And I've been banging on the drum for almost 3 years - now this is proof the eugenics is under way...sustainable development for the psychos. And this has been going on for over 30 years.
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"When the people find that they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic." -- Benjamin Franklin
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“If voting made any difference, they wouldn’t let us do it.” -- Mark Twain
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2:15:18 Trump to address nation on deadly mass shooting
MK Ultra goes a long way! Once the evil boys find or create a victim, they orchestrate this to take the sheeple's minds off WTF is going on with our corrupt gov't. Like Paddock - murdered before the horrific event in LV. Besides, "This is a Drill...This is a Drill". Amazing the loony Judas Goats attempts to fool the sheeple.
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John Brennan - the knuckle dragging CIA chief well, ex-chief. Come to find out he was an avid supporter of communism and voted for Gus Hall in 1976. Hmph, and somehow this retard became CIA director...funny how that happens. Who sponsored communism? Yup, the Rothschilds financed Marx and Engels to come up with the manifesto and also edited the Babylonian Talmud along with the ruse on Jekyll Island in 1913...besides, Goyim are animals!
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Guantanamo 'prepared' for new inmates, says US admiral
I believe it should be kept open to accommodate the Bushes, Clintons, Comey, Mueller, Cheney and the rest of the PNAC'ers that orchestrated 9/11 and whoever is still alive after the JFK debacle, Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Wall Street nut cases and give them showers while laying on a board with a sack over their heads! The only problem is, it's not big enough to handle all the swamp dwellers. And keep Hildabeast out of Huma's cell. The best option would be to put Hildabeast and Slick Willy in the same stinkhole - can you imagine the ranting and decibels over 100.
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Republic Broadcasting
Oklahoma City, OK – In what can only be described as a bombshell revelation, a former independent black ops contractor, Cody Snodgres, recently blew the whistle on a plot in which he alleges that he was offered $1 million from a CIA contact to bomb the Alfred P. Murrah Building in Oklahoma City — prior to the deadly bombing of the federal building on April 19, 1995.
And guess what was in there - yup - Cases of documents from the Rose Law Firm, White Watergate, Dope money laundering from Iran/Contra, all the medical records from Iraq War Syndrome where depleted uranium was inserted in DIME's and the boys and girls came home infected with radiation poisoning and passed it on to their relatives and neighbors - hell, imagine the law suits against the criminal government that would have evolved out of that! SHIT, we'd have to borrow more money from the FED... but the perpetrators of this sick evil crime never get punished - they get free health care and retirement pay, run foundations and buy hundreds of thousands acres of property in Paraguay, invest in Qatar - that doesn't extradite criminals with huge deposits in their banks.
Come to think of it, the Pentagon was bombed by a missile on 9/11 that hit the exact area where the accounting was being carried out on the $2.3 trillion Rumsfeld stated they couldn't seem to find and the Able Danger crew summoned to a meeting to discuss the discoveries of where the W54 nuclear pits stolen out of Pantex, TX ended up - oh, and a couple of these were in the basement of WTC I & II that melted the steel and granite and all the gold and money was removed from the vaults - funny how this happens. And those evil guys with box cutters...
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The government is to protect the people, not corporate fascism run by the satanist Rothschilds Khazarian Mafia.
Natural remedies have been in place for hundreds of years, yet with all the contaminants placed in water along with GMO'd foods, pesticides and insecticides that create cancers plus the spraying the skies with toxic heavy metals, fungus, blood cells etc., under the criminal ruse of Project Cloverleaf are killing the people. The Agenda 21 and 2030 is the driving force for the greedies and want to depopulate the world to 500 million as noted on the Georgia Guidestones.
These evil satanists need to be removed from our lives not only here, but everywhere there is a central bank controlled by the City of London along with the Federal Reserve.
All good natural remedies including CBD need to be put in place and not discriminated or create kangaroo court rulings against. The bought and paid for politicians by big pharma are a disgrace to humanity.
Instead of developing weapons of mass destruction and $trillions wasted on planes that can't fly, develop desalinators and irrigate deserts to grow food for the masses. Provide proper education for the people in countries that have none and get rid of common core here. Teach the future leaders how to be creative and constructive, not overcome with greed!!
I posted this on 'notices to congress' and received confirmation...makes me wonder when the boys in black suits will be knocking at the door.
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Philippines 'concerned' as U.S. intelligence tags Duterte a threat to democracy
Its not Duterte - it's the Federal Reserve and Military Industrial Complex, 4 horsemen and Wall Street that's the real threat - not some schmuck in the Philippines - he's cleaning out the dope dealers - why the CIA is pissed - taking money out of their ops supporting the corporatists!!!
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Bill Gates reveals the two 'crazy things' he purchased since becoming a billionaire 30 years ago
Coupla things - Monsanto and aluminum shares - the crap they put in vaccines and chemtrails. Eugenics at it's finest - he should go visit the Kevorkian clinic and set an example for the sheeple he wants to eliminate.
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A Two-Mile Crack Has Opened Up In Arizona – And Experts Warn That It’s Only Going To Get Bigger
And the summary is, this is caused by the farmers sucking up water from the ground for their cattle. These same experts can't seem to figure it out, that they need to pump in water from oceans and stop the weather modification by HAARP and chemtrails. Reverse the oil pipelines and irrigate the deserts - but that's not in the greedies mind set. And those damned Bundy Ranch guys letting their cows feed on government land - but wait - the government isn't supposed to own land according to the constitution - yet this is the collateral for the fiat currency and borrowed money... and China owns quite a bit of that. Where is this heading? Well, take a guess and it ain't pretty and the NWO will succeed.
D'ya thinks we need a little fracking here?
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Now we get into Snowden - exposing what the NSA was doing, spying on everyone. But when you go deeper, it certainly appears, he may have been an agent for the CIA - and take the effectiveness from the NSA and place it in the hands of the CIA and the Deep State. With the latest discoveries of the criminal activities with the Clinton Foundation, DNC, FBI and Mueller, Clapper, Brennon, Comey, Lynch yet for some reason they leave the Bushes and bankers out of the picture - where is this headed?
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We get into Ariail's cartoon about body scanners in schools.
(I couldn't copy it)
Follow the Money$$$. Chertoff, one of the conspirators on 9/11 filled airports with body scanners, that he had a major interest in, next hotels, after Mandalay, now schools. This smells with rancid bovine excrement cooked up by the bankers and deep state.
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Demonizing Darwin: An Open Letter to Jonas Alexis
A quick review of the article leads one to believe Darwin had many conclusions to the evolution of mankind. Religion in the background appears to be a superstitious fallacy.
I recall, when I was in history class in high school and challenged on several accounts the teaching of religion that was openly false and mythical going from sacrificing children to current wars for profit, the teacher – who was an ordained minister before he went into teaching – responded to by stating, that Man’s knowledge of God hasn’t reached the ultimate truth and when it finally emerges, we will have peace.
I thought about that for a while and with the lack of history in man’s evolution, from finally walking on his hind legs carrying a big club and the fittest will survive, but was that by physical strength or of growing intellectual knowledge. History is a great teacher, but look what’s happening around us now; the public is being lied to on every fact, occurrence and direction where the deep state is headed.
Has man evolved? It certainly appears to be in a negative direction and when the nuclear holocaust occurs, we’ll be on our hands and knees trying to stay alive, if in fact we are still alive! The Satanists in their DUMBS will have sufficient supplies to exist for a short while, but they will succumb to the depletion and won’t be able to come out into the contaminated world.
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