AIPAC. So yeah, now we can expect a nuke going off in FEMA region IX or NYC or Chicago soon and the blame put on N. Korea or the Palestinians or most likely Russia and Iran. WWIII is on the way!
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India steps up hunt for origin of mysterious brain-damaging virus
Damn, they should check Washington DC also, the politicians have contracted some sort of brain capacity reducing virus - it's called AIPAC and Rothschilds baksheesh. Gotta pill for that? Red or Blue. Agenda 21 in the works, 2030 coming next - 2050 is what's left after a nuclear war and the Illuminati climb out of their DUMBS.
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The real “freaky” thing, Victor Thorn was on a recent radio show and STATED “…if I’m ever found dead, it was murder. I would never kill myself.”
And I have Thorn's trilogy on the Clintons, 911 Evil and Made in Israel . . . someday, I'll sit down and finish reading them. This must have been an Arkancide or Texecution. He, unfortunately, is part of the body count along with Michael Collins Piper. Throw in Hastings and Gary Webb - 'to Kill the Messenger' and of course all of Willis Carto's and Michael Collins Piper's books - the one I need to finish is Final Judgement.
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Televangelist Claims He Needs $54 Million Private Jet To Spread The Gospel
There's a couple of other schmucks including Jim and Tammy, and another idiot in Houston, that have begged for $ millions on TV cuz they need airplanes, Bentley's, colleges and so on, but I started a religion labeled 'D'boogerism' based on trust and the Lord and you need to believe everything that spills out of my mouth - the key being, give me all your money, I guarantee and I mean really guarantee without a doubt, you will go to heaven, and if for some reason you don't go to heaven when you croak, I'll give you 2, no, 3 times your money back - I'll even sign a contract. Hallelujah, praise Moloch!! That's the stupid owl at the Bohemian Grove the satanists worship - a take off on that was Dan Aykroyd's 'Dragnet'. PAGAN and sacrifice the Virgin Connie Swale.
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Jared Kushner's Father Rips Ethics Watchdogs As 'Jerks' Who Can't Get A 'Real Job'
What's a 'Real Job'? Steal from people? These idiot dual citizen slithering parasites really believe if the sheeple don't agree with their criminal activities - they can't think? Read the Babylonian Talmud - Hail Moloch - gimmee the money - besides, "all the Goyim are just animals, but look like us to plunder, rape, torture and use as target practice with exploding bullets".
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You'd think a single bullet would solve this problem and put an end to this asshole - and the psycho keeps on going - he got his start selling out his brother Ashkenazi Jews in Hungary to the Germans and got a hefty commission, now he's doing this to the US of A and EU and just about every place else he puts his infected slimy fingers. His benefactor is the Rothschilds Khazarian Mafia.
Throw in Netanyahu's statement in Finks Bar in 1990 - what d'ya got - and pile of bovine excrement that we support via our funny money from the Fed.
When will we smarten up?
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DARPA's 5G End Game for Humanity
Known as the Internet of things, 5G involves hundreds of billions of microchips which will permeate our possessions, our homes, our cars, our neighborhoods and eventually our bodies. Some say that Chemtrails is the means by which they are loading our bodies up with aluminum, since this is the best conductor for plugging us into the 5G “smart grid”
Somehow I doubt they will stop spraying this shit any time soon. DARPA is on the way and out of control! The Tavistock Institute is rolling ahead with the agenda - throw in 21, 2030 and 2050.
A lot of good stuff you can get from Dean Henderson -
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Who is the heiress mentioned in the NXIVM sex cult court documents?
Here we go into the snake pit - apparently the two Bronfman's Sarah and Clare (heirs to the Seagram's wealth - Oh - BTW - I quit drinking Crown Royal) have blown $150 million in support of this beyond sick psycho organization. Allison Mack has taken the knife and thrown under the bus and Raniere was the founder and arrested in Mexico - and the new head location is in upstate NY - it started in Arkansas when Slick Willy was gov., and now they've found a little bunker in Tuscon Az on CEMEX property that may have been the dungeon where they chained and tortured people, especially little children. Damn, where does it all end??? And the Clintons have received $cash from this cult. It makes you wonder where all the kids missing in Haiti went - the $billions donated to the Clinton Foundation, maybe $50 million made it to help the people (or polititians) but most went to private corporations to build luxury hotels and crap like that where the indigenous can't live or even come near. This will end up like Jonestown?? Is it coincidence that when the dots are connected the source always ends up at the same place? Not just this but hundreds of other episodes.
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9/11 lies turned Afghanistan into a giant opium farm funding NATO off the books black operations
And the Zio controlled major mass media presstitutes completely ignore this. Along with being the prime location for a pipeline from the 'Stan' countries, Cheney wanted in the 90's to fuel Halliburton's pockets and funds from opium trade financed the 'intelligence agencies' to continue the reign on terror - another one of Pike's predictions. The Illuminati's goal! Divide and conquer and scare the shit out of the masses to allow the police state to accomplish the NWO death grip.
I saw the movie about Barry Seal - the dope and weapons runner during the Iran - Contra fiasco. Funny there was no mention of GHW's statement to Sarah McLendon, "If the American people have ever found out what we have done, they'd chase us down the street and lynch us". Also no mention of Slick Willy visiting Mena Arkansas with his brother and snorting a little coke - no wonder his nose is bright red and the body count is horrendous especially the two young boys that witnessed the unloading of dope in Mena guarded by federal agents. They ended up on a railroad track - dead.
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Then we get into Millennials, the generation from the 1980's to the early 2000's. Now these are young people that have grown up with tablets, cell phones, digital games and common core. They are only taught what to want, not the how, when and where. I need to sleep in, stay up late, play my games, eat all the good stuff at McDonalds with sodas and fries and it appears the life span will go down with vaccinations, SSRI's, opioids, pills, 5 hour energy, GMO'd foods and toxic polluted air and water and AR15's and a little Roundup sprayed on the lawn. The few special ones selected by the manipulators like Rhodes, CFR's, Skull and Boners and other secret societies will be taught how to control the majority lower class dumbed down poorly educated useless eaters with creative thinking completely void and will be lead down the garden path by these selected Judas Goats. It appears to be headed rapidly toward the NWO with no resistance cuz us ol' farts that complain about that hell hole, won't be around much longer. Most of these child wonders won't even remember 9/11 let alone JFK's, RFK's MLK's and JFK Jr's assassinations, and corporate sponsored regime changes including the false flags created by the satanists that led us into the major world wars in the past 250 years since the Bauer's took control of banking, let alone the Manifesto and weapons of mass deception that has slaughtered millions of people. . . and all for freedom and democracy on the path to communism - which is in reality, enslavement of the masses by the bankers and corporations.
Anybody hear the flush? Bill Gates and cronies eugenics at it's finest.
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How Anthony Bourdain found a new role as a #MeToo ally
Hmmm. . . .Anthony started dating Asia Argento - a lady that was sexually assaulted countless times by ol' Harvey - the neanderthal - Weinstein. They say Anthony committed suicide - and no evidence of foul play. Could this be another Seth Rich or Robbin Williams or James Rothschilds or a Gary Webb suicide with 2 bullets to the back of the head episode? Not that I'm a conspiracy theorist but these Arkancides and Texecutions keep on happening in particular to people who have some sort of contact and disagreement with the nefarious satanists in charge.
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Iranian official: We protected al-Qaeda terrorists before 9/11
Wait a minute, wasn't John Brennan the CIA station chief in Jeda when these so-called 19 9/11 hijackers got their visas to travel to the US of A? And now they want to blame Iran? More drivel spilling out of the MSM presstitutes mouths.
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And this is where the Pope preaches in the vatican to the sheep! Look a little strange? Ring any bells?
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