Saturday, October 24, 2015
Dbooger Views 2014
The more I read the alternate news…and a few uneducated guess predictions…my comments
The major events that stand out in the back of my mind in the past 50 years are 3 incidents, being the JFK assassination, Vietnam War, and 9/11 including the aftermath of wars, carnage and destruction. The question that keeps surfacing whether or not there is a hidden agenda of a mind bending scheme to steer the citizens against the people in power pasted over the controlled media and set up to blame them for the state of ruin the country/world is in?” Yet the real forces behind the collapse of the people’s rights and assets are a certain group of demons, (Illuminati or scumbags for a better description) protecting the international bankers’ thrust of seizing the world. (Scumbaggery is a newly created word in the international encyclopedia.
Uncovering more and more facts on 9/11 being an inside job, WMD, false wars, etc., etc., is currently successful in deflecting the blame and further their goal? – All of them a part of the neo-con group of evil-cave dweller Zio-fascists, but none of them actually Jewish other than the idiots controlled by AIPAC and ADL including lobbyists from the corporate groups benefiting from this 21st century holocaust.
Since 9/11, the horrific slaughter of people in Iraq and Afghanistan then spreading to Egypt, Libya, Algeria and continuing genocide in Syria based on the ‘Arab Spring’, which in reality, was, as listed in countless articles, the creation of our own dear sweet CIA and neocons implanted in strategic government positions and assistance from MI6 and Mossad. The on-going murder of women and children in Gaza will continue with no discipline from any Zio-Bolshevik controlled country with Netanyahu shooting the middle finger at the powers to be. A spark of light is that certain members of the EU recognizing Palestine much to the chagrin of the Likudniks.
Now we get into the Ukraine bullshit. Spending over $5 billion since 1991 that Nuland (wife of ex-Trotskyite Kagan) claims this was for the advancement of Ukraine and ‘fuck the EU’ – but in reality it was for the IMF to take control of the economy and force the country into insurmountable debt while pilfering the resources. When Yanukovych turned the IMF down, the neo-cons financed and orchestrated the Maidan coup and he ran for his life. This is similar to what has been going on here in the US for the past 100 years with the Federal Reserve Ponzi scheme, and central banks in the EU… the coup is yet to come and probably sooner than we think with the DHS, FEMA, NSA, TSA, CIA, CFR, PNAC, ISW and the rest of the alphabet criminals in control.
Iceland is an excellent example of progress by getting rid of corrupted government and banksters, rewriting their constitution and setting strict control regulations over the banking industry, then, by default, eliminating the debt created by these gangsters instead of bailing them out as coerced by the Federal Reserve and their lackeys in 2008. The only mention of Iceland’s remarkable recovery in the corporate controlled major mass media (CMMM) was buried in the middle in fine print.
Based on the current trend, the sacrificial lambs and/or Judas Goats such as Cheney will get his head lopped off for sure along with Rumsfeld, Colin Powell and the rest including Bush 2 (a simpleton that Bush the elder was keenly aware of) manipulated by Cheney to go forth in favor of the Zios who in turn enriched Cheney and the BCC beyond belief. Bush 2 could very well be thrown to the wolves and leave the cabal intact, when Bush the elder kicks the bucket. The corrupted judicial system in place will completely bypass Zakheim, Wolfowitz, Perle, Kristol, Chertoff, Kagan, Scooter, Feith and the rest of the PNAC’ers who will simply point fingers at the goyim accused. (“Uh uh, nope, wasn’t us – it was them”)
The events lodged in my train of thought are coming into the focus.
The CMMM is currently steering the blame toward LBJ (a puppet for the fifth column) for JFK murder, with the CIA in the background and Allen Dulles getting even for being fired; then appointed to the Warren Commission. LBJ was most probably complicit, but more of a pawn than orchestrator. Mossad and Israel, a world nuclear power, that has shoveled more money into the Rothschilds vaults, will be completely overlooked and treated as innocent bystanders – the deceit.
The Gulf of Tonkin incident has been exposed that escalated the Vietnam War, but no one is charged with this carnage of over 1.3 million Vietnamese plus the lives of almost 60 thousand of our military.
9/11 is clearly becoming an act of treason by our leaders to satisfy the corporate profit picture and advancement of Israel according to the Yinon master plan for the Greater Israel – and at what cost to the people when the hysteria is finished?
Another issue that is relevant is the Lee Wanta debacle with Governor Sundquist and Senator Songstad the self proclaimed puppet masters, that has never been mentioned in the CMMM that I have found. The presstitutes must want to hold on to their positions and bonuses.
The reference to the Illuminati behind all of the criminal activities throughout the world – this heinous group controlling the daily activity of the people – work force, mind controlling media and entertainment industry, savings, retirement, stock market manipulation, banking schemes, health care and Hollywoodism shoved down the sheeples’ throats that is twisted to suit this cabal.
Every enlightened alternate news media references this group but so far, nothing has been done about it – yet.
Chip Tatum – Black Ops Interview.
I referenced this little YouTube display last time, but everyone needs to review all the interviews listed – from this interview to Presidential Secrets that lists GHW Bush up there as one of the masterminds of all the criminal activities carried on in the past 50 years since the assassination of JFK. They have publications currently that is steering the murder to LBJ, but that is simply another diversion. LBJ was complicit, but more of a pawn than orchestrator.
The $trillions scavenged by this scum and secret society is unbelievable and that includes the Rockefellers, Rothschilds and the rest of the money boyz.
Thought for the day 12-13-14
The ISIS, ISIL, al Qaeda, FSA, Takriris – all bought and paid for by the evil jerks lurking in the shadows of our government. SSG – Secret Shadow Government. This is similar to what was conducted in Indonesia with Suharto being the prime prince of darkness for the CIA and money changers. In ’98 when Suharto let the IMF pirate their financial health, the local currency fell by over 600% overnite. These creeps have corrupted almost all the countries via their money lending ability and central banks taken over by the Rothschilds with the exception of a few countries, who are now on the list to divide and conquer. Iraq and Afghanistan along with Libya and Egypt and now Ukraine are prime examples of how these evil doers take control with Iran being the classic target when reviewing the history from the 1950’s on.
I read an article on the internet journal Veterans Today, that the managing and senior editors have journeyed to Syria and met with the Assad’s people and what they described as the facts are completely contrary what we are given on the Zionist controlled major mass media. Rupert Murdoch and his disciples have penetrated the everyday sheeple’s thoughts with little exception, but as people are starting to wake up from the horror and misleading false flags, more and more are getting into the alternative news agencies for the truth. CNN is taking a nose dive and Veterans Today is growing in strength, which is great for the country.
The positive direction is slowly taking place, but not fast enough to overcome the manipulated sick comedy that will ensue in the upcoming presidential elections.
No Edge for F-35
It makes me wonder with all the freedom, education, civil liberties fought for in the past by our nation’s leaders, why the world is turning into a terrorist planet. It is obvious we haven’t really matured or become master of our fate much more than cave dwellers 50 thousand years ago. The primary force to limit the advancement of humanity is greed and lust for power and control of the masses by the select few involved with secret societies and media, (as described in JFK’s speech April 27, 1961) including ridiculous decisions made in criminal think tanks that push for the advancement of war and profit for corporations and banksters.
Obviously we’ve reached a point in history where the potential annihilation of mankind is in the immediate horizon.
It is conceivable that the people of the world could select leaders that will open communications with all the other country’s leaders and put a stop to the blundering of agents of the secret societies and push in the direction for what is moral, justified and correct for the survival of the entire human race.
Instead of wasting $trillions in the advancement of weapons to kill including the current wars that are created by these ‘secret societies’, take a few hundred $billion and use it for education of the masses, call it the ‘War on Stupidity” or whatever, but let’s vote for future leaders to head in this direction.
Cancel the affordable health care fiasco and provide proper, decent and free health care without the influence of indecently profitable big Pharma, health care providers, insurance and mal practice.
Wipe out the controlled major mass media and put in its place an honest and direct information source reporting what is really going on in the world, without any misguided motives to mislead the people.
Shut down the Federal Reserve and Wall Street and arrest and try in criminal court the perpetrators including confiscating all the wealth these criminals have drained from economies of the world and redistribute it to the people to raise their standards beyond poverty and recognize the people who have paid dearly with their lives.
Is all this possible without a revolution?
Convenient Murders Drowning – found vertical in water – obvious anchor drowning
Michael Calabrese – May 12, 2012 – demolition expert worked at WTC
John Paisley – Clandestine Services Officer – CIA
William Colby – CIA Director
Phil Merril – Publisher – Export – Import Bank – tracking $billions unaccounted for in Iraq
Mary Myer – JFK’s alleged girlfriend – writing book about CIA (including ex-husband – Cord) murder of JFK
Phillip Marshall – CIA drug pilot – writing book on what really happened on 9/11
Just did another research of what goes on in the military industrial complex that pushes us to the brink of war to end all wars – or is that civilization?
The biggest profiteer is Lockheed Martin with the F-35’s that can’t fly too good. (You’d think Habibi, the minister of research and technology from Indoland was in charge since he invented the Gatotkoco – the plane that couldn’t fly either but when you knocked the wings off, it made a sub that couldn’t float.)
The next on the list is Boeing then so on down the list. In this list was General Electric that made an overall $11.6 billion profit and didn’t pay any income tax in 2013.
The budgets for the top 25 companies run over $240 billion and the profits run over $50 billion – a whopping 21% - greater than Walmart’s 3.5%. More profit in killing than feeding the masses.
The national security budget for 2015 is astronomical. D o D budget is almost $500 billion, throw in the mandatory and base budgets including contingencies for overseas operations that totals over $581 billion.
Nuclear stuff and international FBI defense related activities run over $55 billion, and when you factor in the costs of retirees, international affairs, DHS illegal activities, TSA, NSA, plus interest, this totals over $1,009 trillion.
I couldn’t put my fingers on where the money comes from that is wasted on the IS and al Qaeda – that has to come from the CIA, bootlegged via KSA and Mossad, and doesn’t include profits made from drug trafficking and contributions from the Rothschilds for financing their black ops and other clandestine operations. The ISIS has 200 thousand fighters – mostly mercenaries from over 80 countries at $500 per day each. Say half of them are paid and the other half do it for the sake of screwing 70 vestal virgins when they jerk the detonator, this amounts to over $18 billion per year and doesn’t include the humvees, choppers, M-16’s and bombs and bullets, training and munchies and logistics. Halliburton has this part all locked up and not even listed in the top 25.
The “28 pages blacked out in the 9/11 commission report.
This censorship and removal of these 28 pages very well may be instituted by the Zios in power, to ultimately steer the blame to the Saudis, big oil, Bush Crime Cabal (BCC), military industrial complex and pentagon, NORAD etc., in the event this information becomes open to the public. Accused terrorist Zacarias Moussaoui after being waterboarded 183 times is now giving evidence to point the blame to Saudi financing the false flag operation. Obviously he doesn’t want to get waterboarded again and the neo-cons are the people behind the GITMO farce.
Now being hinted in the MSM is the ties to the IS by Saudis and Turkey and steered away from Israel is the current trend yet the IS doesn’t attack Israel or KSA or Turkey clearly indicating the Zios are the masterminds of the entire scheme.
When these 28 pages will be published in the controlled major mass media – the presstitutes - the straw that broke the camel’s back (so to speak) – the camel being the BCC. The Patriot Act, DHS, TSA, CIA, FEMA and the host of alphabet criminals in our government will be implemented when the people start to demonstrate against the complicit involvement of our government officials and the US will be reduced to conditions no better than Syria or Gaza, then the City of London Banksters will buy up this country for pennies on the dollar after they’ve raped Ukraine, the ME and soon Asia and Africa. They already control the EU.
George Orwell couldn’t have dreamt up a more complex web of deceit.
'Moment of truth' nears in Iran nuclear talks’
The moment has already gone and past. The truth is the Banksters control whatever the decision will be and that is twisted and turned to suit their wishes via their puppets in Israel who in turn have corrupted our government via AIPAC and IDL and a host of other alphabet criminal organizations. Israel has pirated their nuclear arsenal from our own development via corrupted scientists and politicians after they assassinated JFK and now they threaten the world at the brink of nuclear holocaust. The PNAC’ers and ISW will continue to vault their corrupted evil wishes and bring the world to war that only fattens the City of London Zionist Bankers pockets including our own Luciferian members of the Illuminati. This will wipe out the majority of the worlds’ population – it makes you wonder just how these twisted basterds think!!
Medical Insurance Exec Payoffs
BCBS Ill Exec’s $16 million Average for 50 States of $10 million $800,000,000
Aetna CEO $36,360,000
Aetna CFO $21,390,000
Aetna VP $11,900,000
Cigna CEO $11,900,000
Tenet HC $22,734,127
WellPoint $16,979,927
Centene $14,512,938
United Health Care $12,073,284
Molina $11,903,124
Healthnet $9,134538
Humana $8,848,066
WellCare $7,097,778
That’s fuckin’ near $1 billion and that don’t include the other useless administrators… and the SOB’s won’t give us health care unless we pay first.
American Interests worldwide.
We keep being fed the bullasheeta that America has to protect the world from tyranny and promote democracy throughout the world, consequently we send our military into a region to protect these programs including “American Interests” that is the real reason for doing this. Not my interests, or yours, but the corporations – military industrial complex, the 4 horsemen and London WZ Banksters.
Saudi Arabia is anything but a democratic state along with Qatar, Kuwait and Bahrain plus a host of other countries whose leaders are supported by our big business and oil kings. If these leaders go against what our corporate scumbags want, they get removed – Khadafy was one when he tried to install the African Development Bank that went against the banksters’ interests – not yours or mine.
We put our girls and boys in the military at risk of being slaughtered along with the carnage of the locals that follows any insertion of our military either by the covert actions of our “intelligence” departments or outright invasion as in Iraq and WMD based on lies and evil motives and going back as far as 1953 with the coup in Iran ousting Mosaddegh and insertion of the Shah to benefit the oil kings.
The CIA with incestuous relations with the Mossad, MI6 create false flags such as the Arab Spring that has destroyed 6 or 7 countries, Ukraine is being destroyed (getting even with Putin over Syria) and the ‘spy boys’ ugly head has reared in central and western Africa (that will most likely be the next battleground against China) and recently in Hong Kong and funding demonstrations in Moscow and St Petersburg in the mean time the AE 911 Truthers are called conspiracy theorists by the presstitutes.
These “American Interests” that we are conned into gallantly protecting costs us $trillions that our children and grandchildren will never be able to pay off and the greedy carpet baggers profit margin supporting this is incredible.
Oil should be pegged at $35/bbl but it is marketed around $100/bbl set by the casino on Wall Street. The greedies are keenly aware of this, but if the price goes down to what the value should be, the competition will suffer, meaning Russia, Venezuela and Iran but the world will plunge into a debt crisis and billions of people will suffer as never before. This may be the master plan and path the world is headed to only benefit the Illuminati NWO that will control the world from their bunkers protected by the military and mercenaries under the scam of ‘democracy’ that isn’t remotely close to what the forefathers of the US of A strived for.
When will the people wake up?
Comment 10-1-14 Jim Dean – Will US use ISIS to attack Assad
When we connect the dots, it is obvious this ISIS / ISIL is another false flag operation created in the back rooms of Langley and Tel Aviv including the remains of PNAC scattered about other nefarious WZ bankster connected think tanks.
This is totally disgusting that our fearless leaders are controlled like puppets on a string. Reference the Sundquist and Songstad debacle that has surfaced recently.
And it is obvious that Obama is controlled by these same evildoers with most likely threats to his life and / or his family – reference the security breaches of intruders jumping over the fence and bullet holes in the walls. This is the wake up and confirmation of the criminals in charge – do as we say – or you won’t be around.
Note to Jim Fetzer of Veterans today
Barbara Honegger published the “9/11 Pentagon Attack – Behind the Smoke Curtain” that goes into detail of the events surrounding the alleged Flight 77 crashing into the pentagon. I watched the youtube presentation for around 3 hours while I was in Kurdistan in 2013 that, and at that time, not having the usual western news agencies on television, I came across Press TV and Veterans Today. I have been following both for the past year and the disclosures provided are indeed forging together the “truth” movement.
Being in structural engineering and construction for the past 50 years, Honegger’s film hit the nail on the head and even while I watched the destruction of the WTC 1 and 2 including building 7 while I was in Beijing in 2001, my first thought was, that this had to be a staged event and not related to bin Laden.
Hopefully, in my lifetime, the real “truth” will prevail and the despicable gang or group of people behind this debacle including the millions of lives sacrificed will be arrested, tried and executed for their evil crimes.
My question is, when will all the groups be channeled together in one solid movement to press for the actual truth?
Connect the dots…….
Malaysia – Mahathir Mohammed has never let the IMF into Malaysia and fixed the currency at 3.3 Ringgits +/- to the $.
The country’s financial health is stable with no central bank tied into the London World Zionist (WZ) banksters.
MH370 – disappears and nobody knows where it is, at least the presstitutes won’t print any reference anymore.
MH17 gets shot down over Ukraine and the presstitutes state it was Russian militants that did it.
Malaysian Airlines is on the verge of bankruptcy due to the catastrophes created by the IZCS.
The Soviet Union finally collapsed economically as maneuvered by Lee Wanta, the CIA operative that was instrumental in creating the collapse. During the process $27.5 Trillion has mysteriously been scattered about various banks in Europe and Israel. Wanta was thrown in jail in Switzerland and Wisconsin for tax evasion orchestrated by the Bush Crime Family and PNAC’ers to keep him from assembling the vast fortune and putting it back into the US treasury.
Boris Yeltsin, the corrupt drunk and party boy, let the WZ banksters into Russia and they got a grip on Russia’s economy similar to how they strangle the US via the Federal Reserve.
Putin took over and paid off and kicked out the Rothschilds and WZ in 2006 that have been mixed up in Russia’s economy since the Rothschilds financed Lenin and Trotsky in the early 1900’s.
In Libya, the Arab Spring was orchestrated by the CIA, Mossad and MI6 – tools for the WZ banksters. Putin allowed the UN to send in the military – basically NATO and US forces for the ultimate purpose to destroy Khadafy’s plan to set up the African Development Bank and kick out the IMF.
After that fiasco, Putin and China vetoed the UN becoming involved in the Syrian conflict. This thoroughly annoyed the WZ banksters.
The BRICS are implementing their own reserve currency to replace the $dollar.
What do we have today…
• Libya is a mess – 10% of the government oil revenue is being earned due to the problems and this assists in keeping the price of oil out of site.
• Malaysia Airlines will soon be bankrupt and this will snowball into other areas of business and have an impact on the nation’s economy
• Russia’s stocks are suffering and this will soon impact the nation’s economy and may require international financing.
• The US is sending air craft carriers, military buildup in Japan, Philippines and courting Vietnam in the process along with bases in Taiwan.
Got the dots connected yet?
Now it makes you wonder when the other countries will suffer catastrophes of a similar nature and when all these shenanigans will affect our daily lives – they are already affecting our finances.
June 16, 2014
Lemmee see if I got this straight….Russia sells gas to Ukraine…Ukraine owes a bunch of money…The US and EU fund and sponsor a group of nazis to create demonstrations, killings, riots etc., etc.
The Ukraine president or premier scrambles out of Ukraine for fear of getting killed by the gangsters and hides in Russia.
Crimea then wants to join Russia – being a historic parcel of Russia and takes a vote to secede from Ukraine and join Russia and the vote passes by an overwhelming majority. Russia didn’t exactly seize the country although their navy has a huge base there – but that’s not ok. But the US and EU has huge bases surrounding Russia – but that’s ok.
The US congress takes a vote to recognize the group of criminals that have taken over the government and the vote passes. But they refuse to recognize the fact that Crimea voted to secede and call that criminal.
The neocons manipulated by bankers come up with a bailout of $5 billion +/- to help the criminal government in Ukraine. IMF is involved, so this money eventually pilfered from our taxes goes directly to the IMF to pay off other bankers that are involved with the financial health of Ukraine. The bankers benefit and Ukrainians get nothing – and are fed a mandate to tighten up their belts and go on austerity.
Russia says they’re going to raise the price of gas – by $100 / 1000m3. The White House says the market should determine the price and the reason why we have derivatives and other snake oil systems including invading countries to control the price by the big oil boys – so that must really piss the oil boys off that they never thought of this first. Then we press for sanctions, financial, trade, money…whatever…against Russia for increasing this price sanction against Ukraine … sort of our fearless leaders bending over and kissing their own Zionist controlled ass.
And now, we’re sending a bunch of military stuff, planes, bombs, missiles and our boys and girls to Europe to protect the criminals that have taken over Ukraine and that will cost us more money.
It’s a little mixed up but the points of interest are there.
We got a sick system.
Now it appears we may have another disaster looming on the horizon…a while back in 2007 I golfed with a colonel, in charge of security at a US embassy. His observation was that when all these little skirmishes in Iraq, Afghanistan, were over, if they didn’t have any other place to go and riot, they would return to their home countries and create the same havoc here and financed by the Saudi Israelia, CIA and MI6. Fortunately for us, unfortunately for Egypt, Libya and Syria, now Ukraine, they are being kept busy but their strength is growing with planned acceleration of the proxy war in Syria by our dear sweet intelligence (?) community on behalf of the banker boys – who in turn are planning on lending money to Ukraine based on a coup whose leaders are next to gangsters This money will go down the drain due to nothing being established as the direction to peace.
The bankers plan for world hegemony, is to take over the entire planet and the NWO and it really doesn’t matter what country they start in be it Europe, or over here.
Look what the current state of affairs are:
- Libya in complete disarray produces 10% of the oil that was exported when Moammar Khadafy was in power because he planned on establishing the African Development Bank.
- Egypt is in complete continuing turmoil
- Ukraine is now in turmoil by nazis and mercenaries inserted by the same sinister spy cabal
- War in Syria is accelerating due to refusal of the banker boys admitting defeat,
- The international price of oil is maintained at an obscene price by derivatives and Wall Street casino speculation sponsored gambling by the four horsemen and the remaining 8 families.
- The West and Russia are precariously poised in a state of potential nuclear holocaust (a real one instead of advertised bullshit to maintain sympathy for the Zionist Bolsheviks.
- MH370 is developing into a sick comedy of fools searching for a plane that isn’t there.
- Africa is developing as the next hotbed of genocidal military waste of our money and slaughter of people that we hardly even know about
- Global warming is being dubbed a hoax by manipulation HAARP
Some future we have here.
And this idiot put in power by the bankers is gaining in stature? Come on!!
What else we got – Manning, Assange, Wikileaks, Snowden plus the reporters – mainly Greenwald – this does appear to be another false flag pushed on the populace by the Zio-presstitutes.
Make the sheeple believe there is something of value in what they’re publishing and hiding the main thrust of the evil plans.
Note – nothing ever gets reported about the Israeli intelligence community that either lives off or creates the data collected by NSA. These zios get first crack at all the spied information and none of the alleged ‘leakers’ of information states any of this and the methods used. The false flags created by these same Bolsheviks to further their cause for the Rothschilds in controlling the financial health of the world.
This brings up the potential that the ‘leakers’ are shills of the Zios!
Whew – just ran across today’s headlines
• Militants post photos of mass killing in Iraq
• Iran warns against military intervention in Iraq
• Romney blasts Hillary as clueless
• Syria pounds ISIL bases in coordination with Iraq
• Pakistan army launches comprehensive operation against militants.
• Israel rounds up Hamas members
• Renegade general launches offensive in east Libya
• Airstrikes in NW Pakistan kill 100 militants
• Obama faces new test on ending America’s wars.
There are more of similar topics, but the last one takes the cake – It sure appears the POTUS is facing a losing battle with the military industrial complex, 4 horsemen and 8 families.
Obviously there is no money in peace and the world is taken over by megalomaniacs.
What else we got – Manning, Assange, Wikileaks, Snowden plus the reporters – mainly Greenwald – this does appear to be another false flag pushed on the populace by the Zio-presstitutes.
Make the sheeple believe there is something of value in what they’re publishing and hiding the main thrust of the evil plans.
Note – nothing ever gets reported about the Israeli intelligence community that either lives off or creates the data collected by NSA. These zios get first crack at all the spied information and none of the alleged ‘leakers’ of information states any of this and the methods used. The false flags created by these same Bolsheviks to further their cause for the Rothschilds in controlling the financial health of the world.
This brings up the potential that the ‘leakers’ are shills of the Zios!
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