I guess I better put a disclaimer on my blog cuz it might be classified as "Hate" or anti-Semitic or something like that...
similarity between what you read here is a fictional account of a
demented faux conservative view on current events or something like
that...but ch'ya never know...
to fight the weather coming from Florida thru western Louisiana and
Texas - 18 wheelers flipped across the interstate, cars piled up and
traffic backed up for miles and the rain pouring down - didn't see the
9" we were supposed to get but fields were like lakes, either that or
crawfish ponds - soon to be in season...
Listened to Jeff Rense podcast with Karen Stewart - whistle blower - of our nice boys at the NSA and their FBI stooges.
Another good one is with Linda Stone
to think of it, I believe I sent my daughter an email from China around
2001 or 2 and suggested she learn Chinese - cuz it looks like they'll
own the world in 10 years - I blew it by about 5 or 6 years but it's
closing down on the banksters...Way...Nee How!!! Gum Bay!!!!
Santa's Sweltering: North Pole Soars 36 Degrees Above Normal
and chemtrails don't figure into this, do they? The greedies have been
trying to manipulate the weather for the past 50 years. Besides, I
don't think I could tell the difference between -78 and -42. But then
have a look at the south pole - where the satanists and aliens meet.
That's chilly to say the least.
KRUGMAN: Trump is going to bring about 'an era of corrupt governance unprecedented in US history'
Another Khazar putting the blame somewhere - when in fact the money
junkies are behind every politician - with possibly the exception of
Trump. Why they object to him - he can't be bought - Hillary on the
other hand has a "for sale" sign on her butt - and a big sign at that!!!
Mitt Romney Is Under ‘Active Consideration’ for Secretary of State
first mistake - damn, why in hell would he pick this carpet
bagger - he'll be as bad, well, maybe not as bad as Hillary - Bain
Capital will be laundering
drug money from everywhere - head office in Havana Cuba - but they've
been doin' that for a number of years - Castro - have Moloch bless his
soul - was probably on the take too.
Yup, looks like they're all ganging up on Trump. Stein's
a Jew or maybe not by DNA but from the same part of NW Mongolia or is
that SW Ukraine , maybe Georgia - should check for dual citizenship and
it looks like her green party has taken some under the table assistance
but that's typical in politiks - Trumps' one big problem is his
son-in-law Kushner - damn - that names sounds familiar(!) - he's a f'n
Jew too, with ties to Likudniks in Israel - this could be serious
problem. So much for draining the swamp...just adding more stinky shit
pollution to it...the smell is rancid.
Future of Clinton Foundation in jeopardy after election
Hillary the dyke and slick Willy transferred $1.8 billion to Qatar -
undoubtedly they're gonna do some real charity work someplace, oh, and
Qatar doesn't extradite criminals with piles of money in their banks.
is how it goes - the CIA is an international spy org, not national or
domestic - the FBI and NSA, other illegal organization, like the FED, is
supposed to do that, makes you wonder why they tell so many lies and
disinformation to dupe the sheeple?
the Biden's trip to Antarctica on election day to meet the worlds'
satanists and aliens indicates they just might believe they're in real
when I did a search on this site, the computer was jerking, sputtering
and jumping - d'ya thinks I am being tracked by the secret society
goons??? The disclaimer will save my ass...
Pope gives priests permanent right to pardon abortion
Yeah, what the hell, he even blesses our government for killing millions
of people over the years for profit!! Even gives Bill Gates a pat on
the back for his vaccines shipped to Africa to depopulate the world and
blesses Monsanto for Round Up and GMO food killing more. Hallelujah - praise Moloch...
to think of it, in the bible, early civilizations, if you call it that,
would sacrifice their first born to some sort of god - but then later
changed the sacrificial being to sheep, one in the same in modern
The Bohemian Grove party boys...
these creeps want to rule the world - Like Dragnet 1987, Sargent Joe
Friday and the P.A.G.A.N. (People Against Goodness And Normalcy) But
here Molech is an owl - not Moloch the half-cow
Gotta high five Michael Rivero on this one -
"The reason for the Holocaust hoax
is simple. The world had just united against Nazi Germany on the
principle that one nation does not have the right to march into another
nation and steal it for their own. But the founders of Israel proposed
to do just that, march into Palestine and take it for their own. They
needed a propaganda device so powerful it would trick the world into
allowing Israel to do to Palestine exactly what Nazi Germany had been
prevented from doing to France, Poland, etc. And that propaganda remains
one of the most fiercely protected secrets of modern times, enforced by
laws in many nations.
And that in and of itself
betrays the lie, for truth needs no law to support it. Truth is
self-evident to all. Truth withstands re-examination. Truth survives
questions. Throughout history, from Galileo to Zundel, only lies and
liars have resorted to the courts to enforce adherence to dogma." --
Mike Rivero
Listened to Jeff Rense podcast with Karen Stewart - whistle blower - about our nice boys at the NSA and their FBI stooges.
Another good one is the podcast with Linda Stone
Future of Clinton Foundation in jeopardy after election
Why Hillary the dyke and slick Willy transferred $1.8 billion to Qatar -
Qatar doesn't extradite criminals with piles of money in their banks.
3 States That May Legalize Medical Marijuana Next
medical marijuana must be a pain in the ass for big pharma...you can
grow this shit in your back yard for practically nothing and it has
considerable health benefits - let alone making the world look rosy when
it's a pile of satanic assassins and pedophiles raping the people of
the world of their dignity and well being...
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